The most expensive clothing brand for men. The most expensive clothing brands

Fashion is not just a means of self-expression, but also a way to show your worth. Clothing can tell a lot about the owner's tastes, style and income level. We present to your attention the most expensive brands clothes.


An Italian company that owns the fashion house of the same name and its own brand. Specializes in manufacturing stylish clothes, shoes and accessories. The company's brand operates many stores in major cities peace.

Fashion comes from France. The company was founded in 1954. Manufactures small suitcases and bags, as well as high-end accessories and clothing.

The company's stores operate in 50 countries.

Louis Vuitton is one of the most frequently counterfeited brands.


Gucci is one of the most expensive fashion brands.

The fashion house appeared in 1920, a year later the first store of the great fashion designer Guccio Gucci was opened.

Engaged in the production of trendy clothing, perfumes and textiles.

French clothing and luxury goods company. Created in 1910 by the famous stylist Coco Chanel. The company owns about 147 stores around the world. The company's most famous development is the Chanel No. 5.

Christian Dior - French fashion designer, founder of the Christian Dior fashion house.

The fashion house of the great fashion designer Christian Dior was founded in 1946.

Dior - creator of the world famous style New Look.

In addition to clothes and shoes, fashion company produces accessories, jewelry and cosmetics.

Dolce & Gabbana is a fashion house founded by fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana in Italy (1985).

After some time, Dolce & Gabbana gained worldwide fame.

Making elegant and beautiful dresses, the company helps many Hollywood stars.

The company produces not only clothing collections, but also collections of watches, jewelry, and perfumes.

Italian fashion house, launched in 1975. Known for his everyday models and fashion collections.

One of the most largest companies in the history of world fashion. It produces clothing, accessories, jewelry and haberdashery.

The company appeared in 1978. It produces stylish accessories, perfumes, household goods and other luxury items. The Versace fashion house has about 100 stores in 60 countries.

    The most expensive clothing brands


    The most expensive clothing brands Fashion is not just a means of self-expression, but also a way to show your worth. Clothing can tell a lot about the owner's tastes, style and income level. We present to your attention the most expensive clothing brands. Prada is an Italian company that owns the fashion house of the same name and its own brand. Specializes in the manufacture of stylish clothing, shoes and accessories. […]

Ever since man recognized the need for clothing, the textile industry has blossomed and clothing brands have emerged that have now flooded every market in the world. Cloth gives new and unique image Your personality.If you wear beautiful and attractive things, then others will definitely notice you.

On the other hand, outdated brands and styles are not recognized in modern world, where every day more and more new companies appear, offering competitive clothing. Both men and women have a passion for the most fashionable brands, and this trend is observed all over the world. In this rating we will introduce you to TOP 10 most expensive clothing brands 2013 year for women and men.

Rating of clothing brands 2013

10. Armani
Armani is an old name for a clothing factory, particularly jeans and T-shirts. Clothing designs are developed by authorized fashion designers, and items are recommended by the most fashionable boutiques on the planet. This is the only brand that has spread so quickly throughout the world and gained a huge name. For seasonal holidays and relaxation, items from Armani are the right choice.
9. Fendi
Fendi is an established, old-fashioned brand renowned for its leather goods and luxury goods. Originally from Rome, the brand gained fame in America, then in the UK and so on.
8. Dior
Dior's prestigious reputation dates back to the introduction of new products such as perfumes, bags, sunglasses, women's clothing and other fashion items. What lady would refuse the famous leather wallets and handbags from Dior? Dior is in 8th place among the most expensive men's and women's clothing 2013 in the world.
It is a well-known fact: every inhabitant of the planet knows about Versace. The brand has already presented numerous clothing collections for women and men, leaving no chance for its competitors. Majority fashion designers and artists recommend clothes from Versace, which the best way suitable for relaxation. This is one of the best fashion brands clothing and accessories for women and men in the world.
Hermes is the most luxurious brand in the whole world, whose items are admired by all fashionistas on the planet. Watches, jewelry and bags are produced under his name. Summer clothing collections for women and men are especially popular in Italy and Europe.
5. Burberry
Cute and romantic clothes are advertised by many artists and celebrities. Cotton and silk dresses are simply impressive. Many models look “masculine” when they present new collections from Burberry at the shows. As for price, the Burberry brand is in fifth place as the most expensive clothing brands.
4. Chanel
Chanel never repeats itself in its new collections. Each collection is enormously different from the other. The uniqueness of the clothing brand is explained by the fact that its designers do not copy other styles, which is why the Chanel brand retains its own identity. Quality eyewear, skin care and beauty products are also produced under this universally recognized brand. Girls simply adore Chanel because it is one of the most popular brands planets.
The choice of aristocratic society falls on Valentino, because they value audacity and specific features clothes that will never go out of style. Valentino, in particular, is adored by women and teenagers from the world's wealthy. And one more fact that no fashionista/fashionist can deny: this is the best brand wedding clothes.
2. Gucci
Gucci is the second best clothing brand when it comes to price and competition. He has many rivals, but he is still a leader in the TOP. Shoes, skirts, handbags and other textile items are produced under the Gucci brand. He has Italian name and is located on the second line of the most expensive brands this year.
1. Dolce and Gabbana
No need unnecessary words to describe the popularity and appeal of the Dolce and Gabbana brand. It is the most famous and most desired brand in Italian culture. Other D&G products are also in demand, especially hot pies. The quality of the clothes is unsurpassed! D&G is the most valuable clothing brand in the world in 2013.

