Textbook “Collection of tasks for practical classes in the discipline “Russian language. Lost Heart

The places they passed through could not be called picturesque. The fields, all the fields, stretched right up to the sky, now rising slightly, then falling again; Here and there small forests could be seen, and ravines, dotted with sparse and low bushes, twisted, reminding the eye of their own image on the ancient plans of Catherine’s time. There were rivers with dug-out banks, and tiny ponds with thin dams, and villages with low huts under dark, often half-swept roofs, and crooked threshing sheds with walls woven from brushwood and gaping gates near empty barns, and churches, sometimes brick with plaster that had fallen off here and there, or wooden ones with leaning crosses and ruined cemeteries. Arkady's heart gradually sank. As if on purpose, the peasants were met all shabby, on bad nags; roadside willows with stripped bark and broken branches stood like beggars in rags; emaciated, rough, as if gnawed, cows greedily nibbled grass in the ditches. It seemed that they had just escaped from someone’s menacing, deadly claws - and, caused by the pitiful appearance of the exhausted animals, in the midst of the red spring day arose the white ghost of a bleak, endless winter with its blizzards, frosts and snows... “No,” thought Arkady , - this poor region does not amaze you with either contentment or hard work; it’s impossible, he can’t stay like this, transformations are necessary... but how to carry them out, how to start?..”

So Arkady thought... and while he was thinking, spring took its toll. Everything around was golden green, everything was wide and softly agitated and shiny under the quiet breath of a warm breeze, everything - trees, bushes and grass; everywhere the larks poured out in endless ringing streams; the lapwings either screamed, hovering over the low-lying meadows, or silently ran across the hummocks; The rooks walked beautifully black in the tender greenery of the still low spring crops; they disappeared into the rye, which had already turned slightly white, only occasionally did their heads appear in its smoky waves. Arkady looked and looked, and, gradually weakening, his thoughts disappeared... He threw off his greatcoat and looked at his father so cheerfully, like a young boy, that he hugged him again.

Now it’s not far,” Nikolai Petrovich noted, “all you have to do is climb this hill, and the house will be visible. We will live a glorious life with you, Arkasha; You will help me with the housework, unless you get bored with it. We now need to get close to each other, get to know each other well, don’t we?

Of course,” said Arkady, “but what a wonderful day it is today!”

For your arrival, my soul. Yes, spring is in full splendor. However, I agree with Pushkin - remember, in Eugene Onegin:

How sad your appearance makes me,
Spring, spring, time for love!

Arkady! - came the voice of _______ from the tarantass, - send me a match, I have nothing to light my pipe with.
Nikolai Petrovich fell silent, and Arkady, who began to listen to him not without some amazement, but also not without sympathy, hastened to take a silver box of matches from his pocket and sent it to _________ with Peter.

Would you like a cigar? - ___________ shouted again.

“Come on,” answered Arkady.

Peter returned to the stroller and handed him, along with the box, a thick black cigar, which Arkady immediately lit, spreading around him such a strong and sour smell of seasoned tobacco that Nikolai Petrovich, who had never smoked, involuntarily, although imperceptibly, so as not to offend his son, turned his nose away .
A quarter of an hour later, both carriages stopped in front of the porch of a new wooden house, painted gray and covered with a red iron roof. This was Maryino, Novaya Slobodka, or, according to the peasant name, Bobyliy Khutor.

I.S. Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons"

IN 1. From what city did Arkady Kirsanov return?

AT 2. Name the surname of the hero of the novel, which must be entered in the spaces.

AT 3. What is the description of nature in a literary work called?

AT 4. Name the artistic device that underlies the correlation between the first and second paragraphs of the text.

AT 5. What is the figurative definition of an object called, giving it a vivid characteristic ( frayed men, yawning gates, emaciated, rough cows)?

AT 6. What is the name of the technique based on the use of verbatim excerpts from other people's works?

AT 7. Name the syntactic device that the author uses in the third sentence in order to create the feeling of driving and the accompanying change of objects that fall into the characters’ field of view.

C1. Why was it Arcadia who was entrusted to see the nature surrounding the heroes and what does this landscape tell about its observer?

C2. What is the meaning of the appeal to Pushkin in this fragment and in the novel “Fathers and Sons” as a whole? In what works of Russian literature are there still references to the poet’s work?

Answers and comments

Task C1 suggests that students will consider the landscape not only “in itself,” but also as a means of characterizing its observer. It is important to notice the contrast between the first and second paragraphs, to hear Arkady’s inner speech at the end of the first paragraph, to understand why the bright, spring mood “wins” in the hero’s soul. You can also ask yourself why it was not the transformer of life Bazarov who was entrusted with seeing the poverty of his native land, and remember the epilogue from which we learn that it was Arkady who became the real master of this land.

Task C2 assumes that students will remember numerous Pushkin quotes and reminiscences scattered throughout the text of Turgenev’s novel (Pushkin is quoted by Nikolai Petrovich, he also reads “Gypsy”, Bazarov will sneer at Pushkin, but he himself will speak at the moment of declaration of love in Pushkin’s words; with Pushkin’s quote we see you in the final sentence of the novel). Pushkin is one of the most significant poets for Turgenev; they are responsible for the heroes’ attitude to life. Pushkin is an image of eternity in art; he is akin to the “broad wave of life” that is diffused in nature and which many of the heroes of the novel feel. The heroes of many works of Russian literature turn to Pushkin: Khlestakov, the Poet in Nekrasov’s poem “Poet and Citizen”, Nikitin (“Teacher of Literature” by Chekhov), the heroes of Bulgakov’s “White Guard”, the lyrical hero of the poem “Anniversary” by V. Mayakovsky, etc. .

Gatchina, a quiet, unsociable town, in the summer all covered in dense greenery, in the winter all covered in impassable snow. Families there rarely get to know each other. There are no meetings, entertainment or entertainment in it, except for disgusting cinema.

It was never possible to meet a single person: neither in the Priory Park, nor in the palace, nor in the menagerie. The wonderful palace of Paul I did not attract anyone's attention, even the streets were empty.

It was in the front hall of the inferior cinema, after the session, that Fedenka Yurkov saw Katenka Vakhter.

Waiting while her mother looked for her galoshes, and then wrapped her neck and head in a knitted scarf, Katenka stood in front of the mirror, flirted with her new hat and spoke in a low voice to her friend about her impressions, tilting her face first to one side, then to the other.

Ah, Max Linder! How good he is! This is something supernatural that cannot be explained by any human words! What an expressive face. What lovely gestures!

Then she turned her head to the right, and her eyes collided with Yurkov’s eyes in the mirror. She looked straight at the pilot, but looked mechanically: she did not see him and continued to speak with exaggerated passion, resting her pupils on his pupils.

I really, really like him! I have never seen such a wonderful man in my life! Here is a person to whom you can give your life, soul, and everything, everything, everything without hesitation. Oh, I'm completely fascinated by him!

At that moment, the enthusiastic image of Yurkov poured into the consciousness of young lady Wachter. She blushed and hurried to hide behind her mother’s broad back. But to herself she said to the officer, who was eagerly staring at her with admiring eyes: “What a daring impudent man.”

Yurkov perfectly noticed her proud, careless and contemptuous look. But... all the same... Now there was no salvation for him. Cupid's arrow managed to pierce his courageous heart at that moment, and he immediately fell ill with his first love: tender, cruel, irresistible and incurable love.

