Famous Italian designers. Italian women's clothing designers, the most famous fashion designers and fashion houses. Gucci fashion house

The most influential fashion designers in the world, with the help of their own talents, form entire fashion empires that set the tone for the fashion world for decades. Below is a list of the ten best and most famous fashion designers in the world who have shaped modern fashion.


Donatella Versace (born May 2, 1955) - famous Italian fashion designer, younger sister founder of the Versace fashion house - Gianni Versace. After the great designer was assassinated in 1997, Donatella inherited 20% of the shares, becoming vice president and chief designer of the company. She presented her first collection a year and three days after her brother's death in July 1998, proving that the future of the Versace fashion house was in good hands.


Donna Karan (born October 2, 1948) is an American fashion designer, creator of the world famous brands Donna Karan and DKNY. Donna presented her first collection of clothing for women, Seven Easy Pieces (“Seven Simple Things”), which later became legendary and glorified Donna in 1985. The unique concept of this collection was that every woman should include in her basic wardrobe seven things that are irreplaceable for her. As Donna herself says, she never sought to create luxurious outfits - her clothes are intended for everyone.


Eighth place in the list of the ten best fashion designers in the world is occupied by Calvin Richard Klein (born November 19, 1942), a rather scandalous American fashion designer, founder of Calvin Klein Inc., considered one of the founders of the Unisex style. Kelvin was the first in the world to present on the catwalks and sell expensive “designer jeans”, which later made him famous.


Thomas Carlyle Ford (born August 27, 1961) is an American fashion designer, director and screenwriter. He gained recognition in the fashion industry, both from the general public and from his colleagues, while working as design director (later creative director) at Gucci. He is also known for directing the Oscar-nominated film A Single Man. In 2006, he founded his own brand called Tom Ford, which produces men's clothing, eyewear and accessories.


Pierre Cardin (born July 2, 1922) - French fashion designer Italian origin, one of the most influential in fashion history. Pierre Cardin is known for his avant-garde style, preferring abstract, geometric shapes, often ignored female lines. He is the owner of several restaurants in New York, Beijing, London, and he also owns the Lacoste castle in the Vaucluse department. Founded in 1950 own house fashion and patented more than 500 inventions, including high boots, colored stockings, mini sundresses, etc.


Ralph Lauren (born October 14, 1939) is an American fashion designer, philanthropist and businessman, one of the richest people in the world (his net worth is estimated at $7.5 billion). He was awarded the title “Legend of American Fashion.” Founded the company in 1967 Polo Ralph Lauren, and in 1968 he released his first collection men's clothing. In 1971 he began designing a women's clothing line. Under the brand own name, Ralph Lauren also produces home furnishings, accessories, perfumes and pet products.


In fourth place in the ranking is Christian Dior (January 21, 1905 - October 23, 1957) - French fashion designer, founder of the Christian Dior fashion house, which is one of the ten most expensive clothing brands in the world. Christian presented his first clothing collection called New Look, which brought the designer worldwide fame and revolutionized the world of post-war fashion, on February 12, 1947.


Yves Henri Donat Mathieu Saint Laurent (August 1, 1936 - June 1, 2008) - famous French fashion designer, founder of the fashion house Yves Saint Laurent (Saint Laurent Paris). Entered into women's fashion elements men's wardrobe- leather jackets, thigh-high boots and tuxedos. He was the first in the world to use dark-skinned models in his shows. Throughout his life, Yves Saint Laurent suffered from depression and other mental illnesses. Frequently treated in psychiatric clinic. He died of brain cancer at his residence in Paris.


Giorgio Armani (born July 11, 1934) is an Italian fashion designer, founder of Giorgio Armani SpA. With a net worth of $8.5 billion, he is one of the richest people in Italy. He presented his first clothing collection in 1974. Since the early 80s it has been producing perfumes, accessories, watches and jewelry. He is a co-owner of the hotel, which occupies from the 1st to the 39th floor of the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa skyscraper.


Coco Chanel (August 19, 1883 - January 10, 1971) was a famous French fashion designer, perhaps the most important figure in the history of fashion of the 20th century, and founder of the Chanel fashion house. Introduced into women's fashion a fitted jacket and a small, strict black dress. In 1921, she created Chanel No. 5 perfume, which became iconic throughout the world and is still used today. Coco's influence was so strong that Time magazine included her in its list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century, the only representative from the fashion world in the ranking.

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