The people gave the nickname to low quality fortified wines. Original nicknames

So, as you know, the brain is the most important organ of our body. Some say he is the most complex thing in the universe. And ignorance of some of its features can have a very detrimental effect on a person’s life.

But first things first.

Understanding the role of the brain

There is no ignorance worse than ignorance towards oneself.

The brain controls almost everything in our body - from breathing, the functioning of the senses, to complex thought processes and imagination. There are many methods and tips for development, but, as I have seen, few emphasize the role of the brain in the process.

The brain is a well-studied organ, and with knowledge about how the brain works, you can understand how certain techniques affect the brain and whether they are worth using. In addition, you can develop your own approaches based not on theoretical reasoning, but on scientific knowledge.


The brain is an extremely energy-demanding organ. Therefore, nutrition should be uniform throughout the day and include very special substances. They are many and varied, but in general, proteins, complex carbohydrates, and omega-three fats are recommended. For example, my breakfast usually consists of an apple and scrambled eggs (sometimes with pieces of fish), lunch - of vegetables/fruits and meat, dinner - also of vegetables and meat. I also take vitamins every day, drink a lot of water (about 2-3 liters) and 2-4 mugs of green tea.

Here it must be said that nutrition and brain function are directly related. If you do other things while eating, the food will not be absorbed, since for complete assimilation you need to perceive food with all your senses and allow your brain to focus on this difficult process.

Also, if you eat a lot at once, the brain will not properly receive energy and work smoothly. It can be compared to fire - either you keep the fire even by adding wood little by little after a certain amount of time; or you wait until everything burns, then again throw a pile on top of the coals and light the fire again, wasting extra time and having an unequally distributed flame over time.

Moreover, as I will write later, healthy eating makes it easy to perform physical exercise, and this is very useful for the brain.

Therefore, you need to be very careful about nutrition - you need to keep the amount of food at one time small, and the food itself should fill you with energy evenly throughout the day.


First of all, air. In addition to the nutrition that we deal with every day (remember Parerto’s rule that 20% of the reasons give 80% of the result?), it is very important that the air we breathe is full of oxygen. Therefore, you need to ventilate the premises, if possible sleep with open window, and periodically do gymnastics with deep breathing.

Secondly, order. Oddly enough, it is the order outside that allows you to put things in order inside. At the same time, I call order the state of surrounding objects and people when the situation is not annoying. Sometimes, however, aggression is hidden - let's say that the presence of order is determined by whether you want to be in a certain environment or not.

Next, this is the number of distracting and irritating factors, and the number of relaxing and inspiring ones. Everyone has their own, but usually the first group includes excess noise, unpleasant odors, uncomfortable furniture, randomly located objects in the field of view, too bright or Low light, too bright or faded colors around, and so on. It should be noted that the brain knows how to adapt to constantly existing factors and ignore them - like noise from a window. And for others - like repairs behind a wall - it is very difficult for him to adapt.
And as for inspiring factors, everyone has their own.
In general, you need to keep this in mind and strive to create an environment around yourself that makes it easy to concentrate


Sleep is one of the most important factors for healthy brain function. The following points can be highlighted:
  • There should be enough sleep. On average, this is 7-8 hours of sleep without waking up
  • Going to bed should be such that you can fall asleep within 15 minutes of being in bed.
  • Sleep should be in a decent environment. Fresh air, darkness, silence are desirable.
  • Sleep should coincide with a person's internal clock (usually starts before 12 am and ends at 6-10 am).

I try to sleep 8-10 hours and get up early in the morning.

Physical exercise

They say harmony is the absence of imbalance. IN in this case it's about what's good for the brain best vacation is a change in the type of activity, for example, a change from mental activity to physical activity. I have a setting in Ubuntu that locks the computer for ten minutes every fifty minutes, and I have to go and take a walk. (a ratio of around 10-50 has been established by science and is recommended for those working at a computer). Every evening I try to take a walk fresh air at least half an hour, or take a bike ride (1-1.5 hours).
I also like to do push-ups between activities and work with dumbbells.

