How to draw a simple Christmas tree with a pencil. Drawing a New Year tree in the middle group step by step with photos

Nowadays, the production of wall newspapers can be ordered from any company that provides printing services. Using computers, wall newspapers will be made on top level. The question of how to design a wall newspaper will definitely not arise among specialist designers.

But such posters will lack one, most important thing: that emotional mood, which you put in by filling it out manually. And it will look no worse than one made on a computer, since you can beautifully design a wall newspaper yourself, at home, using simple devices. Eat little secrets, knowing which you can achieve fantastic results!

Creating a background

One of the most beautiful techniques, performed on a computer - gradient fill. Most often it is used in wall newspapers, dedicated to the Day Cosmonautics or Children's Day. To make it by hand, you will need a sponge and gouache of the desired color. If you use two colors of gouache, then, accordingly, there are two sponges. We dilute the gouache with a small amount of water and, using a sponge, apply it to whatman paper with broad strokes from the edges to the center. We blur the boundaries of the transition from one color to another. Coloring deforms whatman paper, so (after complete drying) it can be ironed on the reverse side with a slightly warm iron.

It is important to choose the optimal concentration of gouache, since if there is too much, it will crack after drying, and if there is too little, the color will turn out “dirty.”

“Wet sheet” technique

How can you design a wall newspaper, for example, for March 8? To do this, you will need the same sponge, watercolors of harmonizing shades and a wide brush. Using a sponge, wet the Whatman paper clean water. Then we put it on the brush a large number of paint (after wetting the brush in water, you do not need to wring out the brush). Using a brush, we draw across whatman paper, drawing lines or simply putting dots. We do the same with watercolors of a different color. In this case, strange-shaped stains are formed. In the same way, you can decorate a wall newspaper for an anniversary or a wedding. Before proceeding with further work, the sheet must be dried and straightened.

"Pastel" and "Stencil"

Very beautiful background it turns out if you use the “Pastel” technique. In this case, replace the paint with colored pencils. We sharpen the pencil core so that the lead chips are as fine as possible. You can then additionally “crush” it with any flat object. Dip a piece of cotton wool into the resulting powder and apply it to the Whatman paper with sweeping movements. The powder will rub better if the Whatman paper is first rubbed, for example, with a rough eraser or fine pumice.

The same technique can be used for stencil painting. We cut out the necessary stencils from cardboard - these can be butterflies, flowers or letters. If the wall newspaper is dedicated to Valentine's Day, then hearts are perfect. We apply the stencil to whatman paper and apply pencil powder on top of it. The effect is simply amazing! This technique is ideal for decorating wall newspapers for children's parties, and the children themselves will be happy to take part in its creation.

Using watercolors, a toothbrush and a plastic comb you can create interesting speckles. Wet in water toothbrush, dip it in watercolor, and sharply draw it along the teeth of the comb, holding it over whatman paper.

How to design a wall newspaper is not a difficult question if you show a little imagination.

IN different times wall newspaper used as a means of informing a small group of people about something. One way or another, each of us at least once in our lives is faced with the need to release it. It has not lost its popularity today, not only in schools and universities, but also in some organizations.

What does the process of publishing a wall newspaper usually look like? Yes, very simple. Take a sheet of A1 format, paints, markers, everything is drawn, drawn, written. This is a rather labor-intensive process, so why not use a computer for this purpose? It’s worth downloading the Office program and starting creating, especially since in the electronic version you can correct and swap components, which paper does not allow. Such a newspaper will be more modern and colorful.

Before you start creating a wall newspaper, you need to decide what it will contain, how all the components will be located on the wall newspaper.

The first thought that stops people from creating a wall newspaper on a computer, about where to find a printer that will print this format. There are two options: take it electronic variant to a copy center or print it in A4 format and then glue all the parts together (I don’t recommend it).

The most popular application is Word, but it is impossible to design a newspaper in A1 format. It turns out that it is very convenient to work in Excel, since this application can divide the working grid into sheets of the required size. To see the sheet boundaries, you need to go to the Printing section. Now you can set the fields and start preparing the layout.

If you zoom out, it should look something like this:

The area of ​​the future wall newspaper is highlighted in yellow.

First, note the location of the main sections, photographs, pictures, diagrams and other points. Then improve each area using image adjustments, a variety of shapes, drawing and writing tools, and more. Also when creating wall newspapers, they can be useful

How can you make your own birthday posters?

