And the casket simply opened. The casket "simply unlocked" or "simply opened"

I usually shop in simple stores, avoiding stores with the ECO prefix like fire. But my sister really praised the Vkusville store. I couldn’t help but succumb to such intrusive advertising and went there too. Moreover, I definitely needed one interesting product - lipstick with cocoa.

Spring is the time of dieting, and if I can’t eat chocolate soon, I decided to smear it on myself. That's how insidious it is.

I went to the store’s website and it turned out that as many as two Taste of Shovels Villa stores are located near me. I made my first visit with my daughter, I was going to buy water and just look at the assortment, and at the same time the lipstick I was interested in. It ended in failure. There was some chaos going on in the store and we left empty-handed.

On the second visit I was alone and it was worse than the first.

The store is very small, you can't turn around there. In cramped conditions, but not offended, right?

But something always falls off the shelves, fruit, bread, something else. All this affects either visitors or the store employees themselves.

How to stand in line as if it were food stamps...

5 cash registers made me happy. There were 3 open, but as soon as I entered they immediately closed and all the few visitors formed one queue.

In addition to food, the store also sells natural eco-cosmetics and eco-toys. It’s true that it’s impossible to reach them!

The counter with cosmetics is located behind the cashiers, so I had to stand in line to see what was there. The line was tiny, only 2-3 people, but it stretched like old chewing gum. While waiting for it to clear up, I decided to walk around the store, but again I didn’t find anything interesting.

What can you buy there?

Judging by the rest of the customers, an ordinary Muscovite dines on chuchkhella and herring butter, snacking on all this with candy spread with urbech and washing it down with birch sap. The entire store is filled with these products that are necessary every day.

After making a couple of circles around the counters, I again stood in line in front of the cash register. There was one person in front of me. It was so long it's just creepy. In another store, I could take the lipstick I need, pay and leave.

But here each customer chooses one favorite product, the service is sleepy and leisurely.

Pleasant and useful things are sold there fresh berries. Delicious strawberries and blueberries.


I wouldn't call them low. But all stores with natural products believe that their ECO products are more eco-friendly.


What also causes particular discomfort is the fact that you seem to be not in the center of Moscow in a pretentious eco-friendly store, but at a bazaar. The hall workers were arguing with each other the entire time I visited, trying to figure out who dropped the bread on the floor. WHO dropped the BREAD on the floor? Unfortunately, while I was there they didn’t start fighting with eco loaves. It would have brightened up my visit a little. But this hubbub got on my nerves.

When my turn reached me and I asked for lipstick, other visitors were already supporting me from behind. There was no price tag underneath. If I didn't know what I was taking, I would have to hold up the line. Fortunately, I always know what I need.

Here are some purchases from the Vkussville store.

  • Gingerbread.

  • Lollipop. By the way, they are sold from pharmacies to Soyuzpechat tents.

  • Chuchkhella

A Casket was brought to someone from the master.
The decoration and cleanliness of the Casket caught my eye;
Well, everyone admired the beautiful Casket.
Here a sage enters the mechanics room.
Looking at the Casket, he said: “A casket with a secret,
So; it doesn't even have a lock;
And I undertake to open it; yes, yes, I'm sure of it;
Don't laugh so secretly!
I will find the secret and I will reveal the little chest to you:
In mechanics, I’m also worth something.”
So he set to work on the Casket:
Turns him from all sides
And he breaks his head;
First a carnation, then another, then a bracket.
Here, looking at him, another
Shakes his head;
They whisper, and they laugh among themselves.
The only thing that rings in my ears is:
"Not here, not like that, not there!" The mechanic is even more eager.
Sweated, sweated; but finally got tired
I left Larchik behind
And I couldn’t figure out how to open it:
And the casket simply opened.

Casket - Moral of Ivan Krylov's fable

It often happens to us
And work and wisdom to see there,
Where you just have to guess
Just get down to business.

Moral in your own words, the main idea and meaning of the fable Larchik

Sometimes on complex issue There is a simple and correct solution.

Analysis of the fable Larchik, the main characters of the fable

Analyzing one of the most original fables by Ivan Krylov, “The Casket,” we see a self-confident and, probably, experienced, but not at all smart mechanic who tried in every possible way to open the casket, but it turned out to be beyond his power. The spectators who gathered to watch this action tried in every possible way to help with their tips, but this did not lead to success.

The whole solution is hidden in the last lines of the work “And the casket simply opened,” but as far as one author knows. In life, it often happens that people look for a way out of a simple situation in complex ways, thereby greatly complicating everything. So the main character just needed to open the casket, and not come up with cunningly wise options.
Author of this work with my lines I wanted to convey to humanity that there is no need to turn his fables inside out, choosing the key to each line and word, but rather look at the surface. There is also a hint that you should not quit what you have started, halfway through encountering the slightest difficulties.

