What color does golden brown go with? Subtleties of dyeing a medium brown color.

There is an opinion that men are most attracted to blondes. Is it so? It's probably difficult to answer. But it is obvious that some of the most beautiful women on earth they are Slavs.

Blonde hair is a wonderful shade, but at the same time quite capricious. To avoid typical problems blonde hair, use the tips from the site SHE KNOWS.

It doesn’t matter whether you were fair-haired from birth or became one after visiting a beauty salon. We will help you always remain radiant and bright. In general, a real fair-haired girl!

Brown hair is beautiful

Indeed, nature has presented us with a valuable gift: fair skin and beautiful brown hair. There are stereotypes that brown hair makes the face plain and unattractive. What nonsense!

One of latest trends in the fashion world – natural beauty. Do you have brown hair? It's so beautiful! Don't even think about painting them black or red. Better emphasize your individuality and natural beauty.

If you think your color is a little dull, try livening it up a little. Replace your regular shampoo with a new one designed for blondes and your hair will acquire a beautiful golden hue. A similar effect can be achieved by rinsing your hair with chamomile decoction after washing.

Brown hair can have different shades: light brown, chestnut, dark brown, etc. Each of them is attractive in its own way. Remember that beautiful hair, first of all, is healthy and well-groomed. Blue-black, brown, and light brown hair can be beautiful. And it can hardly be called beautiful hair, tortured by endless coloring.

Brown hair: what's the problem?

Each hair type has its own challenges. What do girls with brown hair face?

  • Blonde hair is very sensitive and is more susceptible to adverse environmental influences than others.
  • Weakened strands begin to fade quickly.
  • Brown hair, as a rule, becomes dry and brittle to the touch after the summer period.
  • The tailbones are split.

Brown hair coloring

If you have brown hair and want to dye it a different color, then you need to remember that dyed hair lacks natural shine.

You can dye your hair at home only if you if you are just refreshing your tone. If the color is supposed to be 2 or more shades lighter, this procedure is risky and can lead to undesirable shades: purple, green, yellow.

Hairstyles for brown hair

It is very important to choose the right hairstyle for brown hair. Natural brown hair is most often thin.

Highlighting looks very beautiful on light hair. With its help, you can make your hair more voluminous, especially if you make a cascading haircut.

If you want your hairstyle to be more “bright”, you can do coloring, which is more gentle than dyeing. It is best to choose two shades, one of which should be dominant. The dyed strands should be in harmony with your hair color.

Makeup of a girl with brown hair

If you have very light hair and eyebrows, choose your makeup carefully. To avoid contrasts, it is better to choose a dark brown pencil for your eyebrows rather than a black one.

In general, makeup for girls with brown hair should focus on the eyes. Depending on your eye color, you can choose mascara, shadows or eyeliner that will make your look even more expressive.

For green-eyed, fair-haired girls you need to give preference to a brown tone (mascara, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner). When choosing shadows you need to focus on warm shades: brown, taupe, dark green, golden, peach. You should not use shades of blue or other cold tones in your makeup.

Blue-eyed blondes, on the contrary, blue, gray, blue, and purple colors. Makeup for fair-haired beauties should be based on the shade of their hair.

If your hair has a honey tint, That excellent option There will be silver, blue, light blue eye shadow for you. The color of the mascara can be either brown or blue. This, at first glance, unusual solution will highlight the color of your eyes and attract attention to them. As a rule, fair-haired girls have light shade skin, so you need to use powder of the lightest tones as a tone. A powder one tone darker than your skin is suitable for evening makeup.

To the owners dark brown hair you can use shades of blue and blue flowers. The color of the powder can be peach or pinkish-flesh. It is best to use lipstick in light shades: rose-golden, light pink, light brown. For evening makeup, you should choose a coral color.

If your hair color is ashen, then we can recommend the same makeup that is suitable for blue-eyed blondes only in warmer colors. The color of the powder should be pinkish-flesh, closer to flesh tone. In addition, light chocolate and bronze tones look very beautiful on fair skin.

Brown-eyed fair-haired beauties need to use various shades of bronze, gold, brown flowers. The most common brown eyes are found in girls with ashen hair.

Bronze or yellowish-pink powder will give an aristocratic look. The color of the shadows can be different: gray, bronze, blue; mascara must be brown. The preferred lipstick tone is pink. Orange and coral colors look beautiful on a tanned face.

