Which guitar is better? Selection tips for beginners. Detailed instructions for choosing a guitar for a beginner First guitar, which is better to choose

Any beginner who wants to learn how to play the guitar perfectly is faced with the question of which guitar to choose. There are several types of guitars, each of which has its own characteristics and is suitable for different purposes.

Classical guitar

This type of guitar is also called a “regular” guitar. This is the instrument that is usually taught to play in music schools. Classic-style guitars come in different sizes, which should be selected based on personal preferences in terms of comfort.

They are usually equipped with nylon strings, which, due to their softness, are ideal for beginners and do not rub their fingers. This is the easiest guitar to learn how to play the first chords on.

The wide neck of a classical guitar allows you to play classical pieces of music easily and comfortably.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the neck of a classical guitar is not very strong, so it is not recommended to use any other types of strings on it except nylon.

Acoustic guitar

The popularity of acoustic guitars is comparable to the popularity of classical ones. The main feature of this guitar is a denser and louder sound.

Acoustic guitars usually have metal strings, which can be difficult for beginners to get used to due to their stiffness. You can play the acoustic guitar with either your fingers or a pick. Most acoustic guitar models have a thinner neck than classical instruments.

Country, blues, folk and many other types of music are successfully performed on acoustic guitars.

When choosing an acoustic guitar, it is worth remembering that the material from which the guitar drum is made may vary. It is not recommended to buy a guitar with a plastic drum, since the sound of such an instrument will be a little muffled than on models with a wooden drum. You can also give preference to a guitar whose drum is made of high-quality plywood.

Jazz guitar or electro-acoustic guitar

This type of guitar occupies an intermediate position between the acoustic and electric guitar. It can be played not only as a simple acoustic, but also with an amplifier connected. Typically, this guitar is chosen by musicians who often give acoustic live concerts.

Jazz guitars have a ringing and loud sound even without an amplifier. Characteristic features of this type of instrument are: holes for sound resonance, similar in shape to violin holes, a larger shape of the drum and the instrument itself, as well as the presence of volume controls and pickups.

Electric guitar

An electric guitar is suitable for musicians who want to perform rock and other heavy genres, as well as play not only independently, but also as part of a rock band.

This type of guitar differs from others in many ways. The sound of an electric guitar is not produced by the instrument itself, but by the pickups and amplifiers with which the instrument is equipped.

Pickups convert string vibrations into serial signals. The panel of this guitar contains volume and tone controls. The unusual sound of electric guitars is due to sound processing using various effects.

When giving preference, it is worth remembering that it will not work without an amplifier, and all interesting sound effects are obtained only with the use of special guitar processors, which must be purchased separately.


So you've decided to buy a guitar. No matter how strange the very first advice may seem, you must, first of all, like it, so you shouldn’t discount the visual component. It's a beautiful instrument and a pleasure to play. You also need to consider the size of the tool you are purchasing. A large guitar will sound better than a small one, but if you are fragile or a child will play, then you will have to choose a guitar that matches the size of the player.

Now let's decide on the strings. Classical guitar - six-string. Seven-string guitars are purely an invention, so don’t look for imported seven-strings in stores, you won’t find them anyway. Synthetic or nylon strings prolong the life of the guitar; metal strings are much less likely to destroy the body of the instrument; they are undoubtedly lighter. The distance between the neck at the 12th fret and the strings should not exceed 5-6 mm, 1 centimeter will be the maximum permissible value. Metal strings sound brighter and louder, but they are also much more difficult to play. In addition, such strings overload the body of the guitar, and even a very high-quality instrument can collapse under their tension.

But the main criterion when choosing a guitar will still be its sound. Don’t be embarrassed to ask the seller to tune the guitar, and it will be very good if he or a friend you take with you specially for this purpose will play you a short melody. If at the same time you hear some rattling, or simply the sound of the instrument is not very pleasant to you, it is better not to buy such a guitar. After going through several copies, you will definitely come across one whose sound you like.

