Scenario of the school holiday program “Graduates! A report about our graduates from the ceremony.

June 25th took place, perhaps, main holiday, which all of us - eleventh graders - were waiting for - graduation party. We greeted him with sad joy, sad because we would never again see our beloved school, to which we had become so accustomed during all the ten years we spent within its walls, because this holiday was an omen of the end of our beloved childhood, because that many difficulties awaited us ahead, but despite all this we were happy and ready to meet a new world that we had not yet known, full of dangers and unpredictable situations, but which beckoned us so much.
The holiday was full of surprises, both for graduates and teachers and, by the way, for the director of our school himself, as he was awarded a prize in the form of a statuette and verbal congratulations, however, like all the nominees of the evening, in the category “Chief Millionaire ", the graduates decided to congratulate him and the entire school on their win of one million rubles. Congratulations, dear Nikolai Semenovich! In addition to the rather funny nominations, there were other funny and interesting situations. Everyone was surprised by Vladlen Gabtulgalev, who played a wonderful miniature associated with a very current situation in Lately, – with exams. Also, the graduates repeatedly surprised everyone present with their wonderful voices, performing equally wonderful songs one after another. All the spectators were delighted with another miniature, dedicated, of course, to childhood, in which Anna Maltseva, Dmitry Kozlov and Elena Vostrikova showed remarkable artistry.
The festive program was interrupted by a slightly lengthy ceremony of presenting certificates and awards, but the waiting time was more than compensated for by the award itself and all graduates, without exception, were waiting in the wings to get up on stage and receive the results of their long and hardworking “work”, and for those those who tried better than the rest received additional awards, their work was not in vain and every bit of it was appreciated. Along with the graduates, the work of their parents was also noted, who made a lot of efforts to educate and release worthy representatives into society. This year we had six wonderful, talented and very erudite guys: Roman Abdukhalipov, Dmitry Dvoryanov, Alexandra Lychagina, Daria Skibina, Alina Smolyakova and Svetlana Trunova. In addition to the medalists, excellent students for the 11th grade were noted and awarded. Among them is Dmitry Dvoryanov, who scored five out of five, that is, all the exams, he passed with A marks and for this he was separately singled out and awarded certificate of honor on par with our excellent students. Also, the achievements of our editorial team did not remain behind the scenes. school newspaper: Roman Abdukhalipov, Tatyana Prestinskaya, Alina Smolyakova, who took part in the drawing of the regional public award “Golden Lion” in the category “Digital Universe Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” and were awarded the title of Grand Prix, they were separately awarded memorable prizes.
When, finally, the award ceremony was successfully completed, having exhausted all the prizes prepared for the graduates, the festive program continued. The continuation was no less impressive than the beginning: sonorous songs also sounded, funny numbers, deep, pure wishes. The culmination of the evening was a warm, reverent dialogue with Roman Abdukhalipov’s school, in front of the eyes of some graduates drank tears, perhaps it was at this moment that they began to understand what was really happening... A little later, a number followed in which a guardian angel in the form of a girl came down from above, and to the accompaniment of a similar song, presented the graduates with flowers, and promised to protect them in the future life path. The end of the holiday was when the graduates were presented with champagne in the “cup of friendship” by their class teachers. The official part was adi, but the evening was just beginning and there was a graduates’ ball ahead, as well as night and dawn, which, according to tradition, the waking graduates should meet...

Report from High school prom was conducted by the former technical editor of the School Window editorial office, Roman Abdukhalipov.

In the 11th grade there are 23 students: 8 boys and 15 girls. Among them is an excellent student and future medalist - Dmitry Dekalo and 11 drummers: Dmitry Andrianov, Christina Zvolskaya, Ekaterina Mishchenko, Ksenia Korzhanova, Anastasia Danilova, Olga Kuznetsova, Pavel Kuznetsov, Natalya Bogomolova, Anastasia Grebenshchikova, Oksana Zaritskaya, Yana Nekrasova.

They are also participants and winners of school, district and regional Olympiads in subjects. Dmitry Dekalo took 1st place in the economics Olympiad in the region. Kuznetsova Olga 2nd place in the regional Olympiad English language. Danilova Nastya 3rd place in the regional Olympiad in history. Katya Mishchenko - 1st place in the region in life safety and, together with Suigosui Nastya, took 3rd place at the regional tourism and local history conference “Fatherland”.

