Thank you, my dear teacher! That same school The heroine of my essay is the head teacher of the school.

Dear teacher

Mathematics is the queen of sciencesANDexactly this subjectfor over 20 years nowteaches children at a secondary school in the village of Krasny TekstilshchikInozemtseva Elena Georgievna. Elena Georgievna - a person who knows and loves his subject.In her lessons and extracurricular activities, Elena Georgievna enthusiastically talks about sines and cosines, helps students understand the difficulties of constructing coordinate planes, forms the ability to determinedegrees of angles...

-We are always interested in Elena Georgievna’s lessons. AvailableAnd For us, she explains the most complex problems and examples in ways and in understandable language. Elena Georgievna can be strict, but fair . She was our class teacher for only one year, and we held so many interesting events with her, and we took part in so many competitions! We love this teacher very much for his openness of character, fairness and rigor, willingness to help in any situation , - This is what 10th grade student Elvira Badalyan says.

TobetterI asked to find out this personshe has a few questions.

- Why did you choose the teaching profession?

- I really like this professionlike. I've been since childhoodloved to play school.

- What qualities do you value in students?

- Hard work, curiosity, ability to defend one's point of view, honesty.

- Is it easy to be a teacher?

- Easily. If you love your job, but it’s difficult- if you don't like children.

- Your hobby? Heat you lovedo you study in your free time?

- Who is your favorite writer? What works have you read?

- A. Marinina , detectives.

Teacher...Uh then a respected person in the village, in the region... And such a respected person is Elena Georgievna Inozemtseva.

Anastasia Bogatyreva,

student of 9th "A" class,

member of the “Russian Word” circle

Dear teacher

Mathematics is the queen of sciences… AND Elena Georgievna Inozemtseva has been teaching this very subject to children at the secondary school in the village of Krasny Tekstilshchik for more than 20 years. Elena Georgievna is a person who knows and loves her subject. In her lessons and extracurricular activities, Elena Georgievna enthusiastically talks about sines and cosines, helps students understand the difficulties of constructing coordinate planes, and develops the ability to determine the degrees of angles...

We are always interested in Elena Georgievna's lessons. She explains the most complex problems and examples in ways that are accessible to us and in clear language. Elena Georgievna can be strict, but fair. She was our class teacher for only one year, and we held so many interesting events with her, and we took part in so many competitions! We love this teacher very much for his openness of character, fairness and rigor, willingness to help in any situation , - this is what 10th grade student Elvira Badalyan says.

Elena Georgievna Inozemtseva worked at the school for several years as a deputy director for educational work, and now works as a head teacher for academic affairs.

-TeacherEI really like that professionlike. Since childhood, I loved playing school.Be a teacher lIt’s easy if you love the job, but it’s hard if you don’t.children. INI appreciate my studentshard work, curiosity, ability to defend one’s point of view, honesty, – talks about choosing a professionElena Inozemtseva.



