Dmitry Nagiyev grew his hair. "One left" is a complex project

0 April 29, 2015, 20:20

Number one is perhaps the most suitable phrase that can be used to describe Dmitry Nagiyev: his heroes often turn out to be truly heroes of the times, sometimes comical, sometimes tragic symbols of what is happening around them. You may not understand them, you may not approve of them, but you cannot stay away.

At the beginning of May, a new comedy starring the actor is coming out in wide release, so the site decided to meet with one of the most popular modern Russian showmen to ask him about the most pressing issues.

Dmitry, there’s no escape from you: on First - “The Voice”, on TNT - “Fizruk”, on STS - “Kitchen”... And everywhere you play the leading role. Now a new project with your participation is being released - “One left”. How is this comedy different from others you've starred in before?

You insulted me in the first part of the question. “There’s no escape from you” - that means you were still trying to escape somewhere.

No it is not true. That's a compliment!

Agree, Nagiyev is not the worst character who appears on our television. I'm a normal dude, right?

Absolutely! One of my friends is “dragging” - her words - from you.

Your girlfriend has good taste (smiles).

Let's return to the second part of my first question. How does One Left differ from your other projects?

As for this picture, for me it was no different in terms of work. I haven’t yet learned how to work in some places well and in others poorly. And I evaluate this not by results, but by internal costs. That’s why I’m here, despite being extremely exhausted after working on the series “Fizruk”. I came here just two days after the end of the huge period of time I spent on the set. At the same time, “Fizruk”, “Kitchen”, and two “Voices” were in action. I came here half dead and dreaming of rest.

Is "One Left" a difficult project?

It was the most difficult period. It was a very difficult filming process. I overestimated my strength. It seemed to me that I would play “One Left” with one left hand. Nevermind! The freebie didn't work. I was seriously exhausted. Up to and including physical injury. I tore a ligament in my leg. And this is not to mention the injury of the “working” hand, because she always lived, but not my life, but the life of a girl, a life not typical of Nagiyev.

The script of the film is funny, the theme is not the most hackneyed. Is that why you agreed to participate in the project?

Not trivial, really. That's why I took the bait. We have seen, heard, read a lot of stories about how a woman moves into a man, a man into a woman, but suddenly in such a way that part of the body - I have never encountered such a thing. It seemed to me that something could come of this. Whether it worked or not is another question. I haven't seen the film yet.

From the editor: the main character of the comedy is a successful sculptor and convinced bachelor Max. Favorable orders, girls for every taste and color... In a word, life is good. However, her usual course is disrupted by the protagonist’s own right hand - she stops obeying him and behaves like the hand of a spoiled girl. Everyone who knows Max thinks he's gone crazy. But in fact, the soul of a stranger moved into his hand.

How was it like working on the same set with Polina Gagarina? After all, for her, filming this film became her debut in a feature film.

Very nice, very nice. We knew each other up to this point. Nobody appointed her as Polina Gagarina, she is just a wonderful singer. What initially aroused my respect was that she made her way everywhere on her own, thanks to her amazing voice. That’s why I treated her favorably from the very beginning. I don’t know what she initially came to me with, but as a result, it seemed to me that we built our cooperation very competently. And due to my slightly greater experience, I gave some advice, but also did not forget to learn from her. Therefore, we worked very well with Gagarina. Was there any improvisation on set or did you strictly follow the script?

You ask the director (smiles). Looking at his gray hair, how dark he came in and how gray he came out, there was apparently some improvisation on my part.

The “humorous muscle” requires some kind of training, how do you keep it in shape?

Yes, but it is impossible to raise it if it does not exist in principle. Therefore, there must be training and a baggage of accumulated humor. But if God didn’t give it in the first place, then no matter how much you read jokes and try to memorize them, you are not funny - you are pathetic.

It turns out that if you don’t know how to joke, don’t try?

You should always try! But it may not work out.

I’ll assume that one of the most difficult, morally speaking, projects for you was “The Voice,” did you guess right?

I think that for any leader this is the pinnacle of difficulty, the pinnacle of mastery.

I can’t even watch TV in peace - sometimes it’s impossible to hold back tears. How do you manage not to show your emotions?

But I can’t do it. I come after “The Voice” squeezed like a lemon and recover. Not for long, as a rule. Because in a day the next shooting begins. It's a difficult story... It was a difficult story for me to find the middle ground between humor and tragedy, since the show often played out human tragedies. In this case, my task was to find style and organic humor in tragic situations. It seems to me that I can cope in some places.

Dmitry Nagiyev on stage of the show "The Voice"

Can I ask you a question about appearance?

Try it (smiles).

How did it happen that you became a skinhead?

For that matter, I have plenty of hair.

That's what I say - shaven-headed, not bald.

That's what I'm telling you. I have a lot of hair. Then I finished filming, now I don’t remember which ones, and I had a period of one and a half months when nothing was expected. I cut everything almost bald. We laughed, it was very funny. That same evening they called and said that in two days I should be on camera for the “Two Stars” program. And I realized that I had no options, I had to go like this. And if at that time I still had a couple of millimeters left on my head, then I thought: “Why not try shaving?” And so it went. And now, maybe I would be glad to grow my hair back, but I don’t have a break.

Nagiyev’s shaved head has already become a brand.

Now maybe. Although the word "brand" sounds funny in my case. Looking at my $8 jeans, it's hard to say that I can be called a brand. But, nevertheless, I was left with a shaved head. Although, I’ll probably try to grow something else.

