Ash bob hair. Who suits ash-blond hair color - photos of stars

Natural ash brown hair rarely seen. Basically, women achieve this shade by dyeing, trying to follow fashion. Thanks to this, you can improve your own appearance, make your image sophisticated and stylish. However ashy light brown color hair is not suitable for every girl. This must be taken into account before starting the staining procedure.

How to get ash blonde hair color?

Ash-blond paint is quite capricious, so you need to choose it with extreme caution in order to change your appearance V better side rather than highlighting shortcomings. However, there is great amount its various shades, which makes it possible to choose the best option.

To get an ash-blond hair color that suits a particular woman, you need to listen to the recommendations of makeup artists:

To get the best effect from hair coloring, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  • Before you start dyeing, it is important not only to take into account the natural color of your own hair and skin type, but also what kind of dye you use. this moment is on them. The strands turn out different for each shade. For example, sometimes it is better to lighten the curls additionally in order to get the desired ash-blond hair color.
  • It is not recommended to wash your hair before the coloring procedure, as this will cause more damage.
  • It is important to consider that final result affects the original shade of the hair. Thus, when purchasing ash-blond paint, you should read the table on the packaging, which indicates the color correspondence.
  • Before dyeing, experts recommend cutting the split ends of the hair, since under the influence of dye they will separate even more. Thus, the curls will look sloppy and unkempt.
  • There should be instructions on the paint package; you must follow them exactly to achieve the desired result and get ash-blond hair color. Typically, when painting, the paint is distributed over most length of the strands, and the roots are painted at the end.
  • Sometimes it happens that after the procedure of dyeing an ash-blond color, the hair acquires a greenish tint. IN in this case It is recommended to use a special tinted shampoo that will correct the situation.

Types of ash-blond shade

Ash-blond color comes in three main shades, which is clearly shown in the photo:

Light brown color

When it comes to light brown hair color, there are several shades. For example, platinum blonde has a clear silvery tint, while ash blonde has a gray-greenish tint.

Medium brown color

Medium brown curls often look ashy. It's all due to certain lighting. As in the previous version, there are several shades. The caramel tone shimmers with beige, but can also combine a golden and even greenish component. The medium ash shade may have a slight greenish tint, as can be seen in the photo.

Dark brown color

Dark brown hair often looks like cool brown. However this different shades. In particular, dark brown color Hair with an ashy tint has a more pronounced gray component. It's lighter than normal Brown color. There is also such a shade as ash chestnut, which is often confused with brown-haired. It is closer to the natural color, which can be seen in the photo.

Photo of ash-blond hair color

In the photo you can see how different ash-blond strands can be.

You need to understand that even the highest quality and gentlest dye causes damage to your hair. That is why you need to not only take care to get the required shade, but also ensure proper care of your curls after dyeing. This is the only way your hair will look healthy and shine.

It is advisable to avoid using irons, curling irons and other devices that damage your hair for some time after the coloring procedure. To prevent the paint from fading in the sun, it is recommended to wear a hat or panama hat on a hot day.

Ash-blond hair should be washed with special shampoos, and do not forget to apply conditioners. To get a natural shine, you can add lemon juice to the water when rinsing your hair. Also, a replacement for juice can be Apple vinegar. Once a week you should make special hair masks made from essential oils, honey, kefir and other useful ingredients.

If you have recently had a perm, it is better not to dye it immediately after it. This applies not only to ash-blond paint, but also to other colors. It is advisable to wait at least a month, otherwise the curls risk turning into straw without visible signs of life.

The ash-blond color will look good on both long and long hair. short hair.

To complete the look, it is important to complement ash-blond hair color with the right makeup. Its successful combination with a shade of curls will make the appearance flawless.

Hydroperol blondes with monstrous white-yellow hair color have long since sunk into oblivion. Nowadays, naturalness is in fashion and charming is at the peak of popularity. ash blonde hair color. It is interesting that many women have this hair color naturally, however, finding it not too expressive, they dyed it in brighter colors.

You can get your color back after re-dying if you choose the right shade of paint and determine your natural tone.

Ash brown hair color is divided into three main tones: light, medium and dark. Please note that there are intermediate options. They are clearly visible on the lines of hair dyes: from light light ash blonde before fair-haired. This color also includes ash blonde, because a woman who has ash blonde hair color considered blonde.

There are several shades that are confused with ash-blond.

1. Platinum blonde. The most common mistake. Platinum blonde is a distinct silver tone, while ash blonde is a regular gray tone.

2. Cool brown. Ash-blond differs from it in a lighter shade and has a more pronounced gray tone.

This is exactly what a clean, ash-blond shade looks like. As you can see, it gives your hair a slight green tint.

And in this photo, the model’s hair is dyed in a complex tonal way. It makes hair color warmer, more vibrant and complex, making the ends and roots shimmer in different tones.

