What cultural institutions are there? Handwritten book page


Currently, an extensive network of cultural institutions can be characterized on a territorial basis. The territorial attribute takes into account the number of institutions at their location on the scale of a district, city, region, region, republic. The trade union network is undergoing dramatic changes in connection with the transition to market relations. Many enterprises refuse to maintain Palaces of Culture, and they have to change their work profile.

In the process of reforming cultural construction, Various types– these are clubs, houses of culture, houses of creative intelligentsia, parks of culture and recreation, libraries, museums, cinemas, leisure centers, cultural complexes.

Further democratization of society brought to life big number amateur associations, funds, unions, centers, associations in the field of culture and art.

Studying the work practices of these associations, the experience of interaction between state, trade union and public structures is the most important condition for the functioning of the activities of cultural institutions.

An increasingly prominent role in cultural life plays Russian creative union cultural workers.

Analysis value orientations, programs of activity of cultural institutions, the presence of contacts between them and government agencies will allow you to more competently assess the state of culture and significantly influence its development.

IN Lately The activities of cultural associations created under public foundations have intensified. The actions they carry out, often of an international nature, create a wide public response. At the same time, foundations and associations invest significant funds to finance individual cultural programs.

The activities of national cultural centers are of particular importance in the context of aggravation of interethnic contradictions. Many of them consider cultural activities to be their main task.

On associations, funds, unions, associations in the field of culture operating in the territory Russian Federation, and data on informal associations are presented in the form of business card certificates with brief information about their activities in various directories prepared by the state association “Russia” and published by the publishing house “Kultura”.

1. Club establishments

The most common type of cultural institution remains the club, which is a multifunctional plant capable of creating a variety of conditions for a person’s development and recreation, and having a complex intellectual and emotional impact on him.

Clubs have firmly entered into the life of people, especially in rural areas, and have become a necessary part public life. They act as the most important centers of human communication.

Club institutions are a generalized concept. These include small clubs and big houses and palaces of culture. There is no fundamental difference between the club, the House and the Palace of Culture. Their difference is in the capabilities they have, in the volume and scale of work.

Despite the fact that in the countryside there is a process of decollectivization, privatization, and denationalization, mainly club institutions have been preserved here. This is a regional House of Culture, a rural House of Culture, a rural club.

The district House of Culture, located in the district administrative center, along with conducting wide cultural and leisure activities among the population, conducts great job to provide methodological assistance to all cultural institutions located in the district.

The district House of Culture has its own independent budget, current and current bank accounts. It has two sources of financing: from the local budget and from earned funds through a special account.

There are also clubs for educational institutions, houses for officers, clubs for military units, houses for actors, writers, architects, teachers, medical workers etc.

At industrial, construction, transport enterprises, state farms, institutions, educational institutions, there are still mainly trade union clubs, houses and cultural palaces. According to their subordination, they are divided into three groups: clubs, houses and palaces of culture, serving workers of one enterprise, institution or educational institution and being directly subordinate to FZMK.

The unity of goals and objectives facing club institutions, regardless of their affiliation, makes them universal institutions in organizing people's leisure time and significantly distinguishes them from other types of cultural institutions.

2. Parks of culture and recreation

Culture and recreation parks were and are being created for optimal use natural conditions in the interests of promoting health, cultural development workers and organizing their leisure time in the open air.

The first parks were conceived as universal centers of culture and recreation for workers, combining cultural, educational and physical culture and health activities.

The very name “culture and recreation parks” reflects the main idea of ​​this institution. The "park" part of the name means that we're talking about primarily about a natural object. The word “culture” indicates the educational, cognitive nature of the park’s activities, and finally, the word “recreation” indicates that the park provides entertainment opportunities on attractions for emotional release and relieving fatigue.

A lot of new things have appeared in the activities of cultural and recreation parks, both in content and form.

On modern stage In the activities of cultural and recreation parks, the importance of the ecological function and its role in the formation of the environmental consciousness of the population is especially increasing. This phenomenon is associated with the already mentioned tendency of a certain separation of city dwellers from nature, weakening of contacts of modern city residents with the natural world.

