Vietnamese traditions for tourists.  Traditions and customs

Family relationships in Vietnam represent mutual affection between all numerous family members: parents, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents.

An ordinary Vietnamese family consists not only of a husband, wife and their unmarried children, but also includes the husband's parents, children's sons and daughters-in-law, and often also all immediate relatives.

According to statistics, men get married at the age of 27, women at 23-24, but civil marriages are not common in Vietnam.

Society in Vietnam is also experiencing modern trends; marriages with foreign citizens are now not uncommon. Such families most often leave Vietnam, but the attachment to relatives and to their home village or city remains very strong.

Mutual sympathy and trust are fundamental concepts when creating a family, and therefore children are born and grow up in an atmosphere of love and care. It is customary to have more than two children, and, according to tradition, the desired first child is a boy. It is interesting that the birth rate surges, among other factors, are influenced by the lunar calendar, or more precisely, by the Vietnamese’s belief in it.

The attitude towards children in Vietnam is special; they are cared for and cherished, both their own and those of others. It seems that there is no division between insiders and outsiders here; any child - be it a little Vietnamese or a child of a tourist - will be hugged, caressed and given all sorts of attention with equal joy.

If you come to Vietnam with a child, you will immediately notice how everyone smiles at you on the street, in the market they give you some fruit in addition to your purchase, give up their seats and try to entertain your baby.

Family relationships are distinguished by strong emotional attachments and oblige a person to love and respect his parents and the older generation. That is why the Vietnamese have been practicing the cult of their ancestors for many centuries. Most residents of the country, regardless of religious affiliation, have an altar for worship at home or at work.

The sense of heredity is very developed here, and the wonderful custom of commemorating ancestors has not only original cultural features, but also a deep sacred meaning. In those rare cases when a person has died and there is no one to honor his memory, he is called a man without descendants.

The most striking feature of the entire Vietnamese people can probably be called patriotism. Even poorly educated citizens confidently name dates, names of scientists, emperors, and in cities and even small villages you can see state flags hanging everywhere. This is probably due to the fact that for the people of Vietnam, collective interests have always been above personal interests.

The main religious movements in Vietnam are Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism; under the influence of French rule in the 19th century, Catholicism became widespread. However, most of the population still practices traditional religions, worshiping spirits, gods and the mother goddess.

Also in Vietnam at the beginning of the 20th century, a mysterious cult arose - a new religion called Cao Dai.

According to legend, the Supreme Being appeared to its founder and ordered the founding of a new religion that would unite all others: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity and Islam.

Cao Dai followers recite prayers, worship ancestors, practice non-violence and vegetarianism, one of the goals is to reunite with God in heaven.

Vietnam is imbued with Confucian morality: all people must observe certain standards of behavior and strictly conform to their social status, guided by the five virtues - humanity, justice, nobility, knowledge and sincerity.

The attitude towards foreigners in Vietnam is friendly, the local population is hospitable to travelers and, to the best of their ability, will try to make your stay in the country comfortable and interesting.

In clothing, the place of traditional attire is gradually being taken by Western models, with the exception of the most famous Vietnamese costume in the world and popular among the population - ao dai (áo dài). There are both female and male types of ao dai, but in the 20th century it began to be worn mainly by women. Ao Dai consists of a long dress with slits on the sides and loose trousers.

Currently, when choosing clothes, the Vietnamese are increasingly guided by the principle of simplicity and convenience; so-called suits, consisting of a loose shirt and pants of the same color, reminiscent of a pajama set, are very common among women. They sleep in them, cook in them, go shopping, and work in them.

And if adults can sometimes be careless in their clothes, then they try to dress up children in bright, beautiful things, make sure that the child is combed, washed and tidy, and if the financial situation of the family allows, he wears gold and silver jewelry.

The daily routine in the country is highly dependent on the sun; the Vietnamese are accustomed to starting the day before dawn and going to bed shortly after sunset. This light regime significantly shifts daytime life towards the morning. School classes begin at 6:30-7:00, banks and other official institutions are open from 8:00 to 17:00, lunch break from 11:30 to 13:30. Local residents prefer to dine on the street, especially since for most it is much more convenient, and sometimes even more profitable, than cooking at home.

Small and private businesses are very developed in Vietnam, many work where they live, hence a huge variety of cafes, drinking establishments, hairdressers, repair shops, sewing studios on the ground floors of residential buildings. And the Vietnamese generally go to bed early - it is difficult to see working establishments and walking groups after 10 pm. But this, of course, does not apply to tourist places!

