What is the introduction to the museum called? Scenario for an extracurricular event "introduction to the school museum"

The name of the method came from the Baltic states, where it was noticed that children running barefoot in the cool water and sand of the Riga seaside practically do not suffer from colds. The method has long been widely used in preschool institutions, may have several options.

For this hardening method, three tracks of coarse fabric (burlap, sackcloth, etc.) 0.4 m wide and 1.5 m long are used. One of them is moistened in a 10% solution of table salt (1 kg of salt per bucket of water) at room temperature. . Another in clean water same t. The third track remains dry. The paths are laid out on the floor in the following sequence: a “salted” path, a wetted path plain water and dry.

Children shuffle along one by one along all the paths. The passage can be repeated 2-3 times and combined with walking on a ribbed board or along the “Health Path”.

The “Health Track” is a strip of easily washable fabric with small objects sewn onto it: buttons, beads, braided ropes, cords and other bulky items that are safe for the child. You can use a grass-type bath mat. Such tracks are used to prevent flat feet and are active irritants of the receptors located on the child’s foot.

On a rubber mat with spikes, dressed in a cover, moistened with a 10% solution of table salt (1 kg of salt per bucket of water), the child becomes barefoot and walks in place (from 5-7 to 16 seconds). After this, the child stands on a dry mat and stomps on it for 15 seconds. Then wipe your hands, neck, and face with tap water.

Since middle group, children rinse their mouths with an iodine-salt solution (per 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt and 3-4 drops of iodine). Water at room temperature.

This interesting method has come to us since the eighties and is intended for hardening children preschool age. The Riga hardening method allows you to increase the child’s body’s resistance to colds.

1. This procedure is best done after a nap or after morning exercises. You will need a rubber mat with uneven surface or with spikes. You need to put a coarse cloth on it, which you need to soak in advance in a ten percent solution of ordinary salt. For one liter of water, put 100 g of salt and add five drops of iodine. If you can't find a mat, take a terry towel.

2. Place a mat or towel on the floor. The child must stand there barefoot and walk on a damp cloth for seven seconds. Then he moves to another towel, which is soaked in ordinary clean water, and also walks there for seven seconds. After this, the child should switch to a dry cloth and walk on it for the same amount of time. When performing the procedure, the time constantly increases and it should reach sixteen seconds.

3. Walking along the “salt path” can be combined with the “health path”. This is a piece of fabric or a towel on which buttons, cords and beads are sewn. This will be an excellent prevention of flat feet.

We establish contact with the parents and discuss that the child should wear clothes according to the system (1,2,3). Summer: one layer of clothing. Spring, autumn: two layers of clothing. Winter: three layers of clothing. The origins of the disease are in overprotection: if there is a lot of clothing, then hardening is useless. Light clothing promotes health.

In summer:
- one layer of clothing;
- clothes must be cotton;
- you can walk without a T-shirt, only in a dress or shirt;
- wear shoes without socks (the sole should be loose, as the foot receptors are trained - plantar massage)

Spring. Autumn:
- dress-jacket;
- shirt - jacket;
- cotton sock - boots (wool socks are needed only for rubber boots, in other cases they lead to overheating of the foot).

- dress, jacket - coat (a fur coat is heavy clothing, which can lead to poor posture, and a tight belt on a fur coat contributes to the development of ADHD). Teaching your child to wear one in winter fur hat Do not wear woolen clothing underneath and do not cover your ears. It is not recommended to cover the nasopharynx with a scarf, as this leads to overheating of the nasopharynx with warm and humid air, which impairs blood circulation and leads to the development of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Hardening methods

"Riga" method of hardening

The method has long been widely used in preschool institutions and has several options. Applicable from 1.5 years.

For this hardening method, three tracks of coarse fabric (burlap, sackcloth, etc.) 0.4 m wide and 1.5 m long are used. One of them is moistened in a 10% solution of table salt (1 kg of salt per bucket of water) at room temperature. . The other is the same t in clean water. The third track remains dry. The paths are laid out on the floor in the following sequence: a “salty” path, a path moistened with ordinary water and a dry one.

Children shuffle along one by one along all the paths. The passage can be repeated 2-3 times and combined with walking on a ribbed board or along the “Health Path”.