Gatchina pilots sometimes visited the Watchmen's house. One of them, Lieutenant Konovalov, brought Yurkov into this house, and from then on Fedenka made frequent visits there. He brought flowers and sweets, took part in picnics and charades, held skeins of wool for his mother on his spread fingers, took his father, the excise inspector and the old fly swatter, to the officers' meeting, where, although not without difficulty, he sometimes managed to beg a glass of alcohol from the head of the household School of Captain Ozerovsky. No wonder in the historical bestiality they sang:

And sometimes to get alcohol,

Ozerovsky and I need flirting,

Chemistry, chemistry,

Pure chemistry.

Reluctantly, Yurkov played small family games and danced the most clumsy waltzes, Hungarians and padespanis to his mother’s music. Everyone knew that he fell madly in love with Katenka. Fellow pilots were surprised. What did he see in this thin seventeen-year-old girl? She was small in stature, with a pale face covered in pimples; Moreover, she had an incorrigible, bad habit of constantly moving the skin on her forehead, so that the wrinkles rose up to the roots of her hair, which gave Katenka’s face a stupid and always surprised expression. Was Fedenka captivated by her tremulous youth alone?

The former officer of a glorious single cavalry regiment had never known pure, fresh love. He, like his fellow dragoons, always engaged in long-distance privateering in love affairs, not to say piracy, and in general light cupidism. Now he loved with respect, with adoration, with an eternal, withering dream of the quiet joys of legal marriage. This desire for family paradise sometimes deeply amazed him, and he sometimes thought out loud:

Hm... Gotcha biting!..

He sometimes tried to drop clumsy hints about a marriage proposal. But where did his former cheeky and unceremonious eloquence go? Words stuck heavily in my mouth, and often they were not enough at all. It was as if no one understood his groom’s approaches...

In addition, everyone had long known that Katenka was in love with Georges Vostokov, a twenty-five-year-old pilot who, despite his youth, was considered the first in all Russian aviation in the art of figure aerobatics. In addition, the ruddy Zhorzhik sweetly sang tender romances, accompanying himself on the mandolin and piano. But he did not pay any attention to Katyushina’s glances, sighs and languid invitations to take a boat ride on the Priory Pond. Soon he completely stopped visiting the Watchmen.

Having finally become convinced of his complete and irrevocable failure, Yurkov became bored, depressed, exhausted, and for more than two weeks he did not leave the Vieux Verevkin hotel under various pretexts and returned to duty only after a significant letter from the head of the school. He came to the airfield all someone soft, drooping, with an emaciated and darkened face and said to his fellow pilots:

I was ill and therefore completely limp. But now I feel much better. I'll try to climb four thousand today. This will cheer me up and shake me up.

His sensitive, obedient Moran Parasol was taken out of the garage. Everyone saw how deftly, steeply and quickly he rose to a height of a thousand meters, but at this height something strange began to happen to him. He didn't go any higher, he swerved, tried to get up several times and went down again. Everyone thought that something had happened to his device. Then he began to descend in a gliding descent. But the airplane seemed to be shaking in his hands. And he sat down on the ground uncertainly, almost breaking the chassis... His comrades ran up to him. He stood near the car with a gloomy and sad face.

What's wrong with you, Fedenka? - someone asked.

Nothing... - he answered abruptly. - Nothing... I lost my heart, no matter how it beat - I can’t and can’t rise above a thousand meters - and you know? I'll never be able to.

Swaying, he walked across the airfield. No one saw him off, but everyone looked after him for a long time and silently.

Having come to his senses a little, the next day, and the third, and the next, Yurkov tried to overcome the thousandth height, but it was not possible for him. The heart was lost forever.

1 to have breakfast (from German: Fruhstuck).

2 Russian pigs (from German russische Schweine).

3 go! (from German vorwarts).

4 From the words: Guten Morgen - good morning; Mahlzeit - bon appetit; Prosit - your health; kolossal - colossally; pyramidal - excellent (German).

5 My dear father (from German: mein lieber Vater).

6 Teenage girl (from German: Backfisch).

7 "Old Verevkin" (French).

How merciless life has been towards you,
So may the heavens be favorable.

Or life or death, how
God will decide for us

We lost you early
Separation from you is hard,


Your eyes, smile, hands,

And where an angel will heal their soul,

It’s not life that I’m sorry for, it’s that I’m sorry for that fire,
That, having shone above the whole universe,
He will disappear into the night, crying and mourning.

We parted.
The disease has struck you down.
Took it to the grave with me
Suffering, pain, hope and love,
And a bright mind, and kindness, and memory.
But the road ahead awaits you
To another life - without pain and suffering.

Your bright mind has gone out,
And the heart stopped beating
But the memory of you is alive
And it’s hard for us to come to terms with loss.

Life is vile and empty
And there will be no happiness in her,
I'll burn myself down
And then let God judge.
Who's right and who's wrong
Some lived meanly, some honestly.
We judge at random
He knows everything.

The star rose, sparkled and went out,
Only the beloved light of the eyes does not go out,
Where there is memory, there is no need for words.

To your untimely grave,
our path will not be overgrown.
Your native image,
cute image,
will always lead us here.

How hard it is to find words
To measure our pain with them.
You will be with us forever.

Short life. there are more
It happens less, that’s not the point,
And you can't turn back time.
But you walked your path with dignity
And the time was not wasted.
You are the sun, the air and the dawn.

Only the memory of you forever
Will remain in our hearts.

We lost you early
Separation from you is hard,
But your image is bright and sweet
Always in our memory.

The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,
Tears won't help my grief.
You are not with us, but forever

My heart went out like lightning,
Years will not dull the pain,
Always in our memory.

The book is not finished
The thought is not finished.
So suddenly and early
Life cut short.

Let your boundless give
They will be wrapped in flower wrap,
May your serene dreams be bright,
How about you is our blessed memory.

I'm sorry that we are under the starry sky
Wear flowers to your stove.
I'm sorry that we are left with air,
What kind of breath did you not inhale?

Let us remain silent over your memory,
Hiding the loss of pain and bitterness.

You will not leave our life,
As long as we are alive, you are with us.


What a pity that your life was so short,

You are not on earth
But in my soul forever
The memory of you will live on.

How hard it is to find words
To measure our pain with them.
We cannot believe in your death,
You will be with us forever.

Your earthly path
It was lined with thorns,
The heavenly path is decorated
Let it be flowers.

We can't bring you back with tears,
And our hearts are always with you.

We kiss your eyes
Let's cling to our favorite portrait,
And a tear flows down my cheek,
There is no end to grief.


To give it to you.

Relatives and friends.

Can't express it in words
All the grief and sadness.
In hearts and in memory
You are always with us.

You died tragically
Without saying goodbye to us.
We remember you with bitter tears.

I'm sorry that I didn't save your life,
There will be no peace for me forever.
Not enough strength, not enough tears,
To measure my grief.

The day your gaze faded away
And the heart stopped beating
Became the darkest day for us

When your clear gaze faded
And the heart stopped beating
And we can't come to terms with it.

The warmth of your soul
Stayed with us.

We are without you -
Always with you.


We know -
You can't be brought back
But your soul is with us.

You are no longer here, but we don’t believe you
You are in our hearts forever.
And my pain from that loss
We will never heal.

More than once you will remember me
And my whole world, exciting and strange,
An absurd world of songs and fire,
But among others one, not deceitful.


But the memory of you remains,
And we will keep it.

Your sweet image is unforgettable
He is before us everywhere, always,
Incomprehensible, unchanging,
Like a star in the sky at night.

Let the circle of life be inevitable
Until it's over,
We will remember you
And share my thoughts with you.





It's time to be at peace.
The earth took its earthly possessions.
But how hard it is for us to lose you,
Come to terms with grief and live again.

The dawn of your life
It barely rose, like an evil fate,
Your life has been taken away.

The dawn of your life has barely risen,
Like an evil fate, your life was taken away.