This is not the first time I’ve been going to, so I can tell you a lot about this wonderful country. such an unusual country that it cannot be compared with any other country in the world. There are many rituals, traditions and nuances that will be of interest to travelers.


There are incredibly many traditions. I will try to introduce you to the most interesting ones.

At home

The first thing you notice when you arrive in Vietnam is that their houses are very strange. The buildings are similar to a pencil case, just as long and narrow. This is due to the fact that a funny tax has been introduced here - a tax on the width of the foundation. That’s why the cunning Vietnamese make a narrow foundation, but the length of the houses is almost unlimited. The houses themselves most often consist of two floors.

On the ground floor there are shops and workshops, and on the second floor families live. By the way, it is not customary here for young people to live separately from elderly relatives. Several generations of the same family can live in one house, so you can often find flocks of children on the first floors.

How to talk

Vietnamese traditions do not encourage loud conversations. And screaming is considered unacceptable in this country. You need to speak in a low voice and politely. Therefore, calm Vietnamese are very irritated by loud-voiced Europeans. But, due to their natural delicacy, they will never reprimand you. So, while here, try to respect the locals and don’t scream at the top of your voice.


In Vietnam, it is customary to always smile. In this regard, the traditions of Vietnam are similar to those of neighboring countries. But don’t delude yourself too much, since a smile often does not mean sincere sympathy for you, but is simply accepted. By the way, the Vietnamese smile can hide pain, resentment, and even hatred. They always smile, even if they are very upset or upset.

Woman - go build a house!

There is a strict patriarchy in the country. Women must obey men unquestioningly. A girl does not even have the right to sit down at the table until she feeds her husband and satisfies all his requests. Here you can see fragile women everywhere who work in the most physically demanding jobs.

This includes building roads, harvesting salt and rice, and even building houses. True, it is necessary to make a reservation here that today, the life of local girls is slowly starting to improve. Still, the influx of tourists and modern trends contribute to the traditions of Vietnam.

Don't touch a Vietnamese person's shoulders or arms

Another strange custom worth remembering. Under no circumstances touch Vietnamese people on the shoulders or arms. Here this will be regarded as a sign of aggression. It’s better not to touch women at all, in any way. They believe that if you extend your hands to a person, then you are angry and need to be protected from you.

Black teeth

Another strange tradition involves local girls painting their teeth black.

They do this for a reason, but in order to show others that they are religiously pure. The Vietnamese believe that people who have a snow-white smile carry a demon within themselves and thereby attract other demons to themselves. That is why local beauties sparkle with black teeth, considering it also very beautiful.

By the way, about religion. Several religions coexist peacefully in Vietnam - Hinduism, Catholicism and Buddhism. The traditions of Vietnam do not conflict with the diversity of religions. All of them do not interfere with each other, but develop in parallel. Only in this country can you see nearby cathedrals, pagodas and temples. Moreover, they are located not only in separate areas, but actually almost side by side.

The Vietnamese treat Russian tourists very well. In many countries, a negative attitude has already arisen towards our tourists, but not here. It may be, of course, that there is indignation hidden behind the sweet Vietnamese smile, but it’s better to let them smile.

In addition to the peculiarities of everyday life, the cuisine here is very unique.

Features of Vietnamese cuisine

Vietnamese people begin to eat hot seasonings and hot spices from a very early age. Therefore, already as adults, they calmly eat food so spicy that we never dreamed of it. Be very careful when introducing local dishes.

I wasn’t careful and felt like a fire-breathing dragon. After tasting, I drank almost one and a half liters of water, but the burning sensation did not leave me for a long time.

There are also very unusual sauces in Vietnam. For example - Nuoc.

It is prepared from spoiled salted fish. The Vietnamese simply adore it, but a European should be wary of this delicacy. Those who dared to try it say that they have never tried anything nastier in their lives.

Well, now I’ll show you the highlight of local cuisine. These are the eggs of forest ants.

What it looks like, what it tastes, it’s a rare disgusting thing. True, I didn’t try. But there are also daredevils who freely put all kinds of crap into their mouths.

In general, the locals love insects, but as food, saying that they are very healthy and even satisfying.

I’ll stop my story about Vietnamese traditions here. Let's move on to rest.


Since I have already visited most cities in Vietnam, I now decided to settle on Vinpearl Island. There are many hotels where you can stay. To get to the island, you need to use the cable car, which runs from Nha Trang.

