How to open a dance studio in a secondary school. How to open a dance school from scratch? Step-by-step business plan

Every person at least once in his life thought about starting his own business. AND dance art V in this case is a completely acceptable option. How to open your own dance school? How profitable can such an activity be? What documents are needed for this? These questions interest many aspiring entrepreneurs.

Modern dance school: how profitable such a business can become

Naturally, every person, before starting own business, is interested in the question of its profitability. And the dance school is great option for those people who cannot afford large investments.

This area gives the entrepreneur a lot of opportunities. Indeed, according to statistical studies, even in big cities Dance teaching is a non-competitive business. On the other hand, there is always a demand for such lessons. The profitability in this case is about 20-60%, which, you see, is not bad. At the right approach opening costs dance studio pay for themselves after 1-2 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of such an enterprise

Before exploring the question of how to open your own dance school, it is worth understanding the advantages and disadvantages of such a business. As already mentioned, this area not too competitive and does not require too much investment, which is undoubtedly a plus.

On the other hand, there are some pitfalls that are definitely worth paying attention to. After all, according to the same statistics, many dance schools close during the year. Why? To begin with, the reasons include problems with finding suitable premises.

In addition, the lack of competent advertising will affect the number of customers and, accordingly, the profitability of the enterprise. But the main problem in this case is the search for qualified teachers, specialists who really know how to work with people, determine their requirements and capabilities and, naturally, have the necessary knowledge and experience.

How to open your own dance school? What documents are needed for this?

Official registration of the enterprise, of course, is a necessary component of your own business. And if you are drawing up a business plan for a dance school, then you are probably interested in the package of necessary documents.

Fortunately, for a dance studio, the amount of official paperwork is much less. Of course, you will need to register with the tax office - the best way to do this is as follows: individual entrepreneur and work according to a simplified taxation scheme. However, it is always possible to create a limited liability company, especially if you work with partners rather than on your own.

As for everything else, you just need to comply with the requirements for the premises, in particular the rules fire safety, labor protection, etc. By the way, this red tape can be avoided if you rent space in a fitness club.

Deciding on the target audience and teaching style

Of course, first of all, you should decide what style of dance you will teach and what category of clients your school will focus on. For example, are you going to train children or recruit a group of older clients?

Of course, classic ballroom dancing will always be in demand. But we shouldn’t forget that this is a paired dance, and not everyone can find a partner. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the school offers this service.

A hip-hop dance school can be quite profitable. This modern style is becoming increasingly popular and does not require each student to have a partner. Again, such energetic dances are more suitable to the younger generation. Women will certainly be interested if a belly dancing school opens in the city, because such a passionate and beautiful dance has been popular at all times.

In short, you need to decide on a list dance styles who will teach at your institution, and select the appropriate teachers. In addition, it is necessary to draw up a work schedule - most of the clients will probably come to you in the evening hours, since in daytime everyone is at work or school.

On the other hand, some people will find it much more convenient to attend classes in the morning or afternoon - perhaps as the business grows it will be necessary to add some classes during the daytime to the schedule.

Where to rent a room

Of course, in this case, finding premises is extremely important. In most cases, entrepreneurs are inclined to two options - you can rent premises for a school in a fitness club or cultural center. Both options have their advantages. For example, a fitness club next door will provide you with additional clients. In turn, your school sports dances(or any others) will increase the list of services offered by the center.

Naturally, you can build your own club or rent premises in any other place in the city - the main thing is that it is convenient to get to you (for example, make sure that there is a public transport stop not far from the school).

When looking for a suitable room, you should worry about the convenience of students and teachers. First, remember that the dance studio must have enough space. In addition, the school should have an entrance hall, which will serve both for meeting clients and for waiting for classes. It is imperative to equip a locker room with hangers and lockers, since students need to change clothes and leave their things somewhere. And of course, showers and toilets are needed.

How to decorate a room

In fact, the design style can be almost anything. The main thing is that the students feel comfortable. Equip the reception area workplace for the administrator and place several sofas or chairs.

In the locker room, it is best to place lockers that can be locked - clients will be able to leave their things without fear.

The basic requirements for opening a dance school are set directly for the training premises. The plan (project) of a dance school must necessarily include the costs of arranging the hall.

It is extremely important to make a suitable floor (for example, use parquet or laminate), as well as equip a powerful ventilation system. And of course, you will need several large mirrors.

Is additional equipment needed?

In fact, the list additional equipment depends on what services you are going to offer. Most likely, you will need dance machines. Make sure that the hall is equipped with speakers and a record player, because music is essential for dancing.

