Coworking - what is it? Coworking areas and centers in Russia - pros and cons of working in them, rental price

The benefits of freelancing are difficult to overestimate: being at home, people work more productively, distribute the workload better, and more often generate new interesting ideas. However, these factors only appear if the employee has responsibility and interest in the result: not everyone is able to work hard in the absence of control and motivation. To solve this problem, a freelancer needs to immerse himself in a comfortable working environment - for example, visit a coworking space.

Coworking - what is it: meaning in simple words this concept can be revealed, imagining being equipped with comfortable furniture and modern technology room large sizes, in which anyone can rent a place to work, hold meetings with clients or engage in other types of business activity. Moreover, coworking spaces, which initially appeared to reduce office rental costs, have today turned into centers of attraction for freelancers interested in combining productive work with interesting communication and exchange original ideas and establishing new useful contacts.

Characteristic features of coworking space

It is extremely difficult for a person to work at home without strict self-discipline: he is constantly distracted by household chores, a working TV, entertainment sites, children playing or noisy neighbors. However, the inability to create suitable working conditions in your own apartment is not at all a reason to refuse freelancing: practice shows that coworking spaces are completely devoid of such disadvantages, while maintaining the main advantages of working from home.

What is coworking: the meaning of this term implies both a way of organizing joint work in a common room, and the center itself - a collective office for remote workers and freelancers. Characteristic feature coworking is the lack of direct connections between its visitors: they can be employees of different companies, self-employed citizens and even aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have the means to rent their own premises.

Why do freelancers prefer to do business among their own kind? This desire is fully explained by the human need for social contacts. Some people do not tolerate home loneliness and lack of communication well, others gain motivation only at the sight of actively working colleagues, others are trying to make business contacts, find customers or get new ideas. Thus, a small community is created in a coworking space, whose members help each other, exchange experience and knowledge, provide or receive advice.

Which specialists most often choose such conditions:

  • Programmers and web developers;
  • Software and website testers;
  • Graphic and interior designers, artists;
  • Marketers, advertising specialists;
  • SEO optimizers, SMM and SMO managers;
  • Content managers, moderators, administrators;
  • Webmasters, layout designers;
  • Copywriters, writers, journalists, translators;
  • Students;
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs and startup creators.

In the largest cities of Russia, the number of coworking spaces is already measured in the dozens, while in ordinary regional centers and medium-sized towns this market is almost free. Meanwhile, this business is quite promising, since the level of initial investment looks loyal for a beginning entrepreneur, and the payback period for coworking due to high consumer demand does not exceed 12–18 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of coworking spaces

When exploring the reasons why freelancers prefer working in a coworking space to a home or office environment, it is necessary to mention several key factors, not only economic, but also psychological:

  • Renting space in a coworking space is cheaper than repairing and maintaining a full-fledged office, especially in the case of small rooms, the cost of which in terms of square meter one and a half times higher compared to large rooms;
  • Owners of office space usually insist on a long rental period, while in a coworking space you can book a place even for one day;
  • In a coworking space, everyone is busy with their own business, so no one will distract the freelancer while working;
  • Here you can establish many useful and interesting contacts with other specialists, find clients and even business partners among them;
  • Coworking spaces regularly host educational lectures, seminars, master classes and other events that improve the skills of entrepreneurs;
  • The centers do not have the slightest hint of office formality, such as dress codes, corporate rules, boring surroundings and uncomfortable furniture;
  • It is impossible to recreate the same work environment charged with positive energy at home, so a person’s performance in a coworking space increases;
  • Cleaning, putting things in order, and servicing equipment in the centers are carried out by support staff, the cost of which is included in the tariff;
  • The workplace is equipped with all necessary office equipment, including presentation equipment, telephone communication channels and the Internet.

On the other hand, joint organization of labor cannot be considered ideal solution for free workers, since this format also has some disadvantages:

  • Many freelancers and aspiring entrepreneurs do not allow themselves to rent a room in a coworking space, preferring to save money;
  • The inevitable noise and a large number of strangers may distract those who are used to working in a quieter environment;
  • It is impossible to guarantee the integrity of all people - someone will probably want to steal someone else's thing, spy on an idea, or copy the customer base.

What types of coworking spaces are there?

The concept of “coworking” primarily implies joint work, so visitors come here solely for the sake of work, only allowing themselves to chat with colleagues and drink a cup of coffee during breaks. Depending on what exactly freelancers do here, centers can be classified as:

  • Industrial coworking spaces. Such establishments are intended for people who make money from intellectual activities - copywriters, programmers, webmasters, freelancers, remote workers. The owners of the centers create the most comfortable conditions for them - they arrange workplaces, areas for negotiations and meals, rest rooms;
  • Creative coworking spaces. This format can be called a creative club - artists, writers, musicians, poets and other representatives of similar professions gather here, author evenings and exhibitions are held. Although the centers are intended primarily for communication between people with similar interests, those who like to work in solitude can also find a free corner;
  • Craft coworking spaces. Designed mainly for people who love to work with their hands, but do not have the opportunity to set up a workshop at home. The centers are divided by topic and equipped with all the necessary equipment: co-working spaces for carpenters, furniture makers and seamstresses are especially popular. This format allows craftsmen to actively exchange experiences and secrets, conduct master classes, and entrepreneurs to receive additional income from selling raw materials, tools and materials to clients;
  • Coworking spaces for children. They are an intermediate option between kindergartens and creative centers for children. Here you can find playrooms, workshops with instruments for children and teenagers, dance rooms and active games. Qualified teachers provide entertaining and educational activities, master classes, experiments. Sometimes coworking spaces have separate rooms for parents who want to entrust their child to caregivers in order to work themselves.

