Good exercises for losing weight. Video: A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home

You can get rid of excess weight and get your figure in order only if you combine diet with physical activity. Recently, the lifestyle of many people leaves much to be desired: an abundance of fatty and high-calorie foods, a sedentary lifestyle, a minimum of activity, and a lack of oxygen. All these factors have a negative impact on health, leading to weight gain and the appearance of various diseases. Doctors strongly recommend devoting at least half an hour daily to exercise. This will have a beneficial effect on both the general condition of the body and appearance. Let's find out which exercises are effective for losing weight.

A basic set of effective exercises

You don't have to buy an expensive membership to a fitness club or gym. It is quite possible to practice at home, the main condition is regularity of training. Those who have never exercised before start with basic exercises. They are not difficult to perform, but, nevertheless, they can prepare the body for more serious training. Beginners should start with 20-25 minutes, gradually increasing the time. To avoid injuries and sprains, effective exercises for losing weight at home are performed slowly, without jerking. It is better not to use weights for now, or take dumbbells weighing no more than 1 kilogram.

You need to start any workout with a warm-up. You can simply dance to cheerful music, stretch your shoulder girdle, do side leg swings and light squats. Five minutes of active movements will help prepare your muscles for further work.

Simple, but very effective exercises for losing weight at home should be performed 16-24 times in 2-3 approaches.

  1. Squats. Legs shoulder-width apart, feet pointing straight. When squatting, make sure that the knee does not go beyond the toe, while pushing the pelvis far back.
  2. Lunges. From a standing position, alternately step forward with your right and left legs, while the knee bends at a right angle.
  3. Plie. Standing wide, toes pointing in different directions, you should squat as low as possible. The inner thigh is tense, as well as the muscles of the buttocks.
  4. Straight arms are extended to the sides, palms facing the floor. Perform movements with effort, as if your palms are hitting the surface of the water. At the same time, do not bend or lower your arms.
  5. Abs exercise. Lying on your back, legs bent and standing on the floor, hands behind your head. As you exhale, raise your body, while exhaling, lower it. Do not press your chin to your neck.

Finish your workout with stretching. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide. Gently stretch your body first to your right leg, then to your left, then stretch your arms forward and reach for your hands.

Effective exercises for losing belly fat

Abdominal exercises should not be performed on a full stomach. Be sure to breathe correctly - exhale is always done with effort. In order for the stomach to become flat, it is necessary to pump the muscles of the upper and lower abs and do not forget about the oblique muscles. All the most effective exercises for losing belly fat are performed 20-25 times in three approaches.

  1. Lying on the floor, on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. As we exhale, we raise the body, but not completely, but only lifting the shoulder blades off the floor.
  2. Same position as in the previous exercise. Raising the body, we reach for the left leg with our right hand, and the right leg with our left hand. The oblique muscles work here, and the upper abs are involved.
  3. A very effective lower abdominal exercise is the straight leg raise. If your lower back comes off the floor when lifting, you can put your hands under your buttocks. A more complicated option - lowering your legs, do not touch the floor with them.
  4. Legs raised and looking at the ceiling. As we exhale, we push them up, trying to pull our socks towards ourselves. The lower part of the abs tenses.
  5. The body lies completely on the floor. We try to immediately lift the upper part of the body and lift the straight legs off the floor.
  6. Sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees. We try to tilt the body as far as possible, while the entire abs are fully tensed - both upper and lower. We return to the starting position.

Effective exercises for losing weight on your sides

Often women suffer from fat deposits in the sides. Unsightly ridges form there that cannot be hidden with anything. Effective exercises for losing weight on the sides and diet will help make your waistline graceful and remove unnecessary fat. To do this, you will need dumbbells of at least 2 kg each and a fitball. The more repetitions you do, the better it will be.

  1. Standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head, elbows pointing in different directions. We turn the body first to the right, then to the left.
  2. There is a dumbbell in each hand. We bend first to the right, then to the left.
  3. Dumbbells lie on your shoulders, hold them with your hands. With our right elbow we try to reach as far as possible to the left side, with our left - to the right.
  4. One dumbbell is held with two straight arms above your head. As you exhale, with the same straight arms, bend to the right, inhale - starting position, exhale - tilt to the left.
  5. Hold the fitball with straight arms extended forward. We perform twists in one direction and the other.
  6. The fitball should be leaned against the wall, lie on one side on it so that your legs rest against the wall. The arms are bent at the elbows behind the head. We raise the body, while the entire lateral surface is tensed. Repeat the same on the other side.