Your eternal peace -
Our eternal pain

Having passed away you still live,
You are in our thoughts and dreams.

To the man who saw an angel.

How hard it is to find words
To measure our pain with them.
We cannot believe in your death,
You will be with us forever.

To your untimely grave,
our path will not be overgrown.
will always lead us here.
Short life. there are more
It happens less, that’s not the point,
And the fact that without you it hurts so much,
And you can’t turn back time.
But you walked your path with dignity
And the time was not wasted.
You are the sun, the air and the dawn.
After all, nothing on earth lasts,
Everything is perishable, and in the end - dust,
Only the memory of you forever
Will remain in our hearts.

A terrible moment of cruel fate

The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,
Tears won't help my grief.
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.

The heart went out
like there's a difference
Years will not dull the pain,
Your image will be treasured forever
Always in our memory.

The book is not finished
The thought is not finished.
So suddenly and early
Life cut short.

Let us remain silent over your memory,
Hiding the loss of pain and bitterness.

You will not leave our life,
As long as we are alive, you are with us.

Like birch sap is lost in the spring,
So for you we have sadness and tears.

What a pity,
that your life was so short,
But your memory will be eternal.

You are not on earth
But in my soul forever
The memory of you will live on.

We are proud of your life
And we mourn your death.

Your eternal peace -
Our eternal pain.

How hard it is to find words
To measure our pain with them.
We cannot believe in your death,
You will be with us forever.

Your earthly path
It was lined with thorns,
The heavenly path is decorated
Let it be flowers.

We can't bring you back with tears,
And our hearts are always with you.

Let this sad silent granite
Your image will be preserved for us forever.

How much of yours remains with us,
How much of ours went with you.
Unexpected grief, unmeasurable grief,
Everything precious in life is lost.
It's a pity that life cannot be repeated,
To give it to you.

Can't express it in words
All the grief and sadness.
In hearts and in memory
You are always with us.

As before the rowan brush glows,
Cranes are trumpeting over the forest,
And it seems that if I shout,
Then you will respond in the distance.

When your clear gaze faded
And the heart stopped beating
Became the worst day for us
And we can't come to terms with it.

The warmth of your soul
Stayed with us.

In grateful memory
will forever remain
Your soulfulness, beauty,
Tenderness, affection, kindness.

We are without you -
Always with you.

Not in the days that have passed your life,
And in the days that remain in memory.

We know -
You can't be brought back
But your soul is with us.
You illuminate our life path with it,
And we are left with only eternal memory.

You are no longer here, but we don’t believe you
You are in our hearts forever.
And my pain from that loss
We will never heal.

To everyone I knew
life in pieces
I gave mine away.

The century turned out to be painfully short
You left too early
But in our memory you will always be with us
Dear, beloved person.

There is bitter sadness in my heart
Lies, washed with tears.
It’s hard for us, we’re very sorry,

The paths are already overgrown with grass,
Where we once walked with you,
Only the eternal power of love
And now it haunts me.

Life flashed by and ended,
Cause death can't be stopped
But the memory of you remains,
And we will keep it.

Let the circle of life be inevitable
Until it's over,
We will remember you
And share my thoughts with you.

The century turned out to be painfully short,
But in our memory you will always be with us.
Dear, beloved person.
All our pain cannot be expressed in words.

You will live forever in our hearts
Relatives and friends.

To the one who was dear during life
From those who remember and mourn.

Words are powerless before grief,
he did not die, about whom the memory is alive.

To the one who was dear during life.
From those who remember and mourn.

The last gift
love and sorrow.

Impossible to forget,
It is impossible to return.

How much of ours went with you,
So much of yours remains with us.

Only memory returns us
taken away by fate.

Fate - misfortune or lucky chance,
Either life or death, as God decides for us,
And he takes the best to himself,
Who do we miss so much right now?

We lost you early
Separation from you is hard,
But your image is bright and sweet
Will always be in our hearts.

In our hearts and memories forever
Everything that is connected with you will remain.
Your eyes, smile, hands,
And a loving heart that keeps peace.

They go to where there is a dream city
And where an angel will heal their soul,
Where that star burns and leads them there -
Where there is life called Eternity.

Such pain cannot be expressed in words,
She is all in my wounded heart.
It's cruel how fate has dealt with us,
Not allowing the two of us to remain on the ground.
But in my loneliness I feel sad
Under the hot sun and when it rains,
I remember you, I love you
And I tell you: See you later. Wait!

My heart is burning,
Your death burned
What is the world to me without you,
And worldly affairs.

Sorry! I'll see you again again

In the days of our orphan's sorrow,
We will fall at the Feet of the Creator,
Heavenly Father will comfort us,
And in it we will find joy.

It's not worth digging in the ashes,
Look for something that cannot be fixed.
Leave the departed to the earth.
And our fond memory to them.

Like a heavy load, we carry the burden of loss
Time has no power over memory,

Can't reach with your hand
You won't be with me
Your death has separated
Forever you and me.

And the earth was all deserted.

Like drops of dew on roses,
There are tears on my cheeks.
Sleep well, dear son,
We all love, remember and mourn you.

The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,
Tears won't help my grief.
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.

Your mother's tears will always be for you,
Father's sadness, brother's loneliness,
The grief of grandparents.

Quiet trees
Don't make noise with the leaves.
Mommy is sleeping, don't wake her.

You left early without saying goodbye,
And without saying a word to us,
How can we continue to live, having made sure
That you won't come back again.

You left this life incomprehensibly early,
Parents are saddened.
There is a bleeding wound in their hearts.
Your little son is growing up without knowing the word mom.

Everything was in it -
Soul, talent and beauty.
Everything sparkled for us
Like a bright dream.

When a loved one passes away,
There remains an emptiness in my soul,
Which nothing can heal.

Nobody could save you
Died very early
But the bright image is your dear
We will always remember.

Evil death has crept up on me,
I left you forever.
Oh, how I wish I could live
But such is my destiny

Love for you
dear son,
He will die only with us.
And our pain and our sorrow
Can't express it in words.

Having passed away, you are still living
In our thoughts, dreams.
You cannot survive what fate has given you.
We remember you both in joy and in pain.

How hard it is to find words
To measure our pain with them.
We cannot believe in your death,
You will be with us forever.

To your untimely grave
Our path will not be overgrown.
Your dear image, dear image,
It will always lead us here.

The sorrow of the soul cannot be cried out with tears,
A damp grave cannot understand grief.
What a pity that your life
Was so short
But your memory will be eternal.

We come here
To put flowers,
It’s very difficult, dear,
We can live without you.

Again the sun is covered by clouds,
Again we have no control over fate.

They die forever!
And there will be no repetition.
Just a distant star
Receive our reflection.

In the hands of Almighty God,
Creator of life and death
I give my spirit.

The will begins
The feeling continues
Reason, having brought it to the Absolute, completes.

Be happy people!
Life is like the sun - one!
Let neither the blizzards nor the heat cool down
A joyful moment of fire.

Don't wait for me
I won't come to you.
Don't write to me,
I'll wait for you.

What was, is now,
And what will happen has already happened.
And the dust will return to the ground as it was,
And the spirit will return to God who gave it.

O light of hope!
Oh, the black fears oppress!
Only one thing is true.
This life flows.
This is the truth, and everything else is a lie.
A flower that has faded will not bloom again.

Living under the carpet of the Almighty
He rests in the shadow of the Almighty.

There is faith that conquers eternity
And man is in the immortality of the soul

A terrible moment of cruel fate
Left us with a lifetime of grief.

The fate of your fate is cruel
Left us with a lifetime of pain.

