What can you write about in the school newspaper? How to organize the publication of a school newspaper

Publication of MKOU “Selinskaya secondary school”

Dmitrievsky district, Kursk region

Holiday Edition

From the history of the holiday

Teacher's Day, a professional holiday for educators, was established by UNESCO in 1994 and is usually celebrated on the first Sunday in October.

In our country, until 1994, Teacher's Day was also celebrated on the first Sunday of October (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 29, 1965). According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 3, 1994, the official date of this holiday was approved - October 5.

National holiday

Dear, dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. This means that today is not only your holiday, but also that of everyone who has studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandparents, mothers and fathers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.

Happy Teacher's Day!

From the heart

Teacher V this wonderful , exciting day , We we want congratulate You . Let smiles students warm V this autumn day And never - never Not be discouraged . We wish To you happiness And execution everyone everyone wishes .

The teaching staff of our school
In elementary school, we were taught by the same teacher, taught all subjects, was the class teacher, and we didn’t think about how many teachers there were in our school. But when we moved to 5th grade, everything changed a lot. We met more and more new teachers and were surprised to realize that there were much more of them than we thought. And on the eve of Teacher's Day, we collected information about the teaching staff. This is what we got. It turns out that there are 17 teachers in our school, of which 15 are women and 2 are men. The team is quite young: the average age is 39 years. 5 teachers under the age of 35.
The most popular subject in our school

Item name

Number of voters



Physical training






Russian language




Computer science
















On the eve of Teacher's Day, we conducted a survey among the students of our school. We really wanted to know which subject is the most popular in our schedule. All students were interviewed. The results obtained were summarized in a table.
Problems And dreams our teachers
Of course, being a teacher is a difficult task, you understand this especially when you are in their role. A good opportunity to test yourself was a self-government day dedicated to Teacher's Day, which was held at our school. We give our teachers the opportunity to relax, escape from everyday worries, and feel the holiday. And at the same time, we understand how difficult and exciting the work of a teacher is. We very often offend our teachers: we don’t do our homework, we are rude, we behave badly in class - saying that it is difficult for us to study. But rarely do any of us think about whether it is difficult for teachers, what problems do they have, and what worries them most? In order to find out, we conducted a survey among teachers at our school. Our questionnaire had only three questions. Here is a list of them and the answers given by teachers:

What is the most difficult thing about being a teacher?

Answers: when we explain, the children don’t know anything for the next lesson, ignorance of the multiplication table; preparing for a lesson when there is nothing at hand; when they don't listen; find a common language with children; nothing difficult
Is there anything that you can’t cope with yet?

Answers: Make everyone do their homework; so that there is discipline; with nerves; No.
What does a teacher dream of?!

Answers: About excellent students; so that children answer well and know the subject perfectly; about physical culture athletes; so that children pass exams well; so that the knowledge that students receive is useful to them in life.

Wishes of teachers to their colleagues:

Patience, strength, inspiration, health, salary like the Minister of Education, creative success, optimism, smart and attentive students, understanding parents, family well-being, be persistent and resilient.
Ideal teacher

What kind of ideal teacher is he?

We addressed this question to the students of our school. What qualities should you have, how to teach a lesson, how to relate to children? I really want to understand how children see an exemplary teacher. Every teacher is interested in finding out what children want us to be like, whether we correspond to their ideas. We publish some of our works in our newspaper.


I believe that a teacher should, first of all, be such that one would like to follow an example from him, so that in his lesson there would be a desire to listen to his subject with pleasure. Well, of course, I would really like to see a kind, smart, balanced teacher on my path of life .


An ideal teacher should know his subject well, which he explains to his students. Everyone will love him, take his class with pleasure, and understand the subject. All the teachers in our school are good. My favorite subjects are mathematics, physics, geography, history.


An ideal teacher should be kind and love his job. The teacher must impart his knowledge to the students. In general, a teacher should value his work.


My point of view shows that the ideal teacher is one who explains well, helps with homework, and is someone you can consult with.

“Not a single mistake,” the teacher says to Vovochka in surprise, after checking his homework. - Just tell me honestly: “Who helped your father?”
“Son,” the mother says sadly, “while you were at school, your parrot flew away!”

