What's the best way to hang pictures on the wall? We select the most successful arrangement of paintings for your interior

A landscape made using printing or photography, pasted on one of the walls of the room and decorated in a certain way, can also be called a painting. A small tapestry, embroidery or appliqué under glass is also a kind of painting. But most of all, the definition of “painting” corresponds to oil painting on canvas, framed in a baguette.

Particular attention should be paid to the placement of paintings: the location of one or more on the wall can be anything - there are not and cannot be uniform rules. The main thing is that the decision to hang a picture in a certain place is justified. Well, let’s say this is my favorite painting and that’s why it’s in the main place. A large painting on a clean, smooth wall in the family room. A light picture on a dark background, etc.

Paintings can significantly affect the visual perception of a room; a correctly placed composition can make the ceiling a little higher and the room more spacious. For example, several paintings of the same size, placed in one line, optically lengthen the room, and those placed vertically raise the ceiling.

The size of the room and the empty space in it dictate its conditions. In a small room, a large canvas will look bulky, and you won’t be able to fully admire it - to do this you need to step back from the painting a couple of meters. On the contrary, on a large empty wall, a small picture will look lonely and defenseless. You should try to fit such a picture into the overall interior, make it a continuation of decorative elements - lamps, flowers, vases.

It is better to place small paintings in a group, uniting them with some common element - theme, style, frame color, general color background.

By placing paintings of different sizes horizontally at the same height in one line, you can emphasize the length of the room, and vertically - its height.

The general requirements for the placement of paintings, prints, tapestries, photographs, etc. are the combination of the color of the painting and the wall as a background, the correct proportions of the shape, size of the paintings and the room, conditions of natural and artificial lighting. For example, a beautiful landscape with a dominant blue sky may look bad against a blue or green wall. It is better to use contrasting combinations. The interior of a room with light gray walls can be enlivened by one or more paintings with bright contrasting color combinations in white frames. With the help of several small paintings you can emphasize and visually increase the size of a small room. In a small room or on a small wall, you should not hang a large picture.

It is not difficult to glaze or frame a photograph, a reproduction of a painting, a drawing, etc. This can be done on a mat or, in other words, on a background of white or colored paper. You can also edge it to the edge. Depending on this, the size of the purchased glass is determined. The glass, first of all, must be thoroughly wiped with soap or tooth powder and ammonia on both sides, then put a photograph on it. If the edging is done on a passe-partout, then the top edge of the photo from the inside should be lightly glued to the background. The photograph is positioned so that the distance on both sides to the edges of the mat is the same, and the upper field of the mat is slightly narrower than the lower one. The accuracy of the location of the photograph under the glass is carefully checked, since even a slight distortion will sharply worsen the appearance of the frame.

For watercolors, prints, drawings framed in a mat under glass, a textured wall painted in gray tones can serve as a good background. White drawings and graphics can be complemented with contrasting colored mats in combination with the wall background.

In modern interior design, a painting in the traditional sense is increasingly being replaced by a decorative element that can be made with your own hands, using publicly available materials and a creative approach to business. There are many options for creating such unique paintings. Here are some of them.

1 .Square. In this embodiment, paintings of the same size are usually used. If one of the paintings is a little larger than the others, hang it in the center and place the rest around it.

2. Rectangle. Paintings of approximately the same size can be oriented strictly according to the “grid”, and paintings of different formats can be arranged in tiers, while paintings of approximately the same size are placed in one row and at the same distance from each other.

3. Step (pyramid). Within one row, pictures are placed in ascending or descending order of size, in a “pyramid.” Or the technique works when placing paintings in descending or ascending order by number in a row.

5. Spot. An open composition, for example around one main picture, gradually “growing” on different sides.

6. Gallery. To do this, attach a steel rod with movable hooks directly under the ceiling along the entire length of the free wall. Hang the pictures one below the other using nylon fishing line. This composition can be changed from time to time by hanging pictures at different heights and in various combinations. It is only important that the outer edges of the ensemble form a clear rectangle. This will give the composition balance and a calm, harmonious character.