Words are powerless before grief,
he did not die, about whom the memory is alive.
Our grief cannot be measured
And you can’t shed tears,
We make you feel alive
We will love forever.

We are all grieving
That you are no longer with us,
But time will not go back.
We will cherish the memory forever
In our loving hearts.

We stand frozen
Under a tree without leaves
How much is it -
Bad and good -
Is there more to come?
But don't be afraid -
Open your heart
And boldly go ahead of successes and adversities
And I? And I will follow you.
After all, we are you and me.

Stars don't die
They just go beyond the horizon.

Who is dear
he doesn't die
Only it ceases to be with us.

Loved ones don't leave.
They just stop being with us.

We carry the burden of loss like a heavy burden,
We will preserve love and memory for years to come,
Time has no power over memory
And sorrow will never leave us.

Without you the sun has dimmed for us
And the earth was all deserted.

Can't reach with your hand
You won't be with me
Your death has separated
Forever you and me.

Time won't smooth it out
Your trace is deep.
Everything in the world exists
You're just not there.

The soul is tired of betrayals
General vanity and vanity
And should she look for evidence?
In defense of his innocence.

I wish I could see your beloved image at least once,
Hear your dear voice.
We would change everything for this
And your life
without thinking,
gave it away.

Our melancholy and pain cannot be measured.
Never to see you, never to return.
And it’s unbearable to live like this,
And it’s hard for us to believe that you don’t exist.

We will have enough grief and sadness for the rest of our lives.

People leave, they cannot be returned
And secret worlds cannot be revived.
And every time I want again
Scream from this irreversibility.

People can't live forever
But happy is he who remembers the name!

There is bitter sadness in my heart
Lies washed with tears.
It’s hard for us, we’re very sorry,
That you, dear (our dear), are not with us.

All of us, all of us in this world are perishable
Copper quietly flows from the maple leaves.
May you be blessed forever,
What has come to flourish and die.

He who believes in God is blessed
Even if he doesn’t know anything.

We start to admire too late -
Almost always, as you need to leave.

My friend,
don't be sad about the past,
Don't let the irrevocable gnaw at you.
You cannot step into the same river.

Your whole life is an example to follow.

We are just learning to live on earth.

From that world on the stone of faith
A cure for grief.

Grief is not asked for
The grief is immeasurable
Everything precious in the world is lost.

Don't be ashamed passerby
Remember my ashes
Because I’m already at home, and you’re still visiting.

Don't be proud passerby
Visit my ashes
Because I'm already home, and you're still visiting

To the one who was dear during life,
Whose memory is dear after death.

I raised you, but I didn’t save you.
And now the grave will save you.

To the one who was dear during life
From those who remember and mourn.

May God grant them eternal peace,
And let eternal light shine upon them.

We lost you early
Separation from you is hard,
But your image is bright and sweet
Always in our memory.
I bequeath you to live a more worthy life,
Don't rush to give it away quickly.
After all, it will be all the more calm for me here,
The longer I will wait for all of you.


The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance.
Comrade, we are going far,
Away from our land.

The fireman said to the fireman, -
The fires in my firebox don't burn at all,
The boilers can no longer contain the steam.

Go and report that I'm sick,
And without finishing my watch, I quit,
I'm sweating, I'm sick from the heat,
I don’t have the strength to work, I’m dying!”

Having gathered my last strength,
With his usual movement he opened the oven,
And the flames burned him.

Having finished throwing, he drank water,
Desalinated water, unclean.
He heard the driver speak:

“You don’t dare leave your watch before the deadline,
The mechanic is unhappy with you.

For a moment I saw a dazzling light...

The next morning they came to say goodbye to the deceased
Sailors, friends of the fireman,
They brought him the last gift -
The grate is heavy and rusty.

Wrapped in harsh cloth.

They will tell her, she will cry...

And their trace disappears in the distance.

Transcript of the phonogram by Andrei Makarevich, album “Songs that I Love”, Sintez Records, 1996, signature: A. Gurilev - G. Zubarev.

Another name of the song is "Stoker".

Created no later than the turn of the 19th-20th centuries on the basis of the romance “After the Battle”, popular during the Crimean War of 1853-56 (“No songs can be heard on the deck...”, lyrics by Nikolai Shcherbina, 1843, music by Alexander Gurilev, 1852, ibid. see original melody). The romance was very popular in the navy, it changed in the naval environment, and by the early 1900s, the result of these changes was the song “The Sea Spreads Wide.” Its main plot is new, not connected with the original romance. Gurilev’s exquisitely sad melody in the song became simpler.

According to the most common version, the author of the song's lyrics is a sailor, amateur poet Georgy Zubarev, who died soon in the Battle of Tsushima. It is unknown what Zubarev's original text was exactly. The song has over 20 verses, usually 12-15.

The song was part of Nadezhda Plevitskaya’s repertoire and Leonid Utesov’s musical composition “Two Ships” (1937), which contributed to its popularization. Utesov recalled that he knew and sang this song from his Odessa childhood, that it was especially popular on the eve of the 1905 revolution, it was long, and for “Two Ships” he took, in his opinion, no more than one-fifth of the text (Utesov L. With a song through life. M., Iskusstvo, 1961, p. 169).

“The Sea Spreads Wide” served as the basis for many further alterations. It was one of the most frequently reworked songs during the Second World War: the anthem of the Sevastopol residents, “Partisan” (“The grove is spread wide...”), “The rails are spread wide,” “The sea is spread wide (About the Second World War),” “I I met him near Odessa, my dear one,” etc.


1. The sea spreads wide...

The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance.
Comrade, we are going far,
Away from our land.

No songs are heard on deck,
And the Red Sea is roaring with waves,
And the shore is harsh and cramped, -
When you remember, your heart hurts.

It already struck eight on the forecastle -
You need to change your comrade.
As soon as he went down the ladder,
The mechanic shouts: “Move!”

“Comrade, I can’t stand watch,”
The fireman said to the fireman, -
The fires in my furnaces will burn out completely;
I can’t contain the steam in the cauldrons.

Go tell me I'm sick
And without finishing my watch, I quit,
All the sweat was gone, I was exhausted from the heat,
I don’t have the strength to work - I’m dying.”

The comrade left... He grabbed the shovel,
Having gathered my last strength,
He opened the firebox door with the usual push,
And the flame illuminated him:

His face, shoulders, open chest
And the sweat streaming from them like hail -
Oh, if only someone could look there,
I would call the stoker hell!

Steam boilers make an ominous noise,
Shuddering from the power of the vapors,
Like thousands of snakes, couples hiss,
Making its way out of the pipes here and there.

And he, writhing in front of the hot fire,
He deftly threw coal with a shovel;
It was gloomy below: a ray of sunshine even during the day
Can't get into that corner.

There is no wind today, there is no strength to stand.
The water has warmed up, it’s stuffy, hot, -
The thermometer rose to forty-five.
The whole fireplace is without air.

Having finished throwing, he drank water -
Desalinated water, not clean,
Sweat and traces of soot were falling from his face.
He heard the driver speak:

“You, without finishing your watch, don’t dare quit,
The mechanic is unhappy with you.
You should go to the doctor and say, -
He will give you medicine if you are sick!”

Weakly grasping the handrails with your hand,
He climbed up the ladder;
Go to the emergency room to get your medicine
I couldn’t - I was suffocating from the heat.

I went out on deck and there was no longer consciousness.
Everything went blurry in his eyes,
I saw a blinding light for a moment,
Fell... My heart didn't beat anymore...

They ran up to him with cold water,
Trying to bring him to his senses,
But the doctor said, shaking his head:
“Our art is powerless here...”