The entire class participated in the All-Russian championships in subjects. Sosimovich Nadya, Sosimovich Natasha, Bogomolova Natasha, Kuznetsova Olga, Danilova Nastya took part in the All-Russian festival of creative works “Portfolio”. Olga Kuznetsova’s articles were published in the regional newspaper “Echo-Surprise”.

Boys and girls take part in all school, district and regional competitions in all sports and occupy top places. Class athletes: Dmitry Andrianov and Olga Ostrinskaya, regional tennis players, Petr Murzintsev - champion in kettlebell lifting in 2006, Pavel Kuznetsov and Alexander Streltsov - prize-winners of track and field competitions, Evgeniy Shedko took 1st place in the regional lapta competition, Valentin Kuznetsov - winner of the regional kickboxing tournament , silver medalist in shot put, champion in kettlebell lifting in the region, Evgeniy Chernyavsky took 1st place in the region in shooting, Dmitry Dekalo, Anastasia Danilova, Christina Zvolskaya, Victoria Medvedeva, Ekaterina Mishchenko - basketball players, volleyball players, runners.

11th grade students showed great interest in public life schools. They accepted Active participation in all school events: competitions, concerts, festivals, evenings, hikes, labor landings, KVN ah. Their cool portfolio includes dozens of well-deserved certificates for prizes.

Boys and girls defended the honor of the school in events at the district level.

Bright "stars", talented and creative personalities: irreplaceable graphic designer - Ksenia Korzhanova, KVN players Andrianov Dimai Dekalo Dmitry (MISTER KVN), actors - Anastasia Grebenshchikova, Valentin Kuznetsov, Pavel Kuznetsov, Ekaterina Mishchenko, Petr Murzintsev, Anastasia Suigosuy, Evgeniy Shedko, singers and musicians - Oksana Zaritskaya, Chernyavsky Eugene. Zvolskaya Christina (winners of the guitar song competition).

Active assistants and advisers in solving class matters and problems: Victoria Medvedeva (irreplaceable class leader), Olga Ostrinskaya, Nadezhda Sosimovich, Natalya Sosimovich, Yana Nekrasova, Natalya Rassokhina.

The 11th grade was the winner of the intra-school competition “CLASS OF THE YEAR – 2010”.

Dik Olesya Vladimirovna (class teacher of 11th grade, teacher of Russian language and literature of the 1st qualification category)

Scenario for the formal part of the prom, 11th grade

1 Presenter: Good evening, dear parents, teachers, guests! Today in our gymnasium there is a traditional and at the same time always special holiday for generations of graduates - their graduation party! We congratulate everyone who came to this celebration, and, above all, the graduates and their parents. Graduate! How proud it sounds!
Invitation to alumni for the evening
2. Attention! And now, dear guests! The solemn moment is coming! To greet the graduates, I ask everyone to stand! Meet and greet the cheerful, charming, brilliant, wonderful graduates of our school - graduates of 2016.
(applause, graduates enter to the music and take their seats)

Now that your year of study is over...
And the first rise, and the first fall...
And this evening we wanted
Would you remember every moment...
While you are together, in class, still close...
And ahead is distant, hard way.
And there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
Ask for forgiveness - for something!
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Less failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams!
May you find a job to your liking!
To meet true love!
Forward, graduates, step boldly,
We wish you happiness and success again

Report “Graduates of 2016”

