How to properly exit the Japanese diet? The right way out of the Japanese diet.

By following the Japanese diet for 14 days, you can lose up to 8 kg over the entire period. But the diet is strict, and one of the rules says that the menu must be fixed and cannot be changed at will. So, find out what your two-week diet should be and you can stock up on food.

The principle and rules of the diet

The basis of the nutrition system is to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet. The menu is designed so that all dishes together do not exceed 1100 kcal/day. This is one of the reasons why you cannot switch days if you are supposed to eat fruit for dinner - eat fruit for dinner.

Efficiency also lies in the peculiarities of diet planning. All permitted food contains a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats, but a lot of proteins. This forces the body not to store new reserves, but to burn existing ones, without damaging muscle tissue. Coffee for breakfast or green tea should start your metabolism. And dishes without salt do not allow excess water to accumulate in the body.

During the diet, give preference to loose leaf tea and natural ground coffee.

And a few more rules:

  1. All food should be steamed, boiled or baked.
  2. You need to go to bed before 24.00 - healthy sleep is the key to effective weight loss.
  3. Last meal no later than 21.00.
  4. Follow the correct way out of the diet.
  5. The maximum serving size is 250 g.
  6. Repeated adherence to the diet is allowed after at least 6 months. Ideally, no more than once every 2-3 years.
  7. If you feel unwell or have health problems during the diet, stop it immediately. But keep the right exit.
  8. Drink about 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

Permitted and prohibited products

During this time, you can only eat foods from a certain list. Adding new ones or replacing them is strictly prohibited.

What you can eat:

  • veal or beef (dietary);
  • chicken fillet or breast without skin;
  • zucchini and eggplant;
  • any fruit except grapes;
  • low-fat varieties of sea fish;
  • lemon;
  • carrot;
  • ground coffee and green leaf tea;
  • chicken eggs;
  • White cabbage;
  • kefir (from 1% fat content to 2.5%);
  • tomato juice;
  • crackers;
  • olive oil (for salad dressing).

What products are prohibited:

  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • fried and smoked dishes;
  • sausages, semi-finished products;
  • pastries and cakes;
  • salt;
  • sugar and more.

Menu for 14 days

Each daily diet is specially designed; changing or replacing anything is not recommended. In my Japanese diet there are no snacks, so there are only 3 meals. Moreover, tomorrow almost always consists only of freshly brewed ground coffee or loose leaf green tea.

If you don't drink coffee, you can completely replace it with tea or vice versa. As a last resort, you can drink herbal tea or just water.

First day

In the morning: a mug of black coffee without sugar.

In the afternoon: 100 g of baked vegetables, boiled chicken egg, 200 ml of tomato juice (homemade).

Evening: 250 g steamed hake.

Second day

In the morning: green leaf tea and 50-100 g of crackers.

In the afternoon: 150 g of baked cod, 100 g of raw carrot and white cabbage salad.

In the evening: 150 g of stewed beef (without oil), 200 ml of one percent kefir.

The third day

In the morning: coffee and 100 g of crackers.

In the afternoon: 250 g of stewed zucchini.

In the evening: 100 g of baked chicken fillet, steamed omelette from 2 chicken eggs.

Day four

In the morning: freshly brewed unsweetened coffee.

In the afternoon: 250 g of baked cod.

In the evening: one apple and one peach.

Day five

In the morning: freshly brewed green tea, 200 g of raw carrots.

In the afternoon: 200 g of boiled hake and a glass of homemade tomato juice (without salt).

In the evening: 250 g of peaches or apricots (you can have both for a total of 250 g).

Day six

In the morning: black ground coffee.

In the afternoon: 100 g steamed chicken fillet, 150 g carrot and cabbage salad.

In the evening: 2 chicken eggs, 150 g of baked cabbage.

Seventh day

In the morning: green tea.

In the afternoon: 100 g of boiled veal and 1 apple.

In the evening: 250 g baked chicken breast (without skin).

Day eight

In the morning: unsweetened green tea.