Gray-eyed fair-haired girls I can recommend almost the same color scheme, as blue-eyed. The color of the shadows is light blue, blue, silver. These shades will make your look softer. Use lipstick coral and pink shades; mascara – blue, eyeliner and eyebrow pencil – dark gray.

If you have ashy hair color, try eyeshadows in yellowish and bronze shades. Use pencils, eyeliner, mascara Brown. With this approach, your makeup will look very neat, natural and not faded.

For evening makeup, fair-haired girls need to use a face tone in pinkish and bronze shades. Your task is to make your image more vibrant. Do not neglect corrective means, because... under artificial light, skin defects may be especially noticeable. Also use loose powder. It will make the skin silky and eliminate oily shine. Line your eyebrows with a pencil and apply shadows, the color of which is in harmony with the color of your eyes and hair.

Fair-haired beauties can safely use sparkles and rhinestones in evening makeup. Apply one layer of mascara to your eyelashes, and then, after waiting a little, apply a second one. Can be used for evening makeup and false eyelashes.

Use lipstick in coral shades, it will make your lips seductive. However, remember that in makeup, even for evening, the emphasis should be on either the lips or the eyes. Complete the makeup with pink blush.

How to solve problems with brown hair?

Of course, with proper and, most importantly, regular care.

  1. Choose mild shampoos designed for light stripes. Once a week you can alternate with shampoo that contains chamomile. It is believed that this flower has the property of “attracting” light to light brown hair.
  2. If your hair has just been dyed or highlighted, Choose restorative products with purple pigments. They improve nutrition, protect hair and perfectly neutralize yellowness.
  3. Since such strands are rarely greasy, try to wash your hair no more than 2-3 times a week.
  4. After washing your hair and towel drying, apply conditioner. Preferably from the same series. Do not rinse it off for at least 5 minutes so that the balm can create a nourishing and protective shell for your hair.
  5. After warm water rinse your hair with cold water. The hair scales will close and the strands will shine more.

Folk recipes for light brown hair

Chamomile rinse for brown hair

Do not neglect old, proven products in the care of colored hair. It will give your hair a golden hue and make it stronger and smoother. Take 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers, pour 1 liter hot water and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Strain and rinse your hair after washing.

Lemon conditioner for brown hair

Gives hair shine. Dissolve the juice of half a lemon in one liter of boiled water and use after washing. You can place the solution in an empty spray bottle and use it as a spray.

Mask with honey for brown hair

Improves the structure and color of blonde hair. After washing your hair, apply honey (preferably from acacia) to still damp hair. Then cover your head with film OR wrap it in racing fabric. You need to keep this mask for at least 5 hours. But you will see the result the first time!

Brown-haired beauties, you are beautiful! Take care and appreciate the gift generously presented to you by nature!

Light light brown color hair is a particular favorite among women. This is explained by the special naturalness of this tone, which masks facial imperfections and rejuvenates it. Light brown hair of any shade looks natural and luxurious, and it is much easier to care for than dark hair.

Light brown hair color

The shades of this color are closest to blonde. Despite this, they are all distinguished by their natural beauty, rich shine and naturalness.

Due to its naturalness, the color is light brown hair goes almost everyone. The only exception is its use by ladies with a dark skin tone, eyes, and the same natural hair color. The imbalance that appears in appearance will be too noticeable. Fair-skinned young ladies with heavenly or emerald eyes belonging to the “Winter” or “Summer” color type are recommended to choose shades of blonde. For those who fit the description “Spring” or “Autumn”, copper colors are the best choice.

It is believed that dyeing hair in this tone can be much more difficult than in bright shades fair-haired. Experts advise taking a closer look at colors that are as close as possible to your existing hair color. Such dyes are characterized by low intensity, so they can be used to lighten dark hair by only a couple of tones the first time.

Shades of light brown

The variety in warm, cold, ashen tones of light brown allows many girls to achieve the desired result when changing their image, but without harming their natural appearance.

Cool shade of light brown

It is distinguished from other shades by a cold ashy, also called platinum, tint without any yellowness. It is perfect for pale-faced girls with eyes in shades of clear and cloudy skies.

Golden shade of light brown

This tone looks as warm and sunny as possible. It is recommended to many ladies who want to refresh their appearance and add softness to it. Golden looks most advantageous on girls with pink, light beige skin tones and amber, emerald or heavenly eyes. The only exceptions are those who have a greenish or olive skin tone. Warm light brown hair color makes the skin look gray and unhealthy.