-I knew it! That’s why yesterday, when I was teaching geography, he sat on my shoulder and studied the atlas so carefully!
- Vovochka, how to determine where south is? - asks the teacher.

We need to look at the tree. If the tree is a palm tree, then south is here.

During a physics lesson, the teacher asks Vasya: “Tell me how a transformer works.”

-The transformer works like this: “Uuuuuu!”

Vovochka: Mom, today the school principal asked if I had brothers and sisters, and I said no, and I’m the only child in the family.

And what did he answer?

He said, "Thank God."

-Vasya, it seems to me that this is your brother’s handwriting...

-Perhaps, Mr. Teacher, I wrote the essay with his pen.
Vovochka comes running home from school. “Dad, congratulations!”

Why son?

You don't have to spend money on new textbooks. I stayed for a second year!

From school essays
1. Poor Lisa picked flowers and fed her mother with this.

2. Olya ate a bagel along with the dog who was running ahead.

3.And then he took a knife and shot himself.

4. She spoke unintelligibly because her teeth were braided.

5. The picture shows a girl, a dog and her grandmother.

6. A boy and a girl entered the class; they were brothers.

7. The cyclists rode along a mountain road for a long time, got tired, sat down under a bush, did their job and moved on.

Currently, the media have a serious impact on the lives of the younger generation. How can you help your child not get lost in such a flow? A school newspaper will be an excellent option for a child to master information skills.


Creating a school newspaper is a responsible undertaking, involvement in which allows you to develop communication skills and teamwork. In addition, such an activity is an excellent means of education, a good incentive to increase interest in the educational process. How is a school newspaper created? Schools try to use it to inform children and their parents about the most interesting events taking place in the life of an educational institution.

Work on regular news releases involves the direct participation of schoolchildren in various social events, consideration of serious social problems, and expression of their own point of view about events taking place at school.

Periodical printed publication

The school newspaper is a periodical publication that publishes materials about all current events. The production volume ranges from 2 to 50 strips. Unlike other periodicals, a school newspaper can be published once a week, a month or a quarter. Different styles and genres in its design are acceptable. Most of the space should be allocated to journalistic works and operational information. For example, interviews and essays that talk about teachers and the best students of an educational institution are popular.

A school newspaper is a great start for future poets, writers, and correspondents. Such materials may be dedicated to a national holiday or an interesting event organized in a specific educational institution.

Classification of newspapers

They are usually divided according to the frequency of release into daily, weekly, and monthly options. For schools, the monthly option is considered optimal.

Depending on the size of readers and area of ​​distribution, newspapers are divided into regional, district, local, large-circulation, and national. Within the framework of the educational institution, it is planned to release a local version

By the nature of the release, such a publication is a mixture of entertainment, commercial, and advertising. The founder of the school newspaper is an educational institution, so the target audience will be schoolchildren, teachers, and parents of students.

The calling card of any publication is its name. It should be bright, memorable, unusual. For example, a school publication can be called:

  • "For you and for your friends."
  • "School BOOM."
  • "Our friendly family."
  • "Planet of our friendship."

In order to come up with a name for the newspaper, you can announce a competition at school.


The prototype of the modern newspaper was ancient handwritten books. Julius Caesar published the Acts of the Senate, and in 911 the Jin Bao appeared in China. Much time has passed since those distant times, but the newspaper has not lost its relevance and relevance among readers.

In school life, filled with bright and interesting events, a printed publication is an excellent way to systematize all events. Currently, young publicists, poets, and photographers are successfully publishing their printed publications in almost all Russian schools.

Quite often, children are involved in issues of the school newspaper as part of their additional education. For example, in an educational institution a school of young journalists is created, whose responsibilities include thinking through the layout, content, as well as the actual publication of the school printed publication.

Project topic:

"School newspaper"

Educational institution:

Vishnevsky branch of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 4" in the village of Prokhory, Spassky district, Primorsky Territory

The school does not have its own printed publication.

