What to wear with a sleeveless suede dress. Stylish suede dress.

Still wondering if you should buy a suede dress? Read the tips from these famous beauties and your doubts will disappear.

1. A suede dress does not require fancy accessories.

What does the image of the stunning Spanish beauty Penelope Cruz tell us? Suede dress - bright and unusual thing itself, which means you don’t need to select complex accessories for it. Add laconic sandals and modest jewelry to your outfit - and you will be irresistible.

2. A suede dress always looks less vulgar than a dress made of regular leather.

Look at Courteney Cox's red dress: provocative color and deep neckline - a bold combination, isn't it? It only has one leather insert on the chest, but imagine if the dress was made entirely of genuine leather? As modern young ladies say, it would be “too much” - “already too much.” However, Courtney's dress is suede, and it does not look vulgar at all, but attractive and stylish.

3. Suede “softens” any color

Some girls are wary of pink color: Like, that's it pink shades instantly turn them into “sweet girls.” This is probably why Kylie Jenner (another sister from the Kardashian family) chose a pink outfit for the opening of a new candy store in Orlando. Nevertheless, her mini dress does not seem cloying or doll-like to us. The fact is that suede “softens” any color. In 90% of cases, suede dresses have muted shades, and this is a big plus for those who prefer calm and restrained colors.

4. A suede dress with intricate details is perfect for an evening out.

Let’s be honest, it’s not so easy to find a suede dress with an unusual cut in stores. Many brands offer classic shift dresses or dresses with an A-line skirt. They are great for everyday wear (see point 10), for modest evening events, but not for holidays or important celebrations. So what, there are no very elegant suede dresses? Of course there are, you just need to look. For example, Blake Lively was found gorgeous dress purple with voluminous sleeves and a “naked” pattern on the chest. In this, as they say, there is no shame in going out into the feast and the world (and you can even add a couple of bright decorations to it).

5. You can never have too much suede

Suede total look? Why not! He thinks so rising star Hailee Steinfeld. She decided to combine a suede dress, suede shoes and a suede clutch in one look. Some will say that the actress went too far and the outfit turned out uninteresting, but it seems to us that it is better to put together a good total look than to make a mistake with a combination of several shades.

6. A brown suede dress fits best with fall looks.

Just look at the luxurious autumn look she showed famous model Emily Ratajkowski. And it becomes truly autumnal, first of all, because of its black and brown color scheme, and not just because the girl put on a fur coat and boots. And, of course, a chocolate-colored suede dress fits perfectly into this autumn ensemble.

7. Suede dress and suede shoes? Yes!

And again we return to the question: what shoes to wear with a suede dress? Are suede shoes or boots appropriate? Yes and yes again! And unlike Hailee Steinfeld, Victoria Beckham she is not going to combine a dress and shoes of the same shade; she is sure that it is enough to combine only textures. Since Wiki allows it, then suede + suede is a good choice.

8. A suede dress can be very sexy.

A dress made of regular leather looks very sexy, doesn't it? And sometimes even vulgar. But with a suede dress everything is different. Who-who, and Kim Kardashian - Chief Specialist in seductive tight outfits. And this time she chose a suede dress flesh tone. On the one hand, Kim looks very attractive in such a dress, but on the other hand, it’s not at all vulgar. Thus, we remember the advice from Kim (and in fact, we repeat the advice from Courteney Cox): if you want to wear something more revealing, but are afraid of looking vulgar, pay attention to suede.

9. Suede not only decorates, but also warms

Over the last few seasons, light raincoats and sleeveless coats have been trending, to put it simply, long vests. They are comfortable to wear in late spring, early autumn or cool summer. However, Olivia Palermo decided to kill two birds with one stone and tried on a suede dress, which can be both a vest and, in fact, a dress. IN in this case suede decides everything, because it is an ideal material for both ordinary and outerwear. Bottom line: a suede dress is not only beautiful, but also quite dense, which means it can be worn at any time of the year.

10. Suede dress - a cool option for every day

A suede dress is a great base for everyday looks. As we said above, it is stylish, quite dense, and not a flashy shade. You can wear it to work, to school, for a walk, to the cinema or to meet friends. In a word, for all occasions. So, Emily Blunt wore a suede dress to the Sundance Independent Film Festival. It turned out modest and sweet, didn’t it?

Every thing needs proper care, washing and careful handling, both after purchase and during use. A suede dress will be no exception. But unfortunately, suede cannot be washed with other items in the washing machine at standard temperatures. It can shrink from hot water and lose its shape. By washing a dress once at a high temperature in a washing machine, you can ruin it once and for all.

How to wash a suede dress is most often indicated in the instructions on the dress label. Manufacturers usually recommend using dry cleaning or dry washing, which, unfortunately, is not always available. But how to wash or clean dirt from a suede dress at home?

There are three options here:

Washing machine;

Steam cleaning;


1. Not all housewives know how to wash a suede dress in a washing machine; generally, clothes of this type are washed by hand. In the washing machine, the suede dress is washed “alone” if possible. Instead of the usual washing powder, it is better to use a small amount of powder labeled “bio” or “children’s” - they are less aggressive to fabrics. You need to choose the most gentle washing mode - at low speeds. Some machines have a “hand” mode - that is, “washing by hand”, in this mode the drum rotates very slowly, and the water in it changes almost continuously. This is the function washing machine Simply ideal for cleaning a suede dress. It is also worth paying attention to the water temperature - it is best to wash a suede dress in a light cycle. warm water. Hot water can ruin it.