“The word, the grass and the knife heal,” said Hippocrates, and he put the “word” first in this row.
There are people who heal with words. Among them is Lyubov Zakharovna Enikova, one of the brightest personalities in UTOS, an organization where blind and semi-sighted people work. She also works in the city society for the disabled, leads the primary organization of the blind; she and assistant to the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea Lyutikov V.M.
A pretty blonde, short, curvy, with a strong, fighting character, she is familiar to many heads of city enterprises and businessmen, because she often bothers them about her charges, helpless people.
What is her life story? Born in 1944 in the Smolensk region. She spent her childhood in Crimea.
The Germans drove the prisoners through a small Crimean village, and already wanted to shoot them, because the unfortunate ones had run out of strength, and then they decided to distribute them to local residents who wanted to take them. Our heroine’s mother, having hungry children in her arms, could not stand it, took pity and took the wounded prisoner. By some miracle everyone managed to survive. The rescued man became the father of Lyuba, whom fellow villagers called “Siberian” - the soldier was from there.
Village, work in the fields, at home, started cooking early, helping my mother with housework. And the younger children were in her arms. But most of all, the smart girl loved to read. In your free time, go to the library and read books! When Lyuba was 12 years old, a photograph of her and her friends appeared in the local newspaper, with the caption: “The best readers of the library.”
But the evil fate was already waiting for its victim. Schoolchildren sit around a campfire on a camping trip. Someone throws something into the fire... an explosion... pain in the eye... Disability. And not only the field of vision, but also the possibilities immediately narrowed.
She graduated from school and went to work at Dzhankoy UTOS. And then she moved to Simferopol, and there, in the company of young girls and boys, ordinary life was in full swing. Crimea and its mountains have always attracted people, no matter how they see it. And young people went hiking. The blind people walked, holding onto the straps of the backpacks of the visually impaired, and they told them about what was around. And blind people imagined the beauties that surround them. Lyuba walked confidently until a dangerous path appeared next to the cliff. With nowhere to retreat, with the help of my comrades, I somehow overcame this horror. I promised myself to never go hiking again, but, of course, everything continued.
And chess also came to the rescue. She played well, and all this gave me joy and awareness of my worth. She was the champion of Crimea in checkers. In the photo, there is one girl in the Ukrainian chess team - Lyuba Enikova. In 1971, first-class student Lyubov Zakharovna became the champion of Ukraine in chess. Moreover, she fought not only with women, but with men as equals.
“I traveled all over the Union, and everywhere we were greeted very well, I met so many interesting people, I saw so many things!” - Lyubov Zakharovna says, smiling.
- How do completely blind people play? You have to remember the whole board, all the pieces!
- Yes, many remember well, some touch the figures with their hands to remember where everything is.
- Did you also meet your love at UTOS?
- No, he is sighted. It was my friend's brother. When we got married, I began to dream about a child. And now I’m pregnant, but the doctor says nothing: you can’t give birth - you’ll lose your last sight. I came to work and cried. The women rushed to console him and asked what was the matter. I explained. Everyone started laughing and said: “We are not allowed to give birth to anyone - we give birth. Don't be afraid! But there will be a child.”
She gave birth to two girls, beautiful and healthy. Already married, there are grandchildren. The family has developed.
Every visually impaired woman in this critical situation makes a choice - either a child and loss of vision, or childlessness. Sometimes you are lucky: a child and a little vision. And if two blind people marry, then the choice is doubly terrible; here they also decide the fate of the third: whether he will be sighted. They say that if one of this couple has acquired blindness, then if the child has the blood type of this parent, he will be born sighted, if not, he will be born blind.
Our heroine walked courageously through life. The house is orderly and clean; sews, cooks, does repairs, cheerful, sociable. At work - respect.
Since 1970, she moved to Kerch and works at the Kerch UTOS. For many years he was the commandant of the UTOS dormitory. Like a second mother to young people, with their problems and limitations.
“And I looked for grooms for them, and baptized brides, children, and consoled them as best I could.
And once, on New Year’s Eve, there was a call. My darlings came to celebrate with me, about 15 of them - the whole hostel came. And she fed everyone, and gave them something to drink, and found something to say.”
She imbued them with the love of her warm heart, and the youth learned the courage to live with a misfortune called blindness.
Disabled people from childhood adapt better to life than those who experience this at the height of it, or even in their declining years. The ground is disappearing from under our feet.
Having received a disability, they come to Lyubov Zakharovna to join the society of the blind. They are desperate. She will talk, joke, support, put him in line, and then hand the person a wand, a “talking” watch and a tape recorder with a receiver. The world immediately becomes more fun.
And the restless Lyubov Zakharovna prepares various fun holidays, and what talented scripts she writes! There were evenings: “Flowers in Legends and Tales”, “Russian Romance” and “Russian Tea”, meetings with poets of the literary association “Lyra of Bosporus”, an evening dedicated to Victory Day - you can’t list everything!
And in Evpatoria, the Kerch UTOS presented at the festival “Field of Miracles” on the theme “History of Crimea,” which received universal approval. And they started talking about the author of the script. The Republican Council decided to hold a seminar on transferring the experience of the territorial primary organization of the UTOS in Kerch.
Enikova wrote the script “Astrology. Zodiac signs".
Games and excursions around the city were held with the seminar participants. The newcomers enthusiastically adopted the experience and, grateful, dispersed to all corners of Crimea.
On the Day of Persons with Disabilities, the SRZ canteen is full of people. This was a gathering of visually impaired people. They are shown a concert and treated to delicious dishes. People dance and sing. Sometimes up to a hundred people gather for such “lights”.
And at theme nights, costume performances are held in the hostel. Yenikova sews the costumes, Lyubov Zakharovna cooks for 50 people, and conducts rehearsals. So that everything is fine, so that everything is great. So that people will warm their souls and have joy in their lives.
You can’t count the good deeds of a wonderful person, a charming woman, Lyubov Zakharovna Yenikova. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the primary territorial organization of the society of the blind, headed by her. Here, next to her, her faithful assistants work: secretary Ostroukhova Tamara Konstantinovna, deputy chairman Avdeeva Lidiya Efimovna, chairman of the council of war and labor veterans Astakhova Tamara Sergeevna, chairman of the household commission Lupyr Vladimir Anatolyevich, Proshchenko Elena Konstantinovna.
Of course, not all roofs are repaired and not all fences; not all disabled people have yet been provided with telephones and financial assistance; not the richest library for the blind in society. But everything that can be done is done.
Faina Ranevskaya wrote: “I don’t understand why people are ashamed of poverty and not ashamed of wealth.” Maybe someone will be “ashamed”, and then...
In the meantime...
At a meeting with disabled people, the mayor Osadchiy O.V. presented gifts to the most deserving of them. L.Z. Yenikova received a device for measuring pressure. She thanked him and said: “I won’t take him home, I’ll leave him in the community: people will come to the appointment and take his blood pressure.” From the hall there was a voice: “How Lyubov Zakharovna fusses with us - with the capricious, grumpy, old... She will listen, help and cheer up for sure!”
I agree with these words. Lyubov Zakharovna healed my soul too.


