Which zodiac sign is the most faithful among women. Sagittarius - open and cheerful

Incredible facts

If you feel like your partner's behavior has become suspicious and you think he's hiding something,perhaps he had an affair .

The tendency to give in to temptations and the desire to experience a variety of experiences often associated with the characteristics of our personality.

Read also:Nine reasons why men cheat

The zodiac sign under which a man was born can also tell a lot not only about personality, but also O tendency to look around.

The most unfaithful signs of the Zodiac

A study conducted by an extramarital affairs website has revealed the most unfaithful signs of the zodiac.

According to a survey of more than 2,000 people in Europe,Sagittarius turned out to be the most unfaithful sign of the Zodiac !

However, if your man is a Sagittarius, you should not rush at him with reproaches, because if a Sagittarius man truly loves, he will not break fidelity. And those men who admitted to cheating were unhappy in their relationships.

Here is the percentage of unfaithful men by zodiac sign, according to the survey.

Sagittarius - 16%

Aquarius – 15%

Gemini – 13%

Capricorn – 11%

Aries – 9%

Cancer - 7%

Taurus – 7%

Libra – 5%

Leo – 5%

Virgo – 4%

Pisces – 4%

Scorpio – 3%

What will a man’s zodiac sign tell you about his tendency to cheat?

Aries Man

Aries men are not known for their loyalty, and have even gained fame as flighty men. They give in to temptations without questioning them, as Scorpio would do.

Since Aries men can easily get heated, if you try to talk to them about cheating, it could lead to an argument. They don't like to hide things from their partners, so they're more likely to confess everything before you catch them cheating.

Taurus Man

Usually Taurus men loyal and very stable. You don't have to worry too much with them, but you need to be on guard, as strong sensuality can sometimes lead him astray.

A Taurus may not outright admit to cheating, but if you suspect infidelity, it's worth paying attention to him, as he may give subtle hints by leaving visible messages on his phone or accidentally calling you by a different name.

Gemini Man

These men are real playboys who love to flirt and often start cunning and dangerous friendships that could lead to something more.

If you suspect something, take a closer look at his company. He may say that they are just friends, but more overt flirtatious behavior may mean that this is more than just friendship.

Cancer Man

These men can be unfaithful and romantic, even if one seems to contradict the other. When they fall in love, they follow their desires, even if they are already in a relationship.

If a Cancer cheats, you'll have to play detective. He may not leave any physical evidence, but his tongue may give him away. If he starts comparing you to someone he knows, especially when he thinks you're doing wrong, it's time to talk. Such a comparison may be a sign of an affair.

They will not be able to lead a double life for long, and therefore they will try to figure it out and make a choice.

Leo Man

Leos want to be faithful because loyalty is one of his main principles. For them, the idea of ​​cheating on their significant other degrades their dignity.

However, it happens to them it's hard to resist beauty. Leos tend to be superficial sometimes, and this can lead to cheating. If Leo becomes critical of your appearance, this could be a sign that he is comparing you to someone more attractive, and may even be having an affair.

Virgo Man

Men of this sign, as a rule, true under any circumstances, and so you don't have to worry all the time. However, it is worth noting that they often remain loyal because they are afraid of being caught red-handed.

If a Virgo man cheated, he will directly tell you about it, which can take you by surprise, since Virgos rarely give reason to suspect them of anything.

Libra Man

Libra men may be unfaithful if they feel neglected. They have a strong need for love and admiration, and if you forget about it, they will be tempted to look for love elsewhere.

If you suspect cheating on the part of this man, you will have to ask them to be honest with you, as they can easily cover their tracks.

Fortunately, Libra's desire for stability and harmony in relationships makes them think carefully before doing something irreparable.

Scorpio Man

Scorpio men are very passionate and this can get them into trouble because they find it difficult to resist temptation.

Their active libido usually pushes them to cheat. They may succumb to an all-consuming passion that can take them further than they expected.