Besides, physical exercise The following roles are played throughout the day. Firstly, as a means to maintain the body in an active state - physical activity you raise your body temperature and your brain works better. Secondly, it relieves psychological stress - it is known that suppressed emotions turn into clamps in the body, physical activity and sports relieve this along with stress, and so on. Thirdly, regular physical activity leads to the production of endorphins - hormones of joy and happiness - and thus the person who exercises lifts his mood throughout the day. That’s why, by the way, exercise is so invigorating – it gets the blood pumping, as they say.

There is a lot more. For example, by switching over and going for a walk, you give a task to your subconscious, which will solve it better than you. In addition, regular physical activity keeps your body in good tone and allows you to look as slim as you decide.

Thus, a regular combination of normal activities at the computer with various types of physical training dramatically increases the efficiency of work and life in general.

On my own - riding regularly for at least 5 hours a week, doing various physical exercises, and quitting drinking alcohol altogether, I was sick for only 1 week during these six months. Against at least a month earlier.


Everyone has probably read the articles where long-livers are less likely to lose their minds if they work and engage in intellectual work. And this is true, and at any age - if the brain is not developed, then it begins, figuratively speaking, to become stale. The brain is our most important gift, and we must treat it with reverence.

For good condition brain, it is advisable to regularly teach him any new types of activities in different areas, mental and physical. Moreover, for a long period - from a month to a year. Very good effect on the brain: mastering new complex physical actions(dancing, martial arts, the new kind sports), music, learning new languages.

Perception of the world

The brain perceives the world in a distorted form, and this is very important to know and constantly know. The picture of squares at the beginning of the article is an example of this.

However, distortions in perception at the level of consciousness are much stronger (I already wrote about this in the article). In fact, these distortions are the cause of much conflict and misunderstanding throughout the world. That is why it is important to always question both the facts and truths coming from the outside, as well as your own beliefs and ideas about the world and yourself.

For me personally, the following incident was a revelation. I always considered crows to be cunning, and, seeing these birds, I looked for and found something cunning in their behavior. One day, passing by several birds, I looked into the eyes of a crow - and did not find anything cunning there, nothing human; only an incomprehensible feeling remained. And I realized that by endowing an object with some properties in my consciousness, I began to see it the same way in reality. Since then, I have been trying to constantly re-evaluate people, understanding that current perceptions may be wrong.

This consideration can be made to work for you in the following way. Realizing that you can control your perception of reality, and that it will always be incomplete, shape it to your liking. Take what you don't like - people, work, home, etc. - then find positive sides, and strive to continue to perceive events related to the phenomenon under consideration only in a positive way. And, having convinced yourself that what is happening is positive and useful in some sense (even learning to joke in this topic), you will notice how your attitude will begin to change to a positive one - previously unloved people will begin to like you, respect for them will appear; tedious tasks will arouse interest and sparkle with new colors.

And if you fail to look positively, again, you have the power to change not only the model of the phenomenon in your brain, but also reality. Just change what is annoying to what is desirable - yes, you will have to make an effort, but it is worth it.
This is why I quit smoking and drinking - it was becoming increasingly difficult to find positive moments, and losses in the form of money, health, and time were obvious and negative for my life.

As a result, we can say that the constant and active development of new fields of activity comprehensively affects a person in a positive way - both on his worldview, respect for himself, for his personality, awareness of his versatility, and on the brain, which generously thanks for what he is presented with new food for the mind, as they say.

Character Development

In the last section I touched lightly, but here I will try to expand on the topic of working on oneself. It turns out that almost 100% of a person’s life is the work of his hands, or rather, his brain. Our thoughts are what determines our actions and our character. It can be said that responsibility for almost every aspect in a person's life lies with him, whether he realizes it or not.

