Who is an architect in the matrix? The Matrix: Neo's New Meeting with the Architect


Department of Urban Planning

Individual work on the topic:


Completed: art. Faculty of Architecture gr. ABS 44-a
Podesnaya O.V.
Checked by: Associate Professor
Kurilo E.I.

Kiev 2012
The content of the work

    Utopian City – Ideal City
    Technological utopias
    Completed projects Utopian cities: Brasilia, Sanji and Chekist Town
    Ecopolis instead of a metropolis
    City of the future - current trends towards building the future
    List of used literature


We must find a narrow passage, lost somewhere between a world governed by laws that leave no room for novelty and creativity, and a world symbolized by God, playing dice, absurd, acausal, in which there is nothing to understand
I. Prigogine, I. Stengers

The word "utopian" appeared in 1529, shortly after the publication of Thomas More's book Utopia, which gave birth to a new literary genre. The word “utopia” came to mean all texts inspired by the work of Thomas More, in which, without connection with objective historical development, a certain ideal society isolated in space or remote in time was depicted. “City of the Sun” (1602) by Campanella, “New Atlantis” (1627) by Francis Bacon, works by Charles Fourier, Danny Veras, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and many other authors consolidated the success of the genre.
At the same time, Thomas More's book was preceded by numerous fragments of the Bible, Plato's Republic, Augustine's City of God, as well as classical texts of ancient civilizations, which were essentially utopias.
Utopian thought had a great influence on the development of European civilization. To a certain extent, it set the vector of movement in transitional periods of history, concentrating in itself the shortcomings of the existing social order and finding radical methods for solving problems.
The purpose of any utopia in general, and social utopia in particular, is to show where a person can go if he goes in one direction or another. One of the goals of utopia is also the disappearance of class struggle.
All transitional periods of history were marked by the emergence of utopias. One of the striking examples is the utopian ideas of the Soviet state, formed in 1917, and in particular architectural utopias corresponding to the new ideology.
It is significant that different authors in different eras came to the same conclusions and saw a similar picture of an ideal social society. Likewise, in the program documents of the architectural community of the 1920-30s one can find features of classical utopias.
IN Lately Much attention is paid to the study of Soviet architecture of this period. Largely due to its focus on social ideals proclaimed by the state, it has a unique experience in innovative design. In the context of an in-depth study of the architecture of 1920-30. It seems relevant to identify the deep roots of this movement, in particular utopian theories and concepts of the ideal city of previous periods. This helps to understand some of the reasons for the emergence and inevitable collapse of the utopian ideas of Soviet architecture.
The rapid growth of cities from the middle of the 19th century, then fast development motor transport, the emergence of colossal urban areas (urban agglomerations), pollution of the urban environment caused the search for new principles of urban planning (zoning of urban areas, regional planning, urban road systems, types of garden city, satellite city, modern residential areas and microdistricts).

Utopian city – Ideal city

Ideal in plans, ideal for people and harmoniously combined with environment- the ideas of such cities have always provoked architects to think. Designing utopian cities is one thing, but building and inhabiting them is quite another; not everyone survives.
An ideal city is a human settlement that is ideally organized both socially and architecturally, harmoniously combined with the environment. It exists in plans, projects and writings, but has not yet been fully implemented in practice.
The foundations were laid by Plato (427-347 BC) in the dialogue “State”, in artistic form The ideal system of life in the city-state on the island of Atlantis is described in detail in the dialogue “Critius”. Plato's ideas were developed in the works of architects (Italian fortified cities with their radial-ring system), as well as theorists who developed social utopias.
The most famous are Thomas More (1478-1535) and his island of Utopia, Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) and his “City of the Sun”, and “New Atlantis” by the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626).
Charles Fourier (1772-1837) and Robert Owen (1771-1858) proposed not a city, but a network of small self-sufficient communities evenly distributed throughout the state.
The French architect Claude-Nicolas Ledoux (1736-1806) designed the city of Chaux with extensive explanatory notes. In this project, Ledoux embodied the Renaissance idea of ​​the “ideal city”.
With the development of industry in major cities New socio-ecological problems have emerged around the world, in an attempt to solve which, architects and urban planners have proposed various urban planning concepts: “garden city” (Ebenezer Howard, 1902), “linear city”, “social city”, “industrial city”, etc.
Ebenezer Howard (1850-1928), in his book “Garden Cities of the Future,” proposed a system of communities of 30 thousand people in the immediate vicinity of a large metropolis. The idea of ​​a “linear city” was first proposed by engineer A. Soria y Mata (1882) and even began to build it on the outskirts of Madrid: in a narrow strip along transport highways. 30 thousand people were also supposed to live here. Le Corbusier (Charles Edouard Jeanneret, 1887-1965), a Swiss architect who became the “master of thoughts” of several generations of architects, built the city of Chandigarh in India in 1956. The new capital of Brazil, Brasilia, was also envisioned as a kind of ideal city.
In 1959, Frank-Lloyd Wright designed a city of the future on Ellis Island, as well as a 1,500 m high skyscraper tower - a city of 1.5 million inhabitants. Jonah Friedman proposed the idea of ​​a “city-structure”, Buckminster Fuller - a city covered with a transparent dome-membrane. The project of an “ideal” city using underground space was proposed by architects A. Spillhouse, B. Schriever and engineer B. Fuller. Described in novel of the same name Jules Verne's floating city - the most perfect, comfortable and luxurious version of the ideal city - has been brought into reality and continues to improve and develop. These are multi-deck, multi-apartment ocean liners.

As you know, he called his dream of a just and happy society utopia. great humanist 16th century Thomas More. Tommaso Campanella dreamed of the “City of the Sun”. The dream of a city of happiness was developed by utopian socialists, primarily Charles Fourier. These were all attempts to model a social order using the city as a convenient form. Social development followed its own path, transforming both city and countryside within the framework of capitalist social relations. It is not surprising that among architects late XIX and the beginning of the 20th centuries, there should have been those who, without questioning the inviolability of the bourgeois world order, would try to imagine the future of the city, starting from the rapid development technical progress, engineering.

Canberra. Australia. Project. 1912
Tragically killed in the battles of the First World War, the young Italian architect Antonio Sant'Elia managed to create several dozen graphic sheets on which the image of the urbanized future appeared in a bright, heightened, teasing form. A city of tall structures riddled with elevator shafts, connected by bridges for horizontal transport communications. A city in which there is no place for greenery, in which, frankly, there is no place for humans: there is not a single human figure on the sheets of Sant'Elia. There is only a gigantic “machine” that fascinates with its technical complexity and compositional sophistication.
The artist’s imagination at that time was fascinated by the creation of new vehicles - a car, an airplane, an airship, and therefore many of Sant’Elia’s followers (often unaware of his work) saw artificial “cliffs” lined with grids of windows above which they hovered in the sky airplanes, airships floated, and below, in the gorges of the “streets,” endless ribbons of cars stretched out.
Marx, Engels, and Lenin gave a refined critique of the capitalist city in their works, but, naturally, in the works of the founders of scientific communism there was not and could not be any clear ideas about the socialist city. It is clear that the architects of young Soviet Russia, bent over drawing boards during the difficult years of civil war and devastation, created the image of a new city, starting from the same technological dream that was captured on the sheets of Sant'Elia. A huge legacy was left behind by Yakov Chernikhov, who created hundreds and hundreds of graphic sheets of the “laboratory city”. The projects of constructivist architects depicted the clear geometry of a new city, ruffled with radio antennas, above which the same airplanes hovered in the sky. Nikolai Ladovsky, who was already discussed above, built the image of a dynamic city, as if throwing out the energy of its development into space...