As a rule, they are good at hiding their feelings, and they difficult to catch cheating.

Sagittarius Man

This zodiac sign is considered the most unfaithful. Often these men can be married, but at the same time lead a double life. They want to conform to the norm, but Sagittarians will still seek new experiences, which will ultimately lead to cheating.

Sagittarius skillfully disguises facts, but can shock you with an unexpected honest confession in his betrayal.

Capricorn Man

The Capricorn man is usually very loyal and stable in relationships. You can sleep peacefully with him when he goes out to meet friends.

However, no one is perfect, and even Capricorns cheat sometimes. It can be difficult to find evidence of their cheating, but if it goes on long enough, it may mean that he has serious feelings for someone else and will end the relationship with you.

Aquarius Man

Aquarians are fickle and they don't think about the consequences of their actions. If they become bored in a relationship, they may cheat.

If you suspect them of cheating, their actions are usually quite obvious, but they don't care about being caught cheating. If you try to talk to them about cheating, Aquarians may not even make excuses, since they don't care much about making up lies.

Pisces Man

Men under the sign of Pisces can be faithful and very attached to their partners. However, they may find it difficult to hide their emotions and therefore it is easy to find out if they are cheating.

Emotions can take them far and they easily allow others to influence them. For this reason, an exciting meeting can captivate them so much that it leads to betrayal.

Every woman dreams of finding one man to whom she will be faithful until the end of her days and in whom she will be confident. Of course, the search for such a life partner sometimes takes up a significant part of our lives. But we decided to make your search a little easier by telling you which zodiac sign is considered the most attached to one woman, compiling a fidelity rating for you on a scale from 1 - monogamous to 3 - ladies' man.

Aries: hot head and passionate heart

If our “experimental” fell in love, at this stage you are definitely lucky - he is romantic and sentimental. Aries tends to trust his feelings and sensations, so he will promise everything you want. But let's not rush things. Aries is a conqueror, and after achieving a goal, our handsome guy can easily switch to a new object. And yet, in a relationship he is calm and confident, he will become a good protector, a loving and faithful husband, a wonderful father, and an equally wonderful lover. However, Aries cannot be called the most faithful sign, given his love for new sensations.

Taurus: does not chase Casanova’s laurels, and rarely loses his head

Taurus men are outwardly closed, but the feelings of representatives of this sign are very deep. They are also very persistent: they will achieve their goal at any cost, so if you see desire in his eyes, remember that for Taurus desires and feelings are the same thing, which means that the boy is in love, and you are really lucky. In love, Taurus are very gentle, passionate, touching and not burdened with unnecessary questions. And if Taurus got married, it means his choice is completely conscious, he counts on reciprocity and fidelity. Therefore, Taurus can safely be considered the most faithful man!

Gemini: Impermanence is consistency

Gemini men are a complete mystery, a rebus. They are, in principle, very cold-blooded; at the beginning of a relationship, the desire to know and get to know you is clearly noticeable. But there comes a period when Gemini begins to “withdraw into himself.” At this time, he clearly analyzes everything, and if the Gemini man understands that the relationship is profitable and comfortable, it will continue, but if not, he is looking for a new goal. Therefore, as a rule, they are very fickle and prone to breaking up relationships. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get involved with Gemini men, no, you just need to know some of the features of their character.

Cancer: so beautiful, but so unfaithful

The Cancer man, at first glance, is one of the most reliable partners, a faithful lover and an ideal family man. In fact, Cancers only strive for their own comfort. The Cancer man finds an excuse for everything, while he himself is never to blame. Even if he finds his girlfriend in bed with another, he will come up with 100 reasons and excuses, and you will be the one to blame for the situation. Cancer men are very promiscuous in relationships. However, among Cancers there are also those who have been devoted to their girlfriend since their youth. Or after 35 years.

Lion is the king of the animals?