Another feature of the activities of modern cultural and recreation parks is that changes are taking place in the content of recreation for visitors, therefore the importance of the recreational function is increasing. The recreational function today is associated with the intrinsic value of relaxation in the natural environment, with the fact that in natural conditions it is easier for a person to change his usual environment, the pace and rhythms of behavior, and the norms of his activities in the sphere of production, everyday life, and education.

Their activities are based on a paid basis, which provides an opportunity for independent economic development.

3. Libraries

This is a widespread type of cultural institution that collects books and other printed publications, their special processing, propaganda and organizing mass work with readers.

Based on the composition of book collections, methods of their processing, storage and use, libraries are divided into two main groups: mass libraries with universal book collections and special ones with book collections for certain types of scientific, educational, and production activities.

The most common types of state public libraries are rural, district, city, regional, regional, and republican.

Rural libraries, in addition to issuing books, organize mobile libraries, book distribution points at production facilities and door-to-door book distribution.

The district library is under the jurisdiction of the cultural department. It has a department for issuing books at home (subscription), a reading room with an auxiliary book collection, a mobile collection and a children's department (in the absence of an independent children's library). Along with serving the population, local institutions and organizations with literature, and carrying out broad mass work, the district library helps the cultural department in managing library institutions, coordinating their activities, and drawing up unified interdepartmental plans for library services to the population in order to bring books to every family. It organizes reference, bibliographic and consulting work, classes for employees and public activists of the district libraries.

Regional (territorial) library is a repository of printed works, a scientific, methodological and bibliographic center. Its typical structure consists of departments: services (with subscription sectors, reading rooms, interlibrary loan), scientific-methodological and bibliographic, collections and catalogs (with acquisition and book storage sectors), special storage, administrative and economic.

The most important task of the regional (territorial) library is the development of theoretical and methodological issues of library science and bibliography, the implementation of scientific and methodological management of all public libraries and control over their work.

A new type consists of self-supporting libraries that have received last years widespread development. They are created in places where there is no nearby state libraries. Such libraries open when there are a small number of books. The opening of a paid library is documented with the appropriate documents.

Special libraries include: libraries of branch academies, republican academies, libraries of scientific institutions, research institutes, theater, museum, musical notation, military-technical, educational institutions, scientific and technical (technical), libraries of industrial enterprises. They are completed with special literature according to the profile of the enterprise or institution.

4. Museums

Museums occupy an important place in the cultural life of societies. Museums are not limited to collecting and exhibiting material and spiritual values. They also do a lot of cultural and educational work. They organize lectures, excursions, exhibitions, and distribution of specialized literature not only within their own walls, but also at enterprises. Many museums are engaged in research work.

All museums are divided into several types depending on their profile: historical, local history, material, natural science, art history, industry and others.

In scientific literature and cultural practice there are different approaches when studying cultural institutions. They are often considered according to an economically oriented scheme: production - distribution - consumption. Adjacent to it is such a fairly widespread scheme of an informational nature: creation - storage - transmission - perception of certain cultural samples. The named approaches have become quite widespread in the practice of managing cultural institutions.

According to these schemes, the Subject appears at one pole cultural activities, creating cultural objects, - on the other - an object (audience) perceiving cultural values. Between them there are various channels for the transmission of cultural information, i.e. bodies, organizations, institutions, etc., through which the subject influences the object.

Technical means, new technologies, such as sound recording, sound production, cinema, video equipment, computer technology etc. serve as auxiliary means that improve the movement of information from subject to object.

These approaches are legitimate because they reflect important points cultural process, but have certain limitations. Not everything in culture can be described in terms of creation - development. First of all, this applies to the activities of such cultural institutions as clubs, leisure centers, socio-cultural associations, parks, etc.; their functioning is based on the active socio-cultural activity of visitors; such institutions are not “passive” broadcast channels, but create conditions for the manifestation and organization of cultural activity of individuals, social groups, acting here as subjects of activity.

From a cultural and sociological point of view, it is advisable to consider cultural institutions from the perspective of their social functions.

The social functions of cultural institutions are understood as activities in a number of areas, representing a set of socially significant problems and tasks solved with the help of cultural institutions in society or in its individual spheres.

We can distinguish three blocks of social functions that cultural institutions perform.

First block of functions- this is the contribution of cultural institutions to the preservation of the existing cultural fund, the transfer, creation of new cultural samples, values, norms, as well as their actualization and introduction into circulation on a mass scale.