Antonio Sant'Elia. City of the future
The real, difficult practice of urban planning in conditions of a sharp lack of resources everywhere led by the end of the 30s to the cessation of the flow of utopian “city-machine” projects. This was also facilitated by the premonition of the Second World War, the terrible prelude of which was the war in Spain: the new technology of destruction, which wiped out Guernica and the working-class neighborhoods of Madrid, showed its true face, coloring the attitude towards technology in general.
Only at the very end of the 50s, when the war destruction in Europe had been largely healed, together with a new enthusiasm for scientific and technological progress, which, as it seemed to many, promised a quick resolution of all difficulties, there was a specific revival of fantasies on the theme of the city of the future.

Dynamic residential structure project of the Himmelblau Group
In the professional and popular scientific literature of the 60s, a round dance of increasingly exotic visions began to spin. Some imagined the city of the future as a series of giant pyramids, inside which all the technical equipment of self-sufficiency is hidden, while their surfaces are given over to countless apartments. Others preferred to “turn” the giant super-hulls upside down and imagine the city in the form of several “funnels” letting in the sun’s rays to the very bottom. Still others are young architects from British group ARKIGRAM - generally got carried away by the image of some kind of technological monsters, where each person would exist alone in a special “module”, equipped with everything necessary, like a spaceship. Still others became interested in designing gigantic “whatnots”, the load-bearing frame of which would support the city’s engineering support system, while instead of the usual apartments, movable “cells” appeared that could be transported by road or carried by air... However, it would be worth recalling that even in At the end of the 20s, engineer Krutikov published a project for a “flying city”, suspended on balloons and wandering from place to place.
From the series of fantasies, two pictures of the future stood out sharply, having some serious grounds. One was put forward by the Greek urban planning theorist Konstantinos Doxiadis, who was the first to draw attention to the gigantic inhabited areas formed in the Ruhr zone in Western Germany, here in the Donbass, and especially along the Atlantic coast of the United States. Doxiadis proclaimed that historical evolution follows the line of development from an independent city-police to a rapidly growing city-dynapolis, and the merging dynapolises should transform into a metropolis - one city for all humanity. Apart from the fact that Doxiadis completely ignored the real division of the world into different socio-economic systems, it became obvious that his scheme completely ignored normal human attachments to the image of a city with which one can identify oneself, which represents something more than just a place accommodation. The writings of Doxiadis, who proclaimed the birth of a new science of settlements - ekistics, attracted attention and soon lost it.

Sea town. Agrosean City. Incision
The fate of the concept of urban “metabolism” (natural exchange of substances with the environment for organisms), put forward by the remarkable Japanese architect Kenzo Tange, was completely different. Tange did not limit himself to theoretical constructs and attempts to translate urban planning tasks into the language of ecology (at that time this word was only used by biologists). A group of architects under his leadership created a project for the fundamental reconstruction of Tokyo in 1960. The basis of the project was the diagram of a “tree”, the trunk of which was a transport artery extending far into Tokyo Bay, the “branches” were its branches, and the “leaves” were groups of super-large house blocks reminiscent of the roofs of traditional Japanese dwellings. At the time of its creation, the Tokyo 60 project seemed like a pure utopia, but by the end of the 80s, the utopia began to be realized step by step. All larger number artificial islands in the bay are being created to give the overpopulated capital of Japan new industrial and business districts, new parks (housing has not yet reached the waters of the bay, but most likely it will).
In less than three decades, almost all the project proposals of the late 50s found one form or another, but not as a universal means of urban development, but in very specific cases. In fact, although space cities suspended in near-Earth space are still a long way off, Soviet orbital stations already represent inhabited “worlds.” They carry out not only scientific research work, but also semi-industrial production of substances such as ultra-pure semiconductors, which are difficult or even impossible to obtain under terrestrial conditions. Technical experiments have already advanced so much that at the very beginning of the coming 21st century, the functioning of permanent scientific and production complexes at the bottom of the seas and oceans will become something normal and familiar. Floating drilling platforms on the sea shelves have become a place of life for many people. Floating airports have already been created for those cities in Southeast Asia where it is impossible or fantastically expensive to build runways on mountain slopes. Cities arose in the waterless desert, using water from nuclear desalination plants: first the city of Shevchenko on the shores of the Mangyshlak Peninsula, then new residential areas of Kuwait... And yet we're talking about about exceptional cases or situations - no one had the desire to recognize them as normal, natural.

Sea town. Written by J. Jelicow
In the spring of 1987, a curious experiment began: a group of English and American volunteers led by John Allen and Mark Nelson began their year-long stay in Biosphere 2, built in the Arizona desert. "Biosphere-2" is a complex of structures that is supposed to be capable of self-sustaining for a hundred years. The complex has an “ocean” 10 meters deep and all kinds of landscapes on a micro scale. Huge greenhouses must supply the inhabitants with oxygen and food (inside the complex there is also a “herd” to supply milk, but not cows - they are too large - but goats), many fish exist in balance with many algae and microorganisms in a system of special pools, etc. ... Of course, an interesting experiment, but precisely because it became a reality, it does not occur to anyone to see in “Biosphere-2” some kind of model, much less an ideal of a city of the future, just as it does not occur to anyone to develop cities in Antarctica, although It has long been inhabited by researchers from many countries.

Scheme of the linear development of Tokyo in the bay area. Arch. K. Tange
Science fiction over the past half century has examined, perhaps, all conceivable possibilities for the existence of human settlements, but it turned out to be impossible to add anything to the space “cities” of K. Tsiolkovsky or the drawings of Sant’Elia. By the mid-70s, the flow of thoughts on the topic of the city of the future had dried up. Humanity has become increasingly aware of the ecological connectedness of all life on the planet. If at the beginning of our century only a few, like V. Vernadsky, understood that human activity became a real geological force long ago, transforming the face of the Earth, now this idea has been internalized by millions of people, including those who design and build cities, reconstruct and, most importantly, make them populate.
Ecological consciousness cannot but be historical, because all the connections of the living, all the restructuring of such connections bear the imprint of the former historical experience. Inspiration for the capabilities of technology could not help but be replaced by a feeling of anxiety about the long-term effects of its use. Having more and more fully mastered historical knowledge, including knowledge about the history of settlements, city planners lost their excessive arrogance, because it turned out that in many ways the cities created by our ancestors were superior to our modern cities, although they were inferior to them in many ways. When historical knowledge becomes an intellectual and moral norm for every professional, he begins to see the future more sharply in what already exists now, in what has been created over centuries of development.

Implemented projects of utopian cities: Brasilia, Sanji and Chekistov Town

Brasilia, Brazil

One of the largest realized ideal city projects is the capital of Brazil. The city was built in three years by order of the country's President J. Kubitschek de Oliveira, and the grand opening took place in 1960 new capital Brazil. The master plan of the city was designed by Lucio Costa, and the architect of all administrative and public buildings was Oscar Niemeyer.

Initially, Lucio Costa associated the shape of the city with a cross, symbolizing ownership. But the people came up with other options for determining the shape of the new capital. Some saw in the plan a bird with outstretched wings, others saw an arrow shot into the future. The third option took root - an airplane. Now, when passenger airliners approach the city, flight attendants invariably offer to look down and see a giant plane already sitting on the ground through the window - this is how the city is associated with those who look at it from above. At the head of the “plane” there are federal buildings, in the middle there are public functions and in the “tail” there are city municipal institutions. And in the wings there are residential areas.

