Gleb VKontakte. Gleb Kalyuzhny VKontakte: official page of the actor

A photograph appeared on Instagram of 25-year-old model and Miss Russia 2015 Sofia Nikitchuk, which started the rumors. It shows a girl posing with a bouquet of flowers. Nikolai Baskov stands nearby, leaning slightly towards Sofia, as if the couple is about to kiss. The caption to the photo says that this is how the girl spent Valentine's Day.

Many were immediately glad that their guesses about the lack of love between Nikolai and Victoria Lopyreva were correct. Some suspected that everything might not be so simple: after all, the man’s face is hard to see, which means it may not be the Basques at all, especially since after such a statement by Sofia, Nikolai had to give an explanation of the situation, but he is silent.

And while fans of Nikolai and Victoria on his page demand an explanation, a heated argument is going on on Sofia’s page.

“Husband at the door, wife at Tver”

“Russian DiCaprio will also follow models to his grave”

“What kind of divorce is this again? Why mislead and deceive people?! We remember the affair with Oksana Fedorova. Volochkova. Lopyreva...."

“Betrayal by Lopyreva? Are you having an affair? Explain. People are waiting"

“Basque chose a girl who was simply younger..”

“He’s a naughty boy: he won’t calm down, he’s always drawn to young girls.”

“Is he a rental guy or something?”

"Vika, roar"

And Victoria, it seems, is not going to cry. Moreover, Sofia showed a photograph from which it is clear that the girls know each other. This means there is a chance that not everything is so simple with that photo.

Fans have long suspected that something is wrong in the pair of Lopyreva and Baskov. Anyone who doesn't spend time with her.

The fate of priest Gleb Grozovsky, accused of pedophilia, is being decided today in the Priozersk City Court. The prosecutor demanded a sentence of 15 years in prison, reports It is also proposed that Grozovsky be deprived of the right to engage in church activities for two years. The priest does not admit guilt and believes that the case is fabricated.

The parents of the injured children are asking to recover 500 thousand rubles from the man. Girls who have been abused stop attending church, become withdrawn, and live in resentment and fear.

Let us recall that Gleb Grozovsky served as rector of the Church of St. John the Warrior in the village of Verevo in the Leningrad region, and also served as an adviser general director football club"Zenith" on spiritual and moral issues. The priest has a wife and four children.

According to investigators, he forced two girls, aged 9 and 12, to have sexual intercourse. In 2011, this happened in an Orthodox children's camp on the island of Konevets in the Leningrad region, the second - in a Greek camp on the island of Kos.

Later he went to Israel, where he got a job at the Center for Healthy Youth. During the investigation, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office sent a request to Israel to extradite the priest. In 2016, Grozovsky was extradited to Russia.

During the trial, Grozovsky stated that all this time they had been discussing only gossip. He believes that the case was fabricated due to his active social activities.

Gleb Grozovskoy:

I consulted with a psychologist and realized that the investigators were putting pressure on the children. If Gavrilov (the investigator - Ed.) always says that I’m bad and asks questions like that, then the child agrees.

UPD: The priest spoke with the last word. In his speech, he said that he treated all children like a father.

Gleb Grozovskoy:

I really want to be understood correctly. We had a friendly family, a loving father and mother. At the seminary we were told that it is very important to show not only parental attention. There attention was paid to physical contact with children; tactile contact is important. For 24 years of service I had only gratitude. I treated the children like a father, did not forbid them to take my hand, sometimes sit on my knees - I wanted to help them, often sacrificing my time. But in the end they make me into a maniacal villain. Based on the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, after analyzing all the events over time, I came to the following conclusion: all the children from disadvantaged families, when communicating with me, wanted to make up for the lack of parental attention. I want to end with a quote: “No matter what you are accused of, the truth will save you.”

Actors, as the most interesting and sometimes shocking representatives of show business, have always enjoyed great popularity in Russia and other CIS countries. This means not only directly acting, but also the personal lives and biography of these prominent people.

In our article today we will talk about the young but quite talented musician and actor Gleb Kalyuzhny, who gained very impressive popularity after the premiere of the film called “14+”. By the way, it was recently shown on the screens of many Russian cinemas.

So it is worth noting that it is enough a large number of Internet users are interested in the question of whether the real Gleb Kalyuzhny is on VKontakte. This is exactly what this article is dedicated to. You will definitely get an answer to this question, but according to tradition, first we will pay a little attention creative path this talented young actor.

