We won't die! Sensational scientific basis for eternal consciousness. Spiritual clairvoyance beyond time and space Consciousness beyond time and space

One of the biggest questions in modern science is the origin of human consciousness. What is it: a product of the brain or a phenomenon that can exist in another dimension? History knows many cases when consciousness continued to function outside the physical shell. For example, in the case of clinical death of a patient. If everything that people who returned from the “other world” tell us is true, then after death consciousness really continues to function. But where and for how long? Let's try to figure it out.

You should look for clues in the quantum physics section

The answers to all these questions must be sought in understanding the true nature of reality. Recently, quantum physics has become increasingly popular. Our contemporaries are increasingly asking the question of the origin of consciousness and its relationship to the human physical body. At one time, theoretical physicist Max Planck initiated the creation of a scientific breakthrough that brought him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.

Quantum theory offers perhaps the best explanation for why understanding this phenomenon is fundamental. The scientist understood consciousness as a fundamental property of the Universe. He considered matter only as a derivative of this. According to Planck, under the influence of the external world you can form your own perception. Theoretical physicist and mathematician Eugene Wigner agrees with this: “It is not possible to consistently formulate the laws of quantum mechanics without reference to consciousness.”

Foundation of the Universe

In 2010, one of the most respected scientists of our time, Robert Lanza, published a book about the theory of biocentrism. In it, he shared his own vision of understanding the structure of the Universe. The keys helped to find two components: human life and consciousness. Lanza is a specialist in the field of regenerative medicine and the scientific director of the Advanced Cell Technology Company. The expert has always been intrigued by quantum mechanics and astrophysics. As a result, scientific curiosity resulted in the development of the theory of biocentrism. The essence of the system is this: human life and consciousness are fundamental to the formation of the Universe, and not vice versa. Previously it was believed that the material world influences consciousness, but the scientist is sure of the opposite.

Consciousness does not die along with the physical shell

According to the theory of biocentrism, consciousness does not die along with the physical shell, it only creates the illusion of death. It moves its own way and passes into a parallel world - a space where the bodies of living people have no access. This is a new stage in human development in the vast multiverse. Lanza compares the process of transition to a parallel world with the life of a perennial plant. Every autumn the shoots die off, but the rhizome remains to overwinter under the snow. In spring the shoots will break through the soil again.

In fact, our eye does not perceive objects as they are. The picture is formed thanks to our consciousness. We believe in death because that's what we were taught. We think that with the death of the physical shell comes emptiness. But the internal organs are shoots of a perennial plant. The rhizome remains and is ready to move to a new level of its development. Thus, according to Lanz's theory, death is not the final point of our existence. The end of physical existence is just a stage. This is followed by a transition to a parallel world.

The brain of a deceased person stops functioning. According to the theory of biocentrism, consciousness continues its activity. This means that it cannot be a product of the mind. Modern scientists are just beginning to delve into the essence of the question, so a clear answer to the question of the origin of consciousness has not yet been found.

Jung's Quantum Experience

Some clues can be found in Jung's Quantum Experience. We are presented with a clear example of how an observer can create reality himself. We have direct evidence that there are certain factors that can be associated with both consciousness and material objects. Through this connection, the observer creates reality. So, many advanced minds admit that the Universe could be nothing more than a mental construct.

This is what the pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote in his popular book: “The flow of knowledge is moving towards a non-mechanical reality. The universe is more like a great thought than a giant mechanism. Mind cannot be an accidental intruder in the realm of matter; it is rather the creator and ruler of this realm.”

Holographic model of the Universe

The theory that we could exist in a holographic model of the Universe is not so far-fetched. If consciousness needs to manifest itself in physical matter, then it already existed before the body appeared. The modern scientific worldview is based on the principles of classical physics, which promotes the only reality - materialism. Closely related to this is the concept of reductionism, according to which any complex phenomena can be explained using laws that interpret primitive phenomena.

Based on postmaterialist sciences

When scientists look at the neurochemical processes that occur in the brain, they insist on the importance of subjective experience. Based on previous knowledge, we tend to form subsequent ideas. The brain is just a repository of information. Scientists have no evidence that this is where experience is formed. What if neurochemical processes are a derivative of experience? It's time to acknowledge the existence of consciousness outside the brain. This will push the current boundaries of understanding this phenomenon much further. If life after death were officially recognized by the scientific community, it would affect many aspects of existence, including philosophy and religion.