It is also worth mentioning some unusual center formats that emerged as a result of entrepreneurs’ attempts to create a unique establishment concept:

  • Street coworking spaces. In countries with mild climates, freelancers practice working in open coworking spaces, using parks and squares for these purposes;
  • Coworking spaces for night owls. A coworking space has been created in the Philippines for those who like to work at night. The establishment opens at 3 pm and closes only in the morning;
  • Men's coworking spaces. Men often complain that any attractive woman completely deprives them of the ability to concentrate on work. Therefore, Australian entrepreneurs have limited access to the fair sex to their center;
  • Women's coworking spaces. American businessmen came to the opposite decision, opening a coworking space exclusively for women.

What services do coworking spaces provide?

Before organizing a coworking center, you need to carefully consider the list of services it provides. This is especially important in large cities, where dozens of similar enterprises already operate: only by offering some interesting and unusual services in addition to the basic package, will a new establishment be able to acquire its own customer base.

In addition, the entrepreneur will need the help of a lawyer to draw up accompanying documents: the service model in a coworking space implies a full sublease of a workplace, which radically distinguishes this type of business from anti-cafes or other leisure centers. Therefore, an agreement must be concluded with each visitor, containing not only a list of rights and obligations, but also details of the parties.

Below is a typical list of coworking services, which is considered the standard minimum among entrepreneurs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other large cities of Russia:

  • Rent of workplaces. The main activity of coworking spaces is providing jobs to freelancers. Entrepreneurs practice a fairly flexible system - you can rent a place for a day, a week or a month, book a specific table or take any free chair, use your laptop or center computer. Most often, the subscription fee includes water and drinks, consumables, paper and stationery;
  • Renting space for events. Coworking spaces can be partially or fully rented out for corporate events - trainings, seminars, meetings. This service is especially in demand in large cities, where finding a cheap site is not so easy;
  • Conducting master classes and lectures. Often, coworking space owners independently conduct various training courses or master classes, or invite relevant specialists for these purposes. You can open several trial courses according to different topics in order to later select the most popular ones;
  • Providing additional services. Entrepreneurs are trying to make extra profit by combining their coworking spaces with cafes, gyms and even hostels. Some of these decisions are controversial, but everyone agrees that two or three vending machines with snacks in an establishment will not be superfluous.

In addition to food, the list of coworking center services often includes:

  • Personal lockers with keys for storing things in the coworking space;
  • Dedicated places for rest, eating, telephone conversations;
  • Active zones with tennis tables, exercise equipment;
  • Shower cabins;
  • Presentation equipment - magnetic boards, projectors, TV;
  • Unlimited Internet access;
  • Consultations with specialists in jurisprudence and accounting;
  • Personal page on the coworking website;
  • Virtual office and secretary services.

How to choose a coworking space

Choosing a space for coworking is much more difficult than finding a place for a store or hairdresser: in the search process, an entrepreneur has to take into account many different, sometimes even contradictory parameters:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to places with good accessibility - for example, in the center, near public transport stops or near the metro;
  • It is not recommended to rent space in shopping or business centers, since many coworking spaces eventually switch to 24-hour operating hours. It is best to use a separate building or annex;
  • It is also important to make sure that there is parking or a parking lot with sufficient capacity nearby. It is advisable to have a reserve of seats, since many freelancers eventually acquire their own transport;
  • Finally, the view from the window matters. Visitors to coworking spaces prefer to be inspired by a view of a park or pond rather than be disheartened by a vacant lot or industrial landscape outside the windows. The room itself should be bright, with high ceilings and large windows.

Before organizing a coworking space, you should consider the interior design, choose original artistic solutions and remarkable decorative elements. This need is associated with the desire of many freelancers to show off their workplace to colleagues and publish photos on in social networks, thereby providing free advertising for the establishment.

For renting space in a coworking space to be profitable, you need to accommodate at least 40–50 people. Considering the norm of 4–5 m² per person, an entrepreneur should select a hall with an area of ​​220–250 m² and above. When equipping workplaces, you should remember the various preferences of freelancers and use not only standard office tables with chairs, but also sofas with coffee tables, and even bean bags.

The coworking space itself must be divided into several zones:

  • A work area where visitors will work;
  • Relaxation area with large soft sofas and TV;
  • One or two meeting rooms with demonstration equipment;
  • Eating area with kitchen equipment and tables;
  • Bathroom (if possible, it is advisable to install a shower stall);
  • Sometimes entrepreneurs set up a separate conference room.

How to equip a coworking space?

In the process of developing a business plan for a coworking center, you will notice that the main expenses of the enterprise are related to the purchase of furniture and office equipment. It is impossible to save on these items, since their quality directly affects the comfort and ease of work that is important for visitors. However, when opening a center with 50 seats, it is not at all necessary to buy 50 computers - many freelancers prefer to use their own laptops. The creator of a coworking space can only provide good Wi-Fi coverage in all corners of the room and connect a fast, uninterrupted Internet access channel. In general, to equip the center you will need:

Equipping a coworking space for 50 seats

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Office equipment
Laptop for staff 18000 2 36000
Client PC with monitor 18000 20 360000
MFP 9000 2 18000
Network router 2000 2 4000
Wireless router 1500 4 6000
Telephone set 1200 5 6000
TV 25000 2 50000
Projector with screen 25000 1 25000
Cash machine 12000 1 12000
POS terminal 7000 1 7000
PBX 15000 1 15000
Work area furniture
Large office table 3000 10 30000
Working chair 1500 50 75000
Small sofa 8000 12 96000
Coffee table 2000 6 12000
Hanger 3000 5 15000
Locker for things 10000 4 40000
Furniture for meeting rooms
Large office table 3000 2 6000
Working chair 1500 20 30000
Magnetic board 5500 2 11000
Living area and kitchen furniture
Table 1500 4 6000
Chair 800 12 9600
Kitchen set 15000 1 15000
Bag chair 1500 10 15000
Large sofa 20000 4 80000
Coffee table 2000 4 8000
Security systems
Video surveillance system 20000 1 20000
Security and fire alarm 28000 1 28000
Kitchen equipment
Electric kettle 1000 1 1000
Coffee machine 75000 1 75000
Microwave 3000 1 3000
Fridge 12000 1 12000
Cooler 3000 1 3000
Other equipment
Accounting software 25000 1 25000
Lamp 1000 25 25000
Stationery 5000
Cleaning lady tool 5000
Bathroom equipment 15000 1 15000
Sockets and switches 200 50 10000
Total: 1214600

Coworking staff

An entrepreneur should not be afraid of high labor costs, since it is possible to open a coworking center with a minimum number of employees. Strictly speaking, one administrator is enough to perform daily tasks. The list of his responsibilities will include:

  • Ensuring order and compliance with internal rules;
  • Notifying visitors about ongoing promotions and events;
  • Ensuring the operability of coworking equipment;
  • Consumables inventory management;
  • Accepting payments for additional services, selling subscriptions.

