Hair color is crystal ashy. Ash hair color: photos and recommendations

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And who from female half humanity never dreamed of going to bed in usual time and in the usual place, and wake up different - with perfect, charming blond hair. And for each of us, the desired blonde is different. After all, it has such a wide variety in the palette of hair dyes from each manufacturer that it is difficult to settle on something at first glance. Today we will look at the main of these shades, which can be purchased from almost any manufacturer. And you can not only wake up, but also go to bed with your ideal light hair color.

Ash blonde

Ashy - very beautiful and stylish shade blonde Stylish is because it has actually reached the peak of its popularity in the last few years. And it is beautiful primarily because of the lack of yellowness. The color of pure steel, ash blonde is a real trend for both winter and summer period. It is slightly similar to the color of gray hair, which gives its owners sophistication and moral sublimity.

If we talk about who suits ash blonde most, it’s girls with light eyes. Cool gray and blue are an ideal option for this. And if we talk about skin color - light with a highlighted blush or dark. In either of these two cases, your ash blonde will give you sophistication and charm.

But keep in mind that if your hair color is naturally dark, before dyeing it bright hues, hair needs to be lightened.

Honey shades of blonde

Very beautiful shade blond-honey colors. If you have warm color type, then honey blonde will set off your brown or green eyes very nicely.

And note, this shade of blonde will also suit both girls with fair and dark skin. dark skin. Gorgeous honey blonde shimmer - the result smooth transition light strands into darker but warmer colors. Subsequently, these overflows give volume and incredible thickness to the hair.

But, if you decide to dye your hair honey blonde, keep in mind that you can always have a beautiful tint only by carefully caring for your blonde. To do this, you will have to regularly wash your hair with tinted shampoos and conditioners. Yes, and you can get a beautiful honey blonde only after tinting and lightening your natural hair color.

You can get golden highlights by dyeing your hair a golden honey color. And the shade is a little darker, resulting from combining light brown with honey. The described shade has a name namesake- honey blond. It will look very good on girls with fair skin and eyes. For example, blue or grey eyes Pairs best with honey blonde. And beauties who are passionate by nature should choose a chocolate tone, which will result from a combination of honey and chestnut. Well, bright girls should combine honey with red.

Caramel hair color

Dark-skinned girls with brown eyes can afford to have light caramel hair with a pleasant twist in the form of a redhead. If the redhead is more clearly visible, then fair-skinned beauties can also try caramel hair color.

In general, caramel is something between chocolate and yellow. But this middle is special and unusual. After all, red brings its charm to a caramel shade. Therefore, only special and unforgettable people can choose it for themselves.

And no matter whether you choose a dark or light caramel color, you are guaranteed an unrivaled shine. It will be chocolate in the first case, or golden-red in the second case - you choose. Just to ensure that the color is what you expect, apply light caramel only to light hair, but for dark hair it would be better to choose a dark caramel color.

The color of black caramel is browner than the two shades described above. It can only be made by a professional, so we won’t lie to you that it can be made at home. Just like the ash-caramel color. The latter is the result of glare from 3-d coloring.

Beige hair color and its shades

One of those shades of blonde that is extremely rare in nature is beige. This is exactly the shade that appearance reminiscent of warm sea sand on the islands. Therefore, in order to bring yourself closer to warm shores and countries in the middle of winter, you can dye your hair beige.

Who does this shade suit?

Golden beige is best for girls with a cool color type. In addition, happy owners of tanned (or naturally dark skin) and aqua (blue) eye colors can also color your hair a golden beige tone.

Be careful when dyeing your hair light beige. Since a yellowish tint can ruin the entire planned look.

But by dyeing dark brown or red hair a beige shade of blonde, you can achieve unusual color with a very interesting tint.

Platinum blonde

A color that is unrivaled in all ages is the pure color of white gold. girls with light, one might say pale, skin can afford it. Lightly tanned skin with platinum blonde also goes well together. Combine your platinum blonde with short and graphic haircuts and you will amaze everyone.

But those who have dark or dark skin should choose other shades of blonde. Well, if you don’t want to look too vulgar and, to put it mildly, unusual.

When you decide to dye your hair platinum blonde, we recommend considering the option of Scandinavian dyeing, when individual thin strands are blonde hair dyed platinum blonde. All hair is then tinted to the shade of blonde you desire. Then you will have a chic and smooth platinum tint.

For women who are not too young, when platinum blonde already looks too provocative, but the soul is still young and the sense of style has not faded, a sandy blonde would be the ideal option. This is the same as platinum - a fashionable and cool color. But thanks to the golden and pearlescent tints, it is a little softened and deep. But nevertheless, its brightness is not lost. Golden strands best set off the face against the background white snow. Therefore, in the cold seasons it is better to add more golden strands to the sand. In warm weather - exactly the opposite - shade your face with light, cold strands.

