Games for girls clothing designer wedding dresses. Made in Russia: the best Russian wedding dress designers

Fashion is, in principle, interesting, and wedding fashion is a world in which it is incredibly pleasant to be in, where 90-60-90 does not exist, where you end up according to special occasion, and where are you - main character or at least in the leading roles. Today especially for website the founders and representatives of 5 Russian wedding brands shared their inspiration and images with us, opening the door to this magical space of delicate fabrics flying towards love.

Maria Alekseeva Vessna Wedding

I have always been drawn to something incredibly elegant, spectacular, something that was missing in everyday life. For more than 4 years I developed my own corsetry technology, which then grew into sewing technology wedding dresses.

I started sewing more tightly in 2009, and the more complex projects with many fittings, the more I realized that I could feel the customer. This was and remains the main thing to this day: I work with a specific person, character, mood and wishes, and only then everything works out.

I feel closest to working with natural sources inspiration. Nature is an ideal advisor: color, shape, mood, feeling - you can see absolutely everything, process it, let it pass through you and get a unique result.

My bride? First of all, alive. A person who does not try to put on a standard fashion mask modern trends. A person who knows and loves himself. I help them find their unique beauty, and this can only be done in the absence of fear. Allow yourself to be wonderful and don't be afraid of anything!

Victoria Spirina

Let me start with the fact that I have a natural interest in dresses, like any girl. You always want to have interesting, high-quality clothes in your wardrobe, regardless of whether it is casual wear or event wear. And I, as a person with art education and a heightened sense of beauty, special complaints about dresses. Seeing what was happening around me, that everything was somehow bland, I thought that I could brighten up this world.

And for about 3 years now I have been creating models and wedding collections - in our country life goes by every two years, so I think that quite a lot has been done.

I can be inspired in an instant - from something interesting I saw or heard. Theater productions, concerts, travel - all these are sources of inspiration. And the work itself - my bride’s eyes sparkle, she is full of life, she is interesting, self-sufficient and very beautiful! And most importantly, she is a person. When such a girl wears my dress, she becomes just a princess.

Wedding workshop "Peony"

For the fifth year now, our weekdays and weekends consist entirely of patterns, lace, shimmering beads, clouds of tulle, the smiles of our brides and incredible happiness mixed with gratitude for the fact that we are doing what we love.

Our dresses are designed to highlight the charm and individuality of each girl. Delicate and airy, they are the personification of beauty and lightness, embodied in clouds of tulle skirts and ornate patterns of the finest lace.

When you find yourself in our workshop, you find yourself in a world of many delicate shades, sensual silhouettes and various textures! Every dress is a little story for us, fairy tale: from sketch development, fabric selection and hand embroidery with detailing the smallest details until the moment when our dress meets a beautiful and happy girl to highlight her beauty and personality on her most special day!

We are sincerely grateful to our brides, so different and so unique, that they never cease to inspire us and give us the opportunity to bring a wide variety of creative ideas to life!

Wedding dresses "Milamira"

For almost eight years now, every day we have been meeting brides and wedding dresses. We do what we truly love, implement ideas that excite us, and leave it up to the brides to decide how well we do it. And our own brand and production recently turned one year old.

Our inspiration is, first of all, our hometown, St. Petersburg. Outstanding architecture, blending European culture with unique Russian traditions, the amazing history of ballet, art - all this together with a special sky gray shade and piercing winds lives in us and in everything that we create.

Milamira's bride is the embodiment of both femininity and strength.

Imagine a ballerina: on stage, in the spotlight, we see an ethereal creature, as if it has no weight. It would seem that what could be more tender and fragile? But in fact, behind this external lightness there is titanic work, and even the most severe men can envy the physical and moral strength of our fragile ballerina.

Many girls dream of a fantastic wedding. For most, the dream is associated with a luxurious table, a huge wedding hall, an ocean of flowers and a breathtaking dress worthy of a princess.

Finding the perfect dress is a difficult task, especially for those who cannot afford to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on it. But those who can, have undeniable advantage. They can turn to the most famous and expensive designers. Their dresses are beautiful and unique. They are made from the best fabrics and expensive .

