Women's checkered jacket: review of the best models of the season. What to wear with a checkered jacket?

There are truly irreplaceable things for the autumn-spring season. Among them we can confidently name a jacket. A checkered jacket always looks fashionable, relevant, and attracts attention to your image. But not everyone knows what to wear with a checkered jacket. Unfortunately, a lack of information often leads to women combining completely inappropriate things with a plaid jacket. And then the integrity of the image is destroyed, and there is a risk of looking ridiculous and tasteless. How to avoid this, what to wear with a checkered jacket? We will try to resolve this issue.

The jacket itself is a very versatile item due to the variety of models, cuts, and materials. If previously it was considered an attribute business style, then now jackets various types can be part of a romantic sporty style, casual style, and also fits organically into many other outfits. Therefore, we can confidently say that you should not be afraid to experiment; you can combine it with dresses and skirts different styles, with jeans and classic trousers, with sportswear and everyday outfits.

However, a checkered jacket has a special place. It is the cell that gives it some other, special meaning and character. Therefore, when choosing clothes to match a checkered jacket, you need to rely primarily on the pattern and color of the check. And there are rules regarding the compatibility of the cage with other elements of clothing.

1. Too many cages

One of the main requirements for creating a harmonious look with a plaid jacket is to avoid wearing multiple plaid items in one outfit. You understand, if you wear a plaid skirt, a plaid shirt or blouse, and also a plaid jacket, then this will be an obvious overkill. Of course, several elements with a checkered pattern are still permissible, but only one item must be checkered, and the other can have some minor checkered part. For example, you are wearing a checkered jacket. A plain blouse with decorative inserts or a collar with a checkered print will go well with it; you can wear tights with a checkered pattern or add accessories with a checkered pattern (neck scarf, bag, bracelet). The main thing is not to overdo it.

2. Same cell

If, after all, you are an ardent fan of plaid and you want to see it in everything, then when matching plaid items to each other, you need to take into account the size, color, and style of the plaid. This means that in one outfit, for example, with a checkered jacket (large checkered, black, red and white), you should not combine a turtleneck or a blouse with a small blue check. That is, the size and style of the cell should be approximately the same, and the colors of the cell should match (at least one) or be harmoniously combined with each other. That is, the cells on different elements of the outfit should have something in common.

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In the upcoming autumn season, you can safely choose for yourself checkered jacket. Was long time, when the designers seemed not to notice the cage. An opinion has formed among professionals that a thing with a checkered pattern is too strict and boring. However, the time has come and the checkered jacket is back in fashion, albeit in a slightly modified form.

A plaid jacket isn't for everyone.


Of course, the checkered pattern is very attractive. However, it is necessary to know who should wear what. To do this, you should take into account the size of the check and the cut of the jacket, your body type and the color of the check.

If you need to hide certain flaws in your figure, then you should pay attention to the following combinations. Choose a bright checkered jacket. And complement it with trousers, a skirt or tights that have a solid color. It can be beige, gray or black.

If you are a petite girl, then try to choose a jacket that has a small checkered pattern. Let it have a calm, neutral tone. Then other parts of your clothes will harmonize perfectly. You can choose accessories that are bright and rich colors.

What can suit everyone is a jacket that will please the eyes with its soft textured fabric. Let it have patterns with a white or black, gray or beige tint. With the help of such a jacket, you can create an ultra-fashionable or classic look successful girl.

We should also not forget that a checkered jacket should have such tones that they harmonize well with the color of your hair and your skin.

What to wear with a checkered jacket


Of course, the best option would be if you give preference to plain things. You should choose muted or bright shades, which are contrasting with the color of the jacket cells.

Concerning various combinations, then you should follow these recommendations. The patterns that are on your clothes should be combined in some way common theme. For example, a cell must be combined with another type of cell. An excellent combination that is considered classic is a checkered jacket and denim clothing. The style can be very different.

When choosing the most different options, what to wear with a checkered jacket, try to choose clothes in such a way as to achieve maximum simplicity of other components of your clothing. The same applies to accessories. At correct selection accessories and companion items, you can have a sporty and business-like look that will attract the attention of others.

Below in the photo gallery you will see what to wear with a checkered jacket.

If a fashionable checkered jacket appears in your wardrobe, be prepared for the fact that you will have to carefully think through all the details of your ensemble down to the smallest detail. When choosing a checkered jacket, special attention should be paid to the size of the cage. The fact is that a check that is too large can visually give extra volume to the figure, so plump girls should immediately refuse a jacket of this color. The most versatile and interesting is considered to be a small cell, as well as a medium-sized cell.

Checkered jacket with the right selection of companion items and accessories, it can become a good component of a romantic, everyday, business and sports style. A checkered jacket goes well with denim skirts and jeans, as well as with skirts and trousers in solid colors. Please note that in the second case, the color of the bottom must match one of the shades of the checkered pattern on the jacket. Contrasting combinations are also acceptable here.

