What is the name of the crowd at rock concerts? What is slam, or how to survive in a crowd

For standing-room-only concerts musical groups people come not only to listen to their favorite tracks, to see their idols live and to wave the flashlight on their phone in their outstretched hand. Many people are attracted to such specific entertainment as slam. During it, people deliberately push and crash into each other - this is how they release energy and get adrenaline.

Of course, the slam does not last the entire concert, which usually lasts 1-1.5 hours. For him, each group has several special songs that are inserted into different parts speeches.

How did slam come about?

Slam in its modern form was preceded by pogo dancing, which originated in the 1970s at concerts of punk bands. It all started with jumping in place, usually with a straight back and limbs pressed to the body. The name of the dance is taken from the pogo stick, or "grasshopper", a jumping device consisting of a handle, pedals and a spring.

They say that fast and rhythmic bouncing was invented by Sid Vicious at one of the Sex Pistols concerts. At that moment he had not yet been invited to join the group. At the performance, Sid found himself far from the stage and began jumping to see the musicians. In the 1980s, pogo transformed into slam, which began to be practiced at hardcore punk concerts.

Initially, slam was an attribute exclusively of rock music. Today people are actively slamming both at performances of EDM bands and at drum and bass raves. Some try to express their emotions and energy in this way even at concerts of indie pop groups, although it looks rather strange.

Slam etiquette

A jamming crowd makes most musicians happy - it shows an extremely positive reaction to the performance. It must be remembered that the slam is dangerous for its participants. He has quite tough techniques and variations, participation in which is fraught with injury. To minimize risks, you need to remember and follow certain slam rules.

  1. Slam should not be confused with a fight. Its members do not try to harm each other. At the same time, no one will apologize for accidentally struck blows. If you don't want to participate in the slam, you can simply move to a quieter part of the crowd. Everyone present at the concert will never slam at the same time. Only the hottest fans in the area do this largest accumulation people - usually near the stage.
  2. Everyone nearby tries to immediately raise a fallen person. It is not difficult to knock a slam participant off his feet during a furious dance, especially if he is inferior in build or has not calculated the charge of alcohol. No one will slam next to the person lying down. If a person cannot get up, they will help him get to the doctors - at organized concerts there is always an ambulance on duty.
  3. Before the slam, all items of clothing that could cause injury are removed. Metalheads will not engage in contact dances with spiked handcuffs and other dangerous attributes. They are saved for other moments, for example, for a subsequent photo shoot with musicians or gatherings at a bar. Girls on high heels there is absolutely nothing to do in the slamming crowd. Such shoes are dangerous both for them and for everyone nearby. It is best to wear soft sneakers, which will not break someone's toes or metatarsals when landing during a particularly successful jump. Clothing should also be practical. It's best to dress in something you don't mind losing. Things torn and stained with blood after a wild slam are quite a common occurrence.
  4. Earrings and piercings also need to be removed. In the process, you can not only break or lose jewelry, but also injure yourself and others with it.
  5. Cell phones, glasses and other fragile items should be left outside the slam area. It costs nothing to lose or break them in the process of mass cutting to music.
  6. It is not customary to raise the elbows higher than the stomach and place them far from the body. This is needed for general security– both yours and those around you. The 2013 domestic rap hit “Everyone is dancing with their elbows” is only suitable for the situation shown in the video - when there is only one person on stage or there is a sufficiently large distance between moving people.
  7. There is no smoking during the slam so that no one gets burned.
  8. Not everyone can maintain their composure at a concert, especially when the moving crowd is overwhelmed by waves of adrenaline. Some people break into a hard mosh at such a moment - this is the name of an aggressive dance that reaches its peak during breakdowns, that is, in slow parts musical compositions. Breakdowns are always present in tracks in the metalcore and deathcore genres. They are there to contrast with the more intense part of the song.

Before performing hard mosh, which involves dangerous movements with arms and legs, you must first warn or move others away. In such cases, the crowd creates a ring of free space - a mosh pit. In this circle, only mosh participants meet, performing a variety of punches and kicks. Mosh can be contact or non-contact. Only those who voluntarily stayed in the mosh pit participate in the contact dance. Those who want to avoid it are not allowed to touch it.

Not everyone needs slam; even many musicians do not support it, and concert organizers are trying to ban it. However, it is difficult to stop a large crowd that has decided to slam, so those who wish will always be able to vent their energy, and the rest will be able to watch from the sidelines from a safe distance. The main thing is to respect the people with whom you listen to the same music and go to the same events.

(the so-called “Circle Pit”). Words slam And mosh usually used interchangeably, but sometimes distinguish differences. Slam refers to more active actions that include, for example, waving your arms while mosh slower and more complicated (information from 1999). However, in modern culture concepts slam And mosh acquired more obvious differences. Namely, slam refers to chaotic actions of pushing participants apart slam, whereas under mosh- chaotic actions of striking with elbows, less often with fists, and even less often with kicks towards the participants mosha.