The dead man lay in the infirmary all night,
Dressed in a sailor's suit;
In his hands on his chest lay a cross made of wax;
The wax melted, warmed by the heat.

Came to say goodbye to a friend in the morning
Sailors, friends of the fireman.
The last gift was given to him -
The grate is burnt and rusty.

They tied a grate to his feet,
His corpse was wrapped in a sheet;
The old steamship priest came,
And many burst into tears.

The ocean was clear and motionless at that moment,
The waters sparkled like a mirror,
The authorities appeared, the captain came,
And they sang “eternal memory.”

The board was lifted with a trembling hand,
And the body slid in the shroud,
In the abyss of the deep, unknown sea
Forever, splashing, drowned.

The old woman waits in vain for her son to come home;
They will tell her, she will cry...
And the waves run from the propeller astern,
And their trace disappears in the distance.

<1900-е годы>, <1917>

Russian songs and romances / Intro. article and comp. V. Guseva. - M.: Artist. lit., 1989. - (Classics and contemporaries. Poetic book). - signature: unknown author, processing by G. D. Zubarev.

The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance...
Comrade, we are going far,
Away from our land.

No songs are heard on deck,
And the Red Sea is noisy,
And the shore is gloomy and cramped, -

“Comrade, I can’t stand watch,”
The fireman said to the fireman, -

Go tell everyone that I'm sick
And without finishing my watch, I quit.
I don’t have the strength to work, I’m dying!”

Having gathered my last strength,
And the flame illuminated him.


He heard the driver speak:

The mechanic is unhappy with you;

Fell... My heart didn't beat anymore...

Sailors, friends of the fireman,
The last gift was given to him -
The grate is burnt and rusty.

They will tell her, she will cry...
And the waves run from the propeller astern,
And their trace disappears in the distance.

The last two lines of the verses are repeated

Takun F.I. Slavic Bazaar. – M.: “Modern Music”, 2005.

The same option earlier: Oh, those black eyes. Comp. Yu. G. Ivanov. Music editor S. V. Pyankova. - Smolensk: Rusich, 2004. - with note: “It is based on N. Shcherbina’s poem “Sailor” (“No Songs Can Be Heard on Deck,” 1843); “Stoker” (“The Sea Spreads Wide”) is its creative adaptation by G. Zubarev (1900).”

3. The sea spreads wide

The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance.
Comrade, we are going far,
Away from the sweet land.

“Comrade, I can’t stand watch,”
The fireman said to the fireman, -
I can’t contain the steam in the cauldrons.

There is no wind today, there is no strength to stand.
The water was warm, stuffy, hot.
The thermometer rose as much as forty-five,
The whole fireplace is without air!

Having finished throwing, he drank water,
Desalinated water, unclean.
Sweat and soot traces were falling from his face,
He heard the driver speak:

“You shouldn’t leave your watch without finishing,
The mechanic is unhappy with you.
You can go to the doctor and say
He will give you medicine if you are sick!”

I went out on deck, but I was no longer conscious.
His eyes grew dim...
I saw a blinding light for a moment...
Fell... My heart didn't beat anymore.

Came to say goodbye to a friend in the morning
Sailors, fireman's brothers,

They tied a grate to his feet,
The corpse was wrapped in a sheet.
The old ship's priest came,
And many burst into tears.

The waters sparkled like a mirror.

And “Eternal Memory” was sung.

In vain the old woman waits for her son to come home, -
They will tell her, she will cry...
And the waves run from the propeller astern,
And their trace disappears in the distance.

From the phonogram of Yuri Shevchuk, CD "Mitkovsky Songs. Materials for the Album", "Soyuz", 1996. On the phonogram, the last two lines of the first and final verses are repeated.

4. The sea spreads wide

The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance.
Comrade, we are going far,
Away from our land.

No songs are heard on deck,
And the Red Sea is noisy,
And the shore is harsh and cramped, -
When you remember, your heart hurts.

“Comrade, I can’t stand watch,”
The fireman said to the fireman, -
The fires in my furnaces will completely burn out,
I can’t contain the steam in the cauldrons.

All the sweat was gone, I was exhausted from the heat,
I don’t have the strength to work, I’m dying!”

The comrade left... He grabbed a shovel,
Having gathered my last strength,
He opened the firebox door with the usual push,
And the flame illuminated him.

Having finished throwing, he drank water, -
Desalinated water, unclean,
Sweat and traces of soot fell from his face, -
He heard the driver speak:

“You don’t dare leave your watch without finishing,
The mechanic is unhappy with you;
You should go to the doctor and say, -
He will give you medicine if you are sick!”

He went out onto the deck... There was no more consciousness.
Everything went blurry in his eyes...
I saw a blinding light for a moment...
Fell... My heart didn't beat anymore.

Came to say goodbye to a friend in the morning
Sailors, friends of the fireman,
The last gift was given to him
The grate is burnt and rusty.

They tied a grate to his feet,
Wrapped in harsh cloth.
The old ship's priest came,
And many burst into tears.

The ocean was quiet and motionless at that moment,
The waters sparkled like a mirror,
The authorities appeared, the captain came,
And they sang eternal memory.

In vain the old woman waits for her son to come home, -
They will tell her, she will cry...
And the waves run from the propeller astern,
And their trace disappears in the distance.

From the 1990s songbook.

5. Fireman's watch

The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance.
Comrade, we are going far,
Away from our land.

No songs are heard on deck,
And the Red Sea is noisy,
And the shore is harsh and cramped, -
When you remember, your heart hurts.

“Comrade, I can’t stand watch,”
The fireman said to the fireman, -
The fires in my furnaces will completely burn out,
I can’t contain the steam in the cauldrons.

Go tell me that I'm sick
And without finishing my watch, I quit,
All the sweat was gone, I was exhausted from the heat,
I don’t have the strength to work, I’m dying!”

The comrade left... He grabbed a shovel,
Having gathered my last strength,
He opened the firebox door with the usual push,
And the flame illuminated him.

Having finished throwing, he drank water, -
Desalinated water, unclean,
Sweat fell from the face, traces of soot, -
He heard the driver speak:

“You don’t dare leave your watch without finishing,
The mechanic is unhappy with you;
You should go to the doctor and say -
He will give you medicine if you are sick!”

He went out onto the deck... There was no more consciousness.
Everything went blurry in his eyes...
I saw a blinding light for a moment...
Fell... My heart didn't beat anymore.

The dead man lay in the infirmary all night
Dressed in a sailor's suit.
He held a wax candle in his hands.
The wax fell, warmed by the heat.

In vain the old woman waits for her son to come home -
They will tell her, she will cry...
And the waves run from the propeller astern,
And their trace disappears in the distance.

From the repertoire of Yuri Morfessi (1882-1957). Recorded on a record - the company "Zonofon", Vilna, 1912, 2-62743 (this is the first record by Yuri Morfessi). - signature: music. etc. F. Sadovsky.

Black eyes: An ancient Russian romance. – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2004.

