Disco for adults. Entertainment for adults - nightclubs and discos in Rome, Italy

Want to throw a fun party with your best friends at home? Dance from the heart and throw out the energy that overwhelms you in your movements? In such a situation, you definitely need disco music. Our website has everything for this: from Hands up to Shakira or J.Lo. Incendiary rhythms that will not allow you to sit still can be downloaded for free on the popular portal of quality music website. Here are the best mp3 compositions, to the sounds of which dance floors explode, lovers of real drive, rhythm and bright emotions have fun.

Incendiary dances on the website portal

With us you can listen online to your favorite tracks, new releases and compositions that you have never heard before, without registration. They are all quite different, as are the artists who perform them. However, there is something in common - something that unites many tracks into one capacious concept of “disco music”. These are rhythmic, simple melodies that are very easy to understand and quickly remembered. This kind of music makes you want to move, it lifts your spirits, radiates a special energy and fills you with drive... Among them there is something that you have probably already heard before and have long wanted to include in your fashionable music archive. There will also be compositions that you were not yet familiar with. Download a new collection of high-quality disco music and try yourself as a DJ, dance floor hosts and organizers of the most fun dance parties!

A large selection of nightclubs in Rome allows every vacationer to find an establishment according to their preferences and spend the most memorable moments of their stay in Rome. Each metropolitan club is equipped with the latest technical, sound and light and music trends. The music genres are different - from melodic and calm retro melodies to modern dance music.

And many different bars, casinos and other nightlife establishments will provide a lot of unusual entertainment, pleasure and memories for a lifetime.

Entertainment for adults - nightclubs and discos in Rome

Previously, the center of the city's nightlife was the Via Veneto district, the life of which is vividly depicted in Fellini's La Dolce Vita. Now everything is different, but there are still many entertainment venues here. Other areas have also developed informal establishments, but with less expensive bars, clubs and discos. The atmosphere there attracts young people from different walks of life, almost in droves. Nightclubs in Rome have appeared not only in historical areas, but also in other parts of the city and suburbs.

Most nightlife establishments are closed from early June until September. At this time, almost all of them move to the sea coast, or settle down in the summer pavilions of Rome, when the townspeople celebrate the “Roman Summer”. You can get information about clubs in thematic magazines or bars located in areas such as Via de Pace and Campo de Fiori.

Tips for tourists

  • Almost all clubs and bars in Rome begin to actively welcome their guests on weekends - Saturday and Sunday. These days are the most “clubby”, and you can see many cars and scooters of partygoers, which practically block passage to the central part of the city.
  • Peak attendance is around midnight, so at this time there is the largest crowd of people near the entrance to the club.
  • Some establishments, instead of payment, only accept club cards - tessera, which can be bought right at the entrance.
  • A ticket or club card entitles you to one free portion of a certain strong drink. The second portion, depending on the drink, will cost from 13 EUR.
  • In the most elite, best nightclubs in Rome, they always pay attention to the appearance of men: a jacket and tie are required, and in some cases you will not be able to enter the club without an invitation. Such problems will disappear if you visit youth clubs, where everything is much simpler.

Clubs and bars in Rome

You can start an unforgettable night in one of the places like the American style bars that are located on Via Veneto, or in the bars of the historical center of the city - "Giulio Passami l'Olio" or "Tartarugino". For lovers of a more bohemian atmosphere, "Antico Caffe della Pace" And "Bar del Fico", perched near, or "La Vineria" on Campo del Fiori.

If you want to meet screen, pop stars or politicians, you can go to "Gilda". Legendary nightclub of the 60s "Jackie O" is now a luxury establishment. Expensive interior decor, beautiful design and equally expensive drinks in the bar. The club is very similar to him "Club 84". And if you decide to visit one of them, it is better to book a table in advance.

"Alien" has always attracted young townspeople with its diversity. "Heaven" a little scary with its wildness stylization and rhythms of house music. Quieter tunes are heard in jazz clubs, as well as in a place called "Piper", - one of the oldest entertainment establishments.

"Qube" has several floors and is a huge dance floor. Located east of the city center. The noise from several of its halls from afar merges into a powerful roar.

Don't forget about pubs with discos - "Groove", "Rock Castle" and "Kaos". They are located in the very center of the city. The one more distant from the center is very different from them "Circolo degli Artisti", is a cultural center with a large-scale disco. Most often, various music shows are held here.

More calm youth centers may seem. Located along Via Austines:

  • "Bush", where hip-hop fans often hang out,
  • "Hangout", where commercial hits and pleasant retro music are released, and
  • "Ex Bocciodromo", where the famous “blue cheese” nights are held.

IN "Alpheus" You can relax on one of four dance floors, each with its own music. And modern "Goa" offers its vacationers the largest range of musical styles - from trip-hop to bhangra. "Wx-Magazzini Generali", who is in the same area, plays breakbeat.

You can have a good rest in "Radio Londra". This club strongly resembles a WWII bunker. This establishment is very popular, and all thanks to professional DJs and high-quality equipment.

Best Bars, Discos and Nightclubs in Rome

Nightclubs and discos in Rome in the photo

Below you can see photos of the best nightclubs in Rome, delve deeper into the atmosphere prevailing there and decide where exactly you should go the next time you visit Rome.

Brave Little Tailor

Two equal teams are recruited: men and women mixed.
Two Brave Little Tailors are chosen.
Each Tailor receives a needle and thread (a stick with string).
The task of the Tailors is to “flash” their team.
For men, the Tailor can thread the thread through the legs of the trousers (from the bottom to the top or vice versa).
For women - from sleeve to sleeve.
Who “sews” faster?

Vodka - Wine - Coca-Cola

Before the competition, the DJ conducts a rehearsal:
- When I say “Coca-Cola,” couples dance holding hands.
- When I say “Wine,” girls jump on the guys’ thighs.
- What do Russian people drink?

- Vodka!
- When I say “Vodka,” the guys throw the girls over their shoulders, well, like a bag, and continue to dance!
Couples rehearse steps.
The DJ plays rock and roll.
The DJ gives commands randomly, gradually increasing the tempo:
- Coca-Cola, Vodka, Wine, Vodka, Wine, Vodka, Coca-Cola, Vodka...
The most resilient ones win.

Bring it quickly!

The animator divides everyone present into two teams and calls one participant from each team.
- Bring me a watch (flower, banana, bottle, shoe, etc.), and as quickly as possible!
A score is kept, the most efficient ones add points to their team.
The last item the animator asks you to bring may be...a bra.

Princess on the Pea

Women (3-4 queens) participate in the game.
Place nuts (hard candies, buttons with stems...) on stools or hard chairs and cover them with a piece of cloth or a plastic bag.
For example, on the first stool there are 2 nuts, on the second - 4, on the third - 3.
“Princesses” who wish to participate sit on stools.
Literally, by “moving their butts,” the participants are trying to determine how many nuts are underneath them.
The winner is the one who is the first to correctly “count” the nuts.

Live ball

A man and woman hold a small rubber ball between their stomachs.
It is necessary to use rotational movements (without using your hands!) to roll the ball as high as possible (up to the chin of one of the participants in the game).
Which couple will cope with this faster?

Haute couture

Two guys are participating.
Everyone is given:

  • young woman
  • toilet paper roll
The girls take the pose of a famous sculpture (Statue of Liberty, Goddess Nike, Girl with an Oar, Spear Thrower).
The young man recreates the famous sculpture by wrapping the girl in paper. The entire roll must be used!
Time - while the dance track is playing.
Quality is assessed.