Statements from famous designers about fashion. Quotes about fashion. Statuses about clothes. Aphorisms about beauty. Sayings about style

Advice from Coco Chanel and other couturiers.

the site decided to recall the most famous and striking quotes from fashion creators. Opinions of Coco Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Giorgio Armani and other designers about the main trends, style and fashion industry.

Coco Chanel

Only young women can afford to invent their own fashion. Mature and aging women should follow the prevailing fashion.

If a woman has good shoes, then she is well dressed.

When choosing accessories, take off the last thing you put on.

Look for a woman in a dress. If there is no woman, then there is no dress.

Fashion has two purposes: convenience and love. And beauty occurs when fashion achieves these goals.

Giorgio Armani

Black and dark blue are more slimming than other colors. Sticking to this color range, you can afford to experiment with shapes and textures.

The jacket is the basis of the wardrobe. It should be well tailored, fit perfectly and tailored to make you feel confident and comfortable.

A cheap pair of shoes is a bad economy. Don't skimp on the main thing: shoes are the basis of your wardrobe.

Choose fabrics in neutral colors and without bright patterns - they will last you longer.

Don't be too zealous when choosing clothes: the most stylish people look like they don't put any effort into their clothes. appearance.

Christian Dior

Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.

If you have crooked legs, wear a deep neckline.

Many women believe that shoes are not that important, but the real proof of a lady's elegance is what she wears on her feet.

I think a ballgown is just as essential. women's wardrobe like a suit. It lifts your spirits.

Elegance is a symbiosis of individuality, naturalness, attentiveness to yourself and your clothes and simplicity.

Gianni Versace

Don't get hung up on trends. Don't let fashion take over you, decide for yourself who you are, what you want to express through your clothes and lifestyle.

Time flies quickly, we are just sparks that want to shine brighter before they fade away in the wind. Clothes are glitter.

Suppose there are two similar women - in appearance, wealth and age, they differ only in one thing - one has a Versace dress, and the other does not. Guess which of these women makes love more often?

My law is not to argue with the wind. He knows where it is blowing, but we, stylists, must only accurately determine its direction.

Fashion does not stand still, but clothes remain unchanged.

Over the years, I realized that the most important thing in a dress is the woman who wears it
Buy less, choose better, and do it yourself
True elegance is in the head. If you have it, the rest comes naturally.
You can't look too chic or too modest in a little black dress.
Don't pay attention to trends. Don't let fashion control you: you decide who you are and what you want to express by how you dress and how you live.
Style is a way of saying who you are without saying a word.
To be irreplaceable you need to be different
I like it when money is where it can be seen, namely in the wardrobe!
I don't create clothes, I create a dream
You need to pay a lot of attention to the choice of shoes. Many women think that she is not important, but the real proof of a woman's elegance is what she wears on her feet.
Anyone can dress up to the nines. But the way people dress in Everyday life- that's what intrigues me most.
When I go dancing, I wear the shortest skirt and the highest heels
Give a girl the right shoes and she'll conquer the world
Shoes transform your body language and behavior. They lift you up - physically and emotionally.
We do not wear clothes, but they wear us; we can cut it according to the shape of our chest and shoulders, but it cuts our hearts, our brains and our tongue in its own way.
Fashion is what designers offer you four times a year, and style is what you choose
Fashion is such an intolerable form of ugliness that it has to be changed every six months
Black color is modest and at the same time kitschy. Black light and lazy but mysterious. But first of all, the black one says: “I’m not bothering you, don’t bother me.”
1. Choose your style and find the courage to stick to it. 2. Choose clothes that suit your lifestyle. 3. Make your wardrobe as versatile as possible so that you can play different roles. 4. Find colors that make you happy. 5. Take care of your clothes like you would your best friends.
Style is a simple way to say complex things
Girls don't dress for guys. They dress for themselves, and, of course, for each other. If they dressed for guys, they would walk around naked all the time.
Men have told me that I saved their marriages. The shoes cost them a fortune, but it's still cheaper than a scam.
A stylish woman wears clothes, not the other way around
Create your own style. Let it be unique to you and unattainable for others.
Clothes don't mean anything until someone lives in them.

Coco Chanel

Only young women can afford to invent their own fashion. Mature and aging women should follow the prevailing fashion.

If a woman has good shoes, then she is well dressed.

When choosing accessories, take off the last thing you put on.