In this photo you can see a completely different shade - ash blonde with beige tint, or caramel.

Here, just like in the previous photo, the color includes golden and green accents.

Ash brown hair they look brown in the sun. They don't seem golden or red.

The model's hair in this photo is dyed a soft ombre. You can see the change in tones of a cold ash-brown color.

Dyeing in ash-blond color.

Procedures this kind should be done on hair that has not previously been dyed. If you have already dyed your hair, you will have to do several washes. Their number depends on the hair color and is determined by the specialist in the salon.

To get ash-blond you need to remove the warm pigment. To do this, add mixton to the paint.
The best results will be obtained on completely bleached hair. Remember that dyeing your hair ash blonde is a very complex process and it is best to contact a specialist who will not allow your hair to acquire a green or yellowish tint.

Hair dyes with ash-blond “result” of coloring

If you want to dye your hair ash-blond at home, we recommend that you pay attention to ready-made dyes that can be safely used without the help of a colorist.

Hair dye L'Or?al ParisCasting Cr?me Gloss - L'Oreal Casting Cream Gloss



IN Lately The ash-blond shade is very popular among girls. Although there is no natural analogue, fashionistas still try to get an attractive shade. The only drawback is that over time it becomes less expressive. Therefore, regular tone support is necessary. If you want to repaint this particular color, then you should consider a few simple tips.

Natural ash-blond color is rare. It is with it that you can create a sophisticated and sophisticated image. But it is not suitable for everyone, and therefore, before choosing a shade, you need to take into account the features of your appearance.

Appearance and ashy color

Color is one of the dangerous and capricious. Before choosing one, you should consult with a specialist and also familiarize yourself with examples. Color is whimsical, because you can get the opposite of what you want.

Ash blonde color is not for everyone. Although many celebrities look very attractive with it, it is still necessary to select more suitable color for myself. The shade appears due to the natural pigmentation of the hair. This is determined by melanins, which are pheomelanins (dark pigment) and eumelanins (cool). Brown hair will appear only when the latter is present in small quantities in the structure.

Ash brown color has many shades that look original. They look special. If you choose the right tone for yourself, you can create a spectacular and stylish look. You just need to constantly maintain the color so that it always looks attractive.

Varieties of shades:

  • Light brown. It is perfect for those with fair skin and blue eyes. You can get it by bleaching and toning. To get an attractive tone, you need to choose high-quality paint, an original base color, and a professional craftsman. An excellent option would be a combination with low tide. If the color is natural, then get light shade It will work with a natural clarifier, for example, juice, chamomile decoction, saffron.
  • Medium ash blonde. To create it, you will first need to do bleaching and then toning. If your color is wheat or light, then you only need toning.
  • Dark blond. It can be obtained with any hair color. For the master procedure, choose a basic product. Usually they serve dark colors with a silvery sheen.

Ash-blond coloring algorithm

For the procedure, you need to choose only high-quality paint from a trusted brand. Required:

  • Lightening agent.
  • Dye.
  • Gloves.
  • Brush.
  • Comb.

First, lightening is done. The product must be applied to unwashed hair, since this will not damage the structure too much. First of all, apply 2/3 of the product to all hair, with the exception of the roots. After half an hour, you can treat the roots. And after 20 minutes everything is washed off. If you like the result, then you can start painting. Otherwise, the procedure should be performed every other day.

Then staining is done. You need to dilute the paint and follow all the steps according to the instructions. After rinsing, you need to treat your hair with a tinted shampoo. You should not prolong the coloring too much, as this will quickly damage your hair.

Strand care

Dyed strands definitely need care, because this will preserve the color for a long time.

  • You should not lighten your curls by more than 3 tones.
  • It is contraindicated to perform coloring and curling at the same time. More than 2 weeks should pass between procedures.
  • There is no need to subject your hair to stress: use a hairdryer or curling iron. If you need to style your hair, you need to use it.
  • After dyeing, you should use a conditioner. Recovery will be provided by a nourishing cream.
  • To make styling easy, you need to comb your hair before going to bed.
  • Wet hair is quickly damaged, so it is better to comb it with a wide-toothed comb. You need to start the procedure from the ends, moving towards the roots.

Who is this hair color suitable for?

Although the color is in fashion, it is not suitable for everyone. Like any other shades, it requires a careful approach to the details of its appearance. It can beautify your face, but you can make it look sick. Color fits perfectly:

  • For the flying type of appearance. The shade looks original with blue eyes and fair skin.
  • If there are no facial defects, for example, moles. Due to the ashen color, all imperfections will be very noticeable. The skin should be smooth.
  • In the absence of red and red hair pigment. Chestnut strands cannot be completely dyed ashy. You should not even start the procedure, as you can damage the structure of the curls.
  • For those with a white face. An ash tone is not suitable for a dark complexion.

