Hair coloring color transition. Stylish ombre hair coloring - create a unique look

You can experiment with your image and show your individuality in a new way with the help of this simple trick like hair coloring. However, a positive result should not be an accident, so changing the color of “native” curls must be carefully planned, taking into account both the most fashion trends the new season, and the features of your hair.

Current trends in coloring 2017

There is no doubt that fashionable hair coloring 2017 (fashionable techniques, techniques) this year will include predominantly straight methods of applying dye, resulting in beautiful color shifts and play of highlights on the curls.

Depending on the used color palette, they can be used to create the most natural shade of hair, and to brightly accentuate extraordinary hairstyles. However, it should be borne in mind that when highlighting, stylists do not recommend clear separation of bleached strands: straw, wheat, caramel and honey curls should smoothly dissolve into the total mass of hair.

Ombre, sombre

Ombre and sombre- the main trends of 2017 in the field of hair coloring. These techniques are slightly similar not only in name, but also in the specifics of applying paint, so they are often confused. But when dyeing a sombre, the color transition on the curls is smoother, due to the use of not one, but several similar shades. In addition, color gradation occurs both vertically and horizontally. This type coloring is perfect for those representatives of the fair sex who want to lighten their hair a little, but do not have the time and opportunity to tint their roots every three weeks.

Ombre also represents a transition from darker roots to light ends. Main feature Such coloring is the presence of a blurred boundary between the “native” hair color and light strands. As a rule, ombre is done on dark hair, because the color transition most noticeable on black, dark chestnut or dark blond curls. The very transition to light color V in this case starts from the middle of the hair length.


The peculiarity of this fashionable dyeing technique is the specific method of applying dye to the hair. The master makes vertical strokes with a brush, working only on the top layer of curls. In this case, the tip of the brush actually “sweeps” along the strands, creating the illusion of natural hair lightening.

In 2017, hair designers propose to actively use balayage in graduated hairstyles, since highlighting the top layer of the hairstyle with the trending color of the year is dark cherry, light gold, strawberry pink, etc.– looks very stylish and unusual, refreshes the image and visually makes the hairstyle more voluminous. True, it is almost impossible to dye your hair using the balayage technique at home, so in this case it is better to give preference to a salon procedure.


To slightly change your image without changing the main hair color, another fashion technology« sunbeams" or "babylights". It consists of partially lightening individual strands located closer to the ends of the hair, and creates the illusion of slightly sun-bleached hair, as often happens with little fidgets, great amount spending time on fresh air. “Sunny bunnies” look especially impressive on light chestnut and light brown curls.


Another way to do hair "sun-bleached". A special feature of this technique is the use of two similar shades when coloring curls, which, in fact, result in the most natural lightening. Next year two varieties of shatushi will be relevant:

  • lightening only the ends of the hair;

highlighting strands throughout the hairstyle.

Current paint colors

The color trends of 2017 in the field of hair coloring are very diverse. The most popular and interesting include:

Natural blonde

Cold chestnut

Since naturalness and naturalness are in fashion, next year a variety of dark shades will also be relevant, but at the peak of popularity is a beautiful smoky chestnut new color, also called "cold chestnut". However, curls of this color are not suitable for all fashionistas, so first it is better to experiment with unstable dyes. Perhaps a warm rather than a cool chestnut shade will look better on your hair.

Silver gray

Gray hair, which has somewhat lost its popularity in previous years. Snow-white and silver-gray strands will look impressive in the hairstyles of both very young girls and elegant ladies. Natural gray hair is also in fashion! Therefore, when time-bleached curls appear, you should not hastily paint them over, but, on the contrary, proudly show them off to others, regardless of your age!

Young fashionistas with the help of “gray” highlights can create the most interesting - shockingly extravagant – images, and for older ladies this is an excellent opportunity to emphasize the nobility and grace of their hairstyle.

