What kind of coloring is in fashion? Fashionable colors for brunettes. Fashionable dyeing techniques

Well-chosen color, stylish female image- all this creates fashionable coloring 2016. To correct natural characteristics, give the appearance special beauty, individuality, expressiveness, hair must be dyed. By slightly changing the shade of the curls, you can give everyday hairstyle a completely new look.

Hair color trends 2016

Inventive stylists regularly create coloring. Fashion this year combines naturalness, originality, and creativity.

As for, now blondes are held in high esteem. Golden, caramel, honey, straw tones without artificially bleached strands are welcome. Special attention colors of cold, “Nordic” tones, silver-gray, ash, platinum shades are noted.

Brown-haired women with brunettes will be at their best, shading their curls with chestnut, chocolate, and coffee tones, which will emphasize the brightness and passion of their appearance.

Red-haired beauties will have to try dark red tones, for example, red copper, bronze, which will add individuality and expressiveness to their appearance. The chosen color should be closer to naturalness than to brightness.

New this season is dyeing the ends of the hair in violet, lilac, mint, and turquoise colors.

Hair coloring methods 2016

Ombre is a technique in which dark hair at the roots somewhere in the middle of the length smoothly turns into more light tone at the tips. It combines two or more colors, as well as different tones of the same color, suitable for women of any age.

An inverted ombre is the opposite of an ombre: a transition from light tones at the top to dark tones at the tips. Natural warm tones are used: wheat, cinnamon, chestnut, milk chocolate, golden blond.

Gradient dyeing is one of the ombre options, in which the hair at the roots is dyed in natural and dark tones, and the ends are colored in rich colors. bright colors.

“Partial” coloring - the curls are decorated with several strands of bright colors. Coloring blond hair with platinum and light pink shades will give a more extravagant look. The trend is coloring in the form of pronounced strands or shaded bangs.

California highlighting, shatush, balayash - these trends differ in application technique and are aimed at giving the hairstyle the effect of natural, as if sun-bleached hair.

3D coloring or bronding is a complex process that combines all previous methods. It gives the hairstyle texture and volume. In this case, three or four tones of the same color are used. It is ideal for women with thin, sparse hair.

Stencil coloring is the most original fashionable coloring of 2016 with the application of a pattern, for example, geometric or leopard. This style is suitable for young women who love experiments.

How to dye short hair in 2016

The most fashionable coloring on short hair 2016 is dark chocolate and platinum blonde. To give the hair volume, individual strands are lightened. The following tones are especially relevant:
  1. burgundy
  2. wine
  3. noble red
  4. copper

Stylists advise amateurs short haircuts dye the roots darker than the ends. It is worth paying attention to highlighting by zones or total highlighting, but with mandatory tinting.

For women who do not like to wear several different shades of makeup, it is recommended to choose paint with a volume effect.

How to dye medium length hair in 2016

For those with curls middle length All coloring methods are suitable. Stylists primarily offer blondes: platinum, strawberry, chocolate. Shades of red, wheat, ocher, refined tones of chestnut, coffee and cinnamon are fashionable.

Fashionable coloring for medium hair 2016 using the ombre technique in contrasting tones or highlighting in natural shades will look bright.

How to dye long hair in 2016

This year's fashion gives long-haired ladies great amount options to change the image. Fashionable coloring on long hair 2016 is characterized by natural light and restrained dark tones. If monotony is boring for you, you can add brightness with colored strands that enliven the main tone.

Brave women should add originality with lilac-violet notes that attract the attention of others.

Fashionable haircuts and coloring 2016 give complete freedom for self-expression. The main thing is to choose the right refreshing color, enjoy the new style, while looking fashionable and attractive. Remember: hair color not only determines appearance, but also the mood.

Fashion at all times extended not only to the style of clothing, but also to hairstyle and hair color. Just like choosing clothes, you should dye your hair in accordance with your type of appearance and natural characteristics, but you should also take care to keep up with the times.

The fashion of the 2016 season dictates to us that preference should be given to naturalness, naturalness, but creativity does not go anywhere. Strict, smooth haircuts with sleek strands and insanely bright hair are gradually receding into the background, giving way to light naturalness and romance.

The trend of the year can be called “casual femininity”, carelessness, hairstyles with the effect of movement. So, what fashionable coloring awaits us in 2016?

Fashionable dyeing techniques

Perhaps, such a method of coloring as ombre will never cease to be relevant. With this coloring, the ends of the hair are different in color from the crown, and the transition between tones is always smooth. This technique differs in that it combines two colors or shades of the same color (which can be either close to each other or strikingly contrasting), which looks quite bright and extraordinary.

Ombre owes its popularity to its versatility, because it suits any hair length and has no age restrictions. The choice of colors can be limited only by your imagination; you can either lighten the ends, making the color close to natural (which will be popular in 2016), or paint them in bright, rich colors - this option is suitable for brave girls who are not afraid to experiment with themselves.

The highlighting doesn't go anywhere either. It, like amber, combines different colors, but is made according to the principle of alternating strands. Not so long ago, the trend was contrasting highlights with eye-catching colors, but in 2016 it will be better to give preference to natural notes.

When painting, do not deviate too much from your natural color; it would be best to apply paint with a shade slightly different from yours. To match the trend, it is best to do highlighting, which will create the impression of slightly bleached hair - it looks quite natural.