Most of us associate birthdays with fun, smiles from loved ones and delicious birthday cake. But in order for such family celebration had the right atmosphere; it must be supplemented with bright balloons, candles and, of course, hand-made posters, wall newspapers and collages. We will tell you how to do them correctly in our article.

How to make a birthday poster for your friend and sister from sweets and treats?

Birthday poster for friend and sister made from sweets and treats

Ideas for curls

Poster ideas: rose

Poster ideas: forget-me-not

Poster ideas: leaves

If you want to truly surprise your close friend or sister, then try making a poster for her from sweet treats. To make such a gift, you can use a variety of candies and marmalades that have packaging, lollipops and even chewing gum.

In addition, you will definitely need a large Whatman paper or a simple sheet of white paper, glue, multi-colored pencils, felt-tip pens and paints. Once all this is prepared, you can safely begin making your masterpiece.


  • Initially, take an ordinary pencil and mark the approximate places where your sweets will subsequently be glued.
  • The next step is to create a festive border for your poster. To do this, you can use both paints and ordinary colored pencils.
  • Draw beautiful flowers, leaves or just curls along the edge of the leaf. You can see how this can be done in the templates located a little higher.
  • When this is finished, you can start gluing the sweets. Lubricate their packaging with glue and apply it to Right place. After they have dried, you can begin to further decorate your surprise.
  • On last stage decorate your poster with interesting inscriptions. These can be congratulations in prose or poetry, or simply funny phrases, which the birthday girl will definitely like.

Lettering ideas for a greeting poster:

  • I wish you wow and never oho-ho
  • To ugh very few things have visited you in your life
  • I wish you an interesting life without anger, greed and troubles
  • The most beautiful, kind and dazzling

How to make a birthday poster for your friend and sister out of chocolates?

Birthday poster for a friend made from chocolates

Poster for sister's birthday made from chocolates

If you decide to give your beloved friend a poster made of chocolates, then choose sweets that are small in size to create a gift masterpiece. Of course, if you really want to, you can glue a standard chocolate bar onto the paper. But still remember that there can only be one of them on the poster (or, in extreme cases, two).

If you try to fix a large number of standard chocolates on a poster, it will not look very nice. You need to start making such a poster by designing the correct background.

  • To do this, you will need to take a sheet of white paper of the desired size and simply paint it as carefully as possible.
  • The color and brightness of the background will depend solely on what kind of chocolates you use.
  • But no matter what background color you choose, remember that, if possible, it should harmonize well with the color of the chocolate wrappers.
  • Ideally, it should just be a complementary element to your poster. Once the background is applied to the sheet, you can begin to fix the chocolates on it.

Ideas for inscriptions for chocolates:

  • Twix- I want us to be inseparable all our lives
  • Bounty- I wish you a heavenly and sweet life
  • Mars- with such a sister (friend) it’s not scary to fly and...
  • Kit-Kat- find time for us to relax together
  • M&M's. - let your life be bright and full of pleasant moments

Beautiful poster, collage wall newspaper for a sister and friend’s birthday with photos: templates, ideas, photos

Poster template

As you probably already understood, if desired, anyone can easily surprise a close friend or sister. In order to do this original gift, like a poster, collage or wall newspaper, you only need imagination and a small amount decorative material. A poster with photographs can be additionally decorated with various kinds of flowers, bows or any other decorations.

Yes, and remember, if you want your loved one to definitely like your creation, then be sure to make it in some style. You can also leave a few if you wish. empty seats, and then invite the guests present at the celebration to write down their wishes and thoughts.

Please know that a poster, collage or wall newspaper with photographs does not have to be square or rectangular in shape. If you wish, you can make them in the shape of a circle, flower or heart. You just have to remember if your present is not entirely standard form, then it is best to use small or medium-sized photographs to design it.

Tips for making a presentation with photographs:

  • This gift will look better if you make a frame for it. It can be made from thicker cardboard, simply painting it black or Brown color, or glue a foam baguette onto paper.
  • For such a gift, choose photos that share the same theme. It might just be yours joint photos or those that depict only one birthday girl.
  • If you wish, you can give the photographs a more original shape or make the most vivid and memorable background for them.

How to draw a poster, wall newspaper for the birthday of your best friend, sister on whatman paper?