"Health Path"

The “Health Track” is a strip of easily washable fabric with small objects sewn onto it: buttons, beads, braided ropes, cords and other bulky items that are safe for the child. Such tracks are used to prevent flat feet and are active irritants of the receptors located on the child’s foot.

Extensive washing

This method is used for children aged 4 years and older.

Wiping is done with a mitten soaked in water, the fabric of which must satisfy the following conditions: absorb water well, not be too soft. It is advisable that the mittens are well moistened, but water should not drip from them.

After drying, the body is rubbed with a dry towel. Rubbing is accompanied by light massaging movements, and the massage is always done from the periphery to the center, in the following sequence:

on the count “1” - rub the chest in a circular motion clockwise;

on the count “2” - wipe your hands from the bottom up to the shoulder;

on the count “3” - rub your legs in the direction from the foot to the knee;

on the count “4” - simultaneously wipe your neck with both hands in the direction from the back of the head to the chin;

on the count of “5” - wipe your face and ears.

At the end of the wet wiping, the child’s body is rubbed with a dry towel until slightly reddened.

At the beginning of learning this hardening procedure, children are helped by adults (teacher, assistant teacher, nurse). Next, children complete all stages independently.

This method hardening may not be carried out on days of swimming in the pool.

Walking barefoot (barefoot)

Technically the simplest unconventional method hardening, at the same time is good remedy strengthening the arch of the foot and ligaments. We start walking barefoot when the temperature of the ground or floor is not lower than +18. First, this is done in socks for 4-5 days, then completely barefoot for 3-4 minutes. We increase the procedure time by 1 minute daily and bring it to 20-25 minutes. The procedure is very physiological and well tolerated by children of any age. It is recommended to carry out withIjunior group.

Contrast air baths in combination with the "Riga" method

The procedure takes place after a nap: it starts at 15.00, lasts 12 - 13 minutes and has the character of running from a “cold” room to a “warm” one with mandatory musical accompaniment. This technique consists of the following procedures. While children are sleeping in the sleeping area, the windows are opened and the air temperature is raised to +13 +16 degrees. After waking up, children wake up and perform physical exercise. This is followed by a run to group room, where the air temperature reaches +21 +24 degrees.

The activities of children in a “warm” room are as follows:

Walking on a mat soaked in saline solution;

Walking on a path soaked in clean water;

Walking on a dry mat;

Walking along the "Health Path".

The pace of walking along the paths is normal, and over time the pace can be gradually increased.

Then the children move to a “cold” room, where, under the guidance of a teacher, they perform physical exercises, dance elements, and play outdoor games.

In a warm room you should adhere to moderate pace in performing exercises to prevent children from overheating.

The number of movements from one room to another should be at least 6 times, staying in each room for 1 - 1.5 minutes. The whole procedure ends with a run from a “warm” room to a “cold” one, where breathing exercises are carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

Children who have had an acute respiratory infection undergo hardening for one week at half the specified time. The salt mat is temporarily contraindicated for these children for 1 week.

When combining air contrast hardening with the "Riga" method and the "Health Path", in addition to the hardening effect, massage and contrast salt hardening of the feet are carried out, preventing flat feet and poor posture. In general, this technique is part of the nonspecific prevention of respiratory diseases and is aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Hygienic shower

IN summer period For the purpose of hardening, you can use a shower. A shower has a stronger effect than, for example, dousing or wiping, since here the effect of jet pressure is added to the temperature factor. Water flowing from the shower under pressure has a massaging effect. The water from the shower feels warmer than water of the same temperature when doused or rubbed.

This raises the tone of the muscular system, increases efficiency, gives vigor, and helps increase energy.

Water temperature, not evoking feelings cooling at first (approximately +36+37 degrees) with a gradual decrease in it, with careful monitoring of the children’s reaction. But for this procedure, the temperature decrease occurs slowly. The time spent in the shower is 20-40 seconds.

The shower is also used to keep the child's body clean. IN summer time this is especially important because exposed parts of the body get dirty easily. Therefore, first of all, you need to wash your feet and hands with soap.

Acupressure "Magic points" (according to A.A. Umanskaya)

Massage increases protective properties mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other human organs. Under the influence of massage, the body begins to produce its own medicines, which are often much more effective and safer than pills.

Acupressure techniques are very easy for adults to learn and then teach to children.

