Cities in the desert step by step drawing. How to draw a desert with a pencil step by step

Territorial location. Deserts are hot and dry areas of the earth. The most extensive deserts in the world are the Sahara in Africa, Victoria in Australia, Atacami in South America. The largest deserts on the Eurasian continent are located in Central Asia. These are the Karakum and Kyzylkum.

Features of the desert. When the wind blows in one direction on the sand for a long time, the sand begins to move and beautiful dunes of a certain shape are formed from it. Dunes are sandy hills in the desert. One side of them is always convex, reminiscent of a stooped back, and always faces the direction from which the wind blows. And long tentacles are stretched in the wind - they are called “horns”.

When the wind changes, the dune immediately begins to turn over to show its back. Vegetation often appears on the dune. The sand covers it, and it moves and, growing through the dune, captures it with its branches and roots and holds it in place.

Vegetation. Plants that grow in hot and dry desert conditions have over a long period of time developed special adaptations that help them adapt to such a climate. Many people store water in their leaves and stems during the rains. These are cacti, aloe. Some plants have spine-shaped leaves, others have a thick, waxy covering, which allows them to save water.

Some get water from great depths with their long roots, the length of which reaches m.

Large representatives of the animal world also live in arid places. These are camels and antelopes. Antelopes are good runners and run great distances in search of water. And the camel stores fat in the tissues of its body, when consumed, water is released.

Population. Where there is water, the desert retreats. Under the generous sun and artificial irrigation (watering), the cotton fields turn green, fruits, melons, and watermelons are filled with juice. People have long waged a daily struggle with the desert, laying canals and building reservoirs.

Similar mysteries await scientists in other places on the planet. The figure of a sunbathing man is outlined in the desert near the town of Blythe in California. Large snake - in Ohio, USA. Arrow signs are depicted on the western coast of the Aral Sea. The Nazca Desert in Peru holds especially many mysteries. She is also famous for her giant drawings.

Image of a fish There are figures of a monkey, a heron, a crocodile, a spider, and a fish. There is an image of a man wearing what appears to be a spacesuit. A mysterious pair of hands stretches along the gray sand, fine as dust, and seems to hover over space. A dog froze warily, a tree stretches out its branches, a condor soars, only not in the sky, but on the ground. Geometric shapes appear several times: triangles, squares, trapezoids. And all of them are a drawing of a tree of gigantic proportions. Alcatraz - snake-necked heron - 270 meters. Monkey and condor - 120 meters each, lizard - 180 meters, hummingbird - 50, spider - 46 meters. Lines, intersecting stripes, and all kinds of spirals go beyond the horizon. In total there are 788 figures, 3000 lines, about 100 spirals. And all this is located in a huge space in such a way that it represents a kind of mysterious composition.

The lines of the drawings seem to be narrow paths with a pile of stones on the side. They are like deep scratches on the surface of the earth, resulting when thousands of tons of volcanic pebbles were shoveled aside, and the light base of the desert was exposed - yellowish sand and clay. The drawings have been preserved since time immemorial, the date of their appearance varies between 350 BC and 600 AD. They were not washed away by rain or covered with sand, because Nazca is one of the driest places on Earth; it rains here extremely rarely. In addition, the soil in those places is rich in gypsum. Mixed with the morning dew, it seems to cement small stones, preventing the images from being distorted.


It turned out that Nazca drawings are traditional for the local culture. In the Peruvian museum there is a vessel in the shape of a fish, very similar to the image in the desert. But it's not that simple. Why does a monkey, for example, have an incredibly long tail twisted in a spiral? Or what does the “owl man” want to say, whose hand seems to point to the sunrise and the trajectory of the brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere - Arcturus at a certain time of day? Or what does the drawing of a headless bird, whose neck looks like a long, curved hose, warn about? Hummingbird

The mystery of the drawings and the fact that each of them is completely visible from above gave rise to the “aeronautical” hypothesis. It suggests several versions. Including fantastic ones. Such as the rise of ancient people into the air on tamed lizards or the arrival of spacecraft from other planets. But the most likely version is the flight in a hot air balloon. His image was found in Nazca in tombs that are over 2000 years old.