Effective exercises for losing weight on legs

In order to get rid of fat deposits on your legs and make them attractive and slim, you need to work hard. You shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself when performing effective exercises for losing weight on your legs, because the end justifies the means. The best option would be to combine aerobic exercise with strength training. In order to strengthen your leg muscles and achieve weight loss, you should not start exercising on an empty stomach. You should eat a protein meal or fruit salad a couple of hours before.

  1. The best and most effective exercise is squats. The lower the pelvis goes, while maintaining a right angle at the knees, the better the buttock muscles will work.
  2. Lunges forward, backward, right, left. We make sure that the knees do not go beyond the toes, while leaving the buttocks far apart.
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, we rise on our toes, lifting our heels off the floor. This exercise works the calf muscles.
  4. Swing your legs straight back. You can do this exercise standing, or you can do it on your elbows and knees on the floor.
  5. Swing to the sides. The exercise is also performed both standing and in the knee-elbow position. In the latter case, it is necessary to ensure that the body does not deviate to the sides, and the leg with which the swings are performed is always straight.
  6. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. As you exhale, the pelvis rises up, the heels do not lift off the floor. As you inhale, lower yourself to the starting position.

Effective exercises for losing weight on thighs

Excess fat is often deposited on the thighs of women. This is due to physiological characteristics, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. In order to make your hips slim and toned, you need a set of exercises aimed at losing weight in the lower part of the body. As always, you need to perform effective exercises for losing weight on your legs and thighs 15-20 times in 2-3 approaches.

  1. Hold a dumbbell under your knee. With your right leg bent with a dumbbell, perform swings as high as possible, do swings 20 times, then repeat the same with your left leg.
  2. Standing, put one leg on the toe, perform squats, while the pelvis stretches back. Change leg.
  3. Lying on your right side, perform swings with your left leg straight, repeat on your left side with your right leg.
  4. Lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. As you exhale, raise your legs straight, straining your buttocks and thighs, and as you exhale, lower them to the floor.
  5. Lying on your back, straight legs pointing to the ceiling. We spread it as wide as possible while inhaling, and bring it back as we exhale. Works the inner and outer surface of the thigh.
  6. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and standing on the floor. We raise our pelvis and bring our knees together, while exhaling we separate our knees and lower our pelvis to the floor.

Effective exercises for losing weight on your arms

Very often, women ignore their arms, and the muscles on them become flabby and loose over time. Those who primarily get fat in their arms and shoulders suffer especially. But a set of exercises for the arm muscles will help them lose weight so that they can safely wear T-shirts and sundresses. Effective exercises for losing weight in your arms are performed with dumbbells weighing at least 2 kg each.

  1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight and looking at the floor. We raise our right and left hands forward in turn.
  2. The next exercise is similar to the first, but you just need to raise both arms at once with dumbbells held in them.
  3. Raising straight arms to the sides. We do this as we exhale, with our arms slightly bent at the elbows.
  4. Biceps exercise. Elbows pressed to the lower back, palms facing outward. It is better to use a heavier weight for this exercise. We raise our arms to our shoulders, while pressing our elbows to the body, and as we exhale, return our arms to their original position.
  5. A triceps exercise that is also best performed with heavier dumbbells. Hands behind your head and bent at the elbows, while holding dumbbells. As you exhale, raise your arms up, but your elbows should be pressed to your ears. As you inhale, lower your arms down.
  6. There is no better exercise for losing weight on your arms than push-ups. It can be performed on your knees with your elbows facing to the sides. We lower the body as low as possible to the floor, while straining the muscles of the back, arms, shoulders and abs. We rise to the starting position. After several approaches, be sure to stretch your arms and back.

In order to achieve the desired success, you should regularly perform an effective set of exercises for losing weight. Strength training should be alternated with aerobic and cardio exercises. Running, brisk walking, active dancing, cycling, swimming will bring no less benefits than weight training. After strength training, muscles should recover for at least a day, so you should not do strength training for several days in a row.

If training takes place at home, it is necessary that the room is well ventilated. Fresh air is essential when playing sports. There will be no effect if you do not practice regularly and systematically. You should set yourself up for long-term work, and if at the beginning there is a desire to skip a workout, lie on the couch or eat a cake with cream, then the muscles will get used to the constant load, and effective exercises for losing weight at home will bring only positive emotions.

The workout should begin with a warm-up. 5-10 minutes of aerobic exercise will warm up the muscles, which will avoid strains and allow the muscles to work more efficiently. At the end, be sure to stretch and relax.