IN Lately observed interesting trends, and the field of dance is no exception: dance shows on TV are gaining momentum in popularity, and in connection with this, many people strive for healthy image life, beautiful gait and charming figure.

Anyone can need a dance lesson - a young couple to hone the skills of the first dance at a wedding, a child to develop the correct gait, posture and hobbies, an adult who has always dreamed of learning to dance, but either there was no time or the muse did not come. In addition, couples’ dances are regularly held in large and small cities, and for people who want to find a soul mate, the ability to dance will become a real lifesaver.

Dancing never loses its popularity and relevance

Where to begin

  1. The first place to start in your new line of business is to study the aspects and features of the market. Think about how much people need your service, and only after that start opening your establishment.
  2. The second is determining the purpose of the discovery. Whether the prerequisite will be solely the goal of systematically making a profit, or another motivation (helping people) is up to you to decide. In any case, a business started with love will bring you more joy and pleasant moments than working only for money.
  3. Third, drawing up a business plan. This stage requires special investment of time and attention. The fact is that from a well-written business plan you can get the maximum return from the activity you are going to engage in.
  4. Fourth – start of activity. The most responsible and important stage. But before moving on to it, it is necessary to pay attention to the previous aspects and provide for each of them.

Note: starting your own business consists of several stages, and it is important to follow their sequence.

The dance school is perfect as a additional education children

Costs and their main items

So, you wondered: how to open a dance school from scratch. In fact, all you need to do is developed imagination And great desire helping people, making their lives brighter and richer. However, whatever one may say, any business requires certain financial costs, so a dance school is no exception.

Premises and renovation

It is on this that the profit received from your business, the number of students and, in fact, the success of your business depend. It should be located in a public place, preferably in the city center, so that people would like to come to you. You will need space for a dance hall, locker rooms for students - male and female, storage facilities for equipment and clothing, and possibly other premises. On average, the area will be from 200 square meters. m. This can be a separate building or a built-in area, the main requirement is good location and compliance in all sizes.

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You can buy a room that has been renovated, or you can do it yourself. In any case, it should fully correspond to the theme of your business: not be too simple and too provocative. On average, repair costs to bring the premises into a “working” state will be about 100,000 rubles.

The average rental cost will be about 200,000 rubles. You can purchase premises, but this is a separate conversation, since not every beginning entrepreneur has such amounts of funds.


You will need racks for warming up, mats for performing special exercises and attributes – each dance has its own. For purchase basic set equipment will cost about 50,000 rubles. In addition, you will have to buy equipment. For example, tape recorder, computer, for dubbing musical compositions or musical instruments, if your dancing will take place under “live” sound. And these are additional costs amounting to about 100,000 rubles or more.


These include dance outfits. However, you can invite students to choose them themselves by providing a link to trusted stores. But in any case, you and your teachers will have to purchase costumes for dancing - waltz, tango, cha-cha-cha and others. All these expenses will require an amount of 100,000 rubles.

It is advisable to decide on the priority direction of the school


This aspect must be approached with great care so that your business turns out to be profitable and relevant. The fact is that the success of the school as a whole depends on the professionalism of your staff. Therefore, you should not save on employees: of course, these should not be world ballet stars, but also not those who just graduated from college yesterday and came to find a job today with a diploma.

Be prepared for the fact that such personnel will have to pay appropriate wages. On average, it is about 100,000 per month for one teacher. large city. If you need two such specialists working in shifts with certain groups of students, then the cost per month for their “maintenance” will be 200,000 rubles. It is worth adding other employees to them - manager, accountant, administrator.


A dance school business plan involves calculating total income and expenses from operating activities. Let's consider the main cost items and make a forecast of income from business activities.

Costs (initial):

  1. Hiring employees – 300,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of equipment – ​​200,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of materials – 100,000 rubles.

Thus, the total initial cost will be 800,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Rent of premises – 200,000 rubles.
  2. Salary to employees is 300,000 rubles.
  3. Payment of taxes and utility bills – 50,000 rubles.
  4. The total amount of expenses that will have to be incurred every month will be 550,000 rubles.

Note: In order to start doing business, you need to understand the amount of profit you can expect by opening a dance school from scratch. On average, for such an average type of activity, its size is about 100,000 rubles.

Thus, when forecasting profits, the payback period for a school can range from 8 to 12 months. Accordingly, after this time, on average, it will be possible to return the expenses incurred and begin to earn “net” profit.