GCD goals A goal is an image of the desired result (intention, desire, aspiration, dreams, social order, etc.), which orients the teacher’s activities towards the choice of means and the creation of conditions necessary and sufficient to achieve them. When setting goals and objectives for educational activities directly, you must remember: The goal is always the same. The tasks should be of a triune nature, i.e. should include an educational, developmental, educational orientation. In this case, there may be more than three tasks themselves. 1. The formulation of educational objectives must meet the stages of development of mental processes, speech skills, age-related program objectives, and modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the implementation of objectives in educational areas. They must begin with a verb. The choice of the desired verb depends on the nature of the GCD planned: according to the communication of new knowledge, training or final; depending on the type of GCD: complex, integrated, traditional; etc. Educational objectives are aimed at involving each child in an active creative process, at organizing individual and group forms of children’s activities, at identifying the skills and abilities of children to work independently on the topic of educational activities. Approximate formulations of the educational objectives of GCD for communicating new knowledge from the standpoint of modern principles of organizing speech development in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard: 1. expand knowledge about.. 2. enrich children’s ideas about objects and phenomena of the world around them, 3. consolidate, clarify, generalize, systematize, improve etc. (any program knowledge, abilities, skills), 4. “Update children’s knowledge about ...” - “Create conditions for children to gain knowledge about ...” - “Motivate children to study independently.. - “Give children the opportunity, with the help of an adult, to learn about ..." -"Formulate in children the need to correctly use possessive pronouns in their own speech" -"Stimulate children to ..." Approximate formulations of educational tasks of GCD of a training and final nature: 1. "Update children's knowledge about ..." -"Consolidate the ability in independent activities ... -“Give an opportunity to put into practice the acquired knowledge about...” 2. “Expand children’s knowledge... through organizing independent experimental activities” - “Promote the assimilation.. ……. mastery..... Approximate formulations of developmental tasks of GCD: Developmental tasks are aimed at the development of higher mental functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention), general, fine, articulatory motor skills, prosodic components of speech (voice, rhythm, tempo, intonation), speech breathing, to develop interest in the subject of conversation, to develop creative abilities, search activity, to develop the desire for novelty. The formulation of developmental objectives must correspond to program objectives and must begin with a verb. Depending on the extent to which the children have formed the function on which the teacher wants to work, or its components, it is necessary to make a choice of verb: - ​​if the function is not formed, then the task will begin with the words, “start work on development...” and etc. - if the function is not sufficiently formed, it is necessary to consolidate some skill, then the choice of verb will be “continue to develop ...”, “continue to form ...”, “improve ...”, etc. -“Develop the ability to present logically..” -“Develop auditory attention when identifying words with sound….. -“Promote the development of fluency of speech... -“Continue to develop the skill….. -“Continue to develop

A few meters to the side - and you can no longer notice anything. It is difficult to see the drawings of the Nazca Desert from the ground. But the outlines of a huge spider, monkey and other animals are clearly visible from a bird's eye view.

Nazca- This is an ancient Indian civilization, which received its name from the name of the river flowing in the sands. The wonder of the desert are the drawings made by unknown “artists” on the rocks along the Rio Grande River. A plateau located between the Ica and Nazca, covered with “tattoos” - images created with light lines. The lines were formed as a result of the weathering of fine gravel from the soil surface, which has a darker shade than the soil located underneath.

Almost all the drawings depict animals - a monkey, a spider, flying birds, fish. But among them there are also geometric symbols - rectilinear stripes and various figures.

Unravel the mystery of desert paintings Nazca hasn't succeeded so far. There are various hypotheses: from the cult heritage of ancestors to extraterrestrial civilizations.