Comic predictions for the new year. New Year's comic horoscope: how Zodiac Signs celebrate the New Year

How many of you believe in your destiny, in your destiny? Many people believe, and on the eve of the New Year holidays there are even more such people. And this is not surprising - everyone wants to know what the next 365 days will bring them. But is it really possible to take astrology and predictions seriously, and even on such a holiday? No! That’s why you need to read a comic horoscope to your guests for the New Year 2019 – the year of the pig. For a cheerful company, such fun will be just a great reason to laugh and raise a glass of champagne to the best time - for the time that has not yet come. See our horoscope options and have fun with the guests who will want to gather at your place for the next holiday.

Comic horoscope from Santa Claus

Who, if not Santa Claus, should tell people about what they will have next year. That is why the first version of such a horoscope will be read by the cheerful Santa Claus.
Dress one of the guests in a suit, give him a beautiful sheet with the forecast and let him read. It will also be great if Santa Claus raises a glass with each of the zodiac signs.

Funny horoscope for 2019 - the year of the pig

The first horoscope was, as it were, general; it can be used from year to year. But this horoscope is only suitable for the year of the pig.
To make this game block bright, you need to dress one guest in the costume of the symbol of the coming year, that is, a pig, and she, the pig, will walk around the guests and read out the horoscope to them on her behalf. Here you can also raise your glasses with your guests and drink to your health and the coming year.

Cool video horoscope

Do you want to play Pavel Globa? It's easy! We have this video. Where the horoscope for the coming year will be shown on the screen. You can imitate a famous astrologer and read what is on the screen. And beautiful music and an incredible background will make it all seem as if there is actually a program about fortune-telling, predictions and horoscopes.

Idea for entertaining guests

To prevent guests from getting bored, come up with as much entertainment as possible. For example, you can predict fate with the help of songs. To do this, you need to collect the necessary songs and cut out the necessary moments from them. At the holiday, approach the guests one by one and invite them to put on Santa Claus's mittens. As soon as the mitten is put on, any excerpt from the song immediately sounds - this is a prediction.
For example, they put on a mitten and then the song comes on: I’m going to live in London!
Or this song: million, million, million... (here you can remove the scarlet roses, because we are talking about money)
The following songs are also suitable:
- oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang...
- I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking at the sun...

Original horoscope for the New Year - household appliances

Have you ever been compared to a household appliance? In this version of the horoscope you can surprise your guests. Each zodiac sign is compared to household appliances and it turns out to be fun and original. Look.

New Year's Eve is a time of gifts, magic, kindness and, of course, good mood. A comic horoscope will tell you what astrologers see as an ideal New Year's Eve for each Zodiac Sign.

This horoscope will show all the weaknesses and vices of the Zodiac Signs through the prism of the New Year. This wonderful time means something different to each of us. Some people want to get blind drunk that night, some want to sleep, and some are ready to do whatever their heart desires, just to have a good time and forget about boring work. How everything will actually happen is only your choice, but how everything can be is a question on which it is difficult to come to a consensus.


Aries and New Year are something that is perfect for each other. The only exception is one interesting fact - Aries are already drunk before midnight. Usually, when everyone’s holiday is just beginning, Aries enters the second circle. Not everyone, of course, can do this, but still. If it were up to Aries, they would become Hindus, whose families have so many nationalities that they celebrate the New Year almost every day.


For Taurus, the magical time from December 31 to January 1 usually gives them the opportunity to take a break from the annoying face of their boss and everyone who is next to them throughout their working hours. If on New Year’s Day Taurus fails to “knock down their tower” and celebrate it properly, then we can assume that the whole year has passed in vain. If you are the culprit that Taurus’s holiday didn’t work out, it’s better not to meet with him later, otherwise it will hurt.


Geminis usually write a letter to Santa Claus after midnight. These people are not famous for pragmatism and good memory. What's more interesting is not what they write the letter, but what they ask for in it. They ask that all the alcohol they managed to drink not kill them before morning. Of course, their request will be fulfilled, but they will never know that the power of the grandfather with a white beard is not to blame for everything.