Point 1. Located in the center of the sternum, at the level of the attachment of the 4th rib. Associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and bone marrow. Massaging this area reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis.

Point 2. Located in the center of the jugular notch of the sternum. Regulates the body's immune functions. Increases resistance to infectious diseases.

Point 3. Located symmetrically at the level of the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage, at the anterior edge of the muscle. Controls chemical composition blood and at the same time the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Point 4. Located symmetrically, behind the ear, on the border of the scalp, in the center of the occipital cavity. The back of the neck must be massaged from top to bottom. The neck zones are associated with the regulator of vascular activity in the head, neck and torso. The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is normalized.

Point 5. Located between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae, where when you tilt your head forward, you feel a depression below the most protruding vertebra

Point 6. Located symmetrically between the nasolabial fold in the middle of the wing of the nose. Improves blood supply to the mucous membranes of the nose and maxillary cavity. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away.

Point 7. Located symmetrically at the inner edge of the brow ridge. Improves blood supply to the area eyeball and frontal regions of the brain.

Point 8. Located symmetrically in the recess in front of the tragus of the ear. Massage of this area affects the hearing organs and vestibular apparatus.

Point 9. Symmetrical, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, at the end of the skin fold during abduction thumb. Human hands are connected to all organs. When massaging these points, many body functions are normalized.

Massage technique

You need to massage biologically active zones with the pads of your thumb, index or middle finger using horizontal rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise for 4-5 seconds in each direction. The massage should not be rough and harsh, and should not leave bruises. It is better to start with light pressure, gradually increasing the intensity of the impact.

Zone 3 (neck area) should be massaged with light finger movements from top to bottom. If the massaged area is very painful, a light circular massage is performed. If the skin in the area of ​​the massaged area is changed (suppuration, abrasions, bruises), then the massage is canceled.

Hands should be washed frequently before a massage. Warm, with well-cut nails. You should not massage immediately after eating. For preventive purposes, massage is recommended to be performed 2-3 times a day, as well as after contact with a patient with an acute respiratory infection.

As a preventive measure, massage of biologically active zones can be carried out for a long time, especially in autumn and winter. It must be remembered that only regular massage maintains high body resistance.

Ventilation of premises

For preschool children, it is necessary to create an optimal air regime. Indoors is the main condition for the effectiveness of hardening. Room temperature:

· From 1 to 3 years - +20C O

· From 3 to 7 years - + +18С O , +20С O

It is necessary to ventilate the room 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes through the transoms: in front morning exercises, before physical education and musical activity, before bedtime. During this time, children should be taken to the next room. During walks, through ventilation is carried out, which ends 30-45 minutes before the children arrive (at cold period of the year).

The thermometer in the group, bedroom and washrooms should be located at the height of children.

Walking is a way to harden with air

Children in kindergarten walk 2 times a day.

Children's activities during a walk in frosty days should vary frequently: include jogging, climbing hills, climbing over ramparts, walking on ramparts, and jumping into them. Skating on icy paths. Within 40-60 minutes, the teacher should intensify the children’s movement.

Mouth rinse

It is carried out with boiled water at room temperature after each meal. It is an excellent remedy for preventing diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa.

Children 4-5 years old and older can be taught to gargle. Daily gargling in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed with clean boiled water at room temperature is very effective means prevention of sore throats, proliferation of tonsils and adenoids.

For each rinse, use approximately 1/2 - 1/3 glass of water, and the “gurgling” of water in the throat should continue for as long as possible, for which, before taking water into your mouth, take a deep breath and throw back your head so that the water flows into the pharynx, exhale very slowly and continuously through the mouth. For control, it is more convenient to say “ah-ah-ah-ah!” in a voice.