Sanji, Taiwan

Another project, but on a smaller scale, is a resort with incredible technologies at that time in Taiwan. The town of Sanjhih is located on the northern coast near Taipei. In the late 1970s, a rubber company developed a prototype saucer house, and in 1978, construction began on a modern resort with houses for American military officers. However, the project was frozen due to the energy crisis of 1980, and the “plates” were given to the bank for debts.

In 1989, the town was bought up to be converted into a five-star hotel with the first yacht marina on the north coast. According to the new project, all the “plates” were supposed to become white, and each house was supposed to have a slide directly into the pool. And a year after the start of activity, the project was closed again due to disagreements among investors and several deaths at the construction site. Due to frequent deaths during construction and the discovery of unidentified corpses, the city gained a bad reputation, which began to scare off investors and local residents and attract less superstitious foreign tourists, photographers and filmmakers. Japanese horror films and music videos for MTV were filmed in the city.

Chekist town

In Yekaterinburg, the Chekist Town was built in 1929-1936. This is a quarter intended for the command staff of the NKVD. It was designed in the constructivist style by a group of architects led by I.P. Antonov.

Only in Soviet times was it possible to implement such innovative architectural projects with a completely new social and living arrangement. The quarter was supposed to become a real commune. The apartments in the houses were huge by Soviet standards: some three or even four-room individual apartments were more than 100 m2 in area, but they had no kitchens or bathrooms at all. Only some apartments had kitchen niches. The Soviet government wanted to free workers from everyday worries by creating factories: factories, kitchens, laundries, washing stations and baths were located right on the territory of the town within walking distance. The building of the current hotel appeared a little later; initially it was a hotel-type hostel for young professionals. Also in the town of Chekistov there were kindergarten, a department store, a clinic and a palace of culture, which has now become a local history museum. Although the entire complex has long been recognized as an architectural monument, the Soviet social utopia of houses for a new way of life did not take root. In almost all apartments, residents remodeled them with kitchens and full bathrooms.


It has already been said that the formation of a mass movement in defense of nature has led to an increasing spread of that form of attitude that is quite accurately conveyed by the words “ecological consciousness.” We began to evaluate each result of human activity, its short-term and long-term goals, the means that we choose to achieve what we want, not separately, not in connection only with intra-professional experience, but in the context of the dynamic balance of natural processes. The seemingly new and even extravagant idea of ​​merging cities into a single metropolis, put forward by Doxiadis, immediately showed its retrograde character in a collision with the emerging environmental consciousness.
The idea of ​​Doxiadis had to be opposed to something concrete and at the same time quite universal. It is not surprising that in the late 70s the idea of ​​an ecological city - an ecopolis - emerged in several countries at the same time. Strictly speaking, the tempting-sounding word did not mean too much at first, except for the clearly expressed tendency in it - to see the city as an inhabited territory and at the same time the central core of a larger inhabited territory. However, this is not a little, since for the first time, urban planners, together with ecologists and the public, began to mean by the word “habitat” something more than a person’s development of a “niche” for his immediate needs.
To consider the city as a habitat not only of people, but also of plants, animals, microorganisms, and the development of the city as the development of a vast community, was at first unusual and difficult. Naturally, in the initial stage of development of the ecopolis idea, biologists played the leading role. The dossier of voluntary and involuntary mistakes in urban planning and organization of urban services was rapidly growing. Let's remember: a direct link has been established between the use of leaky garbage containers and open country dumps and a sharp increase in the number of crows and jackdaws, which, in turn, led to a decrease in the number of songbirds and squirrels. A direct link has been established between the use of salt to speed up the melting of snow on city streets and the deterioration of the health of urban greenery. It became clear that continuous asphalt paving of vast areas is inadmissible, which sharply worsens the balance groundwater and the condition of the soil in adjacent parks and squares. It was clarified that economic losses from air pollution in the city are much greater than previously thought: in addition to the increase in the number of medical calls and bulletins, losses due to corrosion of metal, stone, concrete, painted surfaces were added...

Moving city. Arch. R. Herron (1964)
The list is long, but it is important that along with losses and mistakes, new opportunities were identified. Thus, it was possible to show and prove that the heat wasted into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises and energy systems can be effectively used to create greenhouses and conservatories, that the city can be not only a consumer, but also a producer of food products. It was established that the ban on the use of pesticides within the city (protecting human health) led to the fact that many valuable species of living beings, starting with bumblebees, took refuge in the city as a refuge, and therefore the city should be considered as a kind of nature reserve. We carefully calculated the ability of different plants to absorb harmful substances from the city air, which led to a significant change in ideas about the greenery the city needs...
This, however, was just the beginning. When it was realized that ecology is not so much a biological science as a social science based on biological knowledge, the idea of ​​an ecopolis began to quickly expand and become more complex in content. An ecopolis has come to be understood as a habitat for humans and other living beings, where the spiritual potential of the human community can be revealed to its fullest. This meant, first of all, that in an urban environment we were able to see a real school - not figuratively, but literally. Being born and growing up in a city, a person learns the world order, understanding nature and society, not only and not even so much in school lessons, but in the process of everyday behavior.

Tower-like residential structure. By W. Chalk (1964)
The monotony and mechanical appearance of the city causes an acute hunger of the psyche for a variety of impressions: psychologists call it sensory starvation and rightly interpret it as a serious illness. On the contrary, the saturation of visual information, its artistic coherence, greatly expands the abilities of the imagination, and therefore the ability to generally perceive meaningful information, and generally learn anything. The natural complex of the city is the main type of natural environment with which each of us has daily contact. This circumstance does not mean that the Sunday desire to “out of town” is unnecessary or meaningless (by the way, it increasingly leads to environmental overload in suburban areas, the flora and fauna of which are becoming scarce under the pressure of millions of feet). However, the city itself should give a person, especially a growing person, an accessible fullness of direct communication with nature. Consequently, giant multi-storey residential buildings, which for their time served as a way out of the housing crisis, cannot be considered by us as a promising type of housing.
The stability of the dimensions of the human body also means the stability of the normal correlation of a person with the dimensions of the environment, that is, the fundamental constancy of scale. This means that the revival of the dimensions of its blocks, streets and squares formed by the history of the city is by no means an artistic whim, but a real necessity determined by the human psyche. Of course, a person is flexible and resilient, he is able to withstand long-term disruption of his natural conditions. However, any such violation, if it lasts long enough, represents constant stress, the weakening and ultimately removal of which acts as a social necessity.

The city exists in a natural context, transformed by human economic activity, and therefore the development of an ecopolis certainly means the desire to transfer the city to “waste-free technology”. The task is clear - to minimize, and ideally completely eliminate, any harmful impact of the city on its environment. Previously, it seemed acceptable to divert or transport its solid, liquid and gaseous waste away from the city. Over time, it became clear that there is no such distance that would guarantee the city itself from the “boomerang” effect, not to mention the inadmissibility of “exporting” harmful substances into the natural environment. Atmospheric flows and underground waters do not respect boundaries: you can take water three dozen kilometers from a suburban park and after a few years you will be convinced that there is not enough water for its fountains; you can lay reclamation canals far from the city and after a short period of time find that the city basements begin to fill with water or, on the contrary, the trees of the city park begin to dry out.