Representatives of this Zodiac Sign get drunk on New Year's Eve and tell everyone how much they love their loved ones. That is why it is bad when there are more Cancers in the family than other Signs combined, because even the most persistent ones cannot withstand this. Endless toasts and stories about old times are so tiring that you want to die, falling face down in Olivier and covering yourself with a fur coat from the fish.

a lion

Leo makes plans for the New Year quite late, but confidently. Everything seems to be fine, but there is one “but”. If you don't come to Leo's party, he will be offended by you. Naturally, he won’t tell you to your face what he thinks of you, but don’t think that he won’t harbor a grudge against you. For the next couple of months, you will have to walk and look around so as not to miss the blow to the head with something heavy. These people love to party together.


Virgos are always depressed on New Year's Day. These are the most terrible “depressives” of all Zodiac Signs. God forbid that someone offends them - they will sulk and worry all night. Of course, they won’t tell anyone about this, but later they can take serious revenge on you. That is why you should not offend Virgos by killing their mood, which may not exist anyway. If you don't want to wake up with a fork in your eye or broken limbs, then don't mess with them.


Libras try so hard to look good at the festival that they rush to buy decorations in stores, spending all their money. Libra women look like Christmas trees on New Year's Eve, and men are usually dressed so awkwardly, as if they were going to play golf. Very strange people, I must tell you. Libras also don’t know how to drink, so they often become the heroes of funny videos on YouTube.


On New Year's Eve, Scorpios want to complain about this life, because they are not celebrating it the way they would like. When Scorpios make a toast, there will definitely be some indignation in their words at about the moment “I am pleased to be next to you.” In fact, Scorpios want to go somewhere for the New Year and never return. Then this desire releases them, closer to July.


Sagittarians dream of spending the New Year in such a way that everyone says in unison: “Wow!” In mid-January, Sagittarius receives congratulations and wishes for a speedy recovery at the hospital with the words: “Oh, God.” This is all because someone decided to climb a construction crane or jump into a snowdrift from the 5th floor. Sagittarians are usually careful and prudent, but not on New Year's Eve.


Capricorns don't care about the New Year at all. They are above all this celebration, happiness and uncontrollable fun. At such a time, they may even want to go back to work, just to be away from the blue light, the wishes of the president, salads and tangerines. What is the point of celebrating the simple arrival of a new day, month and year. This is why Capricorns are rarely invited to holidays.


Jumping with a parachute, sledding down Everest, diving and touching the bottom of the Mariana Trench, riding a bike through the snowy taiga - this is what real Aquarians want. They intrigue everyone with their crazy ideas like going to the forest for barbecue, but on New Year’s Day everyone refuses, because they understand that this is not what they need. If Aquarians find companions for themselves, they will be very unlucky.


On New Year's Day, Pisces like to pretend that they are all so mysterious. From the outside it looks incredibly funny, so they understand that they need to somehow get out of this situation. They start doing something that leaves everyone in shock. The next morning, Pisces simply wake up and pretend that everything is normal and they can continue to live, but no one knows how to treat them after “this.”

New Year's Eve is something special for each of the Zodiac Signs. This time sheds light on people's true desires, showing their face to the whole world. Someone skillfully hides behind his mask, but sooner or later he will make a mistake. The luckiest Signs get away with it, but some may not have a very sweet time, so be careful. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

At the beginning of the year, under the influence of the Black Moon, Pluto and Saturn, inexplicable doubts may arise about your goals in life and your favorite job. But at the same time, the desire to be liked and to be in demand will become almost an obsession by March. Starting in April, using the power of Uranus and the energy of Jupiter, you will decisively plunge into the whirlpool of business and love passions.

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Photo gallery: Horoscope for the New Year, Aries

Courage, determination, brilliant ideas and immodest desires - all this attracts original, unusual people to you like a magnet. Your “sixth sense” will tell you whether it is worth having something more than a business and friendly partnership with them. June-July will provide you with a lot of opportunities for earning money and self-realization. At this time, it is possible to create a promising business project with relatives. Just write down everything clearly, who is responsible for what and who owns what, so that there are no complaints or grievances later. The article “Horoscope for the New Year, Aries” will tell you what awaits the sign of Aries next year.

For the first half of the year, fate has prepared unpredictable gifts for you. The main surprises that can radically change personal, family, and social life will be presented during the New Year and spring holidays. You will discover new facets of character in yourself and understand what is most important to you. It’s better not to make any plans; under the influence of unpredictable Uranus, everything can change many times.

