Odessa residents are outraged and humiliated by Putin’s lies – Valery Khait. Distinctive features of Odessa

Many people have already spoken about the events in the Odessa House of Trade Unions. The position of law enforcement officers, the leadership of Russia, European countries and beyond is known. It would be at least strange if the funds mass media did not publish the attitude of Odessa comedians to the events that occurred. Valery Khait, one of the most authoritative and most humorous residents of Odessa, spoke in an interview about his attitude towards the tragedy.

Odessa humorist about sad Odessa events.

Valery Khait reported that the scenario, which was perfect for implementation in and, was a mistake to try to implement in, this was reported by experts in the "" section of the magazine for investors and traders "Stock Leader" with reference to the Gordon Internet portal. An Odessa comedian reports that on May 2, a unique phenomenon took place in his city. The pearl by the sea was defended not by law enforcement officers, but by the city residents themselves, who, according to Khait, understand perfectly well that the Kremlin maniac Putin is to blame for all the misfortunes.

Valery Isaakovich says that the cheerful residents of Odessa did not expect such a disaster to come to the streets of their beloved city. But, nevertheless, those who were right, and those who were to blame, and those who consciously knew what they were going to, died; death found even those who happened to be at the scene of the fire. They all found themselves in equal conditions in the face of death, and now the main thing is that their souls rest in peace.

Khait's memories of the television broadcast of the events of May 2.

The comedian himself, according to him, watched the events live and could not understand what was happening. Khait tells how he realized that armed people attacked unarmed people, he understood that the unarmed were mainly young guys, fans football teams. The comedian claims that the fans' move is part of the tradition of holding football matches in Odessa. But, according to Khait, he could not understand the behavior of the police, their obvious support for the attackers with bats and weapons. In addition, Khait recalls, he saw beaten, bloodied, wounded people whom the women present tried to help. He also saw, the satirist claims, how one of the attackers fired from a machine gun from behind the policemen. At the same time, Valery Isaakovich shares his impression, there was a feeling that the armed people had undergone special training, and that these were the same people who were in and. Also, Khait recalls, there was a feeling that ultra fans were not the people who would give up without a fight.

Then, the comedian recalls, they showed a report from the Kulikovo Field. From his impressions, the satirist recalls, he only remembered that he was very afraid to hear in the report Ukrainian language. After all, this would give the Russians the opportunity to claim that radicals are to blame for the tragedy Ukrainian nationalists. But it turned out, the poet claims, that everyone present spoke Russian. Moreover, he recalls, they spoke a special Russian, Odessa, spoken by Odessa itself.

Distinctive features of Odessa.

According to Valery Khait, the method of action that turned out to be effective in Donetsk and Lugansk cannot be implemented in Odessa. According to Khait, the reason for this is the high percentage of the population that supports the idea of ​​unitary Ukraine. The comedian is sure that the reason for such beliefs of Odessa residents is the standard of living, which is higher in the seaside city than in eastern region Ukraine. In addition, Valery Isaakovich is convinced that Odessa residents are better informed and strive for knowledge.

Khait claims that traditions in Odessa are closely connected with Russians, but nothing more, because this city has always been European. In addition, Khait emphasizes, Odessa residents are deeply outraged by the lies that they use to pursue their politics. According to the satirist, the regime of the previous president of Ukraine brought the state to the limit. Therefore, the satirist emphasizes, the confrontation on the Maidan in the heart of the Ukrainian capital was perceived by the majority of Odessa residents as just that. And it is precisely for this reason, Hayit claims, that the script is not even worth trying on.

The real reasons for anti-Ukrainian rallies in the country.

The famous Odessa resident recalled his impressions of a rally he had recently seen in the port, designed to prevent an American destroyer from docking. Khait claims that it was a gathering of semi-hysterical people, most of whom were women, and clearly not from Odessa. Since there was no destroyer in the port, and it had not arrived for some time, the protesters simply began to disperse, the comedian walked several blocks in the crowd, listening to the conversations of the protesters. According to Khait, there was a clear impression that these people did not read books and did not understand the meaning of the concepts of “culture” and “civilization.”

Therefore, the satirist is sure, and it can be argued that the main reason for pro-Russian speeches in Russia can be called not only the general low level life, but also the cultural squalor of the inhabitants, lack of education. And this situation can be called not only the result of the government, but also the lack of a clear policy in terms of education and culture throughout the entire period of Ukrainian independence. After all, over the past 15 years, Hayit claims, not only culture, but the entire country has been destroyed.

(19390319 ) , Novaya Priluka, Lipovets district, Vinnytsia region) - Ukrainian prose writer, poet, satirist, playwright, editor, TV presenter and journalist, in the 60s - captain of the famous Odessa KVN team. Father of two sons - Rostislav, actor, screenwriter and creator of the Quartet I theater, and Evgeniy, artistic director of the Gentleman Show from 1991 to 1999.