The school’s profitability directly depends on the number of students


So, we looked at where to start opening a dance school and how to do it, but for the establishment to operate productively and efficiently, you will need a good marketing strategy. At first, when your school is still practically unknown, you can engage in advertising activities yourself, but later you will have to add an additional item to the list of expenses.

Dancing is good for health, promotes slimness and well-being, and finally, it’s just pleasant and interesting activity, so their popularity is growing every day. But to show off an intricate step at a party or at a disco requires not only desire and courage, but also certain skills, and therefore classes in dance classes, schools and studios are very popular. And if you feel like you're ready to start a hot new business, it's time to learn how to open a dance school and make it profitable.

What are we dancing?

First of all, you need to decide what exactly beginner dancers will be taught at your school, that is, decide on the dance direction. It is not at all necessary to choose one thing: the same school can teach classical ballroom dancing, salsa, which is popular today, and Eastern dance. The choice depends on several factors:

  • demand: what exactly your target audience needs, what dances are now in fashion;
  • competition: what is already offered to students existing schools your city;
  • opportunities: what kind of good teachers do you already have in mind?
  • your personal preferences.

Now there's another one popular destination, which in terms of mass participation can compete with the most popular dance genres - “Dancing for Everyone”. This is a program that allows those who do not know how to dance at all to learn how to move so as not to feel like a black sheep at parties and clubs. Each dance school usually offers its own unique program “for everyone,” which includes basic elements most popular modern trends. It is this direction, with proper popularization and advertising, that attracts dance schools most students: after all, they can see and feel the result after a few weeks. And many of them continue to attend school after completing such training (as a rule, it lasts no more than 2-3 months), having chosen one of the directions for themselves.

Choosing a room for a dance school

Finding a hall where you can teach dance skills is not so easy, since there are certain requirements for the premises, and quite strict ones:

  • its size must be at least 80 square meters;
  • the classroom must be equipped with a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • for dance classes in the hall you need large - the entire wall - mirrors and ballet bars;
  • adjacent premises are required: men's and women's locker rooms, each with an area of ​​15 sq.m. each;
  • showers are needed in locker rooms;
  • one more room - the foyer, where the reception desk will be located;
  • a rest room with upholstered furniture, its size must be at least 20 square meters. meters.

Similar premises can be found in fitness centers, and you can also look for a suitable room in cultural centers.

A more complex and expensive option is to equip such a hall yourself: purchase a room of suitable size and remodel it according to your needs. But you need to keep in mind that the costs in this case will be considerable: if there has been no dancing in the room before, most likely you will have to change the flooring and equip the hall with mirrors. Together with cosmetic repairs to the remaining premises and possible redevelopment, all this can turn out to be an expensive project.

Choosing a location for a dance school

Not only the technical parameters and interior of the dance school premises are important, but also its location. Moreover, a successful dance studio can be located both in the city center and on its outskirts - in a greasy area; each of them will have its own clients, since both solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages.

School in the city center

Like any enterprise in the center, such a school will be considered more prestigious, and therefore higher prices can be set here. There will be no need to spend a lot on advertising: a bright sign and advertisements on neighboring streets will suffice, and it will be convenient for employees of nearby offices to go to classes immediately after work.

But this arrangement also has its disadvantages. The first and main one is high rent, which will “eat up” a considerable part of the high cost of education. If the city is quite large, then traffic jams may regularly form on the approaches to the center, which will inevitably lead to students or even teachers being late. In addition, those who do not live in the center will most likely prefer a dance studio closer to home.

School in a residential area

If you decide to open a dance studio away from the center, you can count on relatively low rent. Another undoubted plus is that among the visitors there will be more housewives who will prefer to study not in the “busy” evening time, but during the day, when the halls are often empty. Due to this, the hall's traffic will increase. Competition here will not be high - in such areas there are usually few dance schools, but, of course, before choosing a premises, you should make sure that there are no similar establishments nearby.

The disadvantages of this arrangement include: a large number of students, especially at first: dance halls on the outskirts are rarely crowded; lower cost of classes than in the center and the need to invest in advertising and conduct various promotions to attract clients.


However, if you have excellent teachers - experienced and knowledgeable, the location of the school and advertising will not be decisive. People come to such a teacher again and again, his classes are recommended to friends, so good teachers dance is the golden fund of your school.

To keep the hall open, you need 4–6 teachers who will work according to schedule. You will also need two cashier administrators working in shifts: they will have to communicate with visitors, answer calls, and sell subscriptions. To maintain order in the premises, you need to hire a cleaner.