Near Death Experiences

Dr. Bruce Grayson spoke at a conference convened by the United Nations. He is a recognized expert in the study of the phenomenon of clinical death, in which the brain does not show its activity. However, people who have crossed the line with one foot clearly remember all their experiences. Patients even describe things that cannot be described. Unfortunately, Dr. Grayson's research is progressing too slowly due to the fact that science still views life solely in terms of material reality. In fact, if a phenomenon cannot be explained through generally accepted laws, it is immediately completely rejected.

13-year study covered 344 cases

The simple fact that consciousness can be immaterial haunts many scientists. Cases of clinical death are recorded and studied over a long period of time. The results indicate that medical factors cannot explain this phenomenon. All patients identified over the past 13 years experienced complete cardiac arrest. All of them became unconscious as a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain. Of the 344 patients, 18 percent had memories without any brain activity. One in eight of them describe their experience as profound.

Another proof

Scientists from the University of Southampton were able to prove that consciousness functions for at least a few minutes after death. The study was conducted during resuscitation of critically ill patients based on a wide range of objective markers. Note that in the scientific world this was previously considered impossible.


Nikola Tesla once uttered an imperishable phrase: “Once science begins to study non-physical phenomena, in one decade it will achieve such progress as has never been achieved in the entire history of mankind.” Every year, scientists return to this issue again and again. They recognize that the world is not made up of just protons, electrons and photons (everything that has mass). There is another, invisible component of reality. Perhaps these parallel worlds occupy much more space than material reality.

They claimed to live in countries or cities that were not on the map. Or they had a strange relationship with time... Who are they - swindlers of the highest standard or, perhaps, came to our world from some parallel universe?

Abramian-speaking Laxarian

In 1852, John Timbs's Book of the Year on Facts in Science and Art was published. It contained the following story: “At the end of 1850, a strange man appeared in a small town in the Lebas region, near Frankfurt an der Oder. Nobody knew where he was from. He spoke German with an accent and looked European. He was interrogated by the mayor of Frankfurt. The stranger said that his name was Jofar Vorin, he came from the country of Laxaria, located on the continent of Sakria. He does not know any European language except German, but writes and reads in the Laxarian and Abrahamian languages.”

Vorin explained that the Abrahamian language is written and is used by the clergy, and the common people in his country speak Laxarian... The religion of the Laxarians, according to him, was not much different from the Christian. Laxaria itself, he argued, is located overseas, and is separated from Europe by hundreds of kilometers.

The man also said that he went overseas to search for his missing brother. However, along the way, his ship suffered a shipwreck... When Jofar was asked to show on the map which route he was sailing to Europe, he was in difficulty... The fact is that in his world there were supposedly five continents, but they were called Sakria, Aflar, Aslar, Auslar and Eflar...

It doesn't look like Jofar Vorin is lying. In the end, he was sent to Berlin, where scientists began to study Vorin. How the story ended and what happened to this man is unknown.

"The Man from Taured"

Similar cases are described in the book Channeling Possibilities by Colin Wilson and James Grant (1981). For example, in 1954, a person with a passport issued in the country of Taured was detained at customs in Japan.

Confused customs officers took the resident of the mysterious country to an interrogation room. It turned out that he spoke at least three languages ​​fluently - French, Spanish and Japanese. He also had a driver’s license with him, issued in that same mythical Taured...

Then the man was asked to indicate on the map the location of his homeland. He first pointed to Andorra, located between France and Spain. But then I got nervous: it was a completely different country! The traveler stated that he had never heard of Andorra and that Taured has existed on Earth for 1000 years...

The most surprising thing was that the mysterious stranger’s passport had several stamps from Japanese customs: it turns out that he had visited Tokyo several times over the past five years!

Until the situation was resolved, the man was placed in one of the rooms on the top floor of a nearby hotel. At night the door was locked from the outside, setting up armed guards just in case... But the next morning a man from an unknown country disappeared without a trace. The investigation yielded nothing.