It turns out that the ash-blond shade is suitable only for certain categories of women. If it fits perfectly, you can create an original image.

Light brown ash color hair is a truly aristocratic shade, it looks very noble, especially if the curls are well-groomed and shiny. This color practically never occurs in nature, it is very rare, which only makes it more seductive. You can try on the image of sophisticated aristocracy with the help of coloring. However, achieving good results is not so easy even with the help of a professional, and there are often cases when the color turns out great, but it does not suit the image at all.

This shade is very demanding on the condition of the skin. The more wrinkles, spots, redness and pimples there are on it, the less likely it is that the silver ash color will look good - it will only make each of the imperfections even brighter. For those who are already in mature age, this color is also not recommended, because it can age noticeably, taking on several years at once.

Shades of ash-blond hair color are best suited to representatives color type"summer". Their appearance is distinguished by a certain coolness: the skin is light, milky, or with an olive tan; eyes blue, gray-blue, gray or gray-greenish; natural hair color is light brown, cold blond, without golden tints, with silver reflections. This color will also look good on those with golden or light hazel eyes.

For dark-skinned women and those whose skin has warm tones, silver ash is not recommended; it will not harmonize with their color type. Oriental beauties should also be careful: this color will look best case scenario strange, but there are exceptions, here you need individual approach. Dyeing silver blond may not in the best possible way affect your hair, so to help you make a decision, you can check out the table of pros and cons of this shade.

Sign Behind Against
Skin condition Ideal or close to ideal Presence of acne, scars, peeling, redness and wrinkles
Skin tone Light, matte, coolish, pale milky or olive Warm pink, beige, golden, peach, warm dark, generally all warm colors
Eye color Grey, blue, gray-blue, gray-greenish, golden, light walnut All warm shades of brown, too bright blue tones
Native hair color “Mouse”, light brown, flaxen, blonde without yellowness, light gray-chestnut Red, all warm shades of chestnut, black, golden, yellow-blond
Color type Summer, be careful - winter Spring and autumn

Shade options

Light brown hair color in ash shades exists in several variations. At first glance it may seem inconspicuous, but if you understand it, it will amaze you with the complexity of the spectrum. This color has an imperceptible gray-greenish tint, and the dyes used to achieve it include a purple pigment, aimed at removing all yellowness from the hair. Depending on the concentration of pigments, the dye can color the hair in many different shades.

One of the most popular colors is the light ash blonde shade. It is very similar to platinum blonde, so a person with such hair can be called a blonde, but with some reservation: the curls of this color are not completely silver, but with a grayish-greenish undertone. It sounds alarming, but there is nothing to be afraid of: if dyed correctly, no greenery will be visible; this pigment is necessary in order to darken the silver of the platinum blonde to a light ash.

This shade works especially well on initially light-colored hair, especially if it has no yellow tints. It is not suitable for brunettes; it is very difficult to dye dark hair this color, and besides, they can suffer greatly from this. Medium blond ash shade is one of the most popular because it does not turn the hair into either a light or dark type, steadily balancing on the line between them.

It fits especially well on White hair, copes with gray hair perfectly. May have a caramel shine. In order not to spoil the look created in this way, you should use only cool shades in makeup. Dark brown ash hair color very rarely suits anyone. He can't stand it warm shades in appearance - dark skin, brown eyes and black hair are contraindicated for this shade, even though this color itself appears cold brown.

To be sure whether it will look good or bad, before painting you should do a test by applying paint to only one strand.

How to get the right color?

Dyeing any of the ash-blond shades can be very difficult, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust your mane to professionals, otherwise your hair can simply be killed. In almost any case, bleaching will have to be done first. It is necessary in order to get rid of yellow pigment from the hair structure. If this is not done, the dye will, at best, simply not adhere, and at worst, it will give your hair a green tint.

Discoloration can be avoided only in cases where there is practically no yellowness in the hair, which is quite rare. If there is dark color left on your hair, you need to get rid of it with a remover, and then bleach it. These two procedures may also be necessary for naturally dark hair, which is why brunettes are not recommended to take on this shade: hair is rarely delighted with all this. It is not recommended to use this shade even if the hair has been dyed with henna, since then it may appear in patches, too unevenly.

Before deciding to become ash-blond, you need to take proper care of clean skin and hair care; they need to be thoroughly moisturized, nourished with all the necessary elements and, if necessary, cured.

How to care for ashy hair?

Ash-blond hair colors in photos from the Internet look glossy, very shiny, twilight silver. To achieve exactly this effect from dyeing, you should take care of the condition of your hair in advance. Hair health care should be comprehensive; it is recommended to improve it not only from the outside with the help of special masks, balms and all kinds of decoctions, but also from the inside - thanks to proper nutrition and the intake of sufficient amounts of all necessary vitamins into the body. Moreover, you need to take care of this at least a month before the color change.

