Paintings about spring by famous artists. Beautiful pictures about a wonderful spring

Autumn crafts for the little ones: making prints natural materials on salt dough and color them.

Autumn crafts for kids: making from natural materials and dough

This craft was sent to our competition “Autumn Workshop - 2015” by Victoria Yuryevna Sviridova and her son Oleg. When Olezhek made these crafts, he was only 1 year and 8 months old! Victoria and her son live in Kaliningrad.

Victoria writes: “My son is still only 1 year and 8 months old. We are actively engaged creative activities: we draw, sculpt, glue, etc. So we made some funny crafts for the “Autumn Workshop” competition.

You will need:

- salted dough for crafts (2 cups flour, 1 cup salt and 3/4 cup water),

- brushes or sponge for painting.

How to make a craft: everything is very simple!

Step 1. We collect cones, acorns, chestnuts, leaves, twigs. We bring them back from our walk.

Step 2. We make salt dough - see the recipe above in the “You will need” section.

I decided to combine exercises in modeling salt dough and then coloring it. My little son kneaded pieces of dough, played with it, and trained his fingers. We took our autumn preparations and began to imprint them on the dough - making their imprints. My son especially liked the prints from the acorn caps. Then I baked the products in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. While everything was cooling down, we went for a walk.

Step 3. In the evening we started painting the products. It turned out to be no less interesting activity:). As a result, my son painted almost everything himself, including himself :). Despite the fact that the prints were largely lost under a layer of paint, the process itself was very exciting.))

Modeling and drawing, it seems to me, are what children like of different ages. Therefore, if you adapt such an activity, complicating and supplementing it, for example, for an older child, then you can have fun with the whole family. Have a warm autumn everyone!”

More autumn crafts for the little ones V step-by-step master classes You will find participants in the “Autumn Workshop” competition in the articles:

Lots of ideas and step-by-step master classes for autumn crafts with children and you will find

Autumn gives us a lot of materials for creativity. These include leaves of various colors, chestnuts, dried flowers, acorns, and a decorative miniature pumpkin.

But, before you start making souvenirs from them, you need to properly prepare them, namely dry them and, if necessary, coat them with varnish or paint.

If you make a craft from unprepared raw materials, it will be a short-lived product.

As soon as the material dries on its own, the souvenir will lose its shape and will have to be thrown away. And besides this, half-raw leaves can simply rot or become moldy.

So let's start by drying out our autumn finds.

Let's prepare the leaves for the herbarium as follows:

1 way:

Place them between the book sheets and place them back on the shelf, pressing them tightly with other books to the side. In about a week to a week and a half, the leaves will be suitable for crafts.

This method is the best, since the natural color of the leaves does not change and then they for a long time don't break.

Method 2:

This method is good if you don’t have the strength to withstand a week and a half and want to get to work quickly. Place the sheet between two white sheets of paper and iron with an iron set to the lowest setting.

In this case, the yellow and red leaves retain their color, but the green ones may darken and become an ugly, brown shade.

We dry chestnuts, acorns and decorative pumpkins.

1 way:

Dry on outdoors, in the shadow. It will be necessary to wait quite a long time before these materials acquire the dryness we need.

Sometimes this process takes a month. This is especially true for decorative pumpkins, which make wonderful DIY autumn crafts.

You will see for yourself when the moment of readiness for the gifts of autumn comes. Acorns and chestnuts will become lighter, and the pumpkin will become like a rattle, as the cavity inside will dry out and shrink, and dry seeds will beat against the walls.

Method 2:

We use the oven for this. It needs to be set at a temperature of up to 60C and dried until tender, stirring occasionally.

The main thing is not to rush and do not put on high heat, as the fruits will simply cook and become completely unusable.

Drying dried flowers

There is only one way and it takes a long time. Flowers need to be strung on a thread threaded through the stems and hung in a dry place, with the flower stems facing down.

Drying in a book or with an iron will not work, as the shape will be lost and they will become flat. After the dried flowers are completely dry, they need to be covered with a layer of hairspray. It will give them the desired density and will not allow them to crumble at the slightest touch.

Well, now, let's move on to specific master classes and examples.

1. Panel of autumn leaves

We offer you a great idea for a DIY leaf panel. It’s not at all difficult to make, but the result is quite impressive.