Since the recommended working day in the center is 15–16 hours (many coworking spaces operate around the clock), the entrepreneur needs to hire at least two administrators who work in shifts. Also, to solve minor problems, you will need a computer technician who will repair and maintain office equipment, and a marketing specialist, whose list of responsibilities will include managing advertising and attracting new clients. Considering that the document flow of coworking spaces usually does not exceed reasonable limits, accounting services can be outsourced:

Coworking staffing schedule

Job title Rate, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Administrator 25000 2 50000
Office equipment repairman 25000 1 25000
Marketing Specialist 25000 1 25000
Cleaning woman 15000 1 15000
Insurance premiums 34500
Accounting services 10000
Total: 159500

How to attract visitors?

As a business, coworking especially needs advertising: this format of workspace has appeared especially recently, and therefore the marketer has to not only promote the center, but also explain to representatives of the target audience the advantages of this way of doing business. Since it is quite expensive to use the entire set of tools proposed below for a long time, it is necessary to constantly analyze the effectiveness of certain advertising channels in order to select the most effective ones:

  • Promoting your own website, publishing information materials and reports on past events on it;
  • Maintaining communities on social networks, inviting new participants to them;
  • Publication of advertising on local and thematic forums;
  • Distribution of leaflets at exhibitions, conferences, seminars;
  • Promotion of courses and other training events;
  • Publication of master classes, photo reports, videos on relevant websites;
  • Publication of advertising and feature articles in local media.

Video on the topic

How much does it cost to open a coworking space?

One of the most important sections of a coworking center business plan with calculations is the calculation of the economic efficiency of the project. First of all, it is necessary to determine the start-up costs associated with the design and renovation of the premises, the purchase of furniture and equipment, while not forgetting such important items as website development and the creation of the necessary supply of consumables. This should also include the rent that the entrepreneur will pay during the renovation of the premises:

Initial costs

Article Amount, rub.
Individual entrepreneur registration 800
Registration of permits 5000
Opening a current account 2500
First month's rent 75000
Room renovation 375000
Design project 125000
Signboard and work schedule board 20000
Starting advertising campaign 50000
Coworking equipment 1214600
Connecting communication lines 5000
Purchase of consumables 40000
Total: 1912900

The running costs of a coworking space depend on its area, the number of hired staff and attendance. Obviously, an increase in the flow of customers will lead to an increase in costs for paying utility bills and purchasing coffee, drinks, printer paper and stationery free for visitors:

Monthly expenses

Revenues and profitability

The pricing policy of establishments of this type is determined by the location, popularity of the center, the purchasing power of the target audience and the list of additional services. On average in Russia, the price of a coworking space per hour ranges from 60–120 rubles, however, when purchasing a subscription, the user is offered a corresponding discount. For example:

  • One working day - from 300 to 800 rubles;
  • Monthly subscription - from 8,000 to 16,000 rubles;
  • Rent of a meeting room - from 1000 to 4000 rubles for the first hour, from 800 to 3000 rubles for subsequent hours.

According to statistics, daily attendance of coworking spaces is at the level of 65–80%. Thus, you can calculate the income of an establishment with 50 seats, where 50% of visitors buy a monthly subscription:

Monthly coworking profit

Service Tariff, rub. Qty Profit, rub.
Rent of workplaces daily 400 20 x 30 days 240000
Monthly subscription 10000 20 200000
Rent a meeting room per hour 1000 40 hours 40000
Hosting an event 10000 4 40000
Total: 520000

As a business, coworking spaces are characterized by extremely high profitability: the break-even point is reached at only 50% traffic. Thanks to a well-thought-out marketing policy, an entrepreneur will be able to significantly exceed this threshold and get a good profit from the business:

Profit and profitability


Given the increase in the number of people who prefer freelancing or remote work to an office environment, it can be assumed that the popularity of coworking as a business and as a way to organize a workspace will only grow. Of course, this type of activity is not without some drawbacks - for example, due to the relatively recent formation of this niche, an entrepreneur cannot yet use ready-made effective solutions or buy a franchise: in the absence of collective experience, he has to independently look for the right ways to optimize business processes and develop service technologies.

However, technically, opening a coworking space is quite simple. You just need to choose a suitable room, buy comfortable furniture and carefully consider the list of services. Further success depends entirely on the businessman: by constantly monitoring his clients, studying their needs and adjusting the work of the center in accordance with those, he can create a truly popular and in-demand establishment.

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What are coworking offices? What is the economic justification for the project when organizing a coworking space? What are the features of a carpentry coworking space?

My name is Denis Kuderin, I am an expert on economic topics and part-time editor of HeatherBeaver magazine. I don't go to work in the office. I work at home, in the summer - at the dacha or in the park.

Sometimes I do business in coworking center entitled Lift. IN Lately I like it there more and more - close to home, convenient and inexpensive. If you don't know, what is coworking and what it is eaten with, then this article is for you.

I'll tell you why more and more people choose to work specially organized space in the form of coworking and how to organize a highly profitable and promising coworking business.

Let's sit down comfortably and read to the end - at the end you will find an overview of the best office and production centers in the Russian Federation, plus a description of the main risks when organizing such a business.