The length of the road is almost three kilometers. The cable car cabins are closed and safe, but there are observation windows so you can admire the panoramic view of the South China Sea during your journey. At night, the road is illuminated with lights that are arranged as if small Eiffel towers are shining. It's a miracle, how beautiful.

I found the hotel nice and well maintained. We were also lucky with the room - clean and comfortable, and the windows overlook the sea.

The hotel also includes three restaurants where the food is very tasty and satisfying.

Actually, this is not just an island, but a whole huge amusement park where you can find everything your heart desires.

Winpearl Island

First of all, I went to the water park. There are a huge number of slides here, from which you can go down using tubing, or just like that. After having fun on the slides, you can take a break by floating on a mattress along the river that flows along the entire territory of the park. Here you can sunbathe under the gentle rays of the sun, basking on the snow-white sand.

The next day I visited an equally interesting attraction. Here you can ride an electric sled along a specially paved track. I liked this entertainment so much that I came several times. The toboggan run is very long, stretches under the trees, over the sea.

Very sharp turns and steep descents with climbs. It’s simply enchanting, especially since you can control the sleigh yourself. After visiting the attraction, I was offered to buy photographs that cameras took throughout my journey. I bought several things - the funniest ones.

Just like at any other seaside resort, there are entertainment related to water. This includes diving, surfing, kayaking. Everything is quite affordable for the money. And this cannot but rejoice.

I usually spent my evenings in local restaurants and listened to performances by musical groups.

The repertoire was not bad, but the most incredible thing was that Russian chanson was performed several times. This is so strange, I even felt a hint of nostalgia.

I can say unequivocally that there are so many activities and entertainments here that there is no time to rest.

And in the park in the evenings they show a show of fountains that sing and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Very beautiful.

Be sure to go to the aquarium; more than 350 inhabitants of the seabed live here.

Here you don’t have to walk, you just get on a moving path that will take you throughout the entire territory. I liked this convenience, but there is still a disadvantage. If you are very interested in something, then you won’t be able to stand and look at it.

I went to Hon Mun Island, where there is a ghost ship - a real haven for pirates.

Not only is the building itself very unusual, but there is also a lot inside that is definitely worth seeing. All rooms contain exhibits of the seabed. This aquarium is also called Neptune's Palace.

I highly recommend visiting the Interactive Museum of Impressions.
It is located in an ancient house, which is guarded by a dragon and washed by a beautiful waterfall. I especially liked the fact that you can touch and feel all the exhibits. The cool upside-down house also did not leave me indifferent, although I had been to a similar house in Moscow. There is a completely different interior here. There is also a giant’s house, where you can take many interesting photographs.


No matter how many times I’ve been to Vietnam, I always find so many interesting things that I can talk endlessly. I am sure that I will return here again and again and will discover this country for myself again and again.

Pregnancy in Vietnam is not a disease, but a reason for pride. It is not customary to hide it; on the contrary, some expectant mothers begin to wear loose blouses with ties at the back even before they have any hint of a belly.

Nutrition is considered the most important thing in the life of a pregnant mother. These are alpha and omega. You don’t just need to eat, you need to eat a lot! In this, the Vietnamese often simply cross all sorts of boundaries. The concept of “proper nutrition” is here replaced by “enhanced nutrition”. Expectant mothers themselves are not happy, but the whole family literally “fattens” the pregnant woman to incredible sizes. A weight gain of 10 kg is considered negligence and neglect of the child. But, having gained 20 kg, you can boast to all your friends. Interestingly, most doctors do not see anything wrong with this. The obvious harm of this approach does not stop anyone, and the family stubbornly forces the woman to eat to her fill several times a day. At the same time, the pregnant woman is surrounded with total care. She is given the best pieces, all the conditions are created for her, she is not allowed to overwork, although the latter is rather a new trend. In the past, women carried bags in factories until the last months, and pregnant women worked in the fields in the heat of the day.

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After childbirth, it is customary to strictly observe certain restrictions. This is associated with the need to restore the female body after pregnancy and childbirth. A young mother must lie down all the time for a month. You can only get up to go to the toilet, otherwise, as they say here, your lower back will hurt for the rest of your life. Also, in the first month it is forbidden to wash or come into contact with water at all. It is believed that during this period it is deadly. A weakened body easily catches a cold, and then death is not far away. It is customary to rub yourself with saffron (turmeric), lie next to the brazier and sweat (it is believed that all accumulated harmful substances will be released with sweat). Several relatives are always close to the mother and baby, caring for them, first in the hospital (the staff in public clinics do not provide any care at all, even relatives prepare food), and then at home. Typically, a woman lives with her mother for the first three months after giving birth. All child care during this period is taken over by maternal relatives.

