Red color in the men's wardrobe. Black color in clothes

It’s no longer a secret to anyone that the color a person chooses can say something about his character or mood at a given stage of life. Also with the help color range you can wear clothes in a certain way“send signals” to others, cause fire on yourself, attract attention, or, conversely, close yourself off from negative energy, become more invisible. Do you believe the conclusions of psychologists, do you agree with psychological characteristics, given by them to lovers of one color or another?

Blue means complete calm, contentment, tranquility. As they say, this is the color of fidelity. It is a prerequisite for the ability to empathize, a symbol of aesthetic experiences and contemplation. It is especially loved by fat people as it symbolizes contentment and accomplishment. It is timeless, and therefore is a symbol of traditions, enduring values, and serves to perpetuate the past.
Anyone who prefers the color blue needs a calm and orderly environment, free from worry and distress, in which events develop smoothly and traditionally, in which relationships with other people are serene and free from disagreement. A person feels the need to trust others, and others can trust him. Blue color in clothes is most likely to be chosen by a woman who is kind, gentle, empathetic, moderate in passions, courteous, shy and prone to reflection. With a successful combination of circumstances, the “woman in blue” will become an ideal mother and housewife, as well as an exemplary worker. Calmness, balance, and a philosophical attitude towards life will help her overcome almost all obstacles. Sensually Blue colour perceived as sweetness, emotionally - as sensitivity.

Yellow gives the impression of lightness and joy, Expresses incontinence, reflectivity, radiance, immaterial joy. Frees you from the burden of worries, problems, restrictions. Symbolically corresponds to the rainbow warmth of the Sun, the spirit of fun. This color is hope and expectation of greater happiness in all its countless forms, from sex to some philosophical and religious views. He is always directed to the future, rushing forward to the new, modern, developing. Sensually, yellow is perceived as piquancy, emotionally - hopeful variability. Dreamers and adventurers use yellow color in their clothes. You are also not very practical and reasonable, you tend to change your beliefs often, but you don’t stress about this at all. After all, your self-esteem is this moment(as long as you adore the color yellow) at a considerable height. You know how to get along with people, you adore your girlfriends, you don’t mind gossiping and dreaming.

Orange color is chosen by optimistic, energetic, cheerful people who strive for change. Fun parties, communication, flirting, jealousy, showdown, fun again, and so on in a circle. “Orange” girls are friendly, but unreliable and flighty. Although at the same time they are ambitious and calculating.
If there is a clear excess of orange in clothes, this is a sign of vanity and a desire to put all of yourself on display.

Red symbolizes the state of “energy expenditure”. It expresses vitality, nervous activity, means all kinds of inclinations and aspirations to get results and achieve success, impulsiveness, the will to win, a greedy desire for everything that can contribute to the richness of existence. Red is the color of love, passion, victory, vital energy, activity. Psychologists consider this color to be more masculine than feminine. So women who choose red are endowed with “masculine” qualities: determination, will, hot temper, sociability, energy, charisma. Although why are these qualities specifically masculine? Unclear. Red is passionate, who doesn’t know that?

Green expresses active will, perseverance and determination, indicates constancy of views, self-awareness and high appreciation of one’s “I”. The tension of the green color acts like a dam, behind which excitement from external stimuli accumulates, without receiving a release, while the feeling of pride in oneself, power over events and the ability to control them increases. Green tones, predominant in clothing, speak of perseverance, desire to assert oneself, and energy. A woman in green is usually pedantic, secretive, and at times overly critical of others, but sometimes she can help even to her own detriment. Sensually green is perceived as tartness, emotionally - pride.

Violet symbolizes some mystical union, as a result of which everything thought and desired becomes reality. This is a dream come true, a magical state of mind when fantasies come true.
A person who prefers it not only wants to charm and delight others, but also wants to be in a state of enchantment himself. To them the world seems like a magical place. Violet is especially popular with emotional, sensitive and easily suggestible people. Admirers of this color want to please everyone, everyone, everyone, and if this does not happen, then real life they can say: “And I’m purple!” and go into the world of dreams and your own fantasies. “Violet” girls are delicate violet flowers that will wither without the attention, care and support of loved ones. They are dreamy and passionate, intuitive and mystical. They are easy and difficult at the same time. But it's definitely not boring.

