Facts about creative people. Basic Facts About Creativity

Without a doubt, creative people are very different from the majority. It’s as if they live in another world, in another universe. And their ingenuity and originality amaze and cause others to ask: “How? How did they come up with this?”

1. Creative personalities constantly in the clouds

If you watch them in noisy company, where everyone communicates and has fun, they will sit in the corner of the room, write something, draw something, think about something. At school, such children can daydream in geometry class while Maria Ivanovna explains the Pythagorean theorem. They often withdraw into themselves, forgetting about everything in the world, and it is at such moments that brilliant thoughts are born in their heads.

2. They are good observers and are good at analyzing what is happening around them.

Anything can serve as a source of new ideas for them: landscapes, buildings, elements of clothing or decor. Having caught on to some little thing, such people will create a masterpiece, turn a word into a whole story.

3. There is no daily routine

Waking up at 7, having lunch at noon, having lunch at 16, having dinner at 19 and going to bed at 22 is definitely not the lot of creative individuals. They will work whenever they want, eat if the opportunity arises (or they may forget about it completely), and will sleep on anything and however they want - even at a desk.

4. They love privacy

Many people are afraid of loneliness, but not creative creatures. For them, this is a way to hide from the aggression of the outside world, from the formalities that reign in society. Left alone with themselves, knowing that no one will disturb or drive away their muse, creative individuals can calmly enjoy the present.

5. They always want to experience something new.

Routine - what is it? Creative people have never heard of this. The monotonous rhythm of life - “work - home - sleep” is the worst thing that can happen to them. They need adrenaline, they need movement, new emotions.

6. They are not afraid to take risks

To come up with something new, sometimes you need to do unexpected things, put everything on the line. Whatever it concerns: work, personal life. You can’t create something unusual without taking risks.

7. For them, failures and mistakes are a huge motivation.

Life as we know it is black and white stripes. Behind incredible success a huge failure may follow. All brilliant inventors and artists sometimes have doubts and make mistakes. But, if others would abandon the matter halfway, without seeing clear results, creative people will not give up so easily. Of course, perseverance is not only characteristic of unconventionally thinking individuals, but for the latter this quality is very important.

8. They do what inspires them.

The most important thing for creative people is to do what they really like. They don't need any recognition. And they won’t come up with anything out of the blue either. The freedom to create more and more new things, to work better and better - this is happiness.

9. Creative people often put themselves in other people's shoes.

It’s so interesting to learn someone else’s philosophy, to look at the world from a different point of view. Taking a moment to think like another person is a great way to develop yourself, as well as learn to understand others.

10. They notice everything

These people have the ability to connect parts into a whole. They see what others do not see, and use their observations to better understand the essence of a particular phenomenon.

Without such people, the world would be more boring and dreary. Creative individuals encourage us to develop, change us in better side. To say that they are 100% different from the “uncreative” is incorrect - they just have a desire to create something new. But everyone can and should be original and try to invent the uninvented.

History knows numerous examples when people kept their Creative skills until old age. For example, ancient Greek philosopher and playwright Sophocles lived to be 91 years old. He created his tragedy “Oedipus at Colonus” at the age of 89.

Outstanding Venetian artist Vecellio Titian lived until 99 years old, B last years during his life he created such canvases as “Saint Sebastian”, “Lamentation of Christ”, which relate to highest achievements Venetian school of the Renaissance.

Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet Michelangelo Buonarroti lived 89 years. Creative inspiration did not leave him even in old age. Before last days Throughout his life, he was tireless in work. He worked on one of his works, the sculptural group “The Descent from the Cross,” for 6 years, completing it in the 81st year of his life. A few days before his death he completed his famous sculpture"Pieta"

Giuseppe Verdi- lived to be 88 years old. At the age of 75 he finished the opera Othello, and at 80 he wrote his the last opera"Falstaff"

Painter I. K. Aivazovsky lived 83 years. In the last two years of his life, he created the paintings “Sea Bay” and “Calm off the Coast of Crimea”. Being already a very old man, he was full creative ideas and was worried that he would not have time to implement them. On the day of his death, he painted the canvas “The Explosion of a Turkish Ship,”

I.E. Repin
Russian artist Ilya Efimovich Repin Until the last days of his life he worked tirelessly. As he got older, he began to act poorly right hand, then he learned to write with his left hand. Shortly before his death, 86-year-old Repin began work on a new big picture"Hopak", perky and cheerful.