Leo men can often be picked out from a crowd by their appearance alone. They have a strong physique (or strive for such), are well dressed, have their hair done, love nice branded clothes - they are materialists. They also give gifts willingly. Leo is one of the most loyal signs of the Zodiac. You can break up with Leo for the following reasons: if you put yourself above him, if you surpass Leo in career success, if you are trying to manage relationships. For the rest, you can be sure: Leo will be reliable and faithful to you!

Virgos: reliable and practical, but why is this not appreciated?

Virgo men are not very simple. They don’t like theatrical performances, so they won’t dance with you until the morning and read poetry under your windows. The Virgo man always analyzes and pays attention to details, he remembers what you were wearing, how you behaved, what you said. Sex for such a man is not just physical contact. They are quite squeamish and selective, afraid of becoming infected with something, so they have practically no casual connections. So, despite some “boringness” of the sign, Virgos are faithful men.

Libra ruled by Venus

Libras are honest, attentive, and can be reliable friends and partners. Libra men are not conquerors; they can break even in everyday matters when the situation develops in such a way that they cannot or do not have time to adapt to it. They like to please, seduce, play, and in return they expect praise, recognition, approval and admiration. Libra men love stability and balance, so they rarely become the reason for betrayal and breakups. If he cheats, he will be caught because he himself will not be comfortable.

Scorpio: the best lover?

It is generally accepted that Scorpios are the best in bed. A Scorpio man does not need accessibility: the less accessible and understandable, the better, the greater the interest, the stronger the excitement. Scorpio has two components - soul and flesh. Most often he uses the second one, but access to the soul must be earned. And these two components are constantly in conflict: the soul wants to be faithful, and the flesh... Well, you know where it is calling. Therefore, the Scorpio man is considered the most unfaithful of the zodiac signs. But Scorpios still get married, and if this happens, you are lucky: he protects his home and family like a fortress.

Sagittarius - he is also a Sagittarius in Africa

The name of the sign is very harmonious and in tune with its bearer. Sagittarius men are lifelong experimenters, and it doesn't matter what he discovers or receives - it's the process itself that matters. They want to try everything. However, they come in two types: the first redirect their sexual energy to creation, creativity and service to other people; and the latter become true Don Juans. Moreover, love for such representatives of the sign is a sport, a game, an adventure. Sagittarians get married when they understand that an ideal partner does not exist and they will have to be content with what they have.

Capricorn - this is real stability!

Capricorns fall in love very difficult, but if this happens, their love is very deep. Capricorns are not particularly good at expressing their feelings, they are not romantics, but this in no way prevents them from creating strong relationships. If Capricorn fell in love with a woman, you can be absolutely sure that he will not cheat and will refuse divorce. Capricorn does not need to be conquered by sophisticated outfits or wonderful makeup; he is rather a conservative, and will appreciate an ordinary classic suit much more than a clown outfit. Capricorn in marriage is practical, thrifty and hardworking. He demands the same attitude from his partner.

Aquarius: freedom is our everything!

Aquarians are not used to asking, so if you want a relationship with them, take the first step, and he will step forward. Aquarians are often monogamous, and therefore faithful in marriage. They trust their partner, do not control them and often compromise. But, paradoxically, divorces are very common among Aquarius. And this happens because the partner believes that Aquarius does more for others than for the family. Aquarius may leave when he feels that he is “homebound.” At the same time, he has been preparing a retreat plan for a long time, but everything happens suddenly, according to the plan “he went for bread in slippers and did not return.”

Pisces: sensuality and soulfulness

Pisces men are soft and kind, they know how to dream and empathize. Love comes to them quietly and imperceptibly, over time it matures and develops. These are exactly those representatives of the Zodiac who can read poetry and sing serenades under the window. But, as we know, one coin always has two sides. The second is that instead of sublime feelings and emotions, Pisces often choose exclusively sexual pleasure. But in marriage, Pisces men are the most attached and devoted, they do everything for the family.