In 1946-1956 he studied at high school city ​​of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Odessa region. Graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute (1971).

In 1986-1990 - artistic director humorous television program "Gentleman Show". In 1988 he founded the Odessa Gentlemen's Club. Vice-president of the World Club of Odessa residents, editor of the magazine "Fontan". Winner of the Golden Ostap award.



  • Old houses
  • King of the Fiddlers
  • Journey to the Moon

Other works

  • Old houses
  • Poste restante (poetry) (1989)
  • Awakening (poetry) (1995)
  • Circle (1996)
  • Share of the joke (co-authored with Marianna Goncharova). - Donetsk: Donetsk region, 2003. - ISBN 966-556-532-X
  • Share of the Joke (2006) (co-authored with Yulia Khait) ISBN 5-699-17756-6
  • Grandfather dancing on the balcony... - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - ISBN 978-5-699-47859-0

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An excerpt characterizing Khait, Valery Isaakovich

She called the maid and asked her to lie down in her room.
M lle Bourienne walked around for a long time that evening winter garden, waiting in vain for someone and then smiling at someone, then being moved to tears by the imaginary words pauvre mere, reproaching her for her fall.
The little princess grumbled at the maid because the bed was not good. She was not allowed to lie on her side or on her chest. Everything was difficult and awkward. Her stomach was bothering her. He bothered her more than ever, just now, because Anatole’s presence transported her more vividly to another time, when this was not the case and everything was easy and fun for her. She was sitting in a blouse and cap on an armchair. Katya, sleepy and with a tangled braid, interrupted and turned over the heavy feather bed for the third time, saying something.
“I told you that everything is lumps and pits,” the little princess repeated, “I would be glad to fall asleep myself, so it’s not my fault,” and her voice trembled, like that of a child about to cry.
The old prince also did not sleep. Through his sleep, Tikhon heard him walking angrily and snorting through his nose. It seemed to the old prince that he was insulted on behalf of his daughter. The insult is the most painful, because it did not apply to him, but to someone else, to his daughter, whom he loves more than himself. He told himself that he would change his mind about this whole matter and find what was fair and should be done, but instead he only irritated himself more.
“The first person he meets appears - and father and everything are forgotten, and runs upstairs, combs his hair and wags his tail, and doesn’t look like himself! Glad to leave my father! And she knew that I would notice. Fr... fr... fr... And don’t I see that this fool only looks at Burienka (we need to drive her away)! And how there is no pride enough to understand this! At least not for myself, if there is no pride, then for me, at least. We need to show her that this idiot doesn’t even think about her, but only looks at Bourienne. She has no pride, but I will show her this”...
Valery Isaakovich Khait
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Valery Isaakovich Khait(genus. March 19 ( 19390319 ) , Novaya Priluka, Lipovets district, Vinnytsia region) - Ukrainian prose writer, poet, satirist, playwright, editor, TV presenter and journalist, in the 60s - captain of the famous Odessa KVN team. Father of two sons - Rostislav, actor, screenwriter and creator of the Quartet I theater, and Evgeniy, artistic director of the Gentleman Show from 1991 to 1999.


In 1946-1956 he studied at a secondary school in the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Odessa region. Graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute (1971).

In 1986-1990 - artistic director of the humorous television program "Gentleman Show". In 1988 he founded the Odessa Gentlemen's Club. Vice-president of the World Club of Odessa residents, editor of the magazine "Fontan". Winner of the Golden Ostap award.



  • Old houses
  • King of the Fiddlers
  • Journey to the Moon

Other works

  • Old houses
  • Poste restante (poetry) (1989)
  • Awakening (poetry) (1995)
  • Circle (1996)
  • Share of the joke (co-authored with Marianna Goncharova). - Donetsk: Donetsk region, 2003. - ISBN 966-556-532-X
  • Share of the Joke (2006) (co-authored with Yulia Khait) ISBN 5-699-17756-6
  • Grandfather dancing on the balcony... - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - ISBN 978-5-699-47859-0

Write a review about the article "Hait, Valery Isaakovich"