It would be nice if next to finished painting You also used leaves to arrange other autumn decorative elements. For example, pumpkins, spikelets and other things that suit the style. Then you will have a whole autumn ensemble.

What we need for work:

  1. 1. Dried maple leaves of yellow-red color.
  2. 2. Tree branch for the trunk
  3. 3. A square piece of plywood
  4. 4. Stain or dark varnish
  5. 5. Simple pencil
  6. 6. PVA glue
  7. 7. A bunch of dry spikelets
  8. 8. Wicker basket for pumpkins
  9. 9. Several Jack Be Little or Baby Boo pumpkins

If you don’t have such pumpkins, you can fill the basket with chestnuts and acorns. But on next year It wouldn’t hurt to grow them, as they look very colorful and festive. Of course, if you have a plot of land.

Look at the variety of varieties and how harmoniously they combine with each other:

Master class step by step:

1 step. Sand the board, focusing Special attention edges. They should be smooth.

Step 2. Cover it with stain or varnish, preferably with a brownish tint. Apply the coating in several layers, trying to make the board not a uniform color, but a slightly “spotty” one.

Step 3. Freehand draw a large maple leaf.

Step 4 Start gluing on the maple leaves. Start from the edges, gradually approaching the middle. The edges of the leaves should match the edges of the sketch as best as possible. The next row of leaves should overlap the previous one. Do not glue the ends, they must be “overhanging” to create a volume effect.

Step 5 Glue the selected twig in place of the stem.

Now hang it up autumn panel, created with your own hands, over a cabinet and place other decorative elements around it.

2. Topiary from herbarium and other autumn materials

Topiary is a decorative tree. In autumn you can collect beautiful leaves and make such a wonderful and cozy decorative element.

Any leaves, dried flowers, acorns, spikelets will be used here. The main thing is to understand the essence and do it the right basis. And what to fill it with - your imagination will tell you.

What we need for work:

  1. 1. Ceramic pot of a dull color
  2. 2. A straight tree branch for the trunk
  3. 3. 1 ball made of foam rubber, polystyrene foam or special floral foam
  4. 4. Dry moss, sesame or a handful of beautiful pebbles, acorns, dry rowan
  5. 5. Glue gun
  6. 6. Dry plaster
  7. 7. Decorative elements: herbarium, dried flowers, rowan, acorns, etc.

Master class step by step:

1 step. Let's start with the basics. Take a foam ball and place it on a branch that will serve as your trunk. Then remove it and drop some glue from the gun into the hole formed. Reattach the ball and let it dry.

Step 2. Secure the trunk in the pot. To do this, drop a drop of glue onto the free edge of the branch and attach it to the base of the pot.

Then, dilute the plaster with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream and fill the container. Don't forget that you will still need to decorate everything on top with moss or acorns, so leave a gap of about 3-4 cm from the top.

Step 3. Now we insert leaves and dried flowers into the ball, sticking them with their stems inside. If you want to add acorns to the composition, then first place them on pieces of wire.

Step 4 Now all you have to do is decorate the top of the pot so that the plaster is not visible.

That's all. Using this simple scheme, you can make a wide variety of autumn crafts with your own hands, not only from leaves, but also from dry peas, nuts and so on. They will all look just great!

3. Roses from maple leaves

Looking at this elegant bouquet of roses, you wouldn’t even think that it was made from ordinary maple leaves!

But, nevertheless, it is so. You just need to learn how to fold them correctly and you will get a great basis for many ideas.

Such roses can be included in various autumn topiaries, wreaths, compositions and panels. They look great in combination with any natural materials.

Well, let's get down to business.

What we need for work:

  1. 1. Maple leaves are not dried
  2. 2. Thread or soft wire
  3. 3. Matt lacquer for hair

Master class step by step:

1 step. We form the middle of the bud. To do this, fold the sheet as shown in the pictures below. Try to twist it as tightly and evenly as possible. First in half and then into sausage.

As a result, we should have something like this:

Step 2. Now take the second sheet, fold it in half again and wrap it around the base.