This year our school graduates its best students. This is true star release. Among the graduates there are diploma holders and winners of Olympiads and scientific and practical conferences, winners creative competitions and sports competitions, the guys were active participants in all competitions and Olympiads.
And today the long-awaited prom has arrived! Among all this fuss, I want to stop and remember how nine years ago you, coming with your parents hand in hand in a brand new beautiful shape, heard the first bell for the first time! Like the first teacher, so kind, sensitive and attentive, she invited you to class. And there - the first acquaintance with classmates, then the first books, the first grades, the first break. First sympathy...
Nine years! For nine years, you were all so different, you were happy and sad together, you came up with scenarios together, you listened to class teacher morality, drew wall newspapers, gave hints to those who stood at the blackboard, and they themselves often needed a hint, copied and let them copy...
Nine years!.. These long nine years will forever remain in your memory as an exciting, eventful adventure! So take a deep breath of this unforgettable aroma schools! Do not rush to erase from your memory everything connected with it, because this will never happen again in your life! Look around, standing in the corridor, at the schools: these are yours last days staying here as a student... Feel how childhood eludes you like a transparent, elusive haze. Realize that you are parting with the need to see every morning your usual, so different, but still beloved classmates. Love all the teachers, at least for the fact that they will never teach you or give you bad marks again... And let the tears not seem surprising to you, because at this moment you are one whole - a class that in a few hours will crumble into many small particles...
We wish you to carry through the years and distances that childhood dream that was born right here - within the walls of your native school!

Presentation of certificates

1. The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And in great life go boldly!

2. Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead!
Already rang last call,
On a farewell note he froze.
Only the most main lesson
Ahead, where all life is an exam.

1. Nowadays, it has become fashionable to hold awards in various categories. Remember, for example, “Teffy”, “Nika”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Oscar” finally!
2.We decided to keep up with these traditions, and the winners in the following categories will be announced tonight.
1. The sponsors of the evening are respected parents.
2. Please note that there are young ladies and gentlemen in the hall wearing outfits from the best couturiers in the world!
1.But these are not days of high fashion in our school, but a solemn Ceremony for presenting certificates of basic education to graduates of the 9th grade of the Municipal Budget educational institution"Blumenthal's main comprehensive school»!
2. Of course, the guys took almost 9 thousand lessons to this day!
1. 18 thousand calls rang!
2. At least half a ton of notebooks were written, 2 tons wasted school chalk, 100 packs of powder were used to wash away devils, formulas and various words from school desks!
1.Look how beautiful the children have grown - your hope, your support, your future!
2. Fanfare
1. Well, the right to open our gala evening and congratulate the graduates on graduating from grade 9 is given to the director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Blumenthal Basic Secondary School”! (congratulations, wishes, reading of the expulsion order)

The first nomination is “School Pride”!

2. We invite the winner in this nomination to the stage to thunderous applause from the audience - Strong-willed, careful, ideal, spontaneous, funny, prominent and beautiful, responsible... this is... (presentation)

Presentation of certificates
2.And we continue the announcement of nominations for our festive evening and announce nomination No. 2, which sounds like this:

Second nomination “Modesty is the sister of talent”!

1. This is the very best clever mind class,
This is our most intelligent student!
This is a polymath and an intellectual and
She can solve the most difficult problems!
Enthusiastic, fluttering, losing her head, bewitchingly charming, uniquely interesting, irresistible, sophisticated, purposeful... This is,

The following nomination is “Sun of the Class”.

1. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like today,
Even if it rains outside,
It’s easy in the soul and heart in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
2. The following are invited to the stage to your applause:
Bewitchingly charming, uniquely interesting, irresistible, sophisticated and very purposeful...

The next nomination is “Golden Mean”!

1.If you suddenly play what you need,
The stage will be set for you in an instant,
And one will marvel at the talent
Everyone in school is a student!

2. The winner in this nomination is invited: Inimitable, sweet, tireless dreamer, flexible and slender, worthy of all gifts, daring, funny, lively, glorious - this is our...

The next nomination is “They Only Dream of Peace”!!!

1. This is definitely about her.
About the one who is called the ringleader
and the “engine” of any company.
This is a sparkle in the eyes and a sea of ​​energy
There she is, sitting next to you on the next chair!

2.The winner in this category is invited to the stage: Ardent, mocking, stubborn, polite, cheerful, cheerful, open and kind...

Nomination “A little more, a little more...”

1.Girls dream about princes since childhood,
And they are waiting for Gray under a scarlet sail,
Without noticing that they are together
Their dreams go through life side by side.
2.The winner in this category is invited to the stage: Temperamental, individual, Modest, unique, original, impressive, and chivalrous....