Pink. Bright pink color- this is the color of a little flirty girl-imaginary. It’s not for nothing that the creators of Barbie dolls have been selling their dolls in bright pink boxes for many years, accompanied by furniture and “clothes” preferably in the same pink tones. If adult woman makes pink the main color in her wardrobe, which means she is romantic, optimistic and proud. She is not too responsible and can shift her responsibilities onto the shoulders of other people, for example, lovers of blue or green. Feels like a defenseless girl or wants to seem like one. A blonde in a short pink dress is a favorite image of many men. True, it is not easy to convince the latter that such a girl also has brains. Stereotypes, however!

Brown. In essence, it’s a boring color, but what shades! Cappuccino, sand, camel hair, dark wood, milk chocolate! Warm, cozy, soft variations on the theme Brown Preferred by women who are calm or who strive for calm, who are guardians of the family hearth or who only dream about this hearth. They are slightly conservative, respectful of elders, and seek peace and stability in everything that surrounds them. If a person feels illness or physical discomfort, this color psychologically becomes more and more higher value. It is often preferred by those who do not have their own home, a stable feeling of physical satisfaction and security. That is, a person is dominated by something that he is not able to cope with, and he needs a safe environment. Emotionally connected to home, company of friends, family, security.

Grey colorless, neither dark nor light, absolutely devoid of any stimulating or psychological tendencies. A person who gives preference to this color wants to isolate himself from everything, remain free from any obligations, not take part in anything, and hide from external influences and stimuli. This person’s participation in any activity is carried out remotely - it is as if he stands aside and observes his actions. This color clearly contains an element of concealment. People call such people “gray mice”, “gray cardinals”. “Gray mice” on the outside often turn out to be boiling volcanoes on the inside. For those around them, they created one image - calm, reasonable, strict, and only alone with themselves or the closest people they can open a completely different one - painfully proud and even extravagant. Such women are reasonable, distrustful and indecisive, but if they are carried away by some business or person, then passionately and for life. A person who does not accept gray does not accept non-participation in everything that happens around him.

Black. Psychologists have differing opinions about this color. Some attribute to black lovers a tendency to have a negative perception of reality, gloominess, self-doubt, a desire to isolate themselves from the whole world, and a tendency to depression. Other psychologists are less categorical and call those who prefer the color black stubborn and uncompromising people of hidden passions who do not want to let into their inner world none of the strangers. On the one hand, indeed, most of us adolescence passed a period of “mourning” in clothing. We were insecure, angry, uptight and aggressive, hoping in our hearts that someone would someday appreciate us and understand how white and fluffy we really are. Public life Many stars make them prefer black color to all others. After all, black will not allow negative energy to pass through and will hide your own true feelings.

White. Of course, lovers of white are, first and foremost, neat ladies. But, unfortunately, nothing more can be said about them. This color can be preferred by a person with any character. White doesn't repel anyone. True, it has been noticed that pessimists and skeptics avoid this color. And also, having decided to start life “from scratch,” we often buy ourselves something white, which symbolizes this very clean sheet.

Color combinations also carry a certain psychological load.