In 1978, residents of the village of Khoznavar (Armenian SSR) celebrated the 120th anniversary of their fellow villager Aira-pet Sargsyan. At 120 years old, the old shepherd remained a horseman. Despite old age, the hero of the occasion came to the anniversary table along with everyone after a working day. For more than a hundred years, Sargsyan remained faithful to his profession as a livestock breeder.

The record holder for longevity among marathon runners is Greek D. Jordanidis, at the age of 98, who completed the entire marathon course of 42 kilometers 195 meters. It took him 7 hours and 40 minutes to do this.

Since he turned 75 years old, Japanese Teiichi Iwarashi every year he climbs Mount Fuji, the most high mountain Japan. At the age of 99, he again conquered the top of the “sacred mountain”.

In 1985, American Tommy Wright celebrated its centenary. Next to him that day was his 96-year-old wife, with whom he had been married for 78 years. “I’m the best driver in the entire state,” Wright proudly told a local newspaper. He has every reason for this. Police archives confirm that throughout his impressive driving record, the centenarian motorist not only never had an accident, but never even violated traffic rules.

In 1975, the first world championship of veteran athletes was held in Toronto, bringing together about 1,700 athletes from different countries. Scotsman Duncan Mac Leigh showed best time at 100 meters. He ran this distance in 16 seconds.” It would seem that there is nothing special. But the fact is that Duncan McLee was 91 years old.

Swiss resident Andrea Nottbeck All my life I dreamed of flying, but I only took to the air as a passenger on scheduled planes. But even in her old age, the 88-year-old energetic old woman did not give up her dream. Andrea enrolled in a hang gliding course. Instructor Marcel Lesha claimed that he had never had such a capable and diligent student as Andrea Nottbeck.

The oldest mountaineering guide in Switzerland Alps Ulrich Inderbinden for six decades he led athletes to Mont Blanc. In 1987 he turned 84 years old and spent highest peak Alps new groups. Many of his compatriots, despite their advanced age, actively engage in sports. For example, Otto Bucher, who turned 100 years old, was an excellent golfer.

84-year-old Irimea Nedelcu became famous throughout Romania a few years ago when he completed an eight-day bike ride on a bicycle with... one wheel. Since then everything free time he devotes his time to this way of riding. Statisticians have calculated: Nedelka traveled more than 50 thousand kilometers in this way. This would be enough for a whole trip around the world,

The great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy lived 82 years. Not everyone knows that he learned to ride a bicycle at the age of 65. At 75, he was still skating. And when he was over 80, Delir rode his horse 20 kilometers a day.

Londoner- the only one English woman, who, at the age of 57, crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone. This brave woman, having grandchildren, despite her advanced age, realized her dream. While swimming Shirley Rovenscroft boldly fought the sea and reached the New World in 37 days. She made the voyage in 1972 on a small sailing boat only eight meters long. The traveler maintained contact with the mainland using a simple transmitter.

The oldest driver in the United States was American Roy Rowlin and from the city of Stockton. He was once pulled over for speeding. Having checked the documents, the policeman immediately returned them to the driver with an apology: it turned out that the driver... was 104 years old.

Early last year, 87-year-old American Lucille Thompson Quite by chance I ended up at the Korean national wrestling Tae Kwon-Do competition. What she saw impressed her so much that she became seriously interested in this sport. And in March 1985, 88-year-old Thompson entered the mat as a full participant in the competition.