Reem Acra

from $3200 to $7800 (average $3500).

Dresses from Rim Acre will be remembered by everyone. Her collections are eclectic, many created specifically for the catwalk. Based on natural motifs: falling leaves and snowflakes, mixed style innovative forms and vintage chic.

Akra cannot be called a special lover of lace; she is more interested in combining textures and colors in the most unrealistic ways. She most often uses taffeta and satin.


from $3000 to $12000 (average $5000)

Wedding dresses from the Marchesa brand, which is actually a line created in 2004 by British designer Georgina Chapman, cost about the same.

Ee wedding collection‒ it is eclectic with a noticeable vintage and Asian influence.

Angel Sanchez

from $3500 to $8500 (average $4100)

Rich brides love dresses by Venezuelan designer Angel Sanchez. Its models are different traditional forms and proportions, usually silhouette A.

Dresses are characterized by clean lines and a minimum of details. He sewed a dress for Sandra Bullock, which, according to rumors, cost her between 10-20 thousand dollars.

Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a leading couturier who loves to combine old-world glamor with unique details and styles. She likes traditional Spanish motifs with lace corsets and deep necklines.

Jim Hjelm

Jim Helm Special attention pays attention to unique details and luxurious fabrics. Dresses highlight all the charms female figure thanks to the use of delicate lace.

Pronovias offers fluffy dresses with a tightening top, thanks to which a beautiful elegant silhouette. Silk, organza, tulle are the most common fabrics; lace corsets are usually embroidered with pearls and crystals.

Elie Saab

from $6,000 to $53,000 (average $10,000)

Wedding dresses from designer Elie Saab belong to the Pronovias group. Many dresses are made in the Cinderella style: a long fluffy skirt, lowered sleeves, a waist tied with a ribbon. The designer makes extensive use of lace and stones.

Oscar de la Renta

Rich clients can't pass up Oscar de la Renta's dresses. The fashion designer is known for his unusual , decorated with lace, flowers and frills, in which old-world and Latin motifs were mixed.

Vera Wang

the minimum price of a dress is $6,000, and the average is $12,000

Vera Wang is one of the most fashionable wedding designers. She uses the most best materials for every part of the model. She helped popularize colored wedding dresses.

Mariah Carey, Ivanka Trump, Jessica Simpson got married in her dresses. Victoria Beckham, whose dress cost 100 thousand dollars.

Every year more and more talented Russian designers appear, showing the world amazingly beautiful clothes, in order to please the whims of brides. We have collected the most interesting domestic brands that create dresses in a variety of price categories and stylistic directions, and are in no way inferior to Western ones in beauty and grace! Who knows, maybe you will decide to marry one of these designers?

Baby Doll Shop

The brand was created in 2010 by designer Alena Dovgaya. Dresses are sewn individually for each bride according to the buyer’s personal measurements and decorated by hand, jewelry and accessories are also in the catalog handmade. Several ready-made models of dresses can be seen on the brand’s website, the rest are unique dresses from real brides.

Dress D0085, RUB 14,600

Dress D0054, RUB 15,200

Where to buy: in hometown Kazan, as well as in the online store - delivery is carried out worldwide.

Cost: from 6,000 to 16,000.

Dream & Dress

Angelina Androsova's wedding dresses are airiness, femininity and tenderness in the flesh, elegant lace and pastel shades. The designer smoothly moved into wedding fashion from wedding photography, and has been sewing for 7 years now beautiful dresses for brides by hand and with great love. Angelina is inspired by feminine grace and fluidity: “I create dresses that could highlight the subtlest and individual details of the girls’ appearance and personality. I see unique accents, and dresses, I think, can highlight them.”

Model Pion, RUB 45,000

Model Lazurit, RUB 47,000

Collete model, RUB 46,500

Model Lavanda, RUB 38,000

Where to buy: in an online store, in wedding salons in Moscow and other cities, a list of which can be found on the website.

Cost: from 25,000 to 51,000.

St. Petersburg wedding workshop of Anastasia Arkanova also offers custom tailoring of the dress of your dreams and promises to meet the deadline in 2 weeks. Every bride can feel like a designer and participate in the process of creating her only, unique dress.