Family in Vietnam

Choosing a name for a baby in Vietnam is not an easy task. In addition to the fact that names must be selected according to their meaning, they must also be combined with each other. A Vietnamese name consists of a surname (first syllable), middle name (second syllable, this name is passed down from generation to generation, or is chosen in combination with a personal name), personal name (last syllable). For example, Chau Nhat Bang, “Nhat” is the sun, day, “Bang” is an obsolete “friend”, respectively, the name means “friend of the sun, day, light.” There are also traditional taboos: you cannot name a child after one of your living relatives. This is considered disrespectful and even insulting. The Vietnamese reason simply: it is indecent to call a bare-bottomed toddler the same name as a respectable adult. This is partly why there are so many original names in Vietnam. Families are large, we have to come up with something new so as not to repeat ourselves.

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Often the full name is practically not used before school. Short “household” names are common: Bin, Tin, Tom, Siu, Bo, Bee, Chip. Sometimes they are formed from American names (Bean is Bill), others are simply easy to pronounce sound combinations, something like “Baby”, “Button”, “Pie”, “Bunny”, etc.


The sign on the façade of most Vietnamese kindergartens reads: “Today’s children are tomorrow’s world.” Children are the main value for society. On the school facades the inscription is different: “First learn ethics, and then knowledge.” This means that, first of all, children must learn the norms of relationships in a team, in society, in the family, and only then science and skills. Studying is not considered a secondary activity, quite the contrary, but “every vegetable has its turn.” First we learn to live and act in society, then everything else.

Vietnam families

In the words of everyone’s beloved Ho Chi Minh: “A child is like a bud on a branch. He eats well, sleeps well, studies well - that means he’s doing well!”
A Vietnamese sees himself, first of all, as a part of society and a participant in complex relationships. This worldview is reflected in the language forms that children are taught from a very early age. One of the first words that a child is taught (before one is even a year old; by the age of one and a half years, children already know how to speak it) is “ạ”, a respectful particle at the end of a phrase. Without this particle it is impossible to contact or respond to an elder. The baby may not be able to speak other words, but he definitely knows this particle.

In general, you should not call your elders, including your husband, by name - this is disrespect. And the pronoun “I” is practically not used in Vietnamese. When talking about yourself, you need to choose the right word depending on who you are talking to. When addressing her husband, the wife calls herself “younger sister”; when talking to a child, parents refer to themselves as “mother”, “father”; when talking to her mother-in-law, a daughter-in-law calls herself “child, daughter” - thus the personal “I” is replaced by the word denoting social status.

The main positive quality for the younger generation is “ngoan”, which means “calm”, “obedient”, “well done”, “diligent”.
Obedience in Vietnam is valued much higher than independence, and fantasies, at least in village families, are suppressed: “don’t make things up, don’t lie.” Here they don’t teach children “whoever doesn’t have time is late”, “you need to spin in life”, on the contrary, they constantly pull you back - “everything needs to be done slowly”, “whoever is in a hurry has a lot of trouble.”

Recently, Vietnam has been affected by a general Asian trend - to study more and more, even if this means the child is actually deprived of his childhood. Which, by the way, contradicts the precepts of the same beloved Ho Chi Minh. But in a society that has since ancient times encouraged learning and developed a cult of knowledge, all kinds of courses and extracurricular activities very quickly gained enormous popularity. All children are intensively prepared for school. By the way, primary school teachers who conduct this training are directly interested in this. It even happens that in the first grade they skip the study of letters on the grounds that, they say, the children should have learned them in preschool classes, which, of course, are paid.

The culture of Vietnam is unique and original, the process of its development has been going on for the third millennium. The Vietnamese nation was born among the lagoons and swamps of the Red River Delta approximately 4,000 years ago. For most of its independent existence, it was governed from Hanoi, Vietnam's small, elegant capital in the heart of the northern delta. Four greatest philosophies and religions have shaped the spiritual life of the Vietnamese people: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity. The Vietnamese became acquainted with Confucianism and Taoism thanks to the Chinese. Along with Buddhism and Hinduism, which were brought here by Indian traders, these religious and philosophical teachings also largely determined the cultural development of Vietnam.