An excerpt characterizing Khait, Valery Isaakovich

And now, the same brilliant one, the smartest person stood in front of some half-drunk, brutal people and, hopelessly trying to shout them down, tried to explain something to them... But none of those gathered, unfortunately, wanted to listen to him... Stones flew at poor Axel, and the crowd, disgusting Inciting her anger with swearing, she began to press. He tried to fight them off, but they threw him to the ground, began to brutally trample him, tear off his clothes... And some big guy suddenly jumped on his chest, breaking his ribs, and without hesitation, easily killed him with a blow to his temple. Axel's naked, mutilated body was dumped on the side of the road, and there was no one who at that moment would want to feel sorry for him, already dead... There was only a rather laughing, drunk, excited crowd around... who just needed to throw it out on someone - your accumulated animal anger...
Axel's pure, suffering soul, finally freed, flew away to unite with the one who was his bright and only love, and waited for him for so many years...
This is how, again, very cruelly, an almost stranger to Stella and I, but who became so close, a man named Axel, ended his life and... the same a little boy, who, having lived only a short five years, managed to accomplish an amazing and unique feat in his life, of which any adult living on earth could be honestly proud...
“What horror!..” I whispered in shock. - Why is he doing this?
“I don’t know...” Stella whispered quietly. “For some reason people were very angry back then, even angrier than animals... I looked a lot to understand, but I didn’t understand...” the little girl shook her head. “They didn’t listen to reason, they just killed.” And for some reason everything beautiful was destroyed too...
– What about Axel’s children or wife? – Having come to my senses after the shock, I asked.
“He never had a wife - he always loved only his queen,” said little Stella with tears in her eyes.

, Socio-psychological fiction, Humorous fiction, Prose, Prose, Science, Education, Linguistics, Documentary literature, Journalism, Criticism, Humor, Humorous prose, , , , , , Aphorisms

The main theme of Felix Krivin's new book is man and time. “No matter what time we live, we should not think that history happens without us - what happens with us happens with our participation,” the author states in the story “I Stole a Time Machine,” based on the material of the second world war.

Editor's Preface

In this section, the author takes the liberty of acting as an editor and, hoping to avoid the reader's judgment, introduces three aspiring science fiction writers to the readers' judgment. There is no doubt that N. Yuton, Alf Upsilon and Sel Avi will interest fans printed word, how they still interested lovers of the unprintable word, since their works first appeared in print.

What is characteristic of these writers?

N. Yuton firmly believes that science is capable of anything, but this does not frighten him at all, but, on the contrary, fills him with vigor and enthusiasm. Scientific and technical progress does not cause him either anxiety, like Alpha Upsilon, or cold skepticism, like Sel Avi. N. Yuton looks at the world broadly with open eyes a baby who firmly believes that the truth speaks through his mouth. Despite the author’s youth (he is not yet forty years old), he has written voluminous novels, which, however, are published here in abbreviation. Thus, the novel “Time” in its expanded version is a kind of chronicle of several generations. The founder of the family, a certain Stevitz, was so poor that he did not even have his own watch and was forced to ask the time of the first person he met. His descendants became rich and no longer asked anyone about anything, did not notice anyone around at all. And time cruelly avenged itself on them; time generally avenges itself when people don’t ask about it for a long time.

Alf Upsilon is also a novelist (published in abridged form), his novels are devoted to the eternal and boundless problems of time and space, but his works are permeated by anxiety for them, as well as for the person living in them (in space and time). In the novel “Taxi,” the author, with his characteristic sharpness and at the same time breadth, reflects on the past and the future, as well as on the relationship of the present to both. His phrase (lost during the editing process) is especially memorable: “The present builds the future from the past and itself turns into the past, so that there is something to build the future from in the future present.” It is worth noting how easily the novice author managed to fit the past, present and future into one phrase. The published version of the novel is the result of painstaking editorial work to eliminate everything secondary and unnecessary, making the novel easy and quick to read, as the reader will be satisfied with.

Sel Avi, the oldest of the aspiring science fiction writers (although, according to him, he is not yet fifty) is no longer inspired by anything, as N. Yuton is inspired, and is not worried about anything, as Alf Upsilon is worried. Sel Avi is cold. Ironic. He is a man of few words. He doesn't write novels, but short stories, requiring almost no reduction. Sel Avi does not believe that the progress of science is in in a broad sense progress, he will not fly on his ears and has complete indifference to sugar (as can be seen in the story “The Circus”). He is not tempted by Brun's career (see the story of the same name), although, as a true writer, he knows the value of silence. And yet sometimes his indifference - both to sugar and to everything else - will suddenly stir up with convulsive anxiety: Mary remained on Earth (see the story “Maria”). And then he takes off and flies to this Earth, where people love, fight and suffer, where they die - even if it is meaningless, it doesn’t matter that death is meaningless, it is important that life is not deprived of it.

In the story “Organauts,” which, unfortunately, has not yet been completed by editing, inorganic matter calls out to organic matter: “Organauts! - that's what she calls her. - Organauts! Our planet is the most lifeless of all planets! Leave life only on our planet!” This irony of Selya Avi can be understood as a longing for real, organic life.

What more can I say as an editor?

All epithets have been replaced.

All metaphors have been replaced.

In all possible cases The names of the characters have been changed.

It remains to be hoped that the published works will long life, in which what was not edited in the first edition will be further edited.