In the afternoon: 150 g of baked veal, 1 nectarine.

In the evening: 2 boiled chicken eggs, 150 g of raw carrots cut into pieces.

Day nine

In the morning: freshly brewed coffee.

In the afternoon: 2 boiled chicken eggs, 150 g of vegetable salad.

Day ten

In the morning: 150 g of raw carrots sprinkled with lemon juice (can be grated or cut into cubes), black coffee.

In the afternoon: 250 g of any baked fish and tomato juice.

In the evening: 250 g of any fruit.

Day eleven

In the morning: freshly brewed green tea, 50-100 g of crackers.

In the afternoon: stewed zucchini with eggplant (250 g), homemade tomato juice.

In the evening: 200 g of boiled veal, a glass of low-fat kefir.

Day twelve

In the morning: black coffee and 100 g of crackers.

In the afternoon: 150 g of baked navaga (or other fish) and 100 g of white cabbage salad.

In the evening: 250 g of fruit salad.

Day thirteen

In the morning: unsweetened green tea.

In the afternoon: 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of vegetables, tomato juice.

Evening: 250 g steamed fish.

Day fourteen

In the morning: freshly brewed green tea without sugar.

In the afternoon: 100 g of baked cod, 150 g of carrot and white cabbage salad.

In the evening: 200 g of steamed veal, a glass of 1% kefir.

Quitting the diet

It is important after the end of 14 days to properly exit the Japanese diet. This is necessary to:

  • The result lasted as long as possible;
  • The lost pounds did not return;
  • There was no harm to health.

The end of the diet should be gradual. You should not immediately return to the usual portion sizes and number of meals, as well as the previous calorie content of the menu. This way you will regain even more excess weight than you lost.

Start eating small breakfasts first. Gradually increase the amount of food you eat per day and its calorie content. In addition, you need to add a few snacks in rotation. By the way, it is also necessary to expand the list of permitted products not immediately, but gradually. In general, leaving the diet takes the same amount of time as the diet itself, i.e. 14 days, or even more.

It is also impossible to completely return to your previous diet. Build a balanced menu so that you get the required proportions of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Completely eliminate fast food and alcohol from your diet, and minimize the consumption of pastries, cakes and sweets.

Increase the amount of vegetables and lean fish and meat in your menu. And also get a table of caloric content of foods and nutritional composition. Check with it regularly to ensure your menu is balanced. With such changes, you will not only not regain the lost weight, but you will also continue to lose weight, albeit at a slower rate.

Approximate schedule for quitting the diet:

  1. Day 1. Add a few new foods to the menu, such as vegetables and make a salad out of them. You can also supplement your breakfast with it, but don’t get carried away, the serving size is 100-150 g.
  2. Day 2. Continue to expand your product list. Add 1 snack between breakfast and lunch. It should be light, for example, 1 tomato or 1 apple.
  3. Day 3. Start increasing your daily caloric intake by about 200-300 kcal.
  4. Day 4. Add a snack between lunch and dinner. Calorie content of the daily diet is 1200-1300. Add cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) to the menu. Increase the amount of carbohydrates you eat. Start physical exercise (if you haven’t done it before): walking for an hour or more, light exercise.
  5. Day 5. Calculate your daily caloric intake per day for your height, age and weight. Begin to gradually increase your caloric intake to the desired level. If you want to lose weight further, then eat 200-300 kcal less than normal.
  6. Day 6. Add an after-dinner snack 2-3 hours before bed. Start having dinner a little earlier than you were used to during the diet. Still continue to expand the list of products.
  7. From seventh to fourteenth. Increase physical activity. Bring the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates to your calculated norm. Increase the number of products. You can, if necessary, slightly increase the serving size. Gradually come to a balanced diet.

Carefully follow all recommendations during and after the diet. If you suddenly begin to experience malaise, weakness, headaches and dizziness, as well as other health problems, consult a doctor. If problems arise, you should immediately stop the Japanese diet, observing the correct way out.