7. Screen. For the base, you can use a screen or partitions constructed in a similar way.

- Collage painting can be easily produced using a variety of reproductions and color photos. Selected by content, color, size, and placed in a certain order, the reproductions are pasted onto a tablet of the required size. Collages look beautiful when framed under glass in thin wooden or aluminum frames. Collage on the theme; flowers, forest, sea, size 100X100 cm, can decorate the interior of a common room.

- Painting-exhibition-reception, with the help of which small decorative parts of various sizes and shapes, collectibles, and home crafts are combined. To do this, you can use a color tablet trimmed with fabric or textured plain wallpaper. A baguette or wooden frame, but large enough, is also suitable, inside which you can beautifully place decorative objects using a background.

- Fabric painting- the simplest and most accessible method of interior decoration. You can make one large picture or several small ones of the same size, which can be easily placed on one wall, taking into account the overall composition of the interior. To do this, you will need a stretcher made of wooden slats 2.5X2.5 cm and one piece of fabric that should be used to cover the frame.

The decorative effect is achieved by a combination of pieces of fabric of different colors and patterns, sewn into a single ornamental composition.

- Applique painting- the most common method of decorating a modern home. It can be manufactured by children, collectors, nature lovers, and those who are taking up this business for the first time. The principle of the solution is simple: a beautiful background and an overlay composition of dried flowers, leaves, colored scraps, leather or paper. You can learn more about the manufacturing technology in the “Applique” section.

If the painting becomes dirty and darkened, it should be carefully washed with a soft cloth or cotton wool moistened with warm water. Old paintings can be refreshed with a soft cloth swab slightly moistened in a special varnish or oil.

You can restore the former shine to smooth gilded frames made of baguette in a very simple way. To do this, they should be wiped with a fresh, just cut onion, and then polished with a soft cloth. The dirt will come off of them too. Baguettes coated with bronze in relief are best cleaned of dust with a bristle brush or brush.

Painting on the wall (basic rules for hanging pictures)

We often, when visiting museums and art galleries, admire paintings and do not pay much attention to the principle of their hanging. It is only when you try to hang pictures on the walls at home that you begin to understand how difficult a task it is.

In any gallery, before hanging, paintings (a group of paintings) are placed against the wall on which they are supposed to be placed. This helps you better imagine how the paintings will look on the wall and, if necessary, change their places.

When hanging indoors, you must also take into account the size of the paintings. Works 70 centimeters or more on the larger side (with frame) look best in spacious rooms with a high ceiling. “Vertical” canvases visually make the space taller, “horizontal” ones seem to “expand” the walls. Square paintings look neutral in any room. If the room is not very spacious, then it is better to choose paintings of small sizes, maximum 50 cm on the larger side. If there is not much free space on the wall, you can hang very small “pictures” - less than 20 cm. They look good not only individually, but also in groups of two or three, less often four pieces.

“Grouping” of paintings when hanging is a very effective and common technique. It is recommended to combine paintings that are similar in style into a group. For example, these could be watercolors, or a series of paintings with images on a single theme, or black and white photographs, or prints. You can gather a group by organizing small paintings around a large one. Author's compositions from several works, united by one theme, should be placed side by side.

Paintings of the same size can be placed symmetrically, in one row at an equal distance. You can “link” their location to the width of the sofa, so that the collection is perceived as a single whole with the furniture.

A large painting can also be placed above a sofa or fireplace, and it will immediately become the compositional center of the room. But when placing a picture above the sofa, you should not leave a lot of free space between them.

When hanging two pictures of different sizes side by side, try to place the larger one higher so that the small image is easier to view.

When hanging paintings, you can also use the following technique: place the paintings on a single axis, small ones are lined up in a row at the same distance (a few centimeters from each other), and the main masterpiece is placed a little to the right or left, about 30 centimeters away from the group.

If you place works of different artistic levels on one wall, then the weaker ones will look more worthy next to the masterpieces.

One way or another, the goal of all such techniques is to make the maximum impression on the viewer.