Until mid-October, you pass Saturn’s exams on the ability to build comfortable relationships with everyone and with yourself. From March 10 to April 20, in the rays of Jupiter it will be easier to move up the career ladder, create a feeling of happiness and peace with your loved one, and receive what is promised and long-awaited. But from June 20 to September 20, the Black Moon will provoke you to completely inappropriate actions.

From June to mid-August, the White Moon in Cancer will create good conditions for strengthening relationships with household members. From September 19, the Black Moon may highlight the unpleasant sides of your character, although if you work on your shortcomings and complexes, this may not happen. From October you will have a tense emotional period at work, which in turn will affect family relationships. The year is full of surprises and interesting transformations. Under the influence of Jupiter and Uranus, some Aries will want to free themselves from the familiar and go to explore unknown countries, while others will undertake to change the world around them and actively teach others minds. If your Aries is the former, don't hold him - you'll only anger him. Let him go, separation will show how much you need each other. If your chosen one is an active reformer, then be prepared for anything. Make sure that the house is a reliable base for him.

In the first half of the year, your Aries will go through fire, water and copper pipes. He will be faced with a choice: who he is - a tyrant or a wise leader, a self-satisfied proud man or a generous patron. She will not be able to overcome this path without your support and love.

This year it will be easier for him to free himself from unnecessary projects and tasks. In the first ten days of February and July, it is better not to make responsible decisions. In the second half of April, a kind of breakthrough in self-realization is possible for those who have already decided on a goal.

Under the influence of Mars, the hottest period for your Aries may fall at the end of April and the first ten days of May. Passions are boiling, adrenaline is raging... Try to channel all this boiling energy into a love game.


In February, a meeting with a foreigner or a romantic relationship abroad may push you to decide to radically change your life. If you take a chance, it is quite possible that you will spend this year abroad, getting to know the culture of another country. From the 20th of March, as a result of the entry of the planet of temptations of the Black Moon and the revolutionary freedom-loving Uranus into the sign of Aries, situations of choice between new and old, good and evil will begin to arise in your life. From the end of July, the White Moon will help you find peace of mind, and you will begin to better understand your loved ones. You will want to create your life with love and joy. From the end of July and throughout the autumn you will be “passion itself”. From March 30 to April 23 and from August 3 to 26, it is better not to sign any agreements, and in general it is better to wait a little while legitimizing relations this year.


For the first half of the year, your family will be a kind of guardian angel for you. Until March, gently avoid offers from relatives to help you financially; at this time it is better not to take anything from them, as this is fraught with trouble. From the end of July it will be easier to feel how your child lives and understand the needs of loved ones. There will be more time for family. Just for this period you can plan a joint vacation. You will be a kind of Sun - the center of the home universe. It depends only on you whether you will burn your loved ones or gently shine on them, gently warming them.


In February, you may be struck by the thought of once again changing your circle of friends, but this is not at all necessary. You can simply come up with a new joint project; you have every opportunity (Uranus in Aries, Chiron in the symbolic house of friendship) for an original and unexpected discovery idea to emerge. Moreover, it is quite obvious that you and your friends have enough strength to realize it in the future and receive, if not financial satisfaction, then honor and fame. Starting in March, expand your circle of contacts with new acquaintances - join a club of foreign language speakers or a community of followers of Eastern traditions. In June there is an opportunity to look at your surroundings differently.


In fact, all year long the energy will not only overwhelm you, but overwhelm you. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you sign up for a gym from the very beginning of the year. Alternating active exercises with quiet techniques for relaxation and concentration will help you manage your fiery temperament. At the end of February - beginning of February, take care of yourself, as you can find yourself in extreme situations with increased injuries. In the first half of April, Pluto, Mars, Uranus and the Black Moon will provoke aggressive actions with an unpredictable outcome. There will be a great many options for spoiling your health this year - both on nervous and gastronomic grounds. At the end of July, be careful about what you eat and drink. September is a good period to take care of your health in a spa salon, sanatorium, etc.