Although slam perceived as a positive reaction from the audience to the music, it is dangerous for the participants. It is believed that the participants do not seek to harm each other and comply with the so-called. slam ethics, which includes certain safety rules. For example, if a person falls, other participants help him up as quickly as possible so that he does not get trampled.


The predecessor of slam is considered to be the dance "akuki" - a type of pogo that arose at punk concerts of the 1970s, transformed into slam at hardcore punk concerts of the 80s. Slam is believed to have originated in Orange County, California, at the concerts of the first wave of American hardcore in the early 80s. The crowd jammed to LA bands like Black Flag and Circle Jerks. Their more rhythmic and heavier brand of punk was later called hardcore. Bash is a synonym for the concept of slam.


Slam has its own separate movements and schools.


There is a slam, familiar to most, in which participants push each other near the stage. Shoulder pushing is permitted as long as it is reasonably safe and does not cause injury (as long as similar rules other participants), move the participants with their elbows (at the level of the body), jump, hugging someone by the shoulders, or simply gently push away those slamming. There are enough variations, the main rule is to respect other slammers.

Stage Diving

Jumping from the stage into the crowd (not into a slam) with your back or head first. Typically practiced in big clubs. A very common type of slam.

Crowd Surfing

This style is more common in open festivals. Crowd Surfing is difficult to do in many clubs as they are too small and there is a risk of hitting the wall. The method is as follows: a concert participant, with the help of nearby people, rises up, and the crowd carries him in their arms. It is best to do this in a place where there is a higher density of people. Usually this place is closer to the stage.


The softest and relatively non-contact type of slam, which traditionally takes place at ska-punk concerts. The left leg rises, and with it right hand, and vice versa, alternating. Taking its origins from the rhythm of reggae style, the skunk technique is quite interesting and original, and from the outside it resembles running in place or skipping in a circle.

Circle Pit

Participants begin to run in a circle, forming a kind of “round dance”. A slam can take place in the center of the circle. Sometimes the movement may stop so that, at a signal, everyone rushes to the center.

High Jump

Group high jumps. To begin with, several people start jumping to the beat of the music at the same time, the rest pick up and also jump all together synchronously. We need to gradually involve as many people as possible in the action.

Center Slam

Circle Pit variety. When a group of slammers leaves the mosh pit empty, one or more people go to the center of the circle (usually before the heaviest moment in the composition) and, on a signal, the slamming group runs from all sides towards the center at those who are standing there.

Wall Of Death

  1. If any nearby participants are knocked down, they should be immediately helped to their feet. This is one of the basic rules of ethics in slamming.
  2. Before participation, it is customary to remove all items of clothing with traumatic parts (everything that has spikes, for example: spiked armbands, bracelets, jackets, etc.).
  3. Respect people, you listen to the same music and came to the same concert.
  4. If the majority of participants are significantly larger in size (several tens of kilograms heavier), you should refrain from aggressive slamming. Also, you should not participate in a slam if the participants are significantly taller than you (their elbows are at the level of your face).
  5. For safety reasons, the piercing should be removed. In the process, they can injure others or get caught and lose jewelry, getting injured themselves.
  6. Fragile items, such as glasses or a phone, should also be disposed of.
  7. Slam is not a fight, and one should not try to harm others, but it is not customary to apologize for accidental blows.
  8. If you are going to perform hard mosh, you should first move away or attract the attention of others.
  9. If someone starts making dangerous movements with their arms and legs (hard mosh), the participants will move aside, forming a ring of empty space.
  10. You should not raise your elbows higher than your stomach and try not to put them far from your body, this way you will protect yourself and will not harm others.
  11. Anyone who moves at a distance of less than one to two meters from the mass is considered to be participating in the slam. People who are not participating in the slam should stay as far away as possible.
  12. For safety reasons, you should also not smoke while participating in a slam; this can lead to burns for both the smoker and other participants.

Attitude to slam

At some events, organizers are trying to ban slamming and related activities. Sometimes security tries to stop the slam (which is extremely difficult on a large scale). Performers also approach slam differently. Among the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian performers who approve slam at their concerts are DISTEMPER, Jane Air, Origami, SLOT, Tracktor Bowling, Louna, Anacondaz, Noize MC, Little Big, F.P.G. , Lumen , Give me a gift! ,AMATORY,

Usually used as synonyms, but sometimes distinguished. Slam refers to more active actions that include, for example, waving your arms while mosh slower and more complicated (information from 1999). However, in modern culture the concept slam And mosh acquired more obvious differences. Namely, slam refers to chaotic actions of pushing participants apart slam, whereas under mosh- chaotic actions of striking with elbows, less often with fists, and even less often with kicks towards the participants mosha.