Statistics show: approximately 2 million Russians prefer traditional work in the office remote employment. Which is not surprising - freelancing helps you distribute your workload the way you want and save personal resources.

But there are also certain disadvantages to such work. It’s hard to force yourself to work when you don’t have to get up when the alarm goes off and there’s no control over you in the form of bosses. Difficulties arise with work process organization and motivation.

Yes and not everyone has the opportunity work calmly and productively at home, surrounded by constant distractions such as a running TV, noisy children or an overly talkative spouse.

Finding a compromise solution will help coworking space– a specially organized workspace for the same freelancers, how are you.

For entrepreneurs, organizing a coworking center is a promising way to earn money. By investing in coworking space, you are creating a promising business that will generate profits for decades. is becoming an increasingly popular and relevant way of working, and therefore there should not be any difficulties with clients in the next 100 years.

– (from the English “co-working” - collaboration) - Labour Organization in a common space. The space for work itself is also called coworking - collective office for freelancers.

Coworking is a Californian invention.

The first collective office was opened in San Francisco by a programmer Brad Newberg in 2005. The place was called The Hat Factory- it was community for people tired of offices. Then similar establishments multiplied all over the world.

The fashion for coworking spaces reached Russia only a few years ago. There is every reason to believe that a real coworking boom can be expected in large cities of the Russian Federation in the near future. So this is a very promising niche for entrepreneurs who need a fresh, “unhackneyed” business idea.

The goal of creating a coworking center is not just to provide everyone in need with a table and chair to work, but also create some kind of community – a community whose members exchange ideas, experiences and spend time productively together.

In coworking spaces they not only work, but also take a break from righteous labors - of course, without alcohol or other stimulants.


In Novosibirsk, where I live, several years ago no one had even heard of any coworking spaces. Freelancers worked, as usual, from home, in the warm season - in secluded parks and public gardens.

Now there are several coworking spaces in my city. "Cloud" in Akademgorodok, Lift– a cozy business class coworking space in the business part of the city, Be Happy– creative recreation club, « Secret place» , "Like" and several more communities of different levels and different directions.

Coworking spaces include various "anti-cafe" And "not-cafe", in which people pay not for food and drinks, but for the time spent in the establishment. There are already about five of them in my city. I myself have not tried to work in anti-cafés, but I know those who do it, and quite successfully.

Interior of a coworking center

The essence of such establishments is the same - people come there who are free from office work, for the purpose of creative work, business and friendly communication, rational organization of the work process.

Man is a social being. Not everyone is a lone ranger. Many of them need communication with their own kind. In addition, the coworking space has a chance find new customers And gain experience from colleagues in the workshop.

As for the economic justification for launching such a business, the calculation will be individual in each case. The more an entrepreneur has creative ideas regarding your coworking space, the higher the expected profitability.

The centers earn not only from renting workplaces, but also from related servicestraining, catering and leisure activities.

Who will be interested in this:

  • programmers;
  • copywriters and commercial writers;
  • designers;
  • marketers;
  • SEO specialists;
  • managers working remotely;
  • artists;
  • everyone who is not constrained by the confines of office and workshop work.

The target audience, as we see, is almost limitless. In some cities there are even carpentry co-working spaces, where people come to work not only with their brains, but also with their hands.

2. What types of coworking centers are there – TOP 4 main types

The key part of the word "coworking" is "work". That is, people come here first of all to work, and only then to communicate, drink coffee and exchange ideas. Working space turns into an ecosystem, where everything is subordinated to the main goal - create ideal conditions for productive activities.

Coworking center should be useful, comfortable, well equipped, clean and spacious. At the same time, expensive design and an abundance of newfangled technology do not yet guarantee that this place will be convenient and easy to work. The atmosphere of creativity is important and creation.

There are several types of coworking centers – let’s look at the main ones.

Type 1. Centers for production and office activities

The most common type of coworking space. In such centers representatives work different professions – designers, copywriters, programmers, translators. People who are not tied to a specific employer work here, or employees work remotely.

In such centers, in addition to the main workspace, there are rest rooms, conference rooms, rooms for telephone conversations and personal meetings, cafes.

Beginning entrepreneurs who do not want to spend money on renting an office or do not have the means to do so can run their own business here (unless, of course, it is the production of sunflower seeds or ice cream).

It happens that large companies They rent places in such centers for specialists hired for one-time projects. This is more profitable than organizing workplaces for them at the company’s main office.

Office centers are the easiest to organize. At first, the costs are minimal. This is what the co-owner of one of the Novosibirsk centers told me: “ At first we only had tables, chairs, internet and a toilet. We added everything else along the way.».

Payment in such offices is hourly, weekly or monthly. I was in a coworking space where it was cheaper to pay a special 10-day rate, then one working day would cost only 300 rubles.

Type 2. Creative coworking centers

They gather here creative personalities– artists, poets, musicians, writers. In such centers the emphasis is on on communication between people of similar interests, although those who prefer solitary creativity will find a comfortable corner here.

Type 3. Craft centers

Dialer increasingly popular type of coworking space – open handmade workshops . A paradise for those who love to do things with their own hands. Such centers have all the necessary equipment, including specific ones - for example, 3D printers.

While a programmer or writer always has the choice of going to a coworking space or working at home, not all furniture or clothing designers can work in their own workshop. In such situations coworking is the only opportunity do what you love.

And most importantly, here you will get advice and instructions from more experienced craftsmen. Sometimes they even organize master classes or conduct full-fledged Training courses.

Directions for DIY coworking space- a great many. These include design, sewing, and carpentry workshops. Some centers organize in parallel online stores, in which they sell finished products of their clients.

Among the most popular destinations are: carpentry and furniture making. Clients of carpentry co-working spaces are craftsmen who want to set up their production, but do not yet have the funds to organize a workshop.