Anyone who has been deceived by a loved one knows firsthand how painful betrayal can be - the last thing you want to do is go through this ordeal again. Forewarned is forearmed.
Astrologers have identified a pattern: based on personal character traits, some zodiac signs deceive their significant other much more often than others. Moreover, each of them has their own reasons for this. We give you a few “cosmic clues” that will help you navigate - what can you count on when you meet someone new?
The possibility of betrayal on the part of Aries is 50/50. On the one hand, they do not waste words and always fulfill their promises. On the other hand, they easily take risks and adventures in order to simply dispel boredom. If the energetic Aries is going to cheat, then most likely he lacks bright emotions and dynamics in the relationship. They are very active, and if their partner fails to maintain their rhythm, they easily continue moving forward without him. In addition, Aries are the owners of a solid ego, which requires constant attention. Show him physical affection regularly and do everything possible to maintain the WOW effect in the relationship.
One of the most faithful companions in life. If such a man falls in love, then it is forever. They seriously believe in “love until the grave” and “marital vows.” One gets the feeling that the handsome princes from fairy tales, every single one of them, are Taurus. The only reason they can cheat is if they suddenly seriously suspect that their partner is cheating on them. This will be a kind of revenge or act of revenge, which they would never dare to do under other circumstances. Show Taurus how much you care about him on a physical and emotional level, and you can rest assured of his devotion.

Keep your ears open - these partners are very fickle and quite calculating. Both qualities constantly introduce them into temptation, which Gemini is unable to resist. Representatives of this sign often require “intellectual stimulation” - they should be interested in talking to you. In most cases, they realize their need for flirting through dating sites, social networks and email, but rarely move from the virtual space to reality. Regularly stimulate Gemini's interest sexually and mentally - you can be sure that it will not go away from you.
Another zodiac sign with a fairly low level of trust. The reasons for infidelity are pickiness and daydreaming. They themselves do not know what they want from life, but they require endless attention. Cancers are extremely insecure and, at times, cheating is a desperate way for them to increase their own self-esteem. Moreover, they manage to blame their inattentive partner for these infidelities, but never admit their guilt. Let Cancer feel most desirable, and he will not escape from you.
At first glance, imposing and self-confident Leos are alpha males who are ready to change women like gloves. In reality, this is not the case at all. They are really “led” by the attractive, bright appearance of the opposite sex, but at the same time, they will be infinitely loyal to their “queen”. They are so principled that it seems that nothing can make them commit treason. This quality makes Leo lovers very reliable partners. With one caveat! Under no circumstances should you be better, richer, more successful or more talented than him. Otherwise, they will run to assert themselves in someone else’s bed. Another lion’s weakness is age; if they commit betrayal, it is with a much younger passion.

Breathe out - you can definitely trust him. Such men are distinguished by a complex character, a desire for solitude, constant reflection and a rather measured life. They like it when they are loved not for their merits, but just like that. Rest assured, if Virgo chose you as his companion, he came to this decision consciously, after weighing everything well. Another feature of this sign is that it is very squeamish, including regarding casual sexual partners. Therefore, if he ever decides to take a fatal step and commits treason, it will be far from a frivolous relationship.
After all, this is a balanced and fairly fair zodiac sign. Libra men love stability and take on any obligations seriously, so they usually do not cheat. On the other hand, they are no strangers to flirting, so they can (even unintentionally) be drawn into a situation where this very flirting goes too far. If you can become not only a lover, but also a friend for your partner, this will benefit your relationship. Libras do not know how to hide their feelings, so if cheating happens, rest assured, he will admit everything himself.