Over the centuries, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism have been intertwined with Chinese folk beliefs and ancient Vietnamese animist views to form what is called Tam Giao (Triple Religion). The official language in the country is Vietnamese (Kinh). Different regions also have dialects spoken by different ethnic minorities. In some parts of the country, Khmer and Laotian languages ​​are spoken. Developed forms of art include: traditional silk painting; an eclectic form of theater including drama, puppetry, music and dance; religious sculpture; lacquer miniatures and ceramics

The territory of Vietnam has always been under the influence of three religious movements - Confucianism, Hinduism and Buddhism. Therefore, the Vietnamese mentality is prone to religious syncretism. Village temples feature local patron spirits, as well as the obligatory Buddha, Bodhisattva, Confucius and other religious and historical figures. Such an eclectic neighborhood does not seem strange to the Vietnamese. Village houses usually have at least two altars. The first is dedicated to ancestors - patrons, the second - to some deity.

The desire of the Vietnamese for a syncretic understanding of different religious movements led to the emergence of two sects that combine elements of European and Eastern religious philosophy. The first of them was called “Caodai” (Caodaism), which translated means “supreme palace”. The second sect, called Hohao (“Harmony and Nobility”), placed its main emphasis on the ideas of Taoism and Buddhism.

A feature of local religious consciousness is the cult of ancestors and the belief that the spirits of ancestors live in the same world with the living and are capable of influencing events. Most Vietnamese believe that ancestors are directly involved in all the affairs of their descendants - first of all, protecting them and warning them of impending danger. Preserving the memory of one’s ancestors and honoring them in every possible way is considered the moral duty of every person in this country.

Vietnam celebrates many religious and national holidays. The largest religious holiday is the Vietnamese New Year, Tet Nguyen Dan. Also, the Giong Festival, Marble Mountain Festival and folk song festivals are especially revered by local residents. At this time, various festivals and puppet theater performances take place in the country. Also important holidays for all Vietnamese are the Day of Wandering Souls and the Festival of Remembrance of the Dead. These holidays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar.

National holidays directly reflect the most significant events in the annals of Vietnam. This is the founding day of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Liberation Day, Ho Chi Minh's Birthday, International Labor Day, Nation Day, Youth Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day. Among the sporting events, it is worth highlighting the Singh wrestling festival, elephant racing, traditional bullfights, the Doi wrestling festival, ox racing and cockfighting.


Vietnamese cuisine is very diverse and has more than 500 national dishes. Traditional dishes include exotic meats and delicious vegetarian options. The basis of Vietnamese cuisine is white rice, generously seasoned with vegetables, fish, meat, spices and sauce. Spices in Vietnamese cuisine are soft and piquant: mint leaves, coriander, basil, ginger. Each region of the country has its own culinary pride. The North is famous for its unique noodle soup, seafood and fried meat dishes. In the south they prepare delicious seafood dishes - crabs, lobsters, squids and a wide variety of fish. The central part of the country is famous for its complex dishes, which are prepared according to extremely complex and ancient recipes.

The most popular dishes are noodles with sliced ​​pork, eggs, chicken and shrimp, clams with sea crabs, fried with salt. For preparing dishes we use: duck, pork, fish, spices, vegetables and fruits, crab meat, lobster and oysters. Buns, pasta, and boiled rice dumplings are very popular. Among the first courses, you should try eel soup, vermicelli soup, with chopped chicken and bitter soup. There are a lot of different original fruits: dragon fruit, jajabe, khaki, longan, pomela, three-stone cherry and water apple. Among the drinks, rice wine and numerous apricot, orange and lemon wines are very popular. Vietnamese coffee (ca fe phin) is very tasty; it is usually prepared very strong and very sweet.

Vietnamese home

A traditional Vietnamese home should fit into the overall picture of village life: it is separate from others, but at the same time it is part of the whole; it does not depend on anyone and at the same time is part of the village community. The walls separating the passages between the houses create a kind of closed world for the family living in this house, but at the same time they are “open” to the attitude of the entire village.

There are many different types of structure for a traditional Vietnamese home, but the two most common types are: T-shaped architecture (hình thước thợ) (main room and outbuildings) - this type is common in the lowland areas of northern Vietnam; architecture in the form of the hieroglyph "Môn" (the main room is located in the middle, and there are two outbuildings on the sides).

wedding ceremony

The Vietnamese have quite a few relatives, so most often the wedding lasts for a week, first congratulations from the bride’s relatives, then congratulations from the groom’s relatives. Matchmaking is a fairly common ritual and Vietnam is no exception. The groom and his matchmakers spend money on gifts for the bride and her relatives. Vietnamese brides accept all kinds of sweets as gifts; a mandatory gift is a coconut palm branch - a symbol of love in this country. After matchmaking, the groom must move into the bride's house and live there for approximately 3 years, but increasingly, under the influence of European views on life, this rule is becoming a thing of the past.