Hanging height. Owners often hang pictures too high. The traditional museum hanging height is 152 cm. When placing a painting on the wall, try to hang it a little lower than you think, since most likely you will be looking at it while sitting, especially if the painting is in the dining room. For proper hanging, it is best to draw an imaginary line along the walls of the room. It should be at eye level. The paintings must be placed on the wall so that this line intersects them in the middle.

Backlight. Ideal hanging requires separate lighting for each painting to eliminate shadow and glare problems. Another lighting option is a backlight lamp; it can be bought in Svet stores and showrooms and installed in the right place.

In any case, low-voltage halogen bulbs are used - they are usually small in size and emit a directed stream of white or yellow light, which does not distort the natural colors of the painting or damage the paint layer of the painting.

If such illumination is not possible, it is necessary to ensure good lighting of the room as a whole.


Today, many companies offer special hangings for paintings. The standard kit includes a 1.5 m long fastening rod, four 15-30 cm fishing lines with metal clips, a cable and several hooks. Transparent fishing line, regardless of its thickness, is almost invisible between paintings; and if there is excess fishing line left, the excess is simply wound up and hidden behind the last hanging frame.

The telescopic rod, consisting of two parts, is mounted on both the ceiling and the wall. Moreover, one half is securely fastened, and the second half is “put on” from the side. The fishing line clamps are installed inside the rod with one movement of the hand; hooks are placed on the fishing lines at the rate of one hook for one picture. The picture is hung by a rope on a hook - and your home art gallery is ready. The strength of the structure and the length of the fishing line make it possible to cover the entire wall plane from floor to ceiling with paintings.

Which painting to choose - vertical or horizontal?

It is necessary to take into account that vertical paintings visually enlarge the ceilings, while horizontal paintings “lengthen” the wall. Horizontal paintings fit well above a sofa, bed, chest of drawers, etc.; vertical - on a narrow wall.

Tilt angle

If you want your picture to hang close to the wall, then tightly tighten the fastening rope on the picture (like a bow string). And if you want it to hang at an angle to the wall, loosen the rope (the weaker the tension and the lower the fastening loop, the greater the angle of inclination).


It is not necessary that a group of paintings be framed in the same baguette. If the baguette is correctly selected for each picture, then the whole group will look harmonious.

Placing a painting in the interior on a music stand or easel

Recently, the technique of placing a painting on a music stand or easel has become fashionable. A feeling of creativity and creation is created (as if the artist had just finished his work).

Photographs, posters and panels have always served as the main decorations of any interior. It would seem that a beautiful picture is good in itself, regardless of the environment and location, however, in practice this statement is not always true. Do you always need picturesque masterpieces for interior decoration, or can you get by with “little blood”? Which wall in the room should I choose for hanging pictures? How to correctly arrange and arrange several photographs or drawings into a single composition? What height is best to hang them? We will try to answer all these important questions in detail.

On the wall you can place not only oil paintings, but also mirrors, reliefs or your favorite collection of drawings and postcards, the main thing is to choose a decent frame for them, Ballards Designs

They play an important role, creating the integrity of the image and the atmosphere of a cozy and lived-in space. Even when the decoration is completed and the furniture is in its place, the walls of the room often look too empty and boring, and that’s when the need arises to decorate them with paintings, posters, etc. It’s great if you already have several paintings or graphic paintings worthy of decorating the interior, however, if you don’t have a collection of works of art, this is not a reason to leave the walls empty. Family photos in neat frames, digital printing of any image on canvas, etc. may well become an original and stylish replacement for familiar paintings. In addition, the canvases, which in themselves are not masterpieces, united on the wall in a common group, create a completely attractive and interesting composition, which can be given a certain rhythm or used in the interior as a missing color accent.

Vintage and not so old maps can also be an interesting option for room decor, Pottery Barn

Advice: if you want to adjust the image size, use a mat. With its help, for example, you can make a small drawing appear larger.