Blue-black - absolute peace.
Gray-blue - calmness, non-involvement, non-binding of oneself with any obligations.
Blue-brown - physical need for gentle treatment and care from others in order to achieve personal comfort.
Blue-violet - the desire for tenderness and subtlety of feelings, for some idealized relationship.
Blue yellow - the desire to understand and be understood, to gain the love of others, emotional independence and usefulness for everyone.
Blue red - harmony and activity in cooperation, emotional satisfaction, cooperation and mutual understanding for the benefit of creation.
Grey-green - self-affirmation and defensive superiority. Self-respect, sense of prestige. Sometimes extreme caution in business.
Blue; green - accuracy, logic, accuracy, possible pedantry, discriminatory control.
Green-red - activities and initiatives aimed at increasing personal authority and prestige.
Green yellow - selfish ambition and activity aimed at winning the recognition of others and oneself.
Green-purple - the desire to win the favor of others without committing oneself to any obligations and without taking on any responsibility.
Red Yellow - thirst for research, exploration of new areas, action for the sake of action.
Green-black - pathological stubbornness and intolerance to outside influences.
Yellow-black - a sudden crisis, either “yes” or “no”, a willful decision.
Red Black - dramatization, impulsive excessive desires.
Gray-red - impulsiveness, rash actions with the hope that there will be no responsibility or any consequences.
Red-purple - fascination with everything erotic and aesthetic that excites and excites.
Yellow-purple - fascination, wild fantasies, thirst for adventure.
Purple-brown - fascination with what gives pleasure to the body: tasty food, luxury goods, beautiful clothes...
Gray-purple - aesthetic sensitivity, good developed sense beautiful.
Red-brown - self-satisfaction and self-indulgence.
Yellow-brown - unlimited freedom, existence without any problems and responsibilities, complete internal security.
Purple-black - the need for imitation, the desire to become part of something.
Gray-yellow - indecision, uncertainty.
Green-brown - the requirement for peace, the need for mental relief.
Gray-brown - exhaustion, exhaustion, need for outside attention.
Brown-black - self-abasement, a sense of purposelessness, refusal of everything except physical satisfaction.
GREY-black - reluctance to have any relationships with others.

Delicate tones. All delicate and dim colors - light pink, sky blue, pale green, soft lilac - are attributed the main defining feature - infantility. Those who prefer delicate tones in clothes are romantic, sensitive, vulnerable, and, perhaps, are just finding their life path. They retain childish character traits, and in moderate doses this is very cute.

Many of us wear clothes in a variety of color combinations and tones. Today beige trousers and a green jacket, tomorrow - a red jumper and a black skirt, the day after tomorrow - blue dress with a blue collar. And sometimes, once you fit into a brown suit, you can’t get it out with any tricks, it’s comfortable and that’s it. Because our character, and with it feelings, emotions, moods, are not static. We can change every day, become a little different, and clothes only emphasize these changes, and with them our individuality.

The color of your clothes can decorate you, or it can destroy your entire look. How to choose correct color? How to choose the right red color for a men's wardrobe and what to combine it with?

I have already talked in detail about how to determine which colors suit you, if you haven’t read it yet, then see the information. In this article, I will write under each example which color type this or that shade suits.

Red goes well with blue, light blue, green, orange, brown, beige and white. Choosing color combinations Remember that cool colors are combined with cold ones, and warm colors are combined with warm ones. In the photo we see a windbreaker and a shirt in cool colors. The solution is quite contrasting and will look great on a man with a winter color type.

Warm brick shade of red is excellent suitable for a man with autumn color type. The check pattern is quite contrasting, so this option will look worse on a man with a spring color type.

Another example of a contrasting, winter combination. This option may also be suitable for a man with a summer color type, if he has light brown hair and eyebrows of a dark shade.

Red is great for attracting attention. They can complement a calm image, making it more memorable. This shade of red can be chosen by a man with a winter or autumn color type.

This cranberry shade can suit both summer and winter types. If the color is chosen correctly, then even if there is a lot of it, it will not look wild.

Of course, using one bright item in your wardrobe is much easier. This option is suitable for summer and winter.

This color is good for spring type people.

Bright colors in the wardrobe help set accents. Look at your figure, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. Highlight those places whose beauty you want to highlight.

Sweaters, jumpers, jackets, shirts, T-shirts, pants, shorts... It is not necessary to have a huge wardrobe with a lot of bright things. The easiest way is to choose those things with which you can combine others, creating different images.