Don't forget about proper nutrition. Together, effective exercise for weight loss and a balanced diet will help you lose weight faster and more effectively. You cannot refuse food or sharply limit your calorie intake. It will be enough to give up baked goods, sweets, fatty and fried foods, and fast food products. Those who actively engage in sports need protein in their diet so that the body does not take it from muscle tissue. You also need to include porridge cooked in water, vegetables, and seasonal fruits in your diet. And we must not forget about clean drinking water.

By exercising regularly and following a healthy diet, you will soon be pleasantly surprised by your reflection in the mirror.

They are an excellent alternative to training in the gym. The main thing is desire and patience. Let's look at what complex weight loss exercises you can do at home.

Among them:

  • complex exercises for losing weight at home should always begin with a clearly defined goal and self-discipline;
  • to get quick results, you should train at least three times a week;
  • training should begin at least two hours after eating;
  • a course of exercises for losing weight at home is designed for regular training, the less often you miss classes, the sooner the result will be noticeable;
  • Before starting the complex, you need to warm up. It is the first and mandatory stage of training;

Important! Warm-up will provide the right mood, warm up the muscles, and give the body flexibility.

  • You should always complete a set of exercises for losing weight at home with stretching;
  • You need to strain your muscles as much as possible when performing each exercise. The main thing is that when doing this or that movement, you should feel the zone that is being worked;

Important! If it is no longer possible to perform a certain exercise efficiently, then you should move on to another. We will need to return to this on the next lap.

  • Proper breathing is the key to effective training. You should always inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth with effort;

Important! You cannot hold your breath, as this will reduce your efforts.

  • You should eat right and drink enough fluids.

A thin waist and toned stomach are the dream of many. The path to it is long and requires diligence. Let's figure out what waist exercises you can do even at home.

What you need for home workouts

The necessary sports equipment is represented by the following items:

  • dumbbells, weight:
    • for women from 1 to 5 kilograms;
    • for men from 3 to 16 kg.
  • sports mat;
  • comfortable and natural sportswear;
  • hoop, weighing from 1 to 2 kilograms.

Important! If the hoop weighs less, the result will be nullified, and if it weighs more, bruises will appear on the sides.

A set of effective exercises

It is performed in three stages:

  • warm-up Duration is 15-20 minutes. You should start with a five-minute walk or, alternatively, running in place with high knees. After this, bends are performed in different directions. At the end of the warm-up, you should make circular movements with your arms, shoulders and hands;
  • basic home fitness exercise program for quick weight loss. The minimum number of approaches for each is 3. The complex includes a minimum of 8 exercises;
  • stretching. Lasts approximately 10 minutes. Muscles should relax after tension.

Let's look at a set of exercises for losing weight at home in more detail.


This exercise is basic in any training program aimed at losing weight. One approach should be twenty repetitions. Correct technique:

  • Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, hands should be placed on the waist, and the back should be straightened;
  • You need to squat so that your thighs are strictly parallel to the floor.

Important! When performed correctly, the exercise works the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. After 10 days of training, you should add load, namely, start training with dumbbells.

Slim buttocks and thighs are the dream of many girls. And they know firsthand how difficult it is to get rid of excess fat in this area. However, the end justifies the means. Let's look at what exercises you can do at home to lose weight on your thighs.


When performing this exercise, you need to take the widest possible step forward and sit down on the forward leg so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the knee that is behind does not touch the floor, but is as close to it as possible. Hands should be placed on the waist.

Important! The minimum number of lunges per leg should be 15, and gradually increase it to 30 repetitions.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

A good alternative to the gym is fitness at home. Weight loss exercises for beginners and professionals include training to work the pectoral muscles. One of the effective ones is dumbbell lateral raises. Technique:

  • lie down on a bench or ball;
  • take dumbbells in your hands;
  • raise them above your head;
  • after inhaling, you should move them in different directions;
  • exhaling, you need to return them to their original position.

Important! A minimum of 12 repetitions must be performed. Gradually increase the load by choosing heavier dumbbells.

Upper abs exercise

You need to lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor and fix them. After this, you should lift your body so as to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. The maximum number of repetitions depends on preparedness. You need to strive for a minimum of 20 times.

Lower abs exercise


  • you need to lie on your back;
  • your hands must be placed behind your head so that you can hold on to a stationary object. For example, it could be a sofa, armchair, closet.
  • your legs should be bent at the knees;
  • exhaling, you need to raise them above you;
  • inhale after they are returned to their original position.

Read also the article about on our portal.