Look for a woman in a dress. If there is no woman, then there is no dress.

Fashion has two purposes: convenience and love. And beauty occurs when fashion achieves these goals.

Giorgio Armani

Black and dark blue are more slimming than other colors. By sticking to this color scheme, you can experiment with shapes and textures.

The jacket is the basis of the wardrobe. It should be well tailored, fit perfectly and tailored to make you feel confident and comfortable.

A cheap pair of shoes is a bad economy. Don't skimp on the essentials: shoes are the foundation of your wardrobe.

Choose fabrics in neutral colors and without bright patterns - they will last you longer.

Don't be too zealous when choosing clothes: the most stylish people look like they don't put any effort into their appearance.

Christian Dior

Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.

If you have crooked legs, wear a deep neckline.

Many women believe that shoes are not that important, but the real proof of a lady's elegance is what she wears on her feet.

I believe that a ballgown is as essential an element of a woman’s wardrobe as a suit. It lifts your spirits.

Elegance is a symbiosis of individuality, naturalness, attentiveness to yourself and your clothes, and simplicity.

Gianni Versace

Don't get hung up on trends. Don't let fashion take over you, decide for yourself who you are, what you want to express through your clothes and lifestyle.

Time flies quickly, we are just sparks that want to shine brighter before they fade away in the wind. Clothes are glitter.

Suppose there are two similar women - in appearance, wealth and age, they differ only in one thing - one has a Versace dress, and the other does not. Guess which of these women makes love more often?

My law is not to argue with the wind. He knows where it is blowing, but we, stylists, must only accurately determine its direction.

Fashion does not stand still, but clothes remain unchanged.

Yves Saint Laurent

The most best clothes for a woman it is the embrace of a man who loves her. But for those who are deprived of such happiness, there is me.

A wardrobe is a way of life.

Only a dress that is so dazzling can be called elegant that it cannot be worn twice.

In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.

The most important thing in women's clothing- the woman who wears it.

I always say: to look good dressed, you have to look good naked.

The point of my work as a designer is to make women feel like their best selves.

Fashion is about dressing according to trends. Style is more about being yourself.

When I first started, a woman came to the store to buy a dress, saw red and pink, and, remembering that her husband, who would pay for this dress, loved pink, she ended up taking the pink one. Now she comes, remembers that her husband likes pink, but takes red.

There is no sound more feminine than the rustle of a taffeta dress.

I will only be happy when I stop doing fashion, and I will only stop doing it when I am happy.

Fashion should be a way to strive for freedom, not a cause of inconvenience.

A woman should look like a woman. There is no sexuality in a piece of cardboard.

I want people to be afraid of the women I dress.

I find beauty in the grotesque, like most artists.

I love dressing like a nun. In discreet clothes you feel so light and relaxed.

Fashion imposes clichéd beauty. I'm trying to do everything to fix this.

Beauty without intelligence is, firstly, insipid, and secondly, short-lived.

Fashion is a means to conquer others without giving yourself away.

I love clothes and don't like fashion.

Vivienne Westwood

Never in the history of mankind have people looked as ugly as they do now, putting on yet another disposable rag in the morning.

The secret is self-sufficiency. In the ability to be an individual, in the ability to be happy with oneself. It's difficult. But life will give you everything else as a gift.

Fashion has great importance: it makes life better. Like anything that gives you pleasure, it should be practiced properly.

I would like to sell less clothes, But best quality. Buy wisely, choose wisely, wear longer - that's what I always say.

Fashion is an exciting way to express yourself. The right clothes makes you an interesting and extraordinary person.

I like it when things look slightly worn, not new - as if they have a history.

Fashion is not labels or brands. Fashion is something that is hidden deep in your soul.

I'm not a fashion person. I'm anti-fashion. Fashion has never dominated my thoughts; I am interested in duration, lack of time, style - but not fashion.

When I was a teenager, I didn't know what to do, but I really wanted to look great.

Whatever lifestyle you lead, you should have your own style, your own world.

Karl Lagerfeld

You can't look too chic or too modest in a little black dress.

The body must be perfect. If it is not, go on a diet and buy smaller items.

A woman lacking good taste, even in stylish dress it will be tasteless.

You can see life in pink color, but just don't wear it.

Coco would hate what I do. But the company has a face, and how exactly to update it is my concern.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana

Style is what you carry within yourself, not what you buy.

