Your own business: creating a football club.

Various types of martial arts are very popular today. What it is? Martial arts are sports in which participants compete with each other without using firearms.


There are certain rules that apply to a particular type of martial arts. Martial arts should not be confused with martial arts. Martial arts are either martial or sports. Experts call martial arts and martial arts in one word, “Kempo”.

Among the visitors of such clubs there are men, women and even small children. There are plenty of people who want to learn this from scratch or improve their own skills.

In small towns, the presence of such a club can bring significant profits; the lack of competitors encourages many to open a sports organization. When starting any business, you need a well-thought-out business plan. You won’t have to invest a lot of money in implementing such a plan. In addition to the commercial side, this business project is healthy and useful.

Business registration

Opening your own club means registering it as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. After which you can legally receive money for training everyone. Since sports in some cases lead to human injuries, it is simply necessary to consult with a lawyer when preparing all documents. You should study all the nuances of the design and choose the most suitable option.

If you form a non-profit partnership, the state may provide tax benefits. Having chosen an individual entrepreneur, you will have to register with the tax office and pay taxes.

Advantageous location

You should not consider premises located far from residential areas. People value their time, so they won’t waste it on getting to the club. The optimal location for the club is a room located near the metro and bus stops.

The only disadvantage of renting in the city center is its cost, which not everyone can pay. It is better to rent premises in a residential area; the payment will be significantly lower, but the number of clients will not decrease.

It would be good if there is a parking lot near the club; for many clients this nuance is important, since the prospect of leaving the car wherever necessary is not satisfactory.


For the martial arts hall you will need:

  • tatami about 120 sq. meters,
  • helmets,
  • makiwara,
  • gloves,
  • Swedish wall,
  • decorative elements.

You will have to spend a lot of money on sports equipment. You need to take time to find professional trainers.

They must have the highest qualifications; a prerequisite is a Master of Sports degree and extensive teaching experience. A properly organized martial arts club has an amazing atmosphere dedicated to health and improvement.

Today, gyms provide additional services. The number of visitors depends on the quality of services provided. Opening your own club is not easy; you need to be aware of all the nuances that accompany it.

Marketing move

You can save on leaflets if you design them yourself and print them on a printer at home. Special advertising agencies will do this work for you. Every whim for your money. Promote your website, and the number of visitors to your club will definitely increase. You can attract customers with various incentive offers.

Expenses and income

It is clear that the first thing an entrepreneur is interested in is how much it will cost him. Approximate costs:

  1. It’s realistic to rent a room for 60 thousand rubles;
  2. repairs and purchase of equipment will cost 400 thousand rubles;
  3. staff salary (10 people) is about 200 thousand rubles;
  4. you will have to spend about 100 thousand rubles on advertising;
  5. possible expenses are 100 thousand, in total it is necessary to prepare about 900 thousand rubles.

The profit of the martial arts club is divided into: permanent and temporary. A permanent income is ensured if customers buy subscriptions for several months at once; its average cost is one and a half thousand rubles. Good profit is not a myth if you attract about 100 new clients every month. It’s great if the classes are group and individual.

Temporary income requires the client to pay one-time payments; the bad news is that many people visit clubs from time to time. The cost of one visit is about 150 rubles.

A small martial arts sports club generates a monthly profit of 200 thousand rubles. In this situation, the business will pay for itself within six months.

Possible options

If it is impossible to open a sports club for some reason, it is worth considering the option of opening a gym, which has some advantages.

You can open your own gym without investing a large amount. Such premises are limited to basic repairs. You will have to spend money on installing a high-quality ventilation system, locker rooms, showers, and tatami. The necessary equipment can be acquired over time; it is not necessary to buy everything new.

Such a hall will find its regular customers, because martial arts fans will purposefully come here.

The hall can be rented out and receive passive income. You will have to pay for the work of the administrator and the cleaning lady. You can open your own gym if you have the necessary knowledge and funds.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a specialized boxing center in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide sports and recreation services and make a profit. The business idea is to create and operate a commercial boxing club, aimed at all groups of the population of any age, starting from 5 years. The format of the establishment will refer to the so-called “white collar boxing” (boxing for white collar workers), which implies the adaptation of professional boxing for ordinary people and affordability. The club's services will include group and individual boxing and kickboxing classes, ranging from one-time training to annual membership sales.