Nomination “We brought this day closer as best we could”

2.The winner in this nomination is invited to the stage: Good-natured, excellent, merciful, exemplary, impressionable, hospitable, expressive, proactive...
A response from graduates
Let them say that time heals,
That the circle will not open for days,
However, evening comes -
And everything changes around.
The candle will drop its cooled century,
In harmony with the strange silence.
And suddenly you want to be in the palm of your hand
Catch fallen star:
And between the future and the past,
With dreams and childhood behind me,
Like a fragile bridge, thrown over
Today is graduation night.

1. Tired of the noise of spring,
We made it through the exams.
And it’s as if we have become more mature,
And they gathered for the prom.
This holiday is wonderful, magical,
Repeats every spring.
It’s for school, albeit not the last one,
For me, he is my only one.

2.And we will remember the lessons today,
Where did you try to teach us
To all sciences, both important and necessary,
Among them, the most important is how to live.

3. How dear to us is everything that goes away,
Which can never be returned.
We will never forget school
School, please don’t forget us.

4.Childhood departs for distant lands,
Leaving my pier forever.

And at this hour last parting,
Suddenly both joy and sadness were mixed.
Don't you say to your childhood: "Goodbye"
And you whisper after a short: “Goodbye.”

5. Well, let's take a moment of silence,
Funny childhood - an imaginary school land.
Don't you say to your childhood: "Goodbye"
And you whisper after a short: “Goodbye.”

Graduates sing the song “Where does childhood go?”
1. Where does childhood go, to which cities?
And find a way for us to get there again.
It will go silently while the whole city sleeps

Chorus: Both winter and summer, expect unprecedented miracles
There will be childhood somewhere, but not here.
And in winter and summer and through puddles and streams
Someone will be running, but not me.

2. Where does childhood go, where did it go
Probably to a wonderful land, where every day there is a movie
Where it also flows blue at night Moonlight
But from now on, you and I have no way there.

3. Where does childhood go to distant lands?
To the kids next door, just like me
It went silently while the whole city was sleeping
And he won’t write letters and is unlikely to call.

Graduate Readers:
6. We dreamed as children,
Cursing my age
We wish we could become adults soon.
They dream about the same thing again.

7. Carefree childhood, golden time,
You can't get your minutes back.
The boy is different and the girl is different.
Like us, it’s too late, they’ll understand.

8. A beautiful secret saving in my soul,
Hiding her from the guys
The boy is different and the girl is different
They are sitting at our desk.

9. Helping each other out of friendship in everything,
Desperately love their class
The boy is different and the girl is different,
Somewhat similar to us.

10. Our dear teachers, we ask you to rest a little,
Are you tired of standing at the blackboard for so many years?
Seeing off graduates every year,
Wasn't it because of those separations that your temples turned white?

11.I kneel before fate,
Being a teacher is wonderful!
Everything will pass, it will not experience decay
Only love that has no control
No year, no trouble, no resentment
Everything is hidden for the time being, but believe,
The teacher is just for show
The heart was divided into quarters.

12. It is not the connoisseur of peace who enters the class,
Guardian of unlearned rules...
Only the heart, burning with love,
The title “teacher” may be earned through suffering.

13.We often upset you
Seriously and in small ways,
Although they understood perfectly well
That you don't sleep at night.

14.When sometimes in class
Someone was spinning like a fidget
Or, violating the deadlines of life,
Tried to smoke like a big man.

15. I used to learn a task
They were shy. What will they call it?
Crammed you. In punishment
They won't let you play with them.

16. The years go by and we grow up,
Your great work will not be wasted.
For everything we know and can do,
Thank you with all my heart.

17. I want to wish you happiness,
Health, smiles, kindness,
May you be more beautiful tomorrow
Than a week ago, than yesterday.

18. So that the warmth in the soul does not fade away,
To keep my heart beating and beating
And such great happiness,
So as not to hug him with your hands!
27. Our dear, dear teachers of physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you very much
For what you are for us
Were a good friend!
We won't forget you!

28. May children always be drawn to you,
May the class always be full,
And sometimes you remember us,
And we will remember you.

song to the melody of "Student's Songs" (...on the French side...)