Carefully inspect your future guitar for unevenness, defects, minor scratches or distortions. Clamp the strings on different frets and pluck them as you do so. The strings should not rattle and the neck should not wobble. A good guitar will serve you for many years, so you shouldn’t skimp on buying additional accessories for it. A bag-case, a belt, a pick, and a guitar tutorial will be useful to you immediately after purchasing the instrument, so it is better to purchase everything together from one seller who will help you choose everything you need.

Video on the topic

A toy guitar is a unique instrument for a child's musical creativity. By buying it for your child, you are helping him get comfortable in the wonderful world of music. Teach your child to play a toy guitar, and this will help develop his ear for music, sense of rhythm, memory and imagination.

Such a wonderful instrument as a toy guitar develops patience, perseverance, and improves the child’s coordination of movements. The kid will learn to improvise and create his own mini-compositions, and may want to study at a music school or even become a musician in the future.

When buying a toy guitar, you need to take into account the presence of a certificate of quality and safety, the absence of characteristic chemical odors, sharp edges and loose parts.

There are different types of toy guitars for different age groups. Children's toy guitars, of course, cannot be called musical instruments; rather, they are intended to instill an interest in music.
Brightly colored guitars with flashing lights and fun buttons are a favorite among little musicians. These toys usually come with multiple tunes. Also, the baby will be able to add his own sounds, combine melodies and rhythms. Such toys develop the child's hearing and imagination.

For older children, you can choose small decorative guitars that have real strings. They can be played, but they also cannot be called a full-fledged instrument. They allow the child to fantasize and “play musician.”

Children's miniature guitars are already a real instrument, only of a small size, which a child can already begin to learn to play for real. There are also children's electric guitars - copies of large instruments, only in a more child-friendly shape. They can connect to a TV and children learn music through colorful pictures that appear on the screen.

There are also computer instrument simulators and music video games. Such games allow a child to acquire the necessary skills to play a real instrument - the ability to play equally with both hands, confidence in performing a composition, and synchronization of the work of the hand and fingers.

You can choose a guitar based on its appearance, and some people do just that. But here you need to understand that all guitars are approximately the same. For example, guitars with a body type called dreadnought were invented a hundred years ago and have not changed since then.

It is also important to consider: the more expensive the guitar, the more professional it is, the more restrained and laconic it is made.

Yes, there are some nuances here, for example, the so-called exit on the body. Professional musicians will look at such a guitar and immediately understand what it is used for - to play the high frets. For a beginner, this is purely a feature of appearance, and, in fact, he does not need such a guitar.

If you don’t know all these tricks, then they won’t make any sense to you. So, when choosing a guitar based on appearance, you can simply focus on its color.

Is it possible to choose a guitar by sound?

In my opinion, to choose a guitar based on sound, you need to have experience, so that you have already played ten, a hundred, a thousand different instruments. Then you will have your own sound. You will be able to say: “Ο, I like the sound!” - or vice versa.

Everyone's taste is completely different. Some people like the traditional jazz guitar sound of Joe Pass and George Benson and find it perfect. Another person likes the sound of Tommy Emmanuel's guitar: it has a very pronounced midrange, and it sounds very cool when played with fingers. And for some - 12-string guitars, because such instruments are closer.

There is nothing “solid” about the shape of the body, the color of the guitar or its sound. This is not a clear criterion. What really matters is convenience. Take the guitar in your hands and say: “This guitar is comfortable for me! I can play it!” - here it is, the criterion.

Make sure that the instrument has no obvious defects: chipped varnish, cracks on the deck. Inexpensive guitars are made from material that isn't dried enough so that the bridges start to peel away from the body, so you should look to see if there are any gaps.

2. Check the quality of gluing

The gluing should not have any cracks or gaps.

3. Pay attention to the neck

If you take the instrument and look along the neck, it should be relatively straight, not curved outward.

