New Year's riddles for a noisy and cheerful company. Fun questions for the new year Questions about the new year are difficult

If you like to gather with a large family on New Year's Eve and at the same time want to bring something fun into the New Year that will be interesting to all family members: you, your parents, and even your grandparents, then Quiz on your favorite Russian New Year's films and fairy tales – this is something that absolutely everyone will like!

The questions from the New Year's quiz are quite simple, so all guests will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of everyone's favorite films from childhood.

Read also:

How to conduct a New Year's quiz?

Option 1: Each person sitting at the table takes turns pulling out a piece of paper and must answer the question correctly. For an incorrect answer, the participant is fined, for example, with a spoonful of Olivier salad or a New Year's song, which he must perform to the applause of those present.
Option 2: The presenter reads out the questions from the quiz one by one, and those present must shout out the correct answer the fastest. The one who gives the correct answer first receives a small New Year's prize.

New Year's Quiz Questions

1. What was the name of the street in the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath”?

2. Choose the correct answer to the phrase from the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” “What... is this your jellied fish!”

a) dirty tricks; b) abomination; c) joy; d) disgusting

3. What word did Kai lay out in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen?”

4. What and how many “honestly earned” things did Miloslavsky deprive Shpak of (in Shpak’s opinion) in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession?”

5. What did Marfushenka-Darling answer to Morozko’s question from the fairy tale “Morozko”: “Are you warm, maiden, are you warm, red one?

6. Continue the phrase from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”: “You don’t go there, you go here...

7) What gift did Oksana ask from Vakula Kuznets from the film “On a Farm near Dikanka”

8) Continue the phrase from part 1 of the film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik” “Whoever does not work is...”

9) Continue the phrase from part 2 of the film “Operation “Y” and Shurik’s other adventures” “The professor, of course, is a mug, but...”

10) Continue the phrase from part 3 of the film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik” “Better train on...”

a) spoons; b) bowls; c) cats; d) nesting dolls

And if you want to make a wish for the New Year or Christmas, then our article will be useful to you!

Correct answers to the Quiz

  1. Builders Street
  2. Nasty
  3. Eternity
  4. “Three tape recorders, three foreign movie cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, three suede jackets”
  5. “Are you crazy, old man? You see, my hands and feet are frozen!”
  6. “You don’t go there, you go here, otherwise it’ll snow on your head... You’ll be completely dead!”
  7. Cherevichki
  8. "He who does not work, eats"
  9. “The professor, of course, is a mug, but he has the equipment.”
  10. "You better train on cats.

Thus, the New Year's quiz will help you celebrate the New Year in a more interesting way and bring a smile to you and your parents.

I wish you a Happy New Year,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

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Hello children, the best in the world!
Each of us, of course, is waiting for a fun holiday... (in chorus): New Year!

Where does New Year come from?


Is New Year falling from the sky?

Or is it coming from the forest?

Or from a snowdrift

New Year is coming to us?

He probably lived like a snowflake

On some star

Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?

Frost in his beard.

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep

Or to a squirrel in a hollow...

Or an old alarm clock

Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:

The clock strikes twelve...

And from nowhere

New Year is coming to us!

The topic of our class hour: “Who knows everything about the New Year?”

    The first country we will go to is the country of the Ascendant

Sun - Japan, which is one of the first to celebrate the New Year. For the New Year, the Japanese make their own cards and send them to friends and relatives. This is an important ritual. New Year in Japan is celebrated for a whole week, it is called golden week. On New Year's Eve, Japanese children draw. It is believed that a wish will come true if you put a picture of what you dream about under your pillow. Japanese children look forward to Segatsu-san (Japanese Santa Claus) on New Year's Day. Houses are equipped with kadomatsu (decoration made from pine, cut bamboo, straw and plum wood). Japanese children also love to practice origami and cut out different figures with scissors.
Contest: Who can cut out the most beautiful snowflake? (5-6 people participate). To the accompaniment of cheerful New Year's music, children cut out snowflakes for 2-3 minutes. The one whose snowflake is the most beautiful will win. Cut out snowflakes can be used to decorate curtains on windows or classroom walls.