Practical points that were useful to me (I continue to work on most of them now):

  • Speech control. We hear almost everything we say. And if we constantly repeat something out loud, we soon begin to believe in it ourselves, and with our actions we make it happen in reality. This means that if you constantly tell others that you are sick and hear your own words, you will eventually get sick; the same thing about lack of time - there will not be enough time, and so on. Therefore, I try to speak confidently, positively, and little.
  • Thought control is still the same. It is thoughts that determine the way of life, and correct thinking immediately gives a huge advantage over 95% of people who do not know about it. This is difficult for me, but I try different ways- from meditation for relaxation, music to create a positive mood, notepad and psychological readiness to generate ideas, to volitional efforts to suppress thoughts of worry, failure, anxiety, fears and so on.
  • Emotional control. Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf. Jonatan Mårtensson. A sense of humor helps a lot - in a sad situation I always try to remember some joke or aphorism in order to smile. The ability to be calm also helps, for example, in line at Sberbank - over time, I began to wonder why people are so irritated by waiting. The fact is that emotions are poorly compatible with concentration and concentrated mental work, so it’s worth learning self-control in order to allow the brain to work in harmony. full force.
  • strong-willed qualities, leadership skills. Perseverance, will, the ability to go to the end, patience - this helps a lot. Once I spent 8 hours solving a “failed” problem in the VMK oral exam, so that I could later publish the solution on the forum and gain satisfaction with myself. A useful quality that helps you achieve and enjoy results.
  • Ability to communicate. I started life as a black sheep, and at school it was difficult to communicate, I was a withdrawn and depressed person. Over time, through effort, I made myself optimistic, cheerful, and learned to find mutual language with almost any people. It all came down to the development of adequacy and the ability to listen to the interlocutor combined with empathy, and of course - a lot of practice.


I read a lot, but from the books you can always single out those that influenced me the most.
  • Robert Anthony, The Secrets of Self-Confidence. The book, after which I stopped drinking, moved out from my parents, and in general my hair became smooth and silky :) Seriously, a book on density useful information and the detail in some ways was comparable to “Perfect Code” for me. It contains recipes for uprooting almost all types of cockroaches - low self-esteem, feelings of guilt, subjectivity and judgment of other people, fears, feelings of loneliness, and so on.
  • Matthew McDonald, Train Your Brain to Work. Scientific background many points that I read about in other books and articles, incl. Anthony's books. Everything is detailed and tasteful.
  • Timothy Ferriss, How to Work 4 Hours a Week. I was infected with optimism, approach to life, and just an attitude towards time management.

A list of three books, in fact there were hundreds of them. Even in science fiction Asimov and Hesse’s works there is always something that you can think about and change in yourself or the world around you.

When they told me that I would be testing a brain simulator on myself, this same brain immediately imagined cyberpunk. I expected that they would put a helmet on me with wires or, as in The Matrix, stick a contact in the back of my head and start pumping knowledge into me. But everything turned out to be much more prosaic, although no less interesting.

Why our brains are lazy bastards

The human brain is an extremely cunning organ that tries to do everything possible to avoid work. And he has quite good reasons for this, imposed by evolution.

The fact is that the brain is the most energy-consuming organ in a person. In a calm state, it consumes up to 9 percent of the energy of the entire body. And if you start thinking actively, then the costs increase to 25 percent and the body thinks that this little thing in your skull is taking on too much.

Obviously, any extra energy expenditure is unprofitable for the body, so the brain knows how to cheat better than any mustachioed factory director (if we draw such analogies) in order to stop overexpending resources. And all this works at the level of instincts.

For example, about this in detail told Doctor of the Research Institute of Human Morphology Sergey Savelyev:

The less time the brain works in intensive mode, the cheaper its maintenance is. Minimizing intensive work time nervous system is mainly achieved by a large set of innate, instinctive behavior programs that are stored in the brain as a set of instructions.

According to the scientist, in order to save energy, the brain is almost not used to make decisions based on personal experience, that is, a certain pattern works.

The paradox is that as a result of evolution, a tool was created to implement the most complex mechanisms of behavior, but the energy intensity of such a super-perfect nervous system turned out to be very high, so all mammals instinctively try to use the brain as little as possible.