Beige shade of light brown

The soft wheat color looks extremely natural, but you can hardly find it in nature. This tone looks great on fair-skinned females with light eyes.

Copper shade of light brown

The warmest, characterized by incredible radiance. It is very similar to the red shade and also looks ideal in the company of freckles on the face, amber, emerald and even gray eyes.

All these shades, correctly selected, give youth to their owners, making their faces radiant and refreshed. With the help of such natural wheat tones, the hair looks healthy and beautiful.

How to get light brown hair color?

Light brown hair color is available naturally, sometimes the summer sun helps with this by bleaching the crown and some strands, but most often a dye several tones lighter than the existing color of the curls is used. When choosing the latter method, you should give preference to paints from well-known brands: Wella, LOreal, Garnnier, Estel, Keune. If the natural color of the hair has a large discrepancy with the selected shade, or they are painted in a shade that is much darker than the chosen one, then they must first be bleached and then dyed. In such a situation, you need to turn to professionals. They will carefully select the composition of coloring agents to obtain the desired effect and minimize damage to the hair.

Those who consider light brown hair color to be banal and boring are advised to dye their strands in different shades. Dark roots and lightened length look great. This way the hairstyle will look more voluminous, which is essential for girls whose hair looks quite sparse.

Coloring also helps add volume to the hair. This method allows you to give your hair a so-called “sun kiss”, a fairly natural effect of lightening the root zone and upper strands. An even less traumatic method is considered to be tinting hair using the ombre technique, but here you only need to dye the lengths in the desired shade. However, this procedure is extremely popular today, and the color load on the hair is reduced.

When coloring yourself, hairdressers recommend not to forget not only about the quality, but also about the volume of coloring agents. Here it is necessary to take into account that an ordinary tube of paint will be enough for average length up to the shoulders, but if the curls are longer, then, accordingly, more will be needed. It is recommended to apply the dye in an even layer, sequentially coloring all the hair.

To avoid unwanted yellowish or greenish tints, you can mix the paint with blue pigment. This is what professionals always do. Upon completion of coloring, you need to wash your hair with tinting shampoo. Otherwise, the shade may change quickly. When re-painting, it is advised not to apply paint to the entire length. To begin with, it is recommended to lighten the regrown roots, and then color them completely. This method is used for ashy and light shades. This allows you to achieve an even color along the entire length.

Those with weak and brittle hair are not advised to use bleaching. First, you should do the usual highlighting of the dark strands, and only after that paint with the chosen paint. This gentle method will allow you not to injure already weak hair, and due to the fact that the strands will be colored differently, you will get an interesting result with spectacular tints.

There is also alternative solution, which allows you to lighten your hair using natural products. This helps not only to acquire a natural shade, but also to strengthen the hair.

Below are the basic recipes for obtaining light brown hair.

Vinegar with honey

To prepare this composition, you need to mix two small spoons of vinegar, previously diluted by half, with one teaspoon of honey. To them you should add one tablespoon of olive oil or regular vegetable oil and the same amount of ground cinnamon. Mix everything, apply to pre-washed hair, put on a cellophane cap and leave overnight.

Chamomile decoction

You need to take a bag of this pharmaceutical plant and boil it for ten minutes. Then you should wait until the broth has cooled, dilute it and rinse your hair with it.


A decoction or infusion from it will be an excellent remedy for strengthening hair, fighting dandruff and hair loss, the roots will become strong, and the hair will be healthy and manageable. Nettle is sometimes used as a hair conditioner because it saturates hair with oxygen, nourishes the roots and thereby improves blood circulation and stimulates their growth.

Black tea

The procedure using black tea is almost the same as using chamomile, only it is replaced with regular tea leaves. The infusion must be rich, otherwise the result will not be visible. After rinsing your hair with this infusion, your hair will become healthy. saturated color, but without shine.

Shampoo with vitamin C

Vitamins in the amount of 10 pieces (usually capsules) are mixed with regular shampoo and washed with it.

Baking soda mask

To prepare it, bring the soda to a mushy state using ordinary water. Then, using a comb, apply the resulting mixture to all curls, wrap your head in film, and you can go to bed. In the morning, rinse your hair with water. You need to do this mask once a week. The desired result will be noticeable after just four applications.

Such products will help you achieve light brown hair on your own, without spending effort and money on visiting a salon. But if the shade of your hair is far from this color, then in this case It is worth using the services of hairdressers.

