Description of the painting: new planet Yuon. Description from painting K

The outstanding Russian artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon (1875-1958) is considered a prominent representative of symbolism and modernism. Fate was favorable to Konstantin Fedorovich. He was born into the family of a bank employee and received an excellent education. In 1892, K. Yuon entered the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he had the opportunity to study with such outstanding painters as K. A. Korovin, K. A. Savitsky,

A. E. Arkhipov. After graduation, K. Yuon was engaged in creative work under the guidance of V. A. Serov.

K. Yuon was a member of the “Union of Russian Artists”, “World of Art”, AHRR (Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia). The artist created a wide variety of paintings - among them were images of rural and urban landscapes, as well as symbolist paintings.

K. Yuon at the beginning of the 20th century. created a cycle of symbolist drawings “The Creation of the World”. In these drawings he showed how luminaries and nature emerge from cosmic chaos. In continuation of this theme, the painting “New Planet” was created in 1921. This painting is dedicated to the revolution. The artist showed the revolution, which was the greatest social cataclysm, like a cosmic cataclysm, majestic and terrible in its inevitability.

The composition of the picture is quite complex. We see fiery flashes, the emergence of new planets. The painting is dominated by black, red and yellow tones. All this causes alarming associations. Frightened people look small and pitiful against the backdrop of menacing cosmic cataclysms.

In essence, the allegory is clear. In fact, revolution as a social cataclysm is no less terrible and dangerous than a cosmic cataclysm can be. The revolution is ruthless towards people. “The revolution devours its children,” said Pierre Vergniaud.

In the painting “New Planet” neither cities nor houses are visible. There are only scary cosmic rays, flares and people. Cosmic forces seem to be directed at defenseless, small and weak people. And people can only run away and hide. Although any attempts to escape are useless. Some, stretching their hands upward, try to pray. But who and what is left for these unfortunate people to pray to? In terms of its destructiveness, a cosmic cataclysm can be compared with the end of the world, which, one way or another, is predicted by various religions. However, in essence the revolution was the end of the world. The usual course of life, norms of existence and morality were forgotten. Everything suddenly changed. And it became completely different, scary, unfamiliar, frightening. Revolution is a formidable and terrible force that makes people as helpless as before a cosmic cataclysm.

What was K. Yuon’s attitude towards the revolution? Judging by his painting “New Planet,” he could not help but recognize the full destructive power of the social cataclysm. Global changes in public life could not pass unnoticed. Being a man of his time, the artist recognized all the negative factors inherent in social change. But at the same time, he apparently had great hopes for the birth of a “new planet.” The painter believed that some time would pass and the storms and cataclysms would subside. And life will enter a new groove, everything will be much better than before. Yes, tragedies are inevitable. But it cannot be otherwise. Anything new necessarily requires the destruction of the old. The “new planet” will appear only after a whole series of destructive cataclysms. K. Yuon wanted to show all this with his canvas. It's hard for us to argue with this. However, we modern people have our own attitude towards revolution. We are no longer as sensitive to the symbols of the era as people were at the beginning of the 20th century. We, knowing about the destructive power of the revolution, already allow ourselves to criticize it itself as a most dangerous social cataclysm. We also criticize the opinions of people who consider the revolution to be the greatest good. Material from the site

The painting itself by K. Yuon evokes disturbing associations in me. In my opinion, the plot of the painting could have been inspired by a difficult, nightmare dream, if there had not been a historical symbolist background to its creation. It is no coincidence that the artist chose such tones to recreate a frightening atmosphere. Without a doubt, most of the people depicted in the picture will die. And this cannot but frighten and upset. Personally, this picture reminded me of another one, which depicts a terrible natural disaster - “The Last Day of Pompeii.” In that picture, people are also dying, defenseless before the terrible eruption of Mount Vesuvius. No one can be saved, nothing can protect people from a natural disaster. “Revolution is a barbaric way of progress,” said Jean Jaurès (1859–1914), leader of the French Socialist Party, who opposed wars and militarism. In my opinion, such barbarity as the death of innocent people cannot be justified. If we are talking about a natural disaster, it is clear that no one is to blame. Not every natural disaster can be stopped by people. But revolution as a social cataclysm is driven by people. And it is truly scary that people can become the cause of such a destructive phenomenon. It seems to me that K. Yuon’s painting can be perceived as a stern warning. The artist was an eyewitness to the October Socialist Revolution. He knew what she was like. And therefore, the painter, using the style of the symbolists, left descendants a warning about what could happen in the event of a social cataclysm - a revolution. It awakens terrible forces to life, people lose their minds. And there is no escape from this madness. Let supporters of the revolution hide behind beautiful words. No words can justify what happens. Bernard Shaw once said: “Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny, but only shifted it onto other shoulders.” And this is actually true. Tyranny did not disappear after social cataclysms. The balance of forces simply changed, new executioners and victims appeared. K. Yuon’s painting “New Planet” makes us think about all this, in particular about the drama and tragedy of the revolution.