Geometry and function of the room

The composition of hanging paintings in the interior is directly influenced by the geometry of the surrounding space, while paintings on the wall can visually correct the shortcomings of the room. So, for example, paintings placed vertically can make the ceiling appear higher, but, on the contrary, those hung horizontally can make the ceiling appear wider. If the task is to make a narrow and long room seem shorter, it is enough to place one large and bright painting on its end wall.

Human perception is extremely sensitive to horizontal lines, so when building a composition from several images, try to ensure that their lower part lines up horizontally.

Paintings and photographs can not only be hung, but also, for example, placed on shelves; however, this option is not suitable for interiors in a strict, classic style

The function of the room also plays an important role. Decorators do not recommend placing large and bright canvases in the bedroom, just like dramatic and battle images, which will undoubtedly interfere with rest and relaxation.

An original option for placing a painting on an easel, Pottery Barn

Advice: If you are not sure how a particular canvas will fit into the interior, place it first on a music stand or easel and see how it will fit with the decor. The same technique is suitable for placing paintings in rooms where, due to some circumstances, it is impossible to damage the walls and drive nails into them.


It is important to choose the right height for hanging paintings so that they are clearly visible. In this case, you need to focus on an imaginary line passing exactly through the center of the picture. The classic, “museum” version of hanging paintings is 152 cm from the floor to this midline. When placing a group of paintings, accordingly, it is necessary to take into account the height of the frames, the passport and the spaces between the paintings. Thus, the center of the picture should be located just below the eye level of a standing person (that is, at approximately 150 cm). Small paintings and photos can be hung a little lower so that they are easy to see, larger ones - higher, approximately at a height of 160 cm from the floor.

Memo: It is better to hang paintings in the dining room and kitchen a little lower, since you will most likely admire them not standing, but sitting at the table.

Asymmetrical composition of paintings of different formats

If you do not plan to place a large canvas or poster directly on the floor (a decorative technique sometimes used with modern paintings and graphics), hanging pictures below 60 cm is not recommended.

Relationship with furniture

The paintings in the interior are not part of an empty museum space with white walls, but complement a room already filled with a variety of pieces of furniture with which they should organically interact. When hanging pictures, you should pay attention to the presence of protrusions and niches, the level of the top edge of doors and windows, and the position of the furniture.

Simple drawings or ornaments, which almost anyone can repeat, can organically decorate the interior. An example of a symmetrical composition of works of the same format, Pottery Barn

Advice: It is not recommended to hang pictures next to tall cabinets, but a large picture even above a small fireplace portal will look very impressive.

The classic option for placing paintings in the living room is above a sofa or other large but low piece of furniture

Most often, paintings are grouped on one of the walls of the room, for example, above a fireplace, a low chest of drawers or a sofa. In this case, it is important to draw an imaginary line from the edge of the piece of furniture, and position the picture in such a way that there is free space between them and this line.


As already noted, even the simplest images can become an impressive addition to the interior if combined into a single composition and positioned correctly. The number, size and format of paintings can be completely arbitrary, which, in turn, makes the task of arranging them even more difficult. You can group paintings by technique (for example, watercolors or engravings), color scheme (for example, black and white photographs), and theme (animal prints or still lifes).

Option for a symmetrical composition above the sofa

Memo: If you do not want to turn the room into a museum hall, it is better to choose only one of the walls to place paintings.

Some decorative panels can be placed both vertically and horizontally, Improvements

Options for grouping paintings into a single composition:

  • paintings of approximately the same format and size can be hung in a symmetrical “grid”, that is, identical canvases are hung in one line with equal spaces between them
  • small images can be grouped around a larger picture, or lined up on the same axis, while the larger image is shifted from the center of the composition to the left or right by about 30 cm
  • if you have two images of different sizes, the larger one can be hung a little higher to make it easier to perceive (the center of the pictures, in this case, will coincide)


An important aspect of the perception of paintings in the interior is their illumination. Of course, it is not always possible to illuminate each painting individually, so it is better to initially choose a well-lit part of the room for hanging paintings. The most valuable and attractive items in the collection can be illuminated separately, using, for example, frames with built-in lighting or special lamps. For illumination, experts recommend using halogen light bulbs, since their white light does not affect color perception. The lamps should be directed directly at the canvas, adjusting their position until all unnecessary reflections and reflections disappear from it.