Why question exit from the Japanese diet deserves a separate article? Almost everyone who has tried to lose extra pounds by following a strict diet has encountered a very unpleasant problem. When you lose almost any kilogram that was lost with such difficulty, it comes back. NameWoman will give some important tips on how to exit the Japanese diet correctly.

The most important thing in the diet is Japanese aging! After the final day of “Japanese”, your stomach is in a compressed state; the last food that entered it was low-calorie. In no case should you start stretching your stomach again with fatty, high-carbohydrate foods in the first days after a diet. You risk not only returning to your starting point, but also harming your health.

So how do you still need to get out of the Japanese diet?

How to get out of the Japanese diet: creating a new menu

For the first breakfast You can get by with a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of tea with half a teaspoon of sugar. After three hours, organize yourself a second breakfast. An excellent solution would be a dish of a couple of fruits and fifty grams of dried fruits. You should drink only clean non-carbonated water or freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Avoid eating fruits that are too sweet. An increased fructose content in them will lead to the deposition of subcutaneous fat.

For lunch cook some rice or buckwheat. No added oils or fats. Garnish with a small piece of chicken or beef. This lunch will provide the body with the necessary proteins.

Afternoon snack consists of one vegetable or fresh, not very sweet fruit, which should be washed down with kefir, fermented baked milk or any other low-fat fermented milk product.

For dinner Let's add some carbohydrates to the diet in the form of spaghetti. The main thing to consider is that the product must be made from flour, which is made from durum wheat. A good substitute for this dish would be jacket potatoes. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of potatoes and salt. For drinks you can choose tea, water, milk.

For a late dinner Limit yourself to a small plate of diet muesli and a glass of warm milk.

Basics of the correct way out of the Japanese diet

For at least a couple more weeks, try to avoid fatty, sweet, salty, floury and spicy foods, which were rated extremely negatively. Eat fruits, vegetables, cereals and cereals. Drink as much fermented milk products and clean water as possible. Add a complex of vitamins and minerals and fish oil to your diet.

Remember that you must spend as many days as you followed the Japanese diet to properly exit the Japanese diet. For example, if you choose a thirteen-day Japanese diet, then you will need another thirteen days to exit it. The longer you take to leave the diet, the longer the results will last.

You can change your diet, which has become habitual over 13 days, but you need to do this gradually. For example, adding one favorite product to the Japanese menu every day. Or you can allow yourself to eat familiar dishes “from the past” for lunch, and stick to the Japanese menu in the morning and evening.

Doctors say that a huge number of residents of our country are faced with the problem of excess weight. And dealing with extra pounds is often difficult; the body stubbornly refuses to part with the accumulated fat. Many girls stubbornly struggle with excess weight, starving and exhausting themselves with physical activity. A variety of diets are also extremely popular. The Japanese diet is considered one of the most famous and effective. Let's look at the correct menu of the Japanese diet, and clarify how to properly exit the Japanese diet; we will provide a menu for the correct transition to normal nutrition.

The real Japanese diet is based on products that make it possible to effectively lose weight without causing a constant feeling of hunger. It is based on the consumption of fish, vegetables, fruits and green tea. This nutrition program involves minimal heat treatment of food, so that dishes retain the maximum amount of healthy components.

When following the Japanese diet, you need to avoid consuming sugar, salt, flour and confectionery products, as well as all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Between meals you are allowed to drink mineral or boiled water - the volumes are not limited.

Correct Japanese diet menu

First day

Start your day with natural coffee. Brew it according to all the rules, but do not use sugar. To make the taste of the drink more interesting, you can add a pinch of cinnamon to it.

For lunch, boil a couple of hard-boiled eggs. Also prepare a salad from fresh white cabbage, season it with unrefined vegetable oil to taste. In addition, you can drink a glass of high-quality tomato juice or eat one fresh tomato.

Boiled fish would be an excellent option for dinner. You can prepare a fresh cabbage salad with it; it should be seasoned with vegetable oil.

Second day

Start your day with a cup of aromatic and invigorating coffee without sugar. Today you can eat a cracker.