Investments in opening the club will amount to RUB 3,620,000. Source: own funds. The payback period of the project is 16 months.

2.Description of the industry and company

In recent years, boxing has increasingly adapted to mass demand and opened its doors to non-professionals. The popularity of boxing clubs for mid-level citizens is increasing, as evidenced by the opening of more and more clubs and boxing centers in major cities of the country. It is believed that white collar boxing originated in the 80s in New York, where tournaments began to be regularly held for office workers seeking emotional release in the ring. White collar boxing became so popular that in 2001 the International White Collar Boxing Association (IWCBA) was formed to set clear rules and oversee the competition. Today there are more than 1,500 clubs around the world where anyone can try themselves as a boxer, regardless of their age and status. Unlike professional clubs, the purpose of such centers is to provide a platform for boxing as an alternative to fitness. By attending classes, a person keeps himself in good physical shape, increases his resistance to stress and more easily endures all the hardships of life.

The goal of this project is to open a specialized boxing center in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide sports and fitness services to the population and make a profit. The business idea is to create and operate a commercial boxing club, aimed at all groups of the population of any age, starting from 5 years. The format of the establishment will refer to the so-called “white collar boxing” (boxing for white collar workers), which implies the adaptation of professional boxing for ordinary people and affordability.

The boxing club will be located in the central area of ​​the city, close to major business centers and educational institutions. The club will operate daily: from 8:00 to 22:00 Mon-Fri. and from 9:00 to 21:00 on Sat. – Sun. The total area of ​​the club will be 250 square meters. meters.

Ready ideas for your business

Boxing classes will be conducted by professional trainers with sporting achievements and sports categories (KMS, MS). The business owner will act as the manager of the club; part of the management and administration responsibilities will be transferred to a full-time administrator. Employees whose work is not related to making a profit (accountant, cleaner) will work for hire.

The organizational and legal form of activity will be an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code suitable for this business is 93.12 Services provided by sports clubs. The simplified taxation system (USN 6%) will be selected for taxation forms.

3.Description of services

The boxing club's services will include group and individual boxing and kickboxing classes, ranging from one-time training sessions to annual membership sales. Functional training, boxing and kickboxing training will be conducted under the guidance of experienced trainers. The approximate price list is presented in Table. 1. To ensure an advantage over competitors, emphasis will be placed on the professionalism of the coaching staff, quality of service, and affordability of services.

Table 1. List of services



Cost, rub.

Group adult training (16+)

Subscription for 3 months

Subscription for 6 months

12 month subscription

Package for 8 workouts

Package for 12 trainings

Group children's training (5-15)

Subscription for 3 months

Subscription for 3 months of group training

Subscription for 6 months

Subscription for 6 months of group training

12 month subscription

Subscription for 12 months of group training

Package for 8 workouts

Attendance at 8 group training sessions (1 month)

Package for 12 trainings

Attendance at 12 group training sessions (1.5 months)

Personal training

1 workout

1 individual training

10 workouts

10 individual trainings (2 months)

Other services

Visit to a boxing gym

Visit to a boxing gym (1 month)

One-time training

One-time training

No special permits or licenses are required to provide such services. The activities of the establishment will need to be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozhnadzor.

4.Sales and marketing

The target audience of boxing will be city residents with an average level of income of various categories of the population. During the classes, groups of different ages will be formed, including children's groups (5-9 years old, 9-15 years old) and groups for adults. If an appropriate specialist is available, it is planned to create a separate group for girls and women. At the pre-opening stage, work will be carried out to attract customers through social networks and pre-sell subscriptions. On the first day of work, an open day will be held with master classes and drawings for certificates for free visits to the club for a certain period.