Although slam perceived as a positive reaction from the audience to the music, it is dangerous for the participants. It is believed that the participants do not seek to harm each other and comply with the so-called. slam ethics, which includes certain safety rules. For example, if a person falls, other participants help him up as quickly as possible so that he does not get trampled.


The predecessor of slam is considered to be the dance "akuki" - a type of pogo that arose at punk concerts of the 1970s, transformed into slam at hardcore punk concerts of the 80s. Slam is believed to have originated in Orange County, California, at the concerts of the first wave of American hardcore in the early 80s. The crowd jammed to Los Angeles bands like Black Flag and Circle Jerks. Their more rhythmic and heavier brand of punk was later called hardcore.


Slam has its own separate movements and schools.


There is a slam, familiar to most, in which participants push each other near the stage. It is allowed to push with your shoulders, as this is reasonably safe and does not lead to injury (provided that similar rules are followed by other participants), move participants with their elbows (at the level of the body), jump with an arm around someone's shoulders, or simply gently push away those who are slamming. There are enough variations, the main rule is to respect other slammers.

Stage Diving

Main article: Stage diving

Jumping from the stage into the crowd (not into a slam) with your back or head first. Typically practiced in large clubs. A very common type of slam.

Crowd Surfing

This style is more common at outdoor festivals. Crowd Surfing is difficult to do in many clubs as they are too small and there is a risk of hitting the wall. The method is as follows: a concert participant, with the help of nearby people, rises up, and the crowd carries him in their arms. It is best to do this in a place where there is a higher density of people. Usually this place is closer to the stage.


The softest and relatively non-contact type of slam, which traditionally takes place at ska-punk concerts. The left leg rises, and with it the right arm, and vice versa, alternating. Taking its origins from the rhythm of reggae style, the skunk technique is quite interesting and original, and from the outside it resembles running in place or skipping in a circle.

Circle Pit

An empty circle is formed, and a “round dance” begins in it. Only at the edges of the circle there should be enough people so that there is someone to push off from.

High Jump

Group high jumps. To begin with, several people start jumping to the beat of the music at the same time, the rest pick up and also jump all together synchronously. We need to gradually involve as many people as possible in the action.

Center Slam

Circle Pit variety. When a group of slammers leaves the “mosh pit” empty, one or more people go to the center of the circle (usually before the most difficult moment in the composition) and, on a signal, the slamming group runs from all sides towards the center at those who are standing there.

Wall Of Death

"Wall of Death" Quite a traumatic type of slam. One of the musicians divides the crowd into two parts, freeing up space in front of the stage; then the band starts playing the next song - and both sides move towards each other, colliding in the center of the mosh pit in a wall-to-wall style.

  1. Respect people, you listen to the same music and came to the same concert;
  2. Before participation, it is customary to remove all items of clothing with traumatic details (everything that has spikes on it, for example: spiked armbands, bracelets, jackets, etc.);
  3. If any nearby participants are knocked down, they should be immediately helped to their feet. This is one of the basic rules of slam ethics;
  4. If the majority of participants are significantly larger in size (several tens of kilograms heavier), you should refrain from an aggressive slam. Also, you should not participate if the participants are significantly taller (their elbows are at the level of your face);
  5. For safety reasons, the piercing should be removed. In the process, they can injure others or get caught and lose jewelry, getting injured themselves;
  6. Fragile items, such as glasses or a phone, should also be disposed of;
  7. Slam is not a fight, and one should not seek to harm others, but it is not customary to apologize for accidental blows;
  8. If you are going to perform hard mosh, you should first move away or attract the attention of others;
  9. If someone begins to make dangerous movements with their arms and legs (hard mosh), the participants will move aside, forming a ring of empty space;
  10. You should not raise your elbows higher than your stomach and try not to put them far from your body, this way you will protect yourself and will not harm others;
  11. Anyone who moves at a distance of less than one to two meters from the mass is considered to be participating in the slam. People who are not participating in the slam should stay as far away as possible;
  12. For safety reasons, you should also not smoke while participating in a slam; this can lead to burns for both the smoker and other participants.

Attitude to slam

At some events, organizers are trying to ban slamming and related activities. Sometimes security tries to stop the slam (which is extremely difficult on a large scale and, at times, is something out of science fiction).

Performers also approach slam differently. Of the Russian performers who provoke slam at their concerts are DISTEMPER, Noize MC, Jane Air, SLOT, Tracktor Bowling, Louna, Maio, My heart is on the right, Naraka, ANACONDAZ, F.P.G. , Lumen, AMATORY, Lyapis Trubetskoy, Purgen (the vocalist of the group Ruslan Gvozdev sometimes himself advises from the stage how best to slam), Az, Stigmata, ##### and Psyche, although the latter have a negative attitude towards stage diving.