Since a Vietnamese wedding lasts for a week, and the country has a hot climate, much attention is paid to the choice of outfits for the bride. Since a wedding consists of several stages (registration at the city administration, temple, wedding walk, meeting guests), the bride has to change her outfit quite often.

After a half-hour wedding ceremony in the temple, the young couple invites guests to a festive dinner. If the wedding takes place in a Vietnamese village, then the feast is organized in a specially decorated tent. If the conditions are urban, then more often young people opt for small restaurants.

Recently, the wedding transport in Vietnam has been the rickshaw; even the rich part of the Vietnamese do not skimp on using the services of “cabs”.

The Vietnamese wedding menu is quite varied, starting with traditional rice, ending with seafood - food, drinks - vodka, beer. Pepsi is very popular. People who visited Vietnamese weddings claim that some dishes of the wedding dinner are prepared by the guests themselves, due to the fact that, there are a lot of invitees, sometimes several “streams”, the bride and groom do not have time to pay due attention to everyone. But only those dishes that do not require special preparation are prepared this way. Large containers with boiling oil are placed on the wedding table and the guests themselves put in some “delicious food”, most often it is sea food.

A few words about gifts... Most often it is souvenirs, gold jewelry, paintings depicting a dragon and a phoenix are symbols of happiness and prosperity. But according to tradition, in addition to gifts and flowers, it is customary to present watermelon seeds - a symbol of fertility.

The most important tradition Vietnam can be considered a sacred attitude towards ancestors and one’s culture, therefore, if European views on life have an influence on the rules and laws of Vietnam, then this influence is not significant. Attitudes towards family in this country have remained unchanged for a long time.

New Year

Vietnamese Tet (New Year) takes place on the 1st of the lunar calendar, not the solar calendar. Tet is a very multifaceted concept: it is preparation for welcoming the new year and seeing off the old year, full of joyful bustle, shopping and preparations; these include traditional rituals and ceremonies, games and competitions, musical and costume performances held before and after the start of the new year according to the lunar calendar; This is a very special state of people when it seems that everything bad and sad remains in the old year, and the new one will bring only everything good and kind.

Depending on the phases of the moon, this holiday falls at the end of January - beginning of February. Each year of the 12-year lunar cycle corresponds to a mythical creature, animal, reptile or bird, symbolizing the stages of the closed ring of life.

Vietnamese New Year - Tet - has centuries-old traditions. At the stroke of midnight, festive fireworks explode the skies of Hanoi and Haiphong, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. In temples and pagodas the sounds of copper bells and the clatter of wooden chairs sound. Young people carry painted paper and cardboard dragons through the streets and squares. Red and yellow colors predominate in the festive decorations. Tet lasts four days.

Firstly, it is considered honorable to spend New Year's Eve in the company of a gray-haired man who is over 70 years old. The next morning you should go in search of a flower with dew drops on its petals, pick a branch of a peach tree, and give gifts to the children. By following these rituals, evil will never enter your home. But the most important thing on New Year's days is not to wish misfortune on another: following good rules will give peace and happiness to you and your loved ones. Even in the most difficult years, flatbreads and pies are always put on the festive table - banting and banzei, which are shaped like a circle and a square. They mean heaven and earth, and together - peace under a common roof.

On the second day of Tet, the most fun and fierce cockfights flare up on the territory of the most ancient temple in Indochina, Van Mieu. On the Lake of the Returned Sword in Hanoi, the water puppet theater gives performances - a unique folklore troupe, the only one in the world. In the historical center of Hanoi, on Hangluoc Street, elderly people kindly offer long bamboo poles. They need to be “planted” in front of the entrance to the house - they will block the way for evil spirits.

Tet is also a festival of flowers. The most festive flower is considered to be matcha - a sunny flower, or eastern “aster”. And these flowers, says the folk wisdom of the East, should be as many as there are people on Earth.

Tet has an ancient history, like the country of Vietnam itself. In Tet, people return to their origins, their ancestors. Everyone is trying to return home, even from a distance of thousands of kilometers, to be sure to be at home with their family.