6. The sea spreads wide

The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance,
Comrade, we are going far,
Far from my native land.
No songs can be heard on deck,
Only the sea, agitated, makes noise,
And the shore is deep and narrow,
When you remember, your heart hurts.
“Comrade, I can’t keep a watch,”
The fireman said to the fireman, -
My fires in the furnaces don’t burn at all,
You can’t raise any more steam in the boilers.”
“You haven’t finished your watch, you don’t dare quit,
The mechanic is unhappy with you
You should go and tell the doctor
"Go and say that I'm sick,
And without finishing my watch, I quit,
All the sweat was gone, I was exhausted from the heat,
I don’t have the strength to work, I’m dying.”
A comrade came up and grabbed a shovel,
He gathered his last strength,
He opened the firebox door with the usual push,
And the flame illuminated him.
His face, shoulders, open chest,
Sweat flowed from them like hail,
But if someone could look into them,
I would call the stoker hell.
He weakly grabs the constipation with his hand,
He climbed up the ladder:
“I’ll go get some medicine from the emergency room,
I’m snowing from the heat and suffocating.”
I came out on the floor, no longer conscious,
His eyes grew dim,
For a moment I saw a dazzling light,
They ran up to him with cold water,
Wanting to save his life,
But the doctor came up and shook his head:
“Your art is in vain here.”
The dead man lay in the infirmary all night,
Dressed in a sailor's suit,
He held a wax candle in his hands,
As if he was warmed by her.
The next morning they came to say goodbye to him
Sailors, friends, stokers,
They brought him the last gift -
The grate, burnt and old.
They tied a grate to his feet,
And they wrapped his body in the cloak,
The old steamship priest came,
And many burst into tears.
They put him on a black board,
And they dressed the body in a shroud,
The authorities appeared, the captain came,
And they sang eternal memory.
The board was lifted with a trembling hand,
The body slid in the shroud,
In the unknown, deep, big abyss
It sparkled and sank forever.
In vain the old woman waits for her son to come home,
They will tell her, she will cry,
And the waves come from the propeller astern,
They run and disappear into the distance.

See: "Songs and Romances", No. 415. N.F. Shcherbina "Sailor", 1977. In song usage, created by the amateur poet G. D. Zubarev, No. 683. Var.: Novikova, No. 1, p. 439. (New or urban).

Bagizbaeva M. M. Folklore of the Semirechensk Cossacks. Part 2. Alma-Ata: “Mektep”, 1979, No. 266.

7. The sea spreads wide...

The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance.
“Comrade, we are going far,
Away from our land."

“Comrade, I can’t stand watch,”
The fireman said to the fireman, -
The fires in my fireboxes don't burn at all,
I can’t contain the steam in the cauldrons.

Go and tell me that I'm sick
And without finishing my watch, I quit.
All the sweat was gone, I was exhausted from the heat,
I don’t have the strength to work - I’m dying.”

Everything went blurry in his eyes,
I saw a blinding light for a moment,
Fell. The heart no longer beat.

Came to say goodbye to a friend in the morning
Sailors, friends of the fireman,
They brought him the last gift -
The grate is burnt and rusty.

In vain the old woman waits for her son to come home,
They will tell her, she will cry...
And the waves run from the propeller astern,
And their trace disappears in the distance.

A well-known folk song that first appeared in popular songbooks in the early 900s. (recorded by A.M. Novikova in the 20s in the Tula region).

Russian folk songs. Entry article, comp. and note. A.M. Novikova. M., State Publishing House of Fiction, 1957. P. 439.

8. Stoker

The sea spreads wide
And the waves are raging in the distance,
Comrade, we are going far,
Away from our land.

No songs are heard on deck,
And the Red Sea is noisy,
And the shore is harsh and cramped,
When you remember, your heart hurts.

“Comrade, I can’t stand watch,”
The fireman said to the fireman, -
The fires in my fireboxes don't burn at all,
I can’t hold back a couple in the cauldrons!”

The comrade left, he grabbed a shovel,
Gathering your last strength.
He opened the firebox door with the usual push,
And the flame illuminated him.

Having finished throwing, he drank some water.
Desalinated water, unclean.
Sweat and traces of soot were falling from his face.
He heard the driver speak:

“You don’t dare leave your watch without finishing your watch.
The mechanic is unhappy with you.
You should go to the doctor and tell him.
He will give you medicine if you are sick.”

I went out on deck - there was no longer consciousness,
His vision became blurred.
I saw a blinding light for a moment...
He fell, his heart no longer beat.

The dead man lay in the infirmary all night,
Dressed in a sailor's suit,
He held a wax candle in his hands,
The wax melted, warmed by the heat.

They tied a grate to his feet
And they wrapped the corpse in a cot.
The old ship's priest came,
And many burst into tears.

The old woman waits in vain for her son to come home;
They will tell her, she will cry...
And the waves run from the propeller astern,
And their trace disappears in the distance.

The last line of each verse is repeated

The same version, with a couple of discrepancies, is given as a text from the repertoire of Leonid Utesov (see: I love you, life: Songs for all times. Compiled by L. Safoshkina, V. Safoshkin. M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2004, p. 42-43, signature: "music by A. Gurilev, lyrics by G. Zubarev", art. 12 "The fires in my fireboxes will burn out completely", art. 28 "I fell, my heart didn't beat anymore".)

Melody from Utesov's phonogram:

Transcript of the phonogram by L. Utesov, gramophone record 33D - 033308, recording from the 1930s, notation by V. A. Lapin.

100 songs of Russian workers / Comp., intro. article and comment. P. Shiryaeva; General ed. P. Vykhodtsev. L., Music, 1984.

Subject: Adjective. Spelling suffixes and endings of adjectives. Numeral.


Repetition and systematization of students’ knowledge on the topic,

Formation of knowledge about the adjective as a part of speech, about the main features and categories of adjectives,

Repetition and reinforcement of spelling rules for suffixes and endings of adjectives,

Repetition of knowledge on the topic “Numeral”
- improving writing skills,

Forming students' motivation to study spelling rules as the most important source of achieving literacy in written speech - an important quality of a future specialist.

Must know:
- basic characteristics of the adjective and numeral,
- grammatical categories of adjective and numeral;
- peculiarities of spelling suffixes and endings of adjectives.

Should be able to:
- identify categories of adjectives
- correctly write suffixes ending adjectives,
- correctly use numerals in written and oral speech.

  1. An adjective as a part of speech. Signs, categories, categories of adjectives.

  2. Spelling suffixes of adjectives.

  3. Spelling the endings of adjectives.

  4. Numeral as part of speech. Signs, categories of numerals.

  5. Features of the use and spelling of numerals.

            1. Tasks:
Exercise 1. Fill in the missing letters and write down the phrases noun + adjective. Explain the spelling of adjectives.

                1. Once upon a time, on a dark... autumn evening, I happened to float along a gloomy Siberian... river. (Cor.) 2. The field spread out like a wavy fabric and merged with the sky with a dark blue edge, and in the sky, like a transparent golden shield, the brilliant sun plays above it. (Nikit.) 3. The city, similar to an old engraving, is generously doused with the hot sun and is all singing. (Gork.) 4. Tsarevich Ivan and Boris Godunov were taking a country walk on horseback. (Cost.) 5. There is complete aloofness in the eyes, but just recently this was a cheerful, strong-willed person. (Fedos.) 6. The snowy cone of the main peak of Elbrus rises above the meadows..m slope. (Kettle.)
Task 2. Form adjectives and indicate suffixes in them. Explain the spelling. Make up phrases with the highlighted words.

October November , d..December, January, Siberia, Tver, Tsar, June, July, Kazan, Barnaul, February, September, Pskov, Smolensk, Tula, April, Chuvash, Kazakh, chief, l..borant, m..persistently, Tatar, beast, savage, Latvian, Perm, Suzdal, Ural, ambassador, sailor, Brother, Volga.

Task 3. Form adjectives from these words using the suffixes - in-, - an- (- yan-), - n-, - enn-, - onn-. Write down the words, highlight the suffixes and explain their spelling.

Linen, leather, government, nightingale, carriage, wasp, stable, epic, selection, silver, wax, window, cast iron, horse, water, sofa, animal, grass, restaurant, rye, autumn, restoration, spring, ice, fog, portion, dress, medicine, deity.