Simply put, the brain is not lazy, the brain is energy-saving (yes, I also use this excuse for myself).

Is it possible to pump up your brain?

Let's not keep the intrigue and reveal a secret: yes, you can train your brain. And doing this is no less important than pumping up other round parts of the body. And there are simulators for this too. They gave me one of these to test.

It's called "Vikium" and, contrary to expectations, it's not a helmet with wires, but an online trainer, which at first seemed like child's play to me. I’ll tell you why below.

In fact, the simulator is serious and was developed not by anyone, but by the Vikium team together with specialists in cognitive and general psychology, neuropsychologists and psychophysiologists at the Humanitarian Technologies testing center at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

But despite all the seriousness, it is made in the form of a set of games. Hoba, they deceived the brain. Let him think that he is playing, but in reality he is practicing useful thing(like with a child, yes).

Feel like a child. Just as naive and helpless

So, when you enter the “gym” for the first time, you must pass a short test to understand what your brain is capable of and what “muscle groups” it needs to tighten, and based on this, you will be offered an individual training program.

By the way, I chose to improve my ability to do several things at once. Yes, that's possible too. Or you can choose to boost your memory, concentration, or what you personally lack.

What are simulators? We are asked to do one workout every day, consisting of a warm-up and five exercises. By the way, the training does not last long - about 10 minutes, so you can train while working, which is also useful. Remember about templates and energy costs? Yes, at work the brain is also not very stressed, especially for those who are engaged in a routine. So spurring him on is a sacred thing.

So, the simulators are a series of mini-games for attentiveness, memory, concentration, development of visual search and other useful things. In total - more than 40 pieces.

At first, the games seem like child's play, especially on the first day of training. Everything is blinking, spinning, fish are swimming somewhere, little people are hiding, multi-colored squares need to be counted. “Yes, the child can handle it right away,” you think. And you make a mistake already on the third or fourth answer, thinking “How can that be?!” and feeling my self-esteem drop.

What will happen to me for this?

But here, like athletes, the main thing is not to give up. In our case, do not relax the hemispheres. In addition, the first failures add excitement and you begin to find identical objects with a vengeance, determine where the fish are swimming, count stars and remember the location of numbers, no matter how bad they are (the most difficult task, in my opinion).

It is worth noting that the simulators in Vikium look dynamic. And the brain really believes that it is playing a game. Everything on the screen glows, blinks and runs, as if in a casino or on a game show where you have to guess the word.

Only, unlike TV quiz shows and casinos, in a brain training game you don’t lose, but, on the contrary, you gain: additional neurons for your lazy brain.


I actually cheated. They immediately gave me a premium account, so from the first day I started testing the machines at an accelerated pace. By the way, owners of premium accounts can compete in their ability to use their brains with other players (and for a moment, 1 million 240 thousand people are already registered in the project).

But I quickly abandoned this business, since I had not been training for long, and Anatoly Wasserman himself was probably playing against me. At least those players who have been training for a long time quickly hurt my pride.

The competitive effect is created not only by the game. At the end of each exercise you are shown how much better (or in my case worse) you are than other players.

Moreover, day by day you can enjoy watching the level increase. Or how dumb you are after the weekend.

Even after a couple of days of classes, I began to believe in the effectiveness of the system, although at first I treated Vikium as fun. Taking a 10-minute break from work, the brain would bite back into the tasks with triple strength after exercising. Maybe, of course, it seemed so to me (suddenly these blinking things are hypnotizing).

Although, speaking seriously, the dynamic gameplay, in addition to pumping up the mind, makes the eyes run back and forth, which is also a warm-up after looking at the monitor for a long time.

By the way, Vikium allows you to conveniently play not only on your office or home computer, but also from your phone. For example, on a bus or in the subway: don’t let your brain get lazy on the road either! And I felt that he likes to be lazy, at least while writing this article. My brain kept telling me to stop torturing myself with thoughts and go smoke or look at memes.