    We continue our journey. Our next stop is

Brazil. In Brazil, they decorate the coffee tree. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in Rio de Janeiro with a cannon shot. Hearing him, people start hugging. Many people believe that if at this moment you manage to hug and kiss a person dear to you, then the coming year will be happy. Traditionally, employees throw old stationery directly from the windows of institutions. This means that the old working year has come to an end. They arrange a carnival, fireworks, and light a lot of candles. Throwing fruits and sweets into the sea.

And you and I, on the contrary, will catch sweets from the sea.
Contest: Who will wind the rope faster? (4-5 people participate). There are strings attached to Chupa Chups candies. To the music of the song “Chunga-Changa,” the competition participants begin to wind strings around a candy stick. Who is faster? The winner receives a prize (a large lollipop).

    New Year's Eve Bulgaria greeted as everywhere else - cheerfully and with hope for

have a happy and joyful year ahead. The whole family, relatives and friends gather around a large table. Guests exchange gifts and wish each other good luck and prosperity in the new year.

In Bulgaria, there is also an unusual New Year’s tradition - on the first day of the new year, children walk around with “survaknitsa” (twigs decorated with red threads, coins and bells) and read blessing poems. In Bulgaria, on New Year's Eve, coins, a rosebud and a pod of hot pepper are baked into pies. If you come across a pie with a coin - to wealth, and with a rose - to happiness. It is important to be able to guess the lucky pie.
Contest : Let's play a guessing game. Can you count? (2 people participate). How many dryers are there in this jar? Contestants express their guesses. Then the dryings are recalculated. The winner is the one who most accurately guessed the number of dryers in the jar (the winner receives a kalach).

    New Year for Germans is not a family holiday. New Year's Eve

German citizens prefer to celebrate on the street, in bars or restaurants. In cities on this day there are always festive processions and masquerades. On New Year's Day, fireworks are always lit, which, according to ancient beliefs, drive away evil spirits. German children are waiting for Santa Nikolaus on this day. A kind wizard arrives on a little donkey and leaves gifts and sweets for the children on the windowsill. The symbol of the New Year in Germany is the chimney sweep. It is believed that those who touch the chimney sweep and get smeared with coal will be happy. What else can you do with coal? Of course, draw!
Contest : "Drawing with a blindfold." Participants (3-4 people) are blindfolded. Guess what you will draw:
I don’t shiver in the cold, I hold my nose like a carrot. Only now, without the winter cold, I pour bitter tears into the puddles. But I’m not complaining, I’m used to it. What's my name? ... (Snowman).
Blindfolded participants draw a snowman to cheerful music.
For the best drawing - a prize (crayons).

    You and I took a short trip around the planet and, finally,

ended up in Russia.
Did you know that in ancient times the New Year in Rus' was most often celebrated in the spring, when all nature woke up. This holiday was celebrated in ancient Rus' on March 1 and a truly Russian tree, the birch, was decorated for the New Year. Later there was a custom in Rus' to celebrate the New Year on September 1st. And only during the reign of Peter 1 in Rus' a tradition appeared to celebrate the New Year - January 1.

Peter 1 ordered to put up a Christmas tree in houses, decorate it with gingerbread cookies, apples, multi-colored ribbons and beads. However, after the death of Peter I, they stopped decorating New Year trees. The tradition of putting up New Year trees was revived under Catherine the Great. In 1954, the main Christmas tree of the country, the Kremlin, was lit for the first time, which sparkles and sparkles every New Year. In the old days, the Christmas tree was decorated with various sweets: nuts in shiny wrappers, sweets and even vegetables. And shiny balls appeared relatively recently - about a hundred years ago. In Rus', it was not Santa Claus who gave gifts, but on the contrary, they were given to him so that he would become kinder. But over time, he noticeably became kinder and began to bring gifts himself. In pre-revolutionary Russia, gifts were placed in Christmas stockings; in the Soviet era, it became customary to place New Year's gifts under the Christmas tree. Another New Year's tradition that cannot be ignored is New Year's address of the head of state to the people. In Russia, this New Year's tradition has been around for more than 70 years. On this day in Russia, fun games and round dances were held in cities and villages.
"Snowball game": The task is to throw snowballs into your basket (bucket), placed 2-3 meters from the participant.

In conclusion, we sum up our games and sing the “New Year’s” song together.

(the song New Year's Disco Crash plays)

I wish you a Happy New Year
Fun ringing like ice,
Bright smiles - like amber,
Health is like frost in January!