The main channel for attracting new club members will be the Internet. Wanting to sign up for an exercise class is not like impulsively buying clothes or food. The potential client has an idea of ​​what he wants and strives to find out in more detail information about the sports sections that interest him on the Internet, and compare prices of several clubs. Therefore, information about the services of the boxing center, prices, trainers and contact details will be posted on the website. According to the Yandex.Wordstat service, the request for “boxing section” is made monthly from 12,000 to 26,000 times, while there are much more similar requests (approximately 50-60 thousand). The leaders in the number of requests are Moscow and St. Petersburg (3205 and 1245 requests for “boxing section” as of April 2016), followed by Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Samara and Kazan (170 -338 requests). Taking into account related requests, indicators increase by 2-3 times. At the same time, the most people who want to sign up for boxing are recorded from August to October after the end of the summer holiday season. In the fall, there is a peak in sales of fitness club memberships, so it is most advisable to open a club in August-September.

The main methods that will be used when promoting on the market will be:

In the course of its activities, the club’s management will proceed from the principles of expanding the services provided, increasing the number of regular club members, as well as improving the quality of service. To implement the first task, a search will be made for new partners of the club, including large employers interested in purchasing season tickets in bulk. To implement the second, special seminars, master classes and other events will be held for staff under the guidance of invited specialists. The club's management will help create a trusting family atmosphere with customer-oriented service in the establishment. Attention will be paid to all the subtleties of the work, from maintaining general employee discipline and creating a loyalty system, to an individual approach to each client (taking into account the client’s characteristics and inclinations when conducting training, calling by name, etc.).

5.Production plan

The location of the club will be in the central area of ​​the city with a large number of office and retail buildings (business center). The club will operate daily. Working hours: Monday to Friday - 08:00-22:00, weekends and holidays - from 09:00 to 21:00.

The club will be located on a rented area of ​​250 sq. meters. The boxing club will have two gyms for competitions and training, an administration, a locker room, a wardrobe area and a bathroom with shower. Renovation of the premises will require 1.8 million rubles, equipment – ​​1.2 million rubles. Among other things, the room will need to be equipped with a ventilation system. More detailed equipment costs can be seen in Table. 2.

Table 2. Equipment costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Supply and exhaust ventilation system

Boxing ring

Exercise equipment

Training equipment (bags, bags, etc.)

Office equipment, computers

Furniture for administration and reception


Locker room equipment


1 200 000

The entrepreneur will assume the responsibilities of the club manager. Also, at the initial stage, 5 staff units will be required, including an administrator and four trainers (payroll, see Table 3). Accounting, security and cleaning services will be transferred to third parties for a negotiated payment. If competitions are organized at the club, additional employees may be hired.

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund

The boxing club's main income will come from the sale of subscriptions, with additional income coming from payments for one-time visits and individual lessons. Provided that on average one client will pay about 3,600 rubles for services. per month, then if there are 200 regular customers, the club’s net profit will be 227,000 rubles. with revenue of 720,000 rubles. This mark is planned to be achieved at the initial stage (1-4 months). At the same time, the number of permanent clubs can subsequently be increased to 300 people, which will allow one to count on a profit of up to 550 thousand rubles. The club's expenses will include: rent - 200 thousand rubles, payroll with deductions - 195 thousand rubles, advertising - up to 45 thousand rubles, other expenses (utilities, accounting, cleaning, etc.) - 23 thousand rubles.

6.Organizational plan

Responsibilities for the management of the club will be assumed by an individual entrepreneur, who, together with another administrator subordinate to him, will form the administrative unit. The administration's activities will include resolving all organizational issues, document flow, personnel management, drawing up a work schedule, marketing promotion and development of social networks, searching for new partners, negotiations with the landlord, and resolving conflict situations with clients. The production link will be boxing trainers who conduct group and individual training.

7.Financial plan

The starting investment in the project will be 3,620,000 rubles. Investment cost items are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Investment costs

The financial indicators of the project in terms of revenue, cash flow, costs, tax deductions and net profit are given in Appendix 1. The conditions adopted in the calculations were: average bill for services - 3,600 rubles. achieving a sales volume of 720,000 rubles. for 4 months of operation (200 clients), annual growth in the number of regular clients for 5 years (up to 300 per month).

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The calculations made allow us to say that the project to organize a boxing club is a profitable business that can pay for itself within a short time (see Table 5). At the same time, the load indicators adopted in the calculations are approximate and can be significantly increased if competent work is carried out to attract customers at the preparatory stage, which will have a positive impact on the indicators. In conditions of weak competition, prices for services can change both downward and upward without significant consequences on the level of demand.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

*with a club attendance of 200-300 people per month and an average bill of 3,600 rubles.