Relevance of the project

A school is a living, rapidly changing organism. During the academic year, a lot of events, exciting events, promotions, and holidays take place. I want to remember and save all this. And also to acquaint residents of the local community, students of area schools with what is happening in our school, what activists and school students are doing. Until now, the school did not have its own printed publication. Therefore, this project was developed, which involves creating the newspaper “School Lighthouse” and educating schoolchildren, introducing them to the basics of the journalistic craft, speaking in the press, covering all school affairs, actions, as well as school problems, and instilling in students an active life position of creative thinking.

The important role of the school newspaper is noted by the schoolchildren themselves.
A survey on the topic “Is there a need to publish a school newspaper at school?”, conducted in grades 5-11, showed the following results:

a) positive answer – 89%

b) negative answer – 4%

c) undecided on the answer – 7%.

Subject of the project

Creation of a school newspaper.

Proposing a hypothesis

As a result of our work, we want to create a school newspaper that will be interesting for the entire school community.

At the same time, we set ourselves target: to attract school students to volunteer activities, to develop student self-government through the creation of school media.

- promote creative self-realization;

Learn the basics of journalism, newspaper layout, writing articles, the ability to make reports, take photographs;

Implement the principle of cooperation and co-creation;

Develop communication skills;

To foster patriotic feelings, to enable project participants to feel their personal significance;

Develop students' independence and initiative.

When creating the project, we, first of all, hoped for the active participation of schoolchildren and teachers in its creation.

Project participants:

a group of students from 7th grade; assistants – school students, teachers.

Project duration :


Expected Result:

    Increasing social activity of students.

    Development of students' value orientation.

    Development of cognitive activity.

    Increasing interest in knowledge.

    Development of students' aesthetic tastes.

    Development of partnerships: students – teachers – parents.

    Conscious choice of profession.

Project implementation mechanism:

This project involves the organization of publishing activities on the basis of our school by students with the support of teachers and school specialists.

During the implementation of the project, participants are divided into working groups: correspondents - collecting information; editors – preparing materials, monitoring the work of journalists, filtering out unnecessary information; layout designers – acquiring computer printing skills.

Taking into account the opinions of readers, the further work of the press center will be adjusted. The implementation of this project is necessary, first of all, to develop in students knowledge, skills and abilities to work with various types of information, accept, edit material, the ability to reason, the ability to communicate with people, analyze events, process graphic information, search for the necessary information in various publications, as well as on the Internet. The newspaper will present material both from school life and information taken from the Internet and from various sources.

Project implementation plan:

Project stage


Event, form

Intermediate result


December 2013

Questioning of students in grades 5-11 “Is there a need to publish a school newspaper?”, studying literature on the topic of the project

Current problems of the school community have been identified

Creating a creative team.

December 2013

Work in groups, interviews with students, business game.

A project group was formed from among 7th grade students, the concept of the newspaper was developed, regulations on the newspaper were developed, and the functionality of each participant was determined.

Definition of newspaper style.

Work in a project group, work with literature, Internet resources.

Determine the content, style of the newspaper, its form, name, how often the newspaper will be published, what is the intended format and volume of the newspaper.

Development of a work plan for the press center.

January 2014

Practical work with programs: MS Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Paint, AABBYY Fine Reader; with equipment: digital camera, scanner, computer;

Work plan of the press center.

Scheme of organizing the publication of a newspaper.

Definition of the topic. Uniting student articles with a common idea, and making their work focused.

Creating a layout for the first issue of a newspaper

Working on a newspaper release

March 2014

Processing of materials, preparation of publications, newspaper layout (creation of 1 page, magazine genres, modern newspaper design, layout principles), newspaper printing.

Release of the first issue of the newspaper.

Release of subsequent issues of the newspaper


Processing of materials, preparation of publications, layout of the newspaper, printing of the newspaper.

Release of current issues of the newspaper

Project implementation stages.

Stage 1 – Preparatory.

Identifying the problem, formulating the topic, goals and objectives, collecting and studying the necessary literature, including regulatory documents. Questioning students, business game.

Stage 2 - Creation of a creative team. Distribution of functional responsibilities for newspaper production .

To publish and distribute a newspaper, first of all, you need a strong team. The editorial board includes a group of 7th grade students. All assignments are distributed on a voluntary basis and are replaceable during the creative process. The founder of the newspaper is 7th grade.

Distribution of editorial responsibilities.