But I quickly threatened him that I would now send him to the simulators at Vikium, so a compromise was found. He’s afraid, which means they really are forcing him to work there. I hope he doesn’t realize yet that I still have the premium account.

If you also want to boost your brain, hurry up: in honor of Black Friday, Vikium is holding a sale and you can buy premium access at a very good price!

How to “pump up” your brain and learn to use it to its full potential? And most importantly, without attaching special effort. The “Mozart effect”, coconuts and solarium will help you with this.


Exercise activates our body, helps it “wake up” and work to its full potential. There are also exercises for the brain. They say that a person uses only 10% of his total capabilities. Neuroscientist Barry Gordon refutes this claim. However, he also agrees that some brain functions can (and should) be improved.

First you need to relax and literally“get all problems out of your head.” To free your mind, you can try making a list of the things that bother you this moment, on a piece of paper. Reduce the resulting list to the most important things for you. State them as briefly as possible. This will allow you to clear your brain of excess debris.

The next exercise that will help you focus only on really important things is concentration training. To get started, all you need is a chair, a table and a clock with a second hand. Sit comfortably, put your watch in front of you, and, without looking up, look at the second hand. Try to focus on the very tip. At first, you will have to make an effort to keep your attention under control for at least two minutes. When you manage to overcome this milestone, try to do the same in the presence of distractions: people around, a working TV.

You yourself won’t notice how these two simple exercises will allow your brain to work much more efficiently, without being distracted by extraneous factors.

Solarium for the brain

Everyone knows very well that there are substances that stimulate brain function. But you shouldn’t think that all these substances are prohibited by law or cause harm to our body.

First of all, vitamins will help your brain gain strength. American researchers from National Institute Mental Health has proven the amazing effectiveness of vitamin D.

This miracle vitamin accelerates the growth of nerve tissue in the brain (and they also say that nerve cells are not restored!). In addition, vitamin D has a positive effect on those areas of the brain that are responsible for memory, as well as processing and analyzing information.

Unfortunately, tests have proven that most adults today do not have enough vitamin D. Meanwhile, getting the right dose is not so difficult: vitamin D is produced by our body under the influence of sun rays. In extreme cases, a solarium is also suitable. So, walk more in the fresh air, get the vitamins you need and improve your memory!

Mozart effect

Once scientists conducted an experiment: they grew some plants under classical music, others grew up in ordinary surroundings. The result was amazing: music undoubtedly influenced the plants in the most in a positive way, they grew and developed better than their non-musical counterparts.

It is not surprising that music also has a beneficial effect on the human brain. Any music activates the auditory centers of the brain, but only Mozart’s works make almost the entire cerebral cortex “work.” This phenomenon is called the “Mozart Effect”.

First, the amazing effect was tested on rats. Animals that listened to the C major sonata for 12 hours a day became significantly wiser and completed the maze 27% faster than their counterparts. The “Mozart Effect” was tested on people. The test subjects were divided into two groups and given the test. After this, the first group sat in silence, while the second group listened to Mozart's music. They were then asked to write the test again, and the first group improved their results by 11%, and the second by 62%. But Mozart’s music has a particularly positive effect on children; it’s not for nothing that some mothers start listening to classical music during pregnancy.

The secret of the “Mozart Effect” has not yet been fully revealed. Scientists believe that the rhythm of his works most closely matches the biorhythms of our brain. So take The Magic Flute for two hours every day, and you will soon experience the extraordinary effect.

Coconuts to the rescue

Our brain needs nutrition, just like the rest of our body. To function, it first of all needs glucose. It gives the brain the energy it needs to work.

But sometimes the brain begins to starve. This happens in two cases: when glucose does not enter the body, and when insulin is not produced to break down and process it. In these cases, part of the brain begins to “starve” and finally atrophies. This happens, for example, with Alzheimer's patients - they gradually lose memory, experience problems with speech and movement.

Even if your body has problems processing glucose, don’t despair. Energy is also released when fats are broken down. For this, our body needs ketones - special organic matter. Coconut oil is especially rich in ketones.