Californian highlighting is still in fashion, also known as French highlighting (the so-called shatush). This technique is good because it is suitable for both brunettes and blondes (but the darker the hair, the more noticeable the transition will be). The effect of such coloring by a professional is very soft, almost unnoticeable, and the color looks rich and saturated, having many facets.

Bronzing hair will become a real fashion trend for the next autumn-winter period. Bronzing is extremely difficult to perform and involves dyeing four shades of the same color in order to visually give the hair additional volume. It is not for nothing that this method is also called “3D coloring”, because after this the hairstyle seems to have several “layers”, shimmering multifacetedly in the light.

That is why this method will be a real boon for owners of not very voluminous hairstyles. What can we say about thick hair!

How easy it is to understand next year will be marked by the effect of natural, undyed hair. The emphasis will be on creating a natural sheen, density, and versatility of one color.

Fashionable colors

Choose the one that suits you individually fashionable color hair is quite simple. When choosing it, you should start from your own natural (in combination with the color of your skin and eyes - color type) and personal image.

Natural blonde

Too bright and unnatural notes are becoming less and less popular; platinum, ash, gray and golden tones are gaining popularity.

Honey, caramel and straw shades will look great. Blonde will look best using the ombre dyeing technique. The main thing is to avoid yellowness! You shouldn’t try to create such a complex color yourself; it’s best to trust a competent stylist.

Muted red

Owners of natural red “wealth” are very lucky: in the near future they will be at the peak of relevance. “Noble” notes such as burgundy, wine, slightly reddish, and copper will correspond to the season. On the contrary, too “poisonous” orange tones should be avoided.

Multifaceted dark

Don’t be afraid to break the trend by going brunette, because dark hair has always been relevant. If you choose this color, then avoid only pure black, even blue-black. It is better to choose a noble dark color with a chestnut or chocolate tint to match the fashionable trend of naturalness.

If you are the owner of brown eyes, then walnut and coffee tones will suit you most. You can make the coloring partial by adding a little deep copper or burgundy. If you are lost in such a variety of shades and cannot choose the right one, ask your hairdresser-colorist.

Natural brown

A true representative of the upcoming trend will be such a natural and spontaneous light brown color. A rich palette of light brown tones will become a leader among other colors. It doesn't matter whether you choose dark or light brown, it will be difficult to make a mistake with your choice. The main thing is that the hair looks as natural as possible, because the main task of coloring in the next season will not be to demonstrate the amount of shade of your hairdresser.

Stylish shades: brown, wheat, golden, transition from light to pastel pink. Your hair should “rest” from artificial, pretentious and far from natural tones.

Surrender yourself to carelessness, easy spontaneity, and the impulse of fashion trends upcoming season will pick you up and spin you in a dizzying whirlwind. Experiment!

Trying to keep up with the ever-changing fashion, we follow all current trends, but at the same time small parts are overlooked. For example, hair color, which many fashionistas always follow. Fashionable hair coloring in 2016 can become just such a decisive detail of your image. Having become accustomed to one hair color that suits their face, girls may not change it for a long period. We invite you to become bolder and decide to change your image with us!

Fashionable hair color from world designers

At the turn of 2016, you shouldn’t expect too bright and extravagant design innovations in hair coloring: stylists recommend focusing on natural tones. Natural and lively shades will be more futuristic, the feigned severity will disappear, and the cold winter colors will be wonderfully diluted. Sometimes coloring scares fashionistas who try to follow the latest fashion trends, but for some reason do not want to change their hair color. The most current trends of the 2016 season are favorable to fashion lovers who try to adhere to naturalness: healthy and attractive-looking hair will be very popular.

Exactly blonde hair will be subjected the biggest changes. Golden, blond with an ash tint, honey blonde and other summer hair shades will no longer be relevant, and they will be replaced by colder and “winter” shades. For fashionable hair coloring in 2016, you should boldly choose current shades, the names of which have something northern, for example, “Swedish blonde.” Another clue can be the names of some metals: “platinum” or “silver blond”.

In the coming season, designers are offering fashionistas one interesting color hair called "strawberry blonde". The shade shown is considered cool and has a wonderful sheen. Pink colour. It is important to remember that only the shade on the curls can be pink, since “strawberry blonde” does not provide for any other berry or bright red shades.

Red-haired beast and brown-haired woman

Consider yourself lucky if your natural hair color is red or light brown. These are the tones that will be the most popular in the coming year. Most stylists prefer slightly muted red tones. However, the wild colors of autumn also have a significant place. Dark red color with a reddish or burgundy undertone, copper and gold shades are popular. And blond is definitely beyond competition in all its forms. He will be considered almost the most fashionable color hair. And if you manage to achieve the effect that your hair looks as if it has not been dyed, then you have hit the bull’s eye.

Fashionable colors for brunettes

Natural trends in coloring will also affect hair dark shades, with an interesting twist. For example, the most suitable color For dark hair of the coming season, designers believe chocolate color and light brown tint. Shades of chocolate have no significant restrictions; girls can choose dark and rich or sparkling hair colors, with plenty of different shades. A popular fashionable hair color will also be a cinnamon color close to these shades - light brown with a reddish tone.