Clothes affect everything from a person's sense of humor to their perception of themselves.

When we dress a model for an appearance, the first thing we do is give her a bra, satin, and lace. It's a matter of respecting your body. You will never see a woman from the south of Italy without a bra. Never.

When you love what you're wearing, the clothes take on life.

The main thing is self-confidence.

There is no point in trying to constantly look like fashion models from Vogue magazine. Having your own style means trying to find your own image, something that people associate only with you.
Calvin Kline, fashion designer

For a formal reception, I either wear large earrings and skip the necklace, or I opt for a beautiful necklace, but then I don’t wear earrings or I choose the smallest ones.
Salma Hayek, actress

Shoes are much more important than a suit or dress. It is better to buy one pair of good shoes than three pairs of bad ones.
Marlene Dietrich, actress

The heels are super comfortable and the Gucci shoes look great, but I still find myself wearing my sneakers a lot more often. I value my convenience above all else.
Sharon Stone, actress

When it comes to length, I leave freedom of choice to the woman.
Karl Lagerfeld, fashion designer

Black is a luxurious color. Black is sophisticated, sophisticated, and makes your jewelry look great on it.
Nancy Collins, journalist

The basic principle of an ideal silhouette is a simple cut, excellent tailoring and beautiful fabric.
Ralph Lauren, fashion designer

Style is not an addition. It's a way of life. This is the nature of everything, be it a poem, a manner of behavior or God, the creator of mankind. This is not just a dress
Wallace Stevens, poet

Convenience is everything! Why go to a party and suffer... I'm not going to pin, tighten and lace. This is not for me!
Phylicia Rashad, actress

I can't lie, sometimes even I feel fat.
Naomi Campbell, supermodel

I'm so small that if clothes have too many buttons or pockets or the fabric has too large a pattern, I just get lost in it.
Priscilla Presley, actress

Color should please the eye, and not tire it. In addition, the color should decorate the person who wears it.
Vivienne Tam, fashion designer

I never wear things that are tight on my hips. I like to wear dresses that either show off the legs or flare out loosely from the waist.
Leila Rochon, actress

Large women, I've discovered, have an old tack: if the clothes are loose enough, they figure no one will know what's underneath. But they forget that it is clear to anyone what loose clothing hides.
Rob Kinch, fashion designer

I learned very early on that if I looked good, I felt much better.
Jill Sanders, fashion designer

Black color is ideal. You can wear it both day and evening. It always suits you... It's always sexy... Personally, I feel slim and attractive only in black.
Donna Karan, fashion designer

You don't need a lot of clothes. Just buy well-cut pieces made from good fabric. Clothing should be simple and high quality.
Fernando Sanchez, fashion designer

High-quality clothes always look better than perfect, but mediocre ones.
David O'Grady, artist

Clothing says a lot about you. The way you pick various items clothes characterizes you no less than your speech. Everything about your costume is symbolic. If you wear a T-shirt with the Chanel logo, it says a lot about you. But if you pair it with camouflage pants, the suit says something completely different about you.
Desiree Meyer, fashion designer

I wear what I feel good in, and not what modern fashion designers consider fashionable.
Halle Berry, actress

I think people pay too much attention to what others are wearing. The feeling of constant competition is depressing. You should think only about yourself, and not about what other people are wearing.
Diana Ryland, former editor of Xapnepc Bazaar and Vogue magazines

To make a long skirt look fashionable without being bulky, you will need heavy boots or high heels. flat sole. With heels, it is better to wear an elegant formal evening dress.
Marc Jacobs, fashion designer

I think it's very important to follow fashion in a way that serves your interests. You shouldn't become a slave to fashion. I think it's very important that modern fashion very flexible. She does not dictate her own rules, she only advises and recommends the main trends.
Paloma Picasso, fashion designer

Consider perfection as the standard and imperfection as the unique, one and only quality. Consider him yours distinctive feature- characteristic of you, only you and no one but you.
Isabella Rossellini, actress

To figure out what suits you, understand what you're most comfortable in. This is the main criterion.
Minnie Driver, actress

Fashion is not simple stupidity. Even if you say you don't follow it, it's not true. One way or another, you make your choice.
Miuccia Prada, fashion designer

Shopping for me is torture, real torture! Looks like I'm missing some female genes.
Gloria Estefan, singer

Go from long hair to short ones should be gradually. If you like it, you can always take the next step.
John Sahaj, hairdresser