Important! Correct execution guarantees strengthening of the abdominal muscles, as well as a reduction in centimeters in the waist area.

Plank or stand

The plank is an effective exercise that uses many muscles. You can ease it by leaning on your elbows. Gymnastic exercises for girls to lose weight without leaving home.

  • place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • your back needs to be straightened;
  • the body must be tilted forward, moving one leg back;
  • You should freeze in this position for as long as possible, keeping the muscles in constant tension;
  • then you need to change your leg.

Hoop rotation for a thin waist

The hoop will be a good option for burning fat in the waist and buttocks. In addition, it allows you to normalize metabolic processes.

Important! You should spin the hoop twice a day for 15 minutes.

If you don’t have time to visit the gym, at-home fitness is an excellent substitute. Exercises for weight loss will allow you to achieve good results. The main thing is the right attitude, desire and desire.

These days, the problem of excess weight is so popular that there is probably no point in talking about it. Millions of women and men around the world struggle every day with extra centimeters, and such a struggle does not always bring the desired results. Very often, having tried fasting days and all kinds of diets, women torture themselves with the same question: why do I eat very little and still not lose weight? It's very simple - reducing your diet will not give the desired result without some physical activity.

It is quite possible that the prospect of fulfilling exercise for weight loss will not bring you great joy. But don't forget that nothing ever happens by magic. But if you are persistent and persistent, then the desired result - a stunning figure - will not take long to arrive.

Things to do?

Choosing one type of physical activity or another should not only be based on personal preferences. The choice of physical exercises will directly depend on which parts of the body you need to correct. For example, for those who do not have obvious signs of obesity, it is better to focus on jogging, gymnastics, shaping classes or light types of aerobics.

You may ask, where is the best place to perform these physical exercises? Yes, anywhere: in the gym, fitness center, in the pool and even at home, especially since mastering them is not so difficult. The main thing is to definitely coordinate sports activities with your doctor so that there are no contraindications for health reasons.

A few words about proper nutrition

Even if you unquestioningly and regularly perform all the exercises, but do not limit yourself in food, you may not expect a positive result. Please note that we are talking about proper nutrition, not diets. Be sure to give up processed foods (even if after training you are too lazy to cook dinner), do not eat fried foods, ketchups, mayonnaise, or alcohol. Of course, after an intense workout you should have a hearty dinner, but on other days you shouldn’t overeat.

What you will need for classes:

Mat for performing exercises on the floor;
A narrow bench with quite elastic upholstery;
Sports uniform, shoes and special gloves;

At home, it is best to do the exercises three times a week with one day in between. The ideal time for training is from 11.00 to 14.00 and from 18.00 to 20.00. Classes should be carried out regularly and exclusively with a positive attitude.

Remember that anyone set of exercises for weight loss effective for no more than 4 weeks, and then the body begins to adapt to the stress. It is at this moment that you need to either increase the load or change the set of exercises. Fulfill exercises for weight loss at home It is best not earlier than two hours before meals or before bed. At the same time, you must like them. Otherwise, the result may turn out to be much more modest than you expect.

Each lesson must begin with a warm-up, and for this you will need to remember your school physical education lessons.

As we have already said, there are special exercises for each problem area of ​​the body. It is them that we will talk about now.

So, let's begin:

Exercises for losing belly fat

The stomach is one of the most problematic areas for most representatives of the fairer sex. Moreover, this problem can bother even those who have no reason to worry about their figure. The thing is that it is on a woman’s stomach that the most fat accumulates.

First of all, I would like to warn you that you should never do exercises alone to lose belly fat. By themselves, they will not help you lose weight. In this case, you are at risk of strengthening and enlarging your muscles, as a result of which you may be completely left without a waist.

To achieve maximum results, you must alternate between different ones, using different amplitudes for this. Let's look at the most common of these exercises:

Exercise "twisting"

Its action is aimed at the rectus muscles and must be performed with a small amplitude. To do this, you must lie on the floor and firmly press your lower back to it. Bend your knees, point your elbows in different directions and place your hands behind your head. As you inhale, lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor, while lifting your chin up. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Reverse crunch exercise

Like the previous one, this exercise is performed with a small amplitude. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides. As you inhale, lift your shoulder blades and head off the floor, while lifting your pelvis. As you exhale, take the starting position.

Raising the torso

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides. As you inhale, lift your body off the floor and slowly rise to your knees. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Raise your feet

Large amplitude is important in this exercise. Sit on a chair and lean on the edge. As you inhale, pull your legs towards your body, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.