Slam in popular culture

Slam is often mentioned in songs, movies, and cartoons. In one of the episodes of the TV series South Park, Kenny died in a slam. Slam also appears in one of the episodes of the animated series Futurama.

see also



  • Berger, Tom (2004) In the Pit - How to survive mosh pits and bodysurfing!
  • Coalition Against Moshing at Ska Shows - Because ska is for skanking.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Deliberate jostling at a concert, when people bump into each other, trying to touch each other with their shoulders, arms, or backs. The one who was thrown away by the instigator of the slam flies off and pushes another fan, who pushes back and the chain reaction covers the majority of those present at the concert. Slam sometimes also includes jumping on the spot, waving arms and other types of non-professional dancing at concerts of rock bands.

The concept of slam originated in the punk environment, but very quickly spread among other subcultures. Today, not a single concert of a rock band, especially alternative and punk rock performers, is complete without a slam. This active and often traumatic entertainment came to us from the 70s of the twentieth century, when rock concerts spread in the West as a form of leisure for young people.

Even before the advent of slam, pogo dances were performed at punk concerts - these were simple jumping ups like a “soldier” - with a straight back and hands pressed to the body. The legs also stayed together. But over time, people got tired of such a simple and primitive body movement and jumping was transformed into the “akuki” dance, when the arms and legs were no longer pressed to the body and brought together, but were scattered to the sides and raised up. It is difficult to say at which concert with a high density of visitors the collision first occurred - but given the legs and arms flying in the air, jolts in the crowd of fans could not be avoided. And so it began slam.

In the West, everything that we combine with the term slam is called two words - mosh and slam itself. During mosh, they do not push, but make individual swings with their fists, elbows and even legs towards their neighbors, but at the same time try not to hurt them. During a slam, they hurt you deliberately - to bump into each other. In the Russian-speaking environment, slam refers to all active actions in the crowd at a concert, although primarily pushing.

Slam has certain rules. Usually it starts with fans lined up in a circle in front of the stage. This is understandable, because the most zealous and crazy fans gather closer to their adored stars, who are not averse to a little mischief, losing their heads from the energy surging from the stage.

Such a slam is called a “circle pit”. During the pit, one person is pushed to the center, he, in turn, tries to "knock out" someone else.

No one forbids organizing slams at concerts - it is considered a positive reaction to the band’s music, but certain safety precautions must still be observed. According to the so-called slam ethics, a person who has fallen to the ground from the shocks must be protected and immediately raised so that he is not trampled. Before the slam, it is customary to remove all traumatic items - spiked bracelets and collars, leather jackets with metal inserts, and so on. And for own safety It's better to take off your glasses and put them away mobile phone and come to the concert without a piercing, which can do a disservice by catching and tearing the pierced area.

During the slam, they try not to cause injuries. Those participating in the crush do not smoke so that a burning cigarette does not leave a burn on anyone. Guys whose size is clearly larger than the rest of the participants push less aggressively and half-heartedly. But, nevertheless, painful blows and injuries during a slam still happen. The most notorious lovers of fun take a bandage and plaster with them to the concert - in case the pushing and swinging of arms and legs ends in a fight or accidental abrasions.

It is quite difficult to get out of a slam: once launched, the wave of tremors does not stop for a long time, spreading throughout the entire territory. It can be physically difficult to withstand slam, so girls usually prefer to stay away from it, leaving slam as a man's pastime. Those who are a couple of meters away from the participants in the slam are usually not touched again.

Rock concerts sometimes feature entertainment similar to slam. Performers in the heat of the moment jump from the stage into the crowd, which picks up the audience's favorite and swings or tosses it in its arms. This is only possible at concerts with a large number of visitors - and, of course, the performer does not rush into a circle of slamming fans busy with their work.

You can also often see

crowd surfing is a type of slam when a person who has climbed up begins to be passed around the crowd in their arms, as if rolling him.

Such surfing is often performed for stars who have jumped off the stage or distinguished slam participants who, with the help of friends, were able to climb up.

The slam itself also comes with variations.

The most interesting and dangerous of them is the wall of death. It is initiated by one of the performers, usually the frontman of the group. He divides all the fans in half, creating a passage, on both sides of which the participants line up facing each other. At a signal in the form of the beginning of the song, the rockers rush at each other - “wall to wall.”

The team that pushes the other further from the middle wins. Serious injuries are common in this type of slam.
Slam takes place at most rock concerts, regardless of the genre of music and the location of the event - from indoors club before the open air festival.

Nata Zinkevich