One of the most passionate, but completely unreliable lovers. This is exactly the case when people commit treason solely out of physiological needs. Therefore, one of the best ways to tie a Scorpio to you, no matter how trivial it may sound, is sex: frequent, varied, inventive... An insatiable partner will be incredibly devoted and will linger in your bed for a long time.
Just like Aries and Leo, fiery Sagittarius is constantly in need of action and adventure, including in the bedroom. If you share Sagittarius' adventurous spirit and don't restrict his freedom too much, he can be a very loyal partner. He is ready to give you his attention, but, at the same time, he categorically does not believe in love, he rarely becomes attached to someone with all his heart, and if he enters into an alliance, it is with the amendment “the time has come.” If a Sagittarius flirts too much, it could end up accidentally leading to trouble.

A partner you can trust 100%. Calm and collected Capricorns are so disciplined that even when the temptation is great, they know how to stop in time. They demand respect and admiration from a woman, they constantly need to feel that they are special and amazing. Betrayal by Capricorn is akin to a natural anomaly. They are more likely to unconditionally break off a relationship whose relationship they commit deception. Decide for yourself whether this news is good or bad for you.
The most unpredictable zodiac sign of all. Their desires change rapidly - you will never guess what to expect from Aquarius in the next second. In addition, such a man is very easy to captivate - he does not question the actions of others, and this quality makes him not the most faithful partner. He can go on a love adventure, explaining it to himself as a simple coincidence of circumstances.

A dreamy water sign with a rich and lively imagination. This is a fairly faithful partner who surrounds any relationship with a pleasant romantic flair. He doesn't skimp on gifts and is constantly looking for ways to pleasantly surprise you. The only thing that can violate his oath of fidelity is his comfort zone: a measured family life seems boring to Pisces. And if an unexpected magical love sign appears on the horizon (believe me, they know how to attract romance by the ears) - they may succumb to its influence.

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Let's start with men. Libras are true connoisseurs of female beauty. Libra may have many beautiful girlfriends, but there is no need to be afraid of this. Libra men are loyal by nature; they are unlikely to risk a serious relationship for the sake of an affair.

Scorpio Man– passionate, bright, impulsive and loves to be the center of attention, but this is not a reason to worry. When a Scorpio man is satisfied with everything in a relationship, he will not cheat on the woman he loves. Lack of intimacy or revenge is another matter.

Sagittarius Man are easily tempted. A beautiful, interesting woman can easily lure such a man, and for Sagittarius, “one-night stand” is a fairly common and meaningless occurrence.

Capricorn Man men are very loyal by nature. They constantly think about work or how to improve their financial condition, and they do this even in the arms of the woman they love, what kind of betrayal can there be.

Aquarius Man– their excessive love of communication and curiosity leads to frequent temptations. But they are more attracted by communication than by the need to commit treason. If such a chance unites the interests of both, then, of course, he will not refuse to take advantage of it.

Pisces Man can sincerely and deeply love a woman, but also cheat on her. Pisces men are ready to “swim” to any female fisherman they like. But fish almost never leave their families.

Aries Man- also a rather changeable nature. A deep neckline, a high neckline or a short skirt and an Aries man in your bed. These men are very gambling and even a strong feeling does not prevent them from looking for and starting new affairs.

Taurus Man– they, of course, cannot help but notice a beautiful girl, but Taurus is not one of those men who rushes into all seriousness, cheating on his beloved wife.

Gemini Man– very sociable and communicative, which often ends in fleeting affairs, but for Geminis, sex has never come first, so fatigue or monotony in relationships can push them to cheat.

Cancer Man– for them, one of the main factors is spiritual closeness with the woman they love; they rarely cheat. Cancer men love praise and compliments. If they begin to cheat, then most likely they are disappointed in their loved one and are already looking for a new woman.

Leo Man– narcissistic men who love to be surrounded by both beautiful and expensive things and beautiful bright women. Leo always chooses “the best”, so if he has already chosen a “lioness” for himself, he will not change.

Virgo Man– one of the most faithful and devoted signs of the zodiac. It is Virgo men who will not succumb to the charms of the first beauty they meet, and if Virgo decided to cheat, then there were probably reasons for this. Regular sex, love and home comfort - and your man will always be faithful to you.