Excursion to the school museum of history and local lore “MEMORY IS THE BEGINNING”.
Topic: Getting to know the museum.
The excursion is conducted by: the head of the museum, history and social studies teacher A.V. Khodykin. and members of the circle " Young historian».
Goals and objectives:
Introducing students to school museum.
Developing a research spirit in children.
Introducing students to the culture of their region.
Materials for the lesson:
1. Expositions of the school museum of local history:
- “Native village.”
- “Our school yesterday and today.”
- “Echo of War.”
2. Illustrations for the game - “What should the student do?”
3. Songs.
Preparation for the event:
1. Create three groups of guides.
2. Prepare a performance of an excerpt from the song “I look into the blue lakes...”.
3. Prepare proverbs about the Motherland.
Progress of the event.
Org. moment: Head of the museum:
- Guys, today you came to the school museum of local history for the first time. My assistants and I will conduct unusual excursion, but very important for each of us. Listen to our guides, and at the end of the event, tell us what you learned today.
I. 1st group of guides:
- The first school in the village of Taly was opened in 1861. There was also a Sunday school in the village. There were 65 girls and 19 boys aged 12-17 studying there. Classes were taught 32 days a year by two teachers and one law teacher. The students were divided into four groups: 1 - illiterate, 2 - who studied for one winter, dropped out for some reason in the middle of the year, 3 - who studied for 2-3 winters, 4 - who studied for 5 winters at school.

In the sixties, the Talovskaya secondary comprehensive labor polytechnic school with industrial training conducted agricultural experiments on an area of ​​95 hectares and had its own duck farm. In 1963, for raising 50 thousand ducks, she was awarded a second degree diploma from the Committee of the Council of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR. The eighties of the last century... School life is rich and interesting. Pioneer gatherings, Komsomol meetings, ceremonial lines, dedicated memorable dates, sport competitions. In spring and summer, hikes to places of military glory, cheerful songs around the fire, collecting waste paper and scrap metal. The work of the production team in the fields and currents of the Pobeda collective farm, and of course, on the plot. It was there that the guys learned the basics of rabbit breeding and growing seedlings.
- During the holidays, trips to hero cities and capitals of the union republics. Where have the students of our school visited: Moscow, Leningrad, Volgograd, Baku, Kiev, Minsk, Chisinau, Riga, Odessa.

School! For us and our successors, you were, are and will be a temple of science. Within your walls, scientists and machine operators, senior officers and livestock breeders, teachers and pilots, diplomats and builders, geologists and doctors received a start in life. With their feats of arms and selfless labor they defended, restored and glorified their Motherland!

What happened to the fate of our school graduates? Fate scattered them all over great country. Have they forgotten their home school? No! The year before last, graduates of 1956 gathered for a reunion.

The current school building was built in 1972.
- Raise your hands, whose fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers studied at our school.

Warm-up game (using pictures) “What should a student be like?”
(the guides of the first group show the children pictures that show how and what the student must do, and what he should not do, ask questions)
II. 2nd group of guides: (can be replaced by the head of the museum)
- Head of the museum:
A person has one mother, and he has one Motherland.
Don’t spare your strength or your life for your homeland...
- Every year, on May 9, the Victory salute thunders, and the immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immeasurable courage of the people are still alive in the people’s memory. What kind of holiday is this, who can tell me? This holiday is celebrated in every family, in every home. On this day, we bow with gratitude to the heroes who died in battles for the freedom and independence of the Motherland. Soviet people Having defeated the fascist invaders, he defended peace on Earth.
And in the summer of 1942, the Germans occupied the village of Taly.
The village of Taly was under occupation for only six months, but how much grief and separation it brought to fellow villagers. On December 19, 1942, our village was liberated after a difficult battle. In the battles for Taly and Bugaevka, several hundred Soviet soldiers of the 267th Infantry Division fell; the names of 20 officers and 221 soldiers and sergeants are known. They all rest in mass graves, located in the center of the village of Taly, on the street. Stepnoy, st. Lugovoy, in the villages of Bugaevka and Chekhurovka. Monuments and steles are installed on the graves. Locals They carefully look after the graves. Every year on May 9, village residents come to these graves and honor the memory of fallen soldiers, officers, and sergeants. Those who survived are not forgotten either.
Veterans of the 267th Infantry Division are grateful to the residents of the villages of Taly, Bugaevka, Chekhurovka for the good memory of the wars of liberation. The surviving veterans visited the mass graves of their fallen friends more than once. Relatives of the victims also came very often.
During the war, almost the entire adult male population went to the front. 309 men did not return from the battlefields. A native of the village is Lieutenant General A.M. Gorodnyansky (1896 - 1942), commander of the 6th Army of the Southwestern Front. He died near Kharkov in 1942 and was buried there.
III .3rd group of guides:

