I saw his true face. Quotes from the movie "Watchmen" - In the player: nobodycare

He was not just the most brutal of the Guardians. He also gave out gorgeous dark phrases (besides, Rorschach was famously voiced). We present the most interesting of them.


This city is afraid of me. I saw his true face, the streets are an extension of the gutters, and the ditches are filled with blood.

Have you suddenly discovered your humanity? It's time. If this had happened to you earlier, none of this would have happened.

I’ll go and tell the indestructible man that they want to kill him...

When a person sees the black underbelly of society at least once, he will never turn his back on it again. He wouldn't pretend she didn't exist, no matter who told him to turn around. We do this not because it is allowed, we do it because we must. We do this because we have to.

And when the drains are completely clogged, then all this scum will begin to drown... When the accumulated filth of lust and murder foams up to their waists, all the whores and politicians will look up and cry: “Save us!”, and I will whisper: “NO.”

At least I'm not hiding myself under a mask.
- No... You're hiding in plain sight...

Adrian is a pacifist. Yes, God, even a vegetarian, he wouldn’t hurt a fly!
- Hitler was a vegetarian.

Is this bean juice?
- Bean-human.

Those were good times, where did it all go?
- You left.

An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.

There is no time for friends, only enemies leave roses.

When you walk through a city dying of rabies, past cockroach people looking for heroin and child pornography... Do you feel normal!?

42nd Street, tits on all the posters, on all the shop windows, lighting up the street. They offered Swedish love, French love, but not American love. American love is like cola in green glass bottle. Out of production.

Now the whole world is standing on the edge, looking down into the damn inferno. All these liberals, intellectuals, sweet-voiced talkers... And for some reason, suddenly no one knows what to say. Below me is this terrible city, it screams like a slaughterhouse full of mentally retarded children, and the night stinks of fornication and a bad conscience.

Life is full of violence and ends with violence.

Criminals are arrested and rabid dogs are killed.

It was not me who was locked up with you - it was you who were locked up with me.

I've never used a toilet before to deal with the scum of society.

No compromises. Even in the face of Armageddon.

Whether I live or die... I hope that the world will last long enough for this diary to reach you. I have lived my life free from compromise, and I enter the shadow of death without complaint or regret.

I heard one joke. A man comes to the doctor and complains of depression. He says life is too cruel and complicated. He says he is alone in this tormenting world, where there is only doubt and uncertainty ahead. The doctor replies: “This is what will help you. The great clown Pagliacci is coming to our city. Go to his performance, unwind, it should cheer you up.” The man bursts into tears. “But doctor, I am Pagliacci.” Good joke. Everyone laugh. Drumroll. A curtain.

If God saw us then, he decided not to interfere.

While reviewing it a second time, I jotted down quotes. Perhaps I missed something and made mistakes, don’t judge too harshly (:

Quotes from the movie "Watchmen"

A dog carcass in an alley in the morning, a tire mark on its torn belly.

This city is afraid of me. I saw his true face. The streets are an extension of the sewers, and the ditches are filled with blood, and when the drains are completely clogged, all this scum will begin to drown.

When the accumulated dirt of lust and murder foams to the waist, all the whores and politicians will look up and cry out: “Save us!” Well, I’ll whisper: “No.”

Now the whole world is standing on the edge, looking down into the damn inferno. All these liberals and intellectuals are sweet talkers and for some reason, suddenly, no one knows what to say.

This terrible city is below me. It screams like a slaughterhouse full of mentally retarded children, and the night stinks of fornication and a bad conscience.

A comedian died this evening in New York. And someone knows why. Someone knows.

Is this bean sauce? - Bean-human.

Don't you think this is paranoid? -What, they call me that now, paranoid?

When you walk through a city dying of rabies, past cockroach people looking for heroin and child pornography, do you feel normal?

Silk Ghost is a bloated, aging whore dying on the California coast.

He ran into Rorschach, and Rorschach took him and threw him into the elevator shaft.

If I didn't love you, I wouldn't even try.

And every day the future seems a little darker, but the past, with all the dirt that was there, shines brighter.

God, who am I puking my guts out for?

You are my sworn enemy, it turns out that I have no friend closer than an enemy.

Edward Blake - comedian. Born in 1918, buried in the rain.

There is no time for friends, only enemies leave roses.

Lives full of violence end in violence.

I once heard a joke: “A man comes to the doctor. He complains of depression, says life is rough and cruel, that he feels alone in a threatening world. The doctor offers a simple recipe: “The great clown Pagliacci is in town today, go, it will cheer you up.” The man bursts into tears. “But doctor,” he says, “I am Pagliacci.” Good joke. Everyone laugh. Drumroll. A curtain.

This symbolic clock is as useful to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen is to a drowning man.

I'm scared, last time in life.

People. I'm tired of getting confused in the intricacies of their lives.

Never give up. Make sure.

It was already dark when the killer returned, completely dark.

My hand trembled from the blows, warm blood splashed into my face, all that was left of Walter Kovacs died that night, along with the girl.

