Encyclopedic dictionary of a young historian: Russian history.

The dictionary provides information about modern agricultural science and socialist agriculture in the Soviet country. It tells about cultivated plants, soils and agriculture, about farm animals, the rules of feeding and keeping them, and about agricultural technology. Basic issues of economics and organization are also covered Agriculture, USSR Food Program. Many articles are devoted to outstanding scientists in the field of agriculture, organizers of collective farms, shock workers, and labor associations of schoolchildren. The reader will find in the dictionary practical advice, how to grow crops and care for animals. The dictionary is intended for middle and older schoolchildren.
33.57M, RUS.

The dictionary provides information on types and genres of music, musical instruments, and tells about children's musical creativity and children's musical groups, illuminated creative path composers and performers who have made a significant contribution to the development of the world musical culture. The dictionary contains practical advice: how to learn to listen to music, collect a music library, make musical instrument and many others. The dictionary is designed for middle and older schoolchildren.
28.47M, RUS.

This book reveals amazing world history, that area human knowledge, without mastering which it is impossible to become educated, an intelligent person, is intended primarily for young readers. The dictionary will enrich schoolchildren’s knowledge about the most significant stages of world history and will help to understand the processes of human development, the formation of nations and states. It contains information about the most important events in the life of the peoples of the world, modern problems the world community, about the activities of outstanding scientists and historians.
31.18M, ​​RUS.

The dictionary will expand and deepen young people’s understanding of the past of our Fatherland and historical science. The information contained in it significantly complements the content of school textbooks and manuals. The dictionary has been prepared taking into account latest results research by historians and includes materials about turning points and most important events in the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day, its state institutions, awards, symbols. With the help of the dictionary, the reader will be able to understand complex and controversial issues of socio-economic, political and cultural development our peoples multinational state, get acquainted with the activities of outstanding scientists and historians. For middle and older schoolchildren.
47.26M, RUS.

The release of the encyclopedic dictionary is timed to coincide with the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow. Readers will find in the dictionary extensive information about current state physical culture and sports in the USSR and abroad, about the main sports, about children's sports games for the prizes of the Komsomol Central Committee “Golden Puck”, “Leather Ball”, etc., about military sports games. Young readers will also learn how to build sports and playgrounds in the yard with their own hands, how to choose the right equipment, clothes, shoes, etc. The publication is addressed to middle and high school readers school age, as well as the mass audience of youth.
48.67M, RUS.

The dictionary reveals the basic concepts of chemical science, talks about the history of its development over the centuries, great importance chemistry for modern economic activity humanity, about that important role, which chemistry plays in accelerating scientific and technological progress in our country. The book tells about the life and work of outstanding scientists who made significant contributions to the development of chemical science. Readers will get acquainted with the most important chemical professions and find out where they can be purchased, as well as find practical recommendations about conducting interesting chemical experiments. The publication is illustrated with color drawings, photographs and diagrams.
49.79M, RUS.

The dictionary is intended for middle-aged and older students and, above all, for young naturalists and agricultural experts, members of nature conservation societies, student production teams, and school forestries. It contains extensive reference material about the youth movement, different forms the work of young naturalists and experts, nature conservation, various types animals and plants, biological and agricultural science, care and observation of animals and plants. The book tells about outstanding figures of biological science and the Young People's movement. The dictionary is illustrated with drawings, photographs, maps, diagrams, drawings.
38.25M, RUS.

The dictionary, in an accessible and entertaining form, introduces readers to the basics of literary criticism - the science of the development of literature, its types and genres, trends and methods, as well as the most important problems theory and history of literature, literary criticism, with the principles and techniques of analysis of poetic and prose works, literary terminology, largest representatives Russian and Soviet literary criticism. The dictionary is designed to instill in students a conscious interest in literature - domestic and world; teach independent analysis works of art, their understanding and evaluation. For middle and older schoolchildren.
27.32M, RUS.

The dictionary is intended for middle and older schoolchildren - young geographers and local historians, members of school local history clubs, nature conservation societies and all those who study the nature and economy of their region. The task of the dictionary is to equip the reader not only with theoretical knowledge, but also to instill in students a love for the nature of their region, its careful and economic use. The dictionary can be used for career guidance for students high school. Readers will find in the dictionary a lot of practical advice necessary for a young local geographer: how to prepare for a hike, how to set up a camp camp, how to describe the topography of your region, study its minerals and rocks, measure the height of the snow cover, determine the weather by local characteristics, study the industry of your region, etc. Illustrated dictionary...
37.02M, RUS.

The dictionary is dedicated to one of the most important modern world sciences - biology. It contains about 300 articles that tell about the origin of life and the laws of its development, the structure and functions of living beings - from the whole organism to cells and molecules. Much attention focused on the use of biological science achievements in the national economy and environmental issues. The book contains articles about outstanding domestic and foreign biologists and provides practical advice for students. For middle and older schoolchildren.
31.15M, RUS.

Opening this book, the reader will enter the world of technology. He will become familiar with technical concepts, terms, descriptions of machines, equipment, and production processes. The technical devices around us are the material basis not only modern production, but also all of our Everyday life. Technology is rapidly developing along with the development of science, opening up new possibilities for its application and improvement. The progress of science and technology, combined with the advantages of our socialist economic system, is the key to the growth of production, raising the standard of living of the people, education and culture. The dictionary answers many questions in the field of technology, talks about the history of its development and scientific and technological progress, about famous scientists and the most outstanding discoveries. The book covers a wide range...
54.52M, RUS.