We have already figured out how to identify cold and warm shades? I’ll give you a little more hint.

This plaid shirt has a warm color. It will suit the autumn type.

A bright, warm and clean red for the spring type.

By the way, the combination with black, blue or beige is considered a classic.

Bright things can be introduced into almost any style of clothing. Except, perhaps, office clothes with a strict dress code.

If you are not ready for such bright options, then try using bright accessories.

01/19/2013 0 comments 17,431

The importance of color in human psychology is difficult to overestimate. Every day, the colors of the world around us affect our energy potential, mood and overall well-being. And if so, is there any doubt that the color of the clothes that we choose for ourselves reflects our essence, psychological attitude and motives for behavior?

In addition, society influences the choice of clothing color, imposing certain stereotypes. Sometimes they are quite logical (like gray and dark blue tones for business meetings), and sometimes they are absolutely conventional ( pink shades for girls and blue for boys).

So let's figure out what it is psychology of color perception, and how to use this knowledge for your benefit.

The psychophysiological influence of color can be briefly described as follows:

  • warm light colors clothes evoke a feeling of friendliness, openness, and ease of communication;
  • dark cool tones increase significance and authority, force you to keep your distance;
  • the classic black and white combination is a symbol of opposition and status;
  • hot colors - yellow, orange and red have a stimulating effect on the brain, increase heart rate;
  • cold green and blue tones - easily perceived, calm, slowing down metabolism;

It is known that dark color calms down. According to psychologists, those who prefer to get dressed in the morning dark clothes, are situated in bad mood therefore, they subconsciously seek peace and tranquility in this.

Psychology of color in clothing

WHITE color in clothing symbolizes purity, peace, goodness and truth. It inspires trust because it is associated with purity of thoughts and a high position in society (you don’t have to do dirty work). The color of harmony and creativity. White color clothing “reflects” the skin, allowing it to look softer and more delicate. It’s not for nothing that the famous Coco Chanel said: “When a woman is in white, only she herself is visible.”

BLACK color in clothing gives a feeling of authoritarian power, severity and mystery. As a rule, a person looks for the illusion of security in black, tries to isolate himself from reality, and perceives life gloomily. Despite this, small black dress - symbol . In combination with other colors, black brings rigor and elegance to the image.

GREY the color, as intermediate between white and black, is considered neutral, free from psychological stress. It expresses detachment, conservatism, poise and professionalism. However, from the point of view of psychologists, people who prefer gray shades, lacks emotions. They belittle their importance, try to be discreet, and hence they always play second roles. Despite this, gray is one of the most popular colors because it allows you to concentrate on work without distracting the attention of colleagues.

BROWN and its shades. According to psychologists, they are chosen by calm, conservative, reliable, in a word, “earthly” people. Or those who strive for peace and stability in life. This is the color of honesty, reliability and devotion, therefore it is recommended for employment.

RED color in clothing brings passion, energy, optimism. It completely captures attention and personifies strength, courage and the will to win. Accordingly, people who prefer red are emotional maximalists. Brave and energetic, they are not shy about everyone’s attention, as they are confident in themselves and their abilities. In addition, the psychology of color in clothing is such that in timid person stimulates a surge of energy, courage and determination.

PINK associated with infantile femininity, tenderness, romance and optimism. It reduces aggression and puts you in a state of comfort. It is impossible to create a serious and decisive image of a business lady by wearing pink. This color brings lightness, femininity and playfulness to every look, and also visually improves the complexion.

ORANGE- an active, rich color of freedom, happiness, creative energy and enthusiasm. It always pleases the eye and promotes good mood and sets you up for positivity. Orange color in clothing they prefer open, friendly, enthusiastic people who, however, are excessively superficial and irresponsible. This is one of the best colors in color therapy. Wear orange if you need to perk up, stimulate creativity or tone up.