The planet of happiness Jupiter and the planet of revolutionaries Uranus move into the sign of Aries, and you are practically doomed to success. You can achieve a lot if you take the best from them: not aggression, but energy, not arrogance, but generosity, not radicalism, but innovation. In the last ten days of April, opportunities in the field of earnings and profits will begin to increase. Your entrepreneurial spirit will increase, and at the same time the number of gifts. The period will last until the end of the year. From the beginning of June, the financial prospects of people associated with science and education, publishing, as well as those who deal with foreign capital and insurance activities will improve. From the end of July to the end of August, the thirst for profit can play a cruel joke and there will be a temptation to embark on financial adventures and gambling. Do not do that. From October 10 to December 10, solid financial income is possible. Now you know what the horoscope for the new year will be, Aries.

If you want to add some variety to your New Year's celebration, make sure you have some entertainment. An excellent option is comic predictions for the New Year. Funny New Year's prophecies will appeal to family and friends. This game is also suitable for corporate events. I advise you to choose positive and kind options so that no one is offended. In the article you will find humorous forecasts about the future that are appropriate in different companies.

List of comic predictions


The selection begins with predictions about health. Of course, they have a humorous slant, but some can be taken into account.

  • “You won’t get sick in winter if you don’t forget to wear a warm scarf!”
  • “Everything will be ok with your health if you gather friends more often!”
  • “If you harden yourself, you won’t go to the doctor!”
  • “You will strengthen your health in the New Year, and you will conquer any peaks!”
  • “If you lie naked on the ice, then the germ will no longer creep up on you!”
  • “This is how to save yourself from illnesses - do more sports!”
  • “To improve your health, you need to visit the bathhouse!”

Career and work

This year predicts a lot of money and success!
Raise your glass
And may you be lucky!

Are you expecting a miracle in the New Year?!
And the reason sounds like a toast -
Rapid growth in your career awaits you!

If you work like a horse,
Life will not be sweet!
In the New Year there will be a moment for rest,
And for a driving weekend, this is no joke!

In the New Year, cruel jokes are played on colleagues
They will create large gaps in the aura!

The year will bring good luck in work -
You can solve any problem.

Career advancement promises courage -
You will move to the top floor!

Predictions about work in prose will also make the holiday interesting.

  • There are many exciting daily activities awaiting you in the New Year.
  • Already at the beginning of the year you will hear a powerful explosion: your envious people and competitors will burst with envy.
  • After the New Year holidays, you will be attacked by... incredible luck, happiness and prosperity. Resistance won't help.
  • When lateness at work disappears, your wish for a promotion will come true.
  • A budget increase is already expected at the beginning of summer.
  • Look carefully at your step so as not to stray from the successful path.
  • There will be much more finance. Where is your thicker wallet?!

Love and relationships

  • “The Yellow Pig advises not to grieve, because friends will be nearby all year.”
  • “Blood will sparkle in your veins, because love will warm your heart.”
  • “This is the forecast the heavens promise you: in the new year there will be only miracles in life!”
  • “An unusual year awaits: a round dance of love will swirl!”
  • “In the coming year, you will feel like a fish in water everywhere!”
  • “On a sunny deserted beach, your destiny will lie nearby.”
  • “Everything will be fine on the personal front!”
  • “There will be a sea of ​​friends and bright, cheerful days.”
  • “You will have special luck - expect a new addition to your family!”
  • “The year promises to be successful without fail: you will fall in love with two people at the same time!”
  • “You are lucky in life, which means great luck awaits you all year long.”
  • “Be careful about gifts from loved ones: heavy objects can cause bumps on the forehead.”
  • “The New Year will be bright - you will receive many gifts.”
  • “In the New Year, don’t borrow – borrow forever.”

What year will it be

Many people are interested in what 2019 will be like in general. Here are some humorous tips on this topic.

  • “The pig promises good luck and a brand new dacha!”
  • “It will be a very difficult year, because, whatever one may say, it’s hard to carry a suitcase full of money.”
  • “The Pig promises you a lot of happiness and pleasant troubles in the New Year!”
  • “If you are energetic, then the year will be excellent.”
  • “An increase in your income and an exotic holiday in the middle of the year is coming.”
  • “There will be several wonderful days in the coming year: your birthday and each new day that comes.”
  • “Lots of thrills and pleasures.”
  • “From the beginning of the year there will be luck of various kinds.”
  • “The New Year will bring great gifts, and every day will be bright!”
  • “We hasten to disappoint you - your dreams are very modest, but great luck awaits you.”
  • “There will be a reason for joy in the coming year - a new car will appear.”
  • “Can you believe that your cherished dreams will soon come true!”
  • “The Pig is preparing new discoveries and pleasant events for you this year.”
  • “In the New Year you are in full dress - real life in “chocolate” awaits you.