Caring for light brown hair

Light brown hair color requires increased attention, as good care and proper washing. When achieving shades characteristic of a light brown color, intense components are used, so the hair becomes more vulnerable after dyeing.

To maintain the resulting light brown hair color long time, it is necessary to use moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics for the hair. They must contain substances capable of neutralizing negative impact calcium and manganese present in tap water. If you use them constantly, you can maintain the resulting color of your curls.

In addition to additional care and nutrition, you also need to actively protect light curls from ultraviolet radiation in summer period. When going for a walk on a clear day, it is worth applying specially formulated products to them that help protect them from exposure sun rays. If you don’t have such cosmetics, then you need to wear a hat and hide your hair under it.

For additional nutrition and beauty of hair, it is recommended to prepare infusions of chamomile and lavender. This method also helps to avoid unwanted yellowness.

If you still have doubts about whether you should dye your hair light brown, you need to ask a specialist for an opinion. He will help you resolve doubts about the ideal shade and advise on the optimal and safe dyeing technique. Then you too will become the owner of luxurious hair with a magnificent natural shine.

In the video below you will see that there is nothing difficult in switching to a light brown hair color, even if the original shade was quite dark. Although the entire procedure is performed by a professional in his field.

The content of the article

Each of us is characterized by hidden genes, which can either manifest themselves in our appearance, or hide and be inherited by our children. If our parents have black hair, perhaps under the influence of hidden genes we have a light brown or even red color. It's good when we grow up and we like everything about our appearance. But it often happens that we want to change something about ourselves. And the first thing that falls under this desire is hair color.

Nowadays, there are a huge variety of hair dyes and tonics with which you can change your natural hair color beyond recognition. After all, their shades are just an ocean. For those who want to choose a light brown hair color for themselves, today we will tell you everything about light brown hair color.

Who suits fair-haired

In recent years, light brown has become one of the most requested hair colors. And although girls with this natural hair color are the majority in our country, they still highlight their natural light brown hair color with paints. And natural blondes and brunettes also very often want to change their natural color to light brown. Moreover, it is practically universal color. Thanks to the diversity of the palette, each of us can choose a shade of light brown that suits our color type.

It can be light, and dark, and golden, and ashen. By the way, if we have already talked a little about shades, we will immediately note the popularity of ash. This popularity is immediately apparent from latest photos our celebrities. Now let's take a closer look at different shades light brown hair color.

Light brown hair color

If you have a winter color type, that is, your complexion and hair are light in tone, then you will look best with a light brown color. Attach special effort you will not have to. It is enough to choose your shade of high-quality and gentle paint of the desired color. If the dye is chosen correctly, then after dyeing your hair will acquire an interesting tint and shine. But even if your hair is naturally dark, you can lighten it either with a bleach or with chamomile and sage infusions. Lemon juice can be a good lightening agent.

Golden brown hair color

If you have never tried a golden shade of light brown, then you should think about dyeing your hair this color. Moreover, it suits girls with both dark and light skin and eyes. As a result, you will see yourself in a new look, and your hair will shimmer with caramel and honey shades. Golden blond very close to natural blond. But nevertheless it is richer and brighter. Although at the same time it looks soft and unobtrusive.

Ash brown hair color

We have already mentioned that the most desirable shade of light brown among the fair half of humanity is ash brown. But we have to immediately disappoint you a little - not everyone will look beautiful with such a shade. After all, it looks a little like gray. But that is its charm and peculiarity.

Ash is best light brown will do girls with light eyes. This shade suits only beauties with even skin tone. Frequent pimples and redness on the face will ruin the entire chic effect of ash brown color hair. In general, ash-blond, unlike golden, is not very similar to natural, since there is practically no such color in nature. But the grayish effect can be easily achieved using hair dyes.

Medium brown hair color

It can be classified as either a cold or warm color. A cooler medium blonde is best paired with golden strands, while the warmer one is itself a rather soft shade. Therefore, warm makes the lines of the face more delicate. He's cuter. But again, it all depends on your color type. It’s better for you to choose a medium-blond shade for yourself. Or use the help of a professional.

Dark brown hair color

The most saturated among light brown shades is dark brown. It will help you renew and embellish your face. It will add a new twist to your look. The face immediately transforms and becomes expressive. You can try this shade for yourself. We think you will be pleased, because it suits almost all ladies.