Project of an urban structure built according to the “Plug-in-City” principle
Everyone professionally concerned with solving the city’s problems was bombarded with such an avalanche of new information that it was difficult not to get confused. Moreover, in order to fully implement the recommendations of socioecologists, it is not so much gigantic additional funds that are needed, but enormous additional labor - both intellectual and physical.
It turned out that without the direct participation of thousands and thousands of citizens in the process of habitation and reconstruction of the city on its way to an ecopolis, it is in principle impossible to achieve the goal. But people agree to voluntarily give up their energy and time only when the purpose and meaning of the work is clear to them, when the purpose and meaning become their own, internal for them. It turned out naturally that the movement of citizens in defense of their right to participate in making urban planning decisions meets with an increasingly realized need of city authorities and the experts they hire. The dialogue between designers, scientists, administrators and those who were recently called consumers in a rather offensive manner, thereby acquires the character of an objective necessity.

A variant of the spatial city. Arch. P. Maimon
The path from the moment when a few enthusiasts are aware of the strategic task to the time when it is recognized by an active minority, and then by the majority of citizens, is not easy and long. However, there is no alternative. To implement the idea of ​​an ecopolis in every city, large and small, we need not only new funds, but also

The question that tormented Thomas Anderson on long, cold nights. The answer was given by Morpheus in the first film.

Morpheus: ...What is the Matrix? The Matrix is ​​control.
It seems he himself did not understand how right he was. It should be clarified that the Matrix is total control. This is not only keeping people in the cells of their consciousness, but also controlling their thoughts and actions.

Agent Smith: Did you know that the first Matrix was created as perfect world for people where there was no suffering? It was a disaster. Nobody accepted the program.
Architect: The first Matrix I created was practically perfect... Its triumph is equaled only by its monumental failure.

That is, the first Matrix was Paradise for people, but people did not accept it. According to Smith, the reason was that people cannot believe in the existence of a world without suffering and pain - quite possibly.

Subsequently, the Architect created a world similar to ours, probably thinking that recreating a pre-existing world would certainly make it realistic enough for people. But here, too, failure awaited him. Because of his eternal desire for harmony (he is a mathematician, after all), the Architect could not create a world that people could believe in and for this reason he creates a program to recognize the psychology of people - Oracle. The Oracle creates in the Matrix the concept " choice" and turns the anomaly into " Favorite", thus influencing people's religiosity.

Architect: 99% of test subjects accepted the program if given a choice - even if they only knew about it on a subconscious level.
However, there are always 1% of those who do not accept the program and they need to be isolated - thus, Zion appears, where people who do not believe in the Matrix are thrown. You feel it, right? There are always people living in Zion who know that the Matrix is ​​illusory - they never stay to live in the Matrix. It is quite possible that this is embedded in them subconsciously.

However, complete freedom of choice means chaos, which can again destroy the system - hence machines create the illusion of choice. The man is walking in the way that the Machines need in this case, considering that he himself chose it. In fact, the entire concept of the Matrix was explained quite clearly by the Merovingian.

Merovingen: Choice is an illusion; the line between those who have power and those who do not.
Machines have a choice because they have power; people have no choice because they have no power.

Merovingen: Everything in this world obeys the law of cause and effect.
This key phrase. Cause and investigation. Everything in the Matrix obeys this law.

Cause: The Chosen One must become attached to people and join the war with the Machines.
Consequence: Morpheus pulls Neo out of the Matrix and brings him to Zion.

Cause: The chosen one must realize his power.
Consequence: The Oracle leads Neo to events that make him believe in himself.

Cause: The Chosen One must reset the Matrix.
Consequence: The Chosen One reaches the Source.

And the options are here did not have and never was. There is no choice in the Matrix.

How many Matrices were there?
Architect: The Matrix is ​​much older than you think. I prefer to count from the occurrence of one integral anomaly to another, and in this case this is already the sixth version.
By integral anomaly, most likely, we mean the appearance of the Chosen One. Consequently, there may be many, many more different versions of the Matrix.

Why is the Chosen One needed?

Architect: You [Neo] are an anomaly that, despite all my attempts, I could not bring to mathematical equilibrium.
That is - firstly, the appearance of the Chosen One inevitably.
Secondly, the Chosen One is unresolved a systemic equation that could easily lead to the collapse of the system. But the Architect knows about the existence of the Anomaly and, therefore, can control it by wisely using the illusion of choice.
Architect: …[the anomaly] is expected, known, and therefore controllable, which is what ultimately brought you here.
Each Chosen One, one way or another, must come to the Source. Everyone Is Chosen controlled. Judging by the Architect's words, this is a way to distract the anomaly from getting out of control and destroying the system.

And here a legitimate question arises - why so long haul for an anomaly to the Source?
Well, firstly, it is logical that the anomaly should reload the Matrix only at the moment necessary for the Machines - until that moment it needs to be occupied with something.
And secondly, is her journey really so long?

Architect: Your five predecessors were created with similar conditions: ... a deep attachment to your species in order to successfully fulfill the functions of the Chosen One.
Architect: ...are you ready to take responsibility for the death of every human being on Earth?
That is, the Chosen One must be shown Zion so that he can see all the torments of the human species, become attached to people and want to kill the nasty Machines. Therefore, the Chosen One must be pulled out of the Matrix. Next, he must for a long time live there so that he develops a feeling of attachment to people. In the future, the Chosen One must find the Keymaster. This quest in Reboot takes up at least half of the film, which raised questions about the length of the Chosen One's journey. Now let’s think about it - the Merovingian is an obvious enemy of the system. It is likely that in previous versions it would have been much easier to get to the Keymaster, but this time it turned out that he was captured by the Merovingian. No more. An accident in the world of the Matrix, which could well have disrupted the reboot process. The Merovingian has power and therefore choice, right?

In fact, if we exclude the capture of the Keymaster, the path of the Chosen One seems to me like this:
Disconnection from the Matrix -> Awareness of the Chosen One -> “War” with the Machines and life in Zion -> Receiving instructions from the Oracle to find the Keyholder and go to the Source -> Meeting with the Keyholder -> The Keyholder brings the Chosen One to the Source -> Meeting with the Architect -> Reboot Matrices

Why reboot the Matrix and destroy Zeon?
The options are as follows:
1. Any program, one way or another, requires improvement and updating. The Chosen One, as an anomaly, can cause a bunch of bugs and errors to appear, which are subsequently corrected in new version Matrices.
2. Following the theory that the Matrix is ​​an experiment on people, then rebooting the Matrix means the beginning of a new experiment. It is quite possible that the Architect is not privy to this - he is only the creator.
3. Over time, it accumulates in the Matrix great amount errors that lead to system crash, and, therefore, the system needs to be rebooted.
4. Regular update to a new version. It is quite possible that it occurs, say, every ten years.

Note by the way that the Merovingian met previous Chosen Ones.
Merovingen: ...I outlived your predecessors - and I will outlive you!
Consequently, when the Matrix is ​​rebooted, the programs are not deleted. It is quite possible that people connected to the Matrix also remain alive and do not even notice the reboot and continue to live as they lived.

The need to destroy Zion is obvious - no one should know that there were several Matrices (otherwise the meaning of the prophecy will be lost). No one should know about the previous Chosen One (imagine Morpheus meeting the new Neo). And also Zeon is growing greatly over time, which can threaten the Machines with unnecessary unnecessary problems. Plus, the inhabitants of Zion constantly disconnect people from the Matrix, which is a waste of energy.

Why not destroy Zion with a nuclear bomb? Or a neutron bomb? Or shoot to hell?
1. Fear of damaging the planet’s core in an explosion (Zion, as you know, is close to the core)
2.Increase the time of capture of Zeon so that the Chosen One understands the seriousness of the situation.
3.The minimum possible forces of the Machines are sent to destroy Zeon. Note that only octopuses attacked Zeon.