1. Teaching staff (curator of the school newspaper project)

2. Editor-in-Chief.

3. Designer (carries out practical work to create a newspaper layout according to the topic of the issue; accepts materials prepared by correspondents, selects illustrations (photos, drawings, graphs, diagrams); carries out replication of the newspaper on paper and electronic media).

4. Journalists (correspondents, guys who love and know how to write articles).

5. Photojournalists (students who are interested in photography and know how to work with a digital camera).

6. Correctors (students who know Russian well, Russian language teachers).

7. Layout designers (students (teacher) who can work on a computer; knowledge of programs is required: MS Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Paint, AABBYY Fine Reader).

Stage 3 - Determining the style of the newspaper . Before starting publication, it is necessary to think carefully and come to a common opinion as to what kind of newspaper we are going to publish? Determine the content, style of the newspaper, its form, name, how often the newspaper will be published, what is the intended format and volume of the newspaper.

Stage 4 - Development of a work plan for the press center.

    hold a constituent meeting to create a journalistic association;

    develop and create an editorial structure for school media;

    develop regulations on the school newspaper;

    choose the name of the newspaper;

    provide the opportunity for novice journalists to use a computer, scanner, digital camera every day for typing, editing materials, preparing materials, preparing photographs, for their further processing and layout of the newspaper;

    presentation of the first issue;

    contribute to the expansion of the school newspaper (number of pages and copies, members) - constantly;

    Regular publication of the school newspaper once every quarter.

Stage 5 - Scheme for organizing the publication of a school newspaper.

Each issue of the newspaper represents a kind of task related to the need to reveal a certain topic. The topic allows students to unite their articles with a common idea, and make their work focused.

List of newspaper sections:“From the director’s office” - wishes and parting words from the school director for the coming month; "Editor's Message"; “School news” - section - review of school events and events that took place over the past month; “A Coward Doesn't Play Hockey” - covering sporting events and achievements; “Don’t pass by” - social media surveys of students and teachers on various topics, because you always want to know the opinions of your friends; the “Everything is going according to plan” section, which introduces students to what events await them; “Coffee with Cream” - telling about various interesting people in our school, it’s great to see your friends on the pages of the school newspaper, and it’s even better to learn something new about them; “Today a student, tomorrow a genius” - it is impossible to allow the students’ talents to go unnoticed; “Congratulations” - where everyone can congratulate their teacher or classmate on the holiday; page for parents “Educated parents - successful children”; "Jokes" - jokes, funny quotes. Many sections are aimed at ensuring that all students can take part in the creation of the newspaper - these include competitions, congratulations, and greetings through the newspaper.

Stage 6 – Work on the publication of the newspaper (creation of the front page, journalistic genres, modern newspaper design, layout principles). “What should we put at the beginning of the issue?”, “How are we going to open the issue?” The answers will vary depending on the focus of the publication. You can adhere to different criteria in the selection: give priority to the most “fresh” (i.e., the most recent) information; bring to the fore some particularly striking event; talk about the decision of the administration and authorities. The front page headline is fundamental: it must grab the reader's attention and make him want to read the article. Illustrations (photos, drawings) and color are additional elements that enhance the attractiveness of the title. The front page of a newspaper is its showcase.

Layout of the remaining parts of the newspaper: materials are distributed by topic (reports, poetry, reader mail, school life, etc.), each of which has a permanent place in the newspaper so that the reader can easily find the section that interests him. A hierarchy is determined for each page: more significant materials are placed at the top, and photographs, various kinds of frames and decorations, and font combinations should give all parts of the newspaper a harmonious shape that is pleasing to the eye.

Articles have their own structure: a title, and sometimes additional subheadings; a “header” that provides the main content in a few lines for quick reference; "attack", i.e. the first shock phrase, designed to surprise, shock, attract attention, and arouse the desire to continue reading; inserts, the purpose of which is to maintain the reader’s interest and lead him further; and, of course, the ending - a bright final part.

Financial and logistical support of the project.

Technical means for work:

Computers, printer, scanner, digital camera.

Media resources used

Working with programs: MS Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Paint, AABBYY Fine Reader resources, Internet, school website.

Estimate (for 1 academic year).

Description of goods.