Method for creating color

If you've already dyed your hair, you know that you don't always get the desired result the first time. However, if you are wearing makeup for the first time, then when choosing the shade you want, be sure to take this into account. Especially if you have a hair color that you are trying to dye darker than desired.

It’s easier for fair-haired beauties, but we still advise you to follow our recommendations below. Those who want to dye their hair light brown should definitely pay attention to the packaging. It shows all the information you need, including the original base color and the coloring shade.

Once you have reviewed the entire palette and chosen a shade for yourself, proceed to the most important thing - the actual dyeing process.

You need to apply makeup to dirty, unwashed hair. Yes, you will have to suffer for several days and walk around with greasy hair. It’s unpleasant, but the result is exactly the opposite.

Another point is that you will have to trim the ends of your hair a little. Since they tend to delaminate, thereby affecting final result not the most in the best possible way. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package. Do not overexpose the dye to your hair, this can lead to bad consequences.

If your original color is darker than your desired color, lighten your hair. So, golden or gray shade on dark hair It's unlikely to work without lightening. You can buy brighteners separately and, following the instructions, tone down the original color. And the rule about applying lightener first to the ends and then to the roots is a must. This procedure may have to be repeated several times. When your hair is yellowish, give it time and you can dye it any shade of light brown. In general, it is better to use the services of a professional for lightening.

If your natural color is light, then any shade of light brown will suit you. Whether it has a pearlescent or cold tint. Blonde will easily take on your hair.

And our last piece of advice is to take care of your dyed hair carefully. We have already written more than once about the importance of using masks and special shampoos for colored hair. This will provide you with color and shine for for a long time. We’ll look at how to care for colored curls below.

Taking care of colored curls

Hair dye, no matter how you look at it, is a product of the chemical industry. But chemistry may not have the best effect best influence on our hair and scalp. If you have chosen a low-quality hair dye, do not be surprised by the hair becoming brittle, dry after dyeing. In addition, if you overexpose the paint, you risk getting a “loofah” on your head, rather than a shiny and even color.

Hair balm after coloring is a must. It’s not for nothing that paint manufacturers stock it.

Do not dye your hair immediately after perm. Take a break of at least two weeks. After all, two chemical influences with a short period of time are stress for the hair.

Frequently exposing your colored hair to heat is not the best the best option care Although you can’t call it leaving at all. It is better to use hair dryers and curling irons as rarely as possible.

For strands that have become dull and have lost their shine, conduct a restoration session with decoctions of chamomile, onion peels or other herbs. Tinting tonics and balms are also good for dull strands. The effect will not be long lasting, but noticeable.

And after dyeing, you need to use special hair care products without ammonia and oxidizing agents. Balms, masks and hair oils will revive and make your hair luxurious.

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There was a time when brown hair was considered unattractive and faded. Girls preferred brighter shades of strands. Currently, natural hair colors are very popular, including light brown hair color. It looks especially beautiful on ladies with Slavic appearance. This shade beautifully emphasizes the fair skin of beauties and gray, green, blue, light brown eyes.

Blonde - what hair color is this?

Not everyone knows which tones are considered light brown. If you draw information from online spaces, then light brown is all shades between white and black. You should also exclude bright red colors from the palettes from the list of light brown tones.

Light brown includes a wide variety of colors. The main groups of this color are divided into three subcategories:

  • Dark shades of light brown (brown-haired, mocha, chocolate, dark brown, chestnut).
  • Light hair colors. These include the following colors: beige, light brown, platinum brown, etc.
  • Medium tones of strands. In particular, these are: light brown, brown and others.

Brown hair color

Light brown or, as fashion girls also call it, mousey, very attractive hair color. Moreover, the brightness of a girl is determined not only by one tone of the strands. This is also an attractive makeup that favorably emphasizes the color of the eyes and skin. And the tone of the curls can also be easily matched to your color type from a variety of shades of light brown.

  • More suitable for a warm color type of appearance dark colors for hair from a palette of light brown tones.
  • For a cold color type, strands of ash-brown, ash-chestnut, gray-brown color will look beautiful.
  • For the fairer sex with gray, green, blue eyes A light beige hair color would look great.

Dark brown hair color - photo

As mentioned above, dark light brown tones are especially relevant for women with warm color type appearance. In addition, the dark brown tone of the strands is well suited for ladies of Balzac age. After all, it visually helps to hide existing wrinkles and skin imperfections on the face.