Video story

Hollywood can't even imagine

Various magicians, all-seeing people, fortune tellers and astrologers are very popular. A thoughtful prediction, presented in a comic form, will capture the attention of guests for a long time and make the holiday even brighter. When trying to understand what and how to predict, think about Hollywood, or more precisely, about the names of popular films with an intriguing plot.

To implement the idea, the lights in the room are turned off, only candles and garlands remain, and quiet music is turned on. A glass vase in the shape of a ball is passed around in a circle. Neon lights or garlands are placed at the bottom of the vase, and rose petals cut from corrugated paper are sprinkled on top. One of the following parting words should be written on one side of the petal:

  • This year expects a “big jackpot”.
  • Next summer you will see “Midnight in Paris”.
  • You will soon meet - “Meet the Parents.”
  • You will never be a “third wheel”.
  • This year you will experience “Fatal Attraction”.
  • You will soon find out that you are a “Million Dollar Beauty”.
  • Tomorrow you will have “Sex and the City.”

The number of entries is limited by the imagination of the person who compiled them and the number of films and TV series whose names are part of the joke. Each person at the table can receive several pieces of paper. This idea will make a good game, the winner of which is the one who has more rose petals and, accordingly, more predictions. The reward could be a dance to your favorite song or permission to come up with your own parting words for each participant.

With a song through life

Song lyrics are an inexhaustible source of information. The main ringleader of the holiday approaches each of the guests with a large dish, on which papers with a fortune are scattered in a chaotic manner, and asks to take one of them.

On parchment you can write:

  • Next year he expects: “There are so many separations on earth.”
  • In February you will meet - “Money, money, money.” Always sunny in the rich man’s world.”
  • In the spring you should be careful with - “Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced.”
  • You should beware of a woman with the name - “Natasha, Natasha, my heart and soul.”
  • A stranger will say, “I didn’t know that love could be cruel.”
  • Everyday work will be like: “And I’m going all dressed up in Dolce Gabana.”
  • After the salary increase, you - “Oh, I feel like the girls are going on a spree.”

The choice of song can be anything. The prediction must be listened to carefully. Anyone who can sing the next verse in the song and name the artist will be given a small gift.

Poetic predictions among friends

New Year 2019 is a time for relaxation and rest. To make the holiday more fun, you can please your friends by fulfilling comic predictions in poetic form:

There will be money and success
Sex, girlfriend is the best
Both salary and work,
But there is one concern
If the limousine is new,
He won’t give you a Georgian,
Can't see all these benefits
Somehow it’s like that!

After the holiday party,
Don't forget to buy a cart.
There will be a sea of ​​money soon,
Row them, forgetting about grief.

If you celebrate the New Year you are covered in sour cream, like a cat,
Happiness and success will delight everyone for a long time
So don’t sit here, hurry to the store
And buy not a liter, not two, but a bucket and a half -
Vodka, beer, moonshine, cognac, more liquor,
May these honest people remember the New Year for a long time!

In the New Year, a new salary,
Fur coat, handbag, boots,
A sprig of thorns,
Glory, a little honor.

All wishes will come true,
And there will be success in everything,
But for the sake of great recognition
Tear everyone with your teeth.

There is a danger that colleagues
They'll roll you out on a cart,
So that you will never see such shame,
It’s better to sit in a corner and quietly sip your juice.

This is a prediction for you
Silence will not lead to good,
So that you have success
Sing a song for everyone.

Predictions in prose

Before the start of the celebration, each guest is given 1 prediction. When it is his turn to make a toast, instead of his speech he reads what is written on the piece of paper. It is not recommended to expand the message until the toast itself.

“This year everyone will find a treasure - a spouse’s stash, a bill lost by the boss, a 50-year-old coin that rolled behind the sofa.”

“You will be attacked in the coming year. Among the criminals there will be a stroke of luck that you cannot fight off.”

“Smile more often, and then sign a lucrative contract with the toothpaste manufacturer.”