Our village of Taly was founded by the Cossacks of the Ostrogozhskaya hundred in the south of the Voronezh province on the left bank of the Bogucharka River. The name of the village of Taly comes from the river plant talnik. According to one legend, the Bogucharka River, which flows into the Don, got its name thanks to Peter I. One day the emperor was sailing along the Don River and learned that they were going to poison him by bringing him a cup of poisoned wine. When he was given a cup of wine, he poured it into the river and said: “A cup for God!”
Interesting names the streets in Talakh had names - Governor, Proezzhaya, Shapovalova. Dovgalayevskaya Street stretches along the river bank. Near the bay is Bratasheva Street, which got its name from the name of the rich Cossack who lived on it; here were the courtyards of two Talov priests. On the highest place stood the St. Nicholas Church.
The settlement, as was customary in those distant times, was surrounded for security by a “palisade”, the gates of which were locked at night and guarded by a squad of guards. Behind the palisade and the river stretched meadows, forests and arable lands of the Sloboda residents. The main occupation was agriculture, cattle breeding and transportation.

In front of you you see things that our ancestors used. What things do you know the meaning of?
- Looking at the things that your great-great-grandmothers, great-great-grandfathers, great-grandparents, great-grandfathers, grandfathers and grandmothers used, and even now some of them are used by their parents, what do you think they did? How was it carried out? free time?
(students list) (Listening to an excerpt of the song on the gramophone “Outside the window there is fragrant bird cherry”)
3rd group of guides:
- Yes, our ancestors were mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. Now let's remember the proverbs about the Motherland (mother, bread, etc.)
3rd group of guides:
Proverbs about the Motherland:
To live is to serve the Motherland.
There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.
It is not scary to die for the Motherland - mother.
The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.
The native bush is dear to the hare.
WITH native land- die, don’t go.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
- What proverbs about the Motherland do you know? (Children's statements)
3rd group of guides:
- The Motherland is the house in which we live, and the Russian birch tree, and the cry of the cuckoo, and the clearing. This is the place where you were born and raised. A village whose history we are proud of! Our homeland is also our ancestors, our mothers, fathers, grandparents, who gave us life and name. The Russian people expressed a person’s love for the Motherland in their proverbs and sayings. Our fatherland, our homeland is Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it our homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and as a mother - because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, taught us her language, how a mother protects and protects us from all sorts of enemies... There are many in the world, and besides Russia, all sorts of good states and lands, but one person birth mother- He has one homeland.
- Head of the museum: Russia. Which beautiful word- and dew,
and strength, and something blue...
S. Yesenin
IV. The song “I look into the blue lakes...” plays.
V. Final word head of the museum.

For the fourth year now, at MBDOU Child Development Center No. 89 “Parus” in Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), we have been working on the “Origins” experimental program. The program logo – “source” – means that a child and an adult draw from the inexhaustible well of knowledge of the universal human culture, developing and enriching each other.

Chapter " Aesthetic development” involves introducing a child to the world of art, developing his artistic culture in the socio-cultural environment of the museum.

Understanding the importance this direction in the matter of raising children, its feasibility, we began step-by-step preparation for it.

First of all, at the beginning school year we have entered into an agreement with the National Art Museum visual arts Yakutsk on weekly visits to children senior group. The conditions, main tasks and forms of work were discussed with the senior teacher and museum employee.

We divided classes with children into three stages:

  • Preparing children in kindergarten for visiting the museum (carried out by the teacher).
  • Working with children on excursions to the museum (conducted by a museum teacher - art historian).
  • Work with children to consolidate museum impressions (carried out by a teacher and a museum teacher - art historian).

At the first stage of acquaintance with the art museum special meaning has the child’s internal readiness to perceive art collections, his emotional mood. Therefore, we began the first classes to introduce children to the world of the museum as a group: classes were held on the rules of behavior in the museum, and we looked at reproductions of paintings, portraits of artists, postcards, illustrations from books, products of masters of decorative and applied arts, and small sculptures with the children.

If before this many children did not know what a museum was, then after the first conversations, we noticed an interest: they were happy to look at reproductions on their own outside of class, were interested in who painted it, etc. The gratifying moment was that when the children came to the museum for the first time, they immediately recognized and named the painting by I.K. Aivazovsky, which we talked about in one of the classes.