Holiday poster idea #1

Holiday poster idea #2

Holiday poster idea #3

If you want to surprise the birthday girl with a painted gift, then prepare whatman paper, paints, pencils and get down to business. First of all, think about what you would like your masterpiece to look like in the end, and only after that proceed directly to drawing. In this case, it is extremely important to adhere to a specific style.

If you have already started drawing a bear, bunny or fox, then simply complement them with balloons, a cake and a beautiful festive inscription. Don’t forget that in this case, your surprise may have a background, the main thing is that it is less catchy and does not attract all the attention.

On a congratulatory poster or wall newspaper you can draw:

  • Flowers
  • Animals
  • Hearts
  • Sweets
  • Asterisks
  • Candles
  • Butterflies
  • Multi-colored flags

Beautiful greeting poster, collage, wall newspaper for your friend’s birthday with your own hands: templates, ideas, photos

DIY greeting poster, collage, wall newspaper for a friend’s birthday

Template #1

Template No. 2

You probably already realized that in order to make a beautiful greeting poster or collage you need to have a little patience and, of course, imagination.

After all, in order for your gift to look festive in the end, it must be made according to certain rules. It will be better if it is designed in some theme or style that your loved one likes.

Styles of greeting collages, wall newspapers or posters:

  • Modern. It assumes that the poster or wall newspaper will be painted with simple compositions, under which congratulations or simply pleasant words will be placed.
  • Comic. In this case, you can try to design your poster the same way as in real comics. For example, you can depict the story of your friendship or some moment from a common pastime.
  • Internet meme. It will appeal to those birthday girls who spend a lot of time on the World Wide Web. All you have to do in this case is simply print out a few of the most popular Internet jokes and remake the inscriptions that are under them into holiday ones.
  • Portrait. Try to draw abstract portrait hero of the occasion and simply decorate your masterpiece with festive tinsel. Yes, and such a poster must be framed.
  • Recognizable style. In this case, you can take any famous drawing as the basis for your poster and simply add original details and holiday greetings to it.

    Happiness poster

    Beautiful and original poster for congratulations loved one can be done without additional drawing. In this case, you will need photographs of the hero of the occasion, bright magazine clippings, scissors and glue.

    You can try to depict with the help of all this everything that you wish for your beloved sister. For example, if she does not have her own home, then you will need to find a beautiful and large cottage in a magazine, paste it on a poster and place a photo of your loved one next to it.

    Types of greeting collages:

    • Family. In this case, you will need to paste exclusively your family photos, and then mark words cut out from magazines underneath them. But keep in mind that they should be as warm and pleasant as possible. This could be, for example, happiness, luck, love, tenderness or affection.
    • Poster-wishes. In this case, you will have to find pictures that will symbolize the birthday girl’s dreams and, with the help of other pictures, show how you can achieve what you want.
    • Wall newspaper made from magazine clippings. Try creating from bright pictures a whole story. You can try to show with pictures how dear your sister is to you or talk about her best character traits.

    Birthday greetings and wishes texts for best friend and sister for poster

    Texts of congratulations and birthday wishes

    Remember, for greeting posters and collages, short and succinct congratulations and wishes are suitable, which will fit into small openings between pictures or photos.

    If you want to place a large congratulation on them, then set aside one part for it and somehow additionally highlight it, for example, with a bright painted border or just any decorative material.

    Texts of congratulations and wishes:

    • Dear sister! I wish that all troubles and misfortunes bypass you, and that luck will always be your companion. Always bloom and rejoice, and warm me with warmth, my dear man.
    • Sister, on your birthday I want to wish you all the best. Bright sun overhead, no roads sharp turns and unexpected convolutions and, of course, good health, both mental and physical.
    • My beloved and irreplaceable friend! I wish you to be that magnet that attracts only happiness, luck, health and love. Be happy my dear!
    • I wish that the smile never leaves your face, and that luck will always be with you. Let it be yours internal energy and continues to flow like an endless fountain, thereby helping you overcome the most difficult obstacles with ease.

    Video: Original birthday poster

You will need

  • - Whatman paper;
  • - colour pencils;
  • - paints;
  • - brushes;
  • - sponge;
  • - toothbrush and comb;
  • - templates and stencils.


To make the wall newspaper stand out as a bright spot on the wall, you need to make the background colored. Design “romantic” issues with watercolors in the style of a wet leaf. Wet the Whatman paper with water using a clean sponge. Press the corners to prevent the sheet from curling. Dip your brush into water and pick up paint. Draw lines and put dots. Fancy stains form on a wet sheet. Change the paint so that the colors flow smoothly into each other.