After dyeing your hair, you will most likely have to restore it. The most optimal care option can be suggested in the salon where all the procedures were carried out, but if dyeing took place at home, then you need to remember the need to moisturize your hair, nourish the roots and use special shampoos and balms intended for hair dyed ashy. After the first few weeks, roots will begin to grow. If their shade is different from light brown, the ashy hair color will no longer seem sophisticated and aristocratic, it will become rather sloppy.

You can restore the attractiveness of the image by regularly touching it up with the same paint that was used for the main coloring. If this procedure is carried out frequently, the hair may lose its brightness and vitality, the ends are especially affected by this, so it is recommended to treat them with serums with liquid crystals, which will maintain the healthy appearance of the curls. In cases where, after coloring, the hair begins to look like dead tow, hair lamination can help. This procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home by choosing the appropriate recipe. This will give the desired shine, gloss, and make the hair very well-groomed and smooth.


In conclusion, I would like to say that light brown ash hair color, despite all the difficulties in achieving it, is one of the most unusual, beautiful and attractive. It has the ability to enlarge facial features, emphasize the condition of the skin, and influence the perception of age, so you need to approach it very thoughtfully and carefully. To ensure that the result is pleasing for as long as possible after dyeing, it is recommended to use special shampoos that maintain the color by tinting or preserve it with gentle washing. Masks and balms will not be superfluous either before or after changing the color; they will add additional shine, thickness and health to the entire hair.

If you want to change your look and really like the light brown-ash color, but the fear of ruining your hair is too great, you can highlight it with this shade and enjoy the play of light and shadow in healthy, elastic curls.

Many girls today dream of dyeing their hair a light ash brown hair color, which is very popular on the fashion catwalk.

The main highlight of the shade is the ash color, which creates a modern and very stylish look. However, achieving it is not as easy as it seems. Owners of dark hair have to lighten their strands several times. But owners of light hair colors only need to carry out a hair tinting procedure to get a beautiful shade.

Light looks very beautiful paired with highlighting of the strands. Today, volumetric hair coloring, which involves a combination of 3 or more colors at once, is also very popular. This option completely copies natural hair colors, which naturally combine different shades of the same color palette.

How to get light ash brown color?

If you are the owner blonde hair, then you can get an ashy shade using tinting paints without ammonia. We'll look at examples a little later, but for now let's talk about how to choose the right tone for your hair color.

If the original hair color is red, then the hair should be bleached, “raising” the tone, using a zero shade, dyeing the hair several times. The probability of yellowness appearing is very high. In addition, you should pay attention to additional coloring. If you have previously colored or highlighted your hair, you should dye it only in the salon; by the way, the procedure will take a little longer than regular dyeing.

If the natural hair pigment is dark, and you want to get a light ash shade of hair with light brown notes, there is a possibility of yellowness appearing after the tinting dye is washed off. Remember, it is important to lighten your hair properly and sometimes one procedure is not enough to subsequently apply tinting hair dye.

If your hair is beige or saturated light brown color, then it is not at all necessary to paint them to get an ashy shade. It is enough to use tinting balms or shampoos. Hair care products can give your hair that chic, ashy glow that nothing can compare to.

What paints should you choose?

The most popular paint is Essensity Schwarzkopf Professional, famous for its natural ingredients and ease of use. This is a permanent dye that creates simply gorgeous shades. The formula does not contain ammonia and provides up to 90% gray coverage. Hair becomes silky and shiny. Among the disadvantages of paint is that it washes off quickly. Shades: ash blonde, ash blonde.

Excellence cream paint from L’Oreal Paris. Permanent dye that not only provides 100% gray coverage, but also preserves the hair color for a long time.

7.1 Ash blonde
9.1 Very light ash brown

Casting cream gloss - ammonia-free care dye from L'Oreal Paris provides colorful shades that last for a long time on the hair.

910 Very light ash brown
10.21 Light light brown pearlescent
801 light ash brown
810 Pearly light brown

How to maintain hair color for a long time?

Of course, save beautiful colour on hair is very difficult, especially if we're talking about about daily care (hair washing). Many paints simply cannot withstand this “regime” and are washed off after 1.5 - 2 weeks, while coloring is recommended no more than once a month. How to maintain hair color?

Step 1: Toning Shampoo

Tinting shampoo is one of the simplest and most effective hair coloring options, which gives the strands a light tint. Of course, it is washed off the first time you wash your hair, but with constant use of tinting shampoo, the hair color will last up to 1.5 months or more.

Step 2: biolamination of hair

Unlike most hair lamination methods, biolamination is the most gentle and natural care option.