Sharp edges maple leaves you need to carefully hide it inside, like this:

Step 3. We continue to build up the mass around the base, adding more and more leaves. If you want to end up with a bud, then twist it more tightly, but if you ate a more magnificent rose, then loosen the twist a little.

Step 4 When you see that a real rose has “bloomed” in your hands, you need to secure it with threads as tightly as possible.

Step 5 We trim the edges with scissors and place the rose on a lining of leaves, preferably already dry. We cover the composition with varnish and admire it!

These leaf roses last quite a long time, definitely enough for the entire autumn season. You can make as many of these flowers as you like. The more there are, the more chic this autumn composition, reminiscent of a fabric motif, looks.

4. Compositions of decorative pumpkins

Even if you do not grow this vegetable on your plot, in autumn time You can freely buy them on the market and then dry them yourself. We have already told you how to do this above, so let’s not waste time talking.

Let's get creative!

There will be no master classes in this block, we will simply show you examples of such decor, and how to make them is already quite clear from the photo.

Of course there are more complex techniques, for example, carving or painting on dry lagenaria, but this is a broad topic and worthy of a separate article. Here we will consider only the simplest compositions that even a schoolchild can do.

Option 1. Basket with a scattering of pumpkins. It couldn’t be simpler, and the view is spectacular!

Option 2. Candlesticks made from mini pumpkins. To do this, you need to cut a hole with a knife of such a size that you can place a foil-based candle in it.

Or this option:

Incredibly simple, right?

Option 3. Pumpkin door wreath. Take any circle as a basis, for example, an embroidery hoop, and attach mini-pumpkins to it.

Pierce the tails with wire and screw it to the base, circle. How additional elements For decoration, use berries, acorns, twigs and autumn leaves.

It will look something like this:

5. Chestnut topiary

To create this spectacular autumn craft with your own hands, we will need the same materials for the base as for creating a decorative tree from the herbarium. And for decoration you just need other elements.

For work we will need:

1. Ceramic pot
2. Styrofoam ball
3. Dry plaster
4. Glue gun
5. Tree branch for the trunk
6. Cones, chestnuts, acorns
7. Harsh thread or twine for forming decorative balls

Master class step by step:

  1. 1. We form the base of the tree in the same way as in the case of topiary from leaves.
  2. 2. Secure the base in the pot using glue and plaster
  3. 3. Apply drops of hot glue to chestnuts, acorns and other elements and attach them in a chaotic manner to the foam crown ball.
  4. 4. Wreath on the door made of chestnuts

Such a wreath of chestnuts front door, will cheer up not only you, but also passers-by. It's very easy to make. Follow all the steps given to make a pumpkin wreath.

Find some kind of dense base, then pierce the chestnuts and other elements through reverse side, insert the wire, form a hook and use it to screw them to the circle.

Complete the chestnut composition with leaves, acorns, berries and other autumn flowers. decorative elements, which this fertile time of the year gave.

6. Autumn garland “Leaves” made from salt dough

This is a very impressive DIY autumn craft. The big advantage of such a garland is that it is not seasonal and will decorate your home for many years.

After all, it is made not from natural materials, but from salted dough, which does not deteriorate for years. The only thing is that such products are fragile and you need to handle them carefully so as not to break them. But, even if this happened, they can always be glued together, and the joint will not be noticeable.

What we need for work:

1. 2 cups flour
2. 1 glass of salt
3. 0.5 cups of water
4. Gouache
5. Sewing pins with hook eye
6. Twine
7. Oven
8. White landscape paper, pencil

Master class step by step:

1 step. We draw patterns of leaves of various types, but approximately the same size, on a landscape sheet. Let's cut them out.

Step 2. Knead a stiff dough from flour, salt and water. If the dough turns out to be unplastic, you can add liquid drop by drop. Knead the resulting material thoroughly and roll it out on a board. The layer should be approximately 5 -7 millimeters.

Step 3. Place the templates on the rolled out dough and cut them along the contours with a knife.

As a result, we should have approximately this many blanks.

Step 4 We make holes with pins and carefully secure the heads. We will hang our leaves on them. Use a knife to squeeze out the veins.

Step 5 Dry the dough in the oven at 50-60C until completely dry.

Step 6 We paint the dough pieces with gouache, trying to create natural tones and transitions.