Chocolate blonde is very close to the natural color. Looks great with both light and dark complexions. The transitions and smooth flows from more light colors blonde to chocolate.

Girls with a spring color type can choose golden blonde. Copper, amber, honey or caramel notes in the image will add freshness to their look.

Among all shades of black, ash-black hair color is now one of the most popular. It has to do with popularity gray shades this season. It gives expressive black some subduedness and sophistication, creating a softer look for sultry brunettes. In nature, an ashy tint on black hair is very rare. It occurs much more often on light brown or light brown hair. Them more interesting image, created by a hairdresser for an ash brunette.

Ladies who choose this shade this season are most likely following fashion. However, if it lingers in the usual range, this indicates that the brunette has a calmer character, is less temperamental and knows how to be soft and romantic. The most suitable color type for black-ash hair is winter. Cool skin tone, blue or gray eyes go well with black hair with a hint of ash color. The least successful is the transformation of a naturally red-haired girl into a dark-haired winter beauty. It will require serious work on your hair, several sessions of lightening and toning, and constant care.

Some don't hold paint well. This is important to consider when trying to achieve a distinct ash tone on this type of hair. However, for all ashy shades it is better if the first coloring is done by an experienced colorist in a salon. This will avoid negative emotions when greenish, pinkish or purple flowers instead of the expected silver. In an original way To give volume to black hair is coloring with shades of gray. For black people it is quite natural, since gray belongs to the black and white range. After this procedure, the hair takes on a very natural look.

On ash-black hair, light highlights with silver shades look very original. The look can be complemented by light tips or strands; the most radical options for young people are pink, muted red or lilac highlights on ash-black hair. General impression The length of the hair depends on the ash brunette. with highlights they look very stylish, and semi-long and long hair- mysterious and enchanting.

A separate task is to maintain this fashionable ash shade on the hair. This task is not easy, since it is not particularly durable and is quickly washed off without proper care. In the process of maintaining color, special care products for dyed hair, olive oil masks and coloring shampoos will help. Typically, the ashy shade can last on black hair for about one to one and a half months, after which the tinting is repeated.

The ash tone of black hair, like other silver shades, is considered very capricious and is not suitable for all women. Therefore, it is better to conduct the first experiments with tinted shampoos that will not harm your hair and image.

Earlier, we indirectly mentioned this unique hair shade. Ash color It is extremely rare in nature, although it is considered very natural. On this moment At the peak of popularity is light brown hair color and all its cool shades. A silvery tint can be achieved by adding an ash tone to the main palette.

Ash hair color can be either light or dark, so you don’t have to worry about whether to dye your hair from blonde to brunette or vice versa. All shades are based on a light brown palette. This color is the most popular today and, most likely, will hold the palm for a long time. This is not surprising, since natural hair color, like all shades of light brown, always looks advantageous and aristocratic.

Ash brown hair color

Ash hair color is promoted by photos of Hollywood beauties such as Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston, Tyra Banks, Sienna Miller. Even Cameron Diaz, an inveterate bright blonde, decided to pay tribute to fashion and dye her hair in medium brown color with an ashy tint. Agree that this experiment was a complete success for the actress.

As mentioned earlier, ashy hair color can vary in intensity. Thanks to modern technologies, global cosmetic manufacturers have been able to release convenient paints in ashy shades that are easy to use at home. Of course, some coloring ideas can only be carried out by a specialist hairdresser (for example, highlighting or coloring ashy strands on dark hair), but the general tone can be applied independently. Before you start coloring, carefully read the instructions on the hair dye package.

All tones of this color are classified into three groups: light, medium, dark. Whatever shade you choose, they will all still be called light brown or blonde.

Details about light brown color hair can be read in the article.

Very often girls confuse cold and dark Brown color hair with ashy color, and also platinum blonde. Remember that all shades of ashy hair color are devoid of pretentious brightness and shine, thanks to which they look very natural and feminine.

You should not dye your hair yourself if you naturally have warm red, golden or deep brown hair. The pigment contained in such dyes can give your hair green tint. It is better to contact a specialist who will competently select the right product containing mixton for you. This component neutralizes all warm undertones of the hair.

Light ash hair color

This shade is suitable for girls of the Summer color type, with fair skin and cold eye color.

light shades bright hues on long hair

Medium ash hair color

This shade is rightfully considered the most popular. Many famous beauties have already for a long time they prefer it.

Cameron Diaz medium saturation on long hair