There are many customs during Tet celebrations, especially on the first of January of the lunar year. As soon as twelve o'clock in the morning has arrived - this time is called "Giao Thya" (meaning "meeting of times") - children and grandchildren congratulate their grandparents and parents on the New Year, wishing them longevity and good health and prosperity. Then the adults congratulate the children and give them money for good luck. How much money doesn't matter. The most important thing: the money must be new (new bills or new coins). They must be packed in new red bags (either paper or fabric) with a red bow. On subsequent holidays, adult relatives, friends, and family acquaintances come to visit and can also give money for the well-being of children. The custom of giving money to children for the New Year is obligatory these days, and not a single New Year in Vietnam passes without observing this custom. Traditionally, the Vietnamese believe that giving children a little money is like the beginning of “prasadam” in the New Year, so that this beginning will be multiplied many times over.

During Tet in Buddhist temples, monks give money to parishioners, which is also placed in small red bags. It is like a gift of well-being from Buddha, from God. This is a gift for luck. A Vietnamese aphorism says: “A little prosperity from the Buddha is equal to a whole large basket of earthly prosperity.”

Each country has its own customs and traditions. And what, in the opinion of a European, seems like an insignificant trifle, somewhere in an eastern country can become strange or even offensive. Today's Vietnam is diligently integrating into modern world society, but for the majority of the population, its internal traditions and values ​​are of great importance. Here they try to observe centuries-old customs, and the way of life often remains unchanged. Foreigners should know about Vietnamese etiquette. After all, even if we visit close people, we always try to maintain the rules adopted by hospitable hosts.

What are they like, the Vietnamese

To put it in a few words, they are calm, good-natured and smiling. At first, the inhabitants of the Indochina Peninsula may seem somewhat indifferent and indifferent. The reason lies in upbringing and traditional mentality. Just look at the conversation when the Vietnamese tries not to look you in the eye. The point here is both a certain shyness and instilling respect for elders in position or age.

The difference in cultures is already felt in speech. Europeans are more emotional and open. And often joy or sadness manifests itself on our face. Vietnamese will smile and nod, even when refusing someone's request. And also kindly agree, but at the same time, without doing anything if they made a promise under some pressure. The word “no” is not a favorite word here. And if the question needs to be answered in the negative, and the European will do this without a shadow of embarrassment, then the Vietnamese, out of a sense of tact and delicacy, may offer to return to this question next time.

The words of Comrade Sukhov “The East is a delicate matter!” in Vietnam appear in all their glory. Residents of the Indochina Peninsula show miracles of discipline and restraint even in disputes. Heated discussions between Vietnamese are not accepted, and hot foreign guys engaged in a showdown or argument are looked at with disapproval. A smile on the face of an Eastern person can appear not only out of politeness. But as a sign of awkwardness or anxiety. And even as a result of misunderstanding or skepticism.

However, these rules do not apply to trade. Local market entrepreneurs raise the price several times, often smiling affectionately. They do not like to bargain and can afford unflattering treatment. The attitude towards tourists is often consumerist. What can you do, the country is just entering normal market relations and trade is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian market of the 90s. Therefore, before shopping, it is advisable to find out the average prices for the goods you need. If the seller offers to pay twice as much, you can negotiate, but if it’s 3-4 times as much, then you shouldn’t even start a conversation.


Vietnamese are friendly people, but any touching of oneself is intolerable for them and is akin to an insult. According to local beliefs, the human soul lives in the head, so you shouldn’t disturb it again. Shoulders are the resting place of the patron spirit, so it is difficult for locals to understand the traditional Russian hugs and pats on the shoulder when meeting. If you don’t want to be branded a barbarian in this Asian country, maintain the personal space of its residents. And having inadvertently touched your shoulder, now deliberately perform the same action with the other, so as not to frighten away fleeting luck.

But European influence also penetrates this ancient land. And today the Vietnamese no longer consider it superfluous to shake hands with friends and partners. At the same time, a phrase is used, something like our “How are you?” As for greeting women, the etiquette here is similar to that of Europe. The lady should be the first to extend her hand. If such action is not followed, this does not mean that you are being ignored. Many Vietnamese women avoid manual contact. They are more accustomed to a small bow with palms joined at chest level.

Call me quietly by name...

But don't forget to insert the word "Mr" and "Mrs" before that. The Vietnamese are extremely scrupulous about their manner of address. Even a good friend should first be asked if you can address him by name. If the answer is positive, you don’t need to do this in front of strangers, and even in a personal conversation, don’t forget about courtesy and “Mr. Otherwise, such familiarity will be regarded as disrespect or a certain degree of intimacy between you.