Second block of functions- the role of cultural institutions in the socialization of members of society: their introduction to the normative and value systems existing in culture; formation of skills and norms for handling cultural values, development of abilities, etc.

Third block of functions- the capabilities of cultural institutions in relation to the individual. This is the creation of conditions for development, self-realization, entertainment, and emotional release. In the activities of all cultural institutions, each of these functional blocks is found in one way or another. However, for cultural institutions different types Different functional dominants may also be characteristic. Due to reasons and circumstances, the profile of the institution, certain functions come first.

Types of cultural institutions

2.1. Concert and entertainment cultural institutions. They include theaters, concert organizations, sports and entertainment complexes, circuses, cinemas and are mainly focused on demonstrating and broadcasting samples and cultural values, i.e. for updating the cultural fund, for introducing into circulation such values, samples, norms, their reproduction and introducing innovations into the existing cultural fund, including the fund artistic culture. All of them do not exist outside the audience, outside direct contact with it. the exception is cinema, where such contact is mediated by technical means that allow the creative result (film) to be replicated. This makes film production accessible to the masses, while theatre, performance, concert, sport, spectacle, etc. represent individual events.

In relation to society, these institutions perform socializing role, introducing people to values ​​and norms not only artistic, but also moral, political, etc., presenting them with examples, standards of socially significant situations. It is no coincidence that in Russia at all times there is a large social significance considered theater as a “teacher of life”, capable of influencing the mind and heart of a person. Characters in plays and films are often looked to as role models.

Important and consolidating role institutions of this type, uniting certain categories people based on common interests. These are groups, communities, even clubs for theater lovers, fans of some artists, sports fans.

The block of functions focused on the activity of the individual occupies a generally more modest place. They are largely perceived and declared as satisfying the diverse tastes of different groups of the population.

2.2. Museums- These are research and educational institutions. Museums mainly implement two blocks of functions: a block of functions focused on updating cultural values– creation, expansion of museum funds, collections, their recording, study; exhibiting museum objects and other materials; block of personality socialization functions

Education. education of different social groups, formation of standard cultural environments Social functions are performed specifically museum funds. where the primary role is played museum item, i.e. reference samples related to the historical past and present of national and world culture are distributed and broadcast.

Museumification covers various areas culture, art, history of countries and peoples, industrial, everyday activities, natural and artificial environment

Less space in the functioning of the museum is occupied by a set of tasks related to personal problems - self-realization, self-education, amateur cultural activities, etc.

2.3. Public and specialized libraries. These are independent cultural institutions where funds of printed materials are collected and stored, specially processed, distributed, and organized for use in society. Thus, libraries contribute to the actualization of cultural potential. Libraries are scientific, informational, cultural and educational institutions. They are a connecting link in the “book-reader” system, which in real functioning experts often put at the forefront. This applies mainly to mass public libraries, which do not have a so-called memorial function, i.e. do not store a legal copy of printed materials, original, unique documents, etc. For such libraries, the main thing is not the book collections as such, but their use by the reader. Hence the great importance of the block of socialization functions aimed at educating readers, developing their skills in working with printed publications, periodicals, and providing a variety of information. The personal, functional block is, as it were, relegated to the background. This is the creation of conditions for a person’s self-development, his self-education.

The ratio of functional blocks is flexible and depends not only on the type of library, but also on the specific socio-cultural situation and the quality of the social environment.

2.4. Park of Culture. It differs from other institutions in that its functions are connected with the natural basis, the natural environment. On this basis, its orientation towards personal and socialization functions is formed. This is primarily a recreational and health direction, i.e. active, recreational, recreational, developmental recreation, individual and group, associated with the processes of social integration, establishment social connections(festivities, sports and other games, holidays). Socializing functions must be woven into recreational processes. They are carried out through human involvement in the park environment, landscape, and park architecture.

The function of socialization of the cultural value fund is somewhat inferior to the first two functional directions, although the park as a natural and cultural formation allows the accumulation and transmission of cultural experience, activates human concerns about natural objects, and forms adequate behavior in the natural environment.

2.5. Club institutions. Club institutions, unlike other cultural and leisure institutions, are primarily social institutions. This means that their activities should primarily solve social problems in the region, offering new lifestyle models.