YELLOW- the color of optimism, intelligence, creativity and spontaneity. It is associated with the sun and joy, and at the same time, stimulates brain activity and performance. Yellow is the happiest color of the spectrum. However, psychologists say that shades of yellow are not equivalent. Bright yellow is chosen by the strong, self-confident, successful people, or people striving for freedom, inner harmony, getting rid of boundaries. Pale yellow - on the contrary, insecure, vulnerable people who avoid responsibility.

GREEN- the color of life, growth and tranquility. It symbolizes prosperity, new beginnings, harmony and security. As a rule, people with a rich imagination and imagination prefer green. creative approach to solving problems. These are open, optimistic, self-confident people who are able to quickly adapt to any life turns. If you want to radiate reliability, generosity and calm energy, feel free to wear green.

BLUE color in clothing is considered the most pleasant; it gives a feeling of trust, order and stability. Prefer blue - mainly conservative, reasonable people, loyal friends, idealists and logicians. Just like gray is a color. Unlike blue, BLUE- the color of carelessness, dreams and hope. It is chosen by emotional, dreamy people who do not tolerate fuss and squabbles. Blue evokes trust and sympathy; it is not accepted by workaholics and is loved by people who value relaxation and entertainment.

VIOLET- color spiritual development, idealism, creativity and sensuality. Psychologists note that people who choose this color are distinguished by their creative impulse, sentimentality, vulnerability and superstition. They tend to trust their intuition and have a heightened sense of self-worth. Interestingly, purple is loved by 75% of small children, 85% of the mentally retarded, pregnant women and homosexuals. Such people give themselves more to feelings than to reason.

These are the main nuances interesting topic— the psychology of color perception, or more precisely, the main, “pure” colors in clothing. Next up - combinations of shades.

Let's talk about black. In general, thinking about the impact of flowers on us is a very interesting activity: they can express so many nuances, so many emotional shades; various combinations, even different proportions within these combinations they can create completely unique meanings. This topic is limitless and inexhaustible, and today we will focus on the most important color - black: how it is perceived by a person, what role it played in the history of fashion, how black is used in the men's wardrobe now.

Black cannot be called a color in strict meaning words, since black is essentially the absence of color. In color schemes for black and white there are special terms: achromatic colors. Black objects absorb light and do not release it back. There is already something eerie about this physical feature, which gives us one of the keys to understanding the characteristics of the color black.

First of all, we are interested in the perception of black in clothing. What associations can it evoke in an observer? Here are the most obvious: mourning, humility, humility, sadness; or the opposite: power, strength (in this regard, the sexual connotation of black becomes clear), severity. From here other images follow: anxiety, detachment, impersonality, mystery.

As you can see, black color is extremely multifaceted and is not limited to a couple of epithets. That is why it can be considered exceptionally strong, expressive and functional. Black clothes have always been and will be powerful tool to create an image. Let's see what codes black contained at different times.

Black clothing in history

“The last minutes of the life of Metropolitan Philip” A.N. Novoskoltsev (1880s)

Already in Antiquity, black was a mourning color: funeral processions in Ancient Greece were black. Grief, fear of death, melancholy - these are the meanings that people have attached to the color black since time immemorial. IN full force this meaning manifested itself in Europe in the Middle Ages. This period European history, especially its end, the 15th century, is considered one of the most mentally uncomfortable for humans. “No other era has thought about death so persistently” (J. Huizinga).

The color black in clothing as a sign of loss has not lost its meaning today.
Black, as a symbol of humility and detachment from the world, has always been present in the clothing of the clergy. And this is another important code that we can recognize here, and which will naturally be applied to black clothes in general. As mentioned above, black negates all other colors. Having donned a black robe, a person leaves the pleasures and temptations of this world. Moreover, he consciously renounces his identity, becoming part of a dark, disturbing nothingness. But there is no despair here. This act of detachment from the world contains hope, hope for transformation, it is the path to light through solitude and repentance.

"Judge, woman and child" Honore Daumier (1808-79)

Another characteristic of black can be seen in the robes of a judge. The black clothes of justice workers are supposed to symbolize honesty and impartiality, and here again we see such variations of meaning as detachment, indifference, denial of one’s own self.