Residents of Vietnam usually prefer to give the palm of honor when dating to their foreign counterpart. And only then, at your request, the person can give his name and position. Vietnamese speak quietly and may not make eye contact when introducing themselves.

Representative people in power in the country are called in the Western manner by their specialty or position, for example, “Mr. Doctor” or “Mr. Teacher.”

The address “comrade” is still alive. After all, the Communist Party of Vietnam is still considered the leading and guiding force in the country, although socialism here has a certain capitalist and glamorous touch.

Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov in Vietnamese

These are one of the most common surnames in Russia. Vietnam can also boast of this. Here, 90 percent of the population bears the 14 most common surnames. They have Nguyen alone, almost a third of all residents, 11% Chan and 9% Li.

A Vietnamese name can consist of 3-4 parts:

  1. Father's surnames. They are often similar to imperial surnames. Today in the country, the majority of residents bear the surname of the last ruling dynasty, Nguyen. The General Secretary of the Communist Party is also named Nguyen Phu Trong.
  2. Middle name. Nowadays, it shows that these people belong to the same generation (for example, brothers and sisters). Previously, the middle name indicated a person's gender. For women it was the same for everyone - Thi. Men had much more choice.
  3. Personal name. It is the word that is often used to call a specific person. Personal names traditionally stand for something. Parents, when choosing a name for a child, express their desire to see the girl skillful, beautiful, polite, and their son strong, smart, and so on.

Vietnamese surnames are not as common and significant as ours. And even in a business environment, residents of the country address each other by name. And what to do if almost half of the country has the same surname. Imagine that only the Ivanovs work in your company?

In the old days, and even today, somewhere in the outback, children are given secret names that only those closest to them know.

This was done in the hope of protecting their child from evil spirits who could harm the child by learning such a secret code to the essence of a person. For everyone else, without further ado, the children were called in order: First Son, Second, and so on.

Signs and superstitions

All the life of the Vietnamese people are accompanied by a lot of different superstitions and signs. And at the same time, almost 80 percent of the population considers themselves atheists, but successfully combines this with the performance of various rituals. For example, many are sure that if a black cat jumps over the deceased, he will rise. Before you smile at such superstitions, remember if you didn’t secretly spit when you met the same unfortunate cat and didn’t knock on a piece of wood, afraid of jinxing the good news.

Among such prohibitions and superstitions in Vietnam are the following:

  • Taking pictures together is unlucky.
  • Whistle at night - a snake will crawl.
  • To crawl between someone's legs is to make him stupid.
  • Meet the funeral - you will be happy.
  • Presenting one gift to the newlyweds means a quick divorce. The path would be better cheaper, but two pieces.

In Vietnam you are not allowed to pat children on the head. It is believed that this way the child will be deprived of protection from evil entities. There is no point in praising children. If somewhere in another country the child’s relatives would only be happy with such attention, then in Vietnam this is unacceptable. Suddenly the same dark forces find out about such a valuable child again and want to kidnap him.

Some subtleties

A few more rules that must be followed in this country. Here you cannot leave chopsticks in the plate and touch your neighbor with them. Well, this is something like the fact that we don’t fight with spoons during a feast. It is customary to pay for food in restaurants and cafes to those with higher status. And a Vietnamese guy will never ask his girlfriend to pay half of the bill; someone else pays.

When entering the house, shoes are left at the doorstep. The houses are very clean, and no one will steal your sandals. They enter temples and some shops barefoot. Additionally, visiting the pagoda requires women to cover their shoulders and knees, and men must wear trousers rather than shorts. You can often see mirrors on the front doors of houses on the street side. This is not for women to touch up the makeup they barely wear. The mirrors are here for the local dragons. If such a monster wants to climb into the house, it will approach the door and see its reflection. He will understand with his dragon head that there is already someone like him in the house and will go away. I wonder, do such mirrors save you from uninvited guests?

During their trips, some tourists like to show off their erudition and learn several common phrases. But in Vietnam it is undesirable to do this.

The Vietnamese language is quite difficult. There are six tones of spoken language here, and mispronouncing an innocuous word can turn it into an obscenity or insult. Also, here you shouldn’t make loud noise and show your emotions in public in every possible way, so as not to be branded as a rude foreigner. Be careful with your gestures. Any gestures aimed at attracting attention to oneself are considered uncivilized. It is correct to extend your hand with your palm down. If the palm faces up, according to local etiquette, such a person clearly demonstrates his disdain and superiority over others.