Exercise for oblique abdominal muscles

To do this, sit on a chair and perform oblique turns of the body. All of the above exercises are also suitable for the oblique muscles, but they must be performed with slight turns.

Exercises for losing weight on legs

First of all, decide in which places your legs should lose weight: on the thighs or on the calves.

The following will help you get rid of extra centimeters and make the skin and muscles of your legs more elastic:

Stand straight, keep your hands on your waist and rise onto your leg, half bent at the knee, then slowly straighten it. For each leg, this exercise must be repeated 8 times. Take a 15 second break and repeat the exercise again. In total, you should get 8 approaches.

To tone the muscles in the front of your thighs and buttocks, lunge with your feet forward. But remember that this exercise must alternate on different knees, and your hands should rest on your hips.

You can remove sagging from the inner thighs in this way: lie on your back and spread your outstretched legs. Make sure that your legs do not lean back or forward during this exercise.

If you are concerned about fat deposits on the outer thighs, raise your straight leg while lying down. During this exercise, you must pull the toe towards you. After eight sets, switch legs.

Do you have thick calves? Then be sure to try these exercises for weight loss:

Lie on your back, bend your knees and pull your toes towards you.

You can also stand near a wall and press your hands firmly against it. Bend one leg at the knee and place it on the shin of the opposite leg.

Don't forget about running in place too. It has been proven that this is one of the most versatile remedies against stored fat.

Exercises for slimming thighs

The hip area, when fighting excess weight, is one of the most problematic. But don't despair! Do everything described below regularly and you will achieve a significant reduction in the size of your hips.

Take a horizontal position, place your hands on your buttocks. Make sure your legs are straight. Lift them up and in this position bring them together and spread them 10 times (the muscles should be tense).

Kneel down, arms hanging down and feet straight. At the same time, lower yourself to the floor on the right side near your feet and tilt your body to the left. During this exercise, your arms should be straight and extended in front of you. Then return to the starting position by jerking. This physical exercise is performed 10 times on each side.

The following exercise will help you get rid of cellulite on your thighs. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and turn your toes out. Keeping your arms straight, you need to slowly squat, tensing the muscles of your thighs and buttocks. After sitting down, stay for a while and stand up, making an effort. This must be repeated 10 times, performing 3 approaches.

Lie on your right side, lean on your arm bent at the elbow, and bend your upper leg at the knee. Bring your leg forward. At the same time, raise and lower your lower leg as high as possible. On each side you need to do eight sets of two lifts. This exercise is simply indispensable for training the inner thigh, so it should be performed as often as possible.

In order to reduce the size of your hips, you need to stand on your left knee and lean on your straight arms. After this, you need to move your right leg to the right and back, straighten it and touch the floor with your outstretched toe. You can also lift your leg and make circular movements up and to the left, and then down and to the right. This must be done 10 times without stopping. Remember that you cannot bend your leg at the knee and you also cannot bend your lower back. The entire exercise must be repeated for the left leg.

The most effective exercises for reducing thigh size are performed while lying down. To do this, you must completely relax your entire upper body and lie on your side. The upper leg must be bent and placed on the lower leg.

Bend your knees slightly, place them shoulder-width apart, and move your arms back. After this, bend your elbows, bend your pelvis forward and try to rise on your toes. You need to freeze in this position for a few seconds. This exercise must be repeated eight times.

Exercises for losing weight buttocks

To get rid of saggy buttocks, it is enough to regularly perform a set of simple exercises:

Sit on the edge of a chair, place your feet apart. Try holding any object between your knees (cushion, book, etc.). You should sit up straight and hold onto the seat with your hands. Squeeze this object tightly with your thigh muscles and stay in this position for one minute. After this, you can relax and begin the exercise again.

To perform the following, you will need to kneel and place your hands on your waist. After which, sit on the floor, first on the right and then on the left buttock. This exercise should be done until you begin to feel fatigue in the muscles of the buttocks. Don't take the easy path - don't sit on your feet. This way you will achieve absolutely no effect. Although this exercise is quite difficult at first, you will learn it very quickly.

For this exercise, you will need to lean the back of your head and back against the wall, bend your knees and tense your muscles. You must sit in this position for at least one minute. This can be quite difficult at first, so at first you can reduce the time a little. When performing this exercise, make sure that the back of your head, buttocks and back do not come off the wall. Otherwise, this exercise will have absolutely no effectiveness.

Grab your right knee with both hands and gently pull it towards your chest, holding this position for at least 20 seconds. Repeat the same steps with the other leg. This exercise must be performed 5-10 times with each leg.