Science fiction has been firmly established in our lives for quite a long time. Why have literary works written in the genre of science fiction and science fiction films found such a huge number of admirers among us? Of course, because a person cannot help but dream, not think about what lies there, beyond our reality. Fiction reflects a world that is created on the basis of real ideas about life and ideas.

Fantasy is widespread not only in fiction, theater, cinema, but also in the visual arts. Fantastic images created in artists’ paintings often violate the natural proportions and shapes of the depicted objects. However, this is not just a play of the author’s imagination, but a specific position of the artist, expressing his worldview by depicting grotesque or ideal images, symbols, and unimaginable plot structures.

K. Yuon’s painting “New Planet” was written in the fantasy genre. The artist depicted the new planet as surprising, frightening and fascinating at the same time. We see the earth opening up, people dying, and the sky illuminated by orange-yellow circles of flashes. The new planet clearly brings death to people: they stretched out their hands to the sky, begging not to destroy them. It is no coincidence that people are naked - this symbolizes their defenselessness before the uncontrollable forces of nature of the new earth.

Many of the people have already died, others we see falling into the gaping abyss. Others try to hide from the blow and run. But it is clear that the artist depicted the last moments of people’s lives.

The firmament, in which other planets glow with huge flaming balls, seems to be pierced by burning rays: it is most likely that another cosmic body exploded near the planet, which became the cause of the tragedy for all living things.

The color palette of the canvas is rich in bright colors: the artist used various shades of red, blue and black. This enhances the impression of the picture, which seems to say: the only place for human life is planet Earth, and the new and unknown outside the boundaries of our planet will bring destruction to humanity.

Description of Yuon’s painting “New Planet”

“New Planet” is an unusual painting, painted in a manner unusual for Yuon.
This painting was painted in 1921 and is associated with the October Revolution.
It was she who turned the familiar world of people upside down and led to the formation of a new state.
Impressed by this event, Yuon decided to paint a picture of the birth of a new planet, associating it with a new world.

It was not without reason that the artist used shades of red and yellow as the primary colors.
These colors represent revolution.
On the one hand, these are warm colors that attract, and on the other hand, red is an aggressive and frightening color.
A new planet is born suddenly and illuminates everyone with its bright light.
Yellow warm rays come from her, like from the sun.

People observing a unique phenomenon behave differently.
Some rejoice at this event and put their hands towards the warmth.
Those who couldn’t make it try to crawl, see everything with their own eyes and rejoice with the others.
They understand that something amazing is being born, and this event will lead to a new happy life.
There are people who are not at all happy about this phenomenon, but on the contrary, it scares them.
They fell to the ground and covered their heads with their hands, trying to escape from something terrible that foreshadowed the end of the world.
For them, the appearance of a new planet is a punishment for their deeds; they are afraid of merciless punishment.

One thing is certain: the appearance of the planet did not leave anyone indifferent.
Each person has his own attitude to this event, as well as to the October Revolution.
Through such an unusual comparison, the artist conveyed his main idea regarding the revolution.
It was she who changed people’s lives and thanks to her a new state emerged.
Bright colors represent new life and change.
The October Revolution left an indelible mark on people's lives.

This picture is impressive. The name “New Planet” speaks of something fantastic, on the one hand, and on the other, something like a real revolution.

It is made in bright colors: from yellow to red. That is, almost the entire picture is occupied by the dawn sky in the rays of the sun. Several luminaries are depicted here (two), and around them are white satellites. At the bottom of the picture, the surface of the planet is painted black, and on it are figures of people who are rejoicing. You can understand it, apparently, in different ways, but it seems to me that they are exactly happy - jumping and even dancing.

Many moons means, of course, some other world. A new planet that astronauts found. But the red color is reminiscent of the revolution, when a new world was built on Earth.

The picture gives a feeling of energy, strength and positivity. And yet there are figures here that lie on the ground... They turn away from the coming of the New. Some people have the impression that this is an apocalypse, that these people are dying in the rays of the Sun. But at the birth of a New Planet, of course, sacrifices are possible. In the face of nature, especially space, I am afraid that people are still powerless.