The only caveat is that creating artificial gray strands requires quite strong lightening, so brunettes are better off choosing a different shade for dyeing, the obtaining of which will not require such complex manipulations with the hair.

Coffee-caramel tones

Unusual shades reminiscent of strong espresso with bright splashes of caramel tones. This color combination suitable for absolutely all representatives of the fair sex, because warm shades brown blend harmoniously with skin and eyes of any color.

Walnut, fiery red and gold

Fashionable hair designers recommend for brunettes and brown-haired women cool brown shades both for full and strand coloring. Trending - barely noticeable ombre with maximum lightening up to light brown color and nutty undertones. To the owners dark brown hair you can try yourself in a new role - fiery red, bright golden and reddish-golden shades will make the image expressive and defiantly expressive.

Wine and cherry dreams

The hit of 2017 is all shades of wine and berries: cherry, mahogany, burgundy, dark crimson, deep red. Hair can be dyed completely, or it can be shaded: dark curls with cherry strands, light ones with strawberry strands, and copper-brown ones with the color of lingonberry jam or burgundy.

Hot Trends next year: red, pink, blue and multi-colored hair

Of course, among the 2017 fashion trends in the field of hair coloring, there are also solutions designed for fans of extreme shocking beauty. The most popular of them is gradient sunset , in which yellow, peach, pink and red shades shimmer amazingly beautifully on the curls, creating the illusion of the setting sun. Naturally, to work in large company With a strict dress code, such a hairstyle will not work, but vacation is the time for bright experiments!

Translucent "rose quartz" , looking impressive on thin and naturally blonde hair, is also one of the most popular colors for next year. The muted shade of this color goes perfectly with stylish haircut“long bob” and adds even more courage and enthusiasm to the owners of a short “pixie”.

Warm strawberry blonde great option for dyed blondes. With this color you can highlight individual strands, turning your hairstyle into a creamy strawberry masterpiece, or you can completely repaint your bleached hair in different strawberry tones - from dark pink to light red.

Blue hair color this year it is slightly losing its position to all sorts of shades of pink and red. However, a slightly noticeable blue of individual strands in combination with blond hair remains popular.

“Why do blondes dye their roots black?” - popular humorous phrase probably inspired the designers fashionable hairstyles. As a result, painted in different colors, steel fashion trend the last three years. Beauty salons, in their list of services, widely offer coloring using ombre, balayage, and shatush techniques. The meaning of these terms is not always clear to the masters themselves. Sometimes you can hear an explanation that these three names mean the same thing - in a different color. When paying for a service in a hairdressing salon, you must know what you want and what you should do. What makes ombre different from each other?

Fashionable coloring hair ends

Shatush, ombre, balayage – synonyms or different techniques?

  • Shatush. Highlighting in this technique involves coloring. The curls are chosen arbitrarily, different in thickness and length, the boundaries of transitions of different tones are not strictly separated and foil is not used. Such shading of the borders gives the hairstyle volume, but is not suitable for short haircuts.
  • Ombre involves coloring the ends of the hair not in strands, but in a whole mass. The transition from one shade to another can be either sharp or smooth. The color design of the tips is determined by imagination: from a slightly lightened or darkened shade of the main color, to a variety bright colors rainbows.
Ombre hair coloring
  • Balayage is a coloring that is as close to natural as possible. At the same time, the dyed ends of the hair look like they have been naturally bleached by the sun.

Types of dyeing hair ends at home: light or bright colors

Homemade ombre for dark short hair

Doing your own hairstyle is not new to you? Then you can handle it at home. To do this, first prepare everything you need.

For more light tone– brightener for 4-6 tones, or paint of the desired color.

  1. Foil.
  2. Brush.
  3. Bowl for paint.
  4. Gloves.
  5. Apron to protect clothes.

Let's start the process.

  • Prepare the paint in a bowl according to the instructions.
Apply dye to strands of hair from the middle to the end, wrapping each strand in foil
  • Let sit for 20-25 minutes and remove the foil.