9.Risks and guarantees

A description of the key project risks and protective measures are presented in Table. 6.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

Severity of consequences

Prevention measures

Difficulties with recruitment



Posting information about vacancies on several sites, offering favorable working conditions

Growing number of competitors/leaving clientele



Development of loyalty systems, customer-oriented service, revision of the price offer, hiring highly qualified personnel

A sharp drop in the solvency of the population



Cost reduction, development of loyalty programs, review of pricing policy

Emergency, cataclysm



Use of fire and security alarms, insurance

Seasonal drop in demand for services



Providing discounts, selling annual passes, creating a financial safety net



Production plan and main financial indicators of the project in a five-year perspective

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

Nowadays, the popularity of sports is growing every day. Today, more and more people are interested in a healthy lifestyle and, despite high employment and lack of time, strive to keep their body in good physical shape. Thus, opening a sports club or fitness center is a popular and sought-after type of commercial activity.

Today, competition in this area is quite high, so entrepreneurs have to come up with new ways to attract customers and introduce modern technologies. One way to succeed in this area is to specialize in a specific group of consumers. As a result, a separate area emerged - sports clubs for women.

Women's fitness is more popular and promising. According to statistics, among athletic women, 71% consider fitness to be the most suitable activity, but among athletic men, the share of fitness adherents does not exceed 40%.

A business plan for a sports club is developed taking into account the format of the institution, its target group, planned location and many other factors.

The target audience is women 27-48 years old with an average level of income.

Room area: 100-250m2.

Location: residential areas with a large number of residential buildings.

Success factors: high-quality equipment, highly qualified coaching staff, friendliness and responsiveness of staff, quality of services provided, marketing support.

The initial investment amount is 3,368,815 rubles.

Break-even point is reached in the first month of work.

The payback period is from 7 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A sports club for women is not just a gym for sports activities, but a real club where a woman gets not only results, but also a new social circle that shares her interests, the opportunity for relaxation and entertainment. An individual approach is important here. Each woman can receive qualified advice from a specialist who will develop a training and nutrition program to achieve the most effective results.

In the modern world, women's rhythm is very fast, and their daily schedule is very busy, so close proximity to home is important. Thus, a fitness club for women should be located in a residential area within walking distance from home.

List of services provided:

  • Group classes. Group classes include aerobic classes, stable classes (Pilates, yoga).
  • Gym. The gym is equipped with equipment that allows you to work on different muscle groups. Fitness instructors provide mandatory instruction, talk about the capabilities of the gym and the technique of performing exercises on various machines.
  • Personal training. A personalized training program and individual approach is the most effective way to improve your health and fitness level. A personal trainer develops an individual training program taking into account the physiological capabilities of the body and wishes, selects the necessary load, controls the technique of performing exercises, and the dynamics of sports achievements.

Benefits of personal training:

Setting the right goals;

Creating the most accessible and effective program;

Training safety. Reduces the likelihood of injury;

Acquiring the correct skills to perform exercises;

Correct choice of means and intensity of training;

The most noticeable result of training;

Discipline and organization.

  • Fitness testing.

Initial fitness testing. The purpose of the starting test is to determine the level of physical performance, to identify the state of a person’s physical qualities, such as strength, endurance, flexibility, etc., as well as the harmony of their development. The result of the initial testing is a strategic training plan based on your desires, goals, and overall health.

Standard testing assesses basic health indicators and the level of physical development, as well as the state of the central and peripheral nervous system, which is very important for the correct selection of a training regimen and the prevention of physical overstrain syndrome.

You can increase your establishment's revenue by selling additional products.

Additional products:

Healthy diet;

Cosmetics for a good figure.

All products in the line work for three purposes:

  1. Slimness and lightness throughout the body.
  2. Youth and beauty of the skin.
  3. Harmony and general feeling of comfort.

Clients can get advice from a nutritionist and choose the most effective diet, supplementing it with vitamins and healthy foods and cocktails.

3. Description of the sales market

Over the past 15-20 years, the fitness industry market has undergone great metamorphosis. This area began to emerge in Russia in 1993, and only wealthy people could afford to visit a fitness room. Now fitness has penetrated into all layers of society. Sports clubs are opening all over Russia to suit every taste and budget.