Lie on your back and lean your feet against the wall. Tighten your gluteal muscles, trying to lift your hips and pelvis off the floor without lifting your back. At first it will be very difficult for you to do this. But over time, you will be able to perform up to 10 such lifts in one exercise.

Unfortunately, we very often have a catastrophic lack of time for ourselves. But here it is important for everyone who dreams of losing weight to learn that if you don’t take care of yourself, then certainly no one else will do it for you. In addition, nowadays you can exercise just as effectively right at home. To do this, now it is enough to familiarize yourself with the methods of performing exercises on the Internet. Your persistence, proper nutrition (never forget about it!), a great desire to become even more attractive - and within a few months you will notice how your figure has changed and your parameters have reached the desired size. Follow a balanced diet, exercise regularly - and you will gain not only beauty, but also health!

Lack of movement in most cases is the main reason why people gain weight. It often happens that a woman tries various diets, goes hungry, but body fat does not decrease. In order to lose weight faster, intense physical exercise is necessary. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit a gym or swimming pool. In such cases, independent training can be a solution; there are very effective exercises for losing weight at home.

Such activities do not require special equipment or special conditions. But for those who specifically want to lose weight from doing exercises, it is important to create a special complex for working out problem areas. There are certain nuances of such training, so before you start losing weight, it is advisable to get acquainted with them.

In order for such activities to bring real benefits, you need to take into account some of their features. After all, training should be aimed at losing weight, and not at gaining muscle mass. What do you need to know before you start practicing?

  • It is important to adjust your diet. If you continue to overeat and indulge in sweets, then physical education will simply help you not gain weight, and weight loss will not happen.
  • Before training, you should not eat for at least 2-3 hours. After classes, you also need to refrain from eating for at least an hour. After performing such exercises, everything eaten will be deposited into muscle mass.
  • To lose weight, a positive attitude before exercise is desirable. Exercising in a bad mood will not be beneficial.
  • You need to start training by performing light complexes, and increase the load gradually.
  • It is advisable to create a schedule and conduct training at the same time. The best time to study is before lunch - 11-13 hours, or before dinner - 16-18 hours.
  • Everyday loads should be the same. It is advisable not to deviate from the chosen complex.
  • A workout aimed at losing weight should last from 40 minutes to an hour.

How to exercise for weight loss at home

In order for sports to be beneficial, you need basic knowledge of how to exercise correctly. A well-designed training program is half the battle. If you exercise from time to time or not at full strength, then weight loss will not occur. You can find the most effective exercises for losing weight at home, but without following some rules, they will be useless.

  • For classes, you need to choose comfortable clothes made from natural materials that do not restrict movement. It is advisable to purchase a special gymnastic mat.
  • You need to train every day or at least every other day if the muscles do not have time to recover after exercise.
  • The room must be ventilated before classes.
  • You need to start your workout every time with a warm-up. To lose weight faster, exercise must be intense, so the muscles need to be warmed up.
  • Each exercise must be repeated at least 50 times. Of course, this is not achieved immediately; the load must be increased gradually. Complex exercises can be performed in several sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  • It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise. It should be even, it should not be allowed to increase above 80% of the maximum permissible level (it is calculated using the formula “220 - age”). You need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.
  • It is advisable to ensure that the exercises are performed without long breaks. After all, fat burning begins after 20-30 minutes of intense exercise, when the pulse quickens and the body warms up.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

I agree that before starting classes you need to reconsider your diet. And I’ll add on my own that if you don’t do this, there is a high probability that all your efforts will not bring the expected result. So take this seriously. And don’t go to extremes by going on strict diets. It is better to choose diets that are based on the principles of healthy eating.

As for a positive attitude, it is also extremely important. If you study in a bad mood, it means you don't like what you're doing. In this case, you will soon give up classes without achieving the desired result. To prevent this from happening, choose activities that you enjoy. Perhaps you love to run. Or you love cycling. Or you like group classes at a fitness club. Do them if monotonous exercises at home make you bored.

And I’ll also add about the drinking regime. While you are losing weight, drink plenty of clean water. I would recommend no less than 1.5 liters per day. Water is the universal medium in which all biochemical reactions take place in the body. Drinking plenty of fluids helps speed up metabolism and remove toxins from the body, and also stimulates the fat burning process.

The best exercises for weight loss

Each person is individual, so everyone loses weight differently. It is important to choose for yourself a system of weight loss exercises that would be effective. The main thing is that the activities are energy-consuming and feasible for a person. There are several options for training for weight loss. You can choose one or alternate them. It is also permissible to create a complex program, combining elements from different systems.

