Caspian cargo surname. Some facts about the Caspian Cargo group

To hell with the review, I propose an experiment: play a song from the debut album of Caspian Cargo for your friend, and then “Mademoiselle” from the just released “Soundtrack for a film that was never made.” Ask which group she liked best. Explain that they were written down by the same people. Describe your reaction in the comments below.

Over the 5 years of its extremely prolific existence, the duo from Baku has become one of the most popular groups in the genre. Witty writers of everyday life with a recognizable style, who were first noticed by serious men in serious tinted cars, and then by their companions. It seemed that with each release the circle of listeners was expanding, but after two solo works, which aroused fears in the hearts of fans about a possible split within the team, information followed that the new record for Caspian Gruz would be a farewell one. As a result, this freed artists from the need to live up to the expectations of their fan base and simply gave them carte blanche to experiment. As we have already seen, the old listener of the duet did not understand and did not accept them.

Brutto, who produced most of the material, certainly had a blast: moombahton, new R&B, minimal trap, old-school boombap - it's all here. To justify the genre dispersion, a concept was invented that supposedly this album is music for a non-existent crime drama. Well, just like in Scorsese, when one of the heroes comes to their former companions and offers to do one last thing. There is also something like a script, where it is written which song corresponds to which episode ("childhood of the heroes", "prison. rethinking", etc.). You might not even guess about such a concept unless you read an interview or a press release, but the plot, albeit in very general terms, emerges.

The sound was updated, but the hero of the Caspian Cargo remained the same: not the most law-abiding resident of the latitudes once described by the group as “Ognestrelsky district, Shmalyaevo village.” The duo wrote dozens of songs about the world of people who “harvest their harvest by threatening”, about their fears and hopes - and still manage to find new approaches, new solutions, new dramas. I just thought that part of the unfounded hate towards the work of Caspian Cargo always stemmed from the fact that their hero is not at all fashionable, rather straight out of three-kopeck NTV crime series. Part of Brutto’s verse from the song “Heroes of Our Time” seems to be a metaphor, a play on it. With the current sound, this is no longer so noticeable.

The masterpiece punchlines have not disappeared anywhere; this fountain is still inexhaustible. If you choose your favorite, then Ves has this “With a scarecrow behind his back, like Pugachev’s plywood / Unprofessional, Vasya, but it seems like the show was a success,” but Brutto’s: “We don’t hang, we hang by a thread, like a churchkhela / My house between hell and heaven, I call it church-hella." The last one is my favorite for Line of the Year.

The group’s repertoire always included touching, tear-jerking pieces like “When you get there, write,” “City of Brides,” or “Childhood.” Now “Warms” is added to them, the first verse of which is a real movie conveying smells and halftones, and Ves’s verse is a witty finishing touch that closes the theme. This song shows better than others that they can still sound great together, but as the release progresses, the thought persists that as musicians they are already interested in completely different things. Ves is natural in the role of a prickly element who does not reach into his pocket for a harsh word, and Brutto is, on the contrary, a romantic who knows how and strives to evoke sympathy and understanding in the listener.

Caspian Cargo is now a duet of people looking in different directions.

Therefore, in a sense, I am even glad that the group I revered is leaving. They love to tell stories, and in stories, a beautiful ending is extremely important, which we are not spoiled with by rap groups, in their declining years, as a rule, turning into parodies of themselves or, even worse, rivals on Versus, casting a shadow on their own achievements and bright memory.

Brutto and Ves have not even mentioned solo projects yet, but who would believe that artists of their caliber and creative form can just leave? And then, who knows, maybe a reunion will happen. I'm sure even the haters would like this. You know how it happens - well, just like Scorsese. When one of the heroes comes to a former companion and offers to do one last thing.

This material will present the group “Caspian Cargo”. The biography of this group, as well as the features of creativity, are discussed below. This group came to Russia from the East, or more precisely, its homeland is Azerbaijan.


