English dictionary with transcription. Google translator with online pronunciation

This dictionary gives pronunciation of the English word with transcription. When you press the button with the sound icon, the announcer pronounces the word in English. You can choose how to pronounce a word in British or American English. A dictionary with good quality voice acting, completely different from the pronunciation by a robot.

This is one of the best free dictionaries with voiceover and transcription that I have come across on the Internet.

  1. Description
  2. How does it work English online dictionary
  3. Visualization is a great way to remember a new word


WordReference is an electronic version of the pocket Oxford English Dictionary (includes 210,000 words and phrases)

If you come across a new English word that is unfamiliar to you, thanks to this dictionary, you will learn not only how it is pronounced, but also how to write the transcription of this word and examples of use in context. That is, you can easily translate from English with pronunciation and transcription, and vice versa, translate from Russian into English. This dictionary translates words one at a time, as they say, less is more. But several meanings of the word are given and it is shown how this English word can be used in a given situation. So this is English explanatory dictionary.

How the dictionary works:

In the window we write the word that we need to translate, select the translation language English-Russian (English-Russian) or Russian-English (Russian-English) and press Enter or the button in the form of a magnifying glass.

Translation options will appear

To hear the pronunciation English word, click on the listen button (listen), next to the button to listen to the pronunciation there is a choice: American pronunciation English words– US or British version of UK sound. Next to the sound option you can see transcription of an English word.

How can you remember new words now?

Our English teacher taught us a wonderful way to remember new things English word Once and for all. I still remember how it was and she also said that we would remember this new word forever, and so it is. We studied the method of memorizing a word by visualization, that is, we take the word cucumber - cucumber and imagine a green pimply cucumber and call this one we presented - green and pimply - the word cucumber. Everything is very simple! You need to imagine a new word - in all its details and remember how the picture presented in the brain is called in English. This method works very well!

Transcription of the English word with pronunciation

It is not always clear to everyone how to correctly pronounce a word, looking at the transcription. Especially for children, it is difficult to explain the pronunciation of words by transcription. And this dictionary gives us a wonderful opportunity to hear the correct pronunciation of unfamiliar English words. Just click on the “listen” button and listen to the audio sound.

And in order to better remember the correct pronunciation of new English words, you can listen to them several times audio sound and who needs to look at transcription.By the way, having heard the correct audio pronunciation of the word, you can remember how to pronounce transcription sounds correctly.

Fun Facts

Contrary to popular beliefs, chocolate does not cause acne.

Today you can find a large number of online translators (online dictionaries).

We settled on a very necessary and very useful online translator with transcription. This is an electronic version of the Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Different Languages. The dictionary contains about 210,000 words and phrases.

In order for the text to be logical and make sense, it is necessary to translate each word in the sentence. So use online dictionary with transcription which we offer you.

Oxford Online Dictionary

Rules for using the online dictionary

1. Write the desired word in the first cell.
2. Select the translation direction (English-Russian, Russian-English, etc.).
3. Click on the “Go” button.
4. Below you can see the transcription, polysemy of the word, examples of use (phrases).

Let's figure out what this one is online translator (dictionary) differs from others. You can use an online translator completely free of charge.

Basically, all dictionaries are created according to the same principle - this is the translation of a word, sentence or text. But, when studying vocabulary and correct pronunciation, you need a dictionary that will translate not only the word, but also show transcription, stress, and ambiguity. Pay attention when translating text into online translator, then the translation can become very funny and illogical. Thus, the very meaning of the statement disappears.

English-Russian online translator (online dictionary) with transcription - 3.8 out of 5 based on 2414 votes

The current world is such an open information system. Alas, very often the search for the information we need is limited by the fact that we do not know foreign languages. However, if previously you had to sit for hours in front of thick foreign dictionaries, now a translation of the required text can be obtained in just a couple of seconds. In addition, you can even listen to how a particular word should be pronounced. All you need is to simply use the services of online translators with pronunciation.

Google translator online pronunciation

Of course, the leader in the top online translators on the Internet. The Google Translator interface is extremely simple and understandable even to users who have visited it for the first time. On the translator page you will notice two text fields. First, select the translation direction: the language of your initial text and the language into which you need to translate the information.

By default, Google Translator is set to Russian and English. And there are over 60 languages ​​in the database. Among them there are languages ​​of the Asian group, this is a definite plus. The directions of translation are varied. There are no restrictions on the size of the entered text. You can translate large files, and even websites.