The club must be viewed from two perspectives:

As a club institution subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, trade unions, other departments or organizations, which is an instrument public policy and living according to the legal norms established by the state;

Like some social institution“a voluntary association of people for the purpose of communication related to various interests” (according to the definition given in the Encyclopedic Dictionary).

The range of these interests is quite extensive - from joint entertainment to collective solutions to serious socio-political problems. Club, “clubiness” - in in this case are determined not by forms of departmental affiliation - this is special way communication, relationships between people, even more - a certain way of their life. It should be noted that club communities as an institution of social activity of the population were not fully realized at any stage of the existence of our society. Turning to club issues shows that today there is a rethinking of the traditional functions of culture in society. Now this is not ideological education and cultural services, but the creation of conditions for normal human life. In connection with this, cultural leisure also changed its content, which became one of the mechanisms of social stabilization and adaptation. In the leisure space, the formation of social and cultural sphere that protects people. The compensatory function of the club team has always played an important role, since the club represents an additional space for self-realization and development, relaxation and recovery. Therefore, today we can talk about strengthening the role of the club as a means of easing the severity of social tension, helping to adapt to new economic and political conditions, and promoting psychological relaxation.

To perform these functions, new types of socio-cultural activities are needed - individual and group, based on awareness social value leisure as a space for personal self-actualization, no less important than professional activity, and contributing to the social integration of people.

To summarize what has been said, it should be noted that the leading place in the functioning of a club institution is occupied by a set of tasks related to the problems of cultural self-realization, manifestations of social activity and individual initiative, amateur cultural activities and recreation.

Modern cultural centers They bear little resemblance to the club-type institutions of the Soviet era, when more than thirteen million people alone participated. In addition, houses and palaces of culture existed at the expense of the state, visits to any studios and clubs, of any kind amateur performances was free, unlike what happens now. Most often, neither educational nor leisure tasks are faced by institutions of the club plan of the Russian Federation.


What does a cultural center mean in the understanding of modern people? Most often, this term is used when one wants to designate an organization or certain buildings where various values ​​of the surrounding society, most often from the field of art or culture, are concentrated, multiplied and promoted. It could be public artistic association or private initiative, but most often cultural centers are run by the state.

Use of the term

This term is used in practice when it is necessary to indicate which category an object belongs to. This is either talking about a large multifunctional complex that can simultaneously cover several spheres of culture or art forms, that is, institutions and objects with a narrow specialization cannot be called this term. When traditional cultural function one institution is not a center. For example: library, museum, theater, concert hall and so on.

In the second case, they talk about a cultural institution that has a confessional, national, social orientation. For example, the Russian Cultural Center in the state of Monaco, which was founded not so long ago, through a library, a children’s school, language courses and the Russian Club not only supports the native among Russian-speaking people of nearby territories, but also introduces the native residents of Monaco to the diversity of Russian realities.

Variety of shapes

It turns out that the boundaries within which this term is used are quite blurred. On the one hand, it is close to traditional form Institute, which is represented by the People's Club, Palace or House of Culture. On the other hand, these are varieties public organizations, as national associations or art centers.

These can be exhibition galleries, libraries and concert halls, if all kinds of educational and educational work, that is, if these are broad-based organizations where culture and science collaborate.

Character traits

Nevertheless, one important feature of a cultural institution must be present, regardless of its type - this is the non-profit basis of activity. As well as promoting a culture of a multilateral and integrated nature. If they say about a city, for example, that St. Petersburg is an important industrial, transport and cultural center, then this does not mean a separate institution.

It can also be said about distinctive feature a certain area, that is, the same term, only in “urban planning” use. For example, there is a place in the city where all the theaters, concert halls, libraries, stadiums and even a zoo are concentrated. This may have happened historically, but it is likely that this was the plan of the “city fathers.”

It must be admitted that many modern cities are built according to this principle: infrastructure - kindergartens, schools, hospitals, public gardens and parks are present in remote neighborhoods, but cultural buildings are moved beyond their boundaries. This area where they are concentrated can easily be called the cultural center of the city. And this will be the next value.

In 2008, the Ministry of Culture developed options for planning cultural centers in order to optimally balance their occupancy and costs. A schedule for the creation of such institutions in small towns of the country has also been drawn up. In Moscow, it was created in the number of fifty people, among whom were journalists, architects, museum workers, writers, artists. The rich experience of the Soviet era was discussed, when cultural institutions were present even in the smallest villages and were extremely functional.