To the owners dark skin better too dark shades Do not use light brown. Otherwise, you will seem older than your age. And chocolate and golden tones will be just right.

Medium brown hair color - photo

The medium brown palette of shades is quite diverse. Therefore, these colors are suitable for both warm and cold skin types. Brunettes often use these tones to lighten their hair. Blondes to make their hair color more natural.

To determine your skin type, just look at the veins. If they have Blue colour, then you have a cold color type. A green color indicates that you belong to a warm color type.

For women of the first skin type, it is better to use tones such as: ash-blond, platinum-blond, gray-blond.

And for girls with the second skin color type: caramel-blond, honey-blond, wheat-blond.

IMPORTANT! Ash shades of hair are best chosen by girls who apply makeup with a cold palette of shadows (blue, lilac tones). And golden brown curls look beautiful with shades of green and brown.

Light brown color

Light brown tones also have a wide variety of shades. The main thing is that they look natural. The light, brown color of the strands looks especially beautiful on girls with light eyes and fair skin. Owners of these light tones are called girls with flaxen-colored hair, as in famous work talented composer.

IMPORTANT! Light, beige color curls need special care. After all, after dyeing, the hair loses strength and splits. Therefore, the use of moisturizing preparations for strands is necessary. And to get rid of the yellow tint on your curls, you should wash your hair with chamomile and lavender infusion at least twice a month.

Light hair shades

Ash-blond tone of strands

This is not the first year that this shade has been popular among girls. Gray strands suit the fair sex more with pale skin color and light eyes. And if a girl has small freckles, then they look intriguing, inaccessible.

Golden-brown tone of curls

Suitable for both older ladies and young girls with green, gray-green eyes and white complexion.

Wheat-blond tone of strands

The perfect tone for the generous, open women. Looks especially stylish on voluminous curls. Beautifully emphasizes blue, gray, green eyes.

Brown girls

Light brown tones of curls look noble. Girls with such strands have a special natural beauty. Owners of light brown hair are associated with an extraordinary image of sophisticated elegance.

Shades of light brown hair color - photo

Golden-brown tone of strands

Beige shade of strands

Dark, light brown tone of the strands (color - brown)

Light brown, brown tone curls

Platinum hair tone

Light brown hair color - photo. Palette of paint shades

Hazelnut - light shade of strands

Sandy shade of strands

Caramel brown tone of curls

Light brown hair color, what dye is suitable for this hair shade

Very popular among women are paints for obtaining lasting shades of light brown tones, such as:

  1. Garnier Color- gives the curls a rich tone. It has a gentle effect on strands due to its composition.
  2. Estel- gives blonde hair shine, has a gentle effect on them, because it contains nourishing substances that moisturize the structure of the curls.
  3. Kapous-colors strands well. The composition includes natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the hair structure.

Pearlescent tone of curls

Honey blonde shade

Beautiful light brown hair color - photo

To get a beautiful light brown color, it is better to visit an experienced stylist. It’s difficult to choose the right paint tone on your own. In addition, it applies differently to different shades of strands. And there are many techniques for hair coloring. Popular among them:

  1. Ombre- when the hair is darker at the roots, and closer to the ends it gradually becomes almost white.
  2. Shatush- represents the effect of slightly burnt strands. The image turns out natural, natural.
  3. Balayage- weave various shades on curls.
  4. Blonding- a combination of medium, dark, light brown tones.
  5. Highlighting- lightening of individual strands.
  6. Marble coloring of curls- used on strands long hair. It is done in several stages, resulting in the effect of transfusion of curls. This comes out thanks to the powdery brightener.

If you decide to change your image, dye your hair light brown, then act boldly. Now you know which shade of light brown is best for you. Just take into account the advice of stylists:

  • Do not dye bright red hair light brown without washing or bleaching with professional products.
  • If you decide to dye your black strands brown or light brown, then don’t do it all at once. You can repaint it in chocolate tones after a one-time wash. A light shade is done in several stages and the hair will become damaged after that.
  • There is no need to overexpose the dye to your hair, thinking that you will get a deeper tone. You risk drying out your hair.
  • Before dyeing your curls, be sure to cut off the split ends.
  • After washing off the dye from your head, do not forget to use a mask.
  • The dye will color your strands better if you don’t wash your hair for three days the day before.

Women love to experiment with their appearance and change it. Representatives of the fair sex often want to transform and refresh their appearance, and try something new. The vast majority of women are prone to changing their hair color; this is one of the most popular and effective ways transformation.