So, before us is the duet “Caspian Cargo”. The biography of Anar Zeynalov will be discussed further. We are talking about the first of two participants. Ves is the stage name of this musician. He was born in the capital of Azerbaijan. It happened in 1983, October 5th. Art attracted the young man from a young age. He became involved with the youth underground at an early age. It was at this time that his talent began to emerge. He studied the works of contemporary musicians. Soon he began to rap on his own.


There is also a second participant in the “Caspian Cargo” group. His biography is no less interesting. The musician's name is Timur Odilbekov. Stage name - Brutto. He was born in Baku in 1984. The guy also became interested in music at an early age. From listening to other people's work, he came to performing his own compositions.

“Caspian Cargo”: biography of the group

We have already talked above about how the members of the team began their creative activity, but they managed to gain widespread fame only after uniting into one team. The group followed the path of many young musical projects. Performers first began to actively express themselves in 2000. Today they call this period early, unprofessional attempts to gain success.

There was no professional rap school or similar institution in the hometown of our heroes. Therefore, they studied this art on their own. The first recordings were created in home studios. However, even these experiments can be considered success. Soon the duo received an offer to perform a song and record a video from a representative of this direction - rapper Guf. He heard the band's compositions by chance. It was this clip with Guf that allowed Russian viewers and listeners to get to know the Azerbaijani guys. From this work we can judge that our heroes have their own ideas about life, have some knowledge, in particular, they are familiar with part of Russian classical literature. In particular, in the song “Everything for One Dollar,” the rappers used excerpts from the book by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Now you know more about the Caspian Cargo group. The biography of the participants, as well as the features of creativity, were discussed above.

The “Caspian Cargo” group, whose biography, photos and videos are now in constant demand among young people, is a musical group that quickly burst into our country from the East, or rather, from warm Azerbaijan. The group performs rap music. It is believed that today, under the name “Caspian Cargo” (the group consists of only two people), it is the most successful on the Russian rap scene. It is noteworthy that the participants in this group themselves are Azerbaijanis, but this does not at all prevent them from finding a common language with the Russian-speaking public.


Anar Zeynalov (stage name “Ves”) is the first of the duet. He was born in a beautiful ancient city on October 5, 1983. From childhood, the boy began to be attracted to art. And although it was a youth movement, the so-called underground, the fact remains: the teenager showed his talent. Anar began not only to download and listen to his favorite rap artists, he also tried to rap himself. Little by little, recording his videos and posting them on the Internet, he grew as a musician.


The second member of the duet was “Brutto” or Timur Odilbekov. Born, like Zeynalov, in Baku, Odilbekov was six months younger than his partner. His birthday is May 19, 1984. Timur, one might say, also became interested in music from early childhood. At first I just listened to my favorite compositions. And later he began to try to sing songs himself. Both Anar and Timur gained fame only by teaming up with each other and going on stage together.


The musical career of the guys who call themselves “Caspian Cargo” (the composition of the group is already familiar to you) is similar to the creative path of similar groups. The guys began looking for their path to the top of the musical Olympus back in 2000. Currently, musicians about that period say that these were early and still unprofessional attempts to gain success. There was no professional rap school or similar institution in the musicians’ hometown. Therefore, they learned this art on their own. The first recordings were made in some kind of home studio. However, this was the first success. Soon the duo was invited to perform a song and shoot a video by the already famous representative of this trend in music - rapper Guf, who accidentally heard the group's compositions.

It was this first clip with Guf that introduced the Russian viewer and listener to the Azerbaijani guys. In addition, from the filmed video it was clear that the young rappers are quite well versed in life and have a fairly good store of knowledge, including Russian classical literature. Thus, in the composition “Everything for One Dollar” the group “Caspian Cargo” used some excerpts from the book of the famous writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

After the release of the video and song with Guf, the group receives numerous offers from other hip-hop artists. Everyone offers them joint projects. Among these popular stars were Khatyn, Slim and rapper Tipsy Tip. And this is not surprising, because the guys have good vocal abilities, a sense of tact, and their stage image contributed to their popularity.