For lunch, you should prepare boiled (baked or fried) fish. Also shred fresh cabbage salad and season it with your favorite unrefined oil.

An excellent option for dinner would be a small portion of boiled beef (no more than two hundred grams), as well as a glass of low-fat kefir.

The third day

This day is also worth starting with brewed coffee. You don't need sugar anyway.

Lunch can consist of a raw egg and three large boiled carrots. You can make a salad from them and season it with unrefined vegetable oil.

Dinner on this day should be made from apples.

Fourth day

Drink a cup of strong coffee in the morning.

For lunch, fry yourself a large parsnip or parsley root in vegetable oil. Also eat some apples.

Eat fruit for dinner.

Fifth day

For breakfast, eat a large raw carrot. Grate it and season with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

For lunch, prepare large fish (up to 500g) - boil it, bake it or fry it. Also drink a glass of quality tomato juice.

Sixth day

In the morning, drink a cup of freshly brewed black coffee, without sugar, of course.

For lunch, boil yourself a half-kilogram portion of chicken, and prepare a salad from fresh cabbage or raw carrots, season it with unrefined vegetable oil.

For dinner, prepare a couple of hard-boiled eggs and eat a raw carrot salad dressed with unrefined vegetable oil.

Seventh day

For breakfast, drink a cup of green tea without sugar. You need to brew this drink yourself using high-quality raw materials.

For lunch, boil two hundred grams of beef and prepare a portion of fruit.

You can choose your dinner from any menu of the previous days (except for the third).

Eighth day

For breakfast, brew a cup of green tea; there is no need to sweeten it.

For lunch, prepare boiled veal - no more than two hundred grams, and also eat a portion of fruit.

For dinner, choose any menu option from the diet of the previous days (except for the third).

Ninth day

For breakfast, brew a cup of black coffee, you can add cinnamon to it, no need to use sugar.

For lunch, boil half a chicken, and also prepare a salad with fresh cabbage or carrots, season it with unrefined vegetable oil.

For dinner, boil a couple of hard-boiled eggs, and also prepare a portion of raw carrots seasoned with vegetable oil.

Tenth day

Breakfast should consist of raw carrots: grate them and season with lemon juice.

For lunch, boil large fish (or bake or fry), and also drink a glass of tomato juice.

For dinner, prepare a portion of fruit.

Eleventh day

Brew a cup of aromatic and delicious black coffee for breakfast. Don't use sugar.
For lunch, prepare one raw egg, three large boiled carrots and fifteen grams of hard cheese.

For dinner, eat a portion of fruit.

Twelfth day

For breakfast, you can drink a cup of black brewed coffee and eat a cracker of bread.

For lunch, prepare one large zucchini - fry it in vegetable oil. You can also eat an apple, drink a cup of coffee and eat a cracker.

For dinner, boil two hundred grams of beef and drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Thirteenth day

In the morning, drink a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

For lunch, eat a couple of hard-boiled eggs, a portion of boiled cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil. Also drink a glass of quality tomato juice.

For dinner, prepare a portion of fried or boiled fish.

Fourteenth day

In the morning, brew yourself a cup of aromatic black coffee.

For lunch, eat a portion of boiled or fried fish, as well as a salad made from fresh cabbage, season it with vegetable oil.

For dinner, prepare a portion of boiled beef - no more than two hundred grams. Also drink a glass of kefir.

How to exit the Japanese diet correctly?

After two weeks of following such a nutrition program, the stomach decreases somewhat in volume and learns to digest low-calorie foods. Therefore, even after finishing the diet, it is recommended to eat small portions and also eat foods that are low in calories.

The diet should include cereals, especially rice, buckwheat and semolina. They should be alternated. Nutritionists advise giving preference to lean meat. And the dishes are best prepared by steaming, boiling or baking. The diet should contain a significant amount of vegetables and fruits, and confectionery products should be abandoned.

You need to leave the diet for the same number of days as the diet itself lasted. In the first few days of release, you can stick to the same menu, gradually introducing new foods into your diet.