2. The easiest way to wash a suede dress is the old fashioned way, in lukewarm water with soapy water and using a soft brush. The dress should be wet, stretched over the surface and thoroughly cleaned with soapy water and a brush, then rinsed in cool water and dried without squeezing. You cannot wring out the item; after washing, just blot it with a towel or cloth.

3. If you urgently need to clean a suede item, but don’t have time to wash it, you can use steam cleaning. But here you will need a rubber brush for suede and a steam generator for cleaning. Using a steam generator, you need to direct a stream of steam at the stain, and then gently rub the area treated with steam with a rubber brush.

The type of fabric can tell you how to properly wash a suede dress. For example, thick eco-suede is easier to care for than thin natural one. In general, eco-suede is less capricious in oud than natural suede.

But when washing any suede product, you should adhere to five rules:

  1. Suede does not like hot water;
  2. The powder should be gentle and the wash should be gentle;
  3. You cannot wring out suede clothes; they will lose their shape;
  4. It is best to dry suede in a vertical position on a hanger;
  5. You should iron suede very carefully; the iron should be warm, but not hot.

It is also worth paying attention to the color of the product if the suede is dyed bright color, then you also need to make sure that the item does not fade when washing, it is recommended to use washing powder for colored linen.

Artificial suede is a material that is used not only for sewing shoes or bags. Now in trend are feminine and stylish dresses made of suede, which look very original and will amaze fashionistas with their styles and unusual design.

At making the right choice The style and color of the outfit looks very expensive and unusual. If you want to add something stylish and feminine to your wardrobe, be sure to buy a faux suede dress.

Faux suede dress: photos, styles

Such an acquisition will be a valuable find for the wardrobe of any fashionista. Most often, suede dresses are soft and fit well on the figure. This outfit can be worn by those with both slender and curvy figures.

As for colors and shades, dresses can be very different - both bright and muted tones. If you are going out for a walk or a party, choose a dress made of suede more bright shade, not too long. To add a feminine touch to your look, opt for a model that reveals your neckline or back.

If we talk about styles, on sale you will find models of suede dresses for any figure. There are both loose styles, more like T-shirts or wide T-shirts, and tight-fitting ones. If you wish, you can emphasize your waist with a leather or suede belt.

What shoes should I wear with this outfit? In this case, both light sandals without heels and sandals or shoes with heels or wedges are suitable. It all depends on where you are going. And of course, don’t forget about accessories; complement the outfit with a necklace or bracelet, or a small handbag made of suede or leather.

Below we have presented you with a photo stylish dresses made of artificial suede for every taste. On many models you will see laces and fringes; these elements go well with suede.

This year, trends in dresses can be described as soft, but at the same time quite strict, practical, original and with a dose of romance. What should fashionistas introduce into their wardrobe in order to stay on trend this year? First of all, it should be noted that fringe is on the fashion wave. It is suitable for both clothing and accessories. Soft velvet is definitely the king of many catwalks. However, when talking about this year’s trends, one cannot fail to mention such material as suede. Shoes and accessories made of suede have long been loved by many representatives of the fair sex. Fashion designers We decided to use this material for sewing dresses this year. Suede appears in a very unusual role, doesn’t it?

Fashionable faux suede dresses

Modern suede is incredibly pleasant to the body. It is quite flexible and comfortable to wear. A faux suede dress is appropriate for almost any occasion. Depending on the chosen model, a suede dress can be worn for a walk, shopping, a date, and even adapted for sports. At correct selection accessories, you can wear almost any suede dress for one occasion or another. Perhaps the most versatile model for combination is brown suede. Such dresses are perfect for both an evening out and formal office style.

For lovers of practical shoes in english style Brogues, oxfords or an option for every day are suitable. Choose shoes that match the dress or slightly lighter shade to visually lengthen the silhouette.

How to care for a suede dress

The stumbling block when choosing clothes made from this material is always the costly and labor-intensive care of it. Many people even before purchasing ask the question: how to wash a suede dress? Is it possible to wash it at all?

When purchasing a dress, read the care instructions on the label. Traditionally, suede cannot be washed. It is recommended to have items dry cleaned. If the dress is made of high-quality material, you can try the following method, proven by housewives:

  • A suede dress can be washed in a regular soap solution.
  • Do not use hot water so as not to “cook” the material.
  • You need to wash quickly, by hand with a soft brush, without soaking.
  • Do not rub or twist too much.
  • After washing, the item is blotted with a cloth or towel and hung on hangers in a ventilated place not in direct sunlight.
  • To prevent the fabric from tightening, immediately stretch it lengthwise and up and down. This way you will keep the shape.

Typically, suede items are coated with a special impregnation that protects them from moisture. If you have a stain on suede, then in mild cases it can also be removed at home. In case of heavy stains, it is better to go to dry cleaning.

A suede dress will optimally complement your winter wardrobe and will be no less relevant in the spring season. Think about a color and style that will highlight your figure and lift your spirits. Weigh all the pros and cons associated with the features of care, and feel free to go in search of something new!