Now let's talk about women and analyze their fidelity and tendency to cheat based on the signs of the Zodiac.

Libra Woman is an attractive woman who combines softness and femininity. The Libra woman is under the protection of the planet Venus - such a woman always attracts men with her sophistication and femininity, men always revolve around her. Marriage can be entered into repeatedly, but infidelity is a rare occurrence for Libra women.

Scorpio Woman– sensual, emotional, mysterious, attractive. Such women are endowed with special flair and intuition and instinctively know who her chosen one is. Contrary to popular belief about their impulsive temperament, a Scorpio woman in love is faithful, sensual, and caring. Having chosen her partner, she is ready to go hand in hand with her beloved man.

Sagittarius Woman- loves men's entertainment, feasts, dancing, sports, and freedom is a very important component for her. Not every man can be with such a freedom-loving woman. She chooses the man herself and, depending on the depth of feelings and affection, she can be either a faithful or unfaithful companion.

Capricorn Woman– can take a very long time to choose the ideal man. She has an innate talent to influence a man and get everything she wants. In marriage, she is a faithful, hardworking and caring housewife.

Aquarius Woman- a woman of mystery. Sometimes she herself does not understand her actions. Her men are also often extraordinary personalities. She is sociable, independent, and witty by nature, which cannot but arouse interest among men. The Aquarius woman is an idealist, she can marry more than once, but she is faithful in marriage.

Pisces Woman– very attractive to the opposite sex, regardless of external data. If you don’t take it with your appearance, then you take it with your inner world. Such women trust their hearts more than their minds. Being the most sensual sign of the Zodiac, they can go into the world of illusions and temptations. Pisces wives are not the most faithful.

Aries Woman– can start affairs out of simple curiosity or for the sake of variety. Even marriage does not stop Aries women from having affairs. She will not hide her sympathy and can be the first to admit her feelings.

Taurus Woman– beautiful, but conservative. She is jealous, treats her man as her property, does not forgive betrayals because she idealizes marriage and tries to live by all the rules. The Taurus woman herself, as a rule, does not cheat either.

Gemini Woman– endowed with a feminine heart and a masculine mind, they make contact with men very easily. In the family, they are not just faithful wives, they are excellent housewives and mistresses.

Cancer Woman– born for family life and knows a lot about it. She chooses a man for herself very carefully. The Cancer woman is a faithful wife and caring mother.

Leo Woman– loves social life, money and always strives for a high position. She perfectly understands the difference between marriage, love and just sex. With a man, she usually establishes a partnership and is faithful.

Virgo Woman– very calm, hardworking, excellent housewife and wife. Ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her family. She can easily be called a role model.

Do you want to know how faithful representatives of different zodiac signs are to each other? Especially for you, we have compiled a rating in descending order, starting with the most faithful people.


1st place. Scorpio ranks first in marital fidelity, and this is the case when the external impression of a person can be deceptive. Representatives of this zodiac sign emanate powerful sexual energy, but Scorpio has everything under control. For him, a loved one becomes the center of the universe, and it would seem that this should be the key to a strong connection, but in reality it often happens differently.

A Scorpio in love, be it a man or a woman, does everything to completely take possession of his partner, without leaving him even a minimal amount of personal space. Scorpio is jealous like no one else, he is the first owner, whose feelings are never divided in half. If he loves, he will be faithful to his husband or wife, not allowing betrayal even in his thoughts. If his pride is hurt by his spouse’s lies, the relationship is most likely no longer salvageable.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read the detailed characteristics of Scorpio.


2nd place. As in the case of the representative of the previous zodiac sign, the temperamental and sexually uninhibited Aries does not outwardly give the impression of being a good girl, but this does not prevent him from being faithful to his wife or husband. Aries can only cheat on his wife out of very deep resentment for his loved one’s affair on the side, but in this situation he will not be a villain, but a victim, since due to remorse he will not be able to eat or sleep.