Thank you everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

A New Year's quiz for adults will help you not get bored on the holiday night. Not everyone celebrates this amazing holiday in restaurants; many prefer to stay at home and invite friends.

Various games, quizzes, practical jokes, outdoor games will allow you to spend the old year and meet the new one in an interesting and unusual way.

We offer a variety of New Year's Eve celebrations. You can spend them for your guests on the festive night.

Quiz option for a small company

For a small number of adults and children, you can choose and do a short warm-up before games and competitions:

  1. What New Year's grandfather wears a red fur coat, a boyar hat, has a white thick beard, and always smiles? (Domestic Grandfather Frost).
  2. Which Santa Claus has a white beard, a red hat with a pompom, wears beautiful swimming trunks on his tanned body, wears sunglasses, and owns a surfboard? (Australian Father Christmas).
  3. In which country is it celebrated along with Cattle Breeding Day? Father Frost comes to the children, who is dressed like a cattle breeder - he wears a fox hat on his head, a long whip in his hands, a snuffbox and a flint on his side? (In Mongolia).
  4. In which feature film did the phrase sound: “The intention is to celebrate the New Year with joy”? (In the movie “Carnival Night”).
  5. Is this Russian city considered the geographical homeland of the Russian Father Frost? (Veliky Ustyug).
  6. Where gifts are distributed not by Santa Claus, called Bobo Natale, but by the good fairy Befana, wearing a red cap and glass slippers? (In Italy).
  7. This Santa Claus has an original name - Joulupukki? (Finnish grandfather).
  8. What is the name of the Spanish Santa Claus? (His name is Tagi Noel).
  9. Where do locals create a New Year's bouquet from bamboo, pine, plum, and add fern and tangerine leaves to it? (In Japan, China or Thailand).
  10. Where do New Year's round dances still take place around palm trees? (In Japan, in China, in Ghana).
  11. As they used to celebrate in Rus' (they led joint round dances).
  12. Who moved the New Year celebration from September 1 to January 1? (Peter the First).

A comic version of the quiz

A New Year's quiz for adults can be conducted in a comic form:

  1. Where was the Christmas tree born? (In the forest).
  2. What is the name of the ancient ritual dance around the Christmas tree? (Round dance).
  3. What is the name of a female creature who entertains the Christmas tree with her songs? (Blizzard).
  4. A gray, suspicious person who constantly trots past a small Christmas tree. (Wolf).
  5. A natural phenomenon that causes an increased population decline. (Ice).
  6. New Year's ball, which is suitable for hiding your own self. (Masquerade).
  7. Who is called the winter striker? (Freezing).
  8. This drink is consumed by guests of the New Year's holiday. (Champagne).
  9. New Year's dish, which is “dressed” in a fur coat. (Herring under a fur coat).
  10. Excellent New Year's lighter. (Fireworks).

Option "Finest Hour"

A New Year's quiz with answers can be held in the form of a “finest hour”. Before the start of the competition, all quiz participants are given a set of numbers from one to ten. The names of the countries are written down on the tablet: Mexico, Australia, Panama, Cuba, Sweden, Myanmar, Norway, Brazil, China, Ireland. The game host asks the guests questions about the New Year traditions of these countries. Each team must have the same number of players.

1. Where is live fish used as decoration on the New Year’s table? (In Ireland).

2. Where do most of the residents go to bed on New Year's Eve around 00.10? (In Australia. Residents of this country wake up around 5-6 o'clock in the morning).

3. Where do people pour water on each other on New Year’s Eve, and without mutual offense? (In Myanmar. The holiday in this country coincides with the water festival, and dousing is a wish for happiness and health in the New Year).

4. Where is the New Year celebrated with the screams of people, the sounds of sirens, the roar of cars? (In Panama).

5. Where do kids always hang a bird feeder, or put a bowl of oatmeal in the stable so that the gnomes can refresh themselves? (In Norway).

6. Where do people fill all the dishes with water before the New Year, and after the clock strikes twelve times, they organize a real flood, pouring water out of the windows? (This custom exists in Cuba).

A similar New Year's quiz for children and adults allows you to put your guests in a positive mood. It can be offered to guests just before the New Year holiday.

