Captions for joint photographs. How to caption an image

Tired of “Best regards” and want something new? The team at MediaDigger, a platform that automates the storage of a contact database and makes it possible to send mass personalized emails, has made a selection of alternative signatures with which you can end your email. After all, no matter what, email is still the main method business communication:

1. Best regards– For lovers of the classics. The safest option.

2. Sincerely yours– There is something in this, but not everyone can afford such a signature. You need to be and look a certain way.

3. C Best wishes – A little less formal and applicable in a business letter.

4. Just enter a name– Quite suitable, especially in cases where there is an active exchange of letters.

5. Your initials– This is also acceptable, but the question arises: why couldn’t you just write your name in full, and that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.

6. Have a nice day– For a final letter, when you don’t expect to hear anything else from your interlocutor during the day, it’s quite suitable.

7. Have a great week– The same as “ have a good day”, only if you don’t communicate anymore within a week.

8. Best regards– English version “with respect.” The safest for business communication. Some Russian speakers only use this signature. In principle, this is acceptable, but if you communicate a lot with foreigners and everyone knows this. Otherwise it looks a little strange.

9. Kind regards– The same as best regards, but a little less formal.

10. With friendly greetings“We’ve never seen anything like this, but we’ve heard about it.” I just want to say that they called from the 70s and asked to return the signature to them.

11. See you later– In case you have agreed on a meeting in the near future and emphasize that you remember about it.

12. Good luck in your difficult task!– This signature can be used when you tried to help someone (or were unable to do so), and are trying to somehow cheer up the interlocutor.

13. Sent from iPhone– It’s possible to somehow explain why there may be typos in the letter, but it may seem that you are bragging about your phone model.

14. Sent from a smartphone– Safer than “sent from iPhone”: the interlocutor understands that you wrote from your phone and the auto-correct could have made typos, while you are not showing off your phone.

15. Thank you for your attention– This phrase is best left for those who are trying to sell you something.

16. Thank you– If you are truly grateful, then you can. But you shouldn’t sign every letter like this when you give instructions to someone. This will give off an orderly tone.

17. With perfect respect– For those who like to stand out. A little romantic and pretentious.

18. Please think about nature before you print this letter.– First of all, you shouldn’t tell anyone off. Secondly, this inscription can sometimes be longer than the text of the letter itself. Thirdly, is anyone still printing letters these days?

19. Ready for service- Hmmm. Simply no.

20. With love– It’s nice and acceptable if you’ve known each other for a long time.

21. All the best– This is more suitable if you do not expect to communicate with someone in the near future.

22. I kiss you deeply– It’s quite suitable for family and loved ones.

23. With fatherly tenderness– You can, but only if you are really a father and have just learned what the Internet is.

24. Yours forever– It’s better to leave this for the registry office.

25. Have a nice weekend“This is usually written by those who are diligently trying to spoil them for you by sending a letter at the end of the working day on Friday indicating the things that need to be done. In general, it’s possible, but only when you don’t burden someone, otherwise it smacks of sarcasm.

26. Warm regards– It is acceptable if you used to address each other as “comrade”, but not for everyone else.

27. Your humble servant– It strongly smacks of sycophancy and it’s hard to imagine a situation where this would really be appropriate.

28. Sincerely devoted to you– The same problems as “Your humble servant.”

29. With hope for further fruitful cooperation– A little long, but acceptable, for example, for the first letter, when writing to a stranger.

30. Kisses– If you write to your other half, then it is permissible.

Do you know any other options? Write to us at

The social network Instagram has become very popular over the years. recent years. This is largely due to the format of the news presentation, which always contains a photo with a caption at the bottom. This is extremely convenient for ordinary users and advertisers, since beautiful images attract attention. However, many people have problems with drawing up signatures, and therefore this field is often left empty.

Is it necessary to write captions for photos on Instagram?