Special lamps for illuminating paintings usually have an elongated shape and are located above the frame, Lucifero’s

A few bright posters, collages or stylish photographs can really transform the appearance of a room, even without the expense of major renovations. Feel free to experiment with interior decor to give your home a unique personality and highlight your style.

How to arrange paintings on the wall? Decorating walls with various posters, paintings and photos has become fashionable in the modern world.

Works by great artists and photographs of loved ones look beautiful in the interior. In addition, they hide the disadvantages of the room and emphasize its positive features. But in order to achieve this, you need to correctly place the paintings on the wall, and the article will tell you how to do this.

What patterns exist for hanging pictures?

Tip: To make several paintings look beautiful, you need to make them a little similar. For example, with the same frames. In this case, the images will take on an ideal appearance, which will delight the eyes of the owners and their guests.

How to properly place paintings on the wall?

You can hang them in absolutely any order:

  • Chaotic. It's always in fashion.
  • Distribute images more clearly, which may even reflect the character of their owner.

The layout of the paintings on the wall is chosen by the owner himself; some of their options are presented in the figure:

What are the rules for choosing paintings for the interior of a room?

Tip: To choose paintings with ideal sizes, good quality and suitable image style, you should get acquainted with the offers recommended by modern magazines, visit museums or art galleries. This will help you more accurately determine the room design technique.

First of all, the dimensions of the painting to be placed are selected. In modern homes, large canvases are practically not installed.

There are several reasons for this:

  • A painting on the entire wall will not look very nice.
  • To mount such art, fairly powerful and complex structures must be used.
  • The price of such paintings is quite high.

Modern large compositions consist of several small or medium-sized artistic canvases, posters or photographs. At the same time, the design can be on the entire wall, and look light and relaxed, creating the opportunity to constantly introduce something new into it.

Before you properly hang pictures on the wall, you need to familiarize yourself with several rules:

  • Ensure mutual harmony:
  1. form pictures into groups closer to the furniture, creating mutual harmony or a square;
  2. In a room with a high ceiling, it is appropriate to place a rectangle including four paintings. You can hang six or eight, depending on the size of the room;
  3. the integrity of the canvas creates the placement of paintings closer to each other;
  4. use thin frames with a light image, this will create a window effect.
  • How to correctly arrange paintings on the wall using symmetry and asymmetry.

In this case, compositions are built by mixing sizes and shapes:

  1. asymmetrically. This arrangement uses paintings of different sizes, united by a common theme. For the unity of the composition, the distance between the posters should not be too large. This option adds dynamics to the room;
  2. symmetrically. In this case, the general style or content of the paintings is taken into account. Can be used:
  3. contrasting options;
  4. paintings with the same dimensions, which perfectly balances the interior of the room, making it strict and stable;
  5. in the form of a swarm, when the images line up around the main picture.
  • Choose the right frames and mats.

For visual alignment of the picture and its better perception, the type of frames or baguettes, mats used in the formation of compositions should be taken into account. It is better to arrange them in such a way that the bottom of the mat is slightly larger than the top. This is the most successful option for vertical placement.

  • Correct the shortcomings of the room. Wherein:
  1. correct placement of posters allows you to highlight a relaxation area above the corner sofa;
  2. to visually increase the height of the ceiling, images should be placed vertically;
  3. the horizontal position of the paintings visually increases the length of the wall;
  4. larger paintings in massive frames are appropriate above bulky furniture; against this background, small pictures will get lost;
  5. Above the table in the office, black and white canvases placed in an asymmetrical order look good.
  • Create joy of contemplation.

Tip: When hanging any images, the basic rule to follow is that the artwork or posters should be positioned in a convenient position for viewing.