1.This song many times
Performed by people
Well, we'll sing now,
And come what may!
We'll add a few words
About my home school
And about the fact that there are people here -
Smart and cheerful
Oh, what kind of things we have here
Super teachers!
They were listened to every time -
These are just gods!
But the time has come, alas,
Say goodbye to everyone now,
For a university exam
Let's get together!
2. Low bow to you from us
And a flower bouquet!
Remember you every time
We'll be in class for sure!
If something is really wrong,
Don't be offended
And always like this
Stay longer
We promise, we will bring you
Children come to you to study,
So we won't have long
We have to say goodbye!
The song has come to an end
Clap your hands
Oh, what a class we have
Still good!
The presenters pull backpacks and bags onto the stage. There are inscriptions on them: “Literature”, “Geography”, “History” and other school subjects.

31. Where are you going with your things?
32. To the big life,
Breaking ties with the school.
33.What are you taking?
Tell me please?

34. Yes, knowledge is our strength.
Let's look at these things
And we’ll take them all with us on the road.

They begin to dismantle their backpacks. The 1st takes textbooks with the inscription “Russian language” and “Literature”.

31.We will remember every moment:
Our best friend - native language!
It is impossible to become cultured
Without native literature!

From Lukomorye to War and Peace
We walked together with you long haul
And with humor, grotesque and satire
We were able to learn a lot
And let sometimes mistakes upset you
But you still managed to teach us
That a word can be harder than steel
And with a word you can heal wounds.

33.Thank you for opening
There are so many good, smart books for us
For what you gave us with love
Our great and mighty Language
35.(Takes out the History textbook)
If the class is quiet,
Flies don't fly
You know, we have history,
Someone is being called.
If everyone rustled,
Know that the teacher is moving,
All cheat sheets must be hidden
And close all the books.

36. If you jumped up at night,
Mom is not afraid:
So, daughter or son
He is dealing with the Entente.
In general, we are very
Love all the history!
If necessary, we will “conquer”
Any territory!
Thank you very much for your knowledge, dear _____________________________________________.
37. It is difficult for us to imagine school life without such objects, where our heads rested, and sometimes our souls rested, but our arms and even our legs continued to work. We are very grateful to the teachers of physical education, life safety, technology, music and visual arts. It was through your efforts that we became versatile personalities.
38. Here at every turn
We were never alone.
We took on new heights
With a diary, checking the days.
We studied science
Every year is like a new start,
Gradually grew
From their own old desks.

39. We studied, you taught,
Sometimes scolding, sometimes praising.
We were tolerated, we were loved
So many years of teaching.
And now, even though it’s a little late,
We thank them for everything,
If you are guilty of something -
We will be forgiven and we will forgive.


40. Well, how come today we haven’t talked about those who met us at the school threshold for the very first time, because these wonderful women, like mothers, gave us a piece of their soul and love. Now we will talk about our first teachers.

41. Our dear, dear ________________________________________________________________
We remember when we were first-graders,
How we were instructed, scolded, taught,
They were angry and yet they loved,
But only the teacher is silent about this.

42. We will love our school forever,
Wherever fate takes you is cool.
Tell me guys, can we forget?
A home of kindness, warmth, and comfort?
43. Today both fathers and mothers are happy.
It seems to them: that’s it! And there are no more problems!
And school programs are somewhere in the fog,
And school bows, and the school buffet...

Our dear parents! Do we have enough words to express all our gratitude for your love and tenderness, for your sleepless nights and all-forgiving heart!

(The song " Parents' house»)
1. Wherever we are, but still
We are always confident that
What will greet us with love and tenderness
Our marina is our parents' home.
CHORUS: Parental home is the beginning,
You are a reliable pier in my life.
Parental home, even for many years
There is a kind light burning in your windows.

2. And may our childhood not end,
Even though we have become adults,
Because parents want
So that we remain children.

44. Well, another step up has been passed
We are moving away from childhood,
We move away from those
Who taught us persistently, for a long time,
And who put up with all of us for a year or two.

45. Here the first bell rang by chance,
Here is the first teacher, here is the joy of dreams...
No, dear school, we won’t say: “Goodbye!”
We will say: “Darling, wait! Goodbye!"