Before you decide to take this step, you need to find out which color will match your appearance type and look harmonious. IN Lately Light brown has become very popular and suits all women due to its naturalness.

Choosing a shade

The color range is extensive, but light brown remains a favorite - the most glamorous. Suitable for those with Slavic appearance. Its combination with fair skin looks very harmonious. Such girls belong to the “spring” and “summer” types. It will add more airiness and lightness to the image of a young lady, and noble restraint to older ladies. The emerging gray hair will be invisible, and besides, bright shades at this age are no longer acceptable. Light brown is suitable for a woman of any age.

Girls with naturally brown hair are rarely seen because many people are of the opinion that they are plain. Young ladies tend to dye their hair in brighter colors, which cannot be said about those who have light brown hair from birth. Even many Hollywood stars such as Hillary Duff, Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz appreciated the light brown color.

Dyeing a light shade of light brown

If you decide to repaint, then you need to understand which method will be most suitable for you. In order to make your strands a couple of tones lighter, natural remedies that can be used at home are suitable. After washing, it is recommended to rinse them with a chamomile decoction, since the flowers of this plant are a natural lightener. It is also possible to use lemon juice by adding it to shampoo. It will not only help transform your curls, but also stimulate the scalp and promote their growth.

You can make your strands lighter using lemon juice and the rays of the sun. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice out of three lemons and mix with water in a ratio of 3:1. Apply and go outside, under sunlight. The procedure can be done several times.

If you need to lighten your hair by 6-7 tones, you will have to turn to blonde products. When buying hair dye, you should look at the price: a low cost should raise suspicion. The product may be of poor quality, which will harm both the hair and scalp. The market offers a huge range of light brown shades, for example, Syoss Oloe Intense 7-10, Palette PCC 300, Cutrin Reflection Demi 8.0 and many others.

Let's look at what other shades there are.

In certain lighting, hair appears ashy. Suitable only for a limited circle of people, namely young ladies with fair skin and blush on their cheeks, with gray or blue eyes. Beauties with a dark complexion better forget about the dream of ash blonde, otherwise after dyeing the appearance will seem unnatural, like a doll. Also, girls with golden or red curls should not wear makeup. The yellowness will still appear and will overcome the ashiness. The dye will work best on light-colored strands.

Ash shades:

  • light ash blonde. Owners of these curls are often called blondes;
  • medium ash. The hair has a slight greenish tint;
  • dark ashen. It is often confused with cool brown.

2. Copper brown.

Similar to dark red and looks unusual and intriguing. Owners of dark green eyes, light skin and rosy cheeks can safely buy this paint. It is rarely found in nature. Copper hair color gives an aristocratic look appearance, so it’s perfect for middle-aged women.

3. Medium brown.

It is considered a real light brown, since it combines both light and dark tones. Sometimes it looks inexpressive, so girls resort to coloring. Professionals call it one of the variants of gray and ask not to confuse it with the color of brunettes. This specific shade is quite common. Those who have naturally medium brown hair are very lucky and should be proud of their hair.

Girls who were not lucky enough to be born with such hair will be able to achieve a similar effect. fashionable coloring in the style of armoring. The procedure has gained popularity both in our country and abroad. Medium blond is most suitable for women with the “autumn” appearance type - dark-skinned beauties with dark eyes.

4. Golden brown.

Golden shades combine caramel tints and honey notes. Over the course of several years, this tone has become popular along with ashy. Golden goes well with any skin and eyes, especially green ones. It is very rich and bright, it is recommended to purchase this paint for those women who are naturally light brown in color, but at the same time want to add shine and brightness to it.

Blondes who dream of golden curls just need to use a toning product. Professionals advise dark-haired young ladies to abandon the idea of ​​dyeing golden brown, since it can turn out to be a failure even when using the most modern technologies and colors. The hair will look faded and expressionless.

5. Dark brown.

Very similar to chocolate and will suit brown or black eyes. Dyed strands look natural, are distinguished by depth and nobility. In dark blond, both warm and cold tones are visible, so those with very dark skin should not recolor their hair.

Some young ladies consider this color invisible, but this is not so. It attracts people's attention, looks rich and rich. It will be easy for fair-haired people to dye their hair light brown in this shade, which cannot be said about those whose strands are much darker. For brunettes after a single use of paint desired effect cannot be achieved, so you will have to visit the salon several times.