Dr. Mary Newport researched the therapeutic effects of coconut oil and proved that just two tablespoons of coconut oil per day provides the substances needed to resist neurological diseases. You can take them preventively, then the brain receives an additional source of energy, you can “feed” an already damaged brain, and then coconut oil serves as an excellent medicine.

You should not immediately take the magic oil in bottles - start with a small dose and choose the volume you need yourself.

In a healthy body healthy mind

It's not just mental exercise that has a positive effect on our neurons. Even the ancient Greeks knew: a healthy mind in a healthy body. So don't forget about exercise: it affects the number of neurons, neural connections, and also protects brain cells from damage.

Experiments described in the journal Neuroscience in 2010 show a surprising result: monkeys who exercised learned new tasks and completed them twice as fast as monkeys who did not exercise.

The amount of exercise you need is strictly individual and depends on the characteristics of your body. Dr. Mercola states that a person only needs 3 minutes of intense exercise per day to improve insulin perception.
He recommends doing the exercises in the following order. To begin with, a warm-up and some intense exercises, for example, running on a treadmill, and the exercises should be performed with short rest breaks.

Next, the doctor recommends several strength exercises(exercise machines, dumbbells). This should be followed by exercises that strengthen the back muscles, for example, elements of yoga or Pilates. Finally, end your workout with stretching.

Sleep is the best medicine

Sleep not only gives peace to our body, it also allows our brain to “reboot”, in a new way look at the challenges facing him. Scientists from Harvard University It has been proven that after sleep, people solved the problems facing them 33% more effectively, and more easily found connections between objects or phenomena.

And finally, scientists have proven the benefits of daytime sleep. Of course, it is most obvious for children: those kids who sleep between performing various exercises do them better and faster than those who were deprived of rest. But for adults, daytime sleep remains useful and relevant.

Today science deals with national nicknames. A neutral national nickname is scientifically called an exonym, and an offensive nickname with a negative connotation is called ethno-folism. Knowing the origin national nicknames you can understand a lot - about yourself, and about your neighbor, and about your neighbor’s neighbor.


The Russians received this humorous nickname from their brothers - “Khokhlovs”. Scientists are still arguing why. Some say “katsap” - means “like tsap” (goat). To a shaved Ukrainian, the bearded Russian looked like a goat. Others see Turkic roots here, and the word “kasap” is translated as “slaughterer, robber.” There are also various derivatives of the word katsap: Russia is called “Katsapia”, “Katsapetovka”, “Katsapuria”, “Katsaplyandiya” or “Katsapstan”. In literature and folklore you can often find the word “katsap”. Here is an example - “God created a tsap (goat), and the devil created a tsap” (Ukrainian proverb)


A Russian, most often, comes from Moscow, which, even without being the capital, had a huge influence on Russian lands and on the state affairs of neighboring countries. The nickname did not immediately receive a negative connotation. During the campaigns, Russian troops did not live in barracks and camps, but in the huts of the indigenous people who fed them. Whether a soldier (Muscovite) was full or hungry depended on his ability to “negotiate” food with the owners of the house. In addition, Russian soldiers were not indifferent to local girls. However, the relationship lasted only while the Muscovites were guests of the village. And when duty called a soldier to other lands, relationships with local girls were forgotten. Then the verb “Moskalit” appeared - to cheat, to cheat.


Since the Second World War, Russians have been called “Ivans” in Germany and the USA. In response, the Russians call the Germans “Krauts”, and, in addition, the Caucasians – “Khachiks”, “Khachs”. "Khach" means "cross" in Armenian, and is one of the most common names in Armenia. By the way, it was Muslims - Azerbaijanis and Turks - who were the first to call Armenians “Khachiks”.


Nickname for Russians among Soviet Koreans. This word is pronounced in Korean manner Chinese word“Maozy” (or “Mouzi”), which means “bearded man”, is how the Chinese called Russians.