There is still part of the blue sky, and reflections on the black earth. Some rays do not dissipate, but seem to break off in the sky. That is, there are short and long rays.

There is also green in the picture. But these are not trees and bushes, but simply a combination, for example, of a yellow ray and a blue sky. The Sun is depicted very beautifully “iridescently” - it seems to be hotter below, the colors change very beautifully.

If you look closely at the figures, you will notice that many are facing the red luminary. They even reach out to him, greeting him and running towards him. I think that this light is the New Planet, and this is the moment of its birth. This would be a good illustration for a fantasy book.

I really like the picture. It could even be used as “wallpaper” on your desktop.

Essay describing Yuon's painting New Planet

In 1921, Yuon painted the painting “New Planet”. The character of this painting is very different from his other works. This painting was born at a turning point for Russia, during the Great October Revolution. A year after the creation of this picture, the greatest country was formed, one might say an empire - the Soviet Union.

This canvas shows the birth of a fireball, or rather a new planet, which stands out against a dark and cold background.

This fiery red ball seems to be sprinkled with blood, but at the same time it is illuminated by bright rays. These rays made their way out of the earth and reached out to the small planets that were so high. They symbolize the path to a better future, to transformation that lies through obstacles and losses.

The people depicted in the picture show different moods of society.

Some reach out with their hands to this planet, warming themselves in the rays that envelop it and supposedly elevate this very ball from the deep darkness. People are scared, but they hope and believe in the best changes in the future, they rejoice. They believe that the ball is a better, new life.

Others are lost in their confusion. But despite this, they are happy to see everything, even if this miracle is the last thing they contemplate in their lives. They most likely experience some admiration from the fact that they were the ones who witnessed this phenomenon.

Still others, on the contrary, see the birth of a fiery miracle as a complete apocalypse, the end of all living things. But they cannot change anything, and they have to accept this fate. They cannot realize that their world will not perish and everything will remain the same, and perhaps even better.

The canvas simultaneously attracts and frightens its viewer. It has a deep meaning, but not everyone is given it to understand and see it the first time. It is difficult to reveal the whole essence of what is depicted, especially in the modern world.

Looking at the canvas, you understand that a revolution is always different moods of people and fiery outbreaks of change, which bring something new and unique to everyone. But it is impossible to turn back, the mechanism has been started and no one will have the same life again.

This is Yuon’s most unusual painting in terms of its energy. It has power and emotion: horror, joy, hope. There is a secret hidden in the canvas that needs to be unraveled and realized. It has the brilliance of an idea that is not fully revealed to the viewer's eyes, but completely touches the soul.

The painting is a memory and a reminder that we should not forget about the past and should always be prepared for the birth of new planets.

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I’ll start the description of Yuon’s painting “New Planet” with an assumption about what the artist really wanted to depict and only one thought is spinning in my head. Most likely, the creator of the picture wanted to show us the emotions of people who were faced with something new. As we know, the picture was painted in 1921, just after the October Revolution took place, just when one state replaced another, because Soviet power came, that is, the “New Planet”.

Brief description of K. Yuon’s painting “New Planet”

When making a brief description of Yuon’s painting “New Planet”, it is worth paying attention to the rays that break out from under the ground. This is the gradual emergence of a planet that has not yet been reborn, but is already illuminating everything around with its bright rays. The rays rush upward, to the heavens, to other planets, and these rays are a symbol of the rebirth of the earth. People are curious. They all ran out into the street and each had their own emotions. One part of people expects something new and beautiful from the “new planet,” the new world, the new way of life, so they joyfully stretch out their hands to the unknown future, believing that it is bright and carefree. Other people see what is happening as a disaster. For them, something new is tantamount to the end of the world. They run away, want to hide, everything that happens causes them panic and horror. And others, it seems, are not afraid of the new and unknown, but they seem to have fallen without strength and cannot go further.

An essay based on Yuon’s painting “New Planet” and its description tells us that everything in our world does not stand still, the old disintegrates, the new is born, we only have to accept this new thing or protest against it. Konstantin Yuon in his work “New Planet” in the description of the picture probably wanted to show us that people are always afraid of the new, the unknown, but still we are curious by nature and always believe in the best. So here, the people depicted believe that the new will not bring destruction, but something better, brighter than it was before.

The painting “New Planet” was written in a fantasy genre. It captivates and attracts attention with its small details. When you look at the picture, you understand that the artist has truly great talent. After all, you want to look at the picture again and again, look at every detail and think about life.