The dictionary will help the reader obtain information about the history of the development of mathematical science, the main directions of its applications in practice, and introduce the main mathematical concepts. One of the goals of the book is to interest schoolchildren in this ancient and now most important science, to help in the formation logical thinking, in learning curriculum. The dictionary tells about outstanding mathematicians and provides entertaining mathematical problems. For middle and older schoolchildren.
58M, RUS.

This book is addressed to everyone who is interested in physics. Nowadays, knowledge of the basics of physics is necessary for everyone in order to have a correct understanding of the world around us - from the properties of elementary particles to the evolution of the Universe. The dictionary provides answers to many questions in the field physical science, talks about its development and modern problems, about the role of physics in the scientific and technological progress of mankind. The book contains information about the life and work of scientists who made significant contributions to the development of science. One of the tasks of the dictionary is to help students choose a profession. The dictionary provides practical advice to young physicists. For middle and older schoolchildren.
23.22M, RUS.

The dictionary entries talk about stars, major and minor planets, interesting phenomena, which are studied by astronomy - the science of the Universe. Schoolchildren will learn about how astronomers work, how human space flights and spacecraft launches expand our knowledge of the Universe. Young readers will also learn about the activities of outstanding astronomers. The dictionary contains practical advice on how to photograph the starry sky, how to build simple astronomical instruments, etc. The book is illustrated with color photographs, drawings, colorful diagrams and diagrams. For middle and older schoolchildren.
13.66M, RUS.

The dictionary will enrich schoolchildren’s knowledge about the most significant stages of world history and will help to understand the processes of human development, the formation of nations and states. It contains information about the most important events in the life of the peoples of the world, contemporary problems of the world community, and the activities of outstanding historians.
For middle and older schoolchildren.
The publication is supplemented with many colorful illustrations.

The appearance of humans on American soil is associated with migration processes. The most likely route of relocation: Chukotka - Bering Strait (possibly the Bering Isthmus) - Alaska. The first people who appeared on the continent over 30 thousand years ago were engaged in gathering and hunting. Gradually, the development of productive forces led to the so-called Neolithic revolution, as a result of which main role It is not the appropriating economy that begins to play, but the producing economy - agriculture. The origins of this revolution date back to approximately the 7th millennium BC. e. Finally, agriculture became the basis of the economy in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. e. in the Ayacucho region (Peru), at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e. in Central Mexico (Tehuacan), in the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium BC. e. in the northeast of Mexico (now the state of Tamaulipas), at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. on the Peruvian coast. When ancient population Since the continent began to move to field agriculture, almost the only cultivated cereal was maize.
The entire history of civilizations and states that arose in western hemisphere until 1492, can be divided into two large stages: the most ancient and the ancient.

Ancient civilizations region of the Central Andes. Chavin.
Around the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium BC. e. The Chavin civilization was formed (in the northwestern part of modern Peru), which existed for over 500 years. As the main building material The Chavins used stone, in the processing of which they achieved great skill. Metals were widely used in craft production: first - gold, later - silver and copper. Extensive trade relations were maintained with very remote areas, all the way to Central America. IN fine arts Among the Chavins, images of cats occupied a prominent place. Power over a vast territory, economic power, the high prestige of Chavín as a cult center, and the increasing concentration of executive, legislative and judicial powers in the hands of the supreme ruler strengthened the idea of ​​Chavín as a “world center.”

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Download the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Historian, General History, Elmanova N.S., Savicheva E.M., 1994 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

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The dictionary will expand and deepen young people’s understanding of the past of our Fatherland and historical science. The information contained in it significantly complements the content of school textbooks and manuals. The dictionary has been prepared taking into account the latest research results of historians and includes materials about turning points and the most important events in the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day, its state institutions, awards, and symbols. With the help of the dictionary, the reader will be able to understand the complex and controversial problems of the socio-economic, political and cultural development of the peoples of our multinational state, and get acquainted with the activities of outstanding historians.
For middle and older schoolchildren.

Archive - a collection of documents formed as a result of the activities of government and municipal institutions, public organizations and private individuals; an institution (or its structural part) that ensures the acquisition, preservation and use of documents; a collection of information on a particular branch of knowledge or science (archive of sociology, archive of philosophy, etc.).

Having emerged as a place for storing old documents, archives, as society developed, became, along with libraries and museums, a materialized memory of the past. IN Ancient Rus'“old letters” were for a long time, along with the treasury, in the treasuries of princes and other feudal lords. With the adoption of Christianity, churches and monasteries under construction began to store along with religious objects handwritten books, certificates and other valuable acts. St. Sophia Cathedral and the Kiev Pechersk Lavra in Kyiv had significant documentary collections. Byzantine clergy brought to Rus' the traditions of office work that had developed in the Eastern Roman Empire. Russian chroniclers willingly used hagiographical tales, teachings, messages, and letters when compiling chronicles. Significant collections were formed both in city archives (Novgorod, Pskov) and in the houses of the noble nobility.

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Download the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Historian, Domestic History, Perkhavko V.B., 1997 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

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