Doctors wore black robes XVI-XVII centuries. In subsequent centuries, black continues to be their uniform: the robe is replaced dark suit, and until the 20th century, when the white coat replaced it, doctors invariably dressed in black.

It must be said that the production of black cloth in the Middle Ages was expensive, and until the 16th century, when the Spaniards discovered Indian sandalwood in Mexico, black clothing was unavailable ordinary people. Largely thanks to this fact, black acquires a certain aura of significance and status. A man in black in those days, apparently, was supposed to feel his exclusivity, belonging to a strong part of society. And here we come to another important psychological message of the color black - the possession of power.

Metal engraving on the base of a 17th century candlestick. Oprichnik on a horse with a broom and a dog's head

Let us remember the moments when black, in his powerful incarnation, reaches his peak.
The guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible wore black caftans and hats and rode black horses. As you know, these were royal outlaws who possessed unlimited power, who hunted down traitors and swept them away. It is no coincidence that their symbols were a broom and a dog's head.

Another example of a totalitarian elite were, of course, German troops The SS, whose black uniform, introduced in 1932, became synonymous with unlimited power and intimidation. Himmler once remarked: “I know there are people who feel sick at the sight of a black uniform. We are aware of this and don’t expect too many people to love us.”

Typical security guard

The introduction of black uniforms for the police (they are actually dark blue, but look almost black) in modern Russia seems a logical solution in the light of what has been said about the connection between the color black and the possession of power (naturally, without direct parallels with the previous two examples). The connecting link in all three cases is partial (mostly or to a lesser extent) denial of individuality.

Security guards of all stripes like to wear black clothes. This is also quite understandable: there is a desire to inspire at least some authority, at least to make a first impression, and a man in a black suit is quite capable of this.

Let's get back to history. Actually before early XIX centuries, men, with the exception of the professions mentioned above, were not very fond of black clothes. And by the 17th-18th centuries, in elegance, brightness and variety, the men’s wardrobe differed little from the women’s:

Since the 1820s, we have observed an interesting and difficult to explain phenomenon, the beginning new era in fashion, called the “great male refusal”. The transition to a black and white wardrobe happened literally in a matter of decades. In the early 1830s evening men's suit should be black (optionally blue). In the summer, white trousers were allowed, but after a few years “black trousers or pantaloons became an immutable law.” Next, a colored vest comes out of use, the last bright men's item.

“And already in 1850, the French magazine “Journal des tailleurs” reported that a secular men's suit consists exclusively of pantaloons, two vests - white and black; a black tie and another white one” (John Harvey “Men in Black”).
The main reason for the rapid discoloration of the men's wardrobe is often cited as social leveling, which we can observe after the bourgeois revolution in France, but the reason is not only this: the fashion for discreetness was formed in England as a result of the practical requests of small landed nobles who traveled on horseback, and not in carriages - and then it spread everywhere. Not last role also played the dandies of that time; in particular, the notorious George Brummel.

The 19th century is known for rapid technological changes and the establishment of capitalism as the dominant way of life. Bourgeois values ​​come to the fore. Black color in Victorian era takes on the meaning of restraint and asceticism; the work morality of that time prescribed selfless work in order to succeed. Money, and therefore power, during this period is associated with black clothing in highest degree. The men's wardrobe is becoming more and more black.

“In 1891, Oscar Wilde sent a letter of protest to The Daily Telegraph against “the uniform black tailcoats now worn” - black seemed to him “monotonous, boring and dull.” (J. Harvey “Men in Black” ).

At the turn of the century, black was still worn everywhere, but rather out of inertia. The woman gradually liberated herself, the power of the men loosened their grip slightly. Soon, the gloomy men's wardrobe began to be diluted with checkered jersey, gray flannel and tweed of various colors. In the subsequent years of the 20th century, one can observe the gradual displacement of black from everyday life: only in formal clothing, even today, does this color firmly hold its position.