Venäläinen and Ryssia

Neutral designation for Russians Finnish- "venäläinen". "Russia" is derogatory. Currently, the word "Russia" is used in spoken language often in relation to all Russian speakers in Finland who come from former USSR, sometimes including children from mixed marriages. Initially, this nickname was used in relation to the Orthodox population ( for the most part ethnically Karelian). The spread of the word was facilitated by the fact that in the Swedish language, which for a long time retained a leading position in Finland, Russians were and are still called to this day by the word “ryss” (stylistically neutral). So in western Finland, which has a stronger Swedish influence, the word "ryss?" has no disparaging meaning. Not so long ago " national question"went to court. A Lahti resident filed a lawsuit against his employer for calling his son “Russia”. The employer was ordered to pay large compensation.
Is it funny that the popular Black Russian cocktail sounds like Musta Ryss in Finnish? - “black hare” The expression “Russian roulette” is translated as ryss? ruletta, but sometimes they also say fi: vуnalainen ruletta.
The mirror offensive designation for Finns in Russian is “chukhnya”. In Dahl's dictionary: "Chukhonets, Chukhonka, St. Petersburg nickname for suburban Finns."

Tybla, tibla

The Russians inherited this ethnofolism from their neighbors - the “Balts”, or more precisely the Estonians. "Tybla" came from the address "you, bl.". This is what the Red Army soldiers were originally called in Estonia in 1918-1920, 1940-1941 and 1944. The relatively small Russian minority in pre-war independent Estonia was not initially affected by this appeal. During Soviet power this expression began to be used only among the indigenous population. After gaining freedom of speech and independence in 1991, it firmly entered the lexicon as a contemptuous and offensive nickname for Russian-speaking residents of the country, especially those who do not speak the local language. The Media Council believes that the expression "tibla" is primarily used as a designation for Homo soveticus (Soviet man).

A nickname is an acquired, unofficial name for an adult or child. It often notices not desirable, but real qualities and properties of a person. Emphasizes special meaning these qualities and properties for others. It is a noticeable feature of appearance or activity.

Nicknames exist as social phenomenon, we can talk about a system of nicknames. They can be different: to emphasize social activity and be a way of teasing and even humiliation, to be considered a sign of sympathy and to be a means of insult. The most active in this direction are parents and teenagers.

Nicknames for beloved children.

Sometimes it takes a long time for a child to choose a name at birth, but then they call him by other, affectionate nicknames, as they say, “out of an excess of feelings.” And there is enormous scope for creativity. To the already familiar Dolls, Suns, Baby Dolls and Sweethearts, more original ones are being added.

The most common are children's nicknames, derived from the names of animals, birds and even insects. Here happy parents “reward” their adored children in different ways: Hamster, Kitten, Hedgehog, Swallow, Owl, Mosquito, Bug, Bug, Cuckoo. You can even meet Klopik and Cockroach.

Parents often like it if there is a play on words in the nickname. For example: Katya - Katyonok, Alisa - Fox, Veronica - Nika, Svetlana - Lana.

Children's nicknames often include cartoon characters and fairy tales. These are Gnome, Funtik, Drakosha, Barmaley, Pokemosha, Prince.

Often names rhyme. Then we get the following nicknames: Irinka the Mandarin, Glebushka the Bread, Vanka the Vstanka, Natasha the Bug.

There are also “culinary” nicknames: Bun, Pie, Cheesecake, Bublichek.

They call their beloved children both Berries and Currants.

Among flower nicknames, Daisies, Dandelions, and Roses occupy a strong place.

Sometimes children are named after actions or parts of the body: Shchekastic, Ushastik, Puzanchik, Fatty, Pukhlik, Pishchalkin, Khnyklik, Twist-twirl, Snotty, Lapukhastic.

Sometimes they are nicknamed based on their character: Shilo, Egoza, Laughter, Chief, Spring, Crybaby.

In the mouths of parents, everything sounds with love, even name-calling. For example: Golopopik (bare butt), Leech (sucking breast), Nyunya (whining), Pisyundrych (often peeing), Kishkomot (naughty).