In April 2003 in India, a 65-year-old Mrs. Satyabhama gave birth to a healthy 3-kilogram boy, becoming the oldest mother in the world. Previously, the record belonged to a 62-year-old Italian woman. The couple hoped to wait for the mercy of heaven, but in the end they resorted to help modern medicine. Satyabhama received an embryo from her 26-year-old niece. Of course she did C-section. Both she and the child felt well. Moreover, Satyabhama was able to breastfeed her baby.

People who speak two languages ​​fluently from childhood age more slowly. The ability to quickly switch from one task to another and concentrate attention on it is one of the main indicators of brain activity. Over the years, the reaction of the gray matter slows down, so old people, on the one hand, easily lose the thread of a conversation, and on the other, they can be stubborn and limited. So, it has been noticed that bilinguals, even into old age, adapt better to external circumstances and concentrate more easily.

Let yours new life after 50 will be filled creative ideas, inspiration and joy for many years to come!

September 5 – significant date for true rock fans, because on this day 70 years ago the great pretender, musical genius and iconic frontman of Queen was born.

The significance of Mercury’s figure on the world stage can hardly be overestimated: what is the value of the rock ballad Bohemian Rhapsody written by him, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records as “ Best Song millennium." Branded stage images and Freddie Mercury's eccentric behavior on stage are known even to people far from rock music. What the idol of millions was like in life is known only to those closest to him. However, the musician’s biographers managed to collect several interesting facts about the Queen lead singer.

Mercury's bisexual preferences and scandalous moments his personal life was called mixed reactions in society, but this played into the hands of the singer’s publicity. Mercury's partners were discussed no less than his hits - he was known as a famous hedonist and never hid his adventures. “I have more lovers than Elizabeth Taylor. And both sexes!” - said the musician.

At the dawn of the 70s, Mercury had a seven-year relationship with a girl named Mary Austin. The couple broke up after Freddie confessed to his lover that he was bisexual. Austin and Mercury remained close friends until the end of their lives, and she acted as his administrator. Freddy became godfather her son, he dedicated one of the most beautiful ballads, Love Of My Life, to her. It was Mary, and not his last lover Jim Hutton, that the musician bequeathed all the real estate and royalties from the records sold.

Another short relationship with a woman is Mercury’s relationship with the Austrian actress Barbara Valentin. Later in the interview, the singer admitted that he was more passionate about her than any of his male lovers over the past few years. “Next to her, I felt like myself again,” Mercury recalled about the novel.

The months-long tour also turned into a search for Freddie. love adventures. After the concert, the band members went to a bar, and Mercury went to the “blue” areas. In this sense, the singer was very fond of New York and Munich.

Freddie Mercury didn't want to grow old. Once, being in the prime of his life, when asked by a journalist how Freddie imagined himself in 20 years, the musician replied: “Are you crazy? I'll be dead, honey! The words turned out to be prophetic.

Being of Parsi origin, Mercury, like his family, professed Zoroastrianism. He followed this religion even after changing his name (from birth the rock legend was known as Farukh Bulsara). IN last way the singer was also escorted by a Zoroastrian priest.

Before Freddy came Queen group was called Smile - it was renamed on his initiative in 1970, when Mercury took the place of vocalist.

Queen band

A microphone without a stand—the singer’s signature stage attribute—appeared by accident. At one of the concerts, Freddie moved very actively with the microphone and loosened the fastenings of its stand. Right during the performance, Mercury unscrewed the lower part that was bothering him and continued to sing with a microphone in his hands. Subsequently, a similar trick became business card performer.

The musician was an avid cat lover. Up to 10 furry pets could live in his house at the same time. Debut solo album Mr. Bad Guy Freddie dedicated to cats, and even dedicated a separate composition Delilah to his favorite named Delilah. Subsequently Queen musician Brian May came up with a guitar riff that imitated meowing.

Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 17, 1770. He was not only one of the greatest composers, but also a kind of “bridge” from classicism to romanticism. Interesting Facts about Beethoven can help to better understand this powerful, controversial personality.