Are you interested in fashion? Do you like to go shopping?

I dress in a way that is unique to me, and I am not one of those who like to shop. I don't go shopping at all. This happens intermittently if I work abroad at some corporate event or go to some fun wedding, where I am sometimes assigned.

What are your plans? What awaits fans?

If you want to make journalists laugh, tell us about your plans. Therefore, I can say what is, and not what is planned. May God grant that we now start working with Zhora Kryzhovnikov under the leadership of Timur Bekmambetov. Start the epoch-making painting “The Best Day.” There is an unplowed field there. Radda Novikova is still ahead with the wonderful script “Angel”...


Complicated story. To avoid going to hell after death, a person is given 40 days during which he must do something good. This is a parable. I hope it comes out with a comedic twist. This is what it is. Well, the damn “Voice” (smiles). Castings have begun. I thought that everyone had shot back, but it looks like not. Ernst is not giving up his passport or kidney yet.

I shared an intriguing video on social networks. Judging by the video, the artist cut off his hair, which has always been his calling card! The musician spoke about his intention to change his image last summer. In an interview, he admitted that he wants to get a haircut, but he still lacks the determination. It seems that Dmitry finally found the strength and said goodbye to his hair. What do you think of his new look?

The TV presenter also had luxurious hair. According to the artist, he was inspired to radically change his image in 2012 by the long break between filming. Deciding that his hair would have time to grow back, he called his stylist at night, and in the morning he could show off his new haircut.

However, things didn't go according to plan. Dmitry received a call from Channel One and was offered to become the host of a new project, the filming of which began in a few days. He did not refuse and appeared on television in a new image, which he has not changed to this day.

Mentor of the show “The Voice” Leonid Agutin decided to cut off his long hair in 2011 while filming a music video. The artist even kept a memorable video, which he shared on his Instagram page. “Now it seems that 20 hairy years never happened at all. I'm used to it", - said the performer on the social network.

At one time, the main handsome man of Hollywood, Brad Pitt, also had long hair. Back in 1994, he grew luxurious blond locks that would be the envy of many. A couple of years later, the actor got a haircut and since then has experimented with his image almost every year. Now he sticks to the classics, but who knows what bold transformations he will decide on in the future...

Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa, on the other hand, decided to grow his hair longer as he got older. Just look at what he looked like 18 years ago - a charming handsome man, in whom it is still difficult to recognize Khal Drogo or Aquaman.

The actor spoke about his decision to change his image in 2011. According to Jason, he was once hit in the face with a mug at a bar, which cut his eyebrow. The impressive scar made Momoa feel brutal and realize that this had its advantages.

On April 14, Dima Bilan’s team performed. In the first three of the “Fights” stage, Fedor Khvastov, Ramiz Rulev, Milana Pak performed the song Time of my Life very cleanly. The guys behaved well and were rewarded with applause and admiration from Valery Meladze and Nyusha. Dima Bilan invited Milan to stay in the project.

The second three of the “Fights” stage was represented by Artem Seyranyan, Veronica Ustimova and Nikita Vlasenko. The guys sang “Don't Lower Your Eyes.” Their performance was the most tender and sensual in this issue. Nyusha said that the performance was very beautiful and harmonious. Valery Meladze - that everything was perfectly sung. Dima Bilan left Nikita Vlasenko.

In the third trio, Ai-Kys Kyrgys, Valeria Solomykina and Snezhana Shin performed Selena Gomez’s hit Hands to Myself. Meladze gave a standing ovation and said that he was delighted with how the girls managed to perfectly perform such a difficult song. Nyusha emphasized that she could not tear herself away from such a cool performance and it was felt that the girls were enjoying themselves. Dima Bilan gave instructions to the participants and said that each of them has everything to become artists. The mentor called Snezhana's name.

The penultimate three was actually a four, since the Kaimakov sisters took part in it. Elizaveta Kachurak, Karina Ignatyan, Sofia and Elizaveta Kaimakova performed the song “Warming Happiness.” Meladze was confused about who sang after whom, because the song was very difficult, he praised the girls for their excellent performance. Nyusha said that she enjoyed the performance. Dima Bilan left Elizaveta Kachurak in the project.

The youngest three - Alisa Golomysova, Yuri Maksimenkov, Polina Dmitrenko - brought up the rear in the “Fights”. Power, courage and recklessness, as Nagiyev called them. They performed a very fiery track “What’s love got to do with it?” in English. The children delighted not only the jury, but also all the spectators! Meladze compared the energy emanating from the guys to the joint performance of Tina Turner, Mick Jagger and Mariah Carey. Yura told the whole country that he “married Polina,” which caused a great resonance. Bilan invited Alice to stay on the team. And Yura thanked Bilan for setting a goal for him. Polina supported her “husband” and wished Nagiyev, who, by the way, showed off a new hairstyle (instead of the usual bald spot, we saw grown hair!), not to retire.

Milana Pak performed the song “Cold as a Stone” in English. Nikita Vlasenko performed the track “It’s too late for you and me to understand.” Snezhana Shin presented the song “Falling into the Sky.” Elizaveta Kachurak amazed with the song “Love is a magical country” from the film “Dowry”. Alisa Golomysova with the song I Go to Sleep simply caused a storm of emotions in the hearts of the audience and mentors. Alisa Golomysova made it to the finals.

Who were you rooting for?