Nicknames in the teenage world.

Nicknames play a significant role in the world of teenagers. They are invented for various reasons. The reason can be anything: qualities and actions of a person, certain circumstances, events, associations with official name and last name. They are given out of a desire to offend, to stand out, and for fun.

In a school environment, nicknames are often formed from surnames and given names. For example: Suslov - Suslik, Lysenko - Bald, Kuzmin - Kuzya, Rybalko - Rybalya, Isaev - Isay, Shevchenko - Sheva, Sergey - Sery, Angelina - Angel.

Certain nicknames characterize the features of appearance: Hog (excessively fat), Pyshka (plump), Long, Kalancha, Skyscraper (tall), Monkey, Face (“crooked”), Short, Small (short).

By character and qualities: Sticky (annoying), Prodigy, Nerd (smart), Dumb, Slowpoke (inhibited), Brigadier (constantly telling what to do), Hidden Threat (getting into various troubles).

Sometimes nicknames appear by association with a surname. So, Vorobyov - Bird, Sudakov - Fish, Ogurtsov - Vegetable, Shaposhnikov - Cap, Korovin - Molochkov, Shmelev - Bee, Zaitsev - Rabbit, Lapshin - Pasta, Spaghetti.

They are often identified with the surname famous person or literary hero. For example, Bogdanov - Titomir, Pevtsov - Chaliapin, Malysheva - Thumbelina, Nehoroshko - Malchish-Plokhish.

Nicknames or nicknames.

Nicknames are popular on the Internet. It's a nickname. When you plunge into the endless expanse of the Internet, you need to somehow identify yourself, take a network name. You can just given name, for example Vasya, Sveta, but this is banal. And everyone wants to come up with something original, suitable only for you.

This is exactly the one rare case when you give yourself a nickname. Here everyone is already trying their best. From simple (Christina - Criss, Sabrina - Brie, Veronica - Nika) to sophisticated (Valetta, Diezo, Erdeletta, Khachachun).

Some people take funny nicknames for themselves. For example: Completely blonde, Crocodiller, Murmailo, Underscraper, Smorkel, Monitor Klaviaturovich, Pohmetologist, Bespectacled macho.

Others are fond of elven names: Irima (beautiful), Kue (dove), Tauretari (queen of the forest), Mornamir (black diamond), Taurokhtar (forest warrior), Ainon (saint).

Some people like to be called by the names of different vampires, ancient Greek names, names of kings, popular literary characters, names of flowers, animals. The scope for creativity is huge.

Nicknames of famous football players and clubs.

It’s not just children and teenagers who are “awarded” with nicknames. They even have them famous people. This is especially popular in football. So, legendary Pele is called not only the “King of Football”, but also the “Man Who Brings Misfortune”. He received his original nickname due to his overwhelmingly bad predictions of football matches.

Asian football player Naohiro Takahara has the most original nickname - “Sushi Bombardier” for his accurate and unique goals.

Arjen Robben is called the "Glass Man". This is a talented winger (player football team, acting between defense and attack) of the world, but constant injuries prevent him from revealing himself to his full potential.

Tony Adamis, England legend, gets his offensive nickname"Donkey" from the British press for his careless attitude to appearance.

The Dutchman Michael Reiziger was nicknamed “Gas Mask” due to the unusual structure of his skull.

Frenchman Nicolas Anelka has become "Incredibly gloomy" because no one can remember him being joyful. And his character, closed and uncommunicative, helped with this.

Even football clubs have nicknames. For example, Manchester City was nicknamed “Blue Moon” because that is the name of the traditional song of the fans of this club.

The Barnsley club is called the Mutts. The club's mascot was Toby the mongrel. She long years entertained audiences at Oakwell.

The club "Scanthrop United" is "Iron" because Scanthrop is a metallurgical center in Great Britain. Hence the nickname.

Almost all population groups have nicknames. And it’s not at all bad to receive it if it is given kindly, openly, and talented.