You see, doctor, it wasn’t God who killed that girl, it wasn’t fate that chopped her up and fed her to the dogs, it wasn’t evil Rock, if the Lord saw us then, he decided not to interfere.

It wasn’t me who was locked up with you, it was you who were locked up with me.

I have never used a toilet in the fight against the scum of society.

The ancient pharaohs eagerly awaited the end of the world; they believed that the dead would take their hearts out of golden urns and rise.

He joked that he was fast enough to catch a bullet.

No compromise, even in the face of Armageddon.

Rorschach's Diary (10/12/85 - 11/01/85)

Dog carcasses in the alley in the morning, a tire mark on a torn belly.
This city is afraid of me, I have seen its true face: the streets are an extension of the gutters, and the ditches are filled with blood. And when the drains are completely clogged, all this scum will begin to drown. When the accumulated mud of lust and murder foams up to their waists, all the whores and politicians will look up and cry: “SAVE US!”, and I will whisper: “NO!...”
Now the whole world is standing on the edge, looking down into the damn inferno, all these liberals, intellectuals, sweet talkers, and for some reason suddenly no one knows what to say. Below me is this terrible city, it screams like a slaughterhouse full of mentally retarded children, and the night stinks of fornication and a bad conscience.
The Comedian died this evening in New York. And someone knows why. Someone knows.

Rorschach's Diary. October 12, 1985.
The first meeting of the evening was unsuccessful. Slightly depressed. War is coming soon. Millions will die in pain and despair. Why is one death more valuable than hundreds of others? Because there is good and there is evil. And evil must be punished. And even in the face of Armageddon, I will not compromise.

Rorschach's Diary. October 13, 1985. 8.30 pm.
Meeting Dreiburg left a bad taste in my mouth - a soggy loser whining in his basement.
Why are so few of us still active, healthy, and free from personality disorders? The first Nite Owl runs an auto repair shop. The first Silk Specter is a bloated, aging whore dying on the California coast. Dollar Bill caught his cape in the revolving door, where he was shot. Silhouette - killed, a victim of her obscene lifestyle. The Mothman is in a mental hospital in Maine.
Only two names remain on my list. These two live together at the Rockefeller Military Research Center. I'll go to them. I will go and tell the indestructible man that someone intends to kill him.

Rorschach's Diary. October 16, 1985.
I thought about what Moloch said. Maybe it's all a lie, maybe it's the revenge he was planning long years sitting behind bars?
But if this is true, what could have frightened the Comedian so much that he cried in front of Moloch, what did he see and what list was he talking about?
Edward Blake, Comedian, born 1918. Buried in the rain. Killed. So, this is what happens to us - there is no time for friends, only enemies leave roses.
... Lives full of violence end in violence. Blake understood: people are savages by nature. No matter how hard we try to hide or embellish it. Blake saw the true face of society and chose to be a parody of it, an anecdote. I once heard a joke: “A man comes to the doctor and complains of depression. He says life is rough and cruel and that he feels alone in a threatening world. The doctor offers a simple recipe: “The great clown Paliacci is in town today. Go, it will cheer you up." The man bursts into tears. “But, doctor,” he says, “I am Pagliacci!” Good anecdote. Everyone laugh. Drum roll... Curtain.

Rorschach's Diary. October 21, 1985.
At the corner of 43rd and 7th I saw Dreiberg and Jupiter leaving the cafe. Without a mask they didn't recognize me. An affair? Did she break Manhattan's heart to force his escape and make room for Dreiburg? But does Manhattan have a heart to break? A local bastard named Roy Chess tried to kill Veidt, I found evidence at his house, it looks like he worked for Pyramid Deliveries, I already saw their logo somewhere on Moloch.

Rorschach's Diary. Last record.
Veidt is behind everything. Why, what was he up to? I can't imagine a more dangerous opponent. He joked that he was fast enough to catch a bullet.
He alone can kill us both in the snow. This is where we are going now - to Antarctica. Whether I live or die, I hope the world will last long enough for this diary to reach you.
I have lived my life free from compromise and I enter the shadow of death without complaint, without regret.
Rorschach... First of November.

Rorschach, who keeps his diary throughout the novel, makes last entry, that Veidt is responsible for everything that happens next, and puts the journal in Mailbox. IN final scenes comic book, Rorschach's diary ended up in the editorial office of one of the right-leaning newspapers. The editor instructs his assistant to find a topic to fill two pages of space in the issue; the assistant reaches for the file where Rorschach's diary is located. The story ends here, and the outcome is left in the reader's imagination.

I liked the comment: “If Rorschach was the hero of Gotham, the Joker would have forgotten how to smile once and for all.”
That's for sure.

Well, as a bonus - a modern Rorschach.
"December 20, 2009.
Soon New Year.
Millions of people walk around with stupid, happy smiles.
They spend money on gifts that no one needs.
And everyone is waiting.
They are waiting for something that they themselves cannot explain.
They are waiting for some changes, without wanting to change anything.
They hope that in next year will be better.