Task 4. Form compound adjectives from these words and write them down. Indicate the method of formation of the resulting words. Explain their spelling.

Brown eyes, car repairs, forest and steppe, three years, ability to work, machine structure, ten meters, bread and rolls, long hair, white marble, four decks, agriculture, between south and west, old rituals, fruit and berries.

Task 5. Explain the spelling of words and phrases.

A fast-growing shrub is a bush that grows quickly in good light, a densely populated outskirts is an outskirts densely populated by owners of small houses, an expensive pleasure is a coat that costs a lot, perishable foods are foods that quickly spoil in the heat.

Task 6. Insert – Н- /-НН- into adjectives, explain the spelling.

Foggy, windy, sable...y, long...yy, icy...oh, seven...ohy, saza...yy, bitch...yy, silver...yy, windless...yy, ardent...yy, dissertation...yy, pumpkin... y, snakes...yy, kuho...yy, card...yy, tin...oh, tribe...oh, oil...yy (paints), nameless...yy, poplar...yy, station...yy, os...yy (nest).

Task 7. Decline numerals one and a half, four, 741, 1998 year.

Task 8. Copy the text. Insert the missing letters, add punctuation marks, open the brackets. Write down the numerals in words and indicate their category.

The Eiffel Tower, built in Paris in 1889, has a height of 300 meters. The height of the most famous (?) but... skyscraper in New York with 106 floors reaches 380 meters. And the pyramid of Cheops, built by the pharaoh who lived in the 28th century BC, can freely place St. Isaac’s Cathedral of St. Petersburg inside itself. All these structures were built at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries, and the Cheops pyramid has been standing for almost five thousand (?) years. Its height reached 147 meters (now, due to the collapse of the top, its height is 137 meters) and each of the sides is 233 meters in length. In order to go around the pyramid you need to walk one kilometer. Until the end of the 19th century, the Cheops pyramid was considered the tallest...structure in the world.

(I. Shishova)

  1. Report requirements:

  2. Control questions:

  1. What is an adjective as a part of speech?

  2. Indicate the characteristics, categories, categories of adjectives.

  3. Talk about spelling suffixes of adjectives.

  4. Tell us about the spelling of the endings of adjectives.

  5. Describe the numeral as a part of speech.

  6. Tell us about the spelling features of numerals.

Practical lesson No. 12. Number of hours – 2 hours.

Subject: Verb. Spelling suffixes and personal verb endings, NOT with verbs.


Consider the main features of a verb as a part of speech,

Identify difficulties in writing this part of speech,

Consider the basic rules for spelling a verb,

Develop competent writing skills,

Develop skills in spelling endings and suffixes of verbs,

To form the motivation of students to study the rules of spelling as the most important source of achieving literacy in written speech.

Requirements for the level of specialist training:

Must know:
- characteristics of the verb as a part of speech,

Basic suffixes of verbs, their role, function in words,

Basic rules for writing suffixes and verb endings.

Should be able to:
- identify the signs of verbs,

Find spellings in verbs,

Correctly write endings and suffixes of verbs.

Equipment: educational literature, texts, assignments.

    1. General theoretical information:

  1. Verb as an independent part of speech.

  2. Verb features.

  3. Spelling of suffixes and personal endings of verbs.

  4. Spelling is NOT with verbs.

    1. Tasks:
Exercise 1. Form aspectual pairs of verbs (perfect - imperfect).

Deprive, throw, like, sit, dial, forgive, bake, become, close, scream, squeeze, walk, grieve, dry, put, swim, give, catch.

Task 2. Conjugate the verbs. Determine their type and transitivity.

Spin, talk, look, dine, hope, hear.

Task 3. Explain the spelling of the highlighted vowels in the words. With words winnow And breathe make up sentences.

Ve I t - ve I l, ve Yu T; breathe A th - breathe A l, breathe And Sew, breathe A T; stuck e th - frozen e l, stuck And t, stuck I T; then I t - here I l, then Yu T; se I this - this I l, se Yu T; viewing e t - look e l, look And look, look I T; that I tat - that I l, ta Yu T; that And tat - that And l, ta I T; hot e t-hot e l, want e wow, though And m, hot I T.

Task 4. From the given verbs form the 2nd person singular and 3rd person plural forms. Explain the spelling of personal endings.

I turn purple, I cradle, I run, I fight, I shave, I wander, I carry, I believe, I spin, I see, I drive, I return, I return, I carry, I drive, I drive, I give, I give, I hold, I ignore, I avoid, I stab, I scream, I twist, I climb, I pour, wave, torment, inhale, hate, offend, offend, declare, remember, write, water, pour, drink, decide, decide, sow, sit, listen, hear, look, hold, sit, drag, drag, endure, I hear, I praise, I walk, I polish.

Task 5. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

    1. The green rye swayed quietly. (T.) 2. The beast feeds the cub and - go ahead, get your own bread as you wish. If you want...eat chickens, if you want...eat calves. (Bitter) 3. The morning dawn is dawning in the sky. (Ch.) 4. Yulia Tikhonovna considers herself second in the house; she thinks that we come only to Victoria Tikhonovna. (Sem.) 5. A white, nimble steamship with a barge runs from one shore to the other. (Old) 6. The chieftain sat down on a bag of grain and ordered: “Untie the non-commissioned officer.” (Serg.) 7. The eyes see..t, the ears hear..t, the legs hold..t, but in the head there is confusion, scraps of thoughts that cannot (not) be collected. (Polev.) 8. And yet, against my will, the words of old Savvatey came to mind again and again: “Whoever offends someone, hates him.” (Polev.) 9. Everyone understood: the new boss knows the automotive business, but turns a blind eye to everything that is going on around him. (Field.)
Task 6. In these words, insert the missing letters, determine the aspect and transitivity of each verb. Label the suffixes of the verbs.

Win..to win, show..to, girdle..to, train..to, draw..to, color..to, organize..to, classify..to, dance..to, assign, have mercy..toss, toss..to, form..to, jump out..to, look..to, repair..to, look out..to.

Task 7. Write it off. Put the verbs given in brackets in the imperative form. Explain the use of the letter b.

    1. The fog begins to swirl (?) over the river. (Paust.) 2. She even likes the town. (Paust.) 3. Your beauty doesn’t age..it grows(?) only stronger. (Tward.) 4. You walk (?) on the young earth - the grass is green behind you. (Tvard.) 5. Where it’s about the people, there I’m the first to get carried away(?) ready. (N.) 6. D..you really amused the bar, (amuse) the men! (N.) 7. P.. keep quiet, (bow), and (don’t) (contradict) the sick man, we will reward you! (N.)
Task 8. Write down, replacing the highlighted nouns with verbs of the same root, putting dependent words in the required form. If you have any difficulties, consult a spelling dictionary.

Prop...after all new views, r..ferat articles, prop..ganda legal knowledge, st..bilization position, h..vstvo satisfaction, report about the work of the mission, honor winners, participation in the play.

Task 9. Fill in the missing letters and explain the spelling of the verbs.

Spread about (?) phenomena, clouds disperse.. melt, snow melt..l, pursue.. the enemy, thunder rumbles..t, put..l a seal, port..give a ransom, get well..l after an illness, a wave of splashing..t, the voice raised..l, the boy was worried..t, (not) offended..t the younger ones, it was in the spring, we didn’t force..m, to write out magazines, he I hope... she's completely desperate... the animals are hiding... running the school.

Task 10. Rewrite, opening the brackets. Explain the spelling of the verbs.

(I don’t) regret, (don’t) call, (don’t) cry, (don’t) love, (don’t) know, (don’t) write, (don’t) write, (don’t) come, (don’t) break up, (don’t) answer, (doesn’t) hear, (doesn’t) love, (doesn’t) want, (doesn’t) please, (doesn’t) let, (doesn’t) hate.