Where to buy: write to Anastasia on Instagram or Vkontakte, and she will tell you in detail about further actions.

Cost: 38,000-50,000.


Wedding dresses from young designers from Northern Capital. The Milamira brand is a mixture of European spirit and traditions of Russian culture. By skillfully weaving the breath of wind of change and watercolors of the sky into their models, young designers endow their products with the features various styles and traditions.

Model Amy, Rock'n'Roses collection

Model Arsenia, collection “Primroses”

Model Agnia, collection “Primroses”

Where to buy: St. Petersburg wedding studio The One, as well as courier delivery to any city in Russia.

Cost: from 30,000 to 55,000.

Chudova Dress

Anna Chudova is another talented designer who works exclusively with natural fabrics - Italian silks and chiffon, the best French lace. And the emphasis on most dresses is on exquisite embroidery, which is painstakingly created by hand. Anna also uses Swarovski rhinestones and natural or artificial pearls for decoration. Individual approach allows you to choose for each bride and wedding concept ideal model wedding dress. The portfolio can be viewed on the website or on Instagram (anna_chudova), here are some examples of finished products:

Where to buy: write to Anna on social networks and agree to create a dress.

Cost: from 40,000.

Tatiana Kaplun

The name of the Russian fashion designer Tatyana Kaplun has long been known in the field of wedding fashion. During the existence of the company of the same name, which was founded in Nizhny Novgorod in 1995, her work was highly appreciated by professionals and brides, who always look stylish, magical and unforgettably beautiful in designer dresses! The variety of collections allows you to make your own unique choice - there are dresses in retro, classic, modern and bohemian chic styles - among the models and shades presented, your eyes will simply run wild!

Uilla from the “Lady of quality” collection, from RUB 30,000.

Galatea from the “Lady of quality” collection, from RUB 29,000.

Alura from the “Jazz sounds” collection, from RUB 40,000.

Vesta from the “Jazz sounds” collection, from RUB 45,000.

Where to buy: the brand’s wedding dresses are presented in salons in more than 80 cities of Russia ( full list which can be viewed on the website of the same name), as well as the capitals of Ukraine and Belarus. In Moscow, designer dresses can also be purchased at various wedding salons, addresses are available.

Cost: from 21,000 to 50,000.


Victoria Spirina - already famous brand in the wedding fashion industry. Distinctive feature brands are an exclusive model range and author's collections. Dresses made from high quality European natural fabrics are designed for free and romantic brides. Only natural fabrics and only a unique approach to each individual dress.

Model Raisa, collection “Melito Romano”, RUB 110,000

Model Delphinia, “Melito Romano” collection, RUB 167,000

Model Inna, collection “Flos Florum”, RUB 51,000

Where to buy: Moscow - Victoria Spirina showroom, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia - in wedding salons, the list of which is presented on the brand’s website.

Cost: from 50,000 to 170,000 rubles.

Love Wedding Couture

The founder of the brand, Artem Skripnik, was the personal assistant of Valentin Yudashkin. But after some time, he decided to go free, creating his own brand. And Artem achieved success quite quickly - at international exhibition"Wedding Paradise" 2011 Love Wedding Couture was named the best brand in the world of wedding fashion. On the site you will find not only elegant dresses, but also the most beautiful wedding jewelry and stylish accessories.

Madison model, RUB 91,000.

Brooke model, RUB 67,000.

Model Kimberly, RUB 127,000.

Where to buy: Columbus shopping center, EuroPark, Crystal, and also in the online store. Delivery is carried out to all regions of Russia and beyond, courier delivery is available in Moscow and the region.

Cost: from 65,000 to 150,000.


Larisa Postnikova created her Gabbiano brand less than 10 years ago, and during this time she managed to win the title of one of the best wedding designers Russia. The main feature of this fashion house, in addition to the incredible riot of colors in wedding dresses and high quality materials and work is hand embroidery and hand beading.

Model Alda from the “Bohemia” collection, RUB 42,000

Leros model from the “Fairy Tale” collection, RUB 38,000

Brioni model from the “Charm” collection, RUB 25,000

Where to buy: addresses wedding salons, in which you can find the brand’s wedding dresses, are presented on their website.