  • It is believed that the most effective exercises for losing weight at home are cardio training. Their peculiarity is that intense exercise promotes fat burning. This happens only 20-30 minutes after the start of classes, so they require at least basic preparation. Cardio workouts at home include running, jumping, aerobics and dancing. You can diversify your daily exercises with the movements of hip-hop, tai-bo and others.
  • Strength exercises can be used to lose weight in certain parts of the body. The simplest ones are squats and push-ups. You can use light weight dumbbells for weights – 1-5 kg.
  • A gentle way to lose weight is swimming. Cool water helps to increase the body's energy expenditure, and if you also do some exercises in it, weight loss will proceed intensively. Therefore, for many, water aerobics will be a good option for weight loss. It can also replace cardio training.
  • Yoga has become popular in recent years. This is a system of exercises that has been proven for thousands of years, promoting not only weight loss, but also improving health in general. Yoga not only helps burn fat, but improves metabolism and reduces appetite.

The most effective exercises for weight loss

Any regular sports training will help you lose weight over time. But many women want to find super exercises to lose weight faster. Experienced trainers warn against this approach.

Very intense exercise can have the opposite effect. For example, long-term strength exercises promote muscle gain, not weight loss. Therefore, you need to know in moderation in everything, the main thing is that the classes are regular.

For those who want to lose weight, we can recommend:

  • Squats work well the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and back. For greater effect, you need to squat without lifting your heels from the floor. You can perform half squats, ensuring that your thighs are parallel to the floor; plie squats from the position of your heels together, spreading your knees to the sides, are also effective for losing weight.
  • Lunges forward, backward and sideways help to lose weight in the hips and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks.
  • The plank exercise has an intense effect on the entire body. To perform it, you need to lie on your stomach, and then rise up, leaning on your bent forearms and toes. The body should be parallel to the floor. You need to stay in this position for at least a minute.
  • You can make your back more flexible with the help of the “balance” exercise. From the “on all fours” position, you need to raise your right arm and left leg at the same time. So you need to balance for 1-1.5 minutes. Then repeat in the other direction.
  • Everyone knows that the “bicycle” exercise helps to lose weight around the waist. You can complicate it and make it more effective if you perform it while simultaneously bringing your elbow closer to the opposite knee. At this time, the hands are clasped behind the head.
  • Leg lifts from a supine position are also effective for losing weight on your abs. You can lift with straight or bent legs. You can diversify the activity by spreading and bringing your legs together, crossing them and doing “scissors”.
  • The abdominal muscles are also worked when lifting the torso. The legs can be straightened or bent at the knees. It is necessary to ensure that the shoulder blades are completely lifted off the floor.
  • Traditional push-ups or exercises with dumbbells will help make your hands beautiful. You should not take a lot of weight, 2-3 kg is enough, it is better to do more repetitions.
  • To lose weight on the buttocks and thighs, it is useful to perform the “swallow” from a standing position or “on all fours.”
  • Jumping is very effective for training the respiratory system and burning fat. There are many options: jumping from a squatting position, jumping with legs apart, alternately on one leg and the other.

The list of such exercises for weight loss can be continued for a long time, because any movement can be done so that it helps burn fat. We recommend watching the video workout for burning fat, or fitness at home:

An approximate set of exercises for losing weight at home

For those who have been involved in sports, creating a training program is easy. You just need to take into account the basic rules outlined above. For example, you can take the following set of exercises for losing weight at home every day:

  • You need to start your lesson with a warm-up. You need to warm up your muscles from top to bottom. First, head tilts, rotational movements, then exercises for the arms, shoulder rotations, torso bends, leg swings. The warm-up usually ends with running in place and jumping. In total you need to spend 10-15 minutes on it.
  • After warming up, you need to start training. Moreover, you need to work all the muscles, paying more attention to problem areas. First, standing exercises are performed: “swallow”, leg swings, lunges, squats or exercises with dumbbells.
  • After this, you can include anaerobic exercise: running in place, jumping, dance movements or an exercise bike.
  • Then they move on to exercises sitting and lying on the floor. This can be push-ups, leg or torso lifts, body twists, leg bends, “bicycle” or “scissors”.
  • You need to complete the complex with calm movements to restore breathing: walking, slowly raising and lowering your arms, stretching.

Training at home has some advantages: you don’t need to spend money and time on the gym, you can exercise in any comfortable clothes, while watching your favorite TV show or listening to music. With just a little effort and perseverance, within a month you can notice the result: the body will become more toned and slender, and overall health will improve.