Attention! The continuation of the procedure depends on the desired end result.

For ombre with a contrasting sharp border, at this stage the coloring is completed

Remove the foil and wash your hair.

  • To create a smooth, natural transition between areas, after removing the foil, apply another layer of paint slightly above the painted border, for 7-10 minutes.
  • Wash your hair and be sure to rinse with conditioner.

Dip-Dye technology for light brown hair

Girls who want to have a stellar appearance have gone beyond simple ombre and balayage.

Dip-Dye technology - these are tips painted in bright colors, and sometimes in several colors at the same time

This is not difficult to achieve. In addition to the standard dyeing kit, you will need an additional hair bleaching agent. Natural blondes can skip this stage!

  1. Bleaching. Treat the part of the curls that will change color with a lightening agent, according to the instructions for this product. Wrap each curl in foil.
  2. After the required period, wash off the paint.
  3. Separate again and carefully apply the chosen paint with a brush.
  4. Cover the dyed ends of your hair immediately with foil.
  5. Leave on as per instructions, rinse and rinse.

Fashionable bright color painting with chalk (pastel)

This is an occasion when you can show off in a bright, original way, demonstrating an original multi-colored hairstyle, but a green or pink palette will be inappropriate at tomorrow's business meeting. This dilemma is easily resolved.

You can dye the ends of your hair using special pastel crayons, and when you get home, just wash your hair well

Tips for using pastels:

  • Crayons come in dry and oil types. To stay healthy, use dry ones.
  • wet, light - dry.
  • The pastel paint will be distributed more evenly if the strand is twisted into a flagellum.
  • Do not overuse this product on dry hair; the components of the chalk can dry out the curls.

We use food coloring to protect the ends of the hair.

Hair ends of a different color can easily be achieved using food coloring.

The effect is no less delightful, and the components of food dyes are favorable to hair - they are food grade, after all. Several nuances of this coloring.

Dyeing your hair a new color is the easiest and most quick way change your appearance, emphasize your style or demonstrate to others the fact that you live in step with the times. To give yourself a different look, you can contact a professional artist in hair salon, and you can please yourself at home. Moreover, OMBRE coloring, which is fashionable today, is a creative and very interesting process!

Scheme and technique of hair coloring at home

If you don't have the time or opportunity to visit a salon, try dyeing your hair yourself. A little effort, patience and competent preliminary preparation will allow you to get the desired color at home, and proper care will keep the strands silky, shiny and manageable. It should be noted that OMBRE staining will, of course, require a little more effort on your part. But all this is compensated by interesting tints of color and originality.

First you need to determine what type of coloring you need. There are at least three options:

Classic - hair is dyed in two tones with an unclear, rather blurred horizontal border. Therefore, as a result we see smooth transition from one color at the roots to another color at the ends of the hair. For this type of coloring, as a rule, the most natural shades are used, creating beautiful and sophisticated color pairs. You can make the roots darker and the ends of your hair lighter, or vice versa, highlight the contour of your haircut or make individual strands more visible, shade your bangs;

“Regrown bronding” - this is the name of the second OMBRE coloring option. It is worth using if your hair is naturally quite dark - chestnut, light brown, chocolate. To obtain the desired effect, the hair roots are tinted in a shade slightly darker than the natural hair color, and the remaining part of the strands is lightened using natural light tones;

Three color dyeingperfect choice for extraordinary individuals. With this technique, the roots and ends of the hair are dyed in one color, and a wide horizontal stripe of a different color is made in the middle. You can limit yourself to natural colors or choose bright and unusual combinations.

The dyeing process itself is as follows. It's worth starting from the roots. If you choose two shades, then first apply the dye from the roots to the border you need, then divide the hair into strands and dye each of them in the second shade. Wrap the finished dyed strands in foil for at least half an hour. After the time is up, the foil can be removed to evaluate the result. If you feel that the color is not bright enough, it is recommended to apply a second coat of paint and leave for another 20-30 minutes. Then you need to wash your hair warm water and you can rejoice at your own transformation.