130 years ago a gymnasium opened in Kerch - a very important event for all citizens. And around the same time, a boy was born - a joy only for his parents, however, after 25 years, the people of Kerch will call him children's doctor Gartenstein. Oral stories of old-timers about him have been preserved. “He always came in a crisp white coat and, as soon as he approached the child, he immediately began to smile and immediately got better, because the doctor radiated so much love, kindness and hope that everything would be fine!”
Some time passed, and a boy was also born into the doctor’s family. The doctor taught him music since childhood. The boy grew up and the people of Kerch began to call him cellist Gartenstein. He did not become a great musician, and he worked as a clerk, but in the evenings musicians gathered in his apartment and they played classics. Cozy evenings at home are for family and friends, but other people also wanted to listen. Over the weekend, a so-called pop shell was installed on the boulevard, on the site of the former Green Theater, and the Kerch amateur symphony orchestra delighted the ears of those walking by the sea and vacationers. This was a long time ago, before the war.
At that time, the composer Draizin lived in Kerch, who wrote the famous waltz “Birch”. He played with Gartenstein and the young families were friendly.
And Gartenstein’s wife lived before her marriage in a large family, and there were three sisters. Young girls attracted attention with their cuteness and cheerful disposition. It was a difficult year in 1920, the civil war, in the city there were either whites or reds, but youth is always youth. I quote an excerpt from the story of Victoria Alexandrovna Gartenstein:
“1920. One day the bell rang and one of the gentlemen appeared, accompanied by a short, ugly young man with a cap of black curls and expressive eyes. “Meet the young poet, from Moscow, who fled to the south from mobilization.” - This is how the stranger was introduced. All three sisters immediately liked him, and when he learned their names, he laughed cheerfully and asked for a pen and paper. A few minutes later the impromptu was ready:
Mirra will marry the Bukhara emir,
Dina will marry a simple muezzin,
And for the tenor of Italy
Assalia will get married.
Before leaving, he was asked what his name was, and he answered: Samuel Marshak.”
The heroine of my essay is the daughter of a girl for whom Marshak predicted an Italian husband, who became the cellist Gartenstein.
The family lived amicably, Vika’s childhood was cloudless. 23 May Street, where their little house stood, not far from the theater, where the inquisitive girl often went. Music playing at home, Mithridatic streets, views of the sea - space for the soul. The girl studied easily. Then, during the evacuation, I entered the Moscow Institute of Technology, but had to quit: my mother was ill. Maybe it's good that I quit. She entered the Crimean Pedagogical Institute, graduated with honors and became a teacher of Russian language and literature. Small in stature, pretty, with intelligent, attentive eyes, the mischievous schoolchildren liked her, and they listened and heard her. Strict and interesting.
There was also work at the officer school. That's where it was difficult. Students older than her, combat officers who had gone through the war, were embarrassed by their grades of two and three. They caught her in the hallway and embarrassedly explained that they couldn’t go home with bad grades - they were ashamed in front of the children.
His son also grew up, and his mother helped raise him. My husband and I separated; my father died at the front. There were no more musical evenings at home. But during her vacations, Victoria Alexandrovna feverishly replenished her spiritual hunger with trips to Leningrad, where she could plunge into the world of theaters, music, and museums. Then, when my son studied in Moscow, when his mother arrived, he would get tickets to interesting performances, to the Philharmonic. Mother and son are great friends, their spiritual world is close and rich.
And between vacations there was a favorite job, and the entire summer baggage of impressions, colored by the work of the soul, was given to the children. Victoria Alexandrovna looked for the eyes of her students, in whom the spark of curiosity and desire to understand the world burned, and she paid special attention to them. “My weakness is smart kids.” Many of its graduates entered prestigious universities in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kyiv. There are many students and creative people. Oksana Serdyuk - head teacher of the art school - student of Victoria Alexandrovna. The teacher even remembered the correspondence in verse between her and Oksana. Moscow artist Nelitsky, graduate of the school named after. Dubinina, himself already a pensioner, wrote music based on the poems of his teacher Gartenstein and performed a song at the celebration of her 80th birthday, which touched Victoria Alexandrovna to the depths of her soul. Her students Zinaida Lenivtseva and Larisa Chesnokova became teachers and also worked at the school named after. Dubinina. They visit their older friend, and this relationship lasts a lifetime. And many of her other students, coming to Kerch, try to see her, talk, and each time they are pleasantly amazed by her clarity of mind, memory, and ability to keep abreast of interesting affairs and cultural events. Victoria Alexandrovna, a subtle connoisseur of literature, after retiring, began giving lectures and holding discussions in libraries and in various industries. She has been engaged in this educational work for many years. In recent years, she has participated in editing the collections “Lyre of the Bosporus” and writes poetry and short stories.
Years do not spare people's appearance, but the soul can be protected from old age. Victoria Alexandrovna strives to learn, communicates with people, helps her sick, lonely neighbor. And I’m especially happy when the bell rings and another bad student in the Russian language appears and asks for help. “How I love children!” And also -


Wet asphalt and deserted beaches,
Book ruin and high ridges,
Quiet music, porridge blossoms,
Nightingale singing in early spring.