Each had a variety of children's clubs and studios, choirs, folk theaters, interest clubs, all kinds of public events, amateur art shows. When building cultural centers, this experience had to be taken into account. In 2015, about fifty such institutions should have already opened.

Club or House of Culture

In the USSR, every House or Palace of Culture was necessarily a center of educational and cultural work. The classification of such institutions was as follows: territorial clubs and cultural centers under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture; departmental - under the control of a trade union of an enterprise, educational institution, institution, and so on; clubs for the intelligentsia: Teacher's House, Writer's House, Architect's House, Artist's House and others; House of Culture of a separate state farm or collective farm; House of Officers; House of Folk Art; Palace for pioneers and schoolchildren.

Club institutions in other countries

Countries former USSR and the Warsaw Pact, like the Russian Federation, are now moving away from the names of the Soviet era. Houses of culture are now called pompously: Concert Hall or cultural center. However, in many places the old names remain due to tradition. In addition to socialist countries, similar institutions (not in name, but in essence) have existed in many capitalist countries for a long time and have been functioning successfully.

There are a lot of cultural centers in Latin America (they are called Centro cultural), in Spain. Folk art and social activity in Germany, for example, in the House of Culture of the Nations of the World in Berlin, concerts, performances, festivals, exhibitions are held, and all these mass events are prepared with the support of the government, but on a voluntary basis. In France and Canada, club-type institutions are called houses of culture (Maison de la Culture), and their activities are absolutely similar to the clubs in our country during the Soviet era. In Montreal alone there are twelve such cultural centers.


There have always been cultural centers throughout Russia, and now new ones are being created: parks with natural landscape themes, as well as historical and archaeological ones. There are many places in the country where such distant times are studied, about which even folklore no longer remembers anything.

Centers where culture and science interact are becoming very popular, for example, the city of Arkaim (Chelyabinsk region), where two seemingly unremarkable hills were discovered, in which archaeologists became interested. This discovery was sensational.

At first, representatives of all kinds of esoteric groups flocked there, then the study of the area came under the wing of the state, and a reserve was formed. By the way, he is not alone there: “Land of Cities” Southern Urals There are twenty-four such places where the cultural center is the city.

The experimental site from which the reserve began to develop gradually revealed a number of ancient dwellings from the seventeenth century BC. First, the reconstruction affected one of them, and this was done without modern tools, using only those that were made exactly like the samples Bronze Age, found during excavations.

This is how a cultural and historical center was born, called the Museum of Ancient Industries. Tourists can not only look at buildings dating from the age of the pyramids, but also take part in experiments, as well as in the construction itself, and in the reconstruction of houses. Only here are more than four hundred interesting places where you can get acquainted with the culture of different eras.

Tatar settlement

Cultural institutions have many types: these are libraries, museums, theaters, cultural centers and palaces. And there are complex, syncretic ones, such as the NOCC on the outskirts of Stavropol. Its base was the Tatar Settlement, the local history museum and the local university. Cultural centers have united to scientific work, security and museum (exhibition) were combined with cultural, entertainment and educational activities on the territory of this archaeological paleolandscape park.

This is a very complex, one might say multi-layered monument, which operated in four historical periods: Khazar, Sarmatian, Scythian and Koban. The cultural centers of Russia almost nowhere have such well-preserved fortifications, religious buildings, with systems of roads, burial grounds and many other objects through which one can trace different aspects of the life of our very distant ancestors- from the eighth century BC. These are the ruins of ancient walls, strewn with centuries-old shards of jugs and pots, the ashes of fires and hearths that went out hundreds and hundreds of years ago.


Storage and use archaeological heritage, as a rule, takes place through the creation of museums under open air such complexes that will combine scientific, educational and many entertainment activities, which is why many cultural centers of historical and cultural orientation are now open and are preparing to open.

In small towns, any community of local historians with the support of the local administration can become the basis for their functioning. Even a cultural center can become a starting point for creating a center for the study historical heritage region. The road can be mastered by those who walk, so it is necessary to help enthusiasts who are starting this path in every possible way. Almost all successful enterprises start small; here you can recall the museum of technology located in the Moscow region. Cultural institutions must enjoy full support from the state.