If you plan to use several shades, then you should visually imagine the boundaries of transitions from one tone to another, and dye your hair gradually and carefully going down from the roots to the ends. Try to avoid sudden transitions. From the selected shades, exposure time and your creative spark will depend on what kind of result you get.

Types and options of coloring, different colors. What does it look like before and after?

We can roughly divide natural hair colors into four fairly large groups: red, light, dark and black. And each of these groups has its own types and options for OMBRE staining.

Red-haired girls can safely afford this coloring. It will add to their already bright appearance, an obvious highlight, will highlight the richness of the main color. Most interesting option in this case, these are slightly darkened hair roots (usually red or purple colors) and the ends of the strands lightened by several tones. You can also highlight individual curls to add volume to your hairstyle and create amazingly beautiful effects.

OMBRE is also suitable for fair-haired and blonde women. There are at least two options here. The most common is dyeing the ends of the hair in dark color, such as chocolate or red-brown. If you are a bright person, then experiment! Color your strands pink, blue, purple or red.

Dark hair is probably the most favorable option for OMBRE coloring. Here you can afford any option and any experiments with color. Lightening the ends slightly to achieve the effect of burnt hair, adding depth of color to the roots, using three or more shades will allow you to achieve stunning results.

Brunettes won't be disappointed either. On their black hair, a smooth transition from a dark tone at the roots to a light tone at the ends will look good. But the opposite option will also cause a storm of delight. You can also add bright accents– raspberry, blue, purple will enliven your image.

Hair coloring by length. Photo

For the best result, be sure to take into account the length of your hair. The most beneficial option is long Thick hair. But even if you are the owner short haircut, do you prefer a bob or hairstyle? middle length, then pick up suitable look coloring will be easy.

If you have short hair, bright strands and color accents will add volume to your hairstyle, adding lightness and style to the entire look. Of course you won't be able to achieve smooth transitions from tone to tone as in the classic version, but clear boundaries and unexpected color combinations (for example, chocolate and blonde) will make you irresistible.

The bob is one of the most popular haircuts. It’s easy to add relevance and originality to it. For example, you can highlight the strands that frame your face and color them in a more saturated color. dark shade or vice versa, lighten it. Classic version with dark roots and light tips is generally suitable in such a situation, which could not be more convenient.

Medium-length hair will allow you to choose any coloring option - there are practically no limits to your imagination. Play with transitions, the number of shades, their brightness and delight yourself and others with your appearance.


Choosing paint

If you decide to paint at home, then you need to choose reliable and high-quality paint from a trusted manufacturer.

Today, one of the most successful options would be to purchase special set from L’Oreal - Preference Wild Ombres. It is quite easy to purchase in any store, and the result of use is comparable to professional coloring in a salon.

Thanks to the presence of three shades in the set, you can easily choose the one that suits you. And to make the process go quickly and efficiently, inside the box you will find a special comb. Its beauty is that the structure of the teeth is ideal for OMBRE staining. Cost of OMBRE coloring

The price of coloring will depend on the length of your hair, the number of shades you want and the OMBRE option. On average, prices in salons in large cities start from 3,000 rubles. For this money you will get a simple two-color dye job for medium-length hair.

Do you want something more original and complex? And besides, you are the happy owner long hair? Be prepared for the fact that the cost may increase to 8,000 rubles.

Finally, home coloring will cost you an average of 300 rubles - that’s how much a set from L’Oreal costs.

Master class on coloring in video lesson

If you decide to experiment in the OMBRE style, watch how the professionals do it. A short video tutorial will help you choose correct technique and will reveal several secrets of perfect coloring.

A woman's appearance is a reflection of her inner world. Be beautiful, original, bright and charming! After all, now this can be done much easier, thanks to new OMBRE coloring technologies.