47.Thank you for the joy of wonderful moments,
Like in a fairy tale, the miracles revealed to us,
For years of labor, for moments of excitement,
Here's to the school winds in our sails!
Everyone sings the song “God Give Us” together.

1 verse.
God give me a little more
Happiness and love.
And good friends too,
So as not to let us down.

Moonlit night wide open windows
I'll open it and pray.
The stars will smile from the sky,
And sadness will disappear. 2 times

Verse 2
God grant me to be wiser
And be stronger.
Let each other be kinder
Teach to love.
1 verse.

48. Breaking up always hurts.
It's always sad to part.
And it’s also hard to part with childhood.

But we won't be sad, we'll wait new meeting with you…

MANAGEMENT: dear school!
(“Farewell Waltz” from the film “Raffle”)
When we leave the school yard
To the sounds of an ageless waltz,
The teacher takes us to the corner
And again and again to him in the morning:
Meet, teach and part again,
When we leave the school yard.

The door at school is always open for us
There is no need to rush to say goodbye to her
But how to forget the ringing bell of drops
And the girl who was carrying the briefcase.
Let nothing happen again later
The door at school is always open for us.

A lot has been lived and passed here,
The voice was timid, the chalk in his hand was shaking,
But you ran home in victory.
And if suddenly your luck runs out,
Walk through the quiet school floors.

Thank you that there is no end to the lessons,
Although you are waiting with hope for change,
But life is a special subject:
Will ask new questions in response.
But you must find a solution,
Thank you for never ending lessons.

An exciting moment for hundreds of thousands of eleventh graders across Russia. Today they say goodbye to school. Ceremonial ceremonies, a sea of ​​flowers, parting words from teachers and, of course, the last bell.

This year, for the first time, schools themselves chose a convenient date for the celebrations, so in some places they have already taken place, and in others they will celebrate later in the week. But the majority still traditionally celebrate May 25th.

The last bell rang today in Crimea. At the school at the international children's center "Artek" a ball was held for graduates. In Moscow, the largest celebrations will take place on Red Square, Vorobyovy Gory, Poklonnaya, and VDNKh. Students of the Kolmogorov boarding school in Moscow are also saying goodbye to school.

On your own last lesson they arrived without delay. And how I didn’t want it to end! After all, today graduates were allowed to choose which teacher to go to. They wanted to remember every moment of this day in detail, which is why they did not stop taking pictures for a second and once again walked around the entire school together.

The girls won't sit down - they're afraid to wrinkle their ironed blouses and skirts. The boys are helped to straighten their ties and bow ties. The last day of school must be spent with A+ grades.

This is the most exciting moment. Schoolyard full Parents and teachers freeze in anticipation, graduates prepare to leave. The music is about to stop and the last bell will ring for them.

The most successful students get the right to carry the bell, although it is not easy to choose them. To the boarding school. Kolmogorov only the best come from all over Russia. But today they don’t think about grades and exams, they only talk about how much they will miss them.

“It’s a pity to leave such an environment, to leave the guys with whom we became so friendly here and truly became family. It’s sad to leave our teachers... But, on the other hand, it’s natural that we are growing up, and today everyone put on their graduate ribbons with such pride, and it was at that moment that we felt that we were truly graduates,” says a graduate of the Kolmogorov Moscow State University. Natalya Strelnikova.

“I will mostly miss the conversations that we had with friends, about mathematics, about physics,” says SUSC graduate Jibril Musigarbe.

They say goodbye to the school in such a way that they will be remembered for a long time. On festive concert Each issue is a dedication to one of the teachers. The voice sometimes broke, and it became more and more difficult to hold back the tears.

“The holiday is twofold - joyful, and at the same time, of course, sad. Usually our graduates do not forget us, they often come, especially in the first year. They miss you, and we are happy to meet them,” says Larisa Smirnova, biology teacher at the Kolmogorov Moscow State University Scientific Research Center.

For graduates of this gymnasium, saying goodbye to school is also saying goodbye to home. More than half of them live in a dormitory. They are not just friends, but already family. So many people decide to enroll in one university and one department.

“They will still end up somewhere nearby, they will enter Moscow University, other universities - they will not be far apart. So they will maintain this connection for the rest of their lives,” said Kirill Semenov, director of the Kolmogorov Moscow State University Scientific Research Center.