Problems of development of small towns

The government is interested in creating new educational and entertainment facilities in the form of historical and cultural centers in small towns of Russia. Back in 2013, government materials included language outlining the goals for such work.

The cultural centers of Russia are distributed very unevenly. Most of their accumulations are in big cities. Therefore, there is a disproportion in the quantity, quality and variety of cultural services that citizens receive in the country. The cultural centers of Moscow or St. Petersburg cannot be compared in these parameters with the services offered to residents of remote small settlements. And everyone, without exception, needs to create new opportunities for creativity, self-realization, physical development, and spiritual enrichment.

Many dozens of different nationalities live on the territory of Russia, and cultural centers can promote a full-fledged cultural exchange between neighboring nationalities. The quality of life with the good work of unifying multifunctional centers will contribute to improving the quality of life of the population, regardless of place of residence. This path will also help develop the infrastructure of a village or city, and even create new jobs. The outflow of population from small towns will be prevented.

The subject and object of activity of cultural institutions is the individual. The activities of institutions should be aimed at the process of realizing the essential powers of the individual and satisfying his spiritual needs.

Areas of activity of cultural institutions:

Activities related to civic education.

Activities related to labor education.

Activities related to additional education.

Activities related to aesthetic education.

Activities related to recreational function.

Activities related to environmental education.

Activities related to strengthening healthy image life.

In leisure activities, a person realizes primary, social and cultural needs in one dominant setting or another, therefore the content of the activities of cultural institutions should include: direct experiences, impressions and states in a specific leisure activity, comprehension by the subject and object of the perceived information, artistic images, assessment of service quality.

Successful activity is also determined by a person’s realization of his aspirations and the embodiment of his life position.

One of the main activities of cultural institutions is related to the circulation and comprehension of professional art And folk culture, acquaintance with historical monuments and artistic masterpieces of the culture of the peoples of the world.

Leisure activities of cultural institutions should be formed on the basis of positive socio-psychological and interpersonal contacts.

Types of cultural institutions.

1. Houses and palaces of culture. Conducts extensive cultural and leisure activities among the population, and does a lot of work to provide methodological assistance to all cultural institutions in the region. A universal institution in organizing people's leisure time.

2. Parks of culture and recreation - natural objects cognitive and educational in nature, with entertainment opportunities for emotional release and relieving fatigue. The activity is based on a fee basis, which provides the opportunity for independent economic development.

3. Libraries are a type of cultural institution that collects books and other printed publications, specially processes them, promotes them, and organizes mass work with readers (rural, district, city, regional, regional, republican). Regional library In addition to the above functions, it develops theoretical and methodological issues of library science and bibliography, and carries out scientific and methodological management of all public libraries.

4. Museums are a type of cultural institution that collects and exhibits material and spiritual values ​​and conducts cultural and educational work. They organize lectures, excursions, arrange exhibitions, distribute specialized literature, and engage in research work.

5. Cinemas are a type of cultural institution designed to show films to the public. There are standard and mobile.

6. Leisure centers - a type of cultural institution engaged in creating optimal conditions for mass, group, family and individual development creativity, communication, recreation, entertainment, restoration of spiritual and physical strength based on the study of the cultural needs and interests of various categories of the population.

7. Cultural complexes- complexes created on the principles of voluntary merger of cultural institutions, regardless of their departmental affiliation, within one or several farms and the pooling of material resources of local authorities, the farm’s own income and appropriations of the farm from the fund of socio-cultural needs and sponsorship assistance.

8. Cultural and sports complexes - new type cultural institutions aimed at providing cultural services to the population based on the integration of culture and sports and all types of leisure management.

9. Youth leisure centers and cafes. They can engage in cultural and leisure activities to organize leisure and recreation for young people.

Type of ownership:

institutions of federal property,

institutions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation,

· municipal property institutions,

· private institutions.

Type of cultural institution:

1. producing goods and cultural products,

2. providing various types of services: material (restoration, video and photography), intangible (educational, cultural and developmental, informational, gaming)

3. trading in cultural goods and art objects.

Target focus:

1. cultural enlightenment,

2. artistic creativity,

3. development of aesthetic feelings,

5. entertainment.

Management method:

· commercial,

· non-profit,

· mixed,

Types of cultural institutions:


Natural landscape sites.