You won't be bored with the quiz

New Year's quizzes with answers, comic competitions, all this allows you to tune in to a positive mood and feel the holiday atmosphere. By offering original questions to guests, you will truly feel the New Year's bustle:

  1. Where the arrival of the New Year is celebrated with a cannon shot, where a loved one is kissed in an instant? (In Brazil).
  2. In this country, New Year's street processions are accompanied by the lighting of thousands of lanterns, illuminating the path to a new life. (In China).
  3. Here, before the New Year, original dolls appear that symbolize the old year, and at midnight they scatter into small pieces. (In Mexico).

We answer only “yes” and “no”

The New Year's quiz can be held in the form of a bluff club. Guests are asked questions to which they must answer yes or no:

  1. Do you believe that in Italy, to see off the old year and welcome the new year, doors are opened in houses when the hands are approaching midnight? (Yes).
  2. Do you believe that African villagers race with a chicken egg in their mouth on New Year's holidays? (Yes, the winner is the one who comes to the finish line first without damaging the eggshell).
  3. Do you believe that in Hungary it is not customary to serve any kind of bird on the table on New Year’s Eve, so that happiness does not “fly away” from the house? (Yes).
  4. Do you believe that in London on New Year's Day, residents should go to Trafalgar Square to bathe in their clothes in the fountain? (No).
  5. Is it true that in Denmark they buy inexpensive dishes in order to break them on New Year's Eve? (Yes).
  6. Is it true that in Russia there must be champagne and tangerines on the table on New Year’s Eve? (Yes).
  7. Once upon a time, during the reign of Peter 1, our country celebrated the New Year not on January 1, but on September 1, is this true? (Yes).

New Year's quizzes for children are a great way to introduce them to the traditions and customs of different peoples and countries. Together with their parents, the children look for answers to questions and learn about interesting facts related to the New Year holidays. In addition, a quiz for children with yes and no answers is a great way to entertain guests.

Family Quiz

The New Year's quiz is compiled by parents and children, because everyone expects only the most positive impressions from this holiday. For example, you can conduct a family quiz:

  1. What was the name of the sled for skating on ice that Soviet children used? (Icelets).
  2. Who is Babbo Natale, Pere-Noel, Yolupukki? (All these are Santa Clauses).
  3. What, besides Grandfather Frost, is wearing a fur coat? (Salad “herring under a fur coat”).
  4. Where are New Year's holidays associated with throwing out old furniture? (In Italy).
  5. Where did the very first New Year's glass toys appear? (In Sweden).
  6. Where were Senka, Sonya, Sanka in winter? (In a snowdrift).

A New Year's quiz for children and adults with answers is a great way to feel the holiday atmosphere.

Another quiz option

The following New Year's quiz is a great way to have fun on the festive night. We offer unusual and entertaining questions that can be proposed to both children and adults:

  1. Name a winter fun activity. (Snowball game).
  2. What does not form on plastic windows? (Patterns).
  3. Which country was the first to decorate Christmas trees during the New Year holidays? (Germany).
  4. Where is it customary to kiss on New Year's holidays? (In the United States of America).
  5. New Year's Eve dress code. (Carnival costume).
  6. Where was the Snow Maiden born? (In Kostroma).
  7. What is called the antipode of the New Year holiday in Russia? (Old New Year).
  8. What tradition was abolished by the Soviet regime? ((Decorating the New Year tree).
  9. Before Peter I, was this holiday celebrated on September 1? (New Year).
  10. Try to continue the phrase: “Every New Year, my friends and I go to...”. (To the bathhouse).

The New Year's quiz is a wonderful option for joint creativity between children and adults, a way to organize joint leisure time.

Competition "The Bravest Grandfather Frost"

In addition to quizzes, it is quite possible to offer guests unusual competitions on New Year’s Eve.

Several participants are chosen from among the guests and given white beards. They must color the toys that are cut out of cardboard. So that the toy can then be placed on the New Year tree, it has a special loop. Next, Santa Clauses, together with their New Year's toys, go to the center of the living room, they are blindfolded, spun, after which the players must hang their toys on the New Year's tree without turning off the path.

The winner of the game is the “Santa Claus” who is the first to hang his homemade toy on the New Year tree.