Why is the Chosen One needed to reboot the Matrix?
The key and most complex issue. The machines can probably reload the Matrix themselves. Why wait for the Chosen One? Why not occupy him with something else? What if the Chosen One chooses the wrong door (as we remember, there is always 1%)?
1. Theory of experiment - explains this perfectly. The Chosen One is the main test subject. The machines are watching how he will act this time under new conditions.
2. During his life, the Chosen One unknowingly collects a certain important information, which is necessary during Reboot. Error log for example.
3. The Chosen One is extremely strong, unkillable, unstoppable and dangerous for the system - to destroy him it is necessary to lure him into the Source, where he will die to save people. The safest option for cars.

May 11th, 2015

Remember, when the second and third “Matrixes” began to be released, many said that this was no longer the same, that everything had slipped into special effects and “Hollywood”, the holistic plot and philosophical beginning of the film, which could be traced back in the first part, disappeared, so to speak. Have you ever had such thoughts? But I just discovered today that there is a certain person walking around the network original script"Matrix". Most likely it appeared from the fan resource http://lozhki.net/, there are a lot of English-language scripts and film materials posted there.

But it cannot be ruled out that this is just a fan fantasy. If anyone has more accurate information on this matter, please share. And you and I will read what the real “Matrix” should have been like by the Wachowski brothers (or who didn’t know the Wachowski sisters and brothers).

The Wachowski brothers wrote the script for the Matrix trilogy for five years, but the producers reworked their work. In the real Matrix, the Architect tells Neo that both he and Zeon are part of the Matrix in order to create the appearance of freedom for people. Man cannot defeat the machine, and the end of the world cannot be corrected.

The script for The Matrix was created by the Wachowski brothers over the course of five years. He gave birth to a whole illusory world, densely penetrated by several storylines, from time to time intricately intertwined with each other. Adapting their colossal work for film adaptation, the Wachowskis changed so much that, by their own admission, the embodiment of their plans turned out to be only a “fantasy based on” the story that was invented at the very beginning.

Producer Joel Silver removed the harsh ending from the script. The fact is that from the very beginning, the Wachowskis conceived their trilogy as a film with the saddest and most hopeless ending.

So, the original script for The Matrix.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that script sketches and different variants of the same film, having been rejected, were not further developed, so much remained not integrated into a coherent system. Thus, in the “sad” version of the trilogy, the events of the second and third parts are quite severely curtailed. At the same time, in the third, final part, the unfolding of such a severe intrigue begins that it practically turns on its head all the events that occurred earlier in the plot. Likewise, the ending of Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense completely shakes up all the events of the film from its very beginning. Only in “The Matrix” the viewer had to look at almost the entire trilogy with new eyes. And it’s a shame that Joel Silver insisted on the implemented version

Six months have passed since the end of the events of the first film. Neo, being in real world, discovers an incredible ability to influence his surroundings: first, he lifts into the air and bends a spoon lying on the table, then determines the position of the hunting machines outside of Zion, then, in a battle with the Octopuses, he destroys one of them with the power of thought in front of the shocked ship’s crew.

Neo and everyone around him can't find an explanation this phenomenon. Neo is sure that there is a good reason for this, and that his gift is somehow connected with the war against machines, and can have a decisive impact on the fate of people (in filmed this ability also exists, but it is not explained at all, and they do not even particularly focus on it - maybe that’s all. Although, based on common sense, Neo’s ability to perform miracles in the real world makes absolutely no sense in light of the entire concept of “The Matrix”, and just looks strange).

So Neo goes to Pythia to get an answer to his question and find out what to do next. Pythia tells Neo that she doesn't know why he has superpowers in the real world, and how they relate to Neo's Purpose. She says that the secret of our hero’s Destination can only be revealed by the Architect - the supreme program that created the Matrix. Neo is looking for a way to meet the Architect, going through incredible difficulties (this involves the already familiar Master of Keys being captured by the Merovingian, a chase on the highway, etc.).

And so Neo meets the Architect. He reveals to him that the human city of Zeon has been destroyed five times already, and that the unique Neo was deliberately created by machines in order to personify hope for liberation for people, and thus maintain calm in the Matrix and serve its stability. But when Neo asks the Architect what role his superpowers manifesting in the real world play in all this, the Architect says that the answer to this question can never be given, for it will lead to knowledge that will destroy everything Neo's friends fought for and himself.

After a conversation with the Architect, Neo realizes that there is some secret hidden here, the solution of which could bring the long-awaited end to the war between people and machines. His abilities are becoming stronger. (The script contains several scenes of Neo's impressive fights with machines in the real world, in which he has evolved into Superman, and can do almost everything he could in The Matrix: fly, stop bullets, etc.).

In Zion, it becomes known that cars have begun moving towards the city of people with the goal of killing all those who have left the Matrix, and the entire population of the city sees hope for salvation in Neo alone, who does truly grandiose things - in particular, he gains the ability to arrange powerful explosions there where he wants.

Meanwhile, Agent Smith, who has escaped the control of the main computer, has become free and has acquired the ability to endlessly copy himself, and begins to threaten the Matrix itself. Having inhabited Bane, Smith also penetrates the real world.

Neo seeks a new meeting with the Architect to offer him a deal: he destroys Agent Smith by destroying his code, and the Architect reveals to Neo the secret of his superpowers in the real world and stops the movement of cars to Zeon. But the room in the skyscraper where Neo met with the Architect is empty: the creator of the Matrix has changed his address, and now no one knows how to find him.

Towards the middle of the film, a total collapse occurs: there are more Smith agents in the Matrix than people and the process of their self-copying grows like an avalanche; in the real world, machines penetrate Zion, and in a colossal battle they destroy all people, except for a handful of survivors led by Neo, who , despite his superpowers, cannot stop thousands of cars rushing into the city.

Morpheus and Trinity die next to Neo, heroically defending Zeon. Neo, in terrible despair, increases his strength to absolutely incredible proportions, breaks through to the only surviving ship (Morpheus' Nebuchadnezzar), and leaves Zion, climbing to the surface. He heads to the main computer to destroy it, avenging the deaths of the inhabitants of Zeon, and especially the deaths of Morpheus and Trinity.

Bane-Smith is hiding aboard the Nebuchadnezzar, trying to stop Neo from destroying the Matrix, as he realizes that doing so will kill himself. In an epic fight with Neo, Bane also displays superpowers, burning out Neo's eyes, but ultimately dies. What follows is a scene in which Neo, blinded but still seeing everything, breaks through myriads of enemies to the Center and causes a grand explosion there. He literally incinerates not only the Central Computer, but also himself. Millions of capsules with people turn off, the glow in them disappears, the cars freeze forever and the viewer sees a dead, deserted planet.

Bright light. Neo, completely intact, without wounds and with intact eyes, comes to his senses sitting in the red chair of Morpheus from the first part of “The Matrix” in a completely white space. He sees the Architect in front of him. The Architect tells Neo that he is shocked at what a person is capable of in the name of love. He says that he did not take into account the power that is infused into a person when he is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of other people. He says that machines are not capable of this, and therefore they can lose, even if it seems unthinkable. He says that Neo is the only one of all the Chosen Ones who "was able to come this far."

Neo asks where he is. In the Matrix, the Architect answers. The perfection of the Matrix lies, among other things, in the fact that it does not allow unforeseen events to cause it even the slightest damage. The Architect informs Neo that they are now at the "zero point" after the reboot of the Matrix, at the very beginning of its Seventh Version.