4. Measure the height of the strings

Pay attention to the height of the strings above the fingerboard: there should be 2 mm above the sixth string and 1.5 mm above the first. Plus the distance between the 12th fret and the string itself. How can I check this? When traveling, use coins. Ten-ruble is approximately 2.2 mm, ruble is approximately 1.5 mm. If they pass with a reserve, it means that the height of the strings is higher than necessary.

5. Check the fret ends

They should not cling to your hands if you run your fingers over them. If there is discomfort, this can lead to cuts in the future.

Instruments that come from the factory often require modifications to make them playable. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the listed points, so that later you don’t have to take the guitar to the workshop.

If you're a beginner, you probably have no idea how to choose the right guitar for you, so you need to know some selection criteria. First you need to decide what type of guitar you need: ? Or maybe classic? How to choose a guitar for a beginner? It all depends on your financial capabilities and the purpose of the purchase and the purpose of its purchase. Let's look at each of them.

Classical guitar
used for classical music, flamenco and some blues compositions. This instrument is perfect for studying in a music school.

  • Soft strings that are easy to press. This will make learning easier in the initial stages, as your fingers will hurt much less.
  • Wide arrangement of strings, which will reduce the likelihood of a miss, and this very often happens at the beginning of training.
  • You can only play on nylon strings, because installing metal ones will damage the instrument.
  • Faint sound.

Acoustic guitar used for performing blues, rock, chanson, pop compositions and just yard songs. Perfect for songs around the fire and playing in a group.

  • Loud and rich sound. Due to the fact that the body of an acoustic guitar is larger and metal strings are used instead of nylon, the sound becomes deeper and louder.
  • Versatility. An acoustic guitar can be played in many genres, and the variations in models will allow you to choose the instrument that is right for you.
  • Only metal strings can be used. Nylon ones will sound too quiet due to the structure of the body.
  • The strings are harder to press than on a classical guitar, which is why your fingers will hurt more and longer at the beginning of learning.

Electric guitar used for playing styles such as jazz, blues, rock and pop. The electric guitar is mainly played in groups.

  • Possibility to customize the sound for yourself. You can adjust both the sound volume and its timbre using processors and guitar “gadgets”.
  • Easy to press the strings.
  • High price. Typically, an electric guitar costs more than an acoustic or classical one, and to play it, you at least need a combo amplifier.
  • Attachment to electricity. To play an electric guitar, you need a power source. So it is not suitable for playing outdoors. Even if you try to play it unplugged, the sound will be too weak.

Having taken into account all of the above and having chosen which guitar you want to purchase, you can safely go to the store. You should not immediately buy an expensive guitar, since very often interest in music disappears after several lessons, and the money spent cannot be returned. But you shouldn’t buy a cheap and low-quality guitar, because playing such an instrument will bring more disappointment and may discourage you, even if there was one. Therefore, you need to choose a guitar so that its price is within reason, and the quality allows you to play it without any discomfort. Here are some tips on how to choose a quality guitar:

General criteria:

  • The neck must be straight. There are several ways to check this. First, you can place the guitar's soundboard against your shoulder and look along the neck along its edge. The neck must be perfectly straight. Any irregularities or distortions indicate a defect. Secondly, you can press the string (first or sixth) at the first and sixth frets. The distance between the string and the neck in this segment must be the same, otherwise the neck is considered crooked.
  • There should be no damage to the body of the guitar.
  • Check your guitar's tuning. To do this, play the string in the open position and compare it with the sound of the string clamped at the twelfth fret. The pitch of the sound must be identical. You can also compare a harmonic on the same fret with an open string.
  • The strings should not rattle or make any extraneous sounds. Check every string at every fret.
  • Check the headstock and tuners. They must be completely intact.

Acoustic guitar and classical guitar:

  • The distance between the strings and the neck should not exceed 3-4 mm.
  • Get a wooden guitar, not a plywood one.
  • The distance between the wood fibers on the body should be 1-2 mm.