I also like museum halls,
And the waxy coolness of the galleries,
And masters of inspired canvases,
Rows of books, arranged tightly.

And I can’t contain my admiration,
If I see the architects' creations:
Strict Gothic, early Empire style
And a solemn feast of the Renaissance.

I see the fence of the Summer Garden
And the centuries-old palaces of Leningrad,
I see Andreevsky Kyiv Descent,
It's like I can taste it.

And a very special feeling
Art awakens those poets in me,
What is born, like nature's blossoming
And like the soul of a blossoming song.
But flew away from me overnight
The ghost of simple family happiness.

Victoria Alexandrovna speaks about herself.


In the literary living room of the library named after. Belinsky often performs Beba Anatolyevna Tsigelman. Her stories about writers and poets are interesting, emotionally rich, and reading poems by heart, of which she knows a great many from her youth, is simply mesmerizing. Well-read and witty, cheerful and friendly, she is always a joy to people.
Beba Anatolyevna has a wonderful library at home, books in all rooms. And often classical music plays in this apartment; the tape recorder is almost never turned off. “I do everything to music,” she says.
She passed on her love of music to her daughter, who became a musician; the second daughter inherited her mother’s love of medicine and became a doctor. I dreamed about this since childhood: I treated dolls and persuaded my brother, who was running from an “injection”: “Don’t run away, give me your butt!” The son graduated from the Institute of Culture. My husband is a veteran and recently died. And the children left and the noisy apartment was empty.
- Of course, the children are calling me to their place, but I’m not going anywhere. I have friends here, there are 18 visits a day.
Yes, many people in Kamysh-Burun know the blue-eyed, curly, short woman, a pediatrician. Beba Anatolyevna recently celebrated her 80th birthday. Nina Ivanovna Panchenko, formerly the head of a children's clinic and now a phthisiatrician at a children's sanatorium, worked with Beba Anatolyevna. She says: “This is a doctor from God. How she loves children and her work! She could get along with anyone, even the most scandalous mother. And what professionalism! She worked in a maternity hospital and was often called at night if the child was unwell. One day an ambulance came for her, and it was winter, and they brought Bebochka in one boot and one slipper, without tights. That’s how she was in a hurry to get to the baby.”
Beba Anatolyevna worked for 17 years in the maternity hospital of the Ordzhonikidze district as a micropediatrician. She received and examined the babies who had just been born. Not everyone was lucky. There were premature babies with low weight. They had no future before. Beba Anatolyevna took care of many people and gave them a second life. Then she made an album - a manual for nurses “Premature Babies”. On the first page of the album are the names of those who can be named: Voltaire, Rousseau, Darwin, Hugo. And then - the names of the little Kerchans (with only one letter: Fedya D.), their modest birth weight is indicated, and then there are photographs of the child 10, 15 years old and wedding photographs. Because to this day they do not forget her, give her flowers, congratulate her on her birthday and sign photographs “Dear Grandma.” She gave her blood to one of her little patients, and love and life energy to everyone. “And how much she “breathed” - she infused her spirit into lifeless lumps!” writes doctor Panchenko about her.
Experience, rich medical experience and great experience of mercy and compassion were conveyed by Beba Anatolyevna to the nurses of the medical school. Galina Petrova, where she worked for 7 years. The girls gave her an album, embossed in gold, on the cover it was written: “Participant in the evening of the meeting “Heroes of my essay.” And inside there are the words of A.P. Chekhov - he said about the work of a doctor: “The profession of a doctor is a feat, it requires purity of soul, purity of thoughts.” “You meet these high requirements and this arouses our admiration,” signed the students of group 75, graduating in 1979.
Beba Anatolyevna lived in Kerch for 50 years and worked until 1995. There are few entries in the work book, but there are many thanks, including for participation in amateur performances, where she sang and danced, and composed humorous poems and songs - the soul of any holiday was started.

And it's still seething
He's composing something somewhere,
At parties, "Ogonyok"
Shines with priceless humor.

This is Panchenko talking about his colleague.
A brilliant life in the highest sense of the word. Happy childhood: father is the director of Artek, in the photo there is a beautiful tanned girl in a sports uniform - the captain of the volleyball team - this is Beba. After the war - hungry youth. But - a student at the Crimean Medical Institute. And soon love and a husband, the only one for life, and three children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. And also people who need it.
One of the single women doctors fell ill, and Beba Anatolyevna helped her for 10 years, supported her morally and with whatever she could, fed her, and did not abandon her until the very end.
And to this day, neighbors, disabled people, and acquaintances come to her for help with their troubles; they even bring sick animals - she helps, she consoles. And now, we are talking, and Beba Anatolyevna apologizes: “I have to go give the child an injection.”
She has not acquired any money, no wealth, no orders - only the endless love of people who are familiar with this generous and beautiful woman, and the Burun residents call her by the affectionate name Bebochka.