Competition "Lottery"

In the apartment where the New Year's party is planned, you need to hang a beautiful bag. Guests coming to the house bring a souvenir or gift with them and put it in a bag. Once all the guests have gathered in the room, you can proceed to the auction. Each guest reads poems to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, sings a song, and in return receives a gift from a magic bag.

Competition "Balls"

In Vienna, lavish balls are organized for the New Year holidays. In Warsaw, at midnight, residents pop balloons to receive an original fireworks display. Let's try to combine these customs.

You can invite from three to five couples to play. The balloons are inflated in advance, then given to the dancing couples, placing the balloons between the dancers.

Couples move to the music. After the music ends, they stop and hug each other. The winner of the competition is the couple whose balloon bursts the fastest.


New Year is considered a family holiday all over the world. In order for it to remain for a long time in the hearts of everyone who gathered around the decorated Christmas tree, it is necessary to think through competitions and events that will help to get into a joyful mood.

Do you want such a holiday to remain in the memory of your guests? For example, you can offer your guests a New Year's drawing competition. Players whose hands are tied must draw a symbol of the past year. The player whose drawing is the most realistic and original wins.

New Year's holidays are celebrated differently in each country. For example, if in Italy it is customary to throw old pieces of furniture out of the apartment on New Year’s Eve, then in Russia people try to give each other unusual New Year’s gifts. And in addition to the festive table, the obligatory elements of which are tangerines and champagne, in our country it is customary to hold many interesting quizzes and competitions.

Sweetheart, beautiful,
A little playful.
She has a famous grandfather
Dressed in a red fur coat.
It happens to us on New Year's Day,
And in the warmth it melts so quickly.
Snow Maiden

It tickles our nose, but we forgive it.
If it cracks in the forehead, we will not give back.
We always celebrate the New Year with him,
We speak toasts as the chimes strike.

I don't know how old she is,
But, beautiful, young,
Apparently she had a lift,
Whole body and face.

Wears long boots
Short fur coat and braid,
Very slender girl
And she lives in the forest!
Snow Maiden

Hanging from the top of the tree,
But not balls or toys.
Even if they are not shiny,
But just... real.

He is not an official from China,
At least he’s also dressed in yellow.
But it won't be possible without him
Any buffet for the New Year.

Rich table for the New Year
Our people are in a hurry to cover it.
But only bones remain
When these come...

It is packaged and selected.
It is changed and desired.
And if you don’t guess with him,
Then he will make you cry.
And on New Year's they put it in a bag.
They will find him under the Christmas tree.

What's so hard to find
After New Year's Eve?
It will only be easier if
Who is skinny in life?

He went to the bathhouse in Moscow
With a broom and lightly.
But I woke up in Leningrad
On Stroitelnaya, near Nadya.
If this movie is on,
So, New Year is coming soon.
"Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"

They strike twelve times
On a dark night at a late hour,
Only it doesn’t hurt us at all,
We are happy and satisfied.

Flew into the palm of my hand...
Wait, don't touch her.
Disappears very quickly
Instantly she melts.
This fragile fluff -
This is white...

It is crackling and prickly.
He loves to torment in winter,
But with just one glance
It will create patterns on the window.

Hammers in the head
Hands get stuck in Olivier,
There's a pillow under the knee,
Telephone under the seat.

My mouth is terribly dry,
I’m trying in vain to remember something,
This is not a coup
January morning

Applicable all over the world
Indispensable this night.
Bright, so festive,
Safe and cool.

There is a mink coat,
There is a fur coat made from an arctic fox,
But we call this a fur coat
We are like that, for the sake of words.
She is not decorating a lady -
Stands on the holiday table
And it only warms the fish,
Which lies at the bottom.
Herring under a fur coat

We respect her everywhere,
A holiday without her doesn’t count,
For any budget,
There is nothing brighter in the world!

Santa Claus has it
Long, powerful, very hard.
They say he brings it to everyone
Magic before the New Year.
Eternal companion Santa Claus
Sturdy wooden...

It always comes uninvited
It plagues even the heroes.
And if you go off at night on a holiday,
You won't be able to do without it in the morning.

They say he's French
It has a special taste.
Everyone loves him for the holidays
And for a light snack.

It can be very different:
Cute, strange, awkward,
Like Don Juan, desired,
Dear and long-awaited.