You can find a use for old colored pencils. Remove the lead from the pencil and rub it on a sharpening stone. You will get colored powder, carefully collect it and pour it into clean empty jars or compartments in the palette. Dip cotton pads or balls into this powder and rub into a piece of paper in a circular motion. Combine color spots as you see fit.

To create your next wall newspaper background, you will need a toothbrush and a plastic comb. Mix watercolor with water in a separate jar, dip into the solution ( rich color) toothbrush. Run the bristles along the teeth of the comb so that the paint is splashed across the entire sheet of whatman paper. Let the previous one dry before applying another coat.

If you only have colored pencils at your disposal, you can design the background as a canvas. But only fairly thin paper is suitable for this technique. Take a piece of fabric with a pronounced texture (burlap, matting) and place it under the sheet. Use colored pencils to stroke the paper to reveal the structure. Use similar colors for a more natural feel, such as blue and light blue or brown and beige.

Buy a set of stencils to quickly create lots of flowers, hearts or stars that can be applied with different colors of paint. Use different figures, silhouettes and toys to make the design of your wall newspaper original. You can also cut out the desired shape from cardboard. Hold the model on a piece of whatman paper so that it does not move. Rub colored powder around it with a cotton ball or sprinkle thick paint with a toothbrush. You will end up with a white figure with a colored cloud around it.

Try making your own stamps and seals from . Cut the tuber in half and cut out some shapes on these parts. Dip your homemade stamp into gouache and apply it to the wall newspaper. Paint colors can be mixed.

Using these techniques, you can quickly and beautifully design the release of a leaflet that is beloved by all your colleagues.


  • Design of wall newspapers. Useful tips
  • how to decorate posters

In order to create an original whatman and give the future wall newspaper a special style, you need to use all your imagination and don’t be shy creative ideas. Bold design decisions whatman It will allow you to make your work stand out from the rest, and the use of available materials will help you recommend yourself as a worthy craftsman with an original design style.

You will need

  • Whatman paper, gouache, pencils, felt-tip pens, photographs, colored paper, ribbons, fabrics, cereals and other materials for creating texture.


Decide on your topic. If the newspaper is intended to highlight scientific achievements, a strict statement of facts, then when designing it would be appropriate to use photographs of the winners (awards, as well as images of associative images associated with scientific achievement or victory).

Use available materials to decorate your wall newspaper. For example, for variety, you can make an interesting texture for a wall newspaper. To do this, use (wheat cereal and other available means): apply to whatman glue, occupying the desired area, and pour cereal on top of the glue. Let the glue dry. Afterwards, shake off any excess cereal with whatman A.

Come up with an original (catchy) name for your newspaper and design it creatively. To do this, take or draw layouts of your letters on colored paper and carefully cut them out from colored paper or fabric. If this idea seems too time-consuming to you, design the title of the newspaper by drawing the title or using felt-tip pens ().

Use for decoration whatman and a variety of ribbons, decorative ropes, fabric. Such materials will help create a special style for your future wall newspaper. You can use fabric (for example, or) glued to reverse side whatman a, change (round) the shape whatman and, set the right mood for your wall newspaper. So, an ordinary mesh will add romanticism - extravagance and originality.


When preparing whatman paper, initially think through your work strategy. Define a style and follow it throughout creative process. It is better to use a pencil and make the necessary sketches. Otherwise, you risk ruining both the material and the mood.

Helpful advice

If you decide to use cereals to decorate the paper, a combination of several textures will look more original. For example, you can combine wheat cereal and semolina. In this case, you can color the resulting textures different colors(using gouache).


Wall newspaper as a type of communication in any team has undeservedly lost its relevance compared to the last decades last century. However, today, with the help of a wall newspaper, you can rally staff, inform employees or classmates about major events and events or simply create interesting element corporate culture.

You will need

  • - Paper;
  • - colored paper;
  • - photos;
  • - felt-tip pens.


Think carefully about what information you want to present in the wall newspaper. First of all, it depends on its purpose. If this is a regular publication in your team, you can make several permanent sections and fill the rest of the space depending on the occasion. Keep in mind that readers are unlikely to linger too long in front of the wall newspaper. Therefore, the information provided should be concise, clear and preferably witty.