Electric guitar:

  • There should be no rust on the metal parts of the tool
  • Check the tone volume controls and pickup selector switch.
  • Check the status of the jack input. Plug in the guitar and play it, the cord should not come off.
  • Check the guitar against the background. No strangers should be present during the game

Among other things, just play it, listen to how it sounds, whether it’s comfortable for you to hold in your hands. Also, to the advice on how to choose a guitar for a beginner, you can add that before you buy the model you like, try several copies and choose the most suitable instrument. Remember that there is no better advisor in choosing a guitar than yourself.. The seller may not be entirely respectable and try to sell you a low-quality product, while your friends will choose a guitar that they like. You need to choose either yourself or with an experienced teacher who can help you choose your instrument.

Before buying a guitar, you need to decide whether you want to play with metal or nylon strings. Nylon strings have a softer sound, dominated by a rich timbre, while metal strings have a harsher and ringing sound.

For those who are just about to learn to play the guitar, nylon strings are more suitable, since such strings are clamped much easier (due to weaker tension) and the adaptation of the fingertips to the strings will be painless. If you already have experience playing the guitar or are ready to endure painful sensations until your fingers get used to it, then you can choose a guitar with metal strings. After some time of regular practice, calluses will appear on your fingers, and it will not hurt to pinch the strings.

It should be noted that metal strings cannot be installed on a guitar that is designed for nylon strings, since metal strings have a stronger tension and they will simply irrevocably damage the guitar. And if you install nylon strings on a guitar that is designed for metal, then most likely they simply will not be able to “swing” the guitar. The sound will be dull and lifeless.

Under no circumstances should you succumb to the stereotype that first you need something worse. You need to learn to play on a normal guitar, and not on a “wood” guitar - it will be easier and more enjoyable, and it will turn out better.

Although the appearance of the guitar is also an important factor, you should not order a guitar from an online store. The most important thing about a guitar is its sound and how comfortable it is to play it. Be sure to visit a music store and try playing different models in the price range that suits you, and you will notice how much the sound of different instruments can differ. Don't be shy, even if you don't know how to play at all, just pluck every string on every fret. The sound should be clear, the strings should not rattle. Please note that the guitar should be comfortable for you, and you and only you should like the sound.

Choose guitars with solid tops rather than plywood tops. Such guitars are more reliable and their sound is noticeably better.

When you choose a specific model, ask the seller to give you several copies. Surely their sound will also be different from each other. Choose the most suitable one.

Carefully inspect the neck and soundboard for scratches, cracks and chips, if any are found - it is better not to buy this guitar. Pay special attention to the neck - it must be even. To check, pluck the first or sixth string at the first and twentieth frets and check the distance of that string from the frets between the frets. For a level bar, this distance will be the same. The distance between the strings and the neck with open strings should be 3-4 mm. This will ensure the strings sound clear without rattling and will make it easier to barre chords. There should be no play or cracks where the neck is attached to the deck. The neck should fit snugly and evenly to the soundboard.

Inspect all metal parts of the tool - under no circumstances should they show signs of corrosion.

If you chose a guitar with a top made of solid wood, then pay attention to how the fibers are arranged. It is better if the fibers are even and parallel, and the distance between them is 1-2 mm. Such a soundboard will have better resonator properties.

It’s good if you have a tuner at hand: you can check the scale (the length of the string from the top to the bottom). A string clamped at the twelfth fret should sound an octave higher than the open one. If you do not have absolute pitch, this can only be determined using a tuner. If there are significant deviations and the scale size is not adjustable, then it is better not to buy such a guitar.

All of the above are not all the factors that should be taken into account when choosing a guitar. Intuition and experience will best tell you which guitar to buy. If you do not have experience, then ask someone you know or a teacher to help you choose a guitar.

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Chord fingerings:

  • History of the bass guitar and low-frequency instruments in general
  • Roman Vitalievich (“Marusya the Rusak”): from beginner to master
  • Choosing metal strings for an acoustic guitar