Example of carpentry coworking

Community carpentry workshop "Gift of Labor" in Moscow. 830 sq.m of production space. Daily audience – 43 people (on average). One of the first industrial coworking spaces in the Russian Federation. There is a carpentry here The educational center and an order department, where those wishing to order furniture, laser engraving, milling, etc.

An example of a craft coworking space - a carpentry workshop

Additional income for owners, in addition to renting space and equipment, - sale of consumables and tools, consultations and training, space for a warehouse of finished products.

Type 4. Children's coworking centers

A specific type of coworking space- something in between private kindergarten And center children's creativity . In the West, such establishments are par for the course; in Russia, they are still a rare, but very promising line of business.

Children's coworking space provides children with healthy eating, educational games, communication, while parents are close to their child and in contact with other mothers and fathers. In essence, this is the organization of useful and enjoyable leisure time for children and their parents.

The table clearly shows the pros and cons of “communal offices”:

Criteria for evaluation "Behind" "Against"
1 Workspace organization Everything you need is always at hand, the centers are equipped with computers, printers, scanners and other modern equipment Some are annoyed by the classic Office Style, but there are centers with a more informal atmosphere
2 Communication There is always an opportunity to communicate with colleagues Not all freelancers are ready to contact people
3 Convenience In large cities you will always find a Center in close proximity from your home In cities where there are few coworking centers, some visitors find it difficult to get to them
4 Safety Some centers have lockers for storing personal items You have to be careful - clever thieves can easily steal valuables from visitors who are immersed in their work.

3. How you can make money from a coworking space - 4 main sources of income

If you are a budding businessman looking for a promising idea, and there is no coworking space in your city yet, hurry up. Otherwise, someone will definitely get ahead of you. Investments here are minimal, payback is relatively quick, and profitability is unlimited.

Practice shows that with proper business organization, investments pay off in about 8-12 months. If you are the owner of the premises, then this period is reduced by 2 times.

That being said, there are several ways to make a profit through a coworking space. Use all options and your earnings will increase proportionally.

Source 1. Renting a workplace by clients of the center

The classic way to generate income is by renting places to those who want to work. Each center has its own prices and rental rates. On average it's 10-20 thousand per person per month , if he visits the center daily. One-time visits will cost visitors more. In some coworking spaces they charge workers up to 500 rubles. at one o'clock .

Source 2. Renting out a center for corporate events

Rent out your center to those who wish to conduct corporate events– conferences, trainings, business meetings or meetings. This is not the main, but profitable source of income, especially in large cities, where finding inexpensive premises for corporate events is not always easy.

Source 3. Educational direction

Well-organized training programs in some centers account for almost half of the revenue.

In the first season of operation of a coworking space, it is worth organizing inexpensive pilot training courses in different areas to select the most popular ones. This is how you “grope” target audience. After this, you can launch full-fledged programs with an appropriate cost.

Source 4. Provision of additional services

Open a small cafe in a coworking space. It is much more convenient for visitors to buy coffee and buns here than to run to the nearest buffet. As a last resort, sell drinks and snacks.

4. How to open a coworking center - step-by-step instructions for aspiring entrepreneurs

In a large city there are hundreds of microcultures and business communities. It will not be possible to create a place that is convenient for everyone. That's why decide right away with a potential audience. Based on the contingent, organize everything else.

Act according to an expert scheme, this will reduce costs and save time.

Step 1. Draw up a business plan

Drawing up a competent plan is a mandatory preparatory stage of any business. Such a document will help calculate and optimize initial costs and determine what steps need to be taken to bring your ideas to life.

It will be difficult to keep 1000 and one little things in your head - use Google Docs and special programs for running a business.

A business plan for a coworking space includes creating a team. One person cannot simultaneously play the role of administrator, designer, marketer, consultant and commercial director.

Step 2. Choose a room

Selecting a room plays a decisive role in the coworking business. For the purposes of an office center, space in the business part of the city is suitable.

Main requirements for the premises:

  • convenient location near the metro or major transport interchanges;
  • modern renovation;
  • uniform style and business atmosphere;
  • a lot of free space;
  • availability of a bathroom;
  • fast internet.

Some centers have several floors, but not every entrepreneur can afford such luxury. Beginners, as a rule, have only one option - renting an inexpensive commercial space with subsequent design.

Step 3. Purchase equipment

You will need tables, chairs, armchairs, clothes hangers, office partitions to divide space into zones, computers and other office equipment. Plus some household appliances and necessary little things.

Step 4. Improving the layout

If the condition of the premises is far from ideal, you cannot do without costs for repairs, decoration and design. Work areas need to be separated from the recreation area. If you plan to earn income from training, you will need additional space.

High ceilings And panoramic windows with inspiring views they work as a plus. If the room is easy to breathe and there is a feeling of spaciousness, customers will want to spend as much time here as possible.

Availability own point food will increase income, but will also require additional costs. Beginners are unlikely to be able to immediately organize a cafe in a coworking center, but keep this prospect in mind.

Step 5. Attract visitors and generate income

7. Conclusion

– organizing a workspace for remote workers and freelancers. It’s quite a nice, profitable and promising business if you organize it correctly.

Question for readers

Do you think coworking will be profitable in small towns, where the majority of the population has never heard of such a service?

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Many freelancers know that the home environment is relaxing and this immediately affects productivity. Of course, not having to work in an office is a definite plus - a freelancer has no bosses and plans his own work schedule, but sometimes communication with colleagues is so lacking! In addition, work in the office is more orderly; the office atmosphere itself puts you in a working mood and allows you to fully concentrate on the task at hand.

For the first time, the possibility of creating an office space in which workspaces could be rented for short term, thought young freelance programmer Brad Newberg. The idea of ​​a workspace in which a variety of specialists could work simultaneously seemed worthy of attention, and in 2006, Brad Newberg opened the world's first coworking space in San Francisco, which lasted only one year. The reason for the closure was lack of space. Other freelancers really liked Brad’s idea, and a few months later he opened a new coworking space called Hat Factory.