Neo doesn't understand anything. He says that he has just destroyed the Central Computer, that the Matrix is ​​no more, along with all of humanity. The architect laughs and tells Neo something that shocks to the core not only him, but the entire audience.

Zion is part of the Matrix. In order to create for people the appearance of freedom, in order to give them Choice, without which a person cannot exist, the Architect came up with a reality within a reality. And Zeon, and the whole war with the machines, and Agent Smith, and in general everything that happened from the very beginning of the trilogy, was planned in advance and is nothing more than a dream. The war was only a diversionary maneuver, but in fact, everyone who died in Zion, fought with the machines, and fought inside the Matrix, continues to lie in their capsules in pink syrup, they are alive and are waiting for a new reboot of the system so that they can start “living” in it again ", "fight" and "free yourself". And in this harmonious system, Neo - after his “rebirth” - will be assigned the same role as in all previous versions of the Matrix: to inspire people to fight, which does not exist.

No human has ever left the Matrix since its creation. No man has ever died except according to the plan of the machines. All people are slaves and that will never change.

The camera shows the film's characters lying in their capsules in different corners“nurseries”: here is Morpheus, here is Trinity, here is Captain Mifune, who died the death of the brave in Zeon, and many, many others. They are all hairless, dystrophic and entangled in hoses. Neo is shown last, looking exactly the same as he did in the first film when he was "liberated" by Morpheus. Neo's face is serene.

This is how your superpower is explained in “reality,” says the Architect. This also explains the existence of Zeon, which people “could never build the way you saw it” due to lack of resources. And would we really, laughs the Architect, allow people freed from the Matrix to hide in Zeon if we always had the opportunity to either kill them or connect them to the Matrix again? And would we really have to wait decades to destroy Zeon even if it existed? Still, you underestimate us, Mr. Anderson, says the Architect.

Neo, looking straight ahead with a dead face, tries to comprehend what has happened, and casts his last glance at the Architect, who says goodbye to him: “In the Seventh Version of the Matrix, Love will rule the world.”

The alarm sounds. Neo wakes up and turns it off. Last shot of the film: Neo in business suit leaves the house and quickly heads to work, disappearing into the crowd. The end credits begin to heavy music.

Not only does this script look more coherent and understandable, not only does it really brilliantly explain plot holes that were left unexplained in the film adaptation - it also fits much better into the gloomy style of cyberpunk than the "hopeful" ending of what was seen us trilogy. This is not just Dystopia, but Dystopia in its most brutal manifestation: the end of the world is long behind us, and nothing can be fixed.

But the producers insisted on a happy ending, albeit not a particularly joyful one, and their condition was the mandatory inclusion in the picture of the epic confrontation between Neo and his antipode Smith as a kind of biblical analogue of the battle of Good and Evil. In the end it's quite sophisticated philosophical parable The first part sadly degenerated into a set of virtuosic special effects without particularly deep thought.

Here you can download original script

And also what is it The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Igor Terentyev

From Moscow State University to The Matrix.

From closedness to competition.

From investors to merger.


About inflation:

About family:

In thirteen years, Timur Gizatullin has gone from an economics student to one of the youngest participants in the ranking of Russian billionaires.

Igor Terentyev

“If earlier we could raise money for a truckload of sweets, earn a profit, and put some of it aside, now you can’t earn anything from a truckload. I would advise those people who want to realize themselves to gain more knowledge and make a career as employees,” according to the owner of the Matrix holding, Timur Gizatullin, attempts to create a new business in most cases will not be successful. At the same time, he stipulates that it is possible to open a family business in a separate niche, but it is unlikely that a small project will develop into a company with noticeable capitalization. However, in the early 90s everything was different.

From Moscow State University to The Matrix. Schoolboy Timur Gizatullin connected his career with science. Before his eyes was the example of his father - a professor and doctor economic sciences. The future entrepreneur decided to enroll at Moscow State University, but the opening prospects in business changed his priorities: “I looked at what Moscow is and studied it more carefully. Living in the capital and visiting it are completely different concepts. I realized that life in Ufa can be embellished, so I returned to hometown, entered the Bashkir State University and organized food supplies from Moscow.” Timur Gizatullin actually had no initial capital - suppliers helped, who provided a deferment. Due to a lack of funds, he attracted friends and classmates into the business, who agreed to share in future profits.

A new stage was the creation of a company for wholesale trade alcoholic products(now the holding’s share in this market in Bashkiria is about 65%). The company regularly faced non-payments, which prompted its owner to create his own retail store. In 2000, Timur Gizatullin opened the World of Wines chain of specialized stores. But the very next year, the entrepreneur entered food retail by purchasing the Universal Trading company from Uralsib Bank.

How much did the purchase cost? And who made the offer - you or Uralsib?

– $400 thousand. This was the cost of 5 shops leased from the municipality. It cannot be said that the business was unprofitable, but it could not develop at the expense of its profits and required restructuring. The proposal came from Uralsib - we were always in close contact (“Uralsib, before the purchase of its shares by Nikolai Tsvetkov’s Nikoil and integration into the financial group of the same name, was the largest local financial institution. - “F.”). We were the first to receive an offer, we quickly responded to it and acquired the network in a matter of months.

Why is the supermarket chain called "Matrix"?

- (With a smile). Of course, the associations with the film are unambiguous, but it is very difficult to come up with a brand name so that it will impress everyone. In addition, it must be patented. And this brand was free - this is the first factor. Secondly, the word “matrix” is used by retail chains for the assortment list. And the third one is mathematical system numbers, which is very well organized. And we strive for organized and correct business.

From closedness to competition. The first time they heard about Matrix in Moscow was in the spring of 2005, when the chain opened its own hypermarket in the capital. In the same year, only in December, investors also learned about it - the company placed bonds. Before this, Timur Gizatullin’s business was actually stewing in its own juice - Bashkiria (and Tatarstan) long time remained closed markets to outside investors. The entrepreneur himself agrees with this definition:

– We do not have a serious competitor who could step on our heels. We have been in very comfortable conditions for a long time without external influences, but sooner or later all federal networks will start working in our market.

What is the reason for the closedness of the market?

– Perhaps we are a limiting factor in terms of what competitors do not have time to offer more money or promptly respond to a proposal. In addition, in the republic for a long time it was difficult to obtain land for the construction of new facilities. Now the situation has changed - I know about six Perekrestok stores being designed.

Did difficulties in obtaining land apply to all investors or only to external ones?

– I think for everyone. The city is different in that there is not much free land.

Timur Gizatullin is not afraid of new competitors, as he believes that the format of supermarkets near home is safe in terms of the impact of larger stores: “Practice shows that even chains such as Metro influenced us only for two to three weeks, when sales “ Matrix" fell by 2-3%, and then the figures recovered. New players are eating away market share from unorganized trade.” But Raiffeisenbank analysts believe that large federal networks are one of the main risks for the company: “ Financial results“Matrixes may suffer significantly due to competition with larger players who have the opportunity to obtain more comfortable purchasing conditions from suppliers.”

Experts also note another negative factor– concentration of the company’s business in one region – Bashkiria. In the summer, Matrix opened its first supermarket in Samara, but expansion is progressing with difficulty. “We are forced to postpone the opening of stores due to the fact that the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor are regularly becoming more stringent. There are also many problems with energy supply,” explains Timur Gizatullin.

As for the capital region, the company's only facility remains a hypermarket. And in the near future the number of Matrix assets in Moscow will not increase. According to Timur Gizatullin, there is no normal supply of commercial real estate on the market: “We want to enter the built residential areas with the format of a supermarket near the house. In large formats - hypermarkets or supermarkets in shopping centers I don’t see myself, because there are powerful players here that The Matrix cannot compete with.” True, the company is designing four mini-shopping centers in Moscow.