Family values ​​for a faithful Aries have always been and will always come first. He is extremely frank with his partner, but demands complete reciprocity and cannot tolerate ambiguous situations and understatement. Aries is one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac, who, after his spouse’s betrayal, will not consider it necessary to make attempts to save the marriage.

If it happens that a family Aries becomes seriously interested in someone, then his spouse will be the first to know about it. For Aries, betrayal is too low.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.


3rd place. Taurus extremely rarely cheat on their husbands and wives, but not because of high moral principles. These people are simply too lazy to change anything in their lives, and even more so, to spend their energy searching for adventure. They greatly value an established way of life and a spouse who is able to give them emotional stability.

Taurus's conservatism also extends to his attitude towards sex. For the sake of new sensations, this person will definitely not jeopardize his family life - he does not see any point in this. If it does happen that Taurus cheats on his wife or husband, this will mean only one thing - he was unable to resist the pressure of a persistent admirer. However, this relationship is unlikely to be long - a double life implies lying and constantly covering up tracks, and this is not part of Taurus’s plans.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about Taurus.


4th place. Virgos love order in everything, and this also applies to their personal life. A lover for every self-respecting Virgo is like the fifth wheel of a cart, in which, firstly, there is no point, and secondly, he needs to be given attention and your precious time.

Like other representatives of the earth element, Virgos value stability very much, so they will not risk it without good reason. Virgo will definitely not chase new sexual sensations, and if she has an affair, it means that this person has serious plans for a new partner.

Before deciding to divorce her husband, Virgo will first make sure that the new relationship will give her more opportunities. It will take some time to make a decision, since not a single Virgo will act spontaneously, which means that the double life will drag on a little. It is almost impossible to convict this person of treason - he will find a way to convince his spouse of his fidelity.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about Virgo.


5th place. Capricorns are not attracted to casual sexual relationships. They need someone to live with in whom they can be confident, but for their part they usually give less than they receive from their partner. Capricorn is a master of playing a subtle game and keeping his wife or husband under invisible control, instilling trust, but few succeed in winning him over to reciprocal frankness.

It is not typical for Capricorn to find hobbies on the side - first he develops a psychological readiness for betrayal, and only then he decides to actively search for an “alternate airfield” without getting divorced. A new romance on the side promises to be long-lasting, and Capricorn will choose the one in whom he sees more benefit (which one depends on the individual qualities of his nature).

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Capricorn.


6th place. A young, unmarried Aquarius can lead a wild lifestyle, but having made his choice, he is unlikely to consciously seek adventure on the side. This person is open to the world around him and finds pleasure in communication, so in principle he is not capable of suffering from boredom.

However, Aquarius cannot be called a stable person. Changes in his life always happen unexpectedly, and not only for those around him, but also for himself. Tired of being faithful to his wife or husband, Aquarius at first can make do with casual relationships, the significance of which he still has no clear idea of. This will continue until someone interested in Aquarius begins to fight for their happiness.

A representative of the air element can behave neutrally, as if giving his wife and mistress the opportunity to take part in the race. In fact, he does this not because of a weak character, but rather out of curiosity. It is likely that, unexpectedly for both of them, he will find a third option for himself, or even decide to remain alone. Unpredictability is the eternal companion of the charming Aquarius, to whom the opposite sex is unable to feel indifference.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aquarius.


7th place. For Geminis, the length of married life does not matter - they are only interested in the quality of the relationship. If everything suits them, they will live quite well without incident. Geminis can be happily married for many years, without physically cheating on their husband or wife, but periodically flirting with members of the opposite sex. Usually, this is quite enough for them, and they do not move on to active actions.