“Working hard in the Year of the Pig will make you feel like a pilot in a time machine, as it will throw you back into the Year of the Horse.”

“Next year you will win a million dollars, which will allow you to quit your job until next year.”

“Expect strong shocks at the end of the year. Shocked by your success, all envious people and competitors will explode with anger.”

“By giving your other half a diamond ring, you will become as close as possible to your colleagues, since you will have to sleep at work for the rest of the year.”

Make jokes in such a way as not to offend the person, make him smile, and maybe even reflect on the advice he received. Don't predict anything serious. Talking about personal tragedies, lack of money and troubles at work is not something you should think about at the New Year's table.

For a prediction to be truly interesting, it must be designed for specific people. So, if a family of children, young people and elderly people has gathered around the table, then you should clearly refrain from making jokes on intimate topics. The topic could be shared pleasant memories. The theme for children is their favorite fairy tales and cartoons. Not knowing how to make a prediction for an adult, you can look into a book with your favorite poems. Many psychics do this.

Pay attention to the design. Show your imagination and creativity. At the same time, keep in mind that in 2019 the trend will be elegance and simplicity. What are the options for making comic forecasts?

  1. Cookie. The result will be a treat, a reason to have fun, and make the evening more fun.
  2. Postcards in the shape of snowflakes, Christmas trees or Christmas balls. The New Year's prophecy will be written inside.
  3. Bundles with future forecasts in beautiful organza bags. An addition of sweets would also be a great idea.
  4. Paper parcels in a large glass vase so that each guest can dip their hand into it and choose a fun forecast.
  5. Air balloons. This way, guests will be able to burst the balloons and read the forecast about upcoming events.

You can use nut cookies, mini Christmas socks containing packages with prophecies, and place candy wrappers with forecasts on the Christmas trees. The New Year's celebration is bright in itself, and therefore requires compliance in everything. Make sure that the candy wrappers with forecasts are also on topic.

Pay attention to the meaning of the predictions so that they create a festive mood and delight those present. Funny forecasts will make the New Year's party humorous, unpredictable, and bright. You can also use catch phrases from films, catchy titles, song quotes. Eg:

  • “Oh, this wedding, this wedding, this wedding sang and danced...”
  • “...The trailer will move, the platform will remain.”
  • “And I’ll get into a convertible and go somewhere.”
  • “There are millions of chances that everything will come true soon”
  • “A million, a million US dollars, life will be good...”

I hope the holiday will be fun and positive thanks to such interesting entertainment as comic predictions.

The history of the Chinese horoscope goes back at least 4 thousand years. To be interested in his forecasts means to touch upon ancient wisdom, to consider fateful signs in the predictions. What does the Eastern horoscope have in store for 2019 for all representatives of the 12-year cycle?

Advantages and disadvantages of the hostess of the year

The pig is distinguished by its friendly disposition, thriftiness and optimism. She is ready to compromise and loves teamwork. Her shortcomings include: laziness, selfishness and stubbornness, changeable character, weakness to praise and flattery.

According to a beautiful legend, the patrons of each year were animals that were able to swim across the cold river and appear in front of Buddha. The Pig (Boar) was the last. She was not ambitious or resourceful, but she persistently pursued her goal. For this, Buddha made the animal a symbol of the most stable year.


Unexpected events and twists of fate are possible in the first two months. But the year will be calm. Astrologers do not advise planning serious purchases and expenses due to possible stagnation in financial income. The money lent in 2019 will be returned in full, along with gratitude.

To succeed in your career, you will have to work together with your colleagues. Management will definitely appreciate loyalty, openness, and modesty in the second half of the year. This is an ideal time for creative work: raising children, building a house, self-improvement.


The activity and assertiveness of representatives of this sign will bring a breakthrough in their career. Colleagues and management will listen to professional opinion. This is a fertile period for starting your own business for those who have been harboring similar ideas for a long time. The year will be financially prosperous.

In order not to undermine your health, it is important to shed emotional burden and alternate work with rest. At the same time, abuse of bad habits can cause attacks of depression. It is advisable to change the situation and go on a trip: as a family with your other half, and as a single person with friends.