The coworking model proposed by Brad Newberg attracted not only freelancers who were tired of home isolation. Businessmen saw coworking as an excellent opportunity to make money. After this, office spaces that provide the opportunity to rent a workplace began to appear all over the world. At the moment, there are dozens of coworking spaces operating in Russia. Most of them are in Moscow, which is quite understandable - the city is large, there are a lot of freelancers, and demand, as we know, creates supply. FreelanceToday brings to your attention comparative analysis the most popular coworking spaces in Moscow.

Coworking "Delovar" is located at Komsomolsky Prospekt, building 28. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 22:00, seven days a week. The work area of ​​a coworking space includes a row of open tables and a row of tables with partitions, which are perfect for meetings. Each workplace is provided with Internet access and all necessary office equipment. Coworking “Delovar” offers three tariffs for freelancers and entrepreneurs: “Standard”, “Business” and “Premium”.

The coworking space also has a hall for trainings and seminars, the area of ​​which is 60 square meters. meters.

Delovar is an unusual coworking space that only partially positions itself as a shared workspace for freelancers. In fact, this is the oldest Russian business club, existing for over 12 years. Here entrepreneurs can exchange experiences and make useful contacts. The club provides accounting and legal advice, as well as necessary business services. The friendly atmosphere of the club will especially appeal to beginners, who often need support from their more experienced colleagues.


Coworking “Free Swimming” is located at Varshavskoye Shosse, 28 A. Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 00:00. Coworking offers visitors several tariff plans that take into account the financial capabilities and personal needs of freelancers and business people. Even the cheapest tariff provides access to everything that contributes to comfortable work: each client receives a comfortable workplace, high-speed Wi-Fi, access to the recreation area and kitchen.

More expensive tariff plans contain additional options: fixed seat, accounting and legal consulting, parking. The coworking space has a kitchen where you can quickly heat up the lunch you brought with you. “Free Swimming” offers 8 tariff plans designed for a wide variety of customer categories.

The “Table for One” coworking space is located in the center of Moscow at Tokmakov Lane, 20/31, building 1. This is a cozy coworking space where you can rent a workplace or office at any time. The coworking space is small, but it has everything the necessary conditions for comfortable work. In addition to renting a workplace, you can book a meeting room or room for holding seminars, master classes or individual lessons. The coworking space is also ready to provide its clients with a legal address with secretarial and accounting support.

High-speed Internet (Wi-Fi) is always available in the coworking space, and there is also an MFP for printing documents. There is no relaxation area, but you can always take your mind off work by sitting on a soft sofa in the hallway. There is a kitchen with hot drinks where customers can heat up lunch or cook something delicious.

“Table for One” is located a five-minute walk from the Kurskaya metro station (circle line). Free parking is available for customers who prefer to travel by car. The coworking space has a cumulative system: if a client spends three full days, he gets a free hour in a coworking space or meeting room.

The meeting room can be rented for the day, and hourly rates are also available. Choosing a tariff « Meeting room for an hour », the client reserves one of two premises with an area of ​​11 sq. m or 22 sq.m. The rental cost is 400 and 650 rubles, respectively. The meeting room has everything you need: internet, MFP, table, chairs, air conditioning, whiteboard.

The “Meeting room per day” tariff will cost 2,500 rubles when renting a small meeting room. Renting a room with an area of ​​22 square meters will cost 5,000 rubles.

The coworking space has three tariffs: “I came here”, “I come here” and “I live here”.

You can also rent a representative office with an executive office, a reception area and a meeting room. The cost of renting an office is 8,000 rubles per day.


There are two coworking spaces operating under the Workstation brand. The first is located in the park named after. Gorky, at Leninsky Prospekt 30A. Address of the second coworking: Artplay center, st. Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, building 10, building 2, 7th floor.

A single workspace located in Gorky Park will surprise even experienced freelancers. The coworking space is located in a quiet corner of the park; it is a wood-paneled pavilion with panoramic windows. The coworking space has several work areas with different levels noise. At the far end of the pavilion is the startup area, separated from the freelance area by a glass partition. There is also a social area and a gaming area where you can chat without fear of disturbing the work of other visitors.

Like other coworking spaces, Workstation has a kitchen with hot drinks for a quick snack. If you need a full meal, you can do it at the Shardam cafe, located next door.

The coworking space has everything you need for productive work: computers, office equipment, lockers, high-speed Internet. It is worth especially noting the presence of showers - they are intended for those who come to work after jogging or cycling.

The coworking space, located at the Artplay Center for Design and Architecture, is a modern office space occupying four floors. In addition to the work area, the coworking space has a conference room and 3 spacious meeting rooms.

Workstation offers three plans to choose from: Hipster, Freelancer, and Startup.

The coworking space in Gorky Park operates a full-fledged Rabochiy cinema with author's program. IN summer period Film screenings take place on the veranda, and in the winter, the play area and communication area are transformed into a hall for about 50 visitors. So the creators of the “Workstation” coworking space modeled not a workspace, but the lifestyle of a modern creative person.

Union Place coworking addresses: Moscow City, Presnenskaya embankment, building 6, building 2, 43rd floor of the Empire tower and 1st Koptelsky lane, building 10, building 1.

Union Place coworking space is a shared workspace designed primarily for startups and entrepreneurs focused on success. This is the only coworking space of this format not only in Russia, but throughout the entire eastern hemisphere. Union Place has strict rules for clients and is not an anti-cafe or a place to relax and hang out with other freelancers. There are no game consoles, ping-pong tables, balloons or other things that distract from work. People come to Union Place who are united by a common idea - to make money.

The coworking space has no dress code requirements, but it is neat appearance welcome. Don’t forget about personal hygiene, otherwise you may be denied access.

One of the principles of coworking is openness and communication. It’s not customary here to look at someone else’s monitor, but if a visitor has any difficulties, other clients will be happy to come to his aid.