Facts from the life of Beethoven

  • The great composer was the third in his family, Ludwig van Beethoven. The first was his grandfather, who became a famous Bonn musician, and the second was his older brother, born 6 years earlier.
  • Beethoven's father was a tenor court chapel. And he was obsessed with the idea of ​​making his son, in whom he early noticed musical talent, “a second Mozart.”
  • Forced to leave school at the age of eleven, the future great musician I never learned to multiply and divide.
  • Lack of education did not prevent Beethoven from becoming a true polymath in the field. classical literature. He was well versed in the works of Shakespeare, Goethe, Homer, Plutarch, and knew a lot by heart.
  • During his first Viennese rendezvous, seventeen-year-old Beethoven performed in front of Mozart. Tradition says that Wolfgang Amadeus was delighted with the young man’s art and predicted a great future for him.
  • Analyzing interesting facts from Beethoven's life, children should know that the future great composer I also received unflattering evaluations. Famous organist and music teacher I.G. Albrechtsberger, tired of struggling with the dark motives of the obstinate student, doubted his talent and “sealed” with the following words: “I believe this stupid person will never learn anything!”
  • During Beethoven's youth, the piano was not yet as widespread as it would be several decades later. But the great composer also turned out to be a prophet. Many of his works, including the sonata “Für Elise,” were written specifically for this instrument.
  • Beethoven was a brilliant improviser. His contemporary, I.B. Kramer once briefly but succinctly remarked that anyone who has never heard a pianist “play pranks” has no idea about improvisation.
  • His favorite drink was coffee. When starting to cook, the musician meticulously counted out 64 grains each time - no less and no more.
  • The composer's character was very difficult and sometimes grumpy. One day, during his public speaking, a certain young man began to talk enthusiastically with his lady. The musician immediately stopped playing and exclaimed in anger: “I will not perform in front of such pigs!” Despite persuasion and apologies, he refused to continue playing.
  • But the pianist’s friends noted his friendliness, good nature and excellent sense of humor. Beethoven loved to sit with friends in a pub called “At the Swan”. One day he didn’t come for several days in a row. When one of his comrades asked if he was sick, the musician cheerfully replied: “I’m healthy, but my only boots got such a terrible fever that they almost gave up their soul to God.”
  • Facts from the biography of Ludwig van Beethoven say that he had very difficult relationships with women. Some admired his genius, others believed that he was “ugly, ill-mannered and unpleasant.” One of the ladies whom the pianist was courting was terrified of him. In an intimate conversation with friends, she called him half crazy.
  • A wayward genius once almost destroyed one of his best works. Having written the romance, he decided to burn it. From fate “ Dead souls“He was saved by a certain official Bart, who had a wonderful tenor. Looking at the composer and seeing that he was about to throw the notes into the fire, he snatched them from his hands. Then Bart sat down at the instrument and performed the romance. Beethoven unexpectedly liked it and graciously agreed to leave his brainchild “alive.” This is how the magnificent romance “Adelaide” was saved.
  • Beethoven composed his Ninth Symphony while already completely deaf.
  • At first, the musician carefully hid his hearing loss. Once, while conducting an orchestra, he did not turn to face the audience - he simply did not hear the applause. One can imagine how dramatic the moment was for Beethoven when he was delicately turned towards the audience.
  • The musician did not like to give piano lessons. The only exceptions were gifted students and attractive young women.
  • Beethoven died at the age of only 56 years. He was accompanied on his last journey by close friends and thousands of fans of his brilliant work.

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Shit poets, sub-artists and other flawed individuals who are trying to make candies of their own production out of their own poop. But a plant that specializes in producing one product will never be able to change its direction of production. In this unique article, you will learn interesting facts about why creative endeavors often fail and resemble dull shit, why people don’t want to “give birth” to anything, and why some people still manage to do something like that, and then everyone understands: "Yes, it's a worthwhile thing." In short, I have already briefly touched on this topic, but more details will be in this article, click, read, evolve.