We calculate income and expenses

Like any other business, you need to start organizing a dance school with a detailed business plan. One lesson in a dance studio can cost from 250 to 500 rubles (we are talking about groups). Those who need individual lessons with teachers, as a rule, pay more - 700–1000 rubles per hour.

As a rule, each group consists of 10–15 people. The most popular time is in the evening, from 17:00 to 22 or even 23:00. However, morning groups can also be popular, which housewives and people with flexible work schedules are happy to attend. Individual lessons are usually scheduled for the morning.

For a dance studio to pay off and generate income, at least 5 groups need to work there per day.

The costs of opening a dance school-studio may be as follows:

  • Rent - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the city and the location of the school. If the rent for premises exceeds this amount, there is a risk that the school may become unprofitable.
  • Costs for employee salaries will be about 120,000 per month. Administrators and cleaners usually have fixed salaries. Dance teachers typically receive a percentage of memberships sold.
  • Equipment costs (mirrors, machines, flooring) – 80–100 thousand rubles. If you take a room that is already equipped for a dance hall, these costs can be avoided.
  • Investments in advertising are about 30 thousand.

Thus, the income of a dance studio can be 100–150 thousand rubles per month, so the funds spent on organizing the business will return quite quickly.

Enterprise registration

To start a dance school, it is enough to register as a When choosing a taxation system, preference should be given to or (if such an opportunity exists). No licenses are required to teach choreography.

If you are not renting a ready-made dance hall with all the necessary permits, and if you are organizing and repairing your own, you will need to obtain special permits to open a school in it from the city administration, the Fire Department and the SES.

Advertising and promotion

Whether or not to invest in advertising your establishment is a question to which every entrepreneur seeks the answer himself. At first, of course, you will have to do this. Of course, they will bring some of their “own” students after them. But it is necessary to notify the residents of the surrounding area about the opening of the studio; here advertisements and distribution of leaflets in crowded places will be used.

Large-scale advertising on radio or television is needed, perhaps, only if you are offering something exclusive, something that has not yet been seen in the city, and you expect that people from any area will come to you for the “new product.”

You definitely need a dance school website or at least your own pages on city portals: now, increasingly, the question of where to go to study, including dancing, is asked to search engines. And it will be very helpful if information about your studio appears in the top lines of the search.

Another interesting way to draw attention to the project is dance evenings, where students can express themselves and show new skills, and just have fun. Those around you will definitely have a desire to “learn the same way,” and the studio will have new students.

Organizing a dance school is more troublesome than expensive. So for a person who understands dance styles and knows how to work with creative people, this could be an excellent opportunity to organize profitable business with minimal investment.

How to open a dance school: organizational aspects

Dance classes are popular among the general public: acquiring smoothness and grace of movements, forming muscle mass, weight loss, maintaining body tone, good spirits, and active pastime attract many. For these reasons, professionals of this art and even beginners who have an entrepreneurial spirit strive to open a dance school.

How to open a dance studio: launching a project

The choice of business registration form depends on final result lessons being taught. If, upon completion of the courses, participants are issued appropriate certificates or diplomas, then the activities of the school or studio are subject to licensing. In this case, it is advisable to register the project as an LLC.

In cases where a startup opens its own dance school with the goal of teaching students to dance and does not provide for the issuance of any documents to confirm training, you can choose an individual entrepreneur. A more complex form of project registration is non-profit organization, whose activities are carried out at the expense of sponsorship money.

How to open a dance school: important points

To understand how to open your own dance school most productively, you should understand the specifics of providing this service. Studio clients primarily value professionalism and human qualities teachers, as well as the functionality of the room. The training room is a room with an area of ​​150 square meters. meters, which has a ventilation system, meets all fire safety requirements.

The floor covering is of no small importance: preference is given to laminate or parquet flooring, not varnished, fairly springy and not hard. The walls of the hall should be equipped with large mirrors - at least 2 meters high - with a minimum number of joints. Lighting should be bright, sharp, but not excessive. In addition, the room must have excellent acoustics.

The presence of showers and rest rooms is very welcome by students. Therefore, preference should be given to a room with the possibility of organizing additional zones.

The best option is to organize evening group classes three times a week with 15 - 30 students. In the morning or lunchtime you can spend individual lessons or sublease the hall (if this opportunity agreed with the lessor). Realizing this option After calculating the costs of maintaining the premises, paying for utilities, the wages of an administrator, a cleaner and two or three teachers, an entrepreneur can achieve a net profit of at least $5 thousand.