If we analyze the work with reverse side, then we see that the author did not give a specific answer as to how exactly the casket was opened. It is not entirely clear whether the problem is the absence or presence of a lock, or the stupidity of the master. Another moral emerges from this: there is no single problem for any problem. the right way out and solutions need to analyze the situation and look for a special, individual approach.

Ivan Andreevich in his fables, including “Larchik”, amazingly tries to open people's eyes to simple, absurd situations and stupid actions. If main character(the mechanic) was a little smarter and did not exaggerate his capabilities, did not consider himself a great sage, but looked at the task set before him, he could easily open a beautiful casket.

Winged expressions that came from the Larchik fable

  • And the casket simply opened.

Listen to Ivan Krylov's Fable

The question has come up, I’ll try to sum it up.

Now it has dawned on me that the opinion of “Gramma” quoted in one of the answers (which, by the way, was not found anywhere in verified sources) is far from being understood.

In Krylov’s fable “And the casket simply opened,” the word “simply,” according to generally accepted opinion, is an adverb (how did the casket open? - simply, easily, without difficulty). However, there are other opinions (in our opinion, speculative, forgive the harshness), according to which the word “simply” in this line is a particle in the meaning of “only”.

The upside is that the author acknowledges the problem caused by ambiguity, but that's it. The given options “it opened easily, without effort” and “it just opened” are in fact the same thing, there is nothing different here. I don’t understand at all how this can be opposed - and even in such harsh terms.
I really don’t know what Ivan Andreevich wanted to say, but I don’t have to choose from these options. The options here are: 1. Chest wasn't locked, that is, it did not have a lock (neither secret nor any other) - and opened simply: without difficulty, by lifting the lid.
2. The castle was secret. But very simple. And it opened simply: not difficult.

The entire text of the fable speaks in favor of the first case. Although “Gramma” (allegedly) called the adherents of this version “speculators,” it is difficult to deduce otherwise from the text.

Why did this question appear here at all? But listen. Ilyinsky is reading. He clearly emphasizes the word “simply” - that is, he leans toward the second version, “simply” here is an adverb of manner, meaning that the opening actions were simple. I heard similar performances from other famous readers (I’m afraid to lie, but it seems even from Irakli Andronikov himself in his youth).

Are you saying I'm crazy? After all, we were taught differently from school?

In my defense, I will give one more opinion. Kazinik - a famous person, violinist, although he has nothing to do with literature. But I am ready to subscribe to his every word.

Remember Krylov’s fable “Larchik”? About how a certain “mechanical sage” undertook to open the casket, because it, he was sure, contained a secret. No matter how hard the sage tried, nothing came of it, in fact - remember, the last line: “And the Casket simply opened.” I wonder how you read it? Most likely, as they taught at school: “And the casket JUST opened.” But this is wrong, says Mikhail Kazinik, you need: “But the casket just OPENED!” Why? Yes, because if you read it the way it was drilled into you in childhood, it remains unclear: so HOW does this very Chest open? It turns out that old man Krylov did not finish the fable. But if we put logical emphasis on last word- “opened up”, then everything falls into place.

Bottom line. In Russian, “open” has at least two main meanings

OPEN, -cut, -cut; open; -covered, -a, -o; St. What.

    Opening, swinging open doors, doors, lids, etc. some premises, containers, make them accessible inner part, contents; make it possible to gain access to smth. O. piano. O. suitcase. O. buffet. O. pan. O. room. O. doors, windows, shutters. O. window. O. car door. O. gate, gate. O. cover (lift, fold back the cover). O. hugs smb. (spread your arms, intending to hug someone). // (how). Unlock, unlock. O. door with a key. O. gate, removing the bolt. Open! (not locked, you can enter).

    (how). Uncork, open, print. O. corkscrew a bottle of wine. O. with a knife a can of canned food. O. letter, parcel post, package. The first is obvious, if it’s clearer for someone, then the translation into English is to open. The second of these meanings is practically equivalent to “unlock”, “open the lock”, to unlock. In good English, the door is “open”, locks, bolts, etc. cannot be opened - “open”, only unlock. As can be seen from the text, it was in this meaning that the word was used by the loser hero, who undertook to open (unlock) the casket.

So it turns out that the options are from Krylov: the box "simply unlocked" or "simply opened". In my opinion, it is obvious that the first option (known from school, according to Ilyinsky and “Gram”) does not work here.
It's a shame that Ekaterina deleted her answer, leaving me in the dark as to why.

Thanks to your question, I thought about the function in the sentence A THE CASTER JUST OPENED the words simply. What is it: an adverb - a circumstance of the manner of action (opened HOW? simply) or a particle with the verb OPENED with the meaning “only”, “only”? I come to the conclusion that since Ivan Andreevich did not tell in detail how exactly the casket was opened, he only meant the process of lifting the lid with a slight hand force. This means that it is SIMPLY a particle, and the casket only needed to be opened.