Personal life

Information about the family and private life of the duet members is very scanty. They themselves do not like to reveal their entire story to the press, so their biography may have been embellished in many ways by their fans. So, there is a rumor that Timur was at one time in prison, although for what reason is unknown. Maybe this is not true, but such a rumor arose on the basis of the lyrics of some songs in which criminal motives slip through. One way or another, currently “Brutto” has a family - a beautiful wife and two children. The second member of the group does not provoke such rumors about himself, although the texts he wrote also have some relation to the criminal world.

What are they singing about

The Caspian Cargo group performs quite a variety of songs, the meaning of which is multifaceted. Everyone can find a composition in their repertoire that will become very close to them. Their arsenal also includes songs filled with questions about the meaning of life and raising some pressing problems. There are also those in which the main message is the problem of people existing on the edge. Considering that Timur and Anar are already quite adults, many fans listen to their opinions conveyed through songs. Some simply experience some common moments in life with the main characters, others, on the contrary, are looking for solutions to problems in the work of the Caspian Cargo group. Photos of the group have recently become of great interest to their fans, who want to see people who were able to voice their internal human problems.

Creativity lately

Now we can say with confidence that Caspian Cargo has achieved success. The group's photo became recognizable. Not long ago, the guys recorded a new song together with rapper Liman, which received a lot of praise. It’s called “When you get there, write.” On the Internet, on one of the portals, this song was included in the top twenty songs of last year, and fans spoke of it as the most masculine song of 2014.

Currently, the guys from “Caspian Cargo” are actively working on creating the next collection, which will be called “Side A / Side B”. The album is about to be released, and the rappers' fans are counting on it to live up to their expectations.

Literally in the near future, the Caspian Cargo group plans to go on a Russian tour. The route is still unknown, but most likely they will travel through all major populated areas of the country. And not only in its European part, but also in Siberia and the Far East.

This is how, in a relatively short period of time, talented guys from Baku became popular, and the names of the Caspian Cargo group, or rather, its creators and participants, became known throughout the post-Soviet space.

A box office rap team and a very progressive team is a duet from Baku called “Caspian Cargo”. The biography of the group suggests that it very quickly wedged itself into the ranks of musical leaders in the rap style. Despite the fact that the members of the group are citizens of Azerbaijan, it is by far the most popular rap duo among Russian-speaking viewers.

Members of the group

Who are the members of the Baku group "Caspian Cargo"? The composition of the team is very small: Brutto (Timur Odilbekov) and Ves (Anar Zeynalov). They both studied at the same school and have been friends since second grade. They began to practice rap at the beginning of the 2000s. Their first track was “Slaves of Rhyme”, performed to the instrumental accompaniment of the group “Slaves of the Lamp”.

Timur Odilbekov and Anar Zeynalov were born in sunny Baku. Anar was lucky enough to be born on October 5, 1983. Since childhood, he was interested in youth art - hip-hop. All day long he listened to his favorite videos and recordings. Then he began to perform these funny chants himself and recorded them on video. Many of them were posted on YouTube. This is a good opportunity to compare his early work with today's.

Baku also became Timur Odilbekov’s hometown, where he was born on May 19, 1984. Everyone knows that the capital of Azerbaijan is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea, so the name of the group does not seem so wonderful. This is how the Caspian Cargo group first announced itself in 2012. Against the background of the group's name, the stage names are very clear - Brutto and Ves.

Formation of the team

How did the Caspian Cargo team take its first steps? The biography shows that there was no one to learn how to rap in Baku, so the guys had to make their own way. We started with a small unprofessional studio. The process of working on the first work looked like this: Ves was busy composing beats, Brutto was developing his verses, then together they chose the most necessary ones from what they had written. This is how the album “Ringtones for the Zone” (2013) appeared. After its release, a double perception of the group arose: some admired the guys, others criticized them. When Ves and Brutto filmed the video, they immediately appeared before the audience as charismatic guys with their own principles. The famous Russian rapper Guf was the first to notice the guys’ creativity.