Tomorrow they will sit down at their textbooks again. The first exams in geography and literature are already on Friday, and they promise not to forget school and everyone will come together for the holidays.


"On the Air" School news»

Footage "The beginning of graduation."

Presenter 1 Good evening.

Presenter 2

We are pleased to welcome dear teachers and parents of graduates, distinguished guests and simply heartfelt friends to the festive hall.

Good evening to you! Good graduation evening!

Slide “School news”

Presenter 1

On air "School News"

Presenter 2.

Time is rushing by at full speed,

He is calling us to follow him!

Year after year flew by

It's been many days now, and now...

Everything is ready, everything is ready:

Flowers, smiles and words.

So, meet me in this hall

The heroes of the great celebration!

We greet the graduates of 2010 and class teacher N.A. Perova with friendly applause.

Graduates rise to the stage to the music of the School Waltz

Celebration is best time per year.

Everyone is smart, kind and attentive

We wish everyone that the sky has a big star,

You're definitely on fire today.

Let starry fate without delay

Will write a new chapter in life!

Dreams, love, success and inspiration,

May it give you a holiday in reality!

Graduates descend into the hall to the “School Waltz”

Dear graduates!

Now that your year of study is over...

And the first takeoff, and the first fall...

And this evening we wanted

Do you remember every moment...

While you are together, in class, still close...

So, our program opens with a report from the hall of the House of Culture, where the ceremony of presenting certificates of completion of a basic secondary school is taking place. And the honorary right to open the ceremony is given to the school director V.I. Zolotukhin .(comes out to music) The director addresses them with words of greeting and wishes of good luck.

The solemn moment is coming...

Graduates receive a certificate of completion of school.

Presentation “Presentation of certificates”

( Graduates receive certificates and remain on stage) + certificates from the school + certificates from the recreation center and library.

Ved. So, the report from the certificate presentation ceremony has been completed and now we are passing the microphones to the heroes of today’s celebration to find out how they feel now.

(Word to graduates) poems for teachers + song to the tune of “Just Give”

It's hard to talk about how we feel when we say goodbye to school. I would like to find kind words for everyone.

I'll never be a schoolgirl again.

Don't rush to class.

A mischievous and sad bell

My last bell rang.

It rang, but there was confusion in my soul,

The girls are in tears. Why?

How we have been waiting for this moment,

How many years have we been preparing for it?

Close and a little far,

School - our second home -

Like a bright and strict memory

We will take it with us in our hearts.

Nine years...since these first-graders

We grew and gained strength.

And so many years older today

Those who taught us good became.

The strands are dusted with gray hair,

A new wrinkle has appeared...

Smart, beautiful, good,

My strict teachers!

I give you all the spring flowers

All the love that is in my heart.

In life until the last moment

I owe you an unpaid debt.

We continue our program. We bring to your attention the announcement of the final episode of the TV series “My Fair Nanny”. The first teacher of our graduates is invited to the stage, brilliantly performing throughout three years its important role. We meet Suyunchalieva B.K.

Slide “photo of 1st grade with S.B.K” + fanfare for exit

Poem for the first teacher.

Do you recognize us? Look...

Your first graders are standing here!

We wore big backpacks,

Rulers, pens, and notebooks

We remember you with love,

So dear, so familiar.

How did you treat us like a mother?

And we were at home with you.

Thank you, bow to the ground

Please accept from all graduates

We will remember you like this

And we can’t change our memory,

Graduates are now before you

They want to bend their knees

Give flowers

Ved. The word for congratulations is given to S.B.K

Who led you into the depth and breadth of knowledge,

Who opened the door in front of you,

How difficult it is to say to them: “Goodbye”...

It’s not so easy... But this moment has come!

We meet the class teacher of 9th grade Perova N.A.

Congratulations for children.

Word to the graduates (Vic's verse)

Everything was there: roads and hardships,

And the light of the sun, and the light of your beloved eyes...

I look back on the past years

I remember you with warmth and feeling...

I took your example and came to you for advice.

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light,

That's enough to warm ten people.