Cost: from 25,000.

Svetlana Lyalina

Fashion house Svetlana Lyalina specializes in creating wedding and evening dresses. Each dress contains high-quality materials and a complex cut, classical principles and innovative ideas that allow brides to realize their most intimate dreams - an exquisite princess wedding dress. As numerous fashion critics say: “Lyalina creates a holiday.”

Dress “Bitti”, RUB 45,900

Dress "Daniella", price on request

Dress “Theophila”, RUB 348,900

Where to buy: Moscow, Svetlana Lyalina Fashion House, Nikolsky Passage shopping center

Cost: from 40,000 to 500,000 rubles.

Valentin Yudashkin

Famous Russian fashion designer and the founder of his own brand, Valentin Yudashkin, is also known for producing collections of his own wedding dresses, which are always distinguished by luxury and originality, a skillful combination of colors, shapes, silhouettes and fabrics.

Slava Zaitsev

Of course, such an eminent and talented designer as Vyacheslav Zaitsev could not ignore the wedding theme. The collection is called “Nostalgia” for a reason - impeccable workmanship and modernity are combined with baroque luxury, theatricality and eccentricity. The maestro relies on complex decor and a combination of different fabric textures. The result of the work can be said with confidence that such dresses are intended for a real queen.

Made in Russia: the best Russian designers wedding dresses was last modified: September 29th, 2016 by Natalie Balaeva

There are so many brides, so many opinions about what a wedding dress should really be. And what can we say about designers? Their flight of fancy leaves us, ordinary people, far behind. However, even unrestrained improvisations on the theme of wedding dresses imply a certain style inherent in a particular master. Let's reveal the secrets of designers and learn to recognize them, barely looking at the next masterpiece.

Carolina Herrera

This trendsetter prefers exceptional luxury and sophistication. Models conquer the catwalks wearing breathtaking outfits from Carolina Herrera, decorating their heads with original designer hats with feathers and “sweeping” the catwalk with chic trains. Dresses designed by this designer emphasize the silhouette, but at the same time create the illusion of volume (thanks to wide ruffles). Some styles of dresses involve an asymmetrical arrangement of details, which makes them even more original, and therefore attractive for stylish and extraordinary brides.

Simone Carvalli (Simon Carvalli)

The collection of this famous designer amazes with its luxury and variety. He prefers to use the most expensive fabrics (silk, French lace) and decorations (Swarovski crystals, etc.). Simon does not ignore the chic trains, graceful capes and airy fabrics. It is worth noting that almost all known ones are present in his collection.

Manuel Mota

This designer is chosen by the richest brides of our time. The most interesting thing is that the wedding dresses created by Mota have a rather laconic form - they emphasize the female silhouette, but at the same time they do not become overgrown with a lot of details. It is very difficult to disagree with this vision of the bride’s image, because excessive decor distracts attention. It is worth noting, however, that dresses from Manuel Mota amaze with their elegance, but not with their richness of shades - the famous designer’s favorites are classic White color.

Collections of wedding dresses from Manuel Mota can be found on the website

Valentine Yudashkin

Our designer believes that wedding fashion is an abstract concept. Every bride has every right to create her own exclusive image. Yudashkin himself prefers to dress his models in tight-fitting outfits and pays special attention to great attention various accessories (these are handbags, wreaths, tiaras, gloves, etc.). He does not reject corsets, deep necklines and any original ideas(at one of the shows, Yudashkin sent a “bride” onto the catwalk wearing an embroidered baseball cap).

In colors famous designer prefers soft, unobtrusive shades. He uses white, sky blue, smoky, pale pink and others fashionable colors. Official website of Valentin Yudashkin’s company -

Oksana Mukha

Ukrainian Oksana Mukha is today one of the ten most popular and sought-after European designers, and this is well-deserved recognition of her merits. Oksana’s style is impossible not to recognize – it is distinguished by its unique tenderness and lightness.

The Ukrainian designer’s collection is dominated by white color, which is often present in the decor of dresses, interspersed with delicate shades. Oksana pays special attention to the design of the bodice of the dress, decorating it with artificial flowers, original pintucks, lace inserts, ribbons and other details. The collection of the famous designer amazes with its diversity - you can also find “respectable” ball gowns here. These chic dresses can be seen on the website of Oscan Mucha.