Gemini can decide to commit real betrayal if they are tired of everything and they no longer value their marriage. Representatives of this zodiac sign can turn a blind eye to an oppressive spouse, not taking him to heart - they do not like to make scandals, but perceive quarrels and jealousy as part of a living relationship. If Gemini is faced with indifference or tedious reading of morality, they will begin to look for an option on the side, without getting a divorce. As soon as this option is presented to them, they will very quickly decide to divorce. A protracted affair on the side is not included in their plans.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more about Gemini.


8th place. Quiet and family-oriented Cancers give the impression of being a very faithful zodiac sign. When they get married, they never even think about having an affair, but if married life does not live up to their hopes, their ideals crumble, and their claims to themselves become fewer and fewer.

It is very important for Cancer to feel like a decent person, and besides this, he is squeamish and afraid of any infection, so casual sexual relationships are out of the question. When cheating on his wife or husband, Cancer puts his whole soul into it.

The reason for Cancer's betrayal is usually mutual understanding (sometimes only apparent) with someone from his environment. New acquaintances are of no interest to him, even if they have a bright appearance and pronounced sexuality.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer.


9th place. To feel complete comfort, Libra needs a person who completely shares their interests, that is, intelligent and able to appreciate beauty. Their life together could contain both love and fidelity, but during difficulties it quickly becomes clear that there is no one to solve them. That is why Libra tries to start a family with a resourceful and self-confident representative of the opposite sex.

Libras are rarely happy with their spouse - their demands on him are contradictory, and the golden mean would hardly suit them due to the lack of pronounced qualities of nature. As a result, they are constantly missing something, and they begin to doubt their choices.

If Libra has an affair on the side, it will be long and sluggish. Making a decision is not easy for a representative of this zodiac sign, so he will hesitate until one of his partners makes a decision for him.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra.

a lion

10th place. If Leo is satisfied with everything, he is quite capable of maintaining marital fidelity. A representative of this zodiac sign may decide to cheat because of emotional hunger or indifference on the part of the husband or wife.

Leo needs admiration like air, he must feel loved and desired, and if his spouse is not able to give him these feelings, Leo will find them on the side. At the same time, he will not make any attempts to hide the fact of betrayal, and may well be absent from home for long nights or conduct love correspondence almost in front of his other half.

When asked if a third corner has appeared in his life, Leo will answer openly. He always decides for himself who to stay with, and no benefit or stability will be an advantage for him. For Leo, the most important thing is the emotions that a partner can give him.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo's characteristics.


11th place. Romantic and charming Pisces know how to please the opposite sex without doing anything for it. Looking into their eyes, you may feel that only with them you can experience real feelings and plunge headlong into the ocean of love and tenderness. Don’t rush to rejoice - not only you think so, but even more important is what Pisces themselves think about this.

There is no depravity in the representatives of this zodiac sign, but their thoughts are often far from reality. Pisces need an ideal that they have invented for themselves, in order to live only by it and only for it, to be faithful to it, and to grow old on the same pillow. Since all mere mortals have not only advantages, but also disadvantages, Pisces are often disappointed and continue to seek their happiness, while remaining legally married.

Pisces are much more likely than other zodiac signs to get married and divorced. Their families most often collapse due to betrayals that Pisces themselves decide to commit.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about Pisces.


12th place. Here we come to the most unfaithful sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius takes first place in terms of the number of betrayals. In order for a representative of this zodiac sign to remain faithful to his spouse, his interest must be constantly maintained and new experiences must be given to him. Sagittarians cannot stand stagnation in events and boredom, so they often satisfy their emotional hunger through communication with the opposite sex. Marital status is not a hindrance for them.

What Sagittarius expects from sex is not a new level of quality, but a charge of energy associated with risk. What excites him most is the possibility of being caught, so if a Sagittarius cheats, he does it brazenly. Having received a long-awaited breath of “fresh air”, a representative of this zodiac sign may well continue his family life with his previous partner, if, of course, the latter is satisfied with this option.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Sagittarius.