Travelers between worlds

One of the authors of Channeling Possibilities, Kalin Wilson, is a renowned author. His most famous work is the novel “The Outsiders,” published in 1956. In addition, Wilson wrote several works on the occult and parapsychology. He believed that cases like that of the “man from Taured” were associated with the existence of parallel dimensions.

The theory of portals through which inhabitants of parallel worlds can penetrate to their “neighbors” is far from new... It can be assumed that life in other worlds, at least close to ours, is quite similar to ours, but at the same time there are differences - for example , the names of continents and countries may be different. So misunderstandings arise, similar to what happened with the “man from Taured.” And the strange disappearance can be explained very simply - an alien from a parallel reality simply returned to his world.

A philosopher from the future?

The passport control officer in New York looked in surprise at the visa presented to him... According to the document, the year of birth of the passport holder had not yet arrived!

- Why are you surprised, this is how it should be!- said the man standing in front of him. We were talking about one of the most mysterious personalities of the 20th century - George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, known as a mystical philosopher, founder of the Institute of Harmonious Human Development, creator of the esoteric school of the Fourth Way.

His biography is full of blank spots. According to the official version, Gurdjieff was born in the Armenian city of Alexandropol, but no one knows the exact date of his birth - different numbers are given from 1866 to 1886.

Having visited the countries of the East, Africa and the Mediterranean, Gurdjieff comprehended secret teachings. He developed powers of telepathy and hypnosis and sometimes demonstrated them to others, killing a yak with a mental order hundreds of miles away or putting an elephant to sleep.

During World War II, Gurdjieff maintained contact with Karl Haushofer, the occult mastermind of Nazism. They say that it was he who stood at the origins of the secret society "Thule", which controlled the Third Reich, in particular, he suggested that the Nazis use the swastika as an emblem - the symbol of the sun among the ancient Aryans. And to Hitler’s personal physician, Morelli, Gurdjieff gave recipes for miraculous infusions and pills that made the Fuhrer invulnerable.

Did Gurdjieff understand who he was helping? Many considered him a secret agent of one of the powers, perhaps playing a double game. But, most likely, the philosopher was alien to political interests and was really only interested in the ways of the spiritual development of mankind.

“By always being merciless towards my natural abilities and maintaining self-observation almost all the time,” wrote George Gurdjieff, “I was able to achieve almost everything within the limits of human capabilities, and in some cases even achieved a degree of power that no other person could possibly achieve.” even in all past eras did not reach.”

The life story of George Gurdjieff raises many questions. How did an illiterate commoner manage to reach the highest levels of spiritual initiation? What knowledge and from whom exactly did he receive in his youth? Where did the confusion with birth dates come from? And in general, is he who he said he was?

Prince Nizharadze

It is known, for example, that Gurdjieff studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary together with Joseph Dzhugashvili. There are suggestions that the future “father of nations” was a member of some occult “eastern brotherhood”, which included Gurdjieff and his like-minded people.

The sources that talk about Gurdjieff mention a mysterious figure - a certain Prince Nizharadze. Under such a pseudonym was hidden a person whose essence was replaced at the energy level, putting a certain program into him, that is, actually turning him into a zombie... Gurdjieff describes an expedition to the Persian Gulf, among the participants of which were himself and Prince Nizharadze. He mentions that the “prince” fell ill with a fever along the way, because of which the travelers were forced to stay in Baghdad for a month. It is known that in 1899-1900 Dzhugashvili worked at the Tiflis Geophysical Laboratory, so theoretically he could well take part in such an expedition. And the leader’s face was covered with pockmarks - were these not the consequences of that “Persian” fever?

Stalin's party nickname, Koba, also raises questions. The fact is that translated from Church Slavonic it means “magician” or “fortune teller”. This was also the name of the Persian king Kobades, who conquered Eastern Georgia at the end of the 5th century. The Byzantine historian Theophanes argued that Kobades was a great magician and led a sect with ideals close to communist ones - for example, the sectarians preached the division of property equally, so that in this way there would be neither poor nor rich.

According to one of the hypotheses, both Gurdjieff and Stalin were indeed only temporary physical embodiments of certain immortal energy entities living on Earth for many centuries, or even aliens from another world or even existing outside of time and space. And who knows when and in what incarnation they will come to us again?