Step 7 We string the garland onto a twine, making a knot over each leaf so that they do not move.

So our DIY autumn craft is ready. You can hang it anywhere, it will be in place in any corner of the house, especially if you have some other decorative elements in autumn style.

7. Vases and houses made from ordinary pumpkins

Autumn is the time for pumpkins to ripen. It costs mere pennies and can be found beautiful shape and coloring is not difficult.

And making an element of autumn decor based on it is as easy as shelling pears! There's no need for any step-by-step technologies and accessories.

The only thing you need: pumpkins, a knife for carving, a tablespoon to pick out the pulp and flowers with which you will fill these colorful vases.

Look at our selection of photos of pumpkin vases. It looks very decent and autumn-like.

As you already understood, you just need to cut off the top and clean out the core of the vegetable. Then fill the container with water.

Or you can make pumpkin houses. To do this you just need to cut holes in in the right places. You can see exactly where they are located in the picture below. Kids love these things!

8. Wreath on the door made of natural materials

We have already given above an example of wreaths made of pumpkins and chestnuts. You already know how to make them. Here we simply present a selection of the most effective, in our opinion, ideas.

9. Acorn frame for a photo or mirror

Decorating any base in this way is very simple. We think no explanation is needed here.

The only thing we can advise is that you should not glue acorns with a glue gun or PVA. It's much better if you use plasticine.

Because, most likely, you will soon get tired of this decor and will have to throw it away. And so, you can always dismantle the acorns and get a regular photo frame back for use.

This is what it will look like.

On the photo frame there are whole acorns, and on the mirror there are only caps. This way you can create a variety of autumn crafts with your own hands and decorate any surface: boxes, bread bins, etc.

10. A bunch of grapes made from acorns

This autumn craft will look the best way, if you paint the “berries” in natural colors, and instead of grape leaves add a herbarium of maple leaves of various colors.

Also, bunch of grapes made of acorns is a wonderful element of any autumn wreath on the door or large topiary. After all, it can be made not only tabletop, but also human-sized!

But instead of a foam ball, you need to take a large plastic one. Making grapes from acorns is very simple, we will now tell you exactly how.

What we need for work:

1. Acorns without caps
2. Shilo
3. Wire
3. Glue gun
4. Acrylic paint
5. Autumn leaves for decoration

Master class step by step:

1 step. We poke holes in the base of the acorn with an awl.

Step 2. We break or cut the wire into pieces 7-10 cm long.

Step 3. Dip the ends of the wire into a drop of glue from the gun and insert it into the punctured holes.

Step 4 We paint the acorns any color you want. The main thing is that it is combined with leaves that will complement the composition.

Step 5 We collect acorns in a cluster, forming a wire rod on top. Then we attach leaves to it.

Now you can make any decoration based on this autumn craft. Panel, wreath, etc.

11. Autumn crafts from felt

Working with this fabric is a pleasure! The material does not crumble and holds its shape perfectly. This means that any beginner can make an autumn craft from felt with their own hands and it will turn out no worse than the products of experienced craftswomen.

We offer you a selection of the best and simplest decors in autumn style, and you can choose any of them! They are so simple that there is no need to describe their step-by-step technology in detail.

As you can see, based on felt leaves, you can make both a wreath and a garland, like the one we already made from salt dough. Here are a couple more options for DIY fall wreaths.

All you need is to draw the templates, cut out the felt and design it according to our photos.

12. Garlic and red pepper braid

How cozy it is when bundles of garlic, onions, and red peppers hang in the kitchen! But if you hang them in fresh, they will very soon lose their appearance or simply run out because they will be eaten.

Let's do something like this, but for centuries! Now we will look at how garlic and pepper are made, from which we will form a cute braid for the kitchen.

For work we will need:

1. Nylon tights white or a plastic bag (for the garlic base)
2. Cotton wool or padding polyester (for filling)
3. White coarse thread (for dressing and forming lobules)
4. Glue gun
5. Buckwheat or twine (to imitate garlic roots)
6. Fabric for sewing peppers or salted dough for sculpting them

Master class step by step:

1 step. We form the body of the garlic. To do this, we need to cut nylon tights or simple plastic bags into squares. Garlic made from nylon looks, of course, more realistic.