I don't think it's a good idea to adorn yourself with jewelry.
Isaac Mizrahi, fashion designer

Whatever you wear, whatever hairstyle you do, whatever makeup you put on, there should be something unique about you, peculiar only to you. And the simpler the better.
Meg Ryan, actress

You can buy black clothes that look pretty ordinary on their own, but when you wear them with... beautiful scarf and an expensive handbag, your appearance will change radically.
Ida Baruch, producer

I don't believe that everyone should be a size 8 or 12. You should feel good - that's the main thing.
Oprah Winfrey, TV presenter

High fashion is supposed to be funny, silly and completely unwearable.
Kristan Lacroix, fashion designer

With her black pullover and ten caps of pearls, she created a real revolution in fashion.
Christian Dior, fashion designer, about Coco Chanel

Proportions are no less important than the plasticity of the fabric. When the fabric and proportions of your clothing serve your body, your clothing will give you power over the world. And this power is sexuality!
Alber Elbaz, fashion designer

I like to wear skirts that are one to two inches (2-5 cm) below the fingertips of my lowered hand.
Marcia Gayharden, actress

Boots and shoes - that's the most a big problem in my life. Everything else can be worn and worn and easily made to make even the oldest seem new, but no old boot or worn-out shoe will seem better than it is.
George Elliot, writer

Fashion is temporary, style is eternal.
Yves Saint Laurent, fashion designer

Belt adds overweight stronger than any other accessory.
Lisa Gibbons, talk show host

Your hair shouldn't look like you spent half a day on your hair. It's tasteless.
Frederic Fekkai, hairdresser

Scarves are like jewelry - they reflect personality, they are a whim, a vice.
Giorgio Armani, fashion designer

Avoiding synthetics these days is like saying, “I don’t want to work with a computer.”
Donna Karan, fashion designer

Fashion is architecture: main question it is a question of proportions.
Coco Chanel, fashion designer

Scarves can look old-fashioned when tied around the head. But if you tie them over your trousers, like a pareo or long skirt, it always looks impressive.
Giorgio Armani, fashion designer

An evening dress looks most modern when it combines a simple cut with stunning fabric.
Mark Badgley and James Mischka, fashion designers

If you choose the right earrings, bracelet and scarf, you will always look your best!
Wendy Wasserstein, playwright

I like to wear things that don't go together, like an ascot with boots that don't match at all. I think my shoes and jewelry look like I'm in Miami all the time.
Tea Leoni, actress

If your legs are tired, then your mind is restless.
Donald J. Pliner, shoe designer

I never go back to something I didn't like at first sight...
Gwyneth Paltrow, actress

My clothes cannot be too short, or too tight, or in any other way bother me. I simply don't have time for this.
Geraldine Ferraro, politician

I was delighted to hear of a lady who stated that knowing she was dressed perfectly gave her a sense of inner peace that religion could not provide.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer, poet, philosopher

The lines just fascinate me. The lines of clothing should be like on Rodin’s sculptures - they should smoothly emphasize all your advantages. I don't like clothes in which these lines are interrupted. Giorgio Armani knows very well who I'm talking about.
Jonathan Shech, actor

Color is real food for the spirit, besides, one does not develop dependence on it and does not become fat from it.
Isaac Mizrahi, fashion designer

I don't think about being beautiful. Most I devote my time to being healthy.
Anne Bancroft, actress

You must develop your own style that reflects your personality.
Malcolm Levine, British fashion designer, tailor, image maker

Not very expensive designer clothes are always better than dead mediocre clothes from inexpensive stores. I always understand this.
Jill Sanders, fashion designer

I like what I wear and I don't care what others think about it.
Debbie Mazar, actress

I like clothes that don't conflict with my personality and that I don't feel.
Nicole Kidman, actress

I usually wear one color. I'm only five foot four and wearing solid colors makes me look taller and slimmer, which the camera always likes and also boosts my self-esteem.
Ming-Na Wen, actress

Blindly following fashion is unsophisticated, inelegant and tasteless.
Stefano Gabbana, fashion designer
Just because something is trendy doesn't mean it's good for you.
Polly Allen Mellen, fashion editor of Allure magazine

You must know the features of your body and emphasize what God has given you.
Leila Rochon, actress

What I love about fashion is the opportunity to express yourself. What I hate about fashion is its tendency to impose.
Kelly Klein, photographer

