Crossbow of the bear school The Witcher 3. Basic set

Where to begin?

If you are ready to start collecting the armor of the bear school, then make sure that your level is 15. Depending on the complexity of your path, start your search from a higher level. If you think that you are a master of the sword and can cope with all the neckers, forktails, ghosts and demons, then I don’t dare stop such a hero! However, you need to know that...

Each set of witcher armor from the bear school consists of 7 items:

  • Armor,
  • Boots,
  • Gloves,
  • Trousers,
  • Steel sword,
  • Silver sword,
  • Crossbow.
There are 5 levels of armor upgrades in total:
  • Initial armor (from level 19);
  • Improved armor (from level 25);
  • Excellent armor (from level 30);
  • Master armor (from level 34);
  • Grandmaster armor (from level 41);
It won't be difficult to find armor, but to get it...
  • Starting armor will be waiting for you on the northeastern island. To contact them, talk to the armorer in Oxenfurt. He has a map - a clue that is worth the orens he asks for it.
  • Map with locations of improved, excellent, master armor can be found at the gunsmith in Kaer Trolde. For the sound of a shiny coin, of course.
  • You will find a card for grandmaster armor in Toussaint. More precisely, in Beauclair. You can take the card from the blacksmith - grandmaster, he will give it to you with great pleasure.
Always remember that the guideline for searching for the “treasure” is the red bear sign, which can be detected using the “witcher’s sense”. Geralt will definitely tell you that “there is something here.”
Don't be gullible, you will meet mortal enemies on your way - various magical creatures, robbers, monsters and curses. If you have the skill to overcome them, then the treasure is yours. And if not, you can always come back for it later or cheat.

Now that you've learned everything you need to know, it's time to go looking for the starting armor.
Va Fail, Vatt'ghern!

Assembling the starter kit

In order to start your search, you need to go to the armorer in Oxenfurt and buy a map from him. Mind you, yours level it should be not less than 20 otherwise, you won't be able to wear them.

1) Starting armor is located among the ruins of the castle of the Tirshach clan. We go into the castle and solve riddles to get to the throne room. There, after a glorious victory, you will find a chest with cherished treasures that were once kept by a fearless clan.

2) Starting steel sword waiting in the wings, too, on ruins, but simple ruins. Once upon a time it was an inn. Use Aard and find the blocked entrance to the basement, where there is a chest with a drawing. Be careful, they say there are ghosts there.

3) Starting silver sword rests with its last owner on the ruins of the Etnir fortress.

4) Basic crossbow, good thing! And dangerous, especially for the sirens who guard it... Right here in this cave.

Assembling an improved kit

Have you learned to wear heavy armor? Is yours level reached 25? Are you sure this is what you need? Then we go in search of improved armor.

First you need to visit the local gunsmith in Kaer Trolde. He will sell us a map with antiquities for a small bag of orens.

1) Improved armor you can find the Grotto in the cave. If you were looking for the Wolf School armor, you were already there. If not, then go to the cave, get to the end and get your treasure.

2) Improved pants lie in a cave on one of the small islands of Skellige. The chest is located near the entrance to the cave, so finding it will not be a problem.

3) Improved boots are also located in one of the many caves. Here it is on the map.

4) Improved gloves in the old tower that stands on the highway. You will drive along this road and you will see it on your right.

5) Improved Silver Sword It is considered to be located in the land of the Druids. However, they will not mind if you take possession of such a relic. Find a castle, and in the castle you will find a chest - everything is there.

6) Improved steel sword is with the pirates. The fight won't be easy, but you can handle it. When you enter the castle where these bastards are hiding, turn right. Then everything depends on the speed of your sword.

7) Improved crossbow there is no need to search. Yours is already good enough!

Putting together a great kit

You've already reached Level 30, wolf? Then it’s time to tighten your packs and go on a dangerous journey to find excellent swords. And if you have reached level 30, then you can go for excellent armor. So great that they can withstand a couple of good blows from a young male griffin. Sounds good?

I hope you remember that you can purchase a marked map from the local gunsmith in Kaer Trolde. He will sell us a map with antiquities for a small bag of orens. Finding it is very simple:

rest in a deep mine somewhere in the vast expanses of the lost Velen. Your landmark will be the hanging tree - what a sight it is.

2) Excellent steel and silver swords have long been lost in the damned Krivoukhov swamps, no one knows where exactly... No one except me. Give me a map, I'll show you.

They say where the silver sword now awaits you, there once stood a fortress or castle, but now it’s just a pile of stones and nothing more.
You will find the steel one in the opposite direction, hidden in a cave by some magician. Use Eye of Nihalena- will help you find the entrance.

Assembling a master kit

Have you rested, wolf? Then get up. We need to gain strength and best of all 34levels to get the remaining drawings. Masterful armor that was created by the witchers of the school of the Bear long before you were born. I know you want to have them.

1) Excellent armor, pants, gloves and boots found their last habitat on the Crooked Ear Marshes. Do you remember this place, stinking of ohm and death? We'll have to go back there. Go to the swamps and find the tower. All the drawings are there.

Assembling the grandmaster kit

Finally your path, aspiration and achieved through hard work and the blood of enemies Level 41, brought you to the end of your journey for possessing the most durable and impenetrable armor that witchers have ever created!

To start your search you need to find the Grandmaster Blacksmith in Toussaint. Take the order from the notice board in Beauclair in the main market and you should be able to find it. He will tell you stories about five witchers who came to his elf teacher for special armor, but all the drawings were lost along with them...

1)Grandmaster armor, gloves and silver sword lie in one place. In a small village on the river bank. It's called Floviv. Go there, find the destroyed building and demolish its rubble, then you will find the chest.

2) Grandmaster pants, boots and steel sword are also located near this village, but you need to move a little north and find a cave. If you find notes, be sure to read them. If not, just follow the marks on the cave walls. Be careful. Excellent armor - perfectly guarded!

In the game The Witcher 3 there are three types of armor with different characteristics and appearance. The most durable and heaviest armor is the armor of the bear school, which is quite difficult to find. In this article we will tell you where to find the Witcher 3 bear school armor. Before you start your search, you must have at least a hero level of 10, or better yet 20. After all, you will have to face opponents of level 20, who are not so easy to kill. You should also stock up on money, about 1000 coins will be enough.

To find the armor you need to take on a quest called “Destination: Skellige”, which will take you to the island of Skellige. It is worth noting that you will not be able to find all the armor at once; you will have to collect the diagrams separately, so get ready for long and difficult journeys across the map.

Searching for steel sword diagram

You cannot immediately receive the quest to find armor; for this you must go to the southern part of the main island and find an empty village there. While exploring the ruins, you will encounter level 20 sirens. Use your crossbow to shoot at the sirens and when they sit on the ground, attack them with your sword. After destroying the sirens, you will receive respect from the villagers who have returned to the village, and will also have access to the local herbalist. You can find a diagram of a steel sword in the littered basement of the inn. You will also receive a hint about the location of the silver sword diagram.

Search for Silver Sword Diagram

You can find the diagram in the north of the island in Fort Etnir. Before entering the fort, drink a potion to increase your skills, because you will have to fight an ice elemental and a couple of gargoyles. After destroying the enemies, go to the right side of the fort, there you can find a door, behind which there will be a diagram and a hint for finding a crossbow.

Crossbow Diagram Search

To find the diagram, go to the cave in the northwestern part of the island. Entering the cave, you will be attacked by several sirens and a cyclops. Next you need to go deeper into the cave, reaching the cliff, you will see a skeleton with a crossbow diagram.

Search for pants, boots, bracers and armor

Head northeast to the ruined fortress of Tirshach. When you reach the blocked passage, turn left, there will be a bypass. Go down the stairs, opening the doors using the lever.

As you descend, you will be attacked by ghosts until you reach a room with a couple of opponents. There will be two passages from this room, going to the right, you will find the remaining parts of the bear school armor.

Now you know where to find the armor of the bear school in The Witcher 3. As you reach new levels and quests appear, you will find more improved armor of the bear school, thanks to which you will become less vulnerable and more agile.

While conquering the witch world in the legendary game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you will be faced with the choice of equipment for your main character Geralt. This is due to the fact that all magical schools have their own specific ammunition, and all of it is good. Today we will get acquainted with such a school as the Witcher 3 School of the Bear.

Using the drawings found in the locations, you can make bear school equipment in The Witcher 3, which starts from the lowest, basic, and ends with excellent. We will also consider the grandmaster armor of the bear school in The Witcher 3, available only in a paid add-on to the game.

It’s not easy for those starting to master the game to understand what the bear school armor is in The Witcher 3 and what level they are going to be at. First you need to know that

In The Witcher 3, the bear school armor is heavy armor that provides good physical protection.

The basic set of the bear school can be worn upon reaching level 17 in the game.

Go to Oxenfurt and buy hint cards from the armor master, and then follow the instructions to collect the blueprints:
- The steel bear sword is hidden in the basement of the tavern with the sirens in the young part of Skellige.
- The Silver Bear Sword is located in the Etnir fortress on the Skellige Islands.
- The crossbow of the bear school is hidden right there on the islands in the cave with the Cyclops and the sirens.
- The remaining set, namely: the Witcher 3 armor of the bear school, pants, bracers and boots, are hidden in the Tirschach estate.

At lvl 21 you can equip the improved equipment of the Bear School. Before collecting it, go to the gunsmith in Kaer Trolde and buy an upgrade card from him. After this, you can safely begin collecting improved equipment in the following places:
- The Improved Steel Bear Sword is hidden in the stronghold of Kaer Almhuld, full of bandits.
- The Improved Silver Bear Sword is kept in a ruined stronghold northeast of Kaer Gelena, inhabited by gargoyles.
- The armor of the bear school improved in The Witcher 3 is located in an underground cave with robbers on the shore of Ard Skellige.
- Improved Bear Boots are hidden in a den with trolls north of the port of Holmstein.
- Improved Bear Gloves lie quietly near the Rogni settlement in the tower on the right.
- Improved Bear Pants are located next to the island of Undvik (landmark - the island with the fogs).

After you collect everything in the Witcher 3 upgrades of the bear school, you can calmly level up to lvl 30, and only then go in search of excellent uniforms from this school. It is possible to find them only by following the recommendations of the hints:
- In The Witcher 3, the swords of the bear school: Steel and Silver are hidden in the Crooked-Eared Marshes. The first is at the ruins of the tower with the elemental, and the second is in the hidden cave on the left side of the fogman’s habitat.
-Excellent bear Armor, Boots, Bracers and Trousers lie near the settlement of the Hanged, to the left of the entrance to the cave.

The Bear School Master Gear is the final set in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The search for drawings begins with swords, where it is known that the Steel one is hidden in the bear’s abode not far from Vorozheya’s home, and the Silver one is hidden on an island not far from the path to Bald Mountain. All remaining master's uniforms are guarded by the Cyclops in the Ruined Tower.

For those who purchased a paid add-on to the game “The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine”, it became possible to assemble such a set as the Witcher 3 Grandmaster Bear School. It assumes reaching lvl 40. You can see in detail the instructions for collecting the grandmaster equipment of the Bear School in the prepared video:

The equipment quest is activated when you find any item from the base set, and the order can be random. Drawings of subsequent levels can be located anywhere and are not tracked by the quest. For convenience, here are ways to get all the things that are in Velen. Some of them can be obtained immediately, others will become available only after completing the story.

Bear School Equipment III

The first and second levels of Bear equipment are obtained in the Skellige location, but the third level lies in the Velen location. It is not necessary to find these things at this stage, since after Novigrad and Skellige we will return here according to the plot and will be of a higher level.

  1. Bear Armor Set - There is a mine near the Gallows Tree. Without going deeper inside, you can see a chest.
  2. Bear Swords - both drawings are located in the Crooked Ear Swamp. One northeast of the orphanage among the ruins, a golem is waiting for us there. The second one is southwest of the shelter inside a cave that can be found using the eye of Nehalena.
Equipment of the Bear School III - armor set To view the screenshot of the map in detail, open in a new tab.
Equipment of the Bear School III - swords To view the screenshot of the map in detail, open in a new tab.

Bear School Equipment IV

  1. Silver Sword of the Bear - according to the story, you will return to Velen and end up on Bald Mountain. Next to this mark there is a small island with a drawing there.
  2. Bear's Steel Sword - in the north, not far from the sorcerer's shack, there is a cave. The same one that was in the plot of “To the Princess’s Help,” where we saved a goat and killed a bear. It contains a drawing.
  3. Bear armor set - drawings lie near a lonely tower, which is located between Bald Mountain and the Nilfgaardian army camp.

Equipment of the Bear School IV - armor set To view the screenshot of the map in detail, open in a new tab.
Equipment of the Bear School IV - silver sword To view the screenshot of the map in detail, open in a new tab.
The equipment of the Bear School IV is a steel sword. To view a screenshot of the map in detail, open it in a new tab.

Let's start collecting bear school equipment. I’ll add a little from myself (i.e. from the author of the guide): I collected equipment when I had already completed the main plot of the game and collected a full set of equipment from the wolf school. The equipment was collected for collection, because with the release of the next addition, chests appeared in the game and storing various loot became less stressful. During collecting bear school equipment I already had a decent level (36) and it wasn’t difficult to deal with the various evil spirits guarding the chests. On the Internet, it is recommended to start collecting this set at level 10, because opponents can be at level 20.

Skelige . Not far from the village of Firsdal there are ruins of a tavern. We go to the indicated place and find a chest under the ruins. We demolish the ruins with Aard.

Silver Sword of the Bear School

Skelige . Main island. Northeast of the port of Kaer Trolde. Here you will be greeted by gargoyles and an ice elemental.

Skelige . Northwestern island from the main one. In the indicated cave we kill all the creatures (there will be a lot of them there). On the floor among the remains we find a drawing, naturally using the witcher's instincts.

Skelige . Northeast island from the main one. We move to the indicated mark. When you reach the fort, you will meet with ghosts. After the battle, we find a narrow passage in the wall, among the cameras, we go down, clear the cave of all evil spirits, and find a room with a chest and other loot. Exit through the main gate.

Skelige . Main island. East of the port of Kaer Trolde. In the indicated cave there is a chest with a drawing.

Skelige . The island is west of the main one. At the indicated mark there will be a bandit camp. We chop them up and clean out the chests. There you can also find a passage to a dungeon with dungeons (I didn’t find it right away). If you look as shown in the screenshot, the passage will be on the right hand. There is also some nice loot waiting for you there.

Skelige . Main island, to the east. We find the indicated cave. We clean it of evil spirits and collect chests.

Skelige . Main island. South of the port of Kaer Trolde. Let's jump to the indicated place. We find a cave. (personally, I sweated a little to find it). There is a drawing in the cave.

Skelige . Main island. Let's jump to the indicated mark. Chest in ruins. We already passed through these ruins when we were collecting basic equipment. There is a cyclops on guard there, at that moment he was too tough for me, and I just ran away from him.

Skelige . Southwestern islands relative to the main island. Chest in a cave. At the parked boat, you can knock down the icicles with Aard and enter.

Velen . There is a cave southwest of the shelter on Crooked Ear Marshes. On the map I showed the entrances to the cave. I entered through one entrance and exited through another.

Excellent steel sword of the bear school

Velen . Northeast of the shelter on the Crooked Ear Marshes are the ruins of the Knight's Tower. There is a chest in them.