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"Mirror Clairvoyance"

It is difficult to deny the possibility of contacts with the dead. People often see ghosts, hear the voices of the dead, and feel their presence. This may mean that the present and the past are in contact, and we can, if we wish, consciously come into contact with those who have passed into the world of the past...

Psychiatrist Raymond Moody, author of the famous book “Life After Life,” dedicated to the posthumous existence of the soul, has been researching the phenomenon of “mirror clairvoyance” for more than 10 years. He was interested in numerous stories about dead people appearing in mirrors. It turns out that in Ancient Greece there were so-called “psychomanteums”, where clients consulted with their deceased loved ones, whose ghosts they could observe in the mirrors. It occurred to Moody to create something similar to this ancient Greek establishment. On the top floor of an old mill in Alabama, the professor created a “mirror room,” the windows of which were tightly closed and curtained. In the room, opposite a large mirror mounted on the wall, there was a chair located at such an angle that the visitor could not see his reflection in it. The mirror reflected only the black velvet curtain behind the chair, against which the visions arose.

People of various professions took part in the project - lawyers, psychologists, doctors, students. Dr. Moody asked volunteers to prepare in advance for the upcoming contact with a deceased loved one. To do this, they were asked to look at photographs, touch things that belonged to the deceased, and remember him... In the evening, at dusk, the experimental subject was taken to a “mirror room” illuminated by a dim lamp. The man sat in a chair and relaxed, turning off his brain from everything extraneous. After this, he began to peer intently into the surface of the mirror. An assistant was on duty in the next room, ready to help in case of unforeseen situations. At the end of the experiment, a long interview was conducted with the experimental subject, during which he talked about what had happened.

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Van Gogh's Space Voyage

Nowadays, the technique of regressive hypnotic suggestion, in which a person is “sent” to the past, is quite widespread. And in 1977, American psychiatrist Bruce Goldberg managed to send his patient Francesca... all the way into the future! The woman stated that her name is Tia, she lives in the 27th century and is an anthropologist by profession. Tia studied a colony of former earthlings who settled on an asteroid in the vicinity of Mars...

By the way, about astral flights to other planets... Recently, astronomers noticed that the landscape of the starry sky, photographed by the Hubble telescope near one of the distant stars, is very similar to the one depicted in Vincent van Gogh’s painting “Starry Night”. Both the painting and the photographs show celestial bodies and swirling dust clouds of the same shape. True, the artist used blue paints, but in the photographs red predominates.

But where would Van Gogh see all this? After all, the shooting was carried out in the constellation Monoceros, at a distance of about 20 thousand light years from Earth. The painter, according to one version, depicted the Big Dipper, according to another - the constellation Aries, under which he himself was born, as well as Venus and the Moon. Now a new hypothesis has arisen. Did Van Gogh ever go on space travel? If this happened, it was most likely in a dream or in a trance state.

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Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

OUTSIDE, preposition with gender. Outside, outside. Outside the house. Outside the circle. Outside of society. Stand outside the party. || Without, beyond, without observing anything out of turn. Off plan. Outside of any rules. ❖ Outlaw see law. Without a doubt (colloquial) of course, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

OUTSIDE, preposition with gender. Outside, outside. Outside the house. Outside the circle. Outside of society. Stand outside the party. || Without, beyond, without observing anything out of turn. Off plan. Outside of any rules. ❖ Outlaw see law. Without a doubt (colloquial) of course, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

OUTSIDE, preposition with gender. Outside, outside. Outside the house. Outside the circle. Outside of society. Stand outside the party. || Without, beyond, without observing anything out of turn. Off plan. Outside of any rules. ❖ Outlaw see law. Without a doubt (colloquial) of course, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Pretext. 1. whom what. Beyond what? Live outside the city. Be outside the home. Outside of time and space who l. (without noticing, without taking into account reality). Out of sight (out of sight). The patient's life is not in danger.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

outside- pretext. 1) whom what Outside what l. Live outside the city. Be outside the home. Outside of time and space who l. (without noticing, not taking into account reality) Out of sight (out of sight) The patient’s life is not in danger.… … Dictionary of many expressions

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  • To information beyond time and space, Sadetsky T. A.. The purpose of this book is the desire to open interested people to the opportunity to receive information from above and give impetus to further progress in terms of understanding the deepest justice...