A checkered jacket is the key piece of any ensemble, so to avoid a provocative and ridiculous look, the rest of the items in the set should be selected in neutral, solid shades. This rule also applies to the cut of things: things that are simple in style will look good with a checkered jacket. Otherwise, you risk achieving an overly busy and heavy look. For this reason, avoid pairing a plaid jacket with layered skirts and blouses with flounces and ruffles.

Modern fashionistas quite successfully combine a checkered jacket with checkered shirts. The most important thing is that the check on the shirt fully matches the check on the jacket, not only in size, but also in color.

Business women can safely wear checkered jackets to work. In this case, you can combine a stylish and elegant outfit with a jacket, including a pencil skirt, black trousers or a versatile beige sheath dress. By the way, a beige-brown checkered jacket will look very interesting and elegant with a dress of this color.

Lovers of country and casual styles can wear a checkered jacket with jeans. Under the jacket you can wear a plain shirt, turtleneck or blouse. Brave and confident young ladies who are not afraid to experiment with style can try an incredibly interesting combination of a jacket in a rich blue-blue check with black trousers made of leather.

Nowadays, two-color checkered jackets do not lose their relevance. If you decide to wear a blue-violet checkered jacket, choose companion items to go with it white. Also worth noting is the combination of black with yellow, green and pink. A cage of such colors will allow you to look quite stylish in any situation. Girls who are used to bright images, can choose a red checkered jacket for themselves.

How to choose a checkered jacket, who it will suit and who it won’t, read in this article. A checkered jacket is a classic that will never be worn. This thing is classic, and the “check” pattern makes it look very narrow characteristic appearance. If you look at the history of fashion shows, it will become obvious that checkered fabric in different variations does not leave the catwalks.

Probably many fashionistas know that it is right to choose the right type of cage for themselves, and also to combine it correctly with other things. women's jacket into a cage is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

To finally figure out how to choose the right one, how and with what to wear it.

What kind of cell is there?

So let's start with the basics! First, let's look at the main types of checkered patterns.

Classic check

This species is also called “English”; it consists of not very wide stripes and has a not very large cell. In the classic version, color is important, or rather the colors from which it consists: black, white, beige, brown, red and its shades. Combination color combinations can be varied. Of course, in my example below the cell is not quite a classic color, but in all other respects the rule is followed.

"Chicken foot"

A small checkered pattern, consisting of two colors, with an elongated corner. Another version of this pattern is called “dog tooth” and is larger in size. There is another variety - “pepita” - it consists of small squares with curls. All of these checkered patterns have contrasting colors.

Windsor cage

This pattern was developed specifically for suiting fabric. One of critical roles this checkered fabric plays with its colors. In the classic version, the main color is gray, against which stripes of black and black are intertwined. white flowers. As a result, a pattern is visually obtained that is an even cell.

Choosing a color

Now exists great amount variations on the theme of cages and checkered jackets. If you are lost in this variety, then it is better to focus on the classic options, which will always be appropriate.

If you are choosing a jacket for your basic wardrobe, then pay attention to more neutral tones, darker shades, etc. The following options are also good for such purposes: black + burgundy, dark blue +, dark green + red + black.

Choosing a jacket shape

I want to warn you, my dear readers, that a checkered pattern can be very capricious and even a little dangerous! How? Yes, a couple extra pounds, which will quietly add to your figure if you choose the wrong cage option for yourself. Therefore, in order to avoid unforeseen troubles, I again advise you to choose a classic cut jacket in classic version pattern. It will suit any girl or woman. Still, beauties with curvaceous figures are advised not to choose checkered jacket options with too large or small a pattern.

For short women, it is better to choose a jacket with long sleeves, and for tall and slender people the option with 3/4 sleeves is quite suitable.

Rules for selecting the ideal model:

  • A pattern with a large check is more suitable for tall, thin girls. This will visually add volume
  • A small pattern visually slims and makes its owner more graceful. Just don’t use too contrasting color combinations in this version, otherwise such a pattern will dazzle others’ eyes
  • You wide hips? If you want to smooth them out a little, choose the length of the jacket to 1/3 of the hip
  • A pattern where the cage is located diagonally will visually help lengthen the body
  • A striped print looks interesting in combination with a checkered pattern. A striped shirt or top under a plaid jacket will help create an interesting and fresh look. Just don’t forget that everything in the outfit should look harmonious.

Where and how to wear a checkered jacket

Of course, a lot will depend on the color and model of the jacket, but if we are considering the classic version, then I can say for sure that such a thing would definitely be appropriate in the office. An excellent checkered jacket is suitable for the off-season period, replacing our jacket or coat.

If you wear such a jacket with jeans, you will get great option for relax.

What is better to wear with a checkered jacket for women and girls?

Among the biggest advantages of this thing is its versatility. You will always find a use for your jacket, you can be sure. It's important to remember here. that the checkerboard is still the central point of the image and it is to it that attention will be drawn in the first place, therefore all other things should not conflict with the checkered pattern, interrupt it, but only complement it.