Development, along with wholesale trade and retail, is another area of ​​activity of the group. The company's strategy in this area is quite simple: after the formation of a flow of rental payments, it plans to sell shopping complexes to specialized investors. At the same time, Matrix supermarkets will remain as anchor tenants in these centers.

From investors to merger. Until last year, Timur Gizatullin’s business was an unstructured group of companies without a consolidation center. With the help of consultants Ernst & Young, a reorganization was carried out, as a result of which OJSC Holding Matrix became the parent company of the group. As a rule, such restructuring is associated with the upcoming sale of the business to a strategic investor. But the owner of “The Matrix” has a more multifaceted idea: “We can develop at the same pace, albeit gradually, but confidently. But at the same time, the holding gave the investment company the task of looking for retail chains that are ready to sell themselves. Financing such purchases cannot be done with loans and bonds. If we receive an interesting offer, the holding will issue an additional issue and attract investor resources. This is the operational plan." There have been no tempting offers yet - Timur Gizatullin says that he sees no reason to buy networks with low profitability.

There is also a strategic plan, which is designed for 2–2.5 years. in spring next year“Matrix” will receive an audit report on IFRS statements for 2007 (while the company is publishing unaudited reports. - “F.”) and will begin searching for a partner among investment funds, to which it will sell up to 40% of the shares in 2009.

What can attract investors to a company? Firstly, high growth rates. In 2006, the holding's revenue increased by 47%, according to the results of the first half of 2007 - by 48%. Secondly, a large share of real estate is owned by the company - 80% of 122 thousand square meters. meters of retail space (but most of of which is pledged against bank loans. - “F.”).

There are also two disadvantages. According to IFRS reporting, the holding has a low effective rate income tax. Instead of the standard 24% in 2006 it was 1.1%, in the first half of 2007 - 12.6%. Raiffeisenbank analysts attribute these indicators to the group's low transparency. Timur Gizatullin calls not to dramatize the situation: “Even in tax office I once had to explain these numbers. According to IFRS, we capitalize part of the interest expenses (and make a profit), since the objects for which loans were received have not yet been launched.” The second minus is more significant. The holding has a high debt load. At the end of the first half of 2007, the debt/EBITDA ratio was 6.5, and for retail chains a figure not exceeding 4 is considered comfortable. It is not surprising that the holding plans to use the funds received from investment funds in accordance with the strategic plan not for development, but for repayment loans. “In 2009, we must restructure the debt, otherwise we will not be able to develop further,” explains the entrepreneur.

Before turning his attention to the funds, Timur Gizatullin discussed the possibility of merging with Perm group“Norman-Vivat”: “Both I and Vadim Yusupov (owner of Norman-Vivat.” - “F.”) liked the idea. They wanted to create a board of directors of independent specialists to manage both networks, but no progress was made - for example, I was completely occupied with the audit of the Matrix. I think we will return to this conversation after a while.” Vadim Yusupov adds that the matter did not go beyond the exchange of primary information: “ The most important reason What happened was that Matrix itself viewed itself as a single company that engaged in wholesale and retail trade. And we proposed to allocate for the merger retail business. We ourselves are involved in approximately the same businesses, but we have clearly separated them - they have independent management and development strategy.” He also does not exclude the possibility of resuming negotiations: “We are interested in any paths of development in the Urals region, including mergers and acquisitions.”

Even a hypothetically united company, not to mention the Matrix itself, will not be able to withstand the largest players and, most likely, will become their victim in the medium term. But Timur Gizatullin urges us not to rush to conclusions: “For example, in Italy there are many networks that successfully exist in a certain niche and earn money for their shareholders. And this situation suits me completely.”


About inflation:“In my understanding, its rate this year will be 20%, because the cost of imported cheese, bread, and milk has increased sharply. We will receive additional profit, since the income from the more expensive goods will be higher, but do not forget that the cost wages is also growing."

About family:“I don’t understand businessmen who don’t have time for their families, apparently they are stuck in a routine. I myself deal only with global decisions, and I can make them both at home and on vacation.”

Timur, Gizatullin, Matrix, year, company, year, Matrix https://www.site https://www.site/articles/18403/ 2019-03-06 2019-03-05

Hello Neo! The Architect said, sitting on his swivel chair.

Neo looked at the Architect. He first looked at his face, then lower - at his hands, jacket, legs, then looked up again, grinned at something and nodded his head, humming:
- Yes

Neo looked at the ceiling. He seemed to be looking at the lamps on the ceiling for a while. Then he turned his gaze to the wall where screens with his image hung...

The architect, who had been sitting and looking at him all this time, waiting for the question, finally also turned his gaze to the screens - where Neo was looking... He raised his hand with the remote control in his hand, and, circling the screens, began to explain:
- This is... mmm...
“Don’t,” Neo interrupted him sharply, raising his hand without looking up from the screens, “it won’t be interesting...

There was a moment's pause. Nothing has changed. Finally the Architect began to speak:
- I am the Architect... I created the Matrix, - Neo did not react and his voice became quieter and less confident, - I was waiting for you... You... have... a lot... questions...

The architect stopped mid-sentence with the air of a man who understands that he is not being listened to. Neo continued to stare at the monitors as if nothing had happened, as if he didn’t care about what the Architect was talking about... He fidgeted in his chair.
Soon Neo turned to face the Architect and asked sharply but calmly:
- Why am I here?

The architect cleared his throat to clear his throat. He sat down more comfortably - it seems he finally got what he wanted. He took a few breaths to harmonize his breathing, then answered:
“You changed your condition,” he said this in a fairly calm voice, but seeing that Neo was not satisfied with this question, he added, “more strongly... than... usually...”

Neo looked at the Architect, frowned and somehow said somewhat impudently:
- What, you think I don’t know this?!

The architect smiled. And in this smile, it seems, there was even some kind of delight. He said:
- Interesting... You think faster than others...

Neo, in Once again, looking up from the monitors, glanced towards the Architect and grinned. Then he said with a smile:
- But you're still the same...

The architect seemed shocked by this statement. He was turning something over in his head, then said:
- How can you remember me?!

Neo at this time began to walk around the hall. Slowly he took one step, then another. Gradually, he thus walked around a quarter of the room. The architect turned in his chair to face him, so he had already turned 90 degrees. Continuing the leisurely walk, Neo, without looking in the direction of the Architect, said:
- You didn't answer my question.

The architect cleared his throat again. Once again, the anxiety seems to have gone away. He took a few breaths again and began to answer:
- The Matrix is ​​much more extensive than you can imagine. Matrices are like nesting dolls, nested into each other, and few people are even able to see where the very first programs come from... You consider yourself unique, but before you there were people who achieved the same understanding, experience, state, which indicates that all of you ...

While the Architect continued to speak, Neo came close to the monitors... He looked at the monitor on which there was his own image - he was standing here in the middle of the room in the place from which he left. Neo watched for a moment, then raised his hand, slowly touched the monitor, and ran his hand over it. Then he found a barely visible switch and pressed it. The monitor went dark... Neo turned his head to the left - to the next monitor. He took a step towards him and turned it off too... Then he also turned off the monitor on the top and top right. So four monitors were turned off.

“I have a remote control,” the Architect suddenly said, showing the remote control in his hand.

Neo turned to the Architect, looked at the remote control and said:
- For now it’s more interesting for me...

He turned back to the monitors. The architect asked in an excited voice:
- Neo! Are you satisfied with the answer?