But even from the packages it looks good. But the main thing is that this material is always at hand. So, cut out a square, approximately 7 by 7 cm in diameter.

Step 2. We roll a ball out of cotton wool or padding polyester, put it inside a piece of nylon and form a head of garlic. It looks like the one shown in the photo.

Step 3. Then we begin to tie a harsh thread around the head, forming cloves of garlic. First we divide it in half, then into quarters, then into 8 parts.

Look at the photo, the process is clearly shown there.

Step 4 In the place where the roots of real garlic are located, drop a drop of glue and sprinkle this place with crushed buckwheat. If you want, you can replace it with twine, which needs to be unraveled and finely chopped.

Step 5 We make a braid from twine and attach the resulting garlic cloves to it.

Step 6 Now it's time to deal with the pepper. You can sew it, but peppers made from salt dough look much better.

We have already given the recipe for the kneading, in the subsection “Garlands from autumn leaves" These are the peppercorns you should end up with.

Step 7 We make holes in the tails of the peppercorns (we will then thread twine through them and use it to secure them to the braid with garlic). You can do this with an awl or any available item.

The main thing is to make them large enough so that you can thread the thread freely later. Otherwise, after drying, you will not be able to attach it in any way. ready product to the composition.

And one more thing: if you make a hole, make sure that the edges of the leg remain more or less large. Otherwise, after you thread the thread, the thin walls may crack and the pepper will fall to the floor.

Step 8 Dry in the oven, color acrylic paint Once dry, coat them with varnish. When the pepper shines, it looks more natural.

Dry at a low temperature, do not rush, otherwise your work may burst and you will have to sculpt everything again. You can't paint a cracked pepper the way you would like.

9. Attach the pepper to the garlic and hang this autumn composition to the kitchen. You can make several such bundles. You can make carrots from salt dough, and a bunch of onions from brown tights.

The principle of making bulbs is the same as garlic, only even simpler. There is no need to form slices.

Also, a bunch of mushrooms on the wall will look great, which you can also sculpt from dough and paint realistically.

Ours has come to an end great review. You have seen many examples and any kind of autumn crafts with your own hands. We really hope that our master classes will be useful to you and that you will definitely take something into account.




Child Tatyana Alekseevna,

teacher of a class for children with mild mental retardation

GBS(K)OU for students, pupils with disabilities health comprehensive boarding schoolVIIIview of the village of Ilsky, Krasnodar Territory

Target: continue teaching students how to work with the test; develop manual skills, tactile sensations, visual perception; correct motor-motor memory, voluntary attention, imagination; help instill accuracy and perseverance.

Equipment:sound recording “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, tape recorder, multimedia projector

Materials and tools:salt dough, modeling boards, stacks, rolling pins, leaf templates, plastic straws, hand wipes, water glasses, brushes, paints, glue, cards with safety rules.


When guests arrive, the song “Autumn” is performed by students.

I.Organizing time.

Educator:Good afternoon, good hour!

I'm so glad to see you.

They looked at each other

And everyone sat down quietly.

II.Updating attention.

Educator:Hello, dear guys and distinguished guests!

We are very pleased to welcome you within the walls of our school. Today you are attending a salt dough modeling class, and we will be happy to show and teach you what we can do. First, let's get acquainted and introduce ourselves to each other /introduction of guests and children/

Educator:And now, I would like to ask: “Do you know what testoplasty is?”

Testoplasty is modeling from salt dough.

IN last years salt dough has become a very popular material for modeling. Although dough crafts - ancient tradition, they have a place in modern world, because now everything that is environmentally friendly and made with one’s own hands is especially valued.

Salty dough It has ancient history. Since ancient times, people have baked not only bread from dough, but also decorative items. Initially, products made from it had cult meaning: figurines of deities, images of animals, and amulets were made from it.

The Slavs believed that animal figures made from dough would bring wealth and abundance to the house; they were sculpted in the hope of increasing the number of livestock. Dolls were made from dough for children, which also served as amulets.

In Germany and Scandinavia, it has long been customary to make Easter and Christmas souvenirs from salt dough. Various medallions, wreaths, rings and horseshoes were hung in window openings or attached to doors. It was believed that these decorations brought good luck and prosperity to the owners of the house.