Menu for quitting the Japanese diet

As your first meal, you can eat a small portion of oatmeal and drink a cup of green tea.

For a second breakfast, you can use fruits or dried fruits. You can also crunch on a cracker and drink a glass of juice or still water.

For lunch, prepare porridge from any cereal and a small piece of lean meat.

An afternoon snack can consist of any fruit or vegetable. You can also drink a glass of any fermented milk drink of your choice.

For dinner, prepare a couple of potatoes or durum wheat pasta, as well as some fish or meat.
If you are very hungry, you can drink a glass of baked milk or kefir before going to bed.

The Japanese diet is an excellent option to lose a few kilograms of excess weight. But it is worth remembering that if you abruptly stop dieting, you can gain even more body weight than before starting the diet. In addition, it should be borne in mind that severe dietary restrictions are not indicated for many groups of the population (adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, as well as elderly women). If you suffer from any health conditions, be sure to consult your doctor before starting the Japanese diet.

People concerned about their health and appearance usually watch their diet, exercise, and avoid serious problems with their figure. But there are times when you need to lose significant weight, and time is running out. Then intensive diets will come to the rescue, accelerating the process of fat breakdown and removing all excess from the body. One of the leaders among them is the Japanese diet for 13 days. It has been known for many years and a huge number of people call it their favorite diet in case of an emergency need to correct their figure. You can lose weight on salt-free Japanese diet by an average of 6-8 kg.

What is the Japanese diet for 13 days?

When you see the name of this diet, the first thing that comes to mind is the traditional Japanese diet: raw fish, rice, light soups, specific seasonings. And indeed, compared to Russian or French cuisine, this could be considered a diet menu. But the Japanese diet, designed for 13 days, is a much more strict weight loss system, and its menu does not even intersect with Japanese cuisine. Its name was given, rather, by the famous fortitude of the Japanese samurai, who could not be broken by temptations and hardships. After all, going on this diet is really quite difficult. Habitual products will be banned. You will not be able to afford even small quantities:

  • Flavoring additives, even salt;
  • Baked goods and other carbohydrate treats;
  • Alcoholic drinks, even the weakest;
  • Any tasty indulgences.

The 13-day Japanese diet is designed for significant weight loss in a fairly short period of time. This is achieved by a perfect balance of products and strict adherence to all rules and regulations. You will have to prepare in advance for this test.

  • During these 13 days, your menu will be spelled out in detail, and deviating from it will be strictly prohibited. You cannot replace products, even if you think that the replacement is justified or the difference between the products is very insignificant.
  • The amount of food is also strictly prescribed. You can neither increase nor decrease portions.
  • You will have to completely abandon spices and flavorings. At first it will be difficult to come to terms with their absence; unsalted food may seem tasteless and dull. But after a few days, your receptors will get used to the seasonings and you will begin to feel the pure taste of foods, learn to enjoy each of them.
  • It is best to start reducing the amount of salt a few days before entering the diet so that the body does not feel a sharp jump. This will make the diet much easier to endure. On the day before it starts, consume salt in reduced quantities, and have dinner with a light vegetable salad without spices.
  • Nutrition during the diet will be quite meager and you may feel some weakness. It is not recommended to play sports during this period. Move as far as you feel comfortable, in moderation. However, the more calories you burn while dieting, the bigger and more lasting the weight gain you'll get.
  • In addition to the 13 days of the diet itself, approximately the same period of adaptation awaits you - the transition to a daily diet. To prolong the effect of the diet and get the maximum benefit from it, it is recommended not to try to return to the old diet. Try to switch to proper nutrition: continue to eat lean protein foods and fresh vegetables, replace sweets with fruits, forget about fatty sauces, add a minimum of salt to your food. Immediately after the diet, it will be much easier and tastier for you to eat right, and the longer you do this, the longer your figure will remain slim.