In the modern world, there are quite a lot of different brands, some of them are available to many, but not everyone can afford others. After all, branded items are often distinguished by their uniqueness, expensive materials used in their manufacture, and in some cases they are complemented handmade(which is unique in itself). In addition, there are exclusive collections in which models in a single copy are produced under the brand names of the most expensive brands, which guarantees you uniqueness. To create one such outfit, the master will need at least 2-3 fittings, and about 100 hours of work on one product. After all, about 70% of the work is done manually.

The most expensive brands are trendsetters in world fashion and style. Moreover, not only clothes can be branded, but also bags, glasses, cars, phones, jewelry, and many other things. In a word, absolutely various products can be produced under the same brand, the main thing is that its name is well known and loved in the world market.

So, it’s not strange that the most expensive brand at the end of the year Google company. Known to everyone for its search engine, as well as many free Internet applications. In second place was everyone's favorite Apple, whose successes were even included in the Guinness Book of Records, this brand occupied a leading position for almost decades.

If you pay attention to the world of fashion, then the most expensive clothing brand for women for last year became the Italian brand Gucci. On this moment there are more than 275 worldwide branded stores where you can purchase products of this brand. The price of this brand is not affordable for everyone, but the quality of the products is the highest level. By the way, despite the high price of these products, the Gucci brand became one of the best-selling brands of last year.

When it comes to men's clothing, Armani is the most expensive brand in the world. Creations of this Italian designer filled with a sense of style and chic. It is Armani who dictates the main fashion trends V men's clothing. A special feature of this brand is that they produce not only classic clothes, but also a whole line of clothing for Everyday life. One of these lines is Armani Jeans, which is made from very high quality materials. Any man will feel comfortable and look stylish in things from the legendary master Giorgio Armani.

Often, exclusive haute couture clothing is preferred by celebrities, but only for special occasions. After all, the price of an evening dress varies from 25 to 100 and more thousand dollars. And shoes for such an outfit will cost about $7,000. For everyday life, they usually prefer branded items from the main-stream line.

Every year, ratings of the most best brands peace. The results are summed up based on different news agencies, portals and services. Of course, they cannot be 100% accurate, because all companies use different methods definitions of leaders. But still the results are interesting. The most popular global ranking is The BrendZ 100 from Millward Brown. It is considered a major achievement for start-up companies to be included on the Millward Brown list.

In conclusion, I would like to add to everything that every year the 10 best brands in the world include virtually the same brands that appeared a long time ago and have proven themselves. Throughout the year, there is a kind of struggle for primacy between them. New technologies are being introduced, various ornaments are being used unusual combinations fabrics, accessories. Things and equipment famous brands They are always an order of magnitude better than ordinary manufacturers, they are durable and of high quality. The formula is strictly followed here: price = quality. Therefore, by purchasing branded items, you also save your money.