Optimistic forecasts for the fitness industry are provided by various research companies. For example, the marketing agency Business Port says that the growth of this market will remain at a level of no less than 25%, and the NeoAnalytics company puts the figure at $3.2 billion, speaking about the potential capacity of the Russian fitness services market.

In mid-2015, there were more than 3 thousand sports clubs in Russia, attended by more than 1.7 million people. But, as in many other areas, the capitals remain the leaders - Moscow and St. Petersburg. The capital's market for fitness services is close to Western standards in terms of development rates and trends. The competition here is very high, and the crisis is only aggravating the situation .

There is a trend in the market to diversify the fitness industry. Recently, large sports complexes with swimming pools, spas and other additional services have begun to fade into the background. More and more people who care about their health and physical fitness are giving preference to “home” clubs that are within walking distance. For entrepreneurs who want to open their own business in the fitness field, this arrangement can be beneficial. You need to understand that a sports club will not pay for itself in a short time, and the size of the initial investment cannot be called small.

The target audience of a sports club for women is women whose age is 27-48 years old and their income level is average.

Slimness, beauty and health will always be at the top of the list of priorities of a modern woman, because self-care is an expense item that is almost the last to be cut. When there is uncertainty around and every news makes you nervous, it is important for a woman to please herself and create an atmosphere of comfort and calm around her. Therefore, the popularity of sports clubs for women will only increase in the coming years.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

The key goal is to open a sports club for women.

  • Overview of the real estate market to select the optimal premises

Basic requirements for the premises.

Select area:
- “Sleeping” areas with a higher share of the target audience. The main type of buildings is multi-storey residential. If you choose an old housing stock, then it must be of medium and high cost, since pensioners usually live in cheap old housing stock; if new buildings, then with a completion period of more than 1 year (residents of new buildings with a completion period of less than a year, as a rule, spend all their income and savings in the first year on furnishing a new apartment).

It is recommended to locate a sports club near healthcare enterprises, pharmacies, banks, utility payment collection points, educational institutions for children, and beauty salons of medium and high price categories.

Characteristics of the premises:
- Room area 100-250 m2 (less is considered individually);
- Separate entrance from the street or from the end;
- It is desirable to have parking for 5 cars or more;
- Preferably the first floor or semi-basement with windows. The basement is not considered. You can consider the second floor with a convenient and short flight of stairs. It is not recommended to consider the location of the club above the second floor;
- A place on the façade facing the street is required to place a sign; it is also advisable to have a place to place a banner.

Technical requirements for the premises:
- Guaranteed water consumption of at least 8 cubic meters/day;
- Floor load 100 kg/sq.m;
- Availability of connecting bathrooms and showers, at the rate of 1 per 50 sq.m;
- Possibility of redevelopment and reconstruction of utility networks;
- The height of the ceiling is at least 2.8 m (up to the suspended ceiling);
- Availability or possibility of placing supply and exhaust ventilation. In accordance with SNIP, the air exchange per person should be at least 80 cubic meters. m per hour at

air speed is no more than 5 m/sec, and at least 33 square meters are required per person. cm area of ​​the supply grille;
- The width of the doorway (entrance to the room and entrance to the active zone) is not less than 95 cm.
If the doorway is less than 95 cm, it is necessary to find out the possibility of expanding the opening or dismantling the window to bring equipment into the room.

  • Registration of a legal entity;

The activity can be carried out by both an individual - individual entrepreneur, and a legal entity - LLC.

  • Concluding an agreement for the supply of equipment.

6. Organizational structure

Salary fund


Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

The number of employees

Salary Total (RUB)




Cleaning woman

General salary fund

7. Financial plan

The sales plan is drawn up based on the number of subscriptions sold, the type of subscription and its price, as well as goods sold.

Planned revenue volumes in the first year of operation (rubles)

Number of workouts

Subscription price

1 month

2 month

3 month

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

Selling goods

Total revenue

Number of workouts

Subscription price

4 month

5 month

6 month

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

Total revenue from subscriptions, rub.

Selling goods

Total revenue

See the appendix for the full revenue plan.