This question is quite logical, since using text on a social network designed for posting photos may seem strange. This is exactly the opinion that most newcomers have when they first learn about the ability to add captions to photos on Instagram.

However, having become acquainted with the largest and most famous accounts of this social network, you will notice that the signature field is never left empty. This is due to the ability to write in it not only simple text, but also so-called hashtags, by which you can find this or that content. The format of this element is a # sign and the word immediately after it, without a space, which carries a reference to the photo above. You can figure out this function quite quickly, but it is worth remembering that you should not overuse these tags and use overly complex expressions. The simpler and clearer it is, the better for your account.

Where to get an idea for a signature

Come up with interesting signatures It may not be so easy to access photos on Instagram, so you have to turn to third-party sources. In most cases, a statement from a book or simply famous words. However, photographs on Instagram also require originality, since not everyone is interested in reading repeated words over and over again in different accounts.

To correctly compose a caption for a photo on Instagram, first of all you should decide on the initial topic, which should be related to the photo you are writing for. After this, you can turn to third-party sources that will serve as inspiration or a basis for compiling a full-fledged text. If you have problems with your essay, you can resort to the simplest replacement of words with synonyms or retelling the sentence while maintaining the original idea.

What language should the photo be signed in?

Often Russian-speaking users use captions for photos on Instagram on English language. Some people find this kind of thing beautiful or use it as an opportunity to attract foreign users. There is nothing negative in this style, and it is quite acceptable if the posted photo contains materials that refer to foreign figures or elements. However, this may slow down the development of the account in the native market, which is undesirable when promoting your own brand created for a specific country.

If the account owner has poor knowledge foreign language, then you should resort to the help of third-party sources and take a ready-made quote or statement. Using online translators Problems may arise due to incorrect or simply crooked translation, which will only spoil the impression of outsiders about the account owner. Also, do not forget about the use of foreign hashtags, which will also attract the attention of foreign audiences. The rules for working with tags remain the same (brevity and clarity).

The connection between the picture and the caption

One of the main nuances that can cause a negative reaction towards the user is a gross discrepancy between the content of the caption to the photo on Instagram and the image itself. This phenomenon becomes especially noticeable with famous sayings, left under frivolous photographs of girls or men. Such captions under photos on Instagram attract serious negative comments and lead to an outflow of subscribers when used frequently.

To avoid getting into a similar situation, try to use only words that match or at least do not contradict the content of the image. This may seem strange to some, since signatures are rarely paid attention to, but this does not work for popular accounts.

Should I add hashtags to my caption?

This element has already been mentioned in previous paragraphs as a convenient tool for attracting an audience. However, users often use it incorrectly, adding all sorts of words and entire sentences under the hashtag sign. Initially, the purpose of this tool was to simplify the search for material of interest. Examples: Instagram captions for photos with a hashtag may include one word:

“Animals”: ​​By entering this word in the search box, other users expect to see animals, discarding extraneous material.

"Autumn": Users may be looking for paintings from this time of year.

If the photograph does not contain the declared element, this may cause disapproval from the audience.

Keep in mind that using long, multi-word expressions doesn't make sense because it's unlikely that anyone will type that into the search box.

Is it possible to use other people's quotes in your signature?

This kind of borrowing is very common on all social networks, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, before using something like this as a caption for photos on Instagram, find out the author of the words and indicate the appropriate icon, after which you need to write down the name of the author.

When resorting to citation, you should pay attention to classical works, thanks to which you can demonstrate your knowledge of literature. Various new books are not so preferable, since rarely any of them can contain truly interesting and serious thoughts and conclusions.

Also, don't forget about films. Excerpts from dialogues as captions for photographs on Instagram will make sense when used as a picture of a frame or some reference to the specified film.

Which is better: your own words or someone else’s statements for a signature?