In this case you can:

  1. use the museum option: place exhibits in such a way that the distance to the middle of the picture from the floor is 1.6 meters;
  2. You don’t have to hang pictures on the walls, like in an artist’s studio, but rearrange them according to your mood, without damaging the walls with nails;
  3. if the canvas is large enough, it is better to place it directly on the floor;
  4. paintings of smaller sizes can be rearranged, swapped on a chest of drawers or console;
  5. use a shallow but long enough shelf, and place the display on it according to your taste; you can install figurines and art objects between paintings.

Advice: You shouldn’t hang paintings with your own hands in small rooms in the traditional way: by aligning the paintings along the lower horizon in one line, it will be difficult to trace.

How to create a composition on the wall

To create a composition, you need to collect a group of images that meet certain parameters, which are often:

  • Color scheme or color. When choosing paintings, you need to pay attention to the coincidence of the color scheme of the works or whether they complement each other.
  • Meaning. The motifs of the paintings or their semantic content should be intertwined with each other.

The instructions suggest doing this this way:

  1. use the same frames for images;
  2. add a similar element when decorating each painting.

In addition, to create a composition you will need:

  • Select the form in which the paintings will be placed. To better imagine the final result, you can first draw a sketch respecting the scale of the image. This will help in the future to place paintings and other elements of the composition correctly. In addition, before placing the paintings on the wall, you can place them on the floor in the correct order.
  • Usually the composition of paintings is located:
  1. in the correct geometric shapes. This is suitable for paintings with the same dimensions or specially placed in the same frames. They can be used to decorate offices (see Office decoration: a non-standard approach) and office premises;
  2. in complete chaotic disorder.
  • If the paintings are similar in color or content, but completely different in size, you must adhere to the basic rules of composition: its “weight” must be distributed evenly:
  1. a large picture located in one of the corners should correspond to a composition of several small ones in the other;
  2. If you place a rather dark picture on one side, you should not place light ones on the other - everything needs to be balanced.

How to create a series of paintings

Quite often there are paintings consisting of several parts.

With such an original genre in art, one can create a feeling of lightness in paintings with an overall fairly large size and integrity of the canvas, although in fact they are separated. The simplest option is a triptych, which is quite often found when decorating various premises - office or residential.

Such a picture consists of a series of episodes that are placed together and hung in approximately the same way as a puzzle is assembled. The video in this article will show you how to place paintings on the wall and choose the best option for your room.

What to do before purchasing a work of art:

  • assess the size of the room, its emptiness or, conversely, its fullness with furniture and accessories;
  • imagine where the canvas will be located;
  • visually estimate how impressive in size it should be so as not to get lost, but also not to be “crowded” by you;
  • images: do you need contrasts, or would a neutral palette fit perfectly;
  • The style in which the work is done is also important, because .

Principles of Canvas Placement

It is also important to understand them in advance so as not to make mistakes. Moreover, knowing how to hang pictures on the wall correctly , you can do it more than once without resorting to repairs.

Compatibility with the decor

Niches, and any ledges, and doors, and windows, and even more so furniture, are important. Experts do not advise hanging frames near tall cabinets: it is better when there are no vertical lines close to the ceiling.

A fireplace, a long sofa, a bed, a table, a low chest of drawers - above them or such decor will look perfect.

However, there are exceptions to this rule.

It is best to hang them in one place, next to each other, otherwise it will look like a home museum. But if , then the works of art in each of them will not create overload. Just remember that they must be in the same style.


Above the furniture, the width should be at least half the length of the back of the sofa, bedside table or table. If two or more objects are in a row (for example, a sofa and two bedside tables at the edges), then the length of the entire horizontal line they form is taken into account.

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Until recently, the main requirement for the design of your own home or apartment was limited only to correctly selected wallpaper: color, pattern, texture. Today, designer accessories have entered our lives as an integral part of the interior of residential premises. One of them, which has become very popular today, is modular paintings. In this article we will talk about them and how to properly hang a modular picture on the wall using different technologies.

Modular painting on the wall

This is a composition consisting of several elements that depict part of a drawing or a fragment of one common canvas. When the parts are joined, a general plan is formed, so it is very important to correctly arrange the modules, comparing them with each other.