Tatyana Kaplun

Tatyana Kaplun managed to win many awards. This designer offers an amazing variety of “cocktail” of styles, styles and color solutions. Models of wedding dresses from Tatyana Kaplun combine classic and modern.

Tatiana's latest collections are characterized by complex draperies and multi-layered skirts. To create her masterpieces, she uses high-quality expensive fabrics, as well as Italian and French lace. The models are decorated with large flowers and elegant openwork inserts. All this beauty is presented on Tatyana Kaplun’s website.

Yumi Katsura (Yumi Katsura)

This Japanese designer should not be ignored, if only because he offers us not only wedding dresses, but also incredibly beautiful wedding kimonos. Despite the truth Japanese style, even the most capricious fashionista will be happy to adopt such an exclusive outfit.

Wedding dresses from Yumi Katsura, thanks to the abundance of flounces, folds and amazing fabric jewelry transforms the bride into an exquisite flower. Some models stand out from their “brothers” by being lush short sleeves, reminiscent of sea foam. You can get acquainted with Yumi Katsura's website. I can’t keep silent :)) the site is strange, many photographs of models are “without heads” :)

In conclusion, I would like to say that without the direct participation of the bride herself, not a single designer outfit can become a real masterpiece. Only the hero of the occasion is able to transform it so that it gains “life” and reveals all its charm.


There are so many brands of wedding dresses that it is very easy for a bride to get confused when choosing them. To prevent this from happening, we have prepared for you a list of the most famous designers peace. In this article you will find information about Spanish, American, Italian and Russian brands. You will find out where their history began, why they are good, who they are suitable for, how much the dresses cost and what they are made of.

These include:

  • Vera Wang (USA)
  • Zuhair Murad (Lebanon)
  • Ersa Atelier (Romania).

Ersa Atelier

The brand was created in 2004 by two sisters from Romania, Cristina and Gabriela Antonescu. It is designed for representatives of the middle class and wealthy couples. The high cost can be explained by the fact that all dresses are made entirely by hand.

To sew them, designers use exclusive lace, semi- and gems, natural fabrics. The Romanian bridal fashion house has won the prestigious “Style Icon” award.

Price range– 400,000-800,000 rubles.

  • lush;
  • transformers;
  • with long sleeves;
  • with open shoulders;
  • A-silhouette.

Here is a video of one of the collections shown in New York:

Vera Wang

The Vera Wang brand was founded in the USA in the early 90s. At the same time, the first boutique opened in New York. The designer's collections include straight, fishnet, A-line and train models. You can also find a dress with an open top and back, with a belt and a corset. But short outfits are practically not offered.

Particular attention is paid to finishing; Swarovski stones, embroidery, satin ribbons and bows are used for decoration. The generally recognized queen of wedding fashion prefers organza, taffeta, chiffon, lace and silk when it comes to materials.

Among her clients are Victoria Beckham, Kate Hudson, Jennifer Lopez and other world-class stars.

Price range– 50,000-110,000 rubles.

Here is a video review of the designer's various dresses:

Zuhair Murad

Zuhair Murad opened his first atelier in Beirut (Lebanon) in 1995, and 5 years later he began organizing wedding dress shows on the catwalks of Paris. His outfits are distinguished by openness and lavish decoration. For decoration, the designer uses artificial flowers, stones, and embroidery.

Shakira, Ivanka Trump, Christina Applegate and other Hollywood stars got married in wedding dresses from this brand.

Concerning color range, then Zuhair Murad chooses mostly white and beige. Among the materials, he prefers tulle, chiffon, silk and organza. Atlas is almost never found in his collections.

Price range– 120,000-350,000 rubles.

The most famous foreign manufacturers of wedding dresses

Italian, Spanish and American brands are worthy of attention.