Accurately determine the best option in in this case can be difficult. At first glance, the expression own opinion As a caption for Instagram photos, it meaningfully attracts the audience, but this only works if the thoughts expressed are truly interesting. Unfortunately, this is quite rare, and many users record simple ideas by using abstruse words, which can only lead to misunderstanding and condemnation from other users.

Using other people's expressions, especially famous personalities, maybe the most optimal choice for most. This is due to the fact that thoughts famous figures attract serious attention and are highly respected. However, you shouldn’t take the first words you come across and pass them off as great idea. Such a trick will be quickly discovered and will lead to a decrease in popularity and respect from others.


As examples for photographs of yourself and a friend (if present), you can use simple expressions, in accordance with the content of the text “Me and Victoria near the university” or “Dinner with best friend". There can be many options, depending on the situation.

Also, don’t forget about well-known and not so well-known sayings, for example:

"Don't lose your feelings, they are your guide to the truth."

“A loved one is more important than grievances and principles.”

“Family is when you can tell who is coming by the sound of their steps.”

"Until you learn how to handle the oars, there is no use changing the boat."

Brief conclusions

Coming up with interesting and original photo captions can be quite difficult in the beginning. For beginners, there are several ways to achieve their goal. They may consist of using third-party sources at first, with a gradual transition to compiling independent content. Or initially start by writing your own captions for photos on Instagram with meaning, even if at first they are not as ideal as you would like, but with experience the necessary skill will come.

At the same time, do not forget about the basic rules for writing a signature, which include compliance with the theme of the image and literacy. Hashtags, which can be indicated at the end of the signature, also play a significant role. You should not overuse them or use large phrases and sentences under the sign of a hashtag. To compose a beautiful signature, just follow these rules.

Have you already started looking for gift options for your loved ones? I would like to suggest making a photo book. Such a gift will remain relevant forever, unlike various figurines and other little things. And I, in turn, will show beautiful phrases about love that you can write in it.

Types of photo books I have created

I'll start from the beginning and recommend an excellent service for printing such photo albums in UkraineCyfrolab. I published all my works there. Simplicity in preparing and submitting layouts, speed and quality of execution - this is very important to me. They do everything on time and there have never been any complaints about the service. The company is located in Lviv, but they deliver their products without problems to any city in Ukraine.

Photobook as a gift for your loved one

My interest in such albums arose about 5 years ago, when I was preparing birthday gift for my boyfriend. The book was simple. Some photos he took. And some photo collages I made. I was more interested in the format of the gift rather than the contents. It was something new and interesting.

Children's photo book for girls

The second one I made for a friend with her little daughter. This photo album was already more complicated. Almost every page there was a collage. The photos were mine, I came to visit on purpose and took a lot of pictures with the girl.

Children's photo book for girls

The third one was also for children. Gift for baby's first year. I made it for a friend. I chose a new printing format for me - SlimBook .

The result exceeded all my expectations. The quality of the photo book was simply excellent. I decided to do all subsequent books only in this format.

Children's photo book for a boy

Wedding photo book

The fourth was about love. I also made it as a gift for friends with their wedding photos . It took me a long time to start cooking it. It seemed like there were photos and some ideas for collages, but I couldn’t find them for a very long time captions for photos about love. For me it was not a small thing, I wanted to do something interesting.

Wedding photo book

I looked for them for a long time. I've watched a lot quotes famous people about love, funny nursery rhymes on this topic, phrases from songs, but everything was not inspiring. I found a lot of what I really liked on Pinterest. True, the options were in English. It was not difficult to translate a few words in a sentence, and the result was exactly what I was looking for. And something was found in Russian.

Now I’m sharing my find, maybe it will be useful to someone too.

Beautiful phrases about love

These words can be used as signatures:

  • under the photos
  • for wedding photos
  • to the photo in the album
  • to photos with my husband
  • under the photo with your loved one

Well, or your option. Each phrase can be a great addition with great meaning.

Please leave your review or comment. I'm very interested in your opinion!