The head teacher determines the “face” of the school in which he works. The general mood of the teachers depends on how the workload is distributed, the schedule is planned, and the atmosphere in which the pedagogical council takes place, which indicates the enormous importance of the work of the deputy director for teaching and educational work.
I would like to tell you about an amazing person, the deputy director for academic affairs of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2”, who deeply cares about his school. This is Oksana Vladimirovna Babkina - tireless, cheerful, and does not tolerate injustice. It’s fitting to call her Oksana Zeusovna, she throws thunder and lightning like the supreme Greek god. But there is no one kinder than her.
She came to this school in 2005, having graduated from the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute, with a great desire to develop, share experience, and be useful. Every day is filled not only with intense academic work, but also with the joy of learning. Oksana Vladimirovna is an excellent student of education in the Republic of Dagestan, and has been repeatedly awarded diplomas from the State Educational Institution and the city administration.
O. Babkina is distinguished by her energy, efficiency, demands on herself and others, excellent knowledge of her subject, and methodological skill. Oksana Vladimirovna’s erudition in the new transformations in terms of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination is surprising. She is always up to date with all the latest educational literature. Its activities are characterized by continuous professional development, development of new technologies, programs, generalization and dissemination of experience to the all-Russian level. And all this, of course, “not for the sake of fame,” but for the sake of his precious school.
Oksana Vladimirovna can do everything: she cooks amazingly, sews, knits, embroiders with beads and, most importantly, teaches this in technology lessons. She is always elegant, feminine and tries to instill taste in her students.
How much mental strength and energy she gives to the school, her colleagues, and her students! There is no task that Oksana Vladimirovna would not take on and which she would not cope with. The words “I can’t” and “tired” do not exist for her. Next to her, you recharge with energy and receive a colossal boost of vivacity. Looking at her, I also want to go forward.
Our Oksana Vladimirovna is a wonderful wife and mother. She and her husband have two sons. The eldest Pavel graduated from school in 2014 with a gold medal, studies at Saratov TSU, and the youngest Alexander is in the eighth grade and is also an excellent student.
M. Voloshin said: “Life is endless knowledge. Take your staff and go! These words apply fully to the heroine of my essay. And I wish Oksana Vladimirovna that she continues to be a beloved head teacher, mentor, does not lose her active life position and always keeps up with the times.

Galina Mikhailovna Remennikova - mathematics teacher, deputy director for educational work of the municipal educational institution "Lyubinskaya Secondary School No. 3", r. Lyubinsky village, Omsk region.

Galina Mikhailovna - winner of the PNPO "Education" "Best Teacher of the Russian Federation - 2007", Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the All-Russian competition "Modern Class Teacher - 2009", Laureate of the National Educational Program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia" 2009, 2010 . Hobbies: floriculture, psychology, poetry.

"A Quick Sketch of a Restless Heart"

The true purpose of man is to live, not to exist.
Jack London

Everyone chooses for themselves

I also choose - as best I can.
I have no complaints against anyone.
Everyone chooses for themselves.
Yu. D. Levitansky

I don’t know why neither scientists nor writers agreed on the age at which a person clearly remembers himself. But whatever the starting point, I remember one thing: the yard children were always in front of me. My friends of different ages still had no idea about teachers and students. I went to kindergarten only a year before school, since there were not enough places in kindergartens. However, this did not make me or my friends sad at all. Of the entire yard team, I was the first to go to school. And then not only I, but also my friends began to clearly understand what school lessons are and who the Teacher is.

I always had a piece of chalk in my hands that I brought from school. There was a cheerful hubbub in the yard, and then, at the signal of a bell brought by someone, it died down, and silence fell. Everyone was seated. And then the letters and numbers I had written appeared in orderly rows. For my friends it was a game. And for me? I don't think I thought about it. No one conducted a professional selection, and this will not happen later. You have to be born a teacher.

We had everything like in a real school: lessons and lunch breaks (they would later be called hot breakfasts). I didn’t have a watch, but I had children’s faces and eyes before my eyes. It is they, the eyes, that teach us to understand a child. Later at the institute, having studied psychology and pedagogy, I learned about cognitive processes and much more... In the meantime... no one was in a hurry for breakfast for another reason. I often treated the children to hot bread and honey. The bread was baked at a local bakery. He was always lush and hot. We inhaled the mixed smell of bread and honey and were happy. This happy world is called Childhood.

My professional choice was quite conscious: a pedagogical institute. In the whirlpool of student life, I didn’t notice how four years flew by. Interesting student life, scientific conferences, student competitions - everything is behind us. I am young, full of energy and creative impulse.

And here are the first lessons.

Every year we meet and see off,
And every day to look into children's souls.
Every hour we feel unity with them,
And it gets better every moment.

My working life was successful and successful. I quickly moved up the career ladder. The year is 1988. I’m still only 26. And I’m already the director of a large rural school in the Republic of Kazakhstan. But!