Using Google Translator is extremely easy. In the first field, insert the desired text to be translated. In the second field you will see an instant translation into the language you need. For translation, Google uses, in addition to regular dictionaries, translations already made on the Internet
In addition, you will also be able to translate the text you pronounce, listen to the sound of the original and the translation. In order to record text, you need to click the microphone sign; in the field on the right you will see the translation text into the language of your choice.

Yandex Translator is in second place in popularity. Largely due to the fact that this search engine occupies a leading position on the Internet. Yandex Translator is easy to understand, but many users have noted that it is extremely inconvenient.

Yandex online translator with pronunciation of words

It appeared not so long ago, it just passed the beta testing stage. As a result, various malfunctions in the translator’s work, as well as inaccuracies in translation, are likely.

The principle of operation of Yandex Translator is similar to many other translators: you should select the purpose of the translation, then insert the original text into one field, and the translation will appear in another field.

The disadvantages of Yandex Translator are obvious. The small number of translation directions is disappointing, since only the most popular languages ​​are used. There are no Asian languages. In addition, the accuracy and quality of the translation sometimes raises criticism.

For people who are familiar with a foreign language and understand pronunciation, an ordinary paper dictionary is sufficient to translate unfamiliar words and phrases. However, those who have just started learning a language need help in reading and understanding other people's speech. In such cases, services that not only translate but also voice words become indispensable. In this article, I will explain which online pronunciation translators are worth using.

Online translator from Google is the most famous service, which is used because of its ease of use and fairly rich functionality (https://translate.google.com/?hl=ru). Unlike most translators with pronunciation, Google Translate is capable of speaking not only individual words, but also phrases and even entire texts.

The service has the following advantages:

It’s easy to work with the service- you need to enter the text in the left window and select a language, after which the site will automatically translate. You can voice both the translated fragment and the original - to do this, you need to click on the speaker icon.

The translator here is combined with a linguistic corpus - a database of texts in different languages ​​in which the translated fragment is searched, after which the service shows examples of its use. This helps not only to know the meaning of the word, but also to truly understand it.

An almost complete analogue of Google Translate is the domestic service - Yandex.Translate. You can translate text online with pronunciation in it in the same way.

Cambridge Dictionary - online version of the highest quality British dictionary

Cambridge Dictionary is a translator from the well-known University of Cambridge. He specializes in translation from English and back, but there are other languages. The translator has been supplemented with a dictionary compiled by the most professional British linguists.

  1. To use the service with voice pronunciation, you need to follow the link http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru/translate/ and enter the text in the window on the left.
  2. An immediately noticeable drawback compared to Google Translator is the limitation on the volume of translation (160 characters at a time, 2000 characters per day).

In addition, the translated phrase cannot be immediately spoken. However, the service will provide a word-by-word translation, from which you can go to dictionary entries with pronunciation. They provide not only the translation, but also transcription, interpretation and examples of use. Words are spoken with your choice of British or American pronunciation.

A similar service is the Oxford Dictionary- https://en.oxforddictionaries.com. It does not have a Russian version and only provides word-by-word translation from English with pronunciation, but its accuracy is the best. Its quality is evidenced by the fact that linguistic universities recommend that future translators use the Oxford dictionary.

ABBYY Lingvo - translator with text pronunciation with the most detailed dictionary

Lingvo Online from ABBYY is an online version of one of the oldest Russian computer translators, the first version of which was released in 1990. Like other services, in addition to translation, it provides interpretations of words and examples of their use. 20 languages ​​available.

This translator is similar in functionality to the British ones. It works like this:

  1. A word or phrase is entered into the search bar.
  2. The source and translation languages ​​are selected.
  3. The “Translate” button is pressed.
  4. The service provides word-by-word translation.

The pronunciation of individual English words can be reproduced in British and American versions. The situation with other languages ​​is worse - for example, French words are not spoken, and for some of them there is no translation at all. But the set of examples of use is rich in all cases.

In addition to examples, you can go to the “Phrases” tab. It will help deepen your knowledge of the language - it shows in which established phrases the searched word is used. Here you can find phrasal verbs, idioms, etc. with translation.


There are other services for translating text online with speech pronunciation, but those described above are the highest quality. They have different purposes - if you need to get the maximum amount of information about a particular word, you should use a professional translator. For quick translation of large text, Google Translate is a better option. The latter is also ideal when translating from languages ​​that are rarely used in other dictionaries.

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