It is best to choose clothes in neutral tones for such a jacket, without bright patterns or prints.

Accessories should also not interrupt the cage; it is best if their color matches one of the colors of the pattern.

+ Pants

A classic pair for any occasion. Pants can be of very different cuts. It is better to choose a solid color for the trousers; it can be black, white or beige, or one of the colors that is present in the check pattern.

+ Jeans

In an informal look, a checkered jacket can be combined with any jeans. Such a collision of a seemingly classic strict item and an informal loose one creates a very stylish tandem. You can safely experiment with shoes and accessories here. Choose what you like best.

+ Skirt

For an office look, the option with will be simply irreplaceable. But you shouldn’t stop at just this option. , a women's checkered jacket with a floor-length skirt will also look great.

A shirt, top, long sleeve, turtleneck, etc. are suitable as a top.

+ Dress

If you want to highlight your figure, then a sheath dress in combination with a jacket will help you with this. In general, silhouette models that emphasize the figure look good with a jacket.

Flared, not fluffy dress models also go quite well with our jacket.

+ Shorts

To combine with a jacket, you should not choose shorts that are too short. High-waisted shorts will look good.

Top - shirt, T-shirt, top.

Cage + Cage

One of the most interesting options For in our category this option can be considered. It is also considered the most difficult. Of course, if we look at sets where the top and bottom have the same pattern, then there’s nothing complicated here: just add a white or black blouse to the set and that’s it.” And if you want to combine two different cage options together, then try one of the options below.

I always had the feeling that fashion is almost elusive and so difficult to follow the latest fashion trends, so I am always attracted to things that always remain part of it and at the same time do not even depend on its trends. A checkered jacket is one of those things. This style is timeless. The main thing is to remember the basic recommendations for selection and combination, this will help you always look stylish.

A women's jacket is a necessary and practical thing, and with a checkered print it becomes especially interesting. Let's find out what to wear with a checkered women's jacket and why you need it in your wardrobe. Maybe you will like the images with it so much that you will want to buy a couple more?

How to choose the right jacket?

A lot in creating images depends on what style of jacket you choose.

“Checkered” is a very general designation for a fairly impressive list of different options, ranging from classic to trendy youth new items. Agree, the first one can be worn to the office, but the second one is unlikely.

Before assembling an ensemble, you need to decide which item is right for you.

First of all, focus on the lifestyle you lead. If you are a student or a working young woman, then classic jacket to the waist will be an excellent choice: it can be used in the most different guises, you will not only be able to defend your diploma or conduct successful negotiations there, but also celebrate this event with an incendiary party at the club.

For older women, as well as those who do not really like clubs, but prefer long walks and easy casual wear, we can recommend a long jacket. Also this a good option For fat girls– it elongates the figure quite well, makes it taller and slimmer, disguises the hips, in general, some advantages!

Now let's pay attention to the shades. The color scheme of the print should match your style and match other clothes. Better to choose more or less classic combinations that could be worn with anything. Of course, for the summer you can choose a cool casual jacket in white, pink and lemon check, but it is unlikely to be appropriate under a strict dress code.

A good choice: black and white check, which is also trendy, red-black, blue, where you can use all shades of this color. For casual and youth jackets, you can also use bolder combinations, like the lemon jacket above.

No less important is what size the print will be. Classic goes with everything, small checks can look “pockmarked”, while large checks can make you look fat. All this needs to be taken into account! For creative girls, we can recommend unusual oblique, exaggerated prints, in general, something unusual that regularly appears on the catwalk.

Fashionable looks in different styles

Now let's put together a few looks that will look their best. Having chosen a suitable jacket, first of all, determine the shades that harmonize with the print, and then start creating combinations in different styles.

Business style. Choose straight or tapered business trousers dark gray or black or . A blouse or shirt will complement the outfit simple cut and a checkered jacket. Use accessories in a business style.

Casual style. This jacket will be very good in spring and autumn as a light top. The bottom can be jeans or trousers of any style, knitted dress or a knitted skirt. For the top, choose a T-shirt, long sleeve, thin sweater or turtleneck, tank top, blouse.

Youth style. You will need bright jacket, a pleated skirt and colored knee socks that would echo the shades of the skirt or jacket. Instead of a skirt, you can wear skinny jeans, or breeches or capris, if we're talking about about summer. The top can be anything depending on taste and time of year: T-shirt, shirt, turtleneck.

Elegant style. Direct or pastel shade and a simple blouse without embellishment. Top color - you can choose a tint, light, but it should match the jacket or trousers. Instead of this kit, you can choose direct elegant dress. For shoes, beige, brown, and gray pumps would be good.

Glamorous style. Choose a model that reaches the waist and has a fitted cut, wear any tight-fitting top, white or beige skinny trousers underneath and don’t forget about stylish shoes. Gold heeled sandals will do just fine.