Grant for cultural events. How to get a cultural grant

According to the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, “with the help of the resource, the Ministry of Culture of Russia hopes to receive complete and reliable information about the situation with grants in the country.” “I am confident that the creation of the portal will help increase the number of distributed grants, as well as intensify contacts between donors and creative teams “, reports “Culture. Grants of Russia".

Site curator, head of Roskultproekt Oleg Ivanov, in an interview with Kulturomania, spoke about the essence of the project: “Grants in culture have become commonplace. They are isolated large funds, public and private structures. Where to find the required amount to implement their project, both established cultural figures and still very young ones face this question. This portal is a great opportunity to find talented people, expand grant support for culture within the city, region and throughout the country.”

Arts grants are one way to provide additional funding from the government. You can receive financial assistance free of charge for professional development And creative growth institutions of cultural and leisure activities, creative groups or public organizations.

And we must thank Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for the fact that now, instead of searching for information on different sites, everything can be seen on one resource. Following the results of the forum “Culture is a national priority”, it was Dmitry Anatolyevich who instructed to create single platform, where all information about competitions and grants should be collected so that you can easily figure out who, why, when and where to apply.

Grants are divided into many categories: “Libraries”, “Volunteers”, “ Children's creativity", "Research", "Cinematography", " Material heritage", "Museums", "Music", " Folk art", "Theatres", "Teaching" and " Traditional culture».

From this diverse list of trends that touches on virtually every aspect of culture, social, state organizations, creative teams or individuals can create own project and achieve success in the field of cultural initiatives.

Gleb Konovalov- a participant in a competition to receive grant support and one of the founders of the school of young bloggers and journalists “TAK-TO” shared his opinion about the new portal with Kulturomania: “I’m glad that I’ve already forgotten about those times when every question about receiving a grant , I spent an hour searching for an answer. Now, with one keystroke, we can find out literally everything: nominations, number of participants, application forms, projects and other issues that interested us. I think that this Internet portal will be useful to absolutely everyone. As participants who are interested in realizing their creative project, be it organizing a festival, art exhibition, theater production or conservation volunteering cultural heritage, and to grant givers, because their grant competition will become known to a wide range of applicants. I believe that the portal will grow and open up new opportunities.”

Today on the portal “Culture. Grants of Russia” posted support from 115 grant givers. Among them there are 3 organizations that, in terms of the total annual amount of grants, have taken leading positions: Department of Cinematography of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation–1,116,400,000 rubles, Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation – 220,778,801 rubles, Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation – 15,295,000 rubles.

To receive grant support, you must fill out an application, which is an action plan indicating a detailed description of the project, target audience, cost items and a fixed grant amount. Submitted materials must meet the main criteria: relevance, organization and prospects for the implementation of the idea.

According to the Internet portal, the expert council identified 5 typical mistakes that participants make in their work. The most popular mistake, oddly enough, is haste when filling out the application. Experts notice when a participant thinks about the idea and organization of his project for weeks, months and even years, and when he leaves everything for the last day. Lack of information and disorganization in the application do not give you a chance to receive high scores. The next mistake is the failure to show the relevance of the project. Most applications did not involve their own contribution, and without this it is impossible to achieve high results.

Due to inaccurate criteria for project performance, scores may also be reduced. You should not use standard performance indicators, as they do not reflect the expected effect and the essence of the intended scheme. If you want to become the owner of a grant, then you need to learn to think through everything down to the smallest detail, including calendar plan project. Due to constant postponements of events, not only the logical integrity of the project is violated, but also the realism of the budget.

Last typical mistake is an overestimation of the budget. You should not exaggerate project costs to “insure yourself.” Experts very rarely reduce the grant, so it is better to indicate a realistic budget than to be left with nothing.
When preparing your project, remember the main goals of the grant competition: to contribute to the preservation of cultural achievements, to become familiar with the values ​​of various segments of the population and to maintain traditions multinational culture peoples of the Russian Federation.

IN currently The portal contains data on 5,406 grants and 203 competitions from 85 regions of the country. The content will be updated monthly, so follow the news of the All-Russian database of competitions and grants in the field of culture and art.

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Every year, many cultural projects take place in Russia - and many of them are implemented with the help of grants. Kultura.RF tells how to get support if you have a great idea in the field of culture and art, using the example of the largest aggregator of information about grants in cultural sphere- portal “Culture. Grants of Russia".

Who can receive a grant

During the year of operation, the portal “Culture. Grants of Russia" published more than 700 competitions with a total fund of 8 billion rubles from 200 grant givers - ministries of culture different regions, funds and community centers. Organizations, creative groups, musicians, artists, playwrights, employees of cultural institutions and enterprising people who want to contribute to the development of their region can participate in the competitions. Anyone can become an applicant: to do this, you need to register on the portal using convenient search by project categories, types of art, dates and regions, select a suitable competition for your project - and submit an application.

An example of one of the most famous grants in the field of culture is the annual competition of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation “Museum 4.0”. Thanks to grants from 2 to 5 million rubles Russian museums get the opportunity to conduct new research, organize exhibitions in experimental formats, and introduce new technologies into museum work. In 2018, a grant fund of 50 million rubles was distributed among the winners - museums from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Murom, Petrozavodsk, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Perm, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk.

Grant applicants include: famous figures culture. Thus, in 2017, Anna Melikyan and her film “About Love” became the winner of the competition of the Moscow Department of Culture with the Moscow Mayor’s prize “For creating the image of Moscow in cinema.” Second place went to Andrei Zaitsev’s film “14+”, and third place went to the films “Duhless” and “Duhless-2” by Roman Prygunov.

Current grants

Grants from the Russkiy Mir Foundation are aimed at popularizing the Russian language and supporting programs for its study. Organizers of Russian language courses or thematic forums on the history of Russia, authors of linguistic studies and monographs about outstanding representatives of the Russian world can take part in this competition.

The Prize of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra in the field of literature is annually awarded to poets and writers, authors of documentary, journalistic, critical and popular science literature. Only residents of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra who are members of professional creative unions writers and journalists of Russia.

Ministry of Culture Award Nizhny Novgorod region"Public initiative in the region theatrical arts» encourages the activities of voluntary theater associations with grants of up to 50 thousand rubles. Productions of plays and dramatic scenes, theatrical compositions in the musical, plastic or pop genre can take part in the competition.

Competition for awards from the head of the Republic of Mordovia in the region musical art is held among composers, conductors, choirmasters, performers, authors of musicological works, organizers of creative and cultural and educational events that contribute to the preservation and development of the musical traditions of Mordovia. Both professional and amateur authors and musicians can participate in the competition. The competition includes four grants of 15 thousand rubles each.

Portal “Culture. Grants of Russia" accumulates competitions, grants, subsidies and awards in the field of culture and is not a grant giver. The portal database is constantly updated. All current grants can be found here.