Paper for printer

Printer consumables:


File folder


III. Final (final) Part

Conclusions: Creating a school newspaper is one of the ways to increase the cognitive and creative activity of children and at the same time the result of project activities of schoolchildren.

The report on the work done is the release of the next issue of the newspaper. During the period of work on the project, we learned to communicate, collect and process information, became acquainted with media laws, learned to work with reference literature, gradually mastered the skills of the journalist profession, developed a culture of speech and improved literacy. Created favorable conditions for personal development.

Painstaking work on creating a school newspaper develops communication skills, increases students’ interest in their native language, and improves the information culture of project participants.

project development.

The school press center is very young, but the main steps towards creating a newspaper have already been taken. The name has been determined - “School Lighthouse”, newspaper format (volume - 4 pages, published once every quarter).

The plan is to publish a newspaper once a month.

The newspaper's circulation is limited, so there may be a need to make the school newspaper more accessible to students and parents. For this purpose, a page in the main menu called “Press Center” will be created on the school website with the help of a computer science teacher in order to expand the circle of communication, post operational information on the website, and familiarize everyone with the archive of the electronic school newspaper .

Commit yourself to it. Publishing a newspaper can be fun, but it also comes with a huge responsibility. Don't even start unless you plan to do it all year. If you initiate the publication of a newspaper, then you take on the role of editor. The editor's job is as follows:

  • Monitor that all articles are ready on time (preferably in electronic form).
  • Develop a template for articles.
  • Edit and layout articles for printing.
  • Write one article. The editor usually writes the article for the first page.

Get approval from the school. Arrange a meeting with the principal and discuss the idea of ​​creating a school newspaper. Remember, if you are rejected, you need to compromise.

Gather a team led by a teacher. This is vital to the success of the newspaper. The teacher will be able to give the necessary status to the newspaper, since he is a representative of the authorities. The teacher will first of all help ensure that all papers are written on time. If the process is controlled by the teacher, other team members will feel responsible. This will make your work much easier. Schoolchildren tend to procrastinate if there is no authority over them. Not only will the teacher ensure that papers are completed on time, but if you have a teacher participating with you, the team will be 80% less likely to refuse to participate. The teacher is also responsible for publication. Having received all the articles, he must edit them to fit a newspaper format and print them. This is a lot of responsibility for one teacher, so it is recommended to involve two teachers in the project. If you can't find a teacher for your newspaper, look for other options. Two schoolchildren can prepare good editions of a newspaper. You may need to prepare a parallel online version for the school website. Your school librarian may be happy to help. The main problem may be teachers who may be against team meetings in their classroom.

Layout of text. Organize a meeting for the whole team during recess or after class. Exchange email addresses so that articles can simply be copied from an email rather than reprinted. Also take your teacher's email address so you can send them the final printable copy.

Collect ideas for articles. Since you need 12 articles, brainstorm 12 topics. Some ideas are: games, drawing competition, short stories, horoscope, advice, random facts, sports, poetry or fashion. Once you've decided on your topics, open Word and sketch out bright, eye-catching headings. You can copy something from the Internet, but if the material has copyright, do not forget to provide a link to the original. Save the material on your computer if necessary. Do not forget that the newspaper must be of a standard format.

Make a schedule for publishing the newspaper for the whole year. Recommend your authors, when starting work on the first article for the first issue, to think through the second article in parallel, since anything happens in life: illness, vacation, household chores, etc. Also agree that if the article is not ready, the authors must notify you in advance so that you can find a replacement. Print out the schedule and distribute it to the whole team.

Funds collected. Consider options for investing the collected funds. Perhaps it's some school project, a local charity, or even a team party at the end of the year. Any event that will inspire and motivate project participants.

Think about what will be most acceptable. Use your common sense to evaluate what materials are appropriate for your school newspaper. Don't print Nothing, even remotely alluding to guns, violence, drugs, and generally illegal or inappropriate topics for school.

Seal. The teacher has to print the newspaper according to the schedule, and you have to fold it. Order 50 copies, and if the newspaper becomes popular and you can sell it quickly, print the next issue in 75 or 100 copies. Folding newspapers will take about 20 minutes, no more. If you have a large school, print more copies initially or make an online edition.