Union Place welcomes business-minded and goal-oriented people who never stop moving forward. For those who come to the office to relax or work carelessly, there is no place in a coworking space. Team spirit is maintained here and everyone is united by one idea - to get rich.

Union Place coworking spaces have everything you need for effective work: high-speed Internet, comfortable workspaces, office equipment and stationery, drinks, meeting rooms, boxes for personal belongings. Various business events are held regularly; consulting sessions, business simulations, seminars and master classes.


It is impossible not to note the growing popularity of coworking spaces, of which there are more and more in Moscow every year. Today, coworking spaces operate in a variety of formats - freelancers and entrepreneurs can work in antique cafes, libraries, and business incubators. Even a student dorm room can be turned into a coworking space. However, the best working conditions are provided by coworking spaces, which make money by renting out workspaces. Such office spaces have all the conditions for productive work and constructive communication with other coworking visitors. Coworking space is ideal for startups and small companies who would like to save on renting a separate office. For relatively little money, you can rent workstations and office equipment, and hold meetings with investors and clients in meeting rooms.

The cost of renting a workplace in Moscow coworking spaces is at least 5,900 rubles per month (Free Swimming coworking space). Some coworking spaces offer the option of paying by the hour. Renting a workplace at the lowest rate in this case will cost 100-150 rubles per hour.

On average, a space in a coworking space costs 13-15 thousand rubles per month. The cost of rent depends on several factors: the proximity of the coworking space to the city center, the size of the premises, the number of services provided and the quality of the audience. There are coworking spaces where you can work and have fun; in other shared work spaces, management strives to create an exclusively business atmosphere.

The highest prices for renting a workplace are in the Union Place coworking space, which is located in Moscow City. To work alongside motivated people you will have to pay 19,970 rubles per month. In second place is the “Workstation” coworking space. For visitors who choose the “Startup” tariff, renting a workplace will cost 18 thousand rubles per month. This is the most expensive coworking plan, but you can save money by choosing, for example, the “Hipster” plan with the possibility of hourly rental. The third place with the “Team” tariff is again at Union Place - 17,970 rubles per month.

From all this we can conclude that the cost of renting a workplace in Moscow depends on the proximity of the coworking space to the city center. The price is also influenced by the business positioning of the coworking space, but it is the geographic location that is the pricing factor.

Free form workspace when the group is absolutely different people performs his work in a specific space, rooms or halls.

What is coworking in simple words?

All these people can do work independently of each other, although they are in the same place, or, conversely, get together to discuss common project issues and tasks. Coworking only provides a comfortable and equipped space or room necessary for work. In most cases, coworking centers are visited by freelancers and startupers, in other words, free and independent individuals.

Only in such a relaxed atmosphere can the whole creative potential person.
It is worth noting that coworking centers first appeared in America in 2005, and in Russia they began to develop only in 2008 in Yekaterinburg. The first coworking center in Russia was called “Tower”, but it only lasted for a year. The following centers opened only a few years later, but already in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and their activities were enshrined in legislation.

As a rule, coworking areas, equipped with everything necessary from furniture to a coffee machine, are rented for the required period and look like regular office with workplaces, meeting rooms and recreation areas.

Pros and cons of coworking spaces

Coworking centers are not permanent place employment, but allow, if necessary, to obtain the planned income.

After all, a special atmosphere and a sense of freedom bring to work those factors that contribute to greater productivity, unlike working in the office or at home. This is especially suitable for people with creative professions, designers, artists, poets and musicians, since no one is distracted by everyday issues and various little things. But here you can also meet people in formal business suits who make appointments and decide important tasks in places that require an informal setting.

After all, in the process of working in coworking areas, it is possible to make new acquaintances, borrow ideas, discuss issues that you doubt, and expose your ideas to people from completely different backgrounds. professional areas to get an objective assessment.

It is worth noting that coworking areas are often rented by organizations for their employees. This allows all employees to be on the same page information space and discuss work issues in a relaxed, free manner.

In addition, such joint work, first of all, is a team-building event, which should be considered one of the important components of a successful business. Companies that care about their employees and are interested in developing their personal qualities and skills often resort to such forms of organizing the work process.

Of course, it is worth noting the disadvantages of the coworking system. One of these disadvantages is territorial accessibility. Since coworking spaces are not yet very common within walking distance, you need to spend time on transport to get to it.

At the same time, the absence of a fixed workplace creates a new work environment every day, which will not always be familiar and comfortable. It is necessary to be vigilant in relation to your belongings, since coworking is mostly a public place, which distracts from the main activity.

But despite the above disadvantages, coworking areas are in demand.

Coworking - as a business structure

The main condition for the development of coworking areas as a business direction is customer demand for this type services. For successful business development, it is undoubtedly necessary to take into account the needs of clients, focus on their wishes, make changes to the terms of service if there are claims and complaints, and analyze the services of competitors in this area.

Thanks to this, it is possible to create coworking areas with an ideal working atmosphere, which also includes additional functions, such as rest rooms, meeting rooms, sports complexes, food areas and other vital conditions.

Each workplace has its own price gradation, depending on its equipment and business platform model. When building a business, it is also worth considering socially-oriented services that provide affordable jobs to low-income groups of the population, for example, pensioners and students.

For the opportunity to work in these zones, the client can pay either 1,500 or 25,000 rubles, taking into account tariffs for additional services. Legal and accounting assistance and even a personal assistant may also be provided. It all depends on the client's wishes.

Coworking starts with planning

Any organizational project activities begins with business planning and the creation of coworking areas is no exception.

It is important to take into account the main aspects of this activity so that the business not only generates income, but also becomes a kind of hobby.

One of the decisive roles is the choice of premises. It should be located in a crowded area, not far from a transport hub, have a convenient layout, business style and meet customer requirements as much as possible.