We are selling original scripts holidays at low prices from 99 rubles. In our online store you will find complete holiday SHOW programs and mini-sketches, or competitions that can be used to diversify a large scenario.

The most popular sections of our store:

  • New Year- scripts New Year's corporate events and performances for children, as well as short skits and musical fairy tales based on roles. Special attention We pay attention to preparing scenarios with the symbols of the year according to eastern calendar. For example, 2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat. And we are already preparing a lot of shows for adults, with the release of the Mouse and farewell to the Pig. For children we create interactive New Year's theatrical performances with the participation of Mice and Rats. For example: “About Shapoklyak and Rat Lariska.” Our materials can be used in recreation centers, at the Christmas tree, cafes, schools, at work in the office, in home environment. New on our website - New Year's quests for a fun search for gifts.

  • Anniversary and birthday are perhaps the largest section of our website. Here we have collected a collection of detailed celebration scenarios for anniversaries, as well as comic dramatizations in poetry and prose for congratulations from guests with or without dressing up. Among the sketches there are from one person and several, from colleagues, relatives, children, friends. We also write custom ditties and congratulations for the hero of the day.

  • A wedding is a very bright event in life, so the preparation of the wedding celebration should take place according to a beautiful and original plan. We write long entertainment programs with congratulations for the newlyweds, joke scenes from guests, humorous tales of love based on roles, and we also rework the lyrics to the tunes you choose. Such a program turns out to be original, unique, and if the script is written to order, then it is also very individual.

  • March 8 is the day when men congratulate women with funny skits and prepare a corporate party according to our scenarios, including various gags, dressing up appearances, funny parodies, jokes, gentle romantic poems for ladies. Buy fresh material from us and surprise your fair sex colleagues!

  • February 23 - page with scenarios for the strong half of humanity - ours dear men, in connection with Defender of the Fatherland Day. Fresh humorous skits are offered to help presenters, complete programs corporate party with cool numbers.

  • May 9 - soulful concerts for schoolchildren and adults on Victory Day. In connection with the 74th anniversary of Great Victory thematic programs for congratulating veterans, performances for adult and children's audiences, containing fresh poems by modern authors touching to tears, mini-performances, the best and rare songs of the war years.

  • Graduation and last call- a favorite category of our visitors who are preparing graduation celebrations in schools and kindergartens. We offer not only detailed scripts, but also comic mini-skits, cool songs-remakes based on modern motifs, for example: Svetlana Loboda (Superstar) and Tim Belorusskikh (Forget-Me-Not) - they break all records in popularity.

  • September 1 - section with festive performances for the Day of Knowledge, for opening ceremonial lineup, with congratulations and parting words for first-graders, teachers and children of other classes. The section is filled with comic mini-skits for performing at school.

  • Mother's Day is a special catalog of scenarios for performances, skits and congratulatory programs for our beloved mothers, dear grandmothers, to ease the fate of the presenters and save their time.

  • Teacher's Day - scripts with congratulations and skits from students, warm words of gratitude to teachers, respect and recognition of the great profession - teacher!

  • Day of the Elderly - new programs for recreational centers, rural and urban leisure clubs, school theater actors, performances for preschool educational institutions, with wishes to grandparents for good health, with sincere songs, comic skits and ditties!
  • We also have scripts for other holidays: Valentine's Day, child protection, professional holidays(day of a builder, trader, doctor, driver, etc.). Wide variety of events and plays for school theater: For summer camp, on KVN, scripts sporting events, for Health Day, on the topics of traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, protection surrounding nature.
    We did not ignore the preparation for Easter, Maslenitsa, the day of family, love, and fidelity, the day of Russia.

    To help the hosts of the holidays, we develop ready-made scripts with a selection of music tracks that contain adaptation songs, skits and impromptu fairy tales, funny horoscopes, a variety of competitions, games, quizzes with questions and answers. Such programs are especially popular during the New Year, on birthdays and anniversaries, and at weddings.