Currently, children visiting the museum has become a real holiday for our preschoolers. With great interest, children look at paintings of different genres, learn to understand and distinguish between methods of depiction ( oil painting, gouache, crayons, charcoal, etc.)

A specialist, art critic Olga Vasilievna Sizykh, worked with children at the museum. A teacher by training, she uses a fascinating form of “traveling games” to talk about exhibits, artists, the museum itself, paying special attention to the architecture of the building and the interiors of the halls.

Based on the knowledge gained in visual arts classes, children recognized and named Dymkovo toys, got acquainted with Kargopol toys. Examining these two types, they compared the differences and similarities of the painting, the shapes of these figures, which plays an important role in the development cognitive activity, ability to analyze and promotes the development of coherent speech.

The children also visited the exhibition hall of Komdragmet. There we got acquainted with the works of our Yakut artist - Lena Gogoleva. For the first time, the children saw with their own eyes costume sketches and the costumes themselves from the performances “Romeo and Juliet”, “KyysDebiliye” (costumes of the heroes of the Upper and Lower worlds, a costume and mask of the devil), saw carnival costumes and costumes for fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin. The impressions from what I saw were amazing: I saw interest, fear, and joy in the children’s eyes. I think that all this stimulated even more interest in further visits to the museum. On our next visit, the children got acquainted with a new exhibition; this time we were treated to works by the sculptor Ksenophon Nikolaevich Pshennikov. Here they became acquainted with a new form of art for them - sculpture. The conversation was interesting about how the mood, desire, and feeling of a person can be conveyed through the art of sculpture. We learned that there are different types of sculptures: bust portraits, genre compositions, the children again remembered small sculptures. By looking at and directly touching the sculptural works, feeling them with their hands, the children learned that they were made from different materials. If they are made of metal or stone, then they are cold, if they are made of wood, plaster or clay, then they are warm. The lesson was held in game form, the children played with great pleasure: they showed with their facial expressions the mood of the person depicted in the sculpture, turning into “ living sculpture”, depicting various genres. They could “scatter” and “fall” because they were made of sand and walked heavily, which means they were made of metal and stone. Here we once again noted for ourselves the qualitative difference between museum pedagogy and verbal methods, that such emotional disclosure of the child can only be achieved through visual contact of the child with a genuine work art.

By system step-by-step work With children, we conduct classes to consolidate museum impressions. This is a kind of reflection of a child. Our work practice has confirmed its feasibility. We sometimes conduct these classes in the nursery art studio at the museum, in some cases in the art studio at the kindergarten. We conduct classes together with a museum teacher. In these classes, children reveal their creative abilities: they draw, sculpt their impressions of what they saw from clay, dough, and enter into dialogue about what they saw. Based on the results of knowledge, one can judge changes in the aesthetic and cognitive development of the child. Lesson topics:

“My favorite toy”, “Whistle toy”, “Still life of my mood”, “What did I like most?”, “We decorate”, “My landscape”, “My favorite painting”, etc. After each lesson, children receive homework– draw or make your favorite picture, sculpture and tell your parents. We visited the exhibitions “Decorative and Applied Arts of Yakutia”, “ Old city” and held a family viewing of the city’s sculptures.

In a group setting, we opened a mini-museum of children’s works, “Russian Upper Room Corner,” where I conduct RNC classes with children in the form of gatherings, integrated classes, and in the corner children enjoy playing independent games.

All work is carried out, guided by methodological literature from the series of the “Origins” program (authors L.V. Panteleeva “Museum and Children”, T.N. Karachunskaya “Museum Pedagogy and Visual Activities in Preschool Education”).

So, working according to this system, summing up the results of the work done, we can now draw the following conclusions:

Direct acquaintance with the museum’s collections - authentic historical exhibits, as well as with the architecture of buildings and the interiors of halls, has a huge emotional impact on children, and this, of course, is invaluable in the formation of personality and the spiritual and intellectual potential of society as a whole. There is a qualitative difference in the visual contact of a child with a genuine work of art. museum pedagogy from verbal techniques.

It is necessary to create a special systematic program of classes, according to the scheme: - before the museum - in the museum - after the museum.