To do this, at the initial stage it is possible to rent premises for the provision of coworking services. It is important to take into account that the premises must be relatively new and with high-quality repairs. It is also worth paying attention to the colors of the walls. The tone of the room should be neutral and not distract from the main activities of clients.

Space equipment plays an important role. Tables, chairs, clothes hangers, cabinets with locking devices, chargers, partitions. Substantial part Money will only go towards the initial arrangement of the space. As additional functions, it is possible to organize recreation areas, meeting rooms, dining rooms, and a gym.

Purchase stationery, paper and office supplies are also included in the expense item.
It is worth paying special attention to fixed expenses, such as rent, electricity, telephone communications, mobile communications open access, cleaning services, as well as payment wages employees.

Proper planning of expenses and income will allow you to create coworking areas of both budget and prestigious types, depending on your wishes.

Possible profit

Undoubtedly, profit depends on many indicators, including economic situation in the country, but by correctly calculating all expenses and income, you can achieve the desired result. Of course, this requires a lot of effort. But this investment will undoubtedly be returned in the near future.

Of course, it is possible to get big profits by attracting organizations and enterprises by organizing places for their employees in coworking areas. This will increase the volume of services provided and profits accordingly.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult for one person to organize a coworking center. This requires the efforts of an entire team, including an administrator, a sales manager, a development manager, a designer, a marketer, a specialist in demand research and competitive environment analysis. As a rule, this is 5-8 people.

It is advisable to have personal friends who will help you promote your new business free of charge. It is also possible to attract volunteers.

The starting point for profit will begin approximately after six months of doing business. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that you have reserved funds in advance to pay for the first expenses, including wages.

Coworking franchise

For those who are planning to develop a service business in coworking zones for the first time and are afraid of possible failures, you can purchase a franchise from official German companies.
This service is currently developing dynamically, and the proposed concept and well-developed development plan will create all the conditions for the development and profitability of your endeavor.

Features and conditions of working under a franchise

The main feature of working under a franchise is the implementation of most of the organizational issues at the expense of the company:

  • provision of a workspace with office furniture, office equipment with installed automated systems necessary for work, communications;
  • provision of stationery, paper supplies and other office materials;
  • provision of assistant or assistant services;
  • provision of an organized storage area, a box with a locking device in which it is possible to store personal belongings, including outside of working hours;
  • organization of Halls for conferences, meetings, seminars, master classes, meeting rooms;
  • providing space to foreign organizations that do not have official representative in the city;
  • organization of public places, kitchen service, rest room and room for conversations not related to work issues, personal matters;
  • organization of showers, dry cleaning, gym, vending machines with drinks and food, play areas and much more;
  • organization children's room with the presence of animators and security to organize a smooth workflow;
  • organization of legal and legal services, including lawyers, accountants, tax agents and specialists in other financial professions;
  • organization of marketing support, including lighting of the coworking area in the funds mass media as a famous brand.

At the same time, partner companies can offer franchise package offers in various modifications, both initial and complete. The range of services provided and, accordingly, the cost depend on this.

The experience and knowledge of franchise companies will help budding entrepreneurs get comfortable in the coworking services market and develop their business under reliable protection.

In contact with

Coworking is a free office space where you can rent a workplace or meeting room. A significant difference from an office is that people from different companies gather here, independent of each other on work issues.

Modern coworking spaces are equipped with everything necessary for work: office furniture, fast Internet, office equipment and much more. This format is convenient for freelancers and employees of small companies.

Coworking: the history of the space

The first free workspace opened in 2005 in San Francisco. Its founders wanted to create something between the working atmosphere of an office and the ease of a home environment. We took only advantages from each option: working in a coworking space means being immersed in your business, but at the same time not feeling the constraint of an office and constantly expanding your circle of acquaintances.

This format quickly attracted the attention of many: owners of small startups, musicians, designers and programmers began to live in coworking spaces. For many freelancers, such centers have become a solution - it is not always possible to work productively at home, and very few can afford to rent a separate office.

The first Russian coworking space opened in Yekaterinburg in 2008. Soon such centers appeared in all major cities, and in April 2016, the largest coworking space in the country, Workstation Plaza, opened.

Coworking: types and main characteristics

Conventionally, coworking spaces can be divided into several groups:

  • office coworking

The most common type, designed for office work. There is everything you need here: fast Internet, office equipment and meeting rooms. For a fee, you can use the services of an accountant or lawyer.

  • industrial coworking

This is a clearly specialized space, equipped specifically for the manufacture of any product. Coworking spaces focused on carpentry and furniture are very popular in Russia.

  • creative workshop

Place where representatives gather creative professions. Such centers are rather a way organization of leisure than the work area. Pass here creative evenings, master classes, lectures, open readings and other events.

  • street coworking

In terms of focus, it can be any of the formats mentioned above, but with the only caveat: the action takes place on the street. Most often, such coworking spaces are used for holding events.

Coworking as a business: how to organize a coworking area

Coworking is a relatively new, but at the same time quite popular format. The number of startups and freelancers is steadily growing, the demand for the services of such centers is increasing, which means opening your own workspace is a good idea.

What should you pay attention to first?

  1. Think clearly about who will visit your coworking space. It is quite difficult to please all potential clients at once, so it is better to immediately decide which audience you are counting on.
  2. Decide on a location. A coworking space must be within walking distance from the metro. The ideal option is the city center: the more convenient it is to get there, the more likely it is that the client will choose you.
  3. Pay attention to the little things. Who are your visitors and what do they want? Think over the interior, list of services and necessary equipment.
  4. Be ready for change. On average, it takes about 4 months for a coworking space to achieve operational payback, and about two years to reach profitability. During this time, a lot can change: the focus, programs, and sometimes the audience are sometimes formed during the work of the space.

Relatively new format workspace is becoming increasingly popular in our country. There are four types of coworking spaces: office, industrial, creative and street. The comfort of such a workplace lies not only in efficiency, but also in the opportunity to acquire business connections, which is especially important for start-up companies.