    1. Report requirements: The work must be completed in the practical workbook.

    2. Control questions:

  1. Define a verb as an independent part of speech.

  2. Indicate the morphological features of the verb.

  3. Talk about spelling suffixes and personal endings of verbs.

  4. Talk about spelling NOT with verbs.

    1. List of recommended literature:

  1. Antonova E.S., Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: textbook for institutions of primary and secondary vocational education / E. S. Antonova, T. M. Voiteleva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012.

  2. Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: collection of exercises: textbook for beginners. and secondary vocational education / T. M. Voiteleva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012.

  3. Vlasenkov A. I., Rybchenkova L. M. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles: Textbook for grades 10-11 in general education institutions / A. I. Vlasenkov, L. M. Rybchenkova. – 14th ed. –M.: Education, 2011.

  4. Grekov V.F. Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook for general education. institutions /V. F. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. A. Cheshko. – 4th ed. – M.: Education, 2011. – 368 p.

Practical lesson No. 13. Number of hours – 2 hours.

Subject: Participle and gerund as special forms of the verb.


To develop knowledge about the main features of participles and gerunds,
- consolidate the basic rules for spelling suffixes of participles,

Develop competent writing skills,

To create motivation to study spelling rules as the most important source of achieving literacy in written speech - an important quality of a future specialist,
- continue to develop the communicative competence of students.

Requirements for the level of specialist training:

Must know:
- main characteristics of participles and gerunds,
- features of spelling suffixes of participles,
- rules for spelling participles.

Should be able to:
- identify the main grammatical features of participles and gerunds; - write participle suffixes correctly,
- write participles correctly.

Equipment: educational literature, texts, assignments.

      1. General theoretical information:

  1. Participle as a special form of a verb. Formation of participles.

  2. Grammatical and syntactic features of participles.

  3. Spelling of participle suffixes.

  4. The participle as a special form of the verb.

  5. Spelling of gerunds.

      1. Tasks:
Exercise 1. Divide the words into two columns: adjective + noun, participle + noun. Specify the type of participles.

A dense forest, melting snow, a sprinkling of stars, fallen leaves, a spoiled child, yellowed grass, long eyelashes, a blue sky, a drained swamp, a silver tray, early flowers, a wooden spoon, a silver ribbon, morning frost, a ringing voice, a painted door, falconry , barking dog.

Task 2. Form active and passive participles from these verbs. Indicate the suffixes of the participles.

Beat, shine, cover, doze, doze off, bark, bark, smile, wash, laugh, offend, carry, protect, store, write, warm, throw, lose, cut, offend.

Task 3. Copy the sentences by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. Determine the parts of speech that contain the spelling “N/NN in the suffix.” Explain punctuation marks.

  1. The heart was lost..(n,nn)o (for)ever. (A.I. Kuprin) 2. Near the roadside ditch lay a shot horse. (M. Sholokhov) 3. Will I fall pierced by an arrow, or will it fly by? (A.S. Pushkin) 4. You are my abandoned land. (S. Yesenin) 5. Here I saw Mikhail Pushchin, wounded last year. (A.S. Pushkin) 6. There is a brightened edge of the sky among the smoky spots. (A. Blok) 7. My beloved’s name was Margarita Nikolaevna. (M. Bulgakov) 8. The letter is very precious(n, nn)o... (A. Blok) 9. The charred(n, nn) ​​trees crouched on the ground in ugly poses. (G. Fedoseev) 10. (Not) nearby there is a detonated tank, large, dirty. (A. Vasiliev). 11. A very (not) old (n, nn) ​​hat, a very modern (n, nn) ​​hat. And a (casually) brooch..(n, nn) ​​watch on the table in a nickel bracelet. (K. Paustovsky). 12. The bird itself, tied with a chain, sat on a wooden post, buried in the earthen floor in the middle of the room. (I. Sokolov - Mikitov).
Task 4. Copy the sentences, insert the missing letters and punctuation marks. Explain the spelling – N- or –NN-.

  1. Suddenly my attention was drawn to a bright object, obviously deliberately..but hung..(n, nn) ​​on the corner of the window(n, nn) ​​frame. (A.I. Kuprin) 2. From the middle one, sealed with different colorful pictures, covered with squares, we went out into a (small) large room. (I.S. Turgenev) 3. Yurkov was entrusted with aerial reconnaissance. (A.I. Kuprin) 4. After the black dungeon, the light reflected by the snow, cutting into the eyes, seems unusually bright. (I. Sokolov - Mikitov).
Task 5. Form participles from these verbs. Indicate the stems of the verbs from which the gerunds are formed, and the suffixes of the gerunds. What will determine the choice of gerund suffix? Is it possible to form participles from all verbs?

Interpret, love, hum, knit, be, apologize, eat, lose, lie, sleep, run, spread, sparkle.

Task 6. Write down the sentences, isolating the adverbial phrases. Determine from which verbs and with the help of which suffixes the gerunds are formed. Indicate their type.

  1. Falling leaves whisper...saying goodbye (for) forever. 2. In the fog, every now and then some birds appeared to be shedding. 3. I woke up hearing the song of a finch. 4. The snow on the fields has become grainy, you can walk by moving your legs like skis. 5. But in the lakes under the fir trees, the drops from the branches fall heavy, and each falling into the water gives a well-fed, happy bubble. 6. When these bubbles are born, they rush quickly and then burst(?) 7. The stream (not) sparing water filled it (the lowland) and moved on, leaving this creek to live its own..(n, nn) ​​life.
(M. Prishvin)

Task 7. Copy it using missing punctuation marks. Sort out the highlighted words according to their composition. Underline the participles and gerunds in the text.

What is a station ..(n,nn) keeper? A real torment(n, nn) ​​of the fourteenth grade is limited..expected (n, nn) ​​by his rank only from beatings and then (n..) always. What is the duty of this dictator, as Prince Vyazemsky jokingly calls him? Isn't this real hard labor? I rest (n..) during the day, (n..) at night. All the d..garden accumulated(n, nn)during the boring ride..travel(n, nn)ik was taken out..t on the caretaker... The weather is (not) demolished(?) bad, d..horns nasty, the coachman is stubborn, the horses (don’t) carry - and it’s the caretaker’s fault. Entering his poor dwellings..passing..th looks at him as an enemy; it’s good if he succeeds(?) he will soon get rid(?) of unasked..(n, nn)wow guest.
(A.S. Pushkin)

Task 8. Perform a syntactic analysis of the last sentence of task 7 and a morphological analysis of the highlighted words.

      1. Report requirements: The work must be completed in the practical workbook.

      2. Control questions:

  1. Talk about the participle as a special form of the verb.

  2. What are the grammatical and syntactic features of participles?

  3. Tell us about the spelling of participle suffixes.

  4. What is a gerund as a special form of a verb?

  5. What are the features of spelling gerunds?

      1. List of recommended literature:

  1. Antonova E.S., Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: textbook for institutions of primary and secondary vocational education / E. S. Antonova, T. M. Voiteleva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012.

  2. Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: collection of exercises: textbook for beginners. and secondary vocational education / T. M. Voiteleva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012.

  3. Vlasenkov A. I., Rybchenkova L. M. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles: Textbook for grades 10-11 in general education institutions / A. I. Vlasenkov, L. M. Rybchenkova. – 14th ed. –M.: Education, 2011.

  4. Grekov V.F. Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook for general education. institutions /V. F. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. A. Cheshko. – 4th ed. – M.: Education, 2011. – 368 p.

Practical lesson No. 14. Number of hours – 2 hours.