Small, big - it doesn’t matter
In paper terms,
In any form it is sweet to the heart.
What is this, huh?...

Comic riddles for the New Year 2020 (with answers) will help you in creating a holiday program. We offer completely different riddles in this article. Some are ideal for adults, while others can be safely chosen for children's parties. Each riddle is thematic and is connected, if not with the Christmas and New Year holidays, then certainly with winter.

Riddles for the New Year 2020 (easy)

If this time of year is “winter,” what is in the center of it? (Letter M)

Quickly answer, which two months of the year end with the letter “T”? (March, August)

Let's imagine that we placed a saucepan on the edge of the table and closed it with a lid. The dishes are positioned so that two-thirds of them hang over the table. After some time the pan fell. The question is what was in the pan, and why it first stood and then fell. (Ice)

What does every student hear at the end of the lesson, especially before the New Year holidays, when you really want to go home? (letter "k")

The driver forgot his license at home. There was a one-way sign on the road, but the driver went in the opposite direction anyway. The policeman saw this, but did not leave the driver. Why did it happen so? (The driver walked)

A tricky question is how many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach. Not only on the morning of January 1st? (One, because the rest will no longer be on an empty stomach)

The truck was heading to the village, and four cars were driving towards it on the road. The question is easy: how many cars in total were going to the village? (One)

Before you put something in a pan, what do you throw in it? (Sight)

There were eight benches in the beautiful winter park. Three of them were painted and the question is how many benches are there in the park? (Eight)

There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park? This New Year's riddle is good for children. In general, riddles for a children's program should be looked for among the easy ones. We recommend saving complex riddles for adults. (8 benches)

What tree will a bird sit on during heavy rain? (On wet)

It takes Pasha ten minutes to get to school. How much time will he spend on the way to school if he goes with a friend? (Ten minutes)

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth)

You sit in the driver's seat, but your feet cannot reach the pedals, what should you do in such a situation? (Sit facing the steering wheel)

The ostrich is a beautiful creature. Can he call himself a bird? (No, because the ostrich can’t talk)

I stayed sober at our New Year's banquet... (Christmas tree)

There are different questions, but almost all can be answered with “yes” or “no”. What question cannot be answered “yes” unless you lie? (Are you sleeping now?)

The student was kicked out of class. For what? (out the door)

How many giraffes live in the Black Sea? (Zero, they don't swim or live in the sea)

Why can't robots feel fear? (Robots have nerves of steel)

The glass is empty, how many nuts are there in it? When drawing up a New Year's program
Don't forget to choose in advance, and other guests. (Zero)

What's one thing you can't do in space, even if you really want to? (Hang yourself)

This is not a rhinoceros, although we only see one horn. (This is a cow looking from around the corner)

He is in front of us, but we don’t see him? (Future)

It flies and rustles, but it's not rough. (Brother or sister of the roughneck)

What is the most popular and ancient way for people to be transported around the Earth? (On foot)

It was tomorrow, but then it will become yesterday. What is this? (Today)

Imagine six legs, two heads and one tail. Now tell me, what is this? (Rider on horseback)

Which hand should you use to stir tea or coffee? (It is better to stir the drink with a spoon)

Complex riddles for the New Year 2020 with answers

Snowman and Snowwoman - whose parents are they? Most likely, you will be told that the Snow Maidens. But the correct answer is Bigfoot.

Why does Santa Claus always have a red nose? Most likely, the answer will be that he drank a lot. In fact, because he just came from a Russian bath. After all, in Russia there is such a tradition: on December 31st you go to the bathhouse with friends.

Why does Santa Claus have such warm hands? Some may say that he is not real. But, in fact, because he took it on his chest (better to use in male company) or because he is affectionate (the answer is more suitable for female company).

Why does the Snowman wear a bucket on his head? They may say that this is a tradition, but he shouldn’t wear a headscarf. But the correct answer is that he went to take out the garbage on December 31st and returned home only in May.

Why does the Snowman always have a carrot instead of a nose? Everyone will exclaim that carrots are cheap and available in every home. In fact, it’s all because the Snowman constantly picked his nose as a child and was given to be raised by Papa Carlo.

The Snow Woman has two waists, why is she so lucky? Logic can come into play here: her body consists of three parts. In fact, everything is much simpler - it’s more convenient to hug.