Dough figures are made in Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece and Spain; even in distant Ecuador, craftsmen make crafts from brightly colored dough. As we can see, the geography of use of salt dough is wide and varied. Nowadays, dough crafts are worn purely decorative character, but that doesn’t make them any less popular.

Educator:Today the guys and I will teach you how to work with salt dough and we really hope that you enjoy this activity.

It is no coincidence that at the beginning of our meeting a wonderful song about autumn sounded. Because autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Whatever shades you see in nature. Going to the forest, autumn takes the most bright colors. Birches and maples are covered with lemon yellow, aspen leaves resemble ripe apples, and mighty oaks are dressed in copper bronze.

Autumn festival in the forest,

And light and cheerful.

These are the decorations

Autumn is here.

Every leaf is golden

Little sun,

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

I take care of the leaves

Autumn continues.

I've been at home for a long time

The holiday doesn't end.

Educator:Dear guests! Today we invite you to make autumn souvenirs in order to preserve the beauty and charm of this unique time of year for as long as possible. /Product sample display/


- What tools will we use to work with the dough? /children answer using past experience/

STACK –tool for sculpting soft materials/clay, plasticine, dough/.

ROLLING ROLL –tool for rolling out dough.

We will begin our work by making a leaf. To do this you need to use a template.

- What is a template?

Sample- This is a blank made of cardboard, of the required shape.

Who will tell us how to use the template in our work?

I suggest you choose the template that you like best, with the help of it you will give the shape to your product, /master class participants choose leaf templates as desired/

    Repetition of the rules for working with the test and TB

/work with cards/

Guys, we are learning to work in pairs, so now I will name who will work with whom.

    Determination of pairs for work.

Before starting work, we must perform a hand massage.

    Performing a finger massage. /Annex 1/

Now, look carefully, everyone, I will show you how to sculpt a leaf.


Show a presentation about the sequence of work.

Slide No. 1. Roll a piece of dough into a ball.

Slide number 2.Roll the ball into a flat cake 5 mm thick.

Slide No. 3. Place sheet-shaped templates on the rolled out dough.

Slide number 4.Trim the product along the contour of the template in a stack.

Slide number 5.Draw veins in a stack.

Slide No. 6. Place the finished product to dry.

Educator:Now you are ready to do the work yourself.


/The teacher helps MK participants in the process of making a souvenir/

Educator: Guys, let's rest a little and do some physical exercise.

FISMINUTKA /application No. 2/

Continued work.

Demonstration of the presentation “Modeling a ladybug”.

Slide No. 1. Roll a small piece of dough into a ball.

Slide number 2.With the help of big and index finger shape the ladybug's head.

Slide number 3. Use a stack to outline the wings and head of the ladybug.

Slide No. 4. Using a juice straw, squeeze out dots on the ladybug's wings.

Slide number 5.Place the finished product to dry.

Educator:At this stage, our lesson could come to an end, since according to the rules for working with salt dough, the product must first be dried and then painted. But we could not deprive you of the opportunity to show your artistic ability and therefore prepared the dried products in advance.

Upon completion of work: cleaning the workplace.

Lesson results:

What did we do in our circle class today?

Dear guests and guys, did you like our lesson?

What did you like most?

Educator:Our meeting has come to an end, I will be very glad if working with salt dough gave you pleasure and you want to do it further. Wish you luck!

Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short.

I say to you, “Goodbye!”

Back with us, see you again!

Appendix No. 1

Hand massage.

    Massage with circular movements of your right hand back side left hand. Do the same on your right hand.

    Using compacting movements from the base of the finger to the nail phalanx, massage each finger.

    Clutching the wrist joint of the left hand, right hand rub it /2-3 twisting movements - “nettle”/.

    Perform circular movements in the wrist and elbow joints of both hands.

    Relax your hands with shaking movements.

    Rub your palms together, let them feel the warmth of your hands.

Appendix No. 2

FISMINUTKA /relaxation for hands/

Hands need care

After all, they have a lot of work

It's hard to write all day long

And sculpt and draw.


Let's stand up right now

We will sit down eight times.

Five times slow and three

We have to sit down quickly.


We reached up, then

Let's spread our arms wider


That's all. End of charging.

The boys are back at their desks.