So, the first and most important mistake of a beginner (let’s take a writer, it doesn’t matter what it is: poetry, prose, messages with snot on glass - it doesn’t matter) is that he tries to copy something already famous representatives genre, or those whom he simply likes, whom he looks up to, roughly speaking. That is, the fate of such a person in his work is to remain undersized. As far as we know, it is simply impossible to scan other people’s pure style, and if anyone thinks otherwise, now we will tell you how everything really happens. After all, it’s even more pleasant to find out if they are about you.

And this is how it happens: a person carries himself through creativity, no matter how much he wants to seem like an apologetic “arctic fox,” he will not hide his essence from anyone. When an author tries to copy someone, the result is the same as if you mixed borscht and baked bananas, namely, inedible shit. Literary forums and other places where aspiring authors display their creations, which everyone seems to like, are filled with such inedible poop. Then they curse the trolls, cry into their pillows and call their mother, but the mother also wrote an unflattering comment towards the unfortunate man, calling her son a stupid fool. In such situations, the loser author is forever disappointed in his abilities and turns into an author who burns only as a troll over losers like himself. Hello Internet community!

That is, the first mistake is the desire to seem awesome, so that everyone will appreciate what a fucking genius you are. Of course, this is doomed to failure and to your nervous shudders and choking on your snot. In fact, this is the main and most difficult obstacle that needs to be overcome - the fear that you will not be accepted for who you are, because it encourages you to copy other, successful individuals, and you know, there is the most appropriate word for this, when “losers” try to copy someone - parody. Everything is very simple - write for yourself and not for others. In an effort to meet someone's expectations, a person betrays himself in his creativity. Following the scheme “how to create correctly” (this is clearly taught somewhere), creativity turns into dead, in which there is no soul, into which you are too tired to bring yourself.

If borscht remains borscht, even sweet, sour or peppery, you will still want to eat it. Because this is borscht and not slop in the form of an indistinct heap of baked bananas and borscht! Do you understand what this means? Creativity should express the person who creates, and not be a parody of something. Remember, every famous creator became like this because he created in his own way and it’s always interesting to see. That is, the less of you there is in your work, the more dull and uninteresting it looks.

Then the next mistake is fictitiousness, or more simply put, falsehood. You see, the more in your creativity " cool ideas"In terms of what exactly needs to be shown, it looks all the more forced, that is, unrealistic. Why American movies, for the most part, are so bad? That's right, because they are based on playing out some cool ideas or funny jokes, and all this is sad, artificial and generally causes: the maximum - a slight smile, the minimum - the desire to shoot yourself or break the monitor.

This is how it happens in reality: “in short, I saw a cool moment in the film, there main character he said such a phrase, in short, I really liked it, I’ll insert it into my story and it will turn out awesome” or “this guy divinely describes nature, the clouds there, the moon. It's such a great read! In short, I, too, will describe exactly like him all this nonsense, I’ll insert it here and here, and I’m doomed to success, there’s simply no doubt about it,” and instead of borscht they slip you an incomprehensible mixture just from the sight of which you already want to puke. Yes, yes, yes! Have you thought that someone experiences different feelings when looking at what you write?

That's right! It’s just that you’re unlikely to see something similar in other articles about creativity. Let's not relax!

The most difficult thing is to describe reality, not fantasy. And even more difficult is your real experiences (I don’t mean the snot that people give out in order to feel sorry for them) and, even more so, giving it to someone else to read. A person feels complicity, closeness and kinship with someone’s creativity only when it is real for him. In any worthwhile or famous science fiction, the experiences of the heroes are extremely real. This is the only reason why the book touches readers (as in any other work). The reader experiences together with the characters, no matter what kind of transmutant hobbits we are talking about, and attempts to invent something... well, you understand, people will immediately sense the falsehood, will immediately understand the stupid absurdity of what is written. After all, in what resonates most, you feel something very real. Now we mean sincerity. If you are not able to be sincere in your creativity, it is better not to undertake it, the world will clearly become more beautiful from this.