Take a thick sheet of A1 paper and divide it into several conditional zones. Place the name at the top in the middle to attract attention. Make frames to highlight the rubrics, as well as one large frame around the perimeter of the sheet.

Place the most in the center important information, highlighting it in a larger font. You can also vary the background of each section by printing it on paper different shades. If you plan to maintain permanent sections, use the same background, frames, and fonts for them.

In each section, add a photo or image related to the topic. Dry text will be much more difficult to read. Use, create interesting things on your computer using graphic editors.

You can draw attention to information not only with the help of colors and fonts. Place especially interesting information generally outside the scope of the main sheet. For example, if one of the employees is often late and constantly explains, glue them in one line, roll them up and stick them at the bottom of the wall newspaper. Every reader will definitely pay attention to this element, unfold it and read it.

It is not difficult to draw a wall newspaper on mathematics; it is difficult to appropriately use all the material you have and place it in the correct sequence. If you show a little imagination, skill and knowledge, your wall newspaper on mathematics will turn out to be interesting and educational.

You will need

  • - whatman paper in A1 or A2 format;
  • - pencils;
  • - felt-tip pens;
  • - paints;
  • - glue;
  • - scissors.


Determine a location for the newspaper's name. If this is a regular wall newspaper, please indicate the date and serial number. If a wall newspaper has permanent symbols, it should be displayed to the left of the newspaper name. The name of the newspaper can be located not only in the center; it is important that it stands out with the size of the font and the brightness of the letters. If you like the design of the layout, it’s time to start the main work.

Take a sheet of A1 or A2 format. Write or draw the name of the newspaper. The name of the newspaper depends on what age it is intended for. If it is “Fun Counting” or “Learn to Count”, for older students “Cognitive Science” or “Math for You”.

Print out all the materials that you plan to place in your wall newspaper and place them on the sheet. You will immediately see all the advantages and disadvantages of the newspaper. Each material must have its own place and be separated from other material by at least a couple of centimeters, otherwise everything will merge into the general background. First decide where the main materials and designs will go, and only then arrange everything else.

Be sure to highlight with frames or headbands those places in the wall newspaper that are most important for perception. Many interesting materials will not be noticed if they are poorly designed. Use photographs and drawings, they will help diversify your wall newspaper and make it more colorful.


Don't overload newspapers with notes and drawings.

Helpful advice

Use cut-out paper as a basis for notes. geometric shapes.

Children are faced with the need to write a wall newspaper in kindergarten, at school, and in health camps. First of all, a wall newspaper should be information-rich and colorful. Don’t forget about the aesthetic component when designing this type of publication. To perfectly design a wall newspaper, you should know certain rules and follow the recommendations of people knowledgeable in this case.


If there are guys in your team who compose poetry or write articles ( we're talking about older), assign them topics to write copyright creative works(sketches, essays, miniatures, poems, etc.). So, releasing by March 8, they can somehow original (in poetic form or with the help of comics) congratulate mothers, educators or teachers, parents and those who are next to them (in the same group kindergarten or in one).

Select design team members as well. These guys should be able to draw well or write beautifully. If small children do not yet know how to write, let them tell you out loud about their vision of the newspaper and their statements in it, all you have to do is write it all in your own hand.

Also appoint those who will be responsible for computer support (selection of necessary materials and illustrations via the Internet, possibly formatting text on a computer, etc.). Junior schoolchildren Nowadays they already know how to cope with this without difficulty.

Hold a meeting of the editorial board at which you will discuss all the collected material and their distribution in the wall newspaper. Keep in mind that in order to be successful and not be boring and uninteresting, you need to competently alternate illustrations or photographs with information material and various creative tasks(puzzles, crosswords, riddles, charades, etc.).

If you decide to decorate a wall newspaper for March 8, prepare photographs of mothers in advance, glue them to the wall newspaper and sign wishes for them and congratulations on the holiday under them. The wall newspaper will look very interesting and touching if, under the photographs, the children continue the phrase “My mother is the most...”

If the wall newspaper is dedicated to someone, then invite the children to draw a flower with many bright petals, on which you can place photographs of all the children in the class or kindergarten group, and place an image of the birthday boy in the center. Ask everyone to say out loud or write on a wall newspaper a few words of wishes for him. Such a leaf is probably still for a long time will be in the most visible place of the birthday boy and will delight him, because he will remember that he has many true friends.