Forecasting the company's activities in the first year of operation (rubles)

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months


Today, many representatives of the business community are increasingly thinking about how to open a sports section. And such a tendency is quite easy to explain.

Everyone understands that sport is the future of our country. Currently, it is becoming fashionable to maintain a healthy lifestyle rather than abuse bad habits.

It is safe to say that a person who knows how to open a sports section and plans to do so will kill two birds with one stone with such intentions. Firstly, he will create additional conditions for doing exercises, and secondly, he can extract quite a substantial profit from this business.

It should be noted that before opening a sports section, preparatory actions should be carried out. Which? Everything is very simple.

Business plan

First you need to draw up a business plan for the sports section on paper. In this document, you must reflect all the intricacies of organizing your own business: decide on the size of the training room, the number of staff, the amount of start-up capital and calculate how much profit you intend to make in the end. Clearly define your goals for the near future.

Business registration

Before you open a sports section, you must make your business activity legal. What does this mean? You must register your business with the authorized authorities.

It should be noted that you have the right to register your enterprise as a commercial structure, or you can choose, for example, a non-profit partnership as an organizational and legal form. If you choose the latter option, you can count on receiving tax benefits from the state.

If you intend to make a profit, then you should obtain title documents from the tax office. If you stop at a public organization, then - in the territorial justice bodies. To simplify tax payment at the initial stage of your activity, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur.

It should be noted that the registration procedure, as a rule, does not cause difficulties and after 5-7 days from the date of application, the necessary documents will be in your hands.

Choosing a Section Location

You must understand that in the age of high technology, humanity leads a fairly dynamic life when there is not enough time for anything. This is why people are not attracted to the prospect of standing in traffic jams for several precious hours on the way to the sports section. Therefore, your club should have a convenient location. Naturally, clients should easily reach it by public transport.

Of course, not everyone can afford to rent a room in the city center. It is optimal to choose the location of your sports section in one of the residential areas. This will provide you with a regular influx of clients. At the same time, choose places where there is convenient parking so that your club members can park their car in the right place.


At the next stage, you must decide on the issue of staffing, since without qualified trainers, administrators, consultants and massage therapists, it is unlikely that you will be able to organize a business competently. Do not forget that every month you will have to pay for their work.


In order for as many people as possible to know about your section, you need to systematically advertise your own business. Let's advertise in newspapers, on the radio, put up flyers on the streets. Organize promotions for your customers, for example, set a 5% discount when purchasing a monthly subscription.

Gym premises and equipment

When organizing the above business, you must carefully consider the issue of what your sports premises will be like (this is also relevant when developing a document such as an art school business plan).

If you intend to work with clients with low incomes, then the price of renting a gym should not be prohibitively high. As an option, we can recommend semi-basement or basement premises.

If you intend to put your business on a grand scale, as they say, thinking, for example, about how to open a martial arts section, then you will need several fairly large premises where you could provide gyms, a lobby with a wardrobe, locker rooms, toilets And so on.

As for the equipment, visitors will judge the status of your establishment by its quality and design. The range of equipment depends directly on what sports you are going to teach your clients.

For example, to organize a martial arts section you will need special carpets, mats, exercise equipment, uneven bars, and horizontal bars. Have you decided to open a basketball section? You need to take care of balls, sports uniforms, and arranging the hall with rings in advance. To play badminton you will need a net, rackets and shuttlecocks.

If you want to have only modern models of exercise machines, then when drawing up, for example, a business plan for a martial arts hall, you must provide for additional costs in the start-up capital, since modern “health machines” are quite expensive.

Again, it should be noted that if your business is focused on clients with low incomes, then spending money on expensive bike paths hardly makes sense, since such investments will not be able to recoup quickly. If you want to become a worthy competitor to famous sports schools in your city, then you must have everything new and modern.

Of course, pay special attention to the quality of service in your section. Don’t forget that the client is always right: he should be as comfortable as possible at the sports school. Remember also that sport is positioned as a separate ideology. It involves a positive attitude towards people leading a healthy lifestyle.

A sports society (sports club) is one of the types of physical culture and sports organizations that can be created in Russia in accordance with the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation.”

The provisions of this law also apply to individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of physical culture and sports.