No matter what size you wear, you don't want to look bulky.
Emmy, model showing plus size clothes

To my taste, simplicity is a sign of true elegance.
Coco Chanel, fashion designer

It physically pains me to see a woman who, with her own hands, has turned herself into a victim of fashion, deprived herself of her individuality and looks funny and strange.
Yves Saint Laurent, fashion designer

If my clothes make me worry about how I look when I sit down, it drives me nuts. That's why short skirts I rule it out for myself.
Gloria Estefan, singer

Designers create more than just clothes, fashion or style. They create their own philosophy, which, having overcome the tests of time, becomes eternal. That is why we decided to remind you of quotes from great designers, the relevance of which cannot be erased by time.

“Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.”

Christian Dior

“Time flies quickly, we are just sparks that want to shine as brightly as possible before fading away in the wind, clothes are glitter.”

Gianni Versace

“Suppose there are two similar women - in appearance, wealth, and age, they differ only in one thing - one has a Versace dress, and the other does not. Guess which of these women makes love more often?”

Gianni Versace

“Fashion does not stand still, but clothes remain unchanged!”

Gianni Versace

“My law is not to argue with the wind, it knows which way it blows, but we, stylists, must only accurately determine its direction.”

Gianni Versace

“Being elegant does not mean being conspicuous, it means being etched in the memory.”

Giorgio Armani

“The difference between style and fashion is quality.”

Giorgio Armani

"When you're wearing good jacket, everything else will follow.”

Giorgio Armani

“A cheap pair of shoes is a bad economy. Don’t skimp on the main thing: shoes are the basis of your wardrobe.”

Giorgio Armani

“I'm glad that nowadays there is a renewed desire to be elegant. Elegance is the key to a look that is timeless, something that will never go out of style, something that you will never go out of style with. I attribute my success to my loyalty to this philosophy. For me, style is more important than short-lived fashion trends."

Giorgio Armani

“Don't be too zealous when choosing clothes: the most stylish people look like they don't put any effort into their appearance. Ultimately, style comes down to self-expression, and I don't think anything can look truly terrible on someone who is being honest with themselves."

Giorgio Armani

“Naked fashion is not for fashion designers.”

Giorgio Armani

“A carefully chosen scent can become your signature. It's the first thing people feel when you walk into a room and the last thing that disappears when you leave."

Giorgio Armani

“The best clothing for a woman is the embrace of a man who loves her. But for those who are deprived of such happiness, there is me.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“A wardrobe is a way of life.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“Only a dress so dazzling that it cannot be worn twice can be called elegant.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“Clothing should be subordinated to the woman’s personality, and not vice versa.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“The most important thing in women's clothing is the woman who wears it.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“My dresses are designed for women who can afford to travel with forty suitcases.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“In this life I regret only one thing - that I didn’t invent jeans.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“Fashion cannot be called fashion if it is not worn on the street.”

"I do not like long jackets“When talking to a man, I don’t see how he treats me.”

“When choosing accessories, take off the last thing you put on.”

“Look for a woman in a dress. If there is no woman, then there is no dress.”

“A woman’s best fashion accessory is a handsome man!”

"Bad taste has limits, only good taste infinite."

"You don't get a second chance to make a first impression."

“A woman should dress in such a way that it is pleasant to undress her.”

“If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.”

“Fashion is what goes out of fashion.”

“Fashion that has not found recognition among the broad masses is no longer fashion.”

“Always walk as if you were being followed by three men.”

Oscar de la Renta

“Don't get caught up in trends. Don’t let fashion take over you, decide for yourself who you are, what you want to express through your clothes and lifestyle.”

Gianni Versace

“Luxury is when the inside is as beautiful as the front.”

“Fashion should be a form of escapism, not a form of imprisonment.”

Alexander McQueen

"You can't fake chic, but you can be chic in fake fur."

Karl Lagerfeld

“I don’t model clothes. I model dreams."

Ralph Lauren

“Over the years, I realized that the most important thing in a dress is the woman who wears it.”

Yves Saint Laurent

"IN hard times fashion is always wild.”

Elsa Schiaparelli

“Buy less, choose better and do it yourself!”

Vivienne Westwood

“What you wear signifies how you present yourself to the world, especially now when contact between people is so fast. Fashion is a direct language, understandable without translation.”

Miuccia Prada