Due to its strictness, scarcity and low content of carbohydrates and salt, Japanese food has a fairly large list of contraindications. Be sure to talk to your doctor about whether it is right for you. While following a diet, it is also recommended to visit a doctor to monitor the condition of the body.

Drink as much water as possible. A body that often suffers from dehydration is more prone to swelling. In addition, when there is plenty of water in the body, blood circulation, the functioning of all organs, and the quality and color of the skin improve.

Losing weight using a Japanese salt-free diet for 13 days takes place in 3 stages:

  1. First, excess salt is removed from the body. The water that it retained in the body also leaves. This is the very first small plumb line. At this stage, swelling disappears, blood circulation and metabolism improve. Body volume is slightly reduced.
  2. Then the body starts burning its own fat reserves due to the fact that the energy received from food is not enough for the body. There is enough water, the necessary minimum of vitamins is present, so in general the body works perfectly and metabolic processes proceed as expected.
  3. A person gets used to eating small portions and enjoying the taste of proper, healthy food. The volume of his stomach decreases to accommodate the new volume of portions. As a result, the stomach becomes flatter.

The Japanese diet requires drinking coffee every day. If your body allows it, do so; in this diet it has very important functions, for example, it normalizes blood pressure and speeds up metabolism. Instant coffee is allowed, but the effect will be much greater if you brew a natural grain drink. If you are prohibited from drinking coffee for health reasons, replace it with green tea. This is the only exception to the “do not substitute for prescribed products” rule.

Doctors' opinion on a salt-free diet

The Japanese diet, designed for 13 days, gives good results, but requires care and concern for health. Doctors believe that it is worth sticking to such a diet once every one and a half to two years, so that the body has time to recover and function well. Too much salt deprivation can cause problems in some organs.

The diet provides the body with a small amount of vitamins, but in order to support the body and not deteriorate the quality of skin, nails and hair, experts recommend taking a multivitamin complex during this diet.

A diet so low in carbohydrates and low in calories can cause stress on the body. Therefore, it should be carried out only with the permission of your attending physician, under his guidance. There are a number of diseases for which this diet is strictly prohibited - this includes, for example, heart disease or eating disorders. Mothers cannot hold it back either, as long as the child’s nutrition is at least slightly connected with their body.

Menu for the Japanese diet for 13 days

Every day there must be 3 meals.

For breakfast there is always a small mug of coffee without sugar, without cream, without spices. Sometimes a small cracker of rye bread without raisins is added to it, sometimes the coffee is replaced with a small portion of grated carrots with a couple of drops of lemon juice.

The menu mentions the diet's two main salads: Osaka salad and Oita salad. The first consists of cabbage seasoned with a teaspoon of oil. Cabbage can be doused with boiling water to make it softer, but it is better to use fresh, crisp cabbage. The second is made from carrots - grated into small strips and also seasoned with a teaspoon of oil. A mixed salad consists of carrots and cabbage in approximately equal quantities.

Meat products can be baked in the oven or grilled, boiled, or steamed. All this without the use of oil or other additives, even the skin and fat from the products must be removed. You can also cook zucchini and eggplant when they appear on your menu. Other vegetables and fruits can only be eaten raw.

Here is written about the drug Glucophage Long, which also helps you lose weight and reduce your weight.

Before starting the diet, let us recall two main features of the Japanese diet:

  • all food should be fresh. If you are unable to eat without salt, in the first days you can add a few crystals to the prepared dish. But by the second week you should still gradually reduce your salt intake to zero.
  • You can’t change absolutely anything in the menu below if you want to achieve results.
  • You should not start the diet abruptly; before starting it, eat lighter meals than usual for a couple of days and try to add less salt to your food.

Main meals should follow the following pattern:


  • In the morning only coffee.
  • For lunch, 2 eggs boiled to taste, Osaka salad and tomato juice, and for dinner, 200g of fish.

  • In the morning, coffee with crackers.
  • For lunch, fish and Osaka salad, for dinner, 100 g of beef and a glass of low-fat kefir.

  • In the morning, coffee with crackers.
  • For lunch, one large zucchini with skin on, for dinner, 2 eggs, 200 g of beef and Osaka salad.