Answering the question: “How to open your own dance studio?”, a startuper must assess the potential at his disposal to implement this project: knowledge in the field of marketing and promotion of services, the ability to communicate with clients and employees, plan business processes and manage risks. The Business Youth project invites to classes all newcomers to the field of entrepreneurship who have the desire to organize a profitable long-term business.

-> Finance, consulting services, education

Dancing has always been popular. I dare to assure you that building a business on this today is very promising. It's about about the opening schools - dance studios.

Studios at the Houses of Culture and clubs at educational centers are becoming a thing of the past, now our citizens, spoiled by fitness centers, prefer to learn dance in a well-equipped hall, next to which there is a locker room and showers. A dance teacher, by the way, is a highly paid profession, because it is his level and professional qualifications that attract clients to the school.

The so-called “exclusive” schools with one priority dance direction are beginning to enjoy increasing popularity, although this does not exclude the presence of others. popular types dances, which in this school are of secondary importance. Their mandatory components: well-equipped premises, a stable staff of teachers high class, regular events. Unlike “mass schools” aimed at the general public and a large number of common dance styles that were relevant 3-4 years ago, “exclusive studios” give the student some kind of guarantee - to teach how to dance through certain time. Accordingly, prices in such schools are slightly higher than average.

According to the owners dance school The main consumers of this service are middle and senior managers, as well as people in creative professions.

Such dance studio brings the owner at least $5 thousand per month.

“In studios where there is an accent dance direction the consumer is narrowly segmented, says Andrey Panferov CEO dance schools“The first step” is most often a representative of the city’s business community.”

Over the past couple of years, private dance studios have been actively fighting for regular clients. According to the co-owner of the dance school, Yulia Zueva, this is due to the concept of “exclusive” schools, which is relatively new to the local market, focused exclusively on regular clients.

average cost One lesson in specialized dance schools varies from 300 to 400 rubles. In studios aimed at the general consumer, this figure is 150 - 200 rubles.

In order to optimize the costs of opening an “exclusive” dance studio, it is best to rent a well-equipped and decorated premises that does not need renovation: for example, from the owner or in a business center. Then you will only have to invest in flooring, mirrors, locker room equipment and rest rooms. You can also save on advertising by choosing priority channels for transmitting information.

"Client dance school- This active person, who himself started searching and found a suitable school, and not at all the one who accidentally saw or heard an advertisement and “fell” on it,” says Yulia Zueva.

Investments in opening of a dance studio on average vary from $15 to $70 thousand depending on the rental rate, size and condition of the premises. The return on investment is a year, a year and a half. The only thing you should not skimp on is staff, since it is the teacher who attracts and retains the student in a given place.”

Dancing school. Mini business plan.

1. Premises for a school - dance studio

For a small dance school-studio, it is enough to rent 150 sq.m.:

From 80 sq.m. - actual dance class;
- 15 sq.m. - locker room;
- 15 sq.m. - shower;
- 20 sq.m. - hall;
- 20 sq.m. - restroom.

In order for the enterprise to be profitable, the rental rate should not exceed $2.5–3 thousand per month.

2. School equipment - dance studios

The most important thing in dance floor- flooring and ventilation. average price special flooring for dancing (compared parquet, planks or laminate) - from 1.5 thousand to 3.5 thousand rubles per sq.m.
Providing good ventilation is expensive, so it is better to initially look for a room where it is built-in.
Special lighting is not required - the main requirement: the light in the dance class should not be very bright.
Mirrors, equipment for the locker room and rest room, reception desk - from $3 thousand.

3. School staff - dance studio

For a small studio with an area of ​​150 sq.m. with one dance hall:

Two administrators - from $600 per month;
- cleaning lady - from $200 per month;
- 5–6 teachers, hourly payment: from 300–400 rubles per hour.

In general - from $2.5 thousand per month

4. Training at school - dance studio

A profitable group usually consists of 10-15 people. They come mainly in the evenings.

Morning and afternoon hours can be filled individual lessons, which bring 5-20% of the total turnover. To make a good profit, it is necessary that at least 3-4 groups study at school every day.

5. Balls, dance parties and advertising

To motivate students, it is advisable to organize parties once a week where clients can dance the way they were taught.
Renting a restaurant or club for the evening - from $150 per hour. Entrance to the party is paid (from 150 rubles), so the event pays for itself, but rarely generates income.

Total costs for opening a dance school-studio:

  • Costs - from $13.8 thousand.
  • Monthly turnover- from $9 thousand
  • Monthly expenses - from $4 thousand.
  • Profit - from $5 thousand.