Career of Gleb Kalyuzhny

Gleb was born on the fourteenth of August 1995 in the capital Russian Federation, where he actually lives in this moment. Studied at school No. 2123 named after. Miguel Hernandez (school 110). This school is average educational institution With in-depth study Spanish. It was here that Gleb mastered the basics of the Spanish language, which he speaks at a sufficient level. After that, he studied at Polytechnic College No. 2, and then continued his studies at the Department of Marketing at Moscow State University.

As for his film career, for the first time Gleb Kalyuzhny starred in a youth melodrama released in 2015 called “14+”, the film was directed by Andrei Zaitsev. In the film the actor received main role. The plot of the film centers on the love story of two ordinary teenagers studying at different schools. They are forced to overcome a large number of obstacles in order to be together.

The second work for Gleb was one of the main roles in the series “Red Bracelets” - the domestic version of the Catalan series with the same name about a children's hospital and its patients. The series also stars famous actors like Anna Mikhalkova, Daria Moroz, Evgeny Tsyganov, Madeleine Dzhabrailova, Olga Sutulova, Karolina Grushka and Maria Shalaeva.

Gleb's VK page

So, it's time to answer the question that interests you big number fans of the film "14+". Gleb Kalyuzhny is on VKontakte! At the same time, the authenticity of his page is confirmed by a special blue tick. Here is the address of Gleb Kalyuzhny’s page on social network VKontakte: Only this account is genuine, all others were created either by his fans or for the purpose of fraud.

Based on what's in friends young man There are only more than a hundred users, we can conclude that he only adds as friends people with whom he closely communicates, or just acquaintances. All the rest remain in the subscriber column; by the way, Gleb has more than twenty-three thousand of them! By the way, if you are interested in your personal life Russian actors, you should definitely visit the page.

There is quite a lot on the actor's wall latest entries regarding his role in the movie “14+”, as well as his musical activity. It should be noted that the actor Gleb Kalyuzhny, who has gained considerable popularity, is also an author and performer of songs. On his VK page you can see audio recordings that belong to Gleb.


The meaning of the name Gleb

Protected by God. Give under protection (Scandinavian) Notes from P. Florensky's book "Names". The name is not ancient, therefore it is not yet sufficiently defined, not fully formed. Overall good. In appearance there is something childish, unfinished, some underdevelopment, uncertainty. Big head, top part the body is more developed. The hair is light, but not quite. Tastes are also childish: love for sweets and starchy foods. Wine, except pathological cases, does not love. The gait is slightly bouncing. The speech is measured, narrative, sometimes interrogative, sometimes exclamatory. certain places. The man is not outstandingly intelligent, but not stupid. With an inclination towards goodness, easily and directly susceptible to good impulses, sincere and simple. Honest and moral, incapable of evil." "Presented to God" (German) From childhood, he attracts the attention of others with his not childishly serious and calm character. He looks older than his age due to his slowness and prudence. With age, he makes a somewhat impressionable a gloomy person. If Gleb is the leader of a team, his subordinates are lucky, since Gleb is not only strict and objective, but also friendly. Gleb’s authority is not questioned; everything he has achieved in life is the result of his work. He will prefer concrete deeds to verbose promises. It is in his nature to lead his future wife down the aisle on the second day after meeting. Gleb trusts his wife undividedly. If he doubts his wife’s fidelity, interrogations and investigations cannot be avoided. But Gleb’s house is run by his wife. Gleb is a jack of all trades. In his apartment, everything stands in its place, he himself makes shelves, mezzanines, glazes the balcony without long requests. His wife's parents love Gleb. For children, he is an irreplaceable nanny, he can wash diapers and cook porridge. Alcoholic drinks almost never uses it.

Name days: May 2 (15), June 20 (July 3), July 24 (August 6), September 5 (18) (August 6) - Holy Martyr Prince Gleb (and his brother Boris). NAMEDAY: May 15 (2) - the blessed Prince Gleb (Rus.) and the blessed Prince Boris (Rus.) in holy baptism David (and Roman) (transfer of relics). July 3 (June 20) - Righteous Prince Gleb Andreevich Vladimirsky (Russian). August 6 (July 24) - Blessed Prince Gleb (Rus.) (and Blessed Prince Boris (Rus.)) David (and Roman) in holy baptism. September 18 (5) - Righteous Prince Gleb (Rus.), David in holy baptism (murder).

Numerology of the name Gleb

Soul Number: 7.
Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines the large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves with positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.

Hidden Spirit Number: 6

Body number: 1


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: Variegated, variable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The name Gleb as a phrase

G Verb (Speak)
L People
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
B Buki

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Gleb

G - desire for knowledge, input into hidden secret, the ability to understand everything unbreakable connection with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
B - spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, penetration abilities, desire to financially secure one’s life.