Following the new historical concepts: “perestroika”, “glasnost”, “new political thinking” others will come - the State Emergency Committee, the collapse of the USSR. In the new system of values ​​there is no place left for the Komsomol, the party...

And I already have considerable teaching experience behind me, experience as a leader, and in my heart there is still the same genuine love and affection for children. But many things collapse so unexpectedly that for a moment you think about the meaning of life and about the seven years spent working as a director. Finding yourself in a difficult situation, you begin to understand: maybe you can start all over again.

Time changes, I change my place of residence, but the main task in life remains unchanged for me - raising an educated, intellectually developed, spiritually healthy person, capable, thanks to the breadth and flexibility of professional training, to strive for creativity and solving non-standard problems. I just really love my job. Remember, I. Kant argued that “Work is the best way to enjoy life.”

We often look at the sky strewn with twinkling stars. But they are so far away, and I always wanted to light up the stars here on Earth.

...After all, if the stars light up -
Does that mean anyone needs this?..
...So it is necessary,
so that every evening
over the roofs
Did at least one star light up?!

In my teaching practice there were and are stars and asterisks, and I am sure there will be many of them. I'm amazingly lucky. They are all different, and in this dissimilarity lies their uniqueness, their individuality. In this dissimilarity lies the uniqueness, creativity and originality, brightness and unusualness of everyone.

I also believe that every person should look back. "For what?" - the average person will ask.

We today are products of the past. We took the main thing from the past - ourselves, our experience. The past is the path along which we came to the present. And this path cannot be abandoned. In essence, we are touching on two life strategies. Let's say someone is more attracted to a character from ancient Greek mythology. Ptolemy (forward thinking) symbolizes the thirst for innovation, openness to an uncertain and dangerous future. Another brother Epimetheus (thinking in the past) wanted to preserve what was, reproduced things and orders that had been well tested by time.

I believe that the past and the future are inseparable. In my practice there were talented and truly gifted guys. They exist now, and I am sure they will continue to exist in my future professional activities.

My students are a special world. I learn a lot from them. The children's world is so rich and diverse! The fates of my former students are always in my memory. Anastasia G. is a talented and capable high school student. But she is deprived of maternal attention and care. For antisocial behavior, Anastasia’s mother was deprived of her motherhood.

Together with my student, I lived a creative life that lasted two years. The girl successfully defended two scientific studies: “Determination of the type of learning situation” and “Schoolchildren’s attitude to learning.” They were noted by the expert commission of the regional scientific and production complex NOU Poisk, and Anastasia twice became a laureate of the conference.

Marina M.'s success in the field of science and creativity was even more difficult. When we met, she was a conflicted and emotionally unrestrained teenager. Perhaps it was due to the fact that for many years she was raised only by her father. But the study “Teaching a Child to Read! How?...” became significant for her. She won, first of all, over herself. I realized that I need to seriously engage in science every day, study, and perceive both failures and victories correctly. I looked at Marina during the presentation of the Laureate’s Diploma and thought about how many young men and women there are in my life who grew up so early because of family dramas.

But three young men stand in front of me: Ivan Zh., Ruslan Yu. and Alexander Sh. I looked at these adult guys and saw that they also had problems. I spent extraordinary hours of communication with them. The study “Cryptography Without a Secret” (or “Mathematical Mysteries of a Detective Plot”) was the first work in my professional practice that allowed me to beautifully combine simultaneously children’s research in the fields of literature, mathematics and computer science. The guys brought back several winning awards from the regional conference and taught me personally many of the intricacies of information technology. Yes, it was recently, it was a long time ago!

Every time I analyze situations and think about what method of raising difficult teenagers I used. What was my next action that successfully influenced the fate, behavior and position of the student? What professional tricks were more effective? And the answer is research. It is this approach that changes views, motives, and behavior, as a result of which mechanisms of self-education and correction of attitudes and actions of the “difficult” are activated.

All life situations are not alike. Each situation gives rise to new techniques. Different students need different parenting techniques. But one thing will remain unchanged - help will be provided.

Children with a crippled fate. "Difficult children." “Risk group”... What is behind this well-known and long-established term? Difficult children are those whose behavior deviates from socially accepted standards and norms. Scientists and practitioners include children of different categories in this group. These include children with pronounced abilities, who are usually called gifted, and children with various kinds of problems.

My entire teaching activity is a large project “Difficult Children”, designed to unite all specialists around this problem. You should not focus on the terms “problem” and “difficult” children; you need to look for the reasons for the appearance of this “phenomenon”. Unfortunately, it must be admitted that most often the cause of this problem is the fault of adults (teachers, parents). And these are not only the results of scientific research, this is also personal work experience. The situation in the state has changed. The problem of the emergence of such a category of children needs to be looked at in a new way. My teaching activity is a constant search for new technologies to resolve complex situations. I am constantly looking for algorithms to work in so-called problem areas.

The research approach that I use in my professional work involves students in the cycle of scientific research, encourages them to put forward ideas, alternative topics that are already known, study and analyze literature, describe and interpret information and observations obtained during the research process. My students master a culture of self-exploration, research into their own learning activities.