Black color today

Of course, the color black today has the same associations as in the past: deep human psychology has not disappeared anywhere. But thanks to many style directions Today we can use black in any way we want, creating thousands of different shades of mood, playing with different color combinations.

People often prefer black creative professions. Here are the reasons that architects give for their love for this color (Fashion Theory magazine, issue 33):

  • introverted character
  • in order to emphasize detachment from his creations
  • life is a sad thing
  • black expresses a quiet confidence in mystery that channels creativity
  • It's easier to dress in black
  • black is slimming

Well, logical reasons: black is, indeed, the color of romantic melancholy and retreat into the shadows. But at the same time, it is a very catchy color. Dressed in a black and white outfit, you will undoubtedly be noticed - the whole world is colored, and your gaze involuntarily snatches a monochrome picture from the crowd.

Let's move on to the practical aspects of the men's wardrobe.

The decisive factor in creating a complete look using black will be the size and the space occupied relative to the entire set. When adding a small accessory (a watch strap or gloves, for example), the overall mood of the picture remains almost untouched. And vice versa: by dressing in black from head to toe, you radically change the external impression of yourself. Depending on the style of clothing, one mood or another is created: black classic suit sets the tone of formality, business environment, reliability; black Leather Jacket and jeans make you look at a person from a completely different angle - a rebel, an outcast, bad guy, and certainly not a respectable gentleman.

Many people consider black a universal safe color that can be combined with anything. But we see that this is not such a harmless color. On the contrary, it is a strong, emotional color containing many negative, sometimes ominous, psychological allusions. Therefore, it must be used with great caution.

Regarding versatility. What I see on the streets of Moscow every day prompts me to say:
A black suit is not a universal suit!
Black shoes are not universal shoes!

Men whose only footwear consists of black boots and shoes think that they have solved the problem of compatibility. But no: thereby they drive themselves into limits. Black shoes do not go well with light blue jeans, brown or any bright trousers. This is a very, very unfortunate combination. It's a depressing picture, even if you don't take into account the ugly shoes in the photo themselves:

Black suit Nowadays it has become too formal, you should not wear it every day to work, unless you are a security guard. Especially if it is pure black, and not charcoal - a dark, dark gray (like Bond in the picture above).

If the jacket is double-breasted, and there is also a vest, this further increases the degree of formality:

Another fairly common combination that I would advise you to avoid: a black shirt with a light tie. It looks either naive, or vice versa - aggressive, gangster-like (but still slightly comical):

It's better not to wear a tie at all. This set of a black shirt and jacket may look sexy, but in my opinion, it’s still pretentious:

Once again: black is not a universal color, especially when it comes to the color of your appearance. This is a bright and cold color (more details in this article in the color-harmony community), and so much black on the face will not suit everyone. Of all the color types, only “winter” can wear such a set without risk (photo above). We have a series of articles devoted to this issue, where you will find detailed guide By . Basic large items - jackets, shirts, sweaters - are best selected from your palette.

Another important point: in black clothes, the texture of the material is noticeable like no other. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention here great attention choosing quality fabric. The cheapness of a black polyester suit or any synthetic shirt will be obvious. On the other hand, due to the lack of color, high-quality wool, cashmere or cotton will be appreciated by others.

What colors can you combine black clothing with?
Quite neutral and safe combinations are obtained with gray and beige.

Black and muted blue look good together:

An interesting and emotional effect is created by the combination of black and purple:

Even more emotional, but with notes of drama, will be a tandem of black and red. But this combination is rarely appropriate:

You need to be careful when combining black and white on your face: it is too harsh and should match the contrast of your face.

Unfortunately, the picture that we have now suggests that for the most part, men choose black thoughtlessly - only because of the established stereotype: “black goes with everything and suits everyone.” Yes, color is functional and important, it’s difficult to do without it, but it also has boundaries and quite distinct ones, which is what we tried to show today.

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