Observations, conversations and analysis of children's works showed that children have formed a “museum image”, visual memory, artistic thinking and imagination are developing, and progress in general is noticeable. cultural level and enrichment of visual activities. Our children have repeatedly taken part in various competitions children's drawing, where they took prizes.

Not all children retain a craving for drawing, brushes and paints, but a passion for visiting art museums, interest in people and objects, feelings and events, times and countries will not only enrich the soul and mind of future engineers, farmers, politicians and entrepreneurs, but will also make them more useful to their homeland.

More details about the experiment can be read in my article, published in magazine No. 3, 2006. “Chomchuuk Saas.” Yakutsk Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Over the past 5 years, work in the direction of RNK in the mini-museum “Russian Upper Room” of the Parus Central Regional Research Center has been carried out by the third generation of children of different ages.

Over the years, a large amount of material, manuals, toys, and souvenirs have been purchased and created. A lot of literature has been accumulated, both methodological and children's for reading, looking at illustrations, and demonstrative material.

Exhibitions of children's literature “Russian folk tales” have been created for different age categories. Video materials have been collected for viewing not only fairy tales, but also sections of oral folk art according to the age of children. Theater corners are open for independent performances of Russian folk tales.

A lot of classes, matinees, get-togethers, and entertainment on RNA were held. I would like to introduce one of the activities with older children in more detail.

Open lesson on the topic “Pavlovo Posad scarf”


  • Introduce children to Pavlovo Posad scarves and shawls. Teach children the difference between scarves and shawls. Continue to get acquainted with the folk traditions of the Russian people.
  • Develop aesthetic perception, sense of rhythm, color. Create a desire to learn more about folk traditions and crafts of the Russian people.
  • To cultivate a love for the art of folk craftsmen.

Equipment: Pavlovo Posad scarves and shawls, slides.

Progress of the lesson

Part I Teacher: In front of you are large, colorful woolen scarves. They are called Pavlovsky Posad because they are made in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. Look, even the city’s coat of arms shows the edge of a scarf. This city is located near Moscow. For more than 100 years, craftsmen from Pavlovsky Posad have been making such scarves. Here is the very first worsted factory, where they began to produce them in large quantities.

At first, a long time ago, scarves in Pavlovsky Posad were made entirely by hand. The warp was woven on a loom. Weaving is a traditional occupation of Russian women. Such scarves were also painted by hand.

But this is what the worsted factory has become in our time. Weaving machines have become more advanced. They are working on scarves different masters. Weavers weave fabric from wool threads, dyers dye the fabric in different colors. Paints are applied under computer control; mixing of the finished paint is performed without human intervention. Artists create patterns, printing is carried out on printing presses. The most critical operations are carried out manually.

Did you know that in the old days in Rus' a piece of cloth was called “Plat”? This is where the word “shawl” came from. But other products of Pavlovo Posad craftsmen are shawls (shows the shawl to the children).

Look carefully and tell me what is the difference between a shawl and a scarf? The scarf is smaller in size than the shawl; the shawl is decorated with tassels, but the scarf is not). How many of you have Pavlovsk Posad scarves or shawls at home? Who wears them? (mother, grandmother, aunt). (Addresses several girls): You can throw a scarf or shawl over your shoulders. Feel how warm and cozy you are.

Physical exercise. Music game“Burn, burn clearly...”

Part II Do you know how else you can use shawls and scarves? It turns out that you can lay them out like a tablecloth, throw them over the back of a chair or sofa for beauty, or decorate a wall in a country house or country house.

All Pavlovo Posad shawls are different. Each has its own background and its own design, ornament. The background is the main color of the scarf on which the elements of the pattern are located. What color is the background of this scarf? What about this one? What patterns are the scarves decorated with? (leaves, flowers). What color are the flowers? Please note that the entire pattern is located at the edges and corners.

Part III. And now we will be craftsmen from Pavlov Posad and we will decorate the bases of scarves with patterns for our guests. To begin, review and select samples. Application. Children's work.

Questions for children: What are the names of the scarves you made? Why do you think these are scarves and not shawls? What are scarves and shawls for? How were scarves made before? And in our time? What patterns were used to decorate Pavlovo Posad scarves and shawls? (at the end of work, the children give their scarves to the guests).

Pavlovo Posad scarves and shawls are so beautiful and warm that residents of different cities of Russia and other countries wear them with pleasure.