I carry out all the work on training young researchers taking into account the individual abilities of children and, above all, taking into account their dominant type of thinking, through organizing training in accordance with the child’s preferred methods of processing material. This wise decision allows me to prepare students for presentations at regional and all-Russian scientific and practical conferences.

School is my life, which does not stand still. Everything here is seething, boiling, spinning, if, of course, you make some effort. Sparkling eyes, surprised and delighted exclamations, joyful smiles - I like it all so much! I want to see and hear all this as often as possible, and you try, you search, you come up with... There are disappointments - I don’t argue. But what kind of life is this without difficulties, without problems?

I help my students get involved in the world of science and acquire research skills, which are so necessary when studying in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. “If you work hard and hard, success will definitely come,” I tell my students. And now my young researchers have their first publications. “When climbing a mountain, have the courage to walk along a steep path, walking in the snow, have the courage to walk across a slippery bridge,” I remind myself again and again of the words of Confucius.

My students understand that they “should strive for knowledge not for the sake of controversy, not for the sake of profit, fame, power or other goals, but in order to be useful in life. I am always responsible for the fate of a child who will take into the big world not only knowledge, not only mistakes and doubts, but also a part of me.

Teacher! In my professional activity there was everything: ups and downs, rise again, again everyday work, first of all, on improving my professional level. No matter what uncertainties and difficulties I encountered in my life, I never felt even the slightest desire to leave the profession. On the contrary, difficulties strengthened me, my desire to teach and be close to childhood never disappeared. I guess I just love children, because they are so different! I just love my job, because I am supported by the greatest strength - the hearts of my students.

But I know for sure: I wouldn’t work for anyone else! Even now I think: maybe I don’t know how to do anything else - I just know how to teach children. And for me there is nothing more expensive. So I will enjoy my work, possessing the great power of a teacher - to control the hearts of my students!

Tomorrow will be a new school day. And again tomorrow in class the eyes of my students will look at me. After all, I am a Teacher!

You know,
I still believe
what if the earth remains alive, -
the highest dignity of humanity
someday they will become teachers!
R. Rozhdestvensky.

It’s probably time to put an end to the “quick sketch”. But again and again I read into the wisdom of the ancient East.

A student came to one famous wrestling master to learn this art from him. For many years he trained with great diligence, worthy of admiration. “Teacher,” the student asked one day, “is there anything else you could teach me?”

“You have learned everything that I could teach you,” said the master.

From these words, the young wrestler was filled with pride and announced to everyone and everywhere that he was now the best wrestler in the country and could defeat his famous teacher in the ring. Thousands of people came to watch this fight. After a long, calm and equal struggle, the master suddenly, with an unexpected move, put the student on both shoulder blades and defeated him.

“It’s strange,” said the defeated man, taking a deep breath, “I learned everything from you, but how did it happen that you defeated me with a technique that I did not know?”

“Young friend,” said the master, “that’s right! I taught you everything I could. Only this one technique was saved for today.”

I, my colleagues, shared it with you very briefly. The scope of this essay did not allow me to describe the fates of many of my students. But even if there was a possibility, there will always be at least one thing that belongs only to me. That's it.

A word about the director.

This essay was written two years before publication on the site. The heroine of the essay, Alexandra Arsentievna Sterkhova, celebrated her 80th birthday on September 12, 2015. She retired in 2014, but the school still remembers and loves her.

First of September again. The first bell rings, and smart schoolchildren rush to take their places in bright classrooms, sparkling with fresh paint, decorated with greenery and new blinds. It is cozy and festive at the school, where everything is ready for the new school year: subject rooms equipped with modern office equipment, numerous aids; a beautiful library, welcoming its first visitors with solemn silence; a spacious dining room, with a thoughtful design, more like a cozy cafe. Everything is pleasing to the eye, everything is subordinated to the main goal: to create ideal conditions for study and recreation for schoolchildren. Parents, teachers, and, according to to the best of their ability, the boys themselves. But the main inspirer of all the affairs of the school-gymnasium, the creative mentor of the team, its soul is the director of the Gvardeysky UVK Alexandra Arsentievna Sterkhova.

There is no more honored person in the Simferopol region than our director. 55 years she gave to pedagogy! The teaching career for Alexandra Arsentievna is not just a job, it is a truly great Service to the noble cause of educating new generations. Hundreds of graduates reverently pronounce the name of their beloved Director. Alexandra Arsentievna dedicated the Guards School more than forty years.On the basis of a small garrison school, she created a new multidisciplinary educational complex, which year after year graduates comprehensively prepared students distinguished by strong knowledge into big life. 269 gold and silver medalists are the pride of UVK and, of course, Alexandra Arsentievna. Up to 80% of graduates every year enter higher educational institutions. 24 candidates and doctors of science were educated by the Guards Second under the leadership of director A.A. Sterkhova. The competitiveness of UVK is largely due to the high qualifications of teachers, to which Alexandra Arsentievna pays special attention: the methodological growth of the teacher, in her opinion, is the main task school leadership. The director painstakingly and skillfully guides the studies and development of each member of the team. She devotes a lot of strength and energy to working with young teachers, and subtly and wisely corrects the activities of experienced mentors.