Problems of songs

Why did the Caspian Cargo group immediately interest young people? The themes and problems raised in the texts touch young people to the quick. Basically, the repertoire is intended for an audience that has already said goodbye to childhood, but has not yet found its refuge among adults. This is not to say that their lyrics are meaningless, because the very first song used phrases from the novel by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who was a famous Russian dissident. New songs began to appear one after another, the Baku guys began to compete with such performers as Khatyn, Slim, Tipsy Tip. The rap performed by the group is very diverse. A very vital theme is the existence of people at the limit of the possible. Young people see in each song something of their own, something vital. In their songs, the guys think a lot about death and human relationships.

"Ringtones for the zone"

The main discovery of the group was the album "Ringtones for the Zone". Here are the main titles of songs from this album: “Who I want to be like,” “The last book that impressed me,” “The best thing I did this year,” “I am inspired” and 20 others. Everything the guys sing about in the album is truly true. "Ringtones for the zone" are an echo of the past. The harsh times of the 90s left a difficult imprint on the fates of both performers.

Personal life

The Caspian Cargo group keeps many secrets. The biography of the participants is mentioned briefly in the sources. What is known about Brutto and Ves as people? The main advantage of these guys is modesty. In his youth, Brutto served time in prison (a juvenile colony). This episode from his biography served as the theme for writing many songs. Today, Brutto has a wife who bore him 2 children.

Ves was also involved for short periods at one time and knows what a zone is. Criminal life became the theme of his texts. The guy doesn’t particularly advertise his personal life; it is known that he is married.

Future plans

What do the performers of the group "Caspian Cargo" dream about? The guys’ biographies indicate that they are preparing new gifts for fans of their talent. Many people know their new album "Side A/Side B". The hit “When you get there, write” is especially popular. The guys plan to continue to successfully tour the cities of the Russian Federation. The group has a very busy concert schedule. The symbolic name of many of the duo’s performances is “16 tons”. The ranks of the group's fans are increasing every day.

It's no secret that the team " Caspian Cargo" ceases to exist. After a not very long, but successful career, the band members achieved a lot, gained a lot of fans, but the minuses turned out to be more significant than the pluses. On October 6, the next issue of the program was published" Russian rap in first person", the main character of which was Gross, and during the conversation the artist spoke about the group’s farewell tour" Caspian Cargo", about the breakup of the team and who initiated it, as well as about songwriting.

"Caspian Cargo"It's really falling apart. Gross confirmed this information. The rapper emphasized that the group will not reunite, as many teams are doing now. According to the artist, the decision has been made final. The initiator of the idea - Gross. The reason is a decline in popularity. According to the performer, leaving the game should be just as beautiful as breaking in. The musician noted that the peak of the band’s popularity was two years ago. This is noticeable in the comments of listeners, the number of concert visitors and the reaction of the media. Now, according to the rapper, the situation is not changing for the better.

Gross believes that an artist or group should always be relevant. In his opinion, the creativity of the team " Caspian Cargo"is no longer perceived in the same way by listeners. The rapper does not hide the fact that the main theme of the team is criminal. However, according to the performer, it is no longer interesting to listeners as before. The rapper does not want to look funny with his themes compared to his more relevant colleagues. Partner Weight fully supported him on this issue.

"Caspian Cargo"has planned a large farewell concert tour, during which the group will visit many cities with a considerable number of tracks. At this point, the creative page of the group will close forever. There is no need to wait for the team's reunion.

Talking about myself Gross noted that he was unable to adapt to the trend. The rapper writes about the same characters for a long time, changing their stories. The artist likes what he composes, but he sees that it is no longer perceived so well by people, and the performer does not know how to write about what is fashionable.

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