The number of modules must be at least two. Based on the number of elements, modular paintings are called differently:

  • a painting consisting of two elements is called diptych;
  • of three parts - triptych;
  • out of five – penaptych;
  • more than five elements – polyptych.

However, a large number does not always mean a larger picture size. Elements can be small in width, which allows them to more effectively display a piece of the overall design by writing small details on it.

With this, you can finish the conversation about the modular paintings themselves and move directly to the main topic of the article - how to hang modular paintings on the wall.

Options for hanging pictures on the wall

Let's start with the fact that modular elements are pieces of one large canvas. They are a purely structurally separate picture that can be hung in any convenient way. The main requirement is the strength of the fastener, which would allow it to withstand the weight of the item being hung. The second requirement is the exact location of the modules among themselves and in the required plane. For example, in the photo below you can see that the parts of one whole are not located on the same level. So this dimensional location on the wall needs to be accurately determined.

It’s not easy to do this right away. Anyone who is faced with the task of attaching paintings to the wall with their own hands for the first time should understand that the modular version differs from the usual one precisely in that it is not one painting, but several, which must be assembled on the wall surface in a certain order. The simplest option is if the modules are located either horizontally or vertically. In this case, you will simply need to align all the parts along the same line, even if they have different sizes.

In all other respects, this is the usual hanging of framed photographs or paintings. But there is one more nuance, determined by the title of the next section.

Distance between modular paintings

There are no strict standards in this regard; no one has ever defined them. Simply visually, large gaps between the modules reduce the visibility of the entire canvas. Therefore, the shorter the distance, the better. Although experts note that it is also not worth installing parts close to each other, it will be difficult to mount them to the wall. Therefore, the optimal parameter is 2−4 cm.

Therefore, there is such a recommendation - before attaching a modular type picture to the wall, you need to lay out its parts on the floor near the wall in the order in which they will be installed one by one. In this case, it is necessary to accurately lay them out relative to each other so that there is a single canvas of one horizon. Then the lower or upper edge of the largest part is taken as the basis for installation. And already from it the markings of all elements are heard.

The photo below shows the layout of the modules on the floor. It is in this order and in this arrangement that they should appear on the wall.

Please note that the photo shows a composition consisting of five elements, as one of the frequently used ones. Therefore, the question of how to hang a modular picture of 5 parts comes up quite often. It should be noted that this arrangement of elements relative to each other is not the most difficult, because they are practically on the same line. It’s just that some of them are shifted up or down relative to the main horizontal line. Therefore, the middle element is taken as the basis for the installation; its canvas is the main one in terms of uniform location relative to the axis of the entire picture. This is the one that should be hung first. The rest take turns to the left or right.

Now it’s clear how to start the hanging process. Let's move on to the main topic of the article - how to properly hang modular paintings on the wall, or rather, to the mounting methods.

How to attach modular paintings to the wall

There are quite a few ways to ensure that paintings do not fall and hang on the wall surface for a long time. Let's consider some of them as the simplest and most reliable.

Fasteners for modular paintings

Let’s identify all the fasteners at once, and then consider how you can use them to mount a modular picture on the wall:

There is no point in considering the first two; these are ordinary fasteners that have been used for a long time. They can be classified as classic fasteners. But others need to be dealt with thoroughly.

Liquid Nails

This adhesive is known to be strong and reliable. But when using it, you need to make sure that the wall surface is very smooth. The thing is that the remaining fasteners can smooth out some of the unevenness of the plane. The adhesive composition is applied in a thin layer, and the paintings are pressed tightly against the wall. This means that surface unevenness will immediately be transmitted to the mounted modules in the form of distortions, which will be visible to the naked eye.

As for the process itself, depending on the size and weight of the painting, liquid nails are applied either to the entire perimeter of the frame from the back side, or in sections.

After which it is applied to the wall along the marked area and pressed with hands. Within a few minutes the element can be moved, leveling. It should be noted that in this way paintings can be installed in any premises for any purpose, because the adhesive composition does not change its strength properties either under the influence of temperature changes or changes in humidity. So paintings in the kitchen or bathroom, glued with liquid nails, hang for years.