Home sports can be a great alternative to grueling trips to the gym. Visiting a sports complex is a rather expensive undertaking. In addition, you need to devote a sufficient amount of time to this hobby. Self-study, lasting only 20 minutes a day, is more effective than depleting diets or taking medications. Try a simple exercise routine regularly at home for weight loss, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

It is very important to stretch your muscles and joints. Only by preheating will you protect them from sprains and injuries. This process is recommended to be done from top to bottom, starting from the neck and ending with the feet.

After you have warmed up your palms, place them on the cervical-facial area, not forgetting to pay attention to the ears. Next, warm up your shoulders by moving forward and backward in circles. To activate your arms, you need to take a penguin pose, placing them parallel to the floor and making rotational movements with your elbows, and then with clenched hands. Then move on to “revitalizing” your body: turning the body in opposite directions with the lower part motionless, while the head looks forward. Try to do at least 20 repetitions. Next come circular movements of the body with fixed legs, 10 in each direction. To stimulate your feet, you need to move from toe to heel with rolling movements. Then the heel should be torn off the floor and spring up and down on the toes.

Losing weight with gymnastics

A set of simple tasks for whole body at home conditions includes exercises for losing weight on core muscles:

  • butt like a nut. You can start by shaping your buttocks beautifully. Place your lower limbs behind the shoulder line and bend your knees at a right angle. Hold this pose for as long as you can;
  • squats. It is necessary to perform at least 75 times, divided into 3 approaches. The knees should be under the feet;
  • scissors. Lying on your back, stretch your legs vertically to the floor and place your hands under your lower back. Imitating the movements of a cutting tool, cross your lower limbs at least 10 times;
  • jumping. While squatting, jump 20 times to the highest possible height for you;
  • demi-plie. In a standing position, place your feet slightly further than shoulder level, with your toes slightly turned in different directions, and begin to slowly squat at least 20 times. If you find this exercise difficult, break it into 2 sets;
  • slender legs. While on your knees, put your hands forward and squat on each buttock at least 30 times. To maintain balance, tilt your body in the required direction;
  • swing your legs. Lying on your side, bend your lower leg and lift your other limb upward. It is required to make at least 20 swings with each leg;
  • twisting. Take a position lying on your back and bend your knees, while bringing your hands to the back of your head. You need to move your elbow as close as possible to the opposite knee about 20 times;
  • slim stomach. Position your body horizontally to the floor and place your hands under the back of your head. Begin to pull your knees toward your chest while lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. Then return to the starting position and repeat this exercise 40 times;
  • press. Lying on your back, place your arms at your sides, palms down, bend your knees, and alternately place one foot on the knee of the other leg; Rise up by pulling your opposite elbow toward your opposite leg. Then change position. Desired number of repetitions: 12;
  • lower press Lying on your back, stretch your legs at an angle of 45 0 and hold in this position for the maximum time allowed for you. Do 10 approaches;
  • half-bridge While in a horizontal position, bend your knees and place them on the floor, and place your arms along your body. It is necessary to raise the pelvis 30 times;
  • swallow on the floor. Lying on your stomach, at the same time raise your limbs to the maximum height possible for you, while trying to stretch in opposite directions. Perform at least 30 times;
  • healthy back. Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended up. Lift your hips and chest off the floor 20 times, as if you were trying to reach the ceiling with them;
  • push ups. Standing in a plank position, lower your knees to the floor and perform push-ups at least 10 times;
  • reverse push-ups. You will need a chair: stand with your back to it, sit on the edge, and place your arms at your sides. Legs should be bent at right angles. From this position, you need to slowly raise your body up 15 times, leaving your elbows motionless;
  • Strong arms. In a standing position, place your hands horizontally to the floor and hold them in this state for as long as possible;

At the end of the complex, you need to stretch. Sitting on the floor, spread your lower limbs as far as possible and begin to slowly stretch your body to the left and right. Then lie down on the floor and try to stretch your limbs in different directions: left hand to right leg and vice versa.

Five-minute fat burner

In just 300 seconds you can bring yourself back to normal, part with burdensome kilograms and prepare your figure for the long-awaited vacation! For weight loss You will need a jump rope, a small towel, a training mat, a good mood and a little diligence.

Let's start with the sequence of exercises:

Do these simple things exercises for Losing weight is recommended in the morning before breakfast. During execution, 10-second breaks are allowed. By following these simple regimens, you can always keep your muscles toned and stay energized throughout the day. The most important condition for achieving a slim figure at home- This is regular training.