  • In the morning only coffee.
  • For lunch, 1 egg, Oita salad and a slice of unsalted low-fat cheese, for dinner, 2-3 unsweetened fruits.

  • In the morning, carrots with a couple of drops of lemon juice, washed down with water.
  • For lunch, a tomato and 200 g of fish, for dinner, 2-3 unsweetened fruits.

  • In the morning only coffee.
  • For lunch, a whole skinned chicken breast, mixed salad, for dinner, 2 eggs and Oita salad.


  • In the morning, coffee with crackers.
  • For lunch, 200 g of beef, and for dinner you are allowed to choose any from the past week, except for dense beef.


  • In the morning only coffee.
  • For lunch, chicken breast and mixed salad, for dinner 2 eggs and Oita salad.

  • In the morning, carrots with lemon juice.
  • For lunch, a tomato and 200 g of fish, for dinner 2-3 sour fruits.

  • In the morning only coffee.
  • For lunch, Oita salad, an egg and a small slice of cheese, for dinner, 2-3 sour fruits.

  • In the morning, coffee with crackers.
  • For lunch, a large zucchini with skin, for dinner, 2 eggs, Osaka salad and 200 g of beef.

  • In the morning, coffee with crackers.
  • For lunch, 200 g of fish and a mixed salad, for dinner, 100 g of beef and a glass of low-fat kefir.

  • In the morning only coffee.
  • For lunch 2 eggs, Osaka salad, tomato juice, for dinner 200 g of fish.

The period of quitting the diet begins on Sunday. Select the menu for any day of the diet and add a fruit or vegetable that was prohibited but that you wanted to eat. Continue to follow the instructions for exiting salt-free mode.

The Japanese diet for 13 days is classified as difficult for the body, and it will be possible to return to it only after one and a half to two years have passed. However, earlier this will not make sense, because if you followed all the rules, you have successfully lost excess weight and will not gain it in the coming years.

The secret to keeping geishas slim is an abundance of seafood and rice. This is a traditional set of healthy eating, mostly associated with the Land of the Rising Sun. Radical methods of losing weight from all over the world focus on eating Japanese cuisine, with the exception of the weight loss technique of the same name. It only reminds of samurai food sea ​​fish, green tea and eggs. The Japanese diet is based on European ingredients, which can be easily found in any supermarket.

Having decided to gain the slimness of a geisha, in addition to the iron willpower of the samurai, you will need certain knowledge in the field of nutrition. The nano-era of electronic gadgets allows you to “get” a personal nutritionist. A free application for Android, for example, Japanese Diet, will provide the opportunity to create a daily menu and adjust the list of products. The only negative is the lack of Russian translation.

How to get off the Japanese diet correctly

The correct way out of the diet is based on strict adherence to the rules of healthy eating:

  • The minimum period of adaptation to a normal diet should be at least 7 days.
  • Sequence of diet expansion. On the first day, after restrictions, it is better to lean on vegetables, the second - porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, corn flakes, muesli, sprouted wheat), the third - fermented milk products (low-fat kefir, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk).
  • Rationality of nutrition. The meal should contain a minimum of animal fats, flour, sugar, and sweets.

Exiting the Japanese diet involves correctly calculating the calorie content of the food consumed. The daily calorie intake for meals is limited to 1400-1700 kcal. A huge role is played by a balanced diet. The diet must include complex carbohydrates, proteins, fiber-rich vegetables and fruits. Example:

  • A great start to the day is a cup of tea and a bowl of oatmeal with dried fruit.
  • The main course should contain sufficient protein. A nutritious option for lunch would be 200 g of any cereal, boiled chicken. For garnish - cabbage salad, seasoned with a spoon of olive oil.
  • Low-fat kefir and fruit are suitable as an afternoon snack.
  • For dinner you should cook boiled potatoes. The main thing is not to overdo it with salt and oil.
  • In the evening, two hours before bedtime, a glass of warm milk will help you forget about food.