The Year of the Pig prepares strength tests for representatives of this sign. To achieve success, you will have to tame your temper, avoid manipulators, and carefully develop a behavioral strategy. Only complete dedication to work will lead to success and the conclusion of profitable deals.

In material terms, the period is stable. An increase in needs will be accompanied by an increase in income. But being overloaded with things and being stubborn about little things will cause dissatisfaction with your loved one. Due to overwork and a sedentary lifestyle, health problems are possible.

Cat (Rabbit)

If in 2019 people born under the sign of the Rabbit according to the Chinese horoscope take the initiative, unexpected opportunities await them. The main thing is not to miss the chance due to caution and laziness. This is a favorable time for a new experience or profession, obtaining a second education.

It is important to make adjustments to your lifestyle and not be afraid of change. Astrologers advise representatives of the sign to reconsider relationships with colleagues and opponents, and to avoid conflicts. This is a favorable period for restoring good relationships with relatives and friends.

The Dragon

The beginning of the year at work threatens with troubles due to minor miscalculations and troubles. This will force the representatives of the sign to clearly control everything and describe it point by point. It is possible to change jobs, but these changes will lead to career growth. A stable income will allow you to plan serious purchases.

A hot temper and bad habits can negatively affect your health. The digestive and nervous systems will require increased attention. Strengthening the immune system, walking, and meditation will help you cope with problems.


In the first half of the year, there is a possibility that a person born under this sign will be drawn into a scam or a dishonest game. Getting out of the situation will require resourcefulness and wisdom. Success in your career will require not only contemplation, but also hard work.

If you don’t like your job, astrologers advise you to boldly change your type of activity. Thanks to enthusiasm and intuition, this will not affect your material well-being. A philosophical view of things will help cope with psychological difficulties. But to avoid health problems, it is worth playing sports.


Representatives of this sign are not afraid of work. In the coming year, rewards for your work will not keep you waiting. If management does not notice merit, it is time to get rid of modesty and hint about it. Promotions up the career ladder are likely.

Astrologers advise not to forget about rest and go on a trip. You should not take on other people's responsibilities. The year is financially prosperous. In addition to a high salary, substantial gifts from relatives and friends are likely.

Sheep (Goat)

2019 is a favorable year for hard-working and ambitious individuals. But no dramatic changes can be expected. The period will be stable and calm. Astrologers recommend caution: management will strictly check and test your work.

The financial situation will be unstable. It is better to reduce expenses and postpone serious expenses. Due to psychological stress and fatigue, chronic diseases may worsen. But control over the situation and rest will help you cope with problems.


The year will be full of exciting events and trips. Innate personal qualities: charm, sociability, the ability to win over interlocutors will allow you to acquire useful acquaintances and connections. Those who are dissatisfied with their salary can safely change their place of employment. This will lead to promotion and career growth.

Astrologers urge financially frivolous people to learn how to plan expenses. Savings will be useful for purchasing housing and moving. Due to the increased load, problems with the back and musculoskeletal system are possible. It is worth setting aside time and money for a back massage and sports.


The year will be busy, but promises an increase in income. The energy and efficiency of the representatives of the sign will lead to success in work and study. Astrologers advise being careful in relationships with business partners and loved ones. For the first, success and boasting will cause envy, and for the second, it is easy to offend with tactless jokes and criticism.

Despite being busy, charming representatives of this sign will not suffer from lack of attention. Some will start an affair that will make their other half jealous. It is important to take care of your loved ones and enlist their support so as not to be left with nothing.


A person born under this sign is distinguished by hard work and diligence. This will not allow him to indulge in laziness and idleness in 2019. Creative inspiration, a new business, a second education promise to bring a stable income.

Astrologers urge representatives of the sign to cultivate self-control and not get irritated over trifles. There is a high probability that directness and uncompromising will lead to disputes and quarrels. Dissatisfaction and negative emotions will affect the relationship with your partner.


The Yellow Pig patronizes the representatives of the sign and promises success in their endeavors. If you study the horoscope for 2019 not only by year of birth, but also taking into account the elements, then those born in 1971 (Metal) should think about promotions and new prospects at work.

People born under the sign of the Earth Pig (1959) will have a profitable part-time job. Don't miss the opportunity to replenish your piggy bank. The element of Water will push those born in 1983 to change their field of activity. A new business will become profitable without any visible effort.