    If you do not find a suitable script or scene in our store, then do not rush to leave. We will definitely help you and write custom material in short time. To contact us you can use the form feedback on the website or write by email: ZAKAZ@site.

    The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to meet often, but thanks to social networks we can share beautiful and interesting moments life from a photo. Comments on photos are very popular and can convey the mood of those in the frame or lift it up for those looking at the photo.
    A good comment is better than any compliment and the most wonderful assessment of the photographer and those caught in the lens. We will help you choose the right words for the most impressive shots!

    Thank you for adding to:

    The photo doesn't convey how amazing you look in real life! But thanks to her I can see you more often))

    Your photo lifts my spirits and gives me the opportunity to admire you whenever I want.

    You don't change, but you change every photo of yourself for the better! Simply great!

    A combination of charm and photogenicity! This shot is fantastically cool!

    You know how to surprise! Each frame amazes with its love of life and charm. Your appearance is a magnet for any lens.

    Stop for a moment, you are wonderful! Thank you for the pleasure of the eyes with such a shot!

    * * *

    Such a great moment captured! Well done for trying to capture the best memories.

    Glad to see you. You are changing for the better. Are you getting younger? Will you share a secret?

    This photo can be used to decorate exhibitions. Very emotional and impressive.

    Here you are all so interesting and real - a shot taken from life for a bright memory of the best moments!

    It's nice to see that you live well) The photo managed to convey your great mood and raise it to me.

    Oh, what a photo! Athletes will envy your figure, and the best fashion designers will envy your suit!

    We don't know you personally, but in these beautiful eyes I was able to see a crystal clear soul and true charm!

    Your smile is like a magnet. I want to look at her without stopping all day long!

    This photo is a work of art... Beautiful background, beautiful surroundings, and you are a real miracle!

    What a look! You will charm everyone, starting with me!

    The more I look at this photo, the more I fall in love... with your beautiful watch!

    Take photos more often, because it’s so nice to look at your profile and full face!

    What a cute face intelligent person! The sparkle in the eyes is visible even in the photo. The nobility of the devil is amazing! You're probably acting in a movie?

    Your photo evokes in me a real storm of emotions, the main one of which is sincere admiration!

    When I look at your photo, I remember everything beautiful that is in the world - the shining sun and the restless sea, the shine of the stars and stormy waterfalls. So you inspire me with your attractive image!

    Beautiful comments for photos

    Post a photo and receive beautiful comments to strive to be photographed more often and remain unforgettable

    Bravo, photographer! Captured and saved a wonderful shot. I love how everything turned out.

    This photo just glows, you can see your energy is as good as your appearance.

    A contented appearance is the product of a prosperous life. I rejoice and smile with you)

    I look at you and enjoy what I see. You are awesome!

    Take photos more often, you look great in photos. I would like to see you in real life as soon as possible))

    You don't have a single boring photo. You are just a godsend for a good shot!

    You are the most beautiful of all, without exaggeration or filters!

    Your photo radiates warmth and looks like it was taken by you best photographer at the most opportune moment.

    When you look at this photo, you want to be there immediately. To experience life's wonderful moments together.

    You radiate light and success. It's impossible to take your eyes off!

    This is the frame! Simply a masterpiece of photography! You pose cooler than all the models and look on point.

    Super. Such moments should not just be photographed, but framed and hung on the wall for everyone to see!

    There is nothing more valuable than memories. Your shots are the main contribution to them!

    I can look at your photo for hours without stopping. It’s so good that there is an opportunity to see your life at least through the prism of a lens.

    A handsome man, radiating success and kindness.

    It's nice to see you happy and satisfied. You are wonderful together and separately!

    The camera definitely loves you)) You always look great in photos!

    You look great in this look. Very impressive and unusual!

    * * *

    You clearly have the makings of a fashion model)) You look natural and gorgeous in any setting!