These include:

  1. Pronovias. This fashion house has its own signature style: a combination of tulle and elegant lace. His collections focus on vintage dresses. In addition to them, classic curvy and mermaid models are widely represented. For those who practice Islam and brides with conservative views, dresses with closed tops and sleeves are offered. Price range– 203,000-330,000 rubles. Official site–
  2. San Patrick. The history of the brand dates back to 1922. Under it, 4 types of wedding dresses are produced - Dreams, Fashion, Lamour and Costura. In the collections there are models with a low waist, a fishtail, and a corset. The predominant fabrics are snow-white satin and tulle. Price range– 55,000-135,000 rubles. Official site–
  3. Rosa Clara. The year the world-famous company was founded is 1994. The main office is located in Barcelona (Spain). She specializes exclusively in wedding dresses. The collections focus on exclusivity and luxury. That's why the design team works most time manually. Natural fabrics are used in tailoring - organza, chiffon, satin. Price range– 106,000-578,000 rubles. Official site– You can find out from another article.

This is a video from the Rosa Clara show:


The most famous wedding brand USA – Vera Wang(described above). Not far from him was the fashion house Alfred Angelo, which was founded in 1993 by the married couple Edith Piccione and Alfred Angelo. In their works they use expensive fabrics - silk, jacquard, viscose, lace and satin. Among the colors in the collections are white, red, beige, pink and even pale blue. Here we have collected a lot of tips that will allow you to do it correctly.

The brand is designed for brides who want to save money on their wedding and look impeccable at the same time.

The company's designers are inspired by images famous fairy tales– “Beauty and the Beast”, “Snow White”, “Cinderella”, “The Little Mermaid”. Another article offers recommendations for . Models are available with tapered, full and straight skirts. The love for embroidery with golden threads and an open top is noticeable.

Minimum cost of outfits– 20,000 rubles, maximum – 35,000.

Official website of the company:

Dress by Alfred Angelo


For those who are tired of the classics ( bouffant skirts with crinoline, corsets and lace), it is worth paying attention to the manufacturer Elisabetta Polignano, popular in Italy and far beyond its borders. Under it, outfits with an extraordinary “appearance” are produced. Among them you can find:

  • suits – skirt + top;
  • dresses with a kind of veil;
  • long sundresses;
  • “transformer” models with a removable skirt and top;
  • black dresses.

Another Italian brand, Amelia Sposa, will appeal to brides who prefer convenience without sacrificing beauty. This combination is possible due to high-quality fabrics - satin, lace, viscose, chiffon and guipure. The highlight of this fashion house is the use of several types of materials at once when creating one outfit.

Dresses from Amelia Sposa are decorated with unusual decor - beads, buttons, artificial flowers. Among them you can find the following models:

  • "mermaid" with lush cloud from flounces and ruffles;
  • “princess” with a skirt extended at the back;
  • With light long capes on the shoulders;
  • with big bows;
  • straight styles with transparent sleeves.

average cost– 50 thousand rubles.

Here's a video from the show:

Do you want to receive step by step instructions How to organize a wedding yourself? We recommend watching the video course “How to Prepare the Perfect Wedding.” You will learn how to manage your wedding budget wisely, how to choose the right host and photographer, and protect yourself from mistakes. All the details

The most popular Russian brands

We will talk about Tatyana Kaplun and Olga Sposa.

Tatyana Kaplun

The brand was founded in 1995 in Nizhny Novgorod. Its boutiques are located in more than 10 countries around the world. Dresses from this designer harmoniously combine quality workmanship, external gloss and comfort. Price– 21,000-48,000 rubles.

The founder of wedding fashion in Russia has 15 collections under her belt in 2016. They feature sophisticated tight-fitting silhouettes, royal pomp, voluminous layered skirts, high waist.

The master pays special attention to decoration. In the design you can see large bows, belts, and satin ribbons.

Olga Sposa

This brand was born in 1991. Under it, models are created with long and short sleeves, fluffy and straight, open and. You can also find knee-length options that are suitable for young brides.

The designer works with satin, lace, chiffon, organza and successfully combines them in one outfit. For all this beauty you only need to pay 14,000-38,000 rubles.

You can learn more about the brand at official website of the company:

Here is another video in which you can look at the designer’s elegant dresses:

Here are almost all the most famous and best brands wedding dresses, all that remains is to make a choice!