You give everything to a great job,

You awaken a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living.

Here's to the beauty of your deeds and thoughts!

We will never forget you

We will love and remember all our lives.

Our second mother is you!

Our entire class is grateful to you.

Graduates sing for you,

who did not carry diaries every day.

And sometimes everyone ran away from class...

But believe me, everyone respected you!

(song to the tune of “Birthday”)

Ved. On the eve of the graduation party, a special correspondent visited the teachers' room at our school and found out the teachers' opinions about today's graduates. So, pay attention to the screen.

Ved. So, this was our special correspondent who visited a secret place for our students - the school teachers' room.

And our broadcast will continue with a report on the topic “School everyday life”


They bring in the current model of the poor student (he).

Model of a poor student from the end of the 20th century, made in full size. Outwardly, she is no different from a good student, but internally...
(Point to head)
- What do you think this is?
All: head.
He: - What do you know about the head?
One student (raises his hand). One head it's good, but two better.
Loser: - Ha-ha-ha! One of mine is enough for you to make everyone’s head spin!
He: - Let's move on. These are two ears. Why two?
Loser: - So that it flies into one and flies out into another...
He: - Eyes are given...
Loser: - Looking at other people's notebooks. I wrote it off - it's okay!
Him: This is the mouth. For what? To speak...
Loser: - I didn’t learn! And I forgot my notebook!... Why a bad mark?
He: - Let's move on. These are hands...
Loser: - Why are you talking so little about my hands? You would talk a lot about the hands of an excellent student. Yes, the whole class and the whole school are crying from my hands and feet: pulling braids, unscrewing nuts on chairs and tables, tables covered in writing, notes in all directions, calls, conversations, chatting on the phone - the work of my hands...
He: - Yours, yours... Any questions?
Loser: - And we leave school, will there still be such people left?
He: - We wish you that this is the last poor student in your school life(they take him away, he resists).
Loser: - I’ll leave myself! They have adopted the fashion of criticizing...

Song based on "Forgive me, believe me"

Ved.: Thank you, graduates.

And now on air there is a permanent column “For you, parents”

Dear Parents! Graduates, of course, are not saying goodbye to you, but theirs is saying goodbye to you. school age, their school joys and failures, grades and diary entries.

Mothers, beloved kind mothers!

We want to say thank you.

For caring, for being with us

Everyone is ready to take the exams.

You moved from class to class,

We gained knowledge and grew,

Everything we were taught at school -

You helped us manage everything.

Always be young

Beautiful as it is now

And we will try our best

Nothing to upset you!

Ved. The floor is given to parents of graduates

To the song “Parents’ House,” the parents go up on stage.

If the son is first everywhere,

There are easily enough stars from the sky -

It's all parental nerves

The heavens are moving toward him.

If a daughter grows up for the joy of others,

Smart girl, athlete and artist,

So it was my mother who tried -

She was also a mentor and close friend.

Here they are - beloved children:

Your boys and your girls,

Your little children, your little blood.

There are none more expensive, closer or more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years

Given for daughters and sons!

Song to the tune of “Light the Lights”

Perova N.A.

Who loved and caressed children

Who didn't get enough sleep at night,

Who was worried about them?

And sometimes it was built?

Patiently, day after day

He raised them.

Did you help the teacher?


Presentation of letters of thanks to parents. (screensaver 21)

Well, we continue the “School News” program with the report “This will never happen again...”

Show video.

To the words of the leader, the children rise to the final song.

Nine flew by unnoticed school years, you have become older and now understand well that in the world there is good and evil, good and bad, beautiful and noble. At school you learned justice and honesty. And today it's time to say goodbye. Some of you will continue your studies in the tenth grade, some will leave school, but all of you will forever remember your school years, the lessons that you learned here, those with whom you were lucky enough to meet every day.

Song to the tune of “Light Up”

Dear graduates! And today you will continue the tradition of our school and light the star of the 2010 graduates in the schoolyard.

This concludes our broadcast.

And you, dear viewers, turn on any program to your taste, and you can also actively participate in such programs as “You'll Lick Your Fingers” (i.e., a banquet) and the Dance show “Dance While You're Young.”

Goodbye, see you again.