Forms in which a sports club (legal entity) can be registered:

  1. Non-profit organization.

In this case, the sports club operates on the basis of the Charter of a non-profit organization and is guided by the laws:

  • Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations”
  • Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”
  1. Commercial organization.

In this case, the club can be organized in any form permitted by law. Most often, such clubs exist in the form of Limited Liability Companies. In their activities they are guided by the Charter of the company and Federal Law dated 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”.

Sports club – non-profit organization (NPO)

The main activity of such an organization is the development of a certain type (types) of sports, its popularization, and attracting citizens to play sports. Making profit with subsequent distribution between participants cannot be the main goal of a sports society created as a non-profit organization.

Registration of such an organization occurs as a legal entity in the same manner as other non-profit organizations.

When registering, you will need to select the NPO form. The following types of NPOs are suitable for a sports society (club):

  • public organization (public association)
  • non-commercial partnership
  • autonomous non-profit organization
  • association or union.

It should be taken into account that public associations, in turn, are divided into:

  • public organization
  • social movement
  • public fund
  • public institution
  • some others (not suitable for a sports club).

All-Russian, interregional, regional and local public associations can be created in the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for registering a Sports Club as an NPO:

  1. Decide on the type of NPO
  2. Decide on the name of the sports club and its legal address.
  3. Make a decision to create an NPO and prepare constituent documents. The founders of the club are usually initiative persons (at least three people). They convene a general meeting of future club members. It is at the general meeting of the club that the decision on its creation is made, the club’s charter, the governing bodies of the club and the control and audit commission are elected.
  4. Submit the prepared documents (together with a receipt for payment of the state duty for registration of an NPO) to the registration authority. Documents must be submitted for registration no later than three months from the date of the decision to create the club. The registration authority in this case is the regional branch of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The following must be submitted for registration:

1) application for registration of an NPO in form P11001;

2) constituent documents of the NPO in three copies;

3) a decision on the creation of a non-profit organization and on the approval of its constituent documents indicating the composition of the executive bodies in two copies;

4) information about the founders in two copies;

5) document confirming payment of state duty;

6) information about the address (location) of the permanent executive body of the NPO;

7) when using symbols protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property in the name of an NPO - documents confirming the authority to use them;

  1. If the registration decision is positive, you will receive:
  • NPO registration certificates
  • entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Step-by-step instructions for registering a Sports Club as a commercial organization.

To register a sports club as a commercial organization, it is necessary to carry out all the standard steps for registering a legal entity:

  1. Decide on the name and legal address of the company
  2. Prepare a package of statutory documents
  3. Conduct a general meeting of founders, at which to adopt / approve the constituent documents of the company, and appoint the executive body of the company.
  4. Submit to the registration authority (authorized body of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation):
  • Application for registration of a company
  • Constituent documents of the company
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (Read also article ⇒).

A sports club is created by an individual entrepreneur (IP)

In this case, an individual simply needs to register as an individual entrepreneur by submitting to the registration authority:

  1. Application for registration as an individual entrepreneur
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Choosing a taxation system when registering a sports club

For any of the chosen forms of organizing a sports club, it is necessary to decide on the choice of taxation system. If you plan to use the Simplified Taxation System (STS), then it is better to submit a notification about the transition to the STS simultaneously with the submission of documents for registration.

Answers to common questions

Question #1:

Can a sports club operate without registration?

Yes, the provisions of Article 3 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations” allow citizens to create public associations that carry out their activities without state registration and acquiring the rights of a legal entity.

Question #2:

Does a sports club created to teach children to play football need to obtain a license?

If the main activity is teaching children sports, then the organization must be created in the form of an NGO and have a license (Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”). A license is not required if the name “Sports Club” is used by an individual entrepreneur who carries out training independently, without the involvement of other specialists.

If simply sports activities are chosen as the main activity, then a license is not required and the form of organization can be any.

Question #3:

Can an individual entrepreneur organize a sports club to teach martial arts if he does not have special education?

If the activity of a sports club is educational and an individual entrepreneur plans to conduct classes independently, without the involvement of other sports specialists, in accordance with Article 46 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” such an entrepreneur must have a secondary vocational or higher education education in the field of sports.