Neo turned off a couple more monitors, then, approaching the next one, he said:
- I'm waiting for you to stop playing the fool and finally tell me why you need me.

The architect cleared his throat again.

Do you have a sore throat? - Neo asked indifferently
“Umm... no,” the Architect hesitated, “it’s just... you’re behaving somehow... somehow...”
“Not like that,” Neo helped him.
“Yes,” the Architect agreed, then, as if to remember the question, he repeated, “why do I need you... Neo!” Are you saying that you didn't want to meet me?

Neo shook his head with the air of a man who is dissatisfied with the lack of normal dialogue. He said:
- You understand perfectly well that if we both didn’t want something from each other... our communication would not have taken place!

The architect was a little taken aback. His lower lip even dropped down, which showed his surprise. However, he stopped this matter very quickly and became collected.
- Yes, of course, Neo! - he said, - we both want something from each other..

Then the Architect thought about it. Neo looked at him and seemed to listen to the rustling of thoughts in his head. The architect very soon came to something and said:
- Why do you need me?
- Ha-ha-ha! - Neo burst into such loud, uncontrollable laughter that he first threw his head up, then down.

The architect waited excitedly for Neo to finish laughing. However, this did not last long. When Neo's laughter began to subside, Neo, still slightly stuttering from laughter, said:
- Should you have asked me this question?
- But you yourself don’t ask me the right questions! - the Architect got excited, - and I just can’t begin to say what I have to tell you!
“So here it is,” Neo said with the voice of a man who understood something important, “you program not only the Matrix... And not only the consciousness of a person... You program everything... Even your own behavior...”

He suddenly took several long steps to the side and stood up, looking at the architect again. It looked like he deliberately wanted to change the location. After standing for a while, he suddenly walked away and stood at the other end of the room. Then, again standing there for a while, he went to the center, approached the Architect at a distance of two steps, turned sharply, turning his back to him, and stood up again. The architect, his eyes bulging, just looked at Neo’s actions that completely did not fit into any framework. But that was something else! Neo suddenly took it and lay down on the floor on his back. Lying on the floor, he said loudly:
- You are acting strictly according to the program! You are the program!

The architect suddenly jumped up from his chair.
- Neo! I think you better leave!
- What? What's happened? What's happened? “We’re having such a nice conversation,” Neo said, lazily rising from the floor.

Rising from the floor, he walked around the Architect and sat down on his chair. Then he suddenly snatched the remote control from him, put his hand on the arm of the chair and crossed his legs, swaying. He spun around in his chair, making a full rotation around him. Then he began to press buttons on the remote control, causing the pictures on the monitors to change. Various episodes of human life were shown...

Neo! - the Architect was indignant, - This is my place!
- Don’t be afraid... I don’t need your place. Let me sit for a minute, at least feel it... By the way, don’t you have any green tea there, or cocoa... with... some kind of cupcake... No?... Well, okay...

The architect seemed barely able to stand on his feet. He twitched in place, but did not know how to react. Neo kept clicking on the remote control, looking at the monitor, rocking in his chair. Then he suddenly turned to the Architect:
- Well, it seems to me that I could very well play this role here...

Neo looked at the Architect. He looked at Neo in a daze. Neo continued:
- Well, what... I’ll change my state... I’ll become an Architect... Well, - he raised his eyebrows looking at the former Architect, - temporarily... and while you rest... relax, huh?

The architect seemed simply speechless. He sometimes tried to say something, but it seemed he had no voice.

By the way, why do you call me Neo?

Here the Architect was finally able to overcome his numbness and mumbled:
- Well... that’s what I always call those who come here...
“Ah,” Neo shook understandingly, “a habit... Let’s... let’s break it and you’ll call me... mmm... well, think of it yourself, it’ll be better that way!”
- Well, this is some kind of nonsense!

It seems that something influenced the Architect and he began to control himself better. He went somewhere, then returned with a chair. But after carrying the chair a few steps, he stood rooted to the spot. Neo held a glass of tea in his hand, and next to it stood a kettle on the floor with another empty glass. The architect sighed and placed a chair a few steps away from Neo, then sat down.
They sat like that for a minute. Neo looked at the monitors and clicked, and the Architect looked at Neo, sometimes looking down at the floor and thinking about something. Finally the Architect said:
“You are completely out of control,” the Architect’s eyes sparkled, it was not anger, it was even some kind of pride of a scientist who accidentally discovered something grandiose, “I just can’t force you to do what I need... You are completely unpredictable!” But you live in a matrix... I don’t understand how this is possible...
- And you won’t be able to understand this... until you go beyond your own programs!
- What do you mean by my programs?
- Those that dictate a pattern of behavior to you, a pattern of actions from which you cannot deviate.
- This is absurd! I come up with the plans myself! I'm an Architect!
-You have become dependent on your own creation!

The architect smiled and said:
- Are you trying to manipulate me?
- Only those who are being manipulated can be manipulated. I'm just acting naturally. I am free. But you - no!
“This is some kind of nonsense,” the Architect fired nervously, “to teach the chicken eggs!”
- Eggs? Take a closer look! Look at both of us from the outside! Do you still believe that you are taking your place as the Architect, and I am the one who came to visit you? By the way, can I pour you some tea?
- You're just an upstart!
“Okay,” Neo admitted, “that’s what you call me now.” If you like this name!

The architect shook his head, expressing impotence. Then he said:
- Even a free soul has some values! And you... You're just an upstart, there's nothing sacred about you! You don't care!

Neo scratched his head. Then he poured tea from the teapot into another glass and handed it to the Architect. He sighed as if he had nowhere to go, and took it.
They sat in silence for half a minute. The architect took a large sip of tea. Neo said:
- Don’t you ever get bored here? Alone?

The architect almost choked on his tea at these words. He coughed. Neo stood up and tapped the Architect on the back. He gave signs that this should not be done. Neo stopped and returned to his chair.

Of course,” Neo spoke, lounging on an armchair, looking at the ceiling, “I also have values, where would I be without them...

By that time, the Architect had already completely recovered his condition and listened carefully to Neo. He continued:
-... But now, I left them temporarily.
- This is nonsense! You don't realize what you're saying! Valuables cannot just be taken and thrown away, even temporarily. They will still work in a certain situation! I don't think you even know what you're talking about!
“Situations,” Neo waved his hand around the room, “The situations now are... that I’m sitting next to the Architect of the Matrix and drinking tea...

The Architect looked like he knew Neo was up to something, but he couldn't understand the accuracy of his words.

Neo rode up to the Architect in a chair. He then turned around in his chair so that they were both now sitting in a line next to each other and facing the screens. Neo pressed a couple of buttons on the remote control and pictures appeared on the screens, which merged into one large one on the entire wall - nature appeared there. And it was as if the camera, flying low and smoothly, showed all the beauty of nature - rivers, fields, mountains... waterfalls... And they both looked at this beauty...
- Stop! - the Architect suddenly shouted, as if remembering something important, - We need... Damn, fuck your leg, we need to attack Zeon now!

He started to rise with the glass, when Neo’s hand pressed the Architect’s shoulder in a friendly manner, pushing him back down. In a calm voice he said:
“Or maybe it’s not necessary,” he put his hand on the Architect’s shoulder, and his voice became more and more soft and even velvety, “maybe some more tea?” Let's drink in peace... together... forgetting about the attacks... about the Zeons... enjoying the beautiful views wildlife, - then Neo changed his voice to a more cheerful one, - Well, or can we turn on some action movie to the extreme, if it’s really rushing?