Parks of culture and recreation.

Sports grounds.


Diversified cultural centers.

Institutions of additional vocational education: sports, music, art schools.

The infrastructure of culture and leisure is a complex of institutions, industries and organizations of economic practice that create the conditions for their functioning as an economic sector, ensuring its existence.

Let's consider the main elements of the infrastructure of culture and leisure:

1. Production and service complexes of those sectors of the economy that serve the population in free time and create conditions for recreation, individual personal development, and entertainment.

· Historical centers, cultural monuments, memorial areas.

· Industry organizations in the field of culture and art (libraries, cinemas, theaters, museums, exhibition halls, Philharmonic, etc.)

· Development organizations, training companies.

· Urban recreation areas (parks, squares, beaches).

Recreational areas outside the city ( National parks, sanatoriums, resorts).

· Institutions and companies providing sports, recreational, cultural, artistic and educational services (stadiums, fitness clubs, water parks, dance classes)

· Travel agencies and related transportation, hospitality system.

· Theme parks, gaming and cultural and leisure centers.

· Restaurants, cafes.

· Model business.

2. Production and broadcast of cultural and leisure information, as well as goods for cultural, leisure and information and artistic purposes:

· Entertainment television programs, radio programs.

· Internet.

· Art products (preparation and recording of various kinds of shows, television and radio programs, music CDs, computer games).

· Editorial and publishing activities (production of books, magazines, newspapers).

· Production of goods and equipment for cultural and sports purposes (sportswear, souvenirs, board games, stage equipment, etc.).

· Roads, communications, transport.

· Professional personnel and institutions for their training.

Leisure industry:

1. cultural goods industry,

2. tourism industry,

3. audio and video industry,

4. entertainment industry:

· newspapers, magazines, books of entertainment content,

· film industry and video production,

· film distribution network, TV channels, radio stations,

· music industry, producing and selling music products,

· art business (galleries, exhibition halls),

· organizing concerts, tours, show business,

gaming and gambling business,

theaters, concert organizations, circuses,

· leisure centers, clubs, entertainment complexes, discos,

· model business,

· public catering network.

Notes from travelers, chronicles, memoirs of war participants and many other evidence of the past are contained in books. Books can be handwritten or printed. They are of great value to the historian. There is no researcher of the past who would not go to the library. Translated from Greek, “biblion” means book, “theka” means repository, that is, this word means “book depository.”

Studying sources helps historians see how people lived in the past. To do this, you first need to collect historical materials and then carefully check their accuracy.

Pictures (photos, drawings)

  • Storing documents in an archive
  • State historical Museum. Russia, Moscow
  • House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov. Russia, Taganrog
  • Artistic and architectural palace and park museum-reserve "Peterhof". Russia, near St. Petersburg
  • National Museum. Czech Republic, Prague
  • Museum of Art and History. Austria, Vienna
  • Uffizi Gallery. Italy, Florence
  • National Gallery. UK, London
  • Courtyard of the British Museum, London
  • Louvre. France, Paris
  • In the hall of the Louvre
  • Open-air museum. Italy, Rome
  • Exhibits of the Capitoline Museum. Italy, Rome
  • Cairo Museum. Egypt
  • In the hall of the Cairo Museum
  • Summer imperial palace. China, Shanghai
  • Exhibits from the Shikumen Museum. China, Shanghai
  • National Museum of Anthropology. Model ancient city Tenochtitlan, who was on site modern city Mexico City. Mexico, Mexico City
  • Exhibits from the National Museum of Anthropology. Mexico, Mexico City
  • National Museum of the Republic of Tuva. Russia, Kyzyl
  • Exhibits Memorial Museum astronautics. Russia, Moscow

  • In the halls of the State Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin. Russia, Moscow
  • Museum of the History of Moscow Railway Technology railway. Russia, Moscow
  • State Museum of Weapons. Russia, Tula
  • In the hall of the State Arms Museum
  • Arabic botanical atlas. XV century Princeton University Library. USA
  • British Museum Library, London
  • Handwritten book page. XV century British Library
  • Missal. XV century British Library
  • Library of José Vasconcelos. Mexico, Mexico City
  • Library of the Strakhov Monastery. Czech Republic, Prague
  • National Library France, Paris
  • Library of Congress, Washington, DC