A special feature of Alexandra Arsentievna is a heightened sense of the new. The most advanced pedagogical discoveries and methodological innovations are reflected in the practice of the Gvardeysky UVK. The creation of a “School of Health”, participation in the “Open World” program, the use of innovative computer technologies in teaching - all this has been introduced and is mastered at the school-gymnasium on the initiative or with the assistance of the director.

It’s no secret how difficult it is to strengthen the material base of a school in a crisis. The role of the director in this process is decisive. Alexandra Arsentievna tirelessly searches for new opportunities, establishes connections with sponsors, and finds response and support from parents. Thanks to her dedicated activities, she flourishes Guards UVK.Equipped with the latest technology informational and methodological center, classrooms, two computer classes. The school's classrooms and recreation areas are beautiful and cozy, the gym has been updated. The well-groomed school grounds delight with a variety of plants and lush decoration of the flower beds.

Forty years of school leadership! Is it a lot or a little? For children this figure is eternity, for UVK it is a formative stage, for the director it is life.

Life... Was it happy? Certainly! Since childhood, Sasha dreamed of becoming a teacher. Even during her difficult school years in war-wounded Simferopol, Sashenka helped her friends learn their homework and started “school” games. And the constant feeling of hunger, common to all the children of that terrible time, receded into the background, drowned out...

She graduated from eight classes with honors and, together with her friend, went to enter a pedagogical school in Kaliningrad. She will never forget that happy June day when the school director presented her with her first diploma. “You were truly born in a teacher’s shirt,” his words sounded like a school bell!

And here is the first school! Near Kaliningrad, in the Chkalovsk garrison, a long journey as a teacher began. There Alexander met her destiny as a woman. A young black-browed navigator with intolerantly blue eyes managed to win the heart of a young teacher. His name was Herman. Smart, serious, attentive - maybe this is what she dreamed about while wandering with her friends through the narrow streets of the old city, filled with the smell of blooming lilacs? The wedding was held modestly, among friends. So she found a new profession - the wife of an officer, a faithful friend and companion in the harsh military service. Son Igorek was born in Kaliningrad, and a year later German was sent to the Higher Officer Courses in Riga. New assignments - new moves, new military camps.

Far East. The Mongokhto garrison is a romantic's dream: the nearest town, Vanino, is 20 kilometers away, surrounded by a sea of ​​taiga and hills, hills... Such places remain forever in the heart... An unknown comedian named the only street of the garrison Teatralnaya. In their free time from flying, pilots and their families gathered at the Officers' House, organized unforgettable evenings, and played chess. But our favorite holiday was in nature: we picked lingonberries and mushrooms among the pines and ferns, and sang songs with a guitar. The friendship of those distant years remains true forever. There, in Mongokhto, Alexandra Arsentievna went through a real school of life, formation - both in the family and in the profession. Igor grew up there and German Pavlovich perfected his skills. There, Sashenka first became a primary school teacher, and then, after graduating from the pedagogical institute in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, a head teacher and director. The gratitude and respect of others is the main reward for a young director. And the love of children - schoolchildren, especially the dearest ones, whom Alexandra Arsentievna led from the first to the eighth grade, until her husband was transferred. The children have dispersed all over the country, but even now, forty years later, they send their favorite teacher news about themselves and their gratitude for her enormous role in nurturing their best qualities. Igor Kochalovsky, already a retired captain of the 1st rank, confesses his love in poetry to a person dear to him - his first teacher, and Galina Krylova, the director of a school in St. Petersburg, calls thousands of kilometers away to hear the voice of her beloved mentor that has become familiar.

Alexandra Arsentievna has been living and working in Gvardeyskoye for forty years. Here her beloved son Igor graduated from school, from here he left to study and became, like his father, a military pilot. They were surprisingly similar - father and son: stately, beautiful, blue-eyed. Tenderness and respect from dear people is the main component of the success of director A.A. Sterkhova. The understanding, support of her husband, the care of Tatyana’s son and daughter-in-law, the love of her grandchildren and great-granddaughter are a woman’s great happiness, her support in life. Even now, when German Pavlovich is not around, she is surrounded by his paintings, painted in the last years of his life, and their warmth helps Alexandra Arsentievna remember only the brightest things in life.

Here she is standing on the ceremonial line at school - beautiful, slender, well-groomed, confident. An extraordinary, courageous and beautiful woman! With her intelligence, high culture and noble simplicity, she managed to create around herself an atmosphere of mutual understanding, creativity, and search. For many years of fruitful activity A.A. Sterkhova was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Of course, this is not the limit! We sincerely wish the director new victories, achievements and worthy appreciation of her work. Happiness to you, dear Alexandra Arsentievna!

A.A. Fischuk, teacher of Russian language and literature