This fastening material appeared on the market relatively recently, but many home craftsmen rightfully rated it as one of the most reliable and easy to use. Basically, it is a fabric base treated on both sides with an adhesive composition. The top of the tape is covered on both sides with a protective polymer film. You remove the latter, apply the strip to the required place, and it is immediately firmly attached to it.

It is on this quality of adhesive tape that the method of using it for hanging modular paintings is based. How it's done:

  • The sticky material is cut into several pieces up to 10 cm long.
  • The protective film is removed from one side.
  • The adhesive side of the tape is pressed against the picture frame.
  • This is how all segments are installed, evenly spaced from each other. Be sure to install it in the corners of the object.
  • The top protective films are removed.
  • The module is pressed against its installation site.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“Regardless of the texture of the wall (plasterboard, plaster, wallpaper with different surfaces, etc.), double-sided tape can be easily attached to it. Therefore, there is no need to perform additional manipulations related to increasing the adhesion of the wall plane.”


These fasteners are called the “Command” system. In their use, they are reminiscent of double-sided tape, but only these are two parts, each of which has one side that is a sticky adhesive composition, and the opposite side that is Velcro. That is, one of them is attached to the wall, the second - to the picture. Then the latter is applied to the wall so that both parts of the Velcro adhere to each other.

The most unique thing about this whole option is that the Velcro can be separated from each other just as easily. Of course, when connected, they firmly hold the picture on the wall. But not very much effort allows you to separate them. So, so to speak, this is a reusable fastener.Let's add that you can install regular plastic hooks on Velcro, which come complete with fasteners, and modules are hung on them. Also a simple option with the ability to take a picture.

There is exactly the same fastening system, which is called “Creps”. You can see how to use it in the video below.

Spider hook for pictures

This fastener got its name from its resemblance to a spider. This is a plastic hook, the design of which has two to four nails sticking out in the form of insect legs. The nails are made of durable steel, their ends are sharp, so that with the help of a hammer they can be driven into almost any building material. The main requirement for the latter is strength in the sense that it does not crumble under impact loads.

Using spider hooks is simple:

  • Pull the nails towards the front part of the fastener.
  • They place it at the installation site.
  • Hammer the legs to the plane of the hook.
  • If it is necessary to remove a fastener, simply pull it out of the wall with pliers. There will be 2-4 small holes on the surface that can be easily masked.

Smart lock

These are polyurethane rectangles that are easily attached to any surface. These are reusable products that, after dismantling, simply need to be washed with warm water, and they are ready for use again.

To help you understand what we are talking about, we suggest watching the video below.

Video: how to hang modular paintings and other household items on the wall

What else can you hang a modular picture on?

Another quite interesting option is a hanging system for paintings and photographs. Essentially, this is a strip (wooden, metal or plastic) that is attached to the wall under the ceiling. There are vertical rods attached to it, to which the painting modules themselves must be attached. In this case, the parts can be moved along the rods, lowering or raising.

Threads with hooks at the ends can be used as guides. This is a more complex design because it has a built-in mechanism that lowers and raises the elements of the modular canvas.

How much do they cost and where can I buy mounts for modular paintings?

Today, all the fasteners described above are not in short supply. They are sold by both ordinary construction stores and online services. Let's just designate their average prices across the country.

How to hang a picture on a concrete wall

The last question of the article concerns the most common wall, or rather, the material from which it is made. Concrete is the most durable material of all wall materials. Previously, in order to hang a picture, you had to drill it, hammer in dowels or wooden “chops”, and only then screw screws into them. It is reliable in terms of withstanding heavy loads, but it is long and dusty, and the process itself cannot be called simple.

Therefore, all fasteners that were described above can be used for concrete walls. The main thing for the first is a clean and smooth surface.

So, in this article we examined the question